The Sad Truth About The WNBA

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel and today i'm back with another video this time once again we're gonna talk about the nba excuse me the wnba in the past week didn't keep up the wma finals concluded the chicago sky winning their first championship and with that being the case that was the completion to the 25th season of the wnba and as you guys know when i speak on the wnba and state of the league it gives me no pleasure to point out the sad and obvious truth and with you being an astute sports fan you may be asking what is the sad truth about this league and that my friends is why i'm here today because many sports fans many people in the media they won't say the obvious that being that this league is simply not successful and it will never work in 25 years it's gained very minimal ground the overall sports landscape and in this new era of sports we do have social media but as you guys know twitter and instagram they're not exactly a true representation of sports fans and society at large if you look at those sites alone you would think this league was immensely popular and flourishing but that my friends is not the case and for exhibit a will to the championship celebration of the chicago sky in their hometown of chicago this is the enthusiasm the fans had for this team [Music] now keep that visual in your mind let's look at some nba championship parades in chicago cleveland and some other sports cities those parades are massive with hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in the streets this league had dozens of people in the streets celebrating their win i'm not hitting on the players or accomplishments they definitely do mean something but in the overall grand scheme of sports this league is simply not popular and never has been and one day down the road if man you ever met and you asked me the question what are my thoughts on the wnba i would sum it up in one simple analogy sports at its core is like thanksgiving in the middle you have the turkey that's the nfl on the side you have macaroni and cheese the nba you have potatoes major league baseball you have your collard greens ncaa football and you have your stuffing which is college basketball that is already a pretty big plate in a pack thanksgiving meal and off to the side somewhere in the very deep corners of your house your weird aunt brought kraft macaroni and cheese and not the good kind and look at your sports plate it is already full and already packed and you already have your macaroni and cheese which is the nba so why would you take that out for an inferior version with the wnba craft macaroni and cheese that is my overall point sports in america it's a thanksgiving feast and everyone's plate is already full this league simply has no target market and no big time mass appeal now before the five fans of this league start typing angrily saying i hate women hate basketball hate this league how could i say this let me just point out i am stating the obvious i'm not even going as far as comedians like norm mcdonald the wnba officials expanded to 10 teams this week adding franchises in detroit and washington dc but before you get too excited about the new additions to the league remember all of the players are still women [Laughter] they stink at basketball that's the problem other than that'd be a good you know good game but they're they're all horrible so it makes for a boring game now that is objectively funny but you could classify that as hating on the wnba which in this video i have not done but if you did want to speak about hate and why this league overall it's a pretty bad rap it's because some of its players don't know how to handle success or the limelight i think it was around two years ago andre kudala had a very innocuous tweet complimenting one of their players and mentioning their number the player's response was absolutely insane and unhinged now that right there is exhibit a and how not to handle getting some attention now in exhibit 2 how you handle that situation is like matthew judon of the new england patriots the tweet he responded to didn't even mention his number it simply mentioned him by his sleeve color which was red and believe it or not he didn't freak out and go ate for someone not knowing his name little insignificant things like that get caught in the media cycle they stay in people's heads and they have that bitter feeling of the wnba also one thing this year was pretty comical is that some teams got kicked out of their arenas for music events and disney on ice that is the state of this league in 2021 its 25th season and keep in mind this is really heavy back up in the players with millions of followers and that right there once again shows social media is not real life based on social media this league is actually kind of popular as nba players who have millions of followers routinely shout this league out and speaking of nba players can we once and for all kill the wage gap argument from both these leagues the nba is a billion dollar business a wnba is in the red when it comes to revenue and probably one of the best sports graphics i've ever seen is comparing sue bird to lebron james both these players are nba veterans they played 17 years and won four championships now lebron james makes 37 million and sue bird makes 215 thousand and lebron's bonus winning the finals is bigger than subaru's entire salary and for anyone in the comments who thinks this comparison is apples to apples i honestly want to hear your reasoning and your logic behind that comparing lebron james the nba to sue bird and her league it's like comparing middle school basketball to the 92 dream team there's simply no comparison to be made so at the core of this video and my argument this league when it comes down to it will never be successful and never have mass appeal and trying to force fans to watch this league simply won't work and most times in life if someone puts something on you they're relentless and they keep hammering at home after you said no repeatedly eventually down the line you'll have resentment towards that person in this case that person is the wnba now that right there's my final thoughts please go crazy in the comments do you agree with me do you disagree i feel like we have this talk once a year and most of times we're saying the same things so hopefully in this video i brought something new you actually learned something about this league its overall popularity now with that being said thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed it well first season the wnba is considering several changes to improve the level of play in the league next year among the proposals extending the playoffs increasing salaries bringing back the three-point line and replacing all the female players with guys
Channel: Uncut Hoops
Views: 362,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicago sky, wnba, bus, wnba finals, sad reality, sad truth, women's basketball, candace parker, champions, championship, parade, nba
Id: n7ptOp32Feg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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