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[Music] [Music] you you what is this strange place I don't remember how I got here some parts of this world are without color and some parts are visible but the rest of it is like a void I can almost detect there's more here I can't see it but I can feel it almost like I don't have the capacity to see just yet follow the clues I've left for you they will lead to the key that will take you out of the wasteland I speak through words as well as symbols through words you will understand with your mind through symbols you understand with your heart be invisible you I'm in a different world now in this one I can see everything it feels different the colors are so vivid when there are influences that keep you from hearing your true voice that is the wasteland there is a reference in these notes to the wasteland I remember reading a lecture where Joseph Campbell spoke about the wasteland as a theme in mythology it was a place where people believed in things they did not really believe and did things that were against their true nature could this be what the notes refer to birds symbolize the soul across many belief systems carl jung once said what use now is his lofty perch and his wide horizon when his own dear soul was languishing in prison lately this is how I've been feeling trapped listen for the voice within doors will open the process of making paint in this world seems to symbolize how ideas become reality ideas or concepts are captured through the camera like how the mind captures ideas and then is represented as a symbol on the picture cards then the lighter is used to refine the idea similar to how an idea must be transformed from its purely conceptual state into something that exists in the real world [Music] after painting on that canvas the painting became real it became part of the world I could step into painting in that passageway reminds me of an essay I once read about creating a new reality at any moment we can choose to be passive receivers of reality or choose to create a reality of our own when was the last time he remained silent and still enough to hear the voice within it will guide you to the key I keep finding these notes that refer to the voice within if I were to draw from my studies reading Carl Jung I would say this voice within refers to the soul the heart or the unconscious Yuen argued that the unconscious had a profound influence on the lives of individuals those who ignored their unconscious ran into frustrations and suffering [Applause] [Music] [Music] listen to the beat of your own drum every artist has their own cadence follow it every artist has their own cadence pretty much all of my creative efforts have been dictated by someone else to have my own cadence where would I even start I've become so used to working with other people's ideas that I have a hard time coming up with my own like I just can't see them to see with new eyes that's such a tricky thing [Music] sometimes detours are necessary to move forward lately my life feels like it's been going down the wrong path it's difficult finding satisfaction with the art I'm making and the workload is quite grueling too it feels like I'm stuck on a treadmill that keeps going faster and faster and it becomes harder to keep up what if all this busyness is just a trap distracting me from pursuing something better each world yields to the power of its own color that note indicates what I've started to notice each world seems to have its own color theme and the items I pick up and each world uses a different color of paint blue was the primary color for the alley cafe read for that ornate house and green for this foggy cliffside empty your cup clear your mind from noise and distractions and your path will be revealed chopped down and clear away every tree which does not bear good fruit look past distractions and what is not essential and your path will be revealed the messages I'm getting from this world seemed to be about clearing away obstacles in order to move forward and find a new path I remember a story about a wise man who was pouring tea for an impatient man who had come to visit him because he wanted to know the meaning of life the wise man kept pouring the tea while the impatient man kept talking and asking questions and the tea began to overflow in his cup the impatient man protested saying stop can't you see it's full and the wise man said just so like this cup you are full of your own opinions and speculations how can I teach you unless you first empty your cup I've always liked this story to empty yourself so that you may be filled with something new go where there is no path for where there is a path there is someone else's footsteps create your own path you dying to old ways of thinking and being creates a path for new life out of the wasteland the picture card speaks of dying to old ways to find new life I'm reminded of something Joseph Campbell once said only birth can conquer death birth not of the old thing again but of something new within the soul there must be recurrence of birth if we are to experience a rich life I can't say that I've ever gone through a change so dramatic but it feels like I'm getting close to something like this otherwise why am I being shown all of this [Music] the more you listen the easier it becomes to hear the voice within but first find the key the notes keep mentioning the key keys symbolize power knowledge and opportunities new doors can be opened to opportunities that were once locked and reserved to whoever possess the key Janus the Roman god of gates and wisdom is sometimes portrayed carrying a key he was the god of beginnings and ends who could grant new opportunities [Music] [Music] where does your greatest passion meet the world's greatest need this is your vocation and paradise vocation as paradise I once read that the word vocation is rooted in the Latin word for voice then perhaps our vocation is not something we simply pursue but is more of a calling that is heard it is in listening not pure willfulness that our true path is discovered but how to discern between that voice within and the voices of the wasteland that lead down a false path then the split between yourself and the true artist these notes keep mentioning something called the true artist I wonder if this is similar to something Jung called the self which is the unconscious part of ourselves where our true nature lies in different times it went by other names the Greeks called it the daemon and the Romans called it the genius within each individual Jung considered that everyone has a sense of wholeness from birth but loses it early in life the goal is to consciously rediscover the self otherwise we eventually reach an impasse in one way or another that must be what this is [Music] what you seek is closer than you think mirrors symbolize a gateway to truth through inner contemplation and reflection which allow us to see truths within ourselves I saw a mirror in a museum once with the inscription be clean and bright and reflect what is in your heart I think this points to knowing who you are so that you can be who you are now I'm in another world similar to the first where there is this feeling of a void but I'm getting the same sense that there may be more to this world that I cannot see just yet [Music] let the art guide you where it wants to go listen when working with other people's ideas you don't need to let anything guide you the plan is mapped out already to let the art guide you where it wants to go sounds like intuition I once read that intuition is letting the painting paint itself it requires a lot of trust in something you can't quite predict or see [Music] it is not in the arriving at a definite end or some fixed and finite point but it's in the never-ending search that we discover who we are to be the true artist is always in a state of becoming the true artist is always in a state of becoming this is a profound statement it sounds like the constant need to reinvent oneself it reminds me of a proverb I once heard running water never grows stale [Music] when tasting the fruit of our true essence the direction of our lives are forever altered and our souls cannot find peace and fulfillment until we realize our true purpose to taste the fruit of our true essence sounds like seeing with new eyes I've never experienced this but I've heard it's like waking up to a new reality where everything looks and feels different young called this the process of individuation where the conscious and the unconscious are united in a person and one is able to live out their true nature the person becomes whole [Music] love and courage are at the root of a true creative act it is not destructive and is not influenced by any outside pressures reward or need to survive but to create from the love that lies inside is where freedom and truth are found your key lies within [Music] love and courage are at the root of a true creative act in other words if we create arts simply because we love the act of creating we are being true to ourselves we are free from expectations of what comes after and not dictated by any Authority personal obligations or survival and then we know we are on the right path this idea can apply to everything we do not just art [Music] [Music] everyone must stand at the crossroads and decide if they will allow their eyes to be open to the truth of who they are to become or be molded into a facade of a self created by the wasteland [Music] [Music] [Music] the TV is a modern symbol for an idea I once read about called sequestration at times we voluntarily choose to sequester or isolate ourselves from our own true potential by passively accepting and consuming realities other people give us if taken too far this can lead us away from a truer reality we can create for ourselves and cause us to do what is not in our true nature as Joseph Campbell would say the wasteland logo on that TV points to this this is a tricky symbol at times because consuming other realities can lead to new inspirations and better ideas than we could have come up with on our own [Music] where before you used to be jagged now you are elegant and in rhythm with yourself the true artist lies within you go paint your masterpiece [Music] [Music] you [Music] what is this strange you I'm [Applause]
Channel: Federica
Views: 2,001
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: federica88, ita, gameplay, Federica88Gamer, 1080p, 60fps, the search, ∞, 100%, achievement, secret, steam
Id: PdFL2ALeMbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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