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[Music] put your hands together and give him praise thank you for coming it's good to have you in the house of prayer for all nations and those of you online thank you for tuning in we are thankful to god for every one of you with our hands lifted up all over the place say heavenly father thank you for loving kindness for tender message we register gratitude to you for loving kindness for your tender message for how far you've brought us thank you for not giving us up to death thank you for divine escapes thank you for divine preservations and exemptions from consequence in the name of jesus now let yokes be broken let james be destroyed let burdens be lifted let the word of the lord have a free course let the holy ghost have his way like never before in the name of jesus we release the atmosphere we free the atmosphere let god arise in the midst of us let his enemies be scattered in jesus name put your hands together and give him praise you may be seated in heavenly places good to have you in church to all of you thanks for coming and to our sister emma i'm a godfrey we thank god for you and the entire family and friends and loved ones that are here thank you for some time now i've been seeking the lord to have understanding and clarity about some issues trying to make sense of some unanswered questions and what we call a stubborn situation situations and circumstances that seems like they won't change or they are refusing to change and the other night i prepared a message on whispering whisperings because anytime there there's an election you hear a lot of whisperings going on especially these days of social media a lot of whisperings even about the corona virus the other day a lady came to me for prayer and she was trampling and she was going to go to europe and the papa you know corona the corona it it moves around you know and i say but he doesn't live in the church and she was talking to me about her concerns about coming to church because of the corona and i said but you are going to sit in a plane for six hours to europe and then seven to eight hours to america how about that staying in the air for that long and you don't have the church and she said papa you are right i'll come to church when i come back you know but it's all based on whisperings whisperings a lot of whisperings going on and even the signs are confused themselves today they say this tomorrow they say this next time they say airborne so even if you are your compound it can come through the wall if you shut your airport it can come through and the borders and all that it don't make sense but i think the end of the day is it's a matter of one faith in god having faith in god that the god that protects you whether you stay home or you go to town or you go to work or church that god that protects you at home can protect you anywhere you got to have that faith because if you don't for the next two to three years you probably may just have to stay where you are not move but the judge shall live by his faith and anything done without faith is same so you want to have faith but as i saw the lord the lord began to deal with me and i was strongly convicted and the lord said that my son you and my children you are not praising me that all i'm hearing is complaints complaints complaints you are complaining about everything your prayers are full of complaints there is no thanksgiving you are not praising me where are my praises and i started thinking and i said lord i'm sorry i repent forgive me and i realize that it's true that we're not praising god we are binding we are losing we are praying we are complaining we are talking about everything we are afraid we are being careful about everything but the one thing we are not doing is praising the lord we are not praising him for his goodness for his message and for everything he has brought us through i've seen and prayed for people in this house home and abroad people who consensus foreign who were positive and did not die and then everything shut down through prayers and faith they revived and came back went to church gave thanksgiving i have to send tips and things to rejoice with them to thank god and if i see the things god has done for whatever reason it looks like we are just focusing on the negative things that the things that are wrong the things that are not right the prayers that have not been answered the challenges that are still there and the things god has god hasn't yet done but we are not focusing and praising him and thanking him for what he has done all we keep doing is complaining about what he hasn't done not giving thanks for the things done focusing on all the things that are wrong in our society and not thanking god for the things that are right and good in this country and in our very life everything is negative and bad and negative and bad and the lord said hey you are not praising me and my people are not praising me i've done a lot for you and my people but you're not giving me thanks all i keep hearing is complain complain complain complain and whispering a memory and whispering a memory and god appalls it and i have repented i hope and trust that through this teaching you will also repent and have a better attitude towards god and one of the reasons why we must praise him is the fact that when you know what god is capable of doing and you come before him first of all you acknowledge him for who he is and what he can do when you go to see mr president of this nation or any nation you don't just walk in there anywhere anyhow and say say we have a request we need your help you go and you follow protocol your excellency you don't just start then just coming you are requesting something you come in acknowledge the office acknowledge who he is address him and follow protocol give respect and honor then you sit down and then conversation begins in the midst of the conversation you then ask or appeal or petition that mr president we need your favor we need your intervention i want to see social and so minister and we are told that it is your power to do this or to do that for us it is the way we come before him and for whatever reason he looks like we are programmed to complain about everything to be critical of everyone and everything and even ourselves and we don't have an attitude of gratitude it's like nothing is enough we complain and complain remember and and that has a way of good putting god out so i'm first of all repenting yes number one i'm repenting for not praising god as it is required and expected of me and i'm asking you to repent and also you need to repent double times double repentance come with me i'm teaching on the sacrifice or praise the sacrifice of praise praise in times like this is a sacrifice yeah it's a sacrifice because it's difficult to praise god when things are tough difficult like the times we live in it's very easy not to praise god yeah it takes sacrifice to praise god it takes a sacrifice to be a giver to tide to share what you have with others because in difficult times we become self-centered and selfish everyone is thinking about themselves and personal survivor survival of the fittest but that is not how it works with god for god in difficult and in trying times he requires of you and i to praise him because with god nothing shall be impossible and with god all things are possible and he said i am the lord god of our flesh is there anything too hard for me yeah it's difficult to believe these things when a particular situation keeps staring at you i call them stubborn situation yeah things refuse to change more story doesn't matter what you do it's like nothing seems to be working out for you how do i praise god when i am down when the oughts are against me how do i praise god when i'm rejected and forsaken despised mocked out when i'm like public radical and when the very people you've helped and empowered becomes tools in the hands of the enemy to afflict you and turn at you how do i praise god how do i keep giving tighten doing what is required of me when everything is against me that is why it's a sacrifice it's a weapon that is required that can turn your captivity around when you give god praise in the midst of the trials in the midst of the difficulty it gives god authorization to step out of eternity into time and to turn the tables in your favor and to turn the tithes in your favor somebody put your hands together and say praise the lord hallelujah as difficult as it might be may i submit to you ladies and gentlemen hearing the sound of my voice no matter where you are that praise is a necessary requirement or tool or weapon in difficult and in trying times that turns things in your favor and has a way to silence the voice of your accusers and has a way to rebuke demons and evil and the adversary somebody put your hands together and give him praise praise simply means i know you are capable you are capable i know you have what it takes to turn the tides in my favor i know you can turn my mourning and grieve into dancing i know you are still the god of good times and the god of bad times i know you are the god of the mountain and the god of the valley i know you are the god of the night and the god of the day yeah praise means to allah in the midst of all the difficulties against every ought and contradiction i know my god is able like job said i know my redeemer liveth i know my redeemer leave it so irrespective of what i feel praise is not about what you feel is about what is required praise is about knowing who your god is that even if it doesn't come true for you when you want him to come through for you that he's still god and he's still capable yeah and he requires of us to praise him because ladies and gentlemen god has done so much for you and i and a lot of us are silenced about it sitting on it and having been thankful and giving him praise and there are serious consequences for that come with me to psalm 50 and verse 23. psalm 50 and verse 23 whoso offereth praise glorifies me how many of you want to glorify god come on somebody you want to glorify him no matter how you feel who you are where you are god says whenever you praise me you glorify me and you are setting your conversation right and therefore i will show you my salvation salvation here means deliverance psalm 91 verse 16 he said he will satisfy you with long life and show you his salvation so ladies and gentlemen there is something about praise that when you praise him when you praise him you compel him to show you his salvation because praise is glorifying him and god deserves to be praised he deserves our praises he deserves to be glorified and he said anytime you praise me you glorify me and so don't deny him of the pleasure of his glory for he deserves it you and i were created for his pleasure and whenever we hold back praise we deny him of pleasure who can put your hands together and give god some glory glorify him there is something about praise that it glorifies god you know i was telling them i was telling them in the first service that when the assange is working there are these ladies who have been trained and they've been trained in a special way and they know how to speak the accolades of the king and they know exactly the words they order their conversation right and when the two four is walking they say things like this those words and sayings as soon as the king sits down he calls your child and says who is that lady there he says give her a land give a land god is worthy of our praise and praise is a necessary demanding requirement of you and i of our king and of our maker that irrespective of what's going on god said i deserve your praises many are dead these are trying times in the history of humanity i know things because of the office i occupy i know things i hear things that i don't even discuss with my wife because what i do doesn't permit me to discuss everything sometimes you ask me what are you discussing what's going on who is that what was that i said nothing he said every time he's nothing i say yes it's nothing if if i have to tell you i'll tell you but i don't have to amen so i know things and and sometimes you can appreciate what god has done for you if you know the stories of others the sorrows and the pains of others you'll be thankful for who you are what you have and where you are sometimes we look at others and we want to be like them if only you know what's going on in their life you will thank god for who you are where you are and you never want to be like others come on somebody you don't have to have what others have to give towns whose soul who saw offers praise glorified me today let's repent of grumbling memory and complaining being critical of everything and over everybody i have come to a place where i have decided that i'm not going to worry myself about too many things and i'm going to overlook too many things there are too many things i just overlook them and i won't pay attention because whatever you pay attention to will give you direction when you give the devil direction attention he will give you direction and i refuse to give the devil and negative things attention i don't want the devil to determine my direction in life so it's not like i don't see and i don't hear i see and i hear a lot of things but i've also decided that i am not going to give my attention to some things let's move on to psalm 22 3 psalm 22 verse 3 but thou art holy although that inhabited the praises of israel what does it mean by thou art holy this word doubt at holy means but thou art different you are different from other gods you are unique you are outstanding you are our son you blow my mind i stand in all of you you cannot nobody can be compared with you you live in your own world you sit on the circles of the earth you came out of eternity into time to decree and to declare and to reveal yourself and you say let there be light and there was life and you said to the waters of the earth gather yourself at one geographical location and you place a perpetual decree on the waters that the waters may not come into town and it was so who is like unto thee excellence in praise fearful in battle come on somebody put your hands together and say yes you inhabit the praises of your people there is something about magnifying and praising god that he comes and he dwells among us through our praise yeah we enthrone him as king of all kings and as lord of lords and as the almighty he's a bible he's greater than all and when we praise him he comes and dwells among us and in his presence is fullness of joy you want real joy you want to be free from depression anxiety and oppression and grief ladies and gentlemen learn to praise him irrespective of how you feel it doesn't matter the other day the young prophet said he said when i fall rejoice not over me my enemy for i will rise again and he said when i sit in darkness rejoice not over me for the lord is a light unto me are you hearing me somebody don't let your circumstances determine your praise that's why we call it the sacrifice or praise i'm praising you even though i don't feel like it i don't feel like it i don't want to if i have my way i don't want to say anything i just want to be quiet i just want to sleep but god said it is in those times and moment when you don't feel like it that i require of you to acknowledge that i am still god it is in those times and moment that i need you to open your mouth and i need you to recognize who i am and what i'm capable of because price is a statement that you and i make that i know that you are able and capable of changing my situation and you will it doesn't matter how long it takes like joe said i know that my redeemer lives do you know that he's capable when you come before somebody and you know that the person is capable of doing something about your situation you don't just come first with requests you come by acknowledging the facts of who the person is and the fact that they have what it takes to make a difference and capable doubt that inhabit the praises of your people come with me to isaiah no to some 100 to some 100 and verse 4 enter into his gates with thanksgiving enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise and into his counts we pray be thankful unto him bless his name be thankful the word thankful means be be grateful be grateful have an attitude of gratitude it is said that every success we achieve in life irrespective of your background and the color of your skin or the school you attended that twelve and a half percent of the success we achieve in life is a result of knowledge we acquire by education skill and iq twelve 12.5 and 87.5 of the success we achieve in life is a result of the right attitude somebody say attitude so attitude is everything i know people who are so educated and have a bad attitude and their attitude disqualifies them very good but have a bad attitude and therefore they don't go anywhere and i know people who don't have what others have but because they have the right kind of attitude they go far in life everything has to do with attitude put your hands together and thank god for attitude enter his gates with thanksgiving don't just come before him with request request give me give me give me give me give me that is a selfish way of thinking and living but when you come before him recognize who he is and that is god all by himself and that he can do anything whether he does it or not you see the three hebrew young men had the right kind of attitude they said we know that our god is able to deliver and he will and if even he decides not to deliver we will still not compromise but we know that our god is able to deliver and he will you praise him when you know what he's capable of doing we complain too much we complain about everything we complain about god we complain about country we complain about government we complain about opposition we complain about ourselves we are critical about everything is there any good thing about god is there any good thing about country is there any good thing about you with all the wrong about this country do you know how many people have been saved from this coronavirus very important people that i know of that have been flown into this country and have been saved can we be thankful for one thing how many things do you give thanks of how many things do you thank god of what are your time to lose is there anything you are thankful of with all the bad and the negative things can you acknowledge one or two things about your husband your wife your father your mother or your children or your loved one your sibling to say i give thanks to god for this or for that or for this or for that why is it all bad things why is everything just gloom and bad and dark and naked i dare you to change the narrative you can't come before him without thanksgiving you can't enter his gate at the door into his presence you don't come in there without praise you coming there by acknowledging who he is you speak well of him and that gives you access into the presence and the reason why so many people are depressed oppressed and grieving down in life is because they haven't learned to be thankful they haven't learned to praise him i dare you to praise him come with me to isaiah 60 and the 18 verse isaiah 60 and the 18 verse vowels shall no more be head in thy land you have to mark that one i love that one because we hear the voice of violence and the voice of threatenings and the voices of intimidation and the voice of distraction yeah even in countries like america we are hearing the voice of civil war unrest all kinds of things in this election here we hear all kinds of voices of violence destruction fears intimidation threatenings but go ahead read it again violence shall no more be head in thy land violence shall no more behead in thailand do you believe it and there is something that brings the fulfillment of this scripture it is in when we praise him that it removes violence from our land that our land becomes a place of delight go ahead wasting no destruction within thy bodies no more wastage or destruction within our borders let that be vanquished from our borders say amen go ahead but those are called by world's salvation your world shall be called salvation deliverance and thy gifts praise and thy gate praise let the gates of this nation become praise are you hearing me somebody that we will become a people that speaks well of god that allows our atmosphere to be conducive for progress conducive for investment conducive for outsiders and for people and for strangers and for citizens of the country to prosper and do well within their own land die walls shall be called salvation and your gaze shall be called praise put your hands together for that philippians 6 philippians 4 6-7 be careful for nothing he said be unsure for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving but in everything by prayers supplication what is the request the request is whatever is bothering you yeah you want god to do something about a situation that consents you a son a daughter a loved one a wife a husband a country your business investment finances or health he said before you bring the request before him after you prayed and made a supplication before the request before you ask god of anything new first give thanks recognize who he is acknowledge the fact that he's capable to do something about it so praise him give him thanks tell him i know you are capable i know you have what it takes i know you can change the situation i know you are a game changer i know you can turn the tables in my favor it doesn't matter what is against me i know in whom i have believed and i believe god i believe god that it shall be unto me even as it has been spoken unto me it doesn't matter how bad the circumstances looks like ladies and gentlemen weeping and do yours for the night but joy comes in the morning are you hearing me somebody put your hands together and give god some praise it doesn't matter sometimes it looks like your enemies are always winning it's not true time changes the other day david said in psalm 3 he said why have they prospered and flourished that resents me or hates me how come they are doing well that are against me and it looks like everything is against me then david said in psalm 3 he said they didn't just resent me or despise me they didn't just mock me but they had the audacity to even say that there is no help or hope for me that means god even god can help me but you see the bible said thanks be to god who make it us to triumph always by christ jesus always not every now and then but always by christ jesus and david said though they have said there is no hope for me and it looks like they are doing so well and i'm despised looked down upon rejected and forsaken and it looks like nothing is working out for me david came to the conclusion and said i'm going to praise you and this was his praise he said for that for thou o lord had a shield about me psalm 3 what is happening to my people on the screen psalm 3 thou o lord have a shield about me my glory and the lift turn up of my head put your hands together at somebody and thank god thou o lord had a shield about me my glory and the lift turn up of my head the other day david said he said i have seen the wicked i've seen the ungodly and the wicked like a great mighty tree with many wings have everything they can think of many years ago i had a friend of mine in an african country i won't mention the name and he took me to his master bedroom and he pressed a button by the wall and a cabinet just opened and every currency of the world you can think of was there from top to down and all these expected rings and shoes and everything and i said i want to i said why did you bring why are you showing me this he said i want you to know who you are dealing with and when he said that i lost respect for him and i vowed in my heart that i would deal with him but i would never ask him of a dime until the day he died he would fly to ghana with his private jet to see me and i never asked him for a dime even though i needed help and money i never asked him for a dime and one day i was with him and the wife and he said you know before you came in me and my wife we were just talking that how come we have blessed everyone you have introduced to us to preach in our church but we've never done anything for you and i said because you are not my source you are not my source god is my choice yeah i have learned by experience that when you share your need with people who are capable of helping you they choose rather to despise you and to look down upon you but god does not despise us he doesn't look down on us the bible says cast all your cast on him for he cares for you so thanksgiving gives us access into his presence and thanksgiving is an attitude praise is an attitude it's an attitude of gratitude required of us at all times as we go ahead you'll see something come with me to psalm 30 psalm 30 verse 11 and 12. thou stand for me my mourning into dancing you've turned my mourning or grief into dancing psalm 126 the bible says and when the lord turned again our captivity we were like them that dream i prophesy to somebody right now i don't know who i'm talking to but i see the lord turning your grief and turning your mourning into dancing somebody is about to dance one of these days if you believe it put your hands together say yes you know the other day david the king was dancing before the lord and his wife michaia was very embarrassed and upset with david and when he came home she met him with a critical spirit and began to despise him and say what is wrong with you don't you know that you are a king don't you understand protocol that kings don't act this way why did you expose yourself to the daughters of israel who are you trying to impress this is wrong and david said my darling number one understand that i was a shepherd boy at the back side of the desert and the lord took me from nothing to something from nowhere to somewhere from nobody to somebody and give me your father's throne and he said however let me make it clear to you that i wasn't dancing before the daughters of israel i was dancing before the lord and i would dance before him again and the lord smote mikaya swoon with barriness and she was the only woman in the bible who died buried because she despised one that was dancing before the lord today we don't dance before the lord we are uptight we are too much into ourselves we are very sensitive about what people think of us than what god think of us too much self-centered into ourselves but i dare you from today to stop thinking and worrying about people around you hear me i will show you who is required to worship or to praise the lord one and number two who does not praise the lord two categories of human being on earth there's a category of people and things including animals that is required to praise him and there's another category that does not praise him at all or cannot prison let's look at the bishop psalm 115 17 the dead praise psalm 115 verse 17. look at it the dead praise not the lord neither any that go down into silence ladies and gentlemen if you are one i don't care argument may be you can justify it however you want to but is that death that praise not the lord that means if you are alive and you can't praise the lord according to scripture you are dead only the dead cannot praise the lord if you are alive this morning will you please put your hands together and praise the lord amen let's see the next thing that praises the lord bishop 150 verse 6 psalm 150 verse 6 psalm 115 verse 6 look let everything that have breath praise the lord let what everything lead what everything including the beast of the field everything that has what breath do you have breath do you know how many people are fighting for breath and oxygen throughout this lockdown i have prayed for people fighting for breath and for oxygen taking off the machine and they'll call and say papa she can't breathe he can't breathe they are putting him or her back on the machine and i said it's okay he'll be fine just had a text on someone say papa i'm off the machine that i can breathe now you don't know what i know and you are sitting here breathing free yeah free breath you are breathing free [Music] you don't need oxygen you don't need ventilator machine and you can't open your mouth and praising and all you are doing is complaining complaining complaining about everything that is wrong if i were you i will open my mouth and say thank you lord at least for life thank you that i'm still here come on somebody say yes that has word do what thou hast turned my morning into dancing you turned my morning into dances i was put off my sackcloth put up my sackcloth my grief and gathered me with gladness get that me with gladness to the end that my glory may sing praises to thee to the end of my glory my tongue my tongue my tongue is your glory my tongue may sing praises unto you and not be silent and not be silent oh lord my god i will give thee thanks i will give thee thanks for gratitude and appreciation forever forever a lot of you are keeping silent mr sound man you are in big trouble i will not keep silent i will not be silent do you know how many people are silent of what god has done for you god has been good to you delivered you protected you shielded you from what killed others and you can't open your mouth you are silent of god's goodness in your life even if you don't want people to know about it can't you write your testimony and send it to leadership through the protocol people i said i don't want my name to be mentioned but i want to share the testimony of what god has done for me years ago when my father's house and there was this lady that was so blessed and she told a friend of us i don't want the church and papa to know that i'm blessed uh if i if i tight the correct way do you know how blessed i am i don't want anybody to know that i've been blessed and sometimes people go to the extent that they don't even want god to know how much god has blessed them they don't want god to know that god has blessed them [Music] that is how foolish we can be someone hey don't let papa know don't let anybody you got to hide it if you do the correct thing everybody will know you are blessed but we don't mind when we are doing things for ourselves and for what we care about but when it comes to the house of god or the work of god we don't want anybody to know how blessed we are he said i will not keep silent i will not be silent about it i will talk about his goodness i will say it upon the mountains and the valleys are you hearing me somebody i will not withhold what is due god in his house i will not act ungrateful i will not be ungrateful i will not act as if god hasn't done anything for me i will not sit on the testimony i will not be silent and sit on god's goodness some of you god have been so good and kind to you your family and your loved ones and you act as if god is dead you act as if god hasn't done anything for you and yet you are sitting on the blessings and the goodness of god and others don't know about it and others don't know what god has done for you do something new yesterday is gone another day i can do something good new in my life do something new in my life you want something new what have you done and said about that something new he did yesterday every day something new and yet you are silent about it you don't give testimony you withhold you hold back you haven't done anything for the house of god let me show you a scripture that will blow your mind second chronicles 32 24 and 25. i'll show you i'll show you something about a king in the bible who was supposed to die and he turned to god and petitioned god and god spared his life and after that god spent his life and he did not die he was so arrogant and god was not pleased with him he was silent about god's goodness and god was angry with him and the country look at it in those days hezekiah was sick unto the death and prayed unto the lord and he spoke unto him and he gave him a sign but if the car rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him for his heart was lifted up his head he became arrogant therefore there was wrath upon him you see none of us hear me those of you sitting here i've seen people who made vows in this house people make a vow when they're in trouble god if you do this for me if you heal me if you change the situation if i get my promotion if my son or my daughter passed the exam or if you change this and do that i will do this and i'll do that and as soon as god does what he has to do they forget and they act very arrogantly i see god has never done anything for them and they forget their vows they forget they forget and they begin to act as if they are everything and they despise others look down on people think they are the best there are women who cry unto god for a husband and as soon as they marry they mistreat and mishandle are cooks they are drivers the security and people who help them in the house very very arrogant don't treat people nicely that is the spirit of vashti and esther will take your place it's just a matter of time yeah you are not nice to anybody because you think you are madame you are forgotten that once upon a time you were a single woman and you were lonely and you had nobody even in winter [Music] sweating in winter sweating in the snow in the snow now you are madame you are forgotten and you miss the gentleman a hustler today you've become somebody honorable yeah you have arrived you will return people's call you disrespect everybody you dishonor everybody not because you are better than anybody but just because god has saved you and you have something others don't have and you think you have arrived nobody has everything it's just a matter of time when one of these days you realize that what you have is not enough that others have something you don't have god didn't give all to everybody yeah others have something you don't have and you have what others don't have and a time comes and become a time in all of our lives when you will need something and you will need somebody and on that day you will realize that it is not worth being hunted and proud for his heart was lifted up therefore of god came on him on judah and on jerusalem affected everything that concerns him and that is what happens now when god is angry with us it's not just about you it affects everything that concerns you he was to die and he pleaded with god and god said 15 more years you can live and he had forgotten that but for god he would have died and he started being arrogant and did not give thanks according to what god has done there are people who never give thanks to god according to the measure of the blessing somebody came to my office the other day and said papa papa today is my birthday i want you to pray for me but i brought something something something small just something little be picky to baby look of you and i said do i look like you and does god look like the big wavy and i said if you are coming you don't have anything no problem i will still pray for you i will still bless you but don't come here and say be picky to a bee i'm my kituah and it's your god ki to abi i said stop that hypocrisy ghanaians are like that we call it humility is not is hypocrisy yeah we don't want people to know how blessed we are we are always hiding in the name of humility it is not humility is hypocrisy because when it comes to what we do for ourselves and things we care about we go all the way out but when it comes to god it's always no confuse no could be beautiful something small stop those hypocrisy if you are praising him praise him if you are glorifying god glorify him come on somebody yeah i think my time is up i'm going to stop here we'll continue we'll continue another time i don't think i can finish today so i'm not going to push it amen all right let me just stop here because of time we'll continue [Music] please stand please down lift up your heart we bless the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] peace one more time everybody now [Music] is [Music] you know on wednesday out there in the garden i want us to spend 45 minutes to just praise him and worship him asking nothing asking nothing yeah actually nothing when a husband does something for the wife without expecting anything she goes out of her way to show gratitude whenever a wife gets up in the morning and she's singing praise the lord praise the lord the lord [Music] there's a reason when a wife gets up in the morning and she's making breaks from the kids and she's breaking the pots and the plates and telling you look at your face like your father and everything there's a reason when a husband goes to work and calls the wife and sends flowers and callers cannot pick you up for lunch there is a reason [Music] to every action there is a reaction if you want the reaction from heaven learn how to praise the lord come on somebody put your hands together and say thank you thank you thank you lord thank you hallelujah look at me it's not about feelings it's not about how you feel it's not about what's going on around you it's about who he is and it's about what he requires of you and i it's not about feelings it's not about what is right or wrong it's about what is right and what is required it is never too late to do what is right so today we have to close because of time for the third service and the fourth service but i want everybody today stop withholding stop keeping silent about the things god has done learn to open your mouth don't say well i'm praising god in my heart you don't praise him in your heart it begins from your heart and it must come out of your mouth all the praises of god and all the weapons of warfare and attacks all has to do with our mouth the enemy speaks out of his mouth revelation 16 13 and we speak out of our mouth everything comes out of the mouth as we go ahead i will show you out of the man out of the mouth of babes and succulents have now established strength through praise to silence the adventure it's all about your mouth and what comes out of it may the high pressures of god come out of our mouth from today and irrespective of the way we feel let us learn to give thanks and to praise him for our triumph is in praise we triumph when we praise him irrespective of how we feel listen i don't feel like praising god sometimes i don't even feel like preaching but life is not about feelings it's not about feelings we don't do what we want and like to do we do what is required of us that we don't want to do it is in doubt we see the glory of god please lift up your offerings your first fruits your tides your seed [Music] blessed be the name of the lord the name of the lord is a strong tower a righteous running and they are safe all over this place it's time to stop withholding it's time to keep silent it's time to stop keeping silent in the name of me i'm a very quiet person in the name of i'm a private person who is not private we are all private so stop all this privacy respect my what kind of privacy hypocrisy learn to open your mouth learn to give thanks learn to do things for god and the house of god show appreciation show gratitude let your work speak for you today stop holding back stop being silent of what god has done in your life write testimonies send stand into leadership let's rejoice with you and celebrate this goodness in your life to lift up others amen let's lift it up another spray your tithe your offerings just lift it up before the lord first fruit any seed you have today say by my seat today i expressed my gratitude unto god for the gift of life and for the power to get wealth in the name of jesus amen the rest will follow our gratitude is essential [Music] so [Music] nicholas duncan williams ministry presents issachar discerning the times in recognition of rosh hashanah the jewish new year with prayer worship and the prophetic led by the apostle of strategic prayer archbishop nicholas duncan williams along with guest speakers prophet victor cussy bronte prophet ajimon prampei prophet prince elijah jose this is a virtual experience on facebook youtube and archbishop nick on social media handles kicking off friday at 7 pm september 18th and running through saturday september 19th at 5 p.m live events will be held at action chapel prayer cathedral in accra ghana get registered now at [Music] we thank god for this opportunity to fellowship together with each other and with the lord if elijah by prayer could stop the elements stop being and command reign to come what sin in your life is so powerful that by prayer you cannot fight against it every one of you who wants to experience the power of god you must have an hour of incense for your life that is possible that is true that is what it should be on behalf of the archbishop nicholas william to welcome you to tonight's [Music] discussion [Music] prayer is not only an open door to fellowship with god it's an invitation to see things from a heavenly perspective it can change the course of your life the life of your family and even your nation in archbishop nicholas duncan williams through the greatest believers of all time like abraham and men of god in history like the 19th century john knox prayer moves god comes with a summary at the end of every chapter it's a great discussion book for small groups or bible studies that will challenge and enrich any believer's passion and effectiveness when they pray get ready to take one of the greatest journeys of your life [Music] your collective acts of love strengthened and comforted us it's a saying goodbye to my late husband was difficult for me but the beautiful funeral service made it easier for us to start healing thank you church for your support that is from mrs ama girlfriend can we have them go for it please family please stand put your hands together let's thank god for seeing them through the bible says in nahum chapter one and verse nine that affliction shall not rise a second time hallelujah normally we bring them forward but since they are together there's no need bringing all of them forward please stretch your hands towards them second corinthians chapter one verses three and four the god you and i say is a god of all comforts let's read it blessed be god even the father of our lord jesus christ the father of messi's and the god of all comfort verse 4 who comforted us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted by god of god please stretch your hands towards them and let us pray father we pray for this precious family your hand has been with them you've kept them you've protected and preserved them throughout oh god the services of the celebration so god to honor the memory of your servant now we commit them unto you that you will hide them from the enemy let the heavens be opened over them give them reason to celebrate again we shut the door to the enemy and seal every crack and opening in the name of jesus may the lord protect and preserve you in jesus name amen [Music] let's great the family has a thanksgiving offering unto the lord thank you so much you may please be seated thank you very much before we bring the meeting to a close we want to turn our attention quickly to the screen for some other housemen please stand your source for the action of marriage we publish for the first time the bands of marriage between brother stephen prayer is not only an open door to fellowship with god it's an invitation to see things from a heavenly perspective it can change the course of your life the life of your family and even your nation in archbishop nicholas duncan williams new book prayer moves god you'll learn some of the most powerful prayers in scripture through the greatest believers of all time like abraham and men of god in history like the 19th century john knox prayer moves god comes with a summary at the end of every chapter it's a great discussion book for small groups or bible studies that will challenge and enrich any believer's passion and effectiveness when they pray get ready to take one of the greatest journeys of your life nicholas duncan williams ministry presents issachar discerning the times in recognition of rosh hashanah the jewish new year with prayer worship and the prophetic led by the apostle of strategic prayer archbishop nicholas duncan williams along with guest speakers prophet victor kussi brought in prophet ajimon prampei prophet prince elijah osei this is a virtual experience on facebook youtube and archbishop nick on social media handles kicking off friday at 7 pm september 18 and running through saturday september 19th at 5 pm live events will be held at action chapel prayer cathedral in accra ghana get registered now at [Music] we thank god for this opportunity to fellowship together with each other and with the lord if elijah by prayer could stop the elements top being and command reign to come what sin in your life is so powerful that by prayer you cannot fight against it every one of you who wants to experience the power of god you must have an hour of incense for your life that is awesome that is true yeah i guess exciting now that is what it should be on behalf of the ag bishop nicholas williams we welcome you to tonight's discussion i'm anybody who wants to give their life to jesus and anybody who wants to be a member of this church please come forward thank you very much please come [Music] are we glad he came please help them maintain the social distance as they come in front don't crowd them thank you very much [Music] thank you we welcome each and every one of you on behalf of our papa the archbishop who you had a few minutes ago and we pray that this week will be the beginning of your weeks of miracle may god do something new in your life this is action chapel prayer cathedral a place where divinity meets with humanity and we pray that god will do you good in jesus name for those who want to give their lives to jesus just pray this quick prayer with us church can we give them a support and those of you online on wherever you are joining us from you want to give your life to jesus pray this in jesus today as my lord in jesus name amen simple prayer god has had you jesus has come into your heart we have numbers on your screen please call those numbers the people waiting to guide you and for those of you here may the lord strengthen and and keep you in jesus and please follow my pressure sister she has some information for you and then you'll come back please go with all of you please go with that please go over there thank you very much are we glad they came let's show them some gratitude shall we please stand thank you very much let's worship as we invite our papa to [Music] please [Music] [Music] is [Music] your is lifted up all over this place please declare with me say in the name of jesus i will not keep silent of his praises of his goodness of his blessings and miracles in my life i will not withhold any more what belongs to god in his house and i declare furthermore by the blood of jesus that me and my house that me and all that concerns me not one of us will be victim of coronavirus in the name of jesus corona virus we are not part of your victims we will not be casualties or victims of this virus we will not be infected by any means we will be among the remnants that remains after coronavirus is long gone will still be here among the living and not the dead if you believe it put your hands together if you believe it put your hands together and say yes now one more prayer we want to declare numbers 31 49 that there will be no loss of anyone that concerns us home or abroad that no one will die prematurely that there will be no loss of any life as we take stock of all the men and women of this house of your house those who consent you your sons your daughters your grandchildren your wife your husbands those who consensus home or abroad wherever they are at school whoever they are we will not suffer loss of anyone we decreed by the blood of jesus that they will be preserved in the air or landing on water if you agree with me just put your hands together and just agree with me that there will be no loss of any precious one of any loved one of a husband a wife a son a daughter grandchildren or anyone that concerns us we will not no father will bury their children no mother will bury their children no grandfather or mother will bury their grandchildren or a loved one if you believe that put your hands together and agree with me that there will be no loss a thousand shall fall by our side ten thousand on our right hand it shall not come near us only with our eyes we will see the reward of the wicked there shall no evil befall us no pestilence will come now our dwelling in the name of jesus amen thank you for agreeing with me and i decree that it shall be so i decree that it is so let there be no loss of any loved one of anyone that concerns us home or abroad this week we will hear good news we will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living each evil diagnosis there will be no wrong prescriptions in the name of jesus we call for angelic assistance we call for angelic assistance we call for angelic escorts for everyone here at home or abroad that wherever you go this week have angelic escorts have angelic assistance let the hand of the lord be on us for good and not for evil let our garments be washed continuously in the blood of our lamb the blood of the lamb that there will be no spot or wrinkles on our comments in jesus name amen please be seated as the instrumentalist please and this is the order to go out those on the first road on this side please go out this way first row here please go out this way those at the back the first row at the back you can go out everybody's seated until it's your role i don't want us to jam everywhere we are people of order and of decency let's respect acknowledge all the protocols and do things right i love you but from afar i love you from where i'm standing so i'm giving you a hug right now everybody that is a hug for me but i'm doing it from afar long and prosper first line please move out first line you can move out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Views: 24,434
Rating: 4.8387098 out of 5
Id: W68KOrox2Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 5sec (5045 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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