The Scripture Cannot be Broken | Lon Solomon

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well hello everybody this is lon and I just got back a couple days ago uh from Egypt from leading our footsteps to Moses tour we had a wonderful time praise the Lord the trip was just anointed by God blessed by God we had safety everywhere we went and we saw some amazing things and talked about how they connected to the Bible more than you would ever think from Egyptian history uh and now I want to invite you to come on our Holy Land trip in October we leave the United States October 16 Lord willing and we would love to have you as part of that tour experiencing the Holy Land hearing sermons for me everywhere we go seeing the actual spots where these great Bible events took place being baptized in the Jordan if you like taking communion at the Garden tomb which has been many people feel is the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea so check it out online lawn or give us give me a call 703-280-1114-703-280-1114 and uh we'll answer all your questions and we'd love to have you join us and oh by the way uh there's a 100 discount of for anyone and everyone who sign up by April the 1st well the postmark date so if you want to go don't miss that date a hundred dollars it's a hundred dollars right okay God bless hope we'll see you in October and now let's get to the Bible foreign [Music] welcome to live with Lon I am so glad that you're with us today and I am back from Egypt praise the Lord and we had a wonderful trip and thank you for the many many of you who prayed for us and your prayers were answered the trip was anointed we were safe everywhere we went the weather was amazingly beautiful and uh it was just wonderful as we talked about how so many events in Egypt confirm the Bible that's right and that's what we study the Bible say with me the whole Bible come on now and nothing but the Bible praise the Lord so we have an incredible section of scripture today incredible to bring hope and encouragement to our lives let's pray and we'll dig in Heavenly Father open our hearts and Minds that we might understand the word of God and that our hearts might be soft and malleable in the presence of the word of God and use the scripture in our life today in a mighty way to encourage our faith to give us hope to fortify our souls to press on for Christ and we pray this in Jesus name and everybody said what amen and would you say amen all right you ready and away we go before we dig in I would like to read you a very short email that we received and you know right now that we are saturating Chicago and Seattle first quarter uh with not a sermon just a thought our little one minute uh uh the devotional it's really a one-minute ad that talks about and points people to faith in Christ now here's what we got you ready here we go and I quote I am really tired of your voice coming on my radio hey you know what I'm I'm thrilled that everywhere she turns either in Chicago or Seattle she finds US telling her about God the the gospel this is beautiful I am really tired of your voice coming on my radio Jesus Christ was used by the colonizers to obliterate an entire culture of people my ancestors were taught to pray with their heads down and when they looked up the colonizers had stolen my ancestors culture lives and continent in the name of Jesus I really don't want to hear about Jesus Christ I am so tired of Caucasian Christians talking uh like they have a great secret it's all a Hustle end of quote all right well you know sometimes the people who are the most vociferous when they hear the gospel of the ones who actually come to Christ pray for her what was her name again gwenave pray for her that Christ will break through in her life and pray for these NADA sermons just a thought in Seattle and in Chicago and you know next quarter it's Pittsburgh and Portland and so let's just keep praying and thanks for your support which enables us to do this now let's get into the Bible we are finishing up John chapter 10. an amazing chapter of scripture and today wow we've got an amazing passage of scripture if you remember Jesus was talking about himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the Sheep meaning primarily the cross oh but also in everyday life how he protects us and uh so we've gotten through Jesus saying my sheep hear my voice and they know me and they follow me and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish nor shall anyone pluck them out of my hand my father who gave them to me is greater than all and no one can pluck them out of my father's hand I and the father are one and we talked about how how uh much of that guarantees our eternal security once we have our Salvation they shall never perish that pretty well means nothing we can do to lose our Salvation now you can go back and listen to those messages I hope you will but let's move on verse 31 John chapter 10. then the Jews took up stones again to Stone him and Jesus answered them many good works many miracles I have shown you from my father for which of those Works do you Stone me and the Jews answered him saying for a good work we do not Stone you but for blasphemy and because you being a man make yourself out to be God Jesus answered them is it not written in your law quote I said you are gods end of quote if he God called them God's Little G to whom the word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken why do you say of him whom the father Sanctified and sent into the world you are blaspheming because I said I am the son of God listen Jesus said if I do not do the works of my father miracles do not believe me but if I do though you do not believe me believe the works that you may know and believe that the father is in me and I in him therefore they sought again to seize him but he escaped out of their hand and he went away again beyond the Jordan River to the place where John was baptizing it first and there he stayed and many came to him and said John performed no sign no miracle but all the things that John spoke about this man Jesus were true and many believed in him there okay now this is uh the so what here is going to be magnificent but before we do that we gotta expose it and Exige of what the verses here say and they're problematic you say why well I hope you noticed it look verse 34 is it not written in your law quote God speaking I said you were Gods if he God called them Gods little G to whom the word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken why do you say of him whom the father Sanctified and sent into the world you are blaspheming because I said I am the son of God he said what in the world does that mean that God called the Jewish people gods what does that mean and the scripture cannot be broken okay well that is certainly a problematic verse and you know let me go back and make my point one more time if you're doing topical preaching you never include this this passage in a topical series because you don't want to have to Grapple with a very difficult passage of scripture but if you do in verse by verse exegetical expositional teaching Through the Bible baby you gotta deal with this whether you like it or not you just can't skip over it and go to John chapter 11. no gotta deal with this and God wants that kind of preaching because he wants us to deal with everything he says in the New Testament and in the word of God not just the easy parts that we like to pick out now what does this mean well that quote uh in in verse 34 I said you are gods that comes from Psalm 82. so let me take you back to Psalm 82. in Psalm 82 we're in verse 6 I said God speaking you are gods and all are you are sons of the most high nevertheless you will die like men and fall like anyone of the princes all right God here calls the Jewish leaders on the sons of the most high and says they are Gods little G but they'll die like men so he obviously is not calling people God in the sense that God is an eternal being all living all-powerful Sovereign being no he says you're still going to die like men so what's he talking about well look up at verse two how long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked vindicate the weak and fatherless do justice to The Afflicted and the destitute rescue the weak in the needy deliver them out of the hand of the wicked I said you are Gods blah blah blah arise verse 8 judge the Earth most commentators believe and I agree with them that the use of the word Gods here Elohim with a small G is referring to these Jewish leaders who have authority from God to judge why God calls them gods and not just judges I don't know you know if I don't know I'm just going to tell you I don't know but whatever reason there was for that he makes it clear look at this in verse 7 nevertheless you will die like men so he's certainly not referring to them as as an eternal God now if that's the case then what he is doing is calling on them to judge rightly and judge justly and coming back to John chapter 10 many people think Jesus's point is hey if you are the leaders of Israel here in John chapter 10 and you're talking to me about my claim to be the Son of God judge justly judge righteously and if you don't believe me believe the Miracles and in light of all the Miracles I've done you should be judging that I am indeed the Son of God now that's the common view however I think that's partly right I think he is a referring to them God is in Psalm 82 as judges who should judge righteously but that's not to emphasis Jesus makes exactly look at John chapter 10 again if he called them Gods verse 35 to whom the word of God came he's not talking about their how they're judging he's talking about the fact they were recipients of the word of God do you say why do you say of him whom the father Sanctified and sent into the world you were blaspheming when I say I am the Son of God this is the point and the point is that you who received the words were called Gods with a little G I who came directly from the father and I am the word John chapter one in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God I am the word uh Jesus said and the words I speak they are the words of God they are scripture if you are called little Gods because you receive the word why would you have a problem calling me the Son of God when I am the word do you see I love what one commentator said let me read it to you and I quote he says and that this is what Jesus is saying quote if it is permissible to call men Gods because they were the vehicles of the word of God how much more permissible is it to use the word god of him who is the word of God let's leave that quote up look at it again if it's permissible to call men Gods because they were the vehicle the receivers of the word of God how much more permissible is it to use the word god with a big G of him who is the word of God end of quote that's the point do you understand and Jesus said if you don't believe that I'm the word just look it was what he says believe the works that you may know that the father is in me and I am the father if if what I say is not enough to convince you look at the Miracles I think that's the point of what Jesus is saying then he went away went to the other side of the Jordan River for a while to rest and recuperate after his interactions you know with the rabbis in Jerusalem and many people believed on him so that's what I think the chapter is saying and I'm not in my 100 sure I'm right no no no I'm not because it's a difficult passage but I think that's right in light of interpreting what Jesus is saying in context in context you with me okay now that's the end of our passage but we want to ask our most important question are you ready here we go come on a one two three so what absolutely right and I have a friend for you here he is you ready come on now we need to say it with him say it with me here we go come on one two three How Sweet It Is or as Jackie would say How Sweet It Is all right now what's the so what here you say I don't know Lana I don't see any so what anywhere in here for me uh look look verse 35. if he called them Gods to whom the word of God came now watch and the scripture cannot be broken then why do you say blah blah blah and this Jesus said this is not a comment by John the writer if you look in a red letter Edition you'll find these are in red letters indicating that the Greek New Testament makes it clear uh that uh that Jesus said these words and the scripture cannot be broken and the scripture cannot be broken and this is the position of the son of God that anything in the scripture must come true exactly the way it's written because the scripture cannot be broken now let me take you on a very quick little trip Through the Bible and let you see how Jesus and God and the apostles are reaffirmed this truth scripture cannot be broken First Matthew 26 Jesus Is In The Garden of Gethsemane and the the troops came to capture him and Peter cut off the ear of one of them and Jesus said to him verse 53 or do you think that I cannot now pray to my father and he will provide me with more than 12 Legions of angels twelve thousand Angels but how then will the scripture be fulfilled that it may be thus that it may be this way Jesus said I mean I want to go to the cross in the flesh uh but and I can get out of it if I want to I can call on the father two angels wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah can you imagine with 12 000 could do holy smokes uh but he said can't do it because the scripture must be fulfilled it cannot be broken how about verse 56 it says and but this was done that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled how about Luke chapter 24 Jesus was teaching after his resurrection talking to his disciples and look what he said and he said to them verse 44 these are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you that all things I told you this what I told you all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms concerning me they must be fulfilled how about John chapter 17. this is part of Jesus's High Priestly prayer verse 12. he said while I was with them meaning the disciples in the world I kept them in your name Those whom you gave me I have kept and none of them is lost except the Son of Perdition Judas that the scripture might be fulfilled Where is the scripture fulfilled in this well how about the 30 pieces of silver which is quoted from the Old Testament and it was in the scripture had to be fulfilled uh how about John 19 verse 24 and talking about Jesus's robe the soldier said to themselves verse 24 let us not tear it but let us cast lots for it whose it shall be that the scripture might be fulfilled with sin says they divided my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots therefore the soldiers did these things uh in Acts chapter 1 of verse 16 look Peter stood up and said man and brethren this scripture had to be fulfilled which the Holy Spirit spoke by the mouth of David concerning Judas who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus the scripture had to be fulfilled and and one more First Corinthians 15 3 there are others but I'll just give you one more First Corinthians 15 3 for I deliver to you first of all that which also I received that Christ died for our sins randomly no according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures everything happens according to the scriptures everything happened in Jesus's life and Ministry according to the scriptures why why because here in John chapter 10 Jesus says the scriptures cannot be broken they must come true just the way God said they must come true now where do we see some other examples of this well I I think one of the greatest examples is the return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel God promised in the Old Testament that he was going to do this listen Jeremiah 23 and verse 3. God says then I myself Shall Gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and where were the Jews driven they were driven in all around the world uh particularly in Europe but everywhere I will I I will I will gather them from the countries where I have driven them and I shall bring them back to their pasture and they will be fruitful and multiply uh how about Jeremiah 32 verse 37. behold I will gather them out of all the lands to which I have driven them in my anger in my wrath and my great indignation and I will bring them back to this place and make them dwell in safety and they shall be my people and I will be their God and then we move on to Ezekiel chapter 20 where Ezekiel says in verse 42 and you will know that I am the Lord when I bring you into the land of Israel into the land which I swore to give to your forefathers Ezekiel 37. the great a vision of the dry bones look at verse 21 and say to them thus says the Lord God behold I will take the sons of Israel from among the Nations where they have gone and I will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land and I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel and one King will be their king forever and they shall no longer be two Nations the southern Kingdom and the northern kingdom and they will no longer be divided into cute to uh kingdoms and we could keep going but you know the rebirth of Israel in 1948 was a modern Miracle uh they had been out of their land for 1900 years in the history of the world no people has ever been separated from their Homeland for 1900 years and ever gotten it back no people has been separated from their Homeland and ever survived 1900 years as a unique people group like the Jews no language like Hebrew has ever stopped as a living spoken language and then been reborn as a living spoken language except like I said for Hebrew this is a modern miracle and this is why because it's the scripture and the scripture cannot be broken and by the way the Jewish people aren't going anywhere either because God said they'll stay in their land forever so try as you might I'm sorry of the Jewish people are not going anywhere in the land of Israel they're staying and so to close how does this relate to you and me the scriptures cannot be broken oh my friends much in every way let me tell you some examples you ready John chapter 6 first when it comes to eternal life it applies to us look John chapter 6 verse 40 and this is the will of him who sent me that everyone who sees the son the Lord Jesus and believes in Him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up on the last day same chapter John chapter six look at verse 47 truly I say to you he who believes in me has everlasting life if you believe in Jesus you're going to heaven and you've got eternal life why because the scripture cannot be broken and this is what the scripture says hey how about First Corinthians 10 13 there is no temptation taken you overtaking you except that which is common to man and God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but will may have make a way of Escape that you might be able to Bear up under it friends never will you face anything as a believer that you cannot handle with the grace of God why because the scripture cannot be broken and this is what the scripture says how about Psalm 55 verse 22 cast your burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain you he will never allow the righteous to be moved to be shaken you cast your burden on God and he will see to it that your foundation stays secure and that you will not be shaken why because the scriptures cannot be broken and that's what they say how about Isaiah chapter 43. verse 1 do not fear for I have redeemed you I have called you by name you are mine and when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they will not overflow you and when you walk through the fire you will not be burned nor will the flame hurt you for I am the Lord your God the Holy One of Israel your savior and you are precious in my sight since you are honored and I love you so as a follower of Christ when we're going through the fire and the flood and the trials of life when we're going through the rivers and the Deep Waters they will not overflow us they will not overcome us why because the scripture cannot be broken and this is what the scripture says how about Philippians chapter 4 verse 13. now I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me when you feel like you're in a situation and you just can't go forward Jesus says you can if you'll trust me why because the scripture cannot be broken and this is what it says and how about verse 7 be anxious for nothing but let your requests be known to God in the peace of God which passes all understanding shall guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ no matter how bad the search is circumstance can you have peace in your heart that defies logic It's Supernatural yes how because scripture can't be broken and this is what scripture says how about verse 19 Philippians 4 and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus will he make sure you have what you need materially yes he will I because the scripture cannot be broken and that's what the scripture says and friends you read through the Bible and every promise that's in there and everything that God says in there to us you can count on it why because the scripture cannot be broken praise the Lord praise the Lord I have one last one for you first Thessalonians chapter four I love this Paul's talking about the return of Christ and you say well is it pre-trib post-trib or mid-trib is it pre-mill or post Mill or Amil what I don't know uh what difference It Make This Promise supplies no matter when it is and look what the promise says the Bible says uh that the Lord himself will descend verse 16 of first Thessalonians 4 from heaven with a shout and the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are still alive will be caught up in the air to meet the Lord and will be changed on the way up if you're in the grave when the Lord Jesus comes back he's going to bring your body out of the Grave or out of the ocean or out of The Cremation a dish or even if your ashes are spread all over the world he knows where they are and you will rise from the dead with a new body a glorified body that he will reunite with your spirit which has eternal life and has been living in heaven with him waiting for this new body why because the scripture cannot be broken that's why my friends how great is this How great is our confidence scripture cannot be broken twelve thousand Angels Jesus could have called but he didn't because the scripture could not be broken and it won't be broken for you either trust the scripture rely on the scripture memorize the scripture believe the scripture rest your Eternal Destiny on the scripture and rest your hope in life on the scripture for it cannot be broken let's pray dear Lord Jesus many of us today are struggling with all kinds of problems difficulties obstacles and Lord I pray today that you would reassure us that as we read the scripture and as we read your promises that Lord you will instill in our heart the deep and abiding confidence of what Jesus said here in John chapters 10 and the scripture cannot be broken under any circumstances meaning if you promised it Lord Jesus it will happen Lord encourage our hearts with this wonderful truth today that we don't need to understand how it's going to be kept how you're going to keep your promises we just need to trust you because you're going to do it why because the scripture cannot be broken praise the Lord encourage our hearts today with your word in Jesus name we pray and everybody said what'd you say amen and what a man okay thanks for joining us next week Lord willing in LA on live with lawn we move into John 11 where Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead oh my what a chapter see you then Lord willing foreign [Music]
Channel: Lon Solomon Ministries
Views: 1,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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