The Ruddy Shack

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I don't like plastic because when I was 15 we moved not saw how the - man mr. Romney water-filled he was member of my daddy's church and he gave us a decoy as a present when we first moved there and I was didn't have money for new decoys I had one plastic decoy I found and in the dump that's when you could go scavenge but it uh it was broke I still got it sitting over there somewhere I use it for a pattern once a while I had a lot of wood in the back yard from previous preacher's kid you know and he carved a little bit all mine and I just got hooked on and the more I made the more I got and I don't want the rain fields filled with plastic and everybody knows that you shoot them they're gonna st. whoo they ain't on the same core gaint going the same styrofoam ain't on the same you might tear it up a little bit what's every day's what it is ruddy day ready yes sir yes sir it was first book I ever first duck ever shot I like their attitude their cartoonish like desire when they're prancing around on the water and just having fun I mean they got attitude I got attitude so we go together above all species but you know we all have our favor this is a question that causes arguments like Chevy and Ford but I'll say to you I love the smell of it I love the way it just cards so easy like butter to me it does too close real excellent if you want to spend more money on it more detail it's better for decorative bird in my opinion there are all opinions in my opinion on what's best and what not eyes no eyes I prefer no eyes because I like that old fashioned one but it is what you want yeah it's like you do it the way you want just like when you go hunting you're going new stuff the way you want as to what makes you feel happy what makes you that's why I do what I do that makes me mr. Romney waters well he he lived in Ansan most supplies he was in the war he also was a game warden or worked with waterfowl and he spent most the time to teach me how to do what I did since I didn't agree with school and stuff the way the politics of school ran I decided to go home school and he took me in and taught me how to car and they counted it as a credit it was history and it was also Woodward so I did a little thing for a project for class and it was step by step of him carving already duh shows a lot of other stuff decoys and stuff of knots on in career-tech area and he just influenced me the most because he sat down and put an impression on the young kids mine you can do anything you want to do as long as you put your mind to it and work hard at it and he said do what you do love them doing what you do is not work that's the way I feel I love doing what I'm doing so it's not work Romney water food and his brothers were excellent car the lake Arnel water to Fred water field and he their stuff almost started doing uncle but certain things set them apart just like the paint basically no most of them their wives car painted and they thought and Curtis water filled he did decorators and his son a pain and Wayne water I like to call it a more of a rustic poke card it's nothing fancy it gets the job done the Hunter Street they killed they're made to kill you know I mean they ain't gonna win competitions but when you're out there hunting it's not all about my birds look prettier than your birds it's how many ducks are going to kill with your birds I'd have to say - ready yes sir well I've got quite a few cameras backs and redheads out there floating around what do you consider the most difficult part of court for me it's the paint I'm not the best pain I do that's probably one reason why I try to stick to the old style blocks you got the good old Carolina lines going on everybody loves paints the artist for me I'd rather get my hands dirty start carving sanding painting a lot of people take the sand apart right what do you consider to be the essential equipment well you must have a bandsaw and a good sharp line we can use a however you rough it out either had you spoke say they're all knife or even a angle cut burner and you must have a good sharp mind horribly you raise sharpen your knives yes sir pretty much I don't ever have to stop I just keep him he just keep him home real good with my straw and just a couple passes each 15-20 minutes carve and stay short it all depends if I just want to sit there and Whittle it out have fun or if I want to rush through it because there is nothing but just a work it's not going to go on the show I got some cheap tools like this grinder my sander I can whip a body out with mine this grinder in about three minutes hatchet it's going to take about 15-20 minutes ahead you're looking at 30 minutes or so it's hand carved if you're using power tools you can get one done start to finish paint everything basic Carolina style anywhere thirty minutes to an hour depending how what you want or if you're not distracted and got no worries or stressors of the day you just get out there you you can carve them as fast as you want but it's all - the way you want it to look so what do you think is the hardest whoa have to be one our only attempted one of and that's the Mandarin does and I gave up on that playing a long time ago it was firewood the week after I started I do not like painting wood those really too many colors make my eyes croissant but novice wanted to start Carver's what they need to start well access to a bandsaw if you don't have them that's fine as long as you got access to one there's a lot of people by blanks online a lot of that is joke it's like real super naughty it's hard time once a while you can get some good to close break so you ain't gonna find that many Jennifer blanks on mine because we like to keep that booty down I think it depends on where you're from a lot of collectors they one around here they want to hold something that is historical and nostalgic to their reach you go up north you're gonna see a whole lot more decorative around here we want something that looks like it's been an granddaddy shed for a hundred years and you found it um I've done canvas from since the beginning and it's I don't do as many as I used to because it's they can be tricky and arthritis carpal tunnel don't allow me to pull and stretch it as good as I used to do I've done canvas I'd say the whole 26 years on the door canvas well it gets it's not hard it's frustrating because there's a lot of stretch tack staple undo stretch tacks tape until you get all the wrinkles out or as many as you wanna get some beginners like to start off a fun I don't recommend that I tried my hand in it when I got a bunch of free bars it's just too much word for what you want to get out you're gonna don't want to do would I recommend trying to learn how to do canvas because you still got a high quality product that you can pass down to generations down well it depends a lot of times I'll use exterior house painting on my working rivers and I use cheap acrylic paints and artists acrylics for some of them but I'll hit them with dull coat to protect them but the ones I know that's going on the Shelf it's gonna be just plain Jane cheap acrylic from Walmart or any craft stores for working birds I use exterior latex and sometimes Ronan oils and then I can get my hand yes there's my preference I'll use anything to get my hands on some times but basswood if you're gonna be carving with just knives I don't recommend it if you're going to use power tools passwords fine - plays fine and it's best for powder car with before long and stuff like that but if you have a good to play toy it will you know carve easy as butter I got a little piece of regular northern white cedar here and it just it's like butter and smells pretty good too and then I got a piece of to play it's real nice and easy carving - it's got tight grain but the cost is way and there's a little piece of Jennifer and it carves like butter - in my opinion some people don't like it because it will split on you if you get too much of a bite but any wood will pretty much this is bathroom it's easy carving son but you're gonna get in the center of it it's gonna be a little bit harder for more details I recommend you use important tools they're all bid with tri-state with soft don't go mahogany or something right I keep that stuff with cubes just take your time study up along the species and the style you want to do first and keep at it you know there some other right ways and a lot of wrong ways but you can just make do what makes you happy that's what I do I mean some people in their life look at that piece of junk sitting over there they don't hurt my fam they don't hurt my feelings a bit because there's a lot of people that it depends on your preference but if you're gonna start al-karim and don't get frustrated when you're putting on your head that you carved 30 minutes I or two hours and you forget to put the power hole win when you're nailing it to the block and splitting that don't get frustrated we really glue that stuff to put it aside and make a cane out just take your time and get a good pattern if you can't draw a pattern and get a good pattern there's a lot of good books out there the Godin books are really good but that's if you want to make a little bit higher end before for beginners I say the Hillman books are pretty good so do you deal with wrestle pudding or anything like that um yeah I messed with a little bit all my shells right there that's something from man pretty pretty tough Guarnere bulletproof with Ronson oh what's that oh don't know how to see you need to stay huh yeah just like Tendai gone maybe I shouldn't say that I'm going to the junior duck commander's out there they see duck dynasty is and goods young good athletes but hey don't go out there and ruin it for everybody that's been hunting in the same spot over and over and you see a dagger and flakka something flying over and you just get out of there start blasting pay respect to the ones that been there before I'd have to say we got nice crisp lines and basically it's a form I would have to say yeah you get it some in the chest feet decks or Maryland birds you'll see similar but most of theirs are turned on the way most of ours are chopped out with I try to when I do use eyes that's something I don't do my they frustrate me because trying to get on place is the hardest but I always try to get it as close to what's on the pattern five three two pattern I'll try to put what looks the best the quarter took pics I've seen on the real bird you can't go by someone else's work to for eye placement you must look at the actual species I'm and a live photo or a video to just come onto the ruddy Shack I'll teach anybody that one there right now is going on hold because I started drawing up some of my patterns and then I got a bunch olders in and I'm trying to find more information now don't publish and I'm not good with stuff on the internet or anybody that knows anything about how to get something published and cause and stuff please let me I don't know I've done thousands of decoy overhears anyone trouble will not the most trouble I'd say the most fun some people might be like oh I'm getting in the bind you're just having more fun a different kind of fun but I'd say I made a gold mine k9 earned for my Cologne I believe he's a member it's not he needs to be real and that one there I never did many gold mines and I never did a earn I don't really hollow much my dick was so that one there it was a it was a learning in my career I had a studied a little bit more because I wanted to do justice for him and his is lost hunting companions that one there I put more hours in the back eco grande ecole again I probably put it into a dozen first thing a person needs to know this won't take time you need a practice and don't try to make something like someone else let's make it the way you want and it will be right everybody got their opinions on how to do competitions and stuff you need to go by their guidelines if you're making a gunner for yourself or present do the best you can until you can't do any better and it will be just fine you
Channel: Nathaniel Boddie
Views: 5,239
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: NC Gunner Decoys, Decoys, Lee Sauls, W. Lee Sauls, William Sauls, The Ruddy Shack, Ruddy Shack, Gunner Decoys, Working Decoys
Id: P5RwVwpCwa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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