The Science of Forced Perspective at Disney Parks

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If you’ve ever visited a Disney theme  park, or if you happen to be a fan   of B-rated films from the 1950’s, then  there’s a good chance that you have been   tricked by the illusion of forced perspective; A technique that employs visual and psychological   cues to make objects appear larger, smaller,  closer, or farther away than they really are.  Examples of forced perspective can be found just  about everywhere if you have a sharp enough eye,   from ancient architecture in Greece and Rome,  to modern photography and blockbuster films.  It is also used extensively at many  theme parks and tourist destinations,   but especially at the Disney parks where  Imagineers use just about every trick in the   book to increase the level of immersion. Forced perspective allows them to build   unbelievable structures that would otherwise  be impossible, or at least too impractical   to construct in reality, and it’s a technique  that Disney has mastered over the past 65 years.  There is definitely a fine art to  creating good forced perspective,   however it is also something that is  heavily grounded in math and science.  This is the part that I mainly want to focus on in  today’s video, and once we have an understanding   of the underlying principles, we will then  use them to explain why some instances of   forced perspective work so well at Disney,  and why others don’t really work so well.  To start things off, we should begin by taking a  look at the different ways that humans perceive   depth, which is something we have become  quite good at through many years of evolution.  Like many mammals, humans have two front-facing  eyes that provide us with stereoscopic vision,   meaning that we are able to view the  world in 3-dimensions by interpreting   images from two slightly different angles. When both eyes are focused on the same object,   our brain can use the difference in  perspectives to estimate how far away it is   by using a process called triangulation. This is basically just a trigonometry problem   where we can solve for the length of the  triangle using the distance between our   eyes and the angle of each image, however our  brain does this subconsciously in real time.  The ability to perceive depth in this way  is commonly referred to as stereopsis,   and it allows us to estimate distances  with a high degree of accuracy.  It is also the exact same concept that tricks our  brain into seeing depth when watching 3D movies,   because the special glasses allow each  eye to view a slightly different image.  Another way that humans perceive  depth is called convergence,   and this is pretty similar to  stereopsis, however it is based   on muscle sensations rather than visual cues. When an object is placed relatively close to us,   our eyes tend to converge inward so that  they can both focus on the exact same point.  This movement is controlled by extraocular  muscles that are attached to each eye,   and our brain can sense how much these  muscles have contracted or relaxed   in order to determine the angle of convergence. That angle can then be used to calculate exactly   how far away the object is by using a  bit of trigonometry, again something   that our brain handles subconsciously. Depth perception by convergence only   works well when the angle is relatively  large, however, and it becomes practically   ineffective when an object is further than  30 ft because the angle approaches zero.  This can actually be used to our advantage when  trying to create forced perspective, because we   can limit the viewer’s ability to perceive depth  simply by keeping them more than 30 ft away.  If you want to see just how much of our depth  perception comes from stereoscopic vision,   all you have to do is to cover one eye and try  reaching around for a few objects in front of you.  You should find that it is much more  difficult to judge how far away things are   because your vision can no longer  rely on stereopsis and convergence.  Fortunately, the human brain can also use  monocular cues in addition to binocular or   stereoscopic cues, which allows us to perceive  depth even when one eye is not functioning.  One way that we do this is through the  process of accommodation, which involves   the contraction and relaxation of ciliary  muscles that control the shape of our eye lens.  When we try to focus our eyes on objects that are  far away, the ciliary muscles relax in order to   make the lens thinner and increase the focal  length, and when we try to focus on something   up close, the muscles contact in order to make  the lens rounder and decrease the focal length.  Our brain is able to sense the degree of  contraction, just like with convergence,   and this provides us with an accurate  estimate of how far away the object is,   as long as the distance is greater than 6 feet. Another way that we perceive depth with monocular   cues is based on the principle of angular size,  which simply refers to the physical size of the   image that is projected onto our retina. The angle that a given object spans on   the retina is directly proportional to the  angle created by the light entering the lens,   and it is dependent on both the actual size  of the object and its distance from our eye.  This means that if we are already  familiar with the size of a given object,   such as a tree, or a car, or anything else  that we might interact with on a regular basis,   then our brain can use the angle subtended on  our retina to calculate how far away it is.  This method of depth perception always relies  on pre-existing knowledge, or at least a visual   reference, but as long as we have a rough  idea of either the scale or the distance,   then our brain can estimate the  other simply using the angle.  However, since the apparent size  of an object changes with distance,   it is also possible to trick the brain by  manipulating angular size, which is the   fundamental technique behind forced perspective. By making a familiar object larger or smaller,   it can appear closer or farther away since this  would have the same effect on its angular size,   and conversely, moving the object closer or  farther can also make it appear larger or smaller.  The relationship between size and distance  follows the rule of similar triangles here,   so if the viewpoint is fixed, then we can  calculate exactly what the size and position   should be in order to achieve the desired effect. As long as the difference between the actual and   perceived scale is subtle enough, then this  trick alone can be enough to make our brain   think that it is real, even when all our other  methods of depth perception tell us otherwise.  A classic example is Main Street USA at Disneyland  in California, where forced perspective has been   used to make the buildings appear taller. The first floor of each building is basically   normal size at a scale of 9/10ths, however the  second floor has been built slightly shorter at   a scale of 5/8ths, and when there’s a third  floor, it has been built at a scale of 1/2.  Our brain is generally familiar with the height  of a building, and we have the first story of the   façade as a visual reference, so our mind just  assumes that all 3 stories are the same size,   and that the upper floors appear smaller  because they are farther away from us.  This illusion can be pretty convincing if you’re  not actively looking for it, mostly because the   difference in scale is relatively small, and the  buildings can only be viewed from the ground up.  It is easiest to maintain forced perspective when  you can control the viewpoint and prevent guests   from getting too close, otherwise the illusion  can be broken by revealing the true scale.  This is something that is demonstrated  by the American Adventure pavilion over   at EPCOT in Walt Disney World, where  forced perspective has been used to make   the building appear smaller rather than larger. The façade of the pavilion has over-sized features   like windows and doors that make it appear  as a regular two and a half story building,   and I have to admit that it can actually look  pretty realistic when there’s nobody around.  The problem here is that guests are free to  walk right up to and inside the building,   which gives us a visual  reference for its true size.  Our brain is quite familiar with how tall  people are on average, so having a bunch of   guests stand directly in front of the building  quickly breaks the illusion, revealing that   the pavilion is actually 5 stories tall. Now, not too far away is a perfect example   that shows just how good forced perspective can  be when the viewpoint is totally controlled,   and that’s the corridor scene in  Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios.  In addition to the really cool Pepper’s ghost  and lighting effects, the hallway itself is   made to look much longer than it really is  by sloping the floor, walls, and ceiling.  Because of angular size, parallel lines will  always appear to converge at a single vanishing   point, and it’s possible to increase the perceived  distance by making the lines converge faster.  Since the size of the hallway decreases linearly  along its length, and smaller objects tend to   appear farther away, it creates the illusion  that the hallway is nearly 70 feet long,   even though the sloped portion of the  physical set is only about 6 feet deep.  Of course, this is only effective when  viewed from just the right distance and   angle within a controlled environment,  which isn’t really possible for large   outdoor structures that can be  seen from all around the park.  Things like mountains and castles tend  to push the limits of forced perspective   a lot further as well, sometimes making them  appear as much as 50 times their actual size.  The physics of light starts to become very  important at this kind of scale, and simply   manipulating the angular size and distance is  not enough to make the illusion believable.  When we look at things that are very  far away, they often appear hazy and   dull since the reflected light has to  travel much further to reach our eye.  This is primarily due to water droplets and  other small particles that are suspended   in the atmosphere, because they reduce  apparent contrast and color saturation   by scattering photons as  they travel through the air.  Water droplets tend to scatter blue and  violet wavelengths more than other colors   on the visible spectrum, and so distant  objects can also appear to have a blue tint   because more of these photons get directed  towards our eye from incoming sunlight.  For the purpose of forced perspective, it  can be useful to replicate these natural   phenomena artificially to make it seem like nearby  structures are actually far off in the distance.  This technique is commonly referred to as aerial  perspective, and it can be illustrated quite   well with a simple animation of a city skyline. Even though this is just a flat 2-dimensional   image, we can create a sense of depth by  using dark saturated colors in the foreground,   and lighter desaturated colors  in the middle and background.  Stacking the layers on top of each other helps  to further the effect because our brain uses   overlapping to perceive relative depth, and  placing certain layers higher up makes them   seem farther away because we perceive  them as being closer to the horizon.  We could also choose to add a bit of de-focus blur  to give the buildings a slight hazy appearance,   and adding some shadows helps  to enhance the 3D perspective.  It’s important that shadows in the  foreground are darker and more defined,   while shadows in the middle and background should  be lighter and softer due to less contrast.  The final technique that really brings  the whole animation together is moving   the layers at different speeds to simulate  motion parallax, which is the phenomenon   that causes nearby objects to pass through  our field of view faster than distant ones.  This is yet another method that can be  used to create an illusion of depth,   and it was actually pioneered by Disney  with the help of a multi-plane camera   in some of their classic animated  films like Bambi and Snow White.  Now, I’m not aware of any physical examples of  motion parallax over at the Disney theme parks,   but there are many attractions that use aerial  perspective techniques to appear very far away,   one of my favorites being Expedition  Everest at the Animal Kingdom.  The artisans and Imagineers made  excellent use of color here,   starting with darker tones for the rockwork around  the base of the mountain, and then transitioning   to lighter tones for the rockwork higher up. The white snow also furthers the illusion of   scale because we are already familiar with  the idea of giant snow-capped mountains,   and it even has some hints of blue mixed in  to reduce the contrast against a blue sky.  Overlapping the various peaks and staggering their  height helps to create some added depth as well,   and certain faces have been painted with darker  colors in order to produce artificial shadows.  If you look at the attraction from just the right  viewpoint where it is partially hidden behind   the tree line, then it really does look like a  huge mountain range off in the distance, even   though the actual height is just under 200 ft. The only real problem with the forced perspective   is that the lift hill goes right up into the  mountains, and so every time a train goes by,   the illusion kind of gets thrown off by giving  us a visual reference for its true size.  For comparison, the rockwork over in Cars Land  at Disney’s California Adventure uses many of   the same techniques as Everest, however the  illusion is more effective because there’s   nothing around to give away the scale. The aerial perspective is also close to   perfect in Cars Land, with Ornament Valley almost  having a hazy appearance way at the back, and in   my opinion, this might be the very best example  of forced perspective in all the Disney parks.  In addition to colors losing saturation  and brightness over large distances,   textures also tend to lose detail  and sharpness, and this is something   that was captured very well here with all the  different layers of rockwork at varying depths.  Another land that makes really good  use of texture for forced perspective   is Pandora back at the Animal Kingdom,  particularly with all the vegetation on   the show buildings and floating mountains. The entire area is filled with a variety of   tropical plants that have a lot of color  fine details, but up on the mountains,   they’ve mostly used plain mosses and leaves  which are meant to look like distant forests.  Conceptually, the idea is that the mountains are  so high up that the forests appear very tiny and   faint when viewed from the ground, however there  is some debate about whether this and the whole   floating illusion are actually effective. I think part of the problem is that we   don’t have any prior knowledge about how  large the mountains are supposed to be,   since they come from a fictional world, and  that makes it really difficult to trick our   depth perception by manipulating angular size. Combine this with the fact that guests can walk   all the way around and even under the structure  to get an up-close look, and it’s fairly easy to   see why the illusion gets lost for so many. Personally, I can kind of see the forced   perspective if I look at it  from just the right angle,   but I’m curious to know, in the comments, whether  you can see it and how effective you think it is.  It may not be Disney’s best implementation of the  illusion, but it’s certainly not the worst either.  And now, of course this video would not  be complete without talking about the   most iconic forced perspective attractions,  and those are the 7 famous castles that can   be found at Disney parks all around the world. Some of the castles look very similar to each   other, while others are more unique, but they all  share many of the same characteristics that make   them appear much taller than they really are. Just like the buildings on Main Street USA in   California, the first level is constructed at  a 1:1 scale, and the upper levels gradually   decrease in size as they get higher and higher. The bottom portion typically consists of giant   stone walls and a grand archway  that are intended to be life-size,   or at least as large as we might expect them to be  if we have never seen a real castle before, while   the upper portion consists of tall slender spires  with lots of intricate architectural features.  The various elements give the design an elaborate  and royal appearance, but they have also been   carefully arranged so that it is difficult  to distinguish between individual floors.  This helps to keep the height more  ambiguous because our mind can’t   determine the scale by counting the number  of stories, which is especially important   when viewing the castle from a distance. The upper portion is also thinner than   the bottom and set back slightly so it appears  farther away, and it is meant to look like the   stone walls are actually positioned in front of  the castle to create an illusion of greater depth.  I find that this effect is most apparent on the  original Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland,   where it almost seems like the pink section  is part of a separate structure on the other   side of the wall, but in reality,  it’s all part of the same building.  The contrast in color and texture also  helps to increase the perceived depth here,   and you might notice that the tones gradually  get lighter from the bottom to the top,   which furthers the illusion of height. Many of the castles were originally   painted with light pale colors in order  to achieve aerial perspective as well,   but lately Disney has been going for more vibrant  colors that really stand out and catch the eye.  Unfortunately, this does seem to have a slight  impact on the intended forced perspective,   but the castles are so massive anyway that I don’t  think too much of the illusion is really lost.  However, there is one other castle that  we still need to talk about which doesn’t   have the advantage of scale, and that is  the Beast’s castle in the Magic Kingdom.  This is probably the worst instance of forced  perspective that you can find at any of the   Disney parks, but it’s a perfect example of what  happens when the illusion is pushed too far.  The castle only stands about 20 ft tall  on top of the Be Our Guest restaurant,   however it is supposed to look closer to  400 ft, which is 20 times its actual size.  For comparison, Cinderella castle at the end of  Main Street is also supposed to look like 400 ft,   but that’s only twice its actual size since it’s  already just under 200 ft tall to begin with.  Forced perspective tends to work really well for  small to moderate changes in perceived scale,   but it becomes less and less effective as  the scale stretched further and further.  On paper, the concept of angular size tells us   that the Beast’s castle and Cinderella  castle should both appear the same size,   but in reality, it’s just not possible to fool  human depth perception with a miniature model.  I tried to use Photoshop to make the  illusion look a little more realistic   by lowering the saturation and contrast, and  adding in some blue tones with a bit of blur,   but even the textures and level of detail are not  all that convincing from such a close viewpoint,   and it loses any sense of aerial perspective  as soon as we go back to the original image.  The castle simply appears too bright and  vivid with really harsh shadows, and the   illusion is lost entirely as soon as you see a  person or a bird up there as a size reference.  Aside from this, the Disney theme parks are still  home to some of the very best forced perspective   illusions in the world, including so many  more that I couldn’t get to in just one video,   and there’s really only a few where  something might seem a little off.  I’d love to hear which ones are  your favorites down in the comments,   as well as which examples you personally  find the most and least effective.  I also want to say thanks to NordVPN  for generously sponsoring today’s video,   which is a service that I like to use  for online security and IP masking.  If you live in a country that has geo-restrictions  or government firewalls, then you can actually   use a VPN to get around this by routing your  internet connection through a foreign server.  That might sound pretty complicated, but  NordVPN makes it super easy with just a   few clicks using their simple interface. All you have to do is click on a country   where you want your IP address to  appear, hit connect, and in seconds,   you can browse the internet as if you and  your device were physically in that location.  This is perfect for accessing online  video streaming platforms like Netflix,   Disney Plus, and the BBC, which are only  available in specific regions, and NordVPN has   no limit on bandwidth, so you’re free to watch  unlimited content from anywhere in the world.  Of course, a VPN also provides an additional  layer of security at the same time by passing   your traffic through an encrypted tunnel,  which prevents your ISP and third parties   from tracking your online activities. NordVPN uses military-grade encryption   protocols with no data-logging, so your personal  information always remains private and secure   whenever you are connected to their network. I highly recommend that you give them a try   by going to, where  they are currently offering a 2-year plan for 68%   off with a 30-day money-back guarantee. That works out to only $3.71 per month,   and you can also enter promo code  ArtofEngineering to get one extra month for free.  I have been extremely happy with their service  over the past 2 years, and they always help me   out by sponsoring this channel, so definitely go  check them out at   using the link in the description. Don’t forget to leave a like and hit   subscribe if you enjoyed today’s video,  and as always, thanks for watching!
Channel: Art of Engineering
Views: 863,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forced perspective, illusion, disney, science, engineering, disneyland, walt disney world, castles, mountains, explained, optical illusions, theme parks, attractions, technology, art, depth perception, imagineer, design, amusement, park, behind the scenes, main street usa, tower of terror, expedition everest, floating mountains, cars land, magic kingdom, epcot, hollywood studios, animal kingdom, pandora, tokyo, paris, disneysea, shanghai, hong kong, trick, magic
Id: yqefjmRVLTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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