These Monsters and Cryptids Will Shake You To The Core

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- How're you doing? I'm Kallen and this is Slapped Ham. So today, we've got something a little bit special for you. It's a bit of bonus content for the week. It's a massive compilation of some scary cryptid and monster sightings. So sit back, relax, and enjoy. - [Narrator] This scary photo was uploaded to Reddit in 2018 with the title, Utah Skinwalker Sighting. The poster claims that the photo was taken by their friend's ex-husband. They said the ex-husband and his father were trespassing on a rural property to check out the scene of a supposed drug-related shootout that had taken place some weeks earlier. It's alleged that they're are approached by a man with a shotgun who warned them with a shaking voice that they shouldn't be alone on this part of the property. He fired off a warning shot into the air and told them to clear off. The ex-husband and the father ran as fast as they could down a dusty driveway. They use the flash on their camera to line up the way. as they ran, several photos were accidentally taken. These images would remain unchecked for some time. Finally, several weeks later, when they regaled friends and family of the bizarre encounter, they decided to check if the camera had taken any pictures as they ran. One of the photos picked up something truly eerie. In the middle of the road, you can see a humanoid figure. It's Brown and bulky with a very thick torso. It looks to be somewhat hunched as if it's lumbering across the road. As the title of the Reddit post suggests, the poster believes it could be evidence of the infamous skinwalker. In Native American culture, skinwalkers are believed to be witches or shamans that practice dark magic. It said that they possess the ability to disguise themselves as animals. These witches are thought to be evil indulging in sinister ceremonies to control malevolent powers. While it's known the pop culture has twisted the idea of the skinwalker into an over the top horror cliche, indigenous tribes, specifically, the Navajo people, have remained tight-lipped about this mysterious entity. Could this photo hint at the ancient shape-shifting witches that are said to have been haunting America for centuries? Fellow Redditors analyze the image and found that there was no evidence of Photoshop tampering. Considering the backstory of the shotgun-wielding guard, several commenters thought the figure could be someone wearing a ghillie suit, an outfit used by hunters to blend in with their surroundings. So what do you think? Is it a skinwalker, camouflaged hunter, or possible glitch in the camera? Love to hear your opinions on this one in the comment section below. In this YouTube video captured in Northern British Columbia, one YouTuber, EchoHeartMedia, proved that you don't have to capture the entire body for a cryptid sighting to be terrifying. This footage comes from a CCTV security camera that was set up on a vacation property. The manager of the property had long been noticing that things were moved without explanation or even destroyed. They also found unusual prints around the property that didn't appear to belong to any human or animal they had ever seen. They set up the cameras in hope of identifying the culprit. It seems that whoever was causing the mischief around the property didn't like the idea of being filmed. In the footage, we see a hand reach up to where the security camera is placed, groping around for the camera. At first, it seems to be a normal human hand. However, if you look closely something about it seems off. First of all, the hand seems small, almost as if it belongs to a child. In addition, the hand only has three fingers. To make matters even more strange, it doesn't appear as if the hand has been mutilated in any way. Instead, it looks like the hand was meant to only have three fingers. After groping around for a few seconds, the hand reaches violently for the camera, covering the lens with its palm. The creature grabs the camera and tears it down, never giving us a glimpse of its face, leaving its existence a complete mystery. YouTuber, Freddy Z, was not prepared for the scary encounters that he would face when making an innocent video for his YouTube channel. He and a companion set out into the woods one night looking to capture and document some of the creepy crawly creatures that come out when things get dark. After hunting for a while, the pair hadn't had much luck, so they decided to call it a night. In the video, we see them beginning to document the few insects they did manage to find that night, when they suddenly hear the sound of a nearby branch snapping. The camera pans up towards the source of the noise. The camera's light reveals what appears to be a wolf-man peering out from behind a nearby tree. The two boys quickly bolt away from the creature. We hear them discussing what it was they saw, but they were unable to come up with an answer. Did Freddy Z really capture evidence of a werewolf stalking in this forest? In July, 2011, YouTuber, Holabible, managed to capture some sort of creepy creature on camera after hearing scary sounds coming from the woods near his house in Oregon. After walking for some distance, he eventually spots an unusual beast crouching in the long grass. As the YouTube is speaks to the camera, his voice startles the creature who immediately turns to look at him. It's eyes look as though they're glowing in the darkness as they reflect the camera's light. If you slow the footage down, you can see that the creature appears to be some sort of humanoid. It has smooth hairless skin and a large dome-shaped head. It also looks as though it's crouched over something, possibly a carcass from which it's feeding. Clearly spooked by what he's just witnessed, Holabible runs for safety and the video abruptly ends. Because of its similar appearance to an alien gray, many viewers have thought that this YouTuber had spotted a being from another world, while others drew comparisons to the rake, as well as several other forest-dwelling cryptids. While the footage does appear to show some type of creepy creature, the poor video quality makes it difficult to know for sure. Unfortunately, without further information, we may never know what it is this YouTube court lurking in the woods behind his house. Some videos captured of strange creatures almost seem to pay tribute to the original Bigfoot footage that started it all. Such is the case with this video uploaded to the Smithsonian Magazine's YouTube channel. Captured in 2000, the video titled, Dave Shealy's 2000 Skunk Ape Footage, displays an odd human-sized figure walking in the distance reminiscent of the original Bigfoot footage. In fact, the massive furry creature is sometimes known as Florida's Bigfoot. As Dave Shealy proclaims himself to be the skunk ape expert, he's made a name for himself by tracking down this elusive creature. Named for both it's ape-like size, as well as its skunk-like foul odor, the skunk ape has notoriously been spotted running on two legs through Dade County in Florida. Dave Shealy's insistence as to the creature's existence, as well as the footage captured, form a crucial piece of evidence. Some entities such as the United States National Park Service refuse to acknowledge the existence of the skunk ape, calling it a hoax. Some even claim that the reported sightings must've been those of a black bear. Although the footage Shealy captured is almost certainly not that of a bear. In fact, Dave Shealy claims to a first sighted the skunk ape when he was just 10 years old, describing what he saw as a child as a man, but completely covered with hair. Shealy since dedicated years of his life to tracking down the skunk ape he saw and it's possible other relatives. Since then, Shealy has claimed to seen the skunk ape on at least three other occasions, going so far as to start a skunk ape research headquarters, dubbing himself, the Jane Goodall of skunk apes. Too large in stature to be anything but a human-like ape creature, believers of the skunk ape point to Shealy's footage as important evidence of Bigfoot's spiritual successor. In 2008, two friends captured this unsettling video while exploring an abandoned house in an unknown location. The house itself is old and believed by many to be haunted. But what these two see inside is far worse than any ghost. As one of the explorers opens the front door, some sort of creature rushes towards them from out of the darkness. The creature, which appears to move on all fours, almost looks as though it was waiting for the boys to enter the mansion. The pair run for their lives as the beast lunges towards them. While the creature appears to be human, it moves more like an animal. It lets out a ferocious squeal similar to a wild pig as it rushes forward. What could this bizarre creature actually be? Is it a human or is it some sort of animal? In the comments section below, Let us know what you think it was the chased these boys from the abandoned house. In July, 2016 and unsettling clip was uploaded to Last Leaf Studio's YouTube channel that shows one of the creepiest things ever caught on video. The footage, which was captured in Kiev, Ukraine appears to show some sort of creature hanging underneath the bridge. As the beast makes its way towards a lighted area underneath the structure, its size and shape suddenly becomes apparent. It appears to resemble some sort of humanoid or very large ape and moves in a similar fashion to a sloth. only much faster. However, if you zoom in, you can actually see that it moves both of its rear legs at the same time, as if pulling itself along the railing. When the clip first surfaced, many thought that the creature had to be some sort of ape that had escaped a nearby zoo. However, several cryptid enthusiasts have since suggested that the beast appears to be far larger than any known animal. What do you think this bizarre creature is? Could it be some sort of large animal and possibly even an escaped pet, or is it something else entirely? This video uploaded to JFrissina's YouTube channel in June, 2009 supposedly shows a creepy creature climbing the walls inside a 100 million year old ice cavern. The cave, which is located near the town of Hallstatt, Austria can be accessed via a cable car, followed by a short hike. As the YouTuber enters the cavern, they begin to film various ice formations, and as they ascend a flight of stairs, you can see dozens of icicles hanging from the ceiling. As they continue deeper into the cave, it becomes noticeably darker. Suddenly the camera-holder spots something climbing on one of the walls. At first, he thinks it could be a person as he zooms in to get a better look. Then he can be heard saying that he thinks it could be a ghost. He continues filming the creature until it disappears out of sight. If you slow the footage down, you can see that the creature appears to have a humanoid body structure. However, it seems to move in a manner similar to that of a frog or toad. The clip has baffled many experts who are at a loss to explain how the creature is able to withstand the freezing temperatures within the cave. Could it be possible that this YouTuber has actually discovered some sort of strange creature that has so far managed to elude scientific classification? Unfortunately, without further information, we may never learn the truth behind this mysterious video. Webcams are another bit of technology that makes it even easier to capture fascinating, scary videos. This video is submitted to YouTube by Elton Menezes Severo was shot while a webcam user was interacting with others on the internet. What starts out as a lighthearted day on the web quickly turns sinister. As the man chats with these friends, there's a dark doorway visible behind him. A few seconds into the video, a strange creature appears in the doorway. The videos too blurry to make out much about the creature, but it seems to crouch as it peaks through the door to look at the man. One of the man's friends watching on the webcam alerts him to the creature's presence. And just as he turns around to see what they're talking about, the creature disappears. It's difficult to discern if it ducks back through the doorway or simply disappears into thin air. Either way, the man is unable to find any traces of the weird creature when he goes to investigate, leaving this strange webcam video a mystery. This is some unsettling footage purported to be filmed in a remote Romanian zoo. In 2014, it's thought that a backpacker who was traveling through rural Romania found out about a secretive farm that is run by illegal trafficker. The heavily guarded property allegedly houses exhibits that the general public don't know about or don't want to know about. Somehow the backpacker managed to smuggle a camcorder onto the property to film one of the exhibits. The footage begins with the backpacker explaining that the zoo is housing some sort of deformed animal caged up in one of the sheds. Things go black as he makes his way through a crowd of people. They're all gathered around a cell sealed off with thick steel bars. You can hear the crowd ogling at something. Finally, a gap appease between the two people and we get a glimpse of some kind of humanoid creature. It moans wildly as it stumbles forward. Someone yells, the crowd heaves backward in horror as the creature is fully revealed. It looks to be a deformed monster, disfigured and kept against its will. The footage cuts to black and we're left wandering what we've just witnessed. No one has been able to explain this footage. A lot of people hope the video is fake, but there's a realness to it that makes for a really unsettling experience. Are they really underground zoos in Eastern Europe that house unfathomable creatures like this. Love to hear your opinion in the comments section below. The one featured in this video uploaded to YouTube by channel, Kiwi TV, is truly unlike anything we've seen before, and it's clear the person capturing the video felt the same way. Featuring an odd marine creature captured on video in a Chinese river, this short clip is worth considerable study. featuring a creature similar in size and stature to an alligator or crocodile, this creature's long protruding snout and unique facial structure makes it clear that it's neither. While one user asserts that the creature is a river dolphin, these creatures usually have snouts that protrude further out from their faces and bodies that more closely resembled dolphins that live in the ocean. More eel-like than other common amphibians, while being impressive in size, this creature's overall makeup has us stumped as to what it could be. Love to hear your thoughts on this one in the comments section below. Uploaded to YouTube by user, Jack Heath, this video captures one of many strange creatures that are unlike anything seen before. While the previously noted aquatic creature on this list had at least some qualities of other water dwelling animals to compare it to, this creature, on the other hand, is so unique that it has no other animal even similar to it. The video begins with the camera-holder filming a pleasant Waterside scene. Several people are heard in the background. Suddenly a bizarre creature rises from the darkness of the water. (man screaming) From what is visible of the creature, it is longer than the average fish, but smaller than most sea mammals. Aside from its long reptilian face and protruding whiskers, most of what is visible of the creature is what seems to be its spine. Aside from these few distinct features, the general shape of the creature is unknown. However, what is shown in the video is enough to confirm that it's unlike anything we've seen before, leaving both the video's uploader and the comment section completely stumped. Abandoned hospitals are often fruitful sites for ghostly encounters. But evidently, they're excellent for cryptid sightings as well. In this YouTube video posted by John Edmunds, a group of urban explorers decides to investigate the abandoned Overbrook Asylum at the Essex County hospital in Cedar Grove, New Jersey in the United States. The facility has a history of cruel and barbaric mental health practices such as lobotomies and electroshock therapy among many others, leading many to believe the restless and angry spirits lurk in the rundown hallways. However, these explorers came across something they weren't expecting. As they examine one of the rooms, they hear a strange screeching noise. - [Man] It is what it is. - [Narrator] They turn the camera just in time to capture a strange and terrifying four-legged creature running toward them. The creature is in shadow is making it difficult to discern any distinguishing features other than its long gangly limbs. The explorers run from the building quickly after spotting it, too terrified to linger in its path. Viewers of the footage have suggested that the scary creature is most likely a pale crawler. Accounts of these lesser-known cryptids typically describe it as an elongated humanoid creature with long thin limbs. Often when people first spot them, they think they're simply tall, naked humans. Typically, pale crawlers are at least seven feet tall. However, witnesses quickly realize that their bodies are oddly elongated as if someone took a human body and stretched it out to bizarre proportions. In addition, sometimes pale crawlers have glowing eyes and sharp teeth and are always described as having pale gray or white skin. Clearly, these are not human qualities. They seem to be more frightening than overtly threatening, at least so far. These creepy video was uploaded to BloodZack12's YouTube channel in November, 2016. As he and a friend around investigating an unknown forest, they stumble upon a pile of soiled blankets that have a strange mask sitting on top. The pair continue down the path and it's not long before they spotted another mask. This time it's hanging from a tree. As they move in for a closer look, the camera-holder notices something moving in the bushes. (speaking faintly off mic) Suddenly, a masked figure jumps out from behind the grass. Scared, the boys make a dash for safety and the video mysteriously ends. While it's more than likely that the masked figure seen lurking in the grass was a human, it's unclear whether or not the boys knew who it was. Several skeptics thought that the video felt staged and that the masked figure was more than likely just a friend of the boys. However, some view was suggested that it could have been a devil worshiper or occultist who was in the middle of performing some sort of sinister ritual. It was also noted that the mask worn by the mysterious figure closely resembled the type often worn by spirits and demons depicted in Japanese folklore. If this was the case, then these boys might have been in more danger than they originally thought. So what do you think was wearing the mask? Could it have been a devil worshiper, a demon, or was it all just likely to be an elaborate hoax for the camera? Sasquatch, Yeti, Bigfoot, whatever you call this mysterious cryptid, you can't deny that footage of these creatures has captivated the world since the Patterson-Gimlin film made waves in 1967. For many, this video posted by True Horror Stories of Texas and Twisted Video serves as another piece of irrefutable evidence that the Bigfoot walks among us. The video appears to have been shot from a boat sailing along the Rio Grande river in Texas. The footage shows scenic views of the water and riverbed before the man holding the camera spots an animal drinking water alongside the river. The creature is Brown and furry and its size makes the men think it's a dog at first. Then the creature stands up. (speaking faintly) Apparently the alleged Sasquatch had been squatting down to drink from the river before standing to reveal its full height. The men in the boat are shocked when they see the humanoid creature watching them. They don't dare get any closer. But that doesn't stop viewers from being convinced that this is indeed footage of the elusive Sasquatch. According to Reddit user, AmateurLapse, sometimes cryptid sightings can be in very familiar forms. This video shows what appears to be an ordinary fish poking its head out through a thick layer of mud and debris. Things get really strange when the fish opens its mouth and smoke begins billowing out of its lungs. What could cause such bizarre behavior? Is this ordinary looking fish some sort of freaky fire-breathing cryptid. One Reddit user attempted to debunk any such claims, asserting that the creature is simply a lung fish and that the behavior was normal for the species. However, others who viewed the video quickly pointed out that the evidence provided makes no mention of lungfish exhaling smoke, nor does any other internet resource. That being the case, this unusual fish may be, in fact, some sort of never before seen cryptid, an animal yet to be classified by modern science. Uploaded to YouTube by user, TimBuckyBall, This footage is reminiscent of another famous genre of strange creatures, the lake monster. The video, taken in South Haven, Michigan depicts a raging gale rocking the pier. Seemingly washed up by the strong winds is an enormous slithering creature. Dark and large in size when compared against the pier and lighthouse, the creature rubs up against the pier throughout the video. While the video uploader and many commenters maintain that the creature was likely a large lake sturgeon, which had been known to reach up to 200 pounds in weight and an impressive length of seven feet, there is room for doubt. Lake sturgeons are typically not as flexible as the creatures shown in the video. In fact, a local veterinarian would go on to suggest that the creature was an eel a lamprey, although no such specimen has been reported to reach the impressive length of the creature captured in this video. While the footage is taken from afar in distorted conditions, the mysterious creature's presence is nonetheless perplexing. While the sighting is unclear, it adds fuel to the fire that many Michiganites had been waiting for, the possibility of a lake monster showing up in Lake Michigan. For years, nearby Lake Erie, which is just 200 miles to the east, has had its own resident cryptid reportedly living in the waters. Nicknamed Bessie, supposed sightings of Lake Erie's monster have been recorded since 1793 with increased sightings having been produced in recent years. Said to be around 30 to 40 feet long and a single foot in diameter, Bessie has been spotted in the area over and over again, making it a cult favorite up there with Bigfoot. While it's unknown if Lake Michigan has finally become home to a distant relative of Bessie's, this video is certainly promising. Love to hear your opinions on this one in the comments section below. YouTube channel, NV TV, is known for posting videos of creepy encounters that people have had in dark and scary places of the world. The channel specializes in footage of Bigfoot, Sasquatches, Yetis, skunk apes, and yowies, they believe that this video likely captured evidence of a bigfoot. Others who have watched the video believe that the creature is more likely a skinwalker or jinn. The video was shot by several men walking in the woods late at night. In the trees, they spot the creature and immediately begin filming. The video is dark and all we can see is the glowing reflection of its eyes watching through the leaves. The men are clearly frightened as soon as they spot the creature. However things go from bad to worse when they witnessed the creature's speed. It moves so quickly across the frame that the video has to be slowed down to see it properly. The quality of the video isn't great, but there's clearly something eerie hiding in the forest. Is it a bigfoot, jinn, or something else entirely? with only this grainy video to go on, we may never know what these men encountered on that terrifying night. In early 2018, this bizarre piece of footage first appeared online. It was captured by a woman in the Northern Mexican state of Baja, California, and shows some sort of strange object flying through the sky. The video seen here uploaded to the Facebook page, UFOLogo Pedro Ramirez, clearly shows an object. However, there's much conjecture over what it actually is. A UFO expert, Ramirez himself suggested that the clip showed a tubular-shaped UFO that was flying over the city monitoring recent rocket launches from earth. He added, some of these space missions have suspicious objectives that alien beings are aware of. Others thought that the mysterious flying object looked more like a humanoid figure flying vertically through the sky. If you look closely at the shape, it certainly does resemble a person with a jet pack. Sometime later, a more skeptical analyst even put forward the idea that the figure could have simply been a human shaped helium balloon floating through the sky. After watching the video, it's easy to see how opinions could be so divided and I'm sure the furious debate over the object's true identity will continue well into the future. So what do you think it could be? Love to get your thoughts on this mysterious piece of footage in the comment section below. In late 2015, a hunter in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, captured an encounter with an animal so gigantic, it left zoologists baffled. The short clip captured on phone shows a white dog named Trigger barking at something lurking in the grass. You can see a black head peek over the ridge. It looks like a big dog or wolf. Suddenly, the creature lunges at the white dog, which retreats with a yelp. (shouting) The black wolf-like creature is enormous. It looks to be more than twice the size of the white dog. The animal is so big, in fact, some people have dubbed it a dire wolf. While a dire Wolf isn't a cryptid as such because they actually did exist and have been thoroughly documented, the mysterious thing is the dire wolves were thought to have gone extinct in the early Holocene Period, more than 9,000 years ago. Could this video show a dire wolf that has somehow managed to survive deep in the Canadian wilderness? How long can an animal survive after being butchered? That's the question that this disturbing video's been raising since it hit the internet in July of 2019. In this footage posted by Rie Phillips, we see a plate of what appears to be raw meat on a table at a restaurant. However, this isn't a typical shot of an Instagram-worthy meal. As the diners watch in horror, the meat begins to move. It pushes itself off the plate and then falls to the floor as the diners scream. What could have caused this disgusting anomaly. Many have argued that it's possible for an animal to live for quite some time after being butchered, and that muscle spasms are actually quite common after death. However, most viewers are reluctant to believe that a bit of meat could still be moving when it arrives on the diner's plate. The internet has dubbed this piece of meat, the zombie chicken, suggesting that something not quite natural propelled this patron's dinner from their plate. In 2017, footage surface of a strange humanoid creature seen in the jungles of AH-CHEY, Indonesia. Captured on a GoPro, the video shows a group of motorbike riders as they're riding through the jungle, when one is suddenly knocked off his bike by the beast. It runs off down the track and the bikers give chase. As they turn the corner, the creature can be seen darting into the long grass. The group dismounts from their bikes and begins to search the area. After a few minutes, it becomes apparent that the creature's escaped. If you look closely at the video when the creature is first seen, it appears to be carrying some sort of long club or spear. Have these bikers actually captured proof of some sort of undiscovered humanoid living in the jungles of Indonesia, or is it just a well-planned hoax? Sticking with strange swimming creatures, in mid 2016, striking footage emerged that seems to show a giant monster swimming through the murky waters of the Thames in London, England. A tourist was taking a ride on a cable car that gives scenic views over Greenwich when they spotted something unusual swimming in the water. Just opposite the famous O2 Arena, a gigantic object can be seen surfacing for a brief moment before diving back underwater. It appears to have several fins running the length of its back with a long neck. A dark shadow in the water hints at the actual size of the beast, but sadly, only a glimpse can be seen. Some think the creature could be basilosaurus, an enormous marine animal that existed some 35-40 million years ago that is somehow managed to survive deep underwater. Others are of course, calling the footage fake, claiming the beast has been digitally added. Could a giant prehistoric animal really survive undetected for all these years and now be living in the River Thames? In November, 2012, a man known only as Daryl claimed to have taken this photo while working the night shift at a material gas plant in Kennedy, Texas. He says that at the time he took the photo, there were only four people working at the facility. He first noticed the strange figure when he was standing in the basket of a man lift and spotted something unusual swaying from side to side out the corner of his eye. By the time he managed to unhook his harness and get out of the basket, the creature had vanished. The police were called. However, after searching the premises, they were unable to find any trace of the mysterious figure. The officer then told Daryl that they had already received 26 phone calls related to UFO sightings that night. He sent the picture to a plant officer and it was subsequently posted in the local newspaper. If you take a close look at the photo, the creature appears to be somewhat shorter than a human. It looks as though it's dressed in some sort of robe or cloak and it has large dark eyes and a dark mouth. Many who have studied the photo have divided opinions on what the creature could be. Some claim it's an alien. Others think it could be some type of supernatural entity, a ghost, or even a goblin. While the identity of this creepy cryptid remains unclear, there's little doubt that the photo has captured something very strange. Could the figure really be from another world or is it more likely to have supernatural origins? Without further information, this one will have to remain a mystery for the time being. Since 1887, there have been stories of a werewolf-type creatures stalking the woods of Michigan. The beast has become known as the dogman. Over the years, there've been numerous sightings of an enormous dog-like creature that is capable of walking upright on its hind legs. It's said to be muscular with a large head and powerful jaws. In 2004, a family were leaving a friend's place when they believe they encountered the dogman. They say they were reversing down the driveway in their minivan when a gigantic creature appeared out of the darkness. The youngest son sitting in the back of the van took out his camera and captured this astonishing photograph. The famous cryptid photo shows a dog-like beast. It has a strong muscular torso, thick neck and fierce illuminated eyes. It looks to be a hybrid blend of lion, dog, and bear. Numerous experts have analyzed this image and are at a loss to explain it. Some have noted that there appears to be faint brushstrokes or touch-ups around the right arm of the beast. However, others have defended the image saying that the blurriness is caused by the motion of the animal leaping from the shadows. So why are there so many specific reports of the dogman coming out of Michigan? Could they really be a species of giant dog or wolf that is yet to be classified by modern science? These two short clips originally uploaded to YouTube channel, NV TV, were filmed in the Provo Canyon region in Utah. The first clip is very brief, but shows a very large bipedal creature walking among the brush. The big foot like animals sits by a tree for a second, then seems to pick up a rock and throw it through the air. Sasquatch enthusiasts love this clip as it's the first time anyone's captured a creature like this throwing an object. The second clip was filmed by BYU students who had been camping near Squaw Peak. One of the campers noticed a strange black beast lurking on the ridge of the hill and started filming with their phone. The footage is a little blurry and unstable, but does capture something unusual. The strange creature is obscured by branches, so it's hard to get a good look. It's possible that this could just be a bear encounter. However, at one point, the animal does stand on its rear legs. It looks to have long arms that reach much lower than most animals. Could this be the infamous Sasquatch that hunters have been looking for for so many years? On the 23rd of July, 2011, two boys heard some strange noises on their property and decided to investigate. They took some footage on their phones and this is their encounter. As they searched through the darkness of their rural farm, they can hear some eerie noises in the distance. (screeching) They can only see a few feet in front of them with a dimly-lit torch. Eventually, they find a bond with graffiti scrawled across the walls. Something inside lets out a guttural squeal similar to a wild boar. It's a chilling groan enough to make your blood run cold. (screeching) The two boys hide for a few seconds, switching off their torches. You can hear something scratching about behind the wall. For some crazy reason, the boys decide to take a look. Inside the bond, they spot a humanoid creature lurking in the loft. It has a strange pail face with small eyes and a wide nose and bold head. It shrieks at them as they frantically run into the darkness of the night. What could this cryptic creature be? Someone calling in a demon while others are saying it's an alien hybrid that's taken refuge in the abandoned barn. Could this be some kind of animal that somehow evaded human contact until now? This video uploaded to YouTube by user, Panji Petualang, comes from a group that had not set out to record a mysterious creature. In fact, this group had absolutely no intention of capturing video of anything other than frogs the night they went out. Instead the group was in a fortuitous position of having captured video of what they referred to as an alien-like creature. In real time, it's hard to spot the strange creature lurking in the darkness. When slowed down, however, the video shows an odd humanoid creature creeping through the dark of the night. Hunched over, seemingly with claw-like extended, the creature moves at an alarming rate until it's just out of frame. The video uploaders are quick to note that they had not seen the creature in realtime as it was walking through. Shrouded in darkness and on the hunt for frogs, it's easy to see how they could have missed the odd creature until it came time to review the footage. However, once one's attention has been drawn to the creature, its presence is bone-chilling. However, on their way back from releasing a snake towards the end of the video, the video wants viewers that the mysterious creature was about to make another appearance. This time it would not go unnoticed by the frog-catchers. Bravely, the men choose to make a run straight towards the oddly-shaped creature only to find it's too late. The creature was already gone. After the creature makes its escape, the men confer. All of them had seen the creature with a few of them left in shock as to what actually they'd seen. Upon review with the video slowed down, an odd lightly-colored creature is visible in the general direction the men are looking towards. The men chase after it, but it's too late. The seemingly alien-like creature is far too fast for the men and makes its escape before they even get close. Meda Addison had apparently been hearing stories about the scary encounters that others had been having near the Umatilla Reservation in the Pacific Northwest United States. She comments that she's finally getting to hear what everyone else has been talking about as she and a few men walk near the edge of the forest, a terrifying noise suddenly shatters the silence of the night. (haunting laughter) The noise sounds like a burst of loud eerie laughter echoing through the trees. The sound comes every few seconds at irregular intervals. So what could be making such a sound? Commenters have suggested a hyena or coyote, but others insists these animals sound nothing like the laughter in the video. Other suggestions have ranged from Bigfoot to witches haunting the area near the reservation. Meda Addison and her companions tried to mimic the sound to call out the entity, but received no reply. The forest eventually quiets down, but the group is still too frightened to go any further into the woodlands to further investigate the evil laughter. No list of creepy things caught on video would be complete without this piece of chilling footage. Uploaded to Cringey Parkour's YouTube channel in May, 2017, the clip begins as the camera-holder hears a scream coming from inside a sewer pipe and decides to check it out. With only his camera light to guide him, he makes his way deeper and deeper into the darkness. Suddenly he hears another noise that sounds like some sort of distressed or angry animal. - [Man] What the hell? - [Narrator] Cautiously, he calls out, but gets no response. He decides to continue, when out of the darkness, he's confronted by some sort of bizarre creature. At first, the video doesn't seem to have captured anything too scary, as the creature only appears for a brief second. At this point, it would be easy to dismiss the footage is a hoax. However, if you slow the clip down and enhance the light, it becomes apparent that the boy might've actually come face to face with something truly chilling. The creature appears to have long almost insect-like legs and a near-featureless face except for it's piecing white eyes. The camera holder turns and runs towards the exit as the beast can be heard shrieking behind him. Whatever this YouTuber has caught on camera certainly doesn't look like any known animal. Could it perhaps be some sort of cryptid? Without further information, we may never know what is truly lurking in the depths of this sewer drain. Several years ago, a bizarre event was captured on film in Southern Vermont in the United States, several miles north of Green Mountain National Forest. It's a fairly remote area where several locals reported sightings of a strange creature with long limbs. Residents were finding livestock dead in their backyards with puncture wounds on their necks. Chickens and other animals were also vanishing without a trace. Eventually this footage surfaced when two kids said they had an encounter with an alien in a local park. They claimed they were heading home from a party when they heard some strange noises. They took out their phones and this is the footage they captured. From behind a tree, a bizarre long-limbed creature begins to walk across the grass. It has a bulbous black head and slim body. The figure's hind legs look like that of a human, but most strikingly, it uses two front arms to stalk eerily through the park. Initially, the footage was met with skepticism, but the boys are adamant that the footage is genuine and hasn't been tampered with in any way. This clip coupled with the reports of dead livestock sure do make for a chilling conclusion. Could an alien creature really be living in the hills of Southern Vermont. In Carbondale, Pennsylvania, locals have reported sightings of a strange creature lurking in the woods. They say it's a white Bigfoot, six to seven feet tall with shaggy fur covering its entire body. Residents often hear strange noises too, low groans and rustling in trees. In 2008, this video surfaced and quickly went viral. It was filmed by a man who heard noises coming from his yard that backs onto woodland. In the clip, you can see a very strange-looking creature. It pauses for a split second, then darts off into the darkness. It has deep black eyes, a long cone-shaped head, and is covered in white fur. Analysts have noted that this would be very difficult to fake. The figure is unusually tall and has gigantic proportions. It moves quickly despite its large frame and the face contorts and reacts, which couldn't happen if it was simply a mask. It's worth noting that Carbondale was the site for the first underground mine in the US. It's a vast network of deep, dark tunnels. Many believe it's possible that this creature lives deep in the minds and only surfaces to go hunting. In 2017, YouTuber, BEHK-SUHN Production captured some very creepy GoPro footage while out riding his bike. In the video, he can be seen traveling along a bike path when suddenly a mysterious gray creature jumps out in front of him from on top of a wall. He narrowly avoids hitting the creature as he swerves his bike to the right. The YouTube claimed that he actually saw the creature a few seconds before it appears in the video. It was perched above him on the wall and that gave him a few extra seconds to react when it jumped down in front of his bike. Initially, he thought it was just a dog. However, when he reviewed the footage, he realized that he had actually captured something else entirely. If you slow the footage down, you can see that the creature looks like some sort of gray humanoid. However, it's extremely agile and moves more like a cat. Just as it jumps from the edge, it makes a strange noise. The biker stops to see what he almost hit, but by the time he turns around, the creature is gone. What has this biker actually captured on his GoPro? Is this evidence of some sort of cat-like humanoid or is it nothing more than a clever editing job? What do you think this creature could be? The Loch Ness Monster, affectionately known as Nessie, is the most famous aquatic cryptid in the world. However other cryptid sightings in lakes and rivers in other parts of the world suggest that Nessie may have relatives living in bodies of water all around the globe. At the Three Gorgeous Dam Scenic Area, a popular tourist spot in Yichang City, China, a group of visitors captured some seriously freaky footage of what many believe to be a water-based cryptid similar to the Loch Ness Monster. In the viral video posted to Chinese social media site, Weibo, we see the curious cryptid swimming near the top of the water. It moves in a serpentine fashion, similar to that of a snake skimming across the water. Its body is long, dark, and slender, looking much like that of an eel in shape. However, estimates of its size suggests that this creature could be at least 10 feet long and about as thick as an average person's thigh. In addition, viewers have noted that the creature in the video easily swims against the strong current of the river. This indicates that the creature has a strong, powerful body unlike any ordinary eel. There's been a lot of speculation about the creature in this video. Some believe that the creature is an ordinary snake, most likely a Burmese python. This type of snake is common in the area and often grows to the size of the creature in the footage. However, others have pointed out that the ridges on the creature's back and not consistent with the usual appearance of a python, insisting that this footage depicts something far more unusual. This is a curious little clip that apparently shows a real unicorn grazing in a field in England. Unfortunately it's not known where this footage was taken and details of scarce at best. In the distance, you can see what looks like two horses grazing in a field of grass, one brown and one white. However, it becomes obvious that the white horse-like creature has a single horn protruding from its head. For centuries, man has been describing a mythical beast with a single large horn. The ancient Greeks wrote about a legendary animal that could only be tamed by a virgin. Their horns were said to have healing properties and could turn poison into drinkable water. Unicorns are also referenced in the Bible as re'ems, mystical creatures featuring one spiraled horn. It's written that King David wrote a unicorn to heaven to avoid the threat of a lion. Unicorn enthusiasts all around the world are rejoicing claiming that this is the first hard evidence that their favorite beast of legend is actually real. Could this really be a glimpse of the fabled unicorn? Reddit user, Remolade2, took to the internet when they captured two bizarre cryptid sightings on their home CCTV surveillance cameras. Because they live in a remote out of the way location, they don't often see people on their camera footage that they aren't expecting. That fact makes the sightings in these videos even more difficult to explain. The videos show what appears to be a large hulking person wearing an unusual ragged costume waddling around the property. They appear from behind a tractor moving across a dirt path, and then behind some bonds and sheds before disappearing once again. According to the Reddit user who captured the footage, the direction that the bizarre figure came from suggests that it appeared from a large field and not from the road leading to the nearby town, making it even less likely that the figure was a person who wandered onto the property. In addition, it's abnormally large size and bizarre gait make the figure seem to be something other than human. Numerous Reddit users have put forward theories about the footage. Many have suggested that he's probably a wandering homeless man and his bulk is due to numerous layers of clothing to protect him from the cold. Others have pointed out that the figure's garb brings to mind a Perchten or KUH-KAIR-EE ensemble. These are costumes often adorned by those celebrating pagan winter rites and are meant to signify demonic spirits. Other users believe that the figure in the video is being controlled by someone not in the footage almost as if he's possessed and being used as a puppet. They suggest that his feet may not even be touching the ground in the video, indicating that something paranormal is clearly happening. It may not be clear who or what the man, entity, or cryptid in this footage is, but the video is certainly eerie, nonetheless. This clip caught by Rick Grebenik and uploaded to his YouTube channel has caused a stir across the internet. Published in August, 2017, and filmed in an unknown part of the United States, this video seems to show some kind of cryptic creature lurking in a man's backyard. The clip begins with Grebenik ringing a friend and telling him that the weird creature is back. He's placed his iPad against the window and is filming the encounter. In the dimly lit backyard, you can see a bipedal creature lurching towards the house. It wanders around slowly as if sussing the area out. The man on the phone calls the creature demonic and evil and believes it's come from a dense thicket of weeds at the back of the property. At one point, the creature retreats back into the darkness, but it soon returns, this time a bit closer. Grebenik begins to freak out while his friend on the other end of the line sounds as though he's chanting in another language. (speaking faintly off mic) The entity begins to retreat once more, then the phone cuts out. When the video was uploaded, it created significant debate about what the creature might actually be. Many viewers sided with Grebenik and called it demonic, something not of this world,. Others however, noted Grebenik's tone of voice throughout the clip. It doesn't quite fit the emotion that someone might feel if they were really witnessing a demon in their own backyard. - [Man] Oh my God, you should see this thing. Like, oh my God, like a gargoyle. It's like a gargoyle, man. - [Narrator] He's a little freaked out, but mostly okay with it, which seems to suggest that it's all staged. Another portion of commenters thought, perhaps, it was a cryptid of some kind, an animal that is yet to be classified by modern science. So what do you think? Cryptid, demon, or hoax? Love to hear your opinions on this one as well in the comment section below. This found footage star video was posted to a YouTube channel called Slender Truth in 2013. It claims to show a group of boys who were stalked and attacked by a Windigo. In the footage, we see three young boys exploring an abandoned house in an unknown rural setting. They search an old shack that looks like it hasn't been used in years. It's falling to bits, full of rotting floorboards and discarded building materials. When they reach the top floor, an uneasiness begins to build as though the boys are being watched by something. Finally, as they descend the staircase, some kind of monster seems to peer its head into the house. It has long slender fingers and a large grotesque face with deep eyes and a bat-like snout. The footage cuts abruptly, suggesting that this creature attacked the boys. The description of the video claims that this animal is a Wendigo, a beast from native American folklore that is known to be evil with an insatiable bloodlust. The clip has racked up over 11 million views with a lot of viewers simply assuming it's a work of fiction. However, some claim that it's genuine and that these boys have been registered as missing since 2013. Whether that's true or not remains unclear. Bigfoot is not a singular phenomenon. Around the world, amateurs and cryptid hunters alike have captured photos and videos of creatures that resemble the world's most famous cryptid. According to YouTuber, BNO, this footage depicts a Bigfoot relative that's been spotted on a piece of property in the Russian wilderness for centuries. The land has been the property of the same family since the 1700s, passed down for generations. The family has countless tales of spotting the creature scampering about their property. But this particular footage is one of their most compelling pieces of evidence that the Russian Bigfoot is the real deal. In the video, we see a large dark creature running through the dense trees of the forest. The creature is too far away to make out any distinguishing characteristics, but it's clearly too large to be human. In addition, it runs on two legs at an incredible speed, a feat that no known animal would be capable of achieving. Is this evidence of a Bigfoot living in Russia? An even more compelling question might be, has the same Bigfoot been living on the same property since the 1700s. This raises interesting questions about the lifespan of these mysterious cryptids that we may never be able to answer. I'd love to get your thoughts on this fascinating piece of footage in the comment section below. If you want to see another one of our mega-compilations, then check out that link on the top there. Otherwise, this playlist here will keep you entertained for hours and hours. And in the comments section below, let us know whether you're enjoying these longer videos or not. We'd love to get your feedback. And that's it for me. I'll see you all next time.
Channel: Slapped Ham
Views: 4,079,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary videos, creepy videos, monsters caught on camera, monster caught on camera, cryptids caught on camera, cryptid caught on camera, monsters, cryptids, real monsters, real cryptids, scary creatures, strange creatures, creepy creatures, slappedham, slapped ham, monsters compilation, cryptids compilation, monster, cryptid
Id: ddYV3dlSaSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 47sec (3527 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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