The Saga of The Most Epic Rivalry in Gaming History | Scorpion vs Sub-Zero (Full Movie)

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the next match will now begin scorpion resurrected by the sorcerer who among you is worthy of this challenge where is the link way sub-zero he killed my family and clan i will have his head i know it is you kung lao the sheldon monks chose lou kane to represent your order in this tournament i am luke hanks equal that remains to be seen watch and see i accept the challenge never mind the lin quay now you face a shaolin you will regret your impulsiveness you are not yet a warrior listen when your elders speak you could not win this fight i have defeated a challenger shane soon i demand sub-zero you will demand nothing nightwolf your aggression is misplaced what do you know of mine you are not the only one whose people have been victimized but i have found new purpose in serving the spirits i do not cling to the past you no longer seek retribution you dishonor your kind i will honor the memory of my fallen the spirits have forsaken you shaman an impressive start you waste my time sorcerer restraint scorpion you will fight sub-zero soon enough scorpion i understand your desire for revenge but nightwolf is right there are other ways in which you may find peace sub-zero deserves death defeat sub-zero if you must but do not kill him i fear his death will give rise to a more treacherous foe i will have my revenge spare sub-zero's life and i will request that the elder gods return the shirai ryu to the realm of mortals i understand there are benefits to the grand master's plan but his plan goes against the inquiry principles we are lin quay cyrax we will obey the grand master's commands it means giving up our free will our souls it will turn us into scorpion your inferior clan is dead soon you will join them my clan may walk the earth once more a challenge scorpion versus cyrax and sektor your obsession with sub-zero ends here i will have my revenge but i will not kill sub-zero will not or cannot you you are dead you will suffer as they did to hell with your clan i have avenged my family and clan this is your retribution scorpion kill him i i will not he has been beaten have you forgotten what is this [Applause] no [Applause] ugh [Applause] your clan your family foreign no that is not me ouch despite my efforts my vision has come to pass an unfortunate end he once defended earthrealm from the nether realm armies of shinnok and quanchi scorpion will pay for this sub-zero's fate is his own doing his own doing the lin quay have a history of making ruinous choices such as the cyber initiative i am among those speaking out against the grand master's plan surgically transform the lin quay into glorified robots it kills our intuition our instincts did you speak out against the lin quay's participation in this tournament you were invited by shang he pays you to kill earthrealm warriors betraying your own realm i expect better even from an assassin my loyalty is to the grand master victory for shang tsung means the end of earth realm and the lin quay we should stay together tundra assuming your brother's identity will certainly draw attention not all of it welcome you are right smoke but assuming bihan's identity is the best way to honor him let us proceed then sub-zero we should separate our fellow lin quay will not be far behind once our absence is discovered if only they had been more forthcoming with the details of your brother's demise we will find shang tsung he will tell us all he knows if he killed bihan he will die be stealthful as the night and deadly as the dawn i challenge scorpion the murderer of my brother you will bring him before me no one makes demands of the emperor reptile [Applause] i would kill you but that is not my purpose here your followers hold you in high esteem warlord they fight and die for your amusement my brother participated in this folly i do so only to face his killer and you shall what is this you are not sub-zero i am his family and clan i fight for his honor he had no honor that you will die as he did for my brother [Music] who now interrupts the emperor's tournament sub-zero no you cannot save him stay here they will take you as well and what do i gain from granting this bold request the linquay's loyalty and service very well he is yours master hasashi i am grateful that you've come speak your mind i do not wish to linger here you reestablish the shirai raju as i reform the lin kuei we both seek to shed our clan's dark pasts dedicate them to earthrealm's protection our common purpose gives us a chance to end old rivalries to start anew you'll confess what you've long denied that your clan's hands are soaked in shirai ryu blood in the blood of my family our honor is indeed stained please sit after you and i were freed from quan chi's control i sought out my clan i had hoped rebellion from within would have quashed the grand master's plans but sektor had realized his father's vision the lin kuei had been fully cyberized i pledged to kill sektor and his followers reform the lin kuei and restore our honor i am not interested in lin kuei politics sub-zero when i finally killed sektor i discovered the lin kuei had not sacrificed its honor with the cyber initiative we had abandoned it long before [Music] there will be no peace scorpion frost the lin quay are still without honor master hasashi wait for what more treachery i will have your head our story ends here sub-zero what is this i did not bring you here for treachery frost is strong but lacks judgment she cannot see the wisdom of peace i will deal with her you spoke of the lin quay's lost honor for years i had thought you would unfairly blame the lin kuei for the deaths of your family and clan but sector's cyber preserved memories revealed the truth the lin kuei need to abide their agreement sector the grand master gave shinnok his word chinook's currency is lies as is yours payment is due i exterminated the shirai ryu as promised hanzo lives he's your specter scorpion i created scorpion from asashi's soul after he died we observed the agreement the letter not the spirit you are owed nothing satoshi had i known of my clan's complicity in the shirai raju's extinction our history would be different i killed your brother because i thought he is responsible for bihan's death sector was wrong there is a debt to be paid and quan chi will pay it your hearing is failing sub-zero i recognized your footsteps hanzo with sector i will not let him threaten my clan again the old cyber linquay factory was defunct buried beneath this quarry until the time disruption now sectors returned and reactivated it he's building an army by processing lin quay warriors kidnapped from my temple i can see why you need me we could enter through that tunnel but a frontal assault would be here bloody needlessly dangerous there's another entrance less populated and the rest of your plan we get help on the inside so we'll avenge your clan first cyrix is your inside man he was converted against his will if we disable the behavior inhibitors that control him he will turn on sector all cyberlink way are linked to a common network cyrex can shut them down from within who is the woman i don't know focus on disabling cyrax he's the key we require additional candidates for cyberization once delivered how long before the next generation yet after all this you ally with sector he corrupted the lin quay you corrupted our clan when you make peace with this filth with kronecker's help i will restore the lin kuei's honor help cyrex i'll discipline your formal people i should have killed you the day sub-zero invited you to our temple you tried and failed not this time now you die sub-zero can decide your fate the upgrade cyrax is this chronic is doing we defend chronic as she rewrites history so you're nothing but pawns we act to secure the linguai's glory in the new era i'll deal with cyrex never again no one should be a slave [Music] hurry before we face more cyber linkway you'll need a moment to initialize sector show yourself recognize me little brother beyond offers me a new clan to lead vengeance without him you are weak my strength is more than vengeance no he ripped out my heart made me a machine your soul is intact cyrex trust me i speak from experience is that you you look so old scorpions we'll explain later for now know we share the same goal the cyber linguist destruction we need your help cyrax i can disable their communications network it will shut down this factory and every cyberlink connected to it frost warned me that you two become allies i did not think you're capable of such dishonored sub-zero i'll stop sector help cyrex you started this fight selling out your clan so quantity would slaughter mine he should have killed you as he promised now i finish what he could not it is not the end i will find a way to restore you anything is possible hanzo and i are living proof please don't bring me back his machine i can't live like this machine or man you have a war your soul as long as i am grand master the lin quay will welcome you until we meet again those warriors must be headed for chronica's keep agreed but why not use karon's fleet the bridge clearly taxes her power the fleet's bound to caught on it sails only by his command that it's still more suggests he won't help konica in which case he may help us it looks like caught on his home perhaps hosting some unwelcome guests return to earth realm tell the others we found him we'll deploy as soon as i return are you certain karon will aid us no but he's our best chance your shaolin masters they're ready they will fight until the last man that is likely what it will take there will not be a fight if kharan does not help us is there any word from grand master hasashi no if we do not hear soon i will return to the nether realm restored why are you here scorpion where is grand master hasashi he is dead and now you have come to finish us i understand your mistrust but i am here to assist you i find that impossible to believe you can misunderstand my intentions [Music] uh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mitsuownes
Views: 1,442,318
Rating: 4.9198632 out of 5
Keywords: sub-zero vs scorpion, scorpion story, sub-zero story, history of scorpion, history of sub zero, scorpion sub zero rivalry, cutscenes, movie, film
Id: ZUf0ZQ6AIbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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