Morakniv Experience 2021

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i was born in 1891 where i come from almost everybody knows my name [Music] i have become part of countless memories a piece of swedish history some would say an icon and now i have been remade [Music] refined for new generations [Music] built to stand the test of time and to let you too create things at last [Music] hello everyone and welcome to moorakniv experience i'm ellie and i'm a murakaniv ambassador i work as an outdoor chef specializing in open fire cooking and wild food foraging with me today i have my co-host yogya nice to meet you ellen good to work with you my name is yogi sungqvist and i'm from the northern part of sweden i'm a woodworker i work especially with the knives and axes in greenwood working a long sloyd tradition and today we're going to have some fun with the more acne you've experienced don't you think indeed we are going to do a lot of fun things uh we're going to tell you some interesting things about product news different insights we're going to have interviews with different guests and we're also actually going to bring up a lot of history and tradition that might be interesting for you guys about murakniv yeah it's going to be interesting really nice and you're about to make something or you're gonna cook something or yes of course today we're gonna cook a carpathian mushroom soup a typical thing that is made in ukraine in the carpathian mountains wow what about yourself what are you making well i've been hunting in the forests for some crooked birch to make a little ladle of course for the soup is it for me to scoop up this course of course he's way too nice hey yeah i'm gonna take a time to do that so let's start yeah for sure okay all right yeah wait elle you have to help me a little i forgot about it oh you see i hear here i have the crooked birch you see and here is uh a splitting fro and i'm gonna hold that and i want you to be the commander and hit this put away this stuff and help me and stand right there you know like that and i will hold it like this and then you hit it really hard on the really hard really hard gosh okay okay come on oh that's good one more wow let's see yeah i'm done thank you good work you have some muscles there i'm happy about that i do crossfit yeah yeah that's i got some gum okay let's let's do some work all right good luck with that yeah perfect blank thank you okay folks now i'm starting to take away this bent on the upper side here and straightening it out because what i want is the fibers on the bottom which gonna follow the curve of the bowl so i'm gonna use this on the outside and make it round and smooth and then straighten the inside to give it a perfect shape and follow the fibers here on the outside to see how the fibers run here so i'm gonna work a while with this part just doing the roughly shaped out straighten this up and then take a little on the sides and this is fun work because it's so much forming making the spoon coming out from the wood but now i'm a little curious what you are doing elle how is the soup going well i'm just about to start cooking so we're making the scarpathian mushroom soup and it's a very flavorful soup that is typically served in the carpathian mountains in ukraine and it consists of very few ingredients it has onions we will be using carrots and of course a mix of forest mushrooms and this has a different a couple of different varieties of bowlettes or seps um funnel chanterelles and black trumpet mushrooms also we're gonna use cream and herbs usually i use a regular cream but today we're gonna make a vegan version of the soup so we're gonna be using a cream made out of oats which is quite cool so it's going to be completely vegetarian and vegan and when i'm going to prep the soup i'm going to use the new mura 2000 knife it's actually a pretty good around knife you could say you could use it in the outdoors you can also use it when you chopped vegetables like this for instance and this knife is a tribute to murakniv's 130 year anniversary this year [Music] [Music] on [Music] there now i'm here with juan bertos the new ceo of murak new welcome thank you so much ella it's great to be here nice of you to come so how does it feel to enter a company like murakni with such a long and prosperous history it feels actually pretty amazing for me it's just a dream coming true coming back to my my hometown again after many years elsewhere with this history of this company 130 years anniversary with a great brand fantastic products and most of all amazing people with all the know-how so this is a dream coming true all right and what did you do before you came to murakniv good question uh many things to start with i'll be spending many years abroad in in various industries working in asia in central eastern europe and so forth most recently i've been working in agriculture and the equine sports industry as a ceo but i'm here all right so you seem to have a lot of experience from different type of businesses and with this thing in your background with this a lot of experience and knowledge what do you think that you will contribute with to murakniv and what do you think the future holds for a really good question or questions there first of all i think the by working abroad in in many countries uh meeting people from various background and culture um i will bring that to become a more or less an international player for for more academy uh to me it's important to have a culture built on trust and integrity and i will bring that to to the company moreover looking looking ahead um we will look into more sustainability in our strategy that's very important and not only actually materials or or climate change but also looking to human resources a leadership for example but also commercial sustainability i mean we've been here for 130 years and we're going to be around for many years to come that's a plan and in good time and bad times we will stand by our partners customers and clients all over the world right yes indeed murakniv has a good reputation when it comes to sustainability when people when you hear murak new when people talk about the products they usually think about something that lasts forever you know like it's a durable product people rely on it but of course it's also important to integrate the the well there's a sustainability perspective throughout the whole company indeed it is and i said it's not only about materials uh it's also about the people and the the commercial part as well it's equally important for us in moroccan right i'm very excited good luck with your work in the with in this company warm warm thanks thanks a lot okay so how about we start with some cooking then oh i'd love to how can i help you we are going to start by chopping up some onions i can do that yeah so if you want you can start peeling these too thank you i'll do that and what kind of knife are you using for this now this is one of our steak knives uh which you know you can feel the history in this knife with with the color uh with the form of the handle so this is you know an icon for us and i'm proud to hold it here when helping with the cooking i hope you're gonna feel a good uh onion peeling knife as well it is sharp everybody be careful here we know what any injuries do we no exactly no safety first safety first what are we having today ellie by the way so we're gonna make the soup uh-huh and this is something it's like the carpathian mountains go through ukraine and other countries and i was born in the ukraine so when i was little oh really yeah when i was little i used to go to the carpathian mountains with my my dad and before you go up into the slopes you always go and have a little mug of this mushroom soup that we're making today so sort of a childhood thing for me so onions in it we have some carrots some forest mushrooms i can see that as well yep and then we're gonna add some herbie salt some vegetarian cream meaning it's not coming from an animal and porcelain dill this sounds delicious and we actually making this one vegetarian because you are vegan because you are the vegan in our group that's correct ella i'm a vegan so how long have you been that and how long have you not been eating animal products we're about seven years now straight about that so fully fully vegan diets sometimes i have eggs sometimes or fish or seafood but mostly i'm a vegan okay cool yeah the thing that many people don't understand is that meat is only one ingredient apart from meat there's like vegetables herbs root veg you know beans there's so many things but vegan cooking requires a bit more perhaps inspiration and knowledge you must do your homework absolutely you're right about that by the way what will bring the umami in this soup i'm curious that is the mushrooms of course so mushrooms are basically they have a lot of flavor and different types of mushrooms have different flavors as well so when you mix mushrooms you get like a depth of flavor this is really nice especially when you add cream to it you know it elevates the flavors wow so we have a mix of mushrooms that i picked around this area last year from here yeah from lana from the forest just next to us exactly all righty we've got some more onions for you great thanks a lot you're welcome thanks a lot and what we're gonna do is that we're gonna put these onions into the pot over the fire we're going to fry them i'm also going to chop up some carrots we're going to add that then we'll add the mushrooms and then the water gets in there we get the salt the cream the herbs and in the end we're going to be able to eat the soup and try it out and hopefully by the time i'm finished yogurt will finish the ladle for me so i can actually scoop it up and serve it for our guest let's hope he's done by then how's it going yeah since you've been talking i've been coming this far you know you're done already i haven't done the the bowl yet but you know keep on talking i'm fine it's so good to listen to you both so working with greenwood is actually so soft and nice and so and i work with the the murakni 106 which i pimped the handle a little on and this says this is my precious smooth acne on the handle and i just love to work with this laminated steel because it's flexible and nice and i use many kinds of grips i'm cutting towards my body like this and um use my my body as a leverage for a scissor cut for example and i have about 10 different kind of knife grips that i use which you actually can see on youtube videos that moroccan made with me showing them but now let's continue and look at another knife which is not a carving knife but a very popular knife from urakniv the mura 2000 anniversary edition and this knife has been refined for the 130th anniversary so please take a look wow wow oh the clock foreign hello wow and now we have a special guest and that is thomas erickson welcome to the table and i think you brought us two knives to show us 2000 yes yeah can you tell us about the history behind it yeah it actually was distributed in norway they wanted a knife to go uh walking in the hills and forests oh yeah it should have be very versatile for skinning hunting food prep and everything and today it was introduced in 1991 it's its 30th anniversary this year and it's by far the most sold hunting knife in scandinavia is that right for 30 years yes wow also used by the swedish military okay that's suitable with the green colors on it yes what about the knife itself is how is the function in it you have a tip that it's like a skinning blade yep and uh further back it's more like a carving knife yeah very strong and it's ambidextrous so it doesn't matter if you're right or left-handed it fits in the sheath both both ways and it has a friction grip that's very important because it's slippery outside yeah and i can tell i can see that the the tip of the blade has a thinner part you know from the middle up to the point it looks like you're gonna you can actually use it as a butter knife is that right spreading on on on your sandwich must be the norwegians that wanted that [Laughter] and this year we have the anniversary model that is black wow same function everything like the green one but it has a special limited edition wow uh marking on the blade yeah so that's 30 years celebrating 30 years that's wonderful yeah nice knife yeah i would say thank you okay thank you for that introduction and now we have another guest which is a colleague to you and he's also been working in this company for many many years so please welcome para brasque are you with us oh there you are nice to meet you please do be at the table i'm actually proud standing here with you too guys i mean you represent so much history in mura knees you know you your product developers i would say is that a right yes i've been working with product development for quite a few years yeah and this is actually family history with murakami i mean i know it has been a lot of different companies in asnore here in mura making knives and how many how many companies were it you used to say around 15 brands 15 brands okay if we discuss companies it might have been seriously maybe three four but then possibly a lot of old dolla grumpy guys that made their own knives because they thought they were the best of course of course yeah i would say yeah and and what was the company name in in in your family so to say summers uh my grandfather started the company ericsson and matson in 1912. is that right and uh over the years uh his company bought three competitors okay so we have the dna from four of those 15 companies that once was oh do you have any old knives you know like that with put a family name on it oh this knife this is one from the 19812 to 1918. it's the eriksson and matzon oh yeah i can see the sign there yeah fantastic a laminating knife knife that has been hammered on the spine so you have this typical shape yeah when you're splitting things you do that oh yeah wonderful to see and very worn and nice what about you pat you come from another part of the mural i come from the frost part that was originated from 1891 actually yeah it was my great grandfather started the frost wow i'm fought fourth generation yes that's amazing i'm still the oldest at this configuration too you are i would say you look young yeah do you have a picture of this history or this tradition it would be nice to see everything i haven't seen a photo here yeah but i heard you were running at the factory uh place when they took some picture and and you got it show it to the camera so we can see it's actually my grand mother standing by the birds here is that right outside are you on that picture no i wasn't thought of it you were running around no not at that moment and you started at the business at what age i was 19 when i started working okay got fed up with school and yeah went into factories there yeah and you both i understand i've been working with almost every part when making handles with steels qualities and everything and i know especially you perry i've been working a lot with the steel qualities around the years yes i have i've been doing a lot with hardening and stuff oh yeah so that has been my favorite secret oh that's amazing yeah i love it well thank you uh i know we have a box here besides us with some wonderful old knives can you tell us a little about it it looks like it's like 100 years old almost i guess it is it is not fully 100 years but i i think around 1900 90 years old somewhere it's a it's an old sales it's an old say so a salesman came with this bag and then he showed us this is what you can order showcase yeah yeah and these old sheets they have are made out of paper in any kind what is it it's a it's a swedish material from start unica unica yes from the unica box yes and it was a special fiber that was uh you could make uh cheaper sheath sheath than in leather so it was a better sheath and i would say it's uh more cut through through protective as well yeah you got it yeah that's very nice okay wonderful collection i know there's a lot of the muraki collectors all around the world that really wants to look closer to this one but they can that's a gem yeah for sure they can come back yeah okay thank you very much for all these stories and about murakniv and i i'm sure the company will keep on making good knives so let's talk with it ella what what's up pele with with the soup how is it going is it boiling well well guys it's going great but we're not quite boiling it yet we're still frying things up so here in this pot which is for instance a quite interesting pot it's a bograks or kotlich this is the kind of pot that we use back in the days in the balkans and in hungary to make well everything from meats to use to cooked jams and stuff like that so this is a really good tool to use over an open fire and in here right now we have the onions that we chopped up together with you on i've added some carrots and now it's time to add the mushrooms so i was wondering perhaps you would like to help me out tomas apparently we can start with some carving please have a seat here so next thing is the mushrooms i have soaked the wild mushrooms in water because they they've been dehydrated we're gonna add those but we're also gonna add some regular button mushrooms those are the mushrooms you probably recognize from the store exactly so if you want to make the soup you don't have the wild mushrooms you can also use these i usually use the fresh mushrooms to get a little bit of a bite to it since these dehydrated mushrooms are well they don't have the same type of consistency so could you please do some chopping yep i would like to have them chopped in thin slices okay you get to choose the knife mura 2000 or the i take this one very good okay i'll keep prepping that yep i'll take the steak neither all righty okay so we're just gonna i think you're much quicker i set up well let's see who gets there first come on you don't put my my fingers in the soup right i'd rather it's a vegan soup it would be very uncomfortable actually all right so we just chop them up like this and we're gonna add them to our little sofrito here awesome and we'll do some stirring i think it needs a little bit of heat and for that we have the magic stick there we go could you please pass me the dried mushrooms we're gonna add those as well into the mix thank you put up there they go and now we're just gonna fry them fry them for a while before we add water some herbie salt and lastly some cream but i think the guys have started carving again how is it going oh we're deep into something called slide fullness we're just silently carving and making the hollowing of the spoons with some hook knives that we call them we have four kinds of hook knives and this is the 162 which is double beveled so it it's sharp on both sides and that's very convenient because you can both push with your thumb like this on the dull part up here and also you can work towards your thumb like this by rotating your hand and your elbow out like this and press the the bevel very firmly to the wood and this has been a problem so we actually tried to refine these hook tools and make them better so we worked for about one year to make them work better and i know there is some more bevels what do you say parity the bevels are very accurate has to be very accurate on the tool like this yeah they actually follow a circular pattern all the way around so it won't get stuck as easy as it did okay so it's the concave yeah you know inside yeah and this is a convex bevel yeah so that's why they work so well and i know you changed the steel quality to steel because we saw that stainless steel was actually holding the edge better yeah it is the only difference is when trying to re-sharpen it it's a little bit more tricky and you need to push a little bit more on the on the polishing of the edges so you don't have a burr left yeah because that's that's that's harder harder to do with the stainless steel oh yeah so we need to work it a little bit more in the in the polishing of the edges yeah you could say so but now they also come with a leather sheath with it which is protecting the edges because they are very you have to be very careful with them is that right so you use some uh some round honing stones and then you hone them but while you are working i i think i i i have some kind of strop here is that working how do you do it i i have my own oh of course you have your own i bet it you know what it's prepared it's how is it it's leather put on on a quarter part of a round pin oh yeah so i just wrapping compound on it too put some strapping compound oh here it is you have yeah and that's aluminum oxide yeah for sure yeah which it's eating the steel yeah yeah i can show you a little bit how i used to make it try to get some good support oh yeah oh yeah let's take a look yeah and try to do a lot from the inside aha it's easier to get and it's notice and then you rotate it yeah rotate it rotate it around and then you work on the other side then i work on the other side i have a flat piece here also got some wax and then recipe there okay i can pull it alongside the edge like this well you are staying sharp patty i just love that sharp guy with sharp tools and that's amazing but i wonder how is moroccan making their knives it would be nice to see a little film about that so welcome in and join my name is venus and on behalf of our team i'm proud to show you how we make our knives here in our factory in muura the development process begins in the archives looking back on our history trying to identify the future the foundation of our work is based on the in-house knowledge that we have together with various stakeholders and end users that we are taking into consideration when continuing the creative process to proceed we use several different methods such as sketching by hand making mockups 3d prints and renderings we are then able to evaluate different ideas and concepts from different perspectives [Music] when it's time to refining and implementing the components of a new product we make sure that the quality of the product is the highest possible and that the production is feasible [Music] a great advantage that we have here in our factory is that we have everything we need under the same roof our projects are literally being made just behind me in this part of the factory our skilled craftsmen assembled the wooden handles to the knives by hand it's truly a privilege to be able to work this close to all the partners and to understand the processes to test the new tool realized that it must be slightly changed adjust it and then test it again could be done within a couple of hours [Music] when we updated the iconic classic collection that many people already had a relation to it was important to take care of the heritage and be true to it the challenge was to create added value beyond the functionality of a knife with a solid history [Music] when we developed the packaging for the new classic collection it was very important that it would be connected to our already existing packaging at the same time we wanted it to stand out and to have a unique expression [Music] welcome to the studio linux basman okay freaklochon how are you today guys fine thank you just fine thank you so linus we just saw you in a video and i would guess that you are a product developer you're right yes i am yes i am uh that's correct uh i've been working at the product development department at mauricio for approximately four years at the moment and really enjoying it interesting cool what about you pia what do you do i'm responsible for sales in the nordic countries all right cool so could you linus please tell us some more about these those beautiful muda classic knives as i understand they have been relaunched recently that's correct they have been we have been working with this again and you know it's a great history many years back so we tried to do something new with them as you can see we have five models uh one wood splitting knife and then four more regular knives the smallest one we call classic one zero and then we have two others we call them classic number two but one of them is with a finger guard two f for finger guard and then the biggest one the number three classic number three all of them with carbon steel blades and this polymer sheet and together with this this great beautiful vegetable tanned swedish leather actually all right cool yeah they're really nice i actually have one of my own here that's the mini mini classic and i think actually it's really good for making feather sticks like you have it's very smooth and small cute yeah it's my favorite too and i like the handle as well it's like very simple this barrel shaped handle really simple and it sits so well in your enhanced really good grip to it and this is like a really old design right this is like the original sort of mood when you talk about murakniv this is what people see basically yeah it's been with us for ages four ages exactly and as you say you can see them in all the the old knives historically and uh from the beginning i can imagine it has to do with it to make the the production process easy and uh and and now we we have them with us it's sort of in our dna yeah for the products right so what's new like when you relaunch them or you remade them what did you what did you change so it mainly had to do to we try to you know we have had a lot of different uh knives of them the classic series in a lot of different sizes no they maybe not really match each other so we try to make an a retake and try to to design them to look more the same in the whole range sort of so to speak so we can see uh they they match each other much much better nowadays uh both when it comes to the size and to to overall design yeah and the colors also for sure yes yes that's correct before they have been painted and now they are stained in this beautiful red color that we could recognize from from pasta as well right yeah awesome nice thank you um but this there's so i mean murakniv has so many knives you know and i personally i work with the outdoor knives and the cookie nice but like what about what about all these knives what are these used for are they craft knives am i right yes this is craft and industry knives for professionals and we have actually you know brought all our history knowledge function and design into the craftsman life you can actually recognize the classic knives into the new craftsman knives also with the barrel shape but now transferring to new design and the design and the ergonomic on these craftsman knives are for craftsmen's construction use and uh most of the craftsman knives have a rose spined and you see you say so it means that you can't make a fight you can't like hit it towards a fire fire rather fire yeah smooth yes and as you said we have a lot of different knives here and here you can see the pro line uh you we have many different colors to separate the different function and blades so here we can have the rope knife serrated blade perfect if you want to cut ropes or strapper bands or something here you have precision knife excellent for fine cutting the flex with the flexible blade um useful if you're going to cut in rubber or plastic safe it's all round knife with a rounded safety tip shiso you can use it both as a knife and she's a knife a saw so you can bang on it from this side oh you know you can like this excellent for uh woodworking and robust extra thick blade 3.2 robust and strong knife so and then we have the electrician knife a special design for electrician works and the service knife useful for many different tasks for example if you work in a warehouse all right so basically like carpenters electricians yes exactly warehouse workers but not not outdoor knives right now this is for professional and for hobby craftsmen also of course all right this has been used for more than 100 years over the generations in scandinavia so the most useful knife i think uh right what about you told us a little bit about the different colors how they you can distinguish between the different tasks or like different purposes of this knives but didn't muraknev launch some new like 20 21 pretty colors yes i have them here last but not least here you have the basic 2021 edition knives color of the year this year they are green and gray great combinations we started with colour of the year 2016 when we had our 125 years anniversary we wanted to launch a special edition knife and it became so popular so we decided to continue to launch a new color every year so this is 2021's edition ice and we only produce um for limited time all right yeah it's a very cute color is it mint or green mint mint green and grey very nice yeah they almost look edible ice cream no i like them a lot all right guys well thank you a lot for telling us about all these beautiful products yes thank you thanks thank you thank you okay it's time to head over to our kitchen our soup is coming together so now we have the onions the carrots some water herbie salt and the different variety of mushrooms that we put in here so this is going to cook for another 10 or 15 minutes before we add the cream and the herbs but in order to help the fire along the way we're going to use this little stick and give it some oxygen while our soup is cooking however i thought that you guys might want to visit some people that you may recognize and that is the murakniv area sales managers foreign [Music] hi my name is stephen wong and i'm the area sales manager for the asia pacific region firstly i would like to thank all of you for your continued support throughout the years we have prepared a very special morocctive experience for you today and like it says in our tagline a part of you we very much hope that you feel a part of the moroccan family and i hope to see all of you very soon thank you f s [Music] foreign so now i've been working really hard on scooping out this spoon blade with the mura 162 double edged knife i'm i'm warm because it's it's kind of heavy work even though it's uh a green wood that i work with and i'm i'm pretty happy with the scoop here i followed the fibers in the bottom and this is i would say a green mold woodworking mode so if i want to dry this one now i have to wrap it in a piece of cloth and keep it in that cloth about a week or so so the moisture comes out very slowly and so the spoon won't crack for me so after that i will take it out and then clean cut all the surfaces so they're smooth and nice and go over it on the inside too one more time so i keep a little material there to keep it and i will trim the handle and so on and make some patterns on it so it's got to be beautiful and nice of course and so on but from now i'm pretty happy and we can actually use it directly in the soup later on but now we'll leave this part and let me introduce you for a new product from moorakniv which is called the survival kit my name is juwan skullman and i am an ambassador for moraknee on daily basis i work as a product developer and also as a outdoor and survival instructor i have spent more than four decades working as a professional all over the world in different kinds of outdoor environments i'm very proud to say that it includes 30 years in swedish armed forces through the years i've gained the experience needed to survive in all sorts of situations including the complexity of safety awareness and risk management as i see it there are three absolute necessities i need to provide myself with air to breed water and food so that i can stay hydrated and get the necessary energy to not only survive but also to perform on a high level there is also three outstanding and important skills that you need to be very good at and for me that is life-saving first aid how to work with the cutting edge of the knife and make fire in many different ways and finally navigation which includes the complexity of making decisions and finding your way and the reason for root finding looking for food water firewoods or just a place to create a shell product that for example is when the murakniv survival kit comes in handy working as a perfect tool together with the knife attached to the sheet the integrated fire starter and diamond sharpener is always ready to perform when you need it the most once you get the fire going it's very important that you keep on activating yourself with checking your equipment taking care of your clothing set up and of course stay hydrated and get something to eat [Music] with all these pieces in place it becomes much easier to manage a situation and come up with a new plan for the next day welcome everyone to the workstation here thank you again playstation i'm pretty exhausted you know carving scooping up i can see that we've been busy today yeah i've been busy today wow and you brought a survival kit and survival i would say that sloyd is the survival kit for the world because if you can do woodworking you can use the moroccan knives you can always survive for sure forests what about this kit tell me more about it this one will take you further because here on this kit we have a sharpener for knife sharpening it's a diamond it's a diamond sharpening wow absolutely and we have a fire starter so you can make fire with your knife and this fits nicely on the sheath of both conspool as i have over here or on this garba knife as i have over here this suits both of these so you can use it on on two outdoor knives yep exactly so that's good you know working with hounding stones is you know you always have to sharpen you know totally all the time that is very crucial absolutely you wear them out and if you can have this honing stone i would say the diamond stone it's a holy stone if you can bring it with you like this easy it would be i would appreciate it a lot but i want to try it see if i can why don't you show me them okay give me your knife and give me the thought with this sharpener and i'm going to give you this khans bull knife be careful yeah there you go thank you i appreciate the way and this is good you know you hold it good and you're safe with your hands i appreciate that a lot and the way i do it when i'm honing is that i'm i'm placing my thumb here on the opposite bevel but on the edge still yeah so i can keep pressure on the other side because i really want to keep the bevel to be flat and move it back and forth like this and sideways a little yeah and then i move all over the edge and lift it up at the tip a little the tip as well yeah and a few times on each side and then when i flip it over i come up with my pointing finger like this on the bevel so i can press that part really like this so you see i'm holding it actually in one two three points yep kind of pressing it in between my fingers and therefore i can be very precise still with a firm grip i believe yeah with a very firm grip that's correct so i'm not working like this because then i'm ruining the edge you know very quickly and this works really fine and you use the word honing not sharpening how come yoga yeah because it's i mean sharpening knives is a process about three things you need to sharpen on a sharpening stone to get the bevel and then you need to hone away the burr which is something that you have to get rid of because you can't use it with a burr and then when you honed away the burr you need to strop it with some stopping compound as we talked about when we were doing the hook knives so that's three parts and that but that's for super sharp knives of course i understood yeah like this one yeah oh what be careful here again yeah be careful my friend thank you very much and can you place this on the jeep that's a nice thing with this one it fits nicely on both the sheet of garbae and this one the cons ball so just press the sheath inside this one press firmly you're clicking on i heard the snap this will not fall off i can promise you that now over here we have the fire steel yeah i said before so you grab this handle you twist it you pull firmly towards you like that okay and then you put it back with a clicking sound okay you got to click there too yeah that's very this will stick as well yeah should we try some uh sparkle five yeah you have to do that but first i have to say that the click is something that on old knives you always make the sheath so you can hear it clicking in the sheath then you know it's safe it's a safety precaution exactly never want to lose your knife when bear is hunting you in the forest indeed yeah so again i twist the handle i pull it towards me you see by the way the pattern here the diamond pattern yeah the same as on the handle yeah both the uh the council and the garb as well yeah let's try some sparkle shall we oh that's now we're going to use the the the edge yeah sorry the spine of the knife um like this i hold this very firmly and i press like this you see the sparkles yeah so with this actually there is no need to bring matches or a lighter on your adventure yeah just use this one and you'll be safe anywhere survival that's survival yeah indeed yeah it's a good thing that's a good good thing to add on a knife like that in such an easy way it is and i love that snapping sound oh snap safe very good okay you and thank you for that you are most welcome anytime yeah pleasure to be here with you yeah i'm very happy to work with more a knife and you know work with the moore knives for 35 years i'm still happy doing it so impressive history yeah and now i've been working so hard so i kind of feel that i need something into my body let's ask about l here how are you doing l with the soup is it boiling well yes the soup is actually almost ready there's one more thing missing and that's the herbs we're gonna be adding fresh parsley and dill and once we do that we're ready to go the question is do we have a ladle baby got something for you let me have a look yeah i got a spoon i've been working hard i've been sweating all over so you know we have this tradition in sweden that if a man handles a spoon to a woman he's actually asking for her hand for engagement but be cool i'm married i'm fine but here it is yeah in sweden you can't have two wives right okay i'm not sure about that we need to check up the rules i don't know this is beautiful thank you yogi look at this beautiful little wow nice one perfect yeah it's a good one and and you can you can use it now it's green and it's going to be dried later on but now it's so wet so we can use it in hot water or whatever so let's call for the other guys let's do that i'm going to add the herbs turn around and come over guys the food is ready all right who's hungry [Laughter] who needs some warm soup here yeah yes yeah so your guests made some beautiful bowls and spoons as well yeah these are eating spoons and they are made and not just by me there are some friends of mine but they are different sizes and they are not too too steep or too deep because they just have to be seven millimeters because otherwise the food will stay in the spoon so you really have to be careful so when you carve an eating spoon you actually need to try it out while you're carving you know if it works one for you yeah okay l have you started serving yep there you go thanks oh it smells so nice this is really the smell of my child hungry or the mushroom season i guess thank you so much you're welcome who's next pass it over and it's also nice to use like a mixture of wild mushrooms because it gives it a completely another dimension so oh thank you starting to lock all right wow yes please guys have some and let me know what you think so what do you think guys do you like it delicious elf oh this soup is is warming my heart l i'm not just a stomach thank you and i think this whole day has been very warming so i would like to thank you all for coming and for telling us all the interesting stories about knives history tradition and we're looking forward to many exciting years ahead thank you guys thank you thank you again thank you guys it's a pleasure to work with you i'm proud mural knife user so i'm just so happy to be here and it's been good work with you well too thank you yeah same with the same with you again yeah thanks a lot for today and thank you guys for watching we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did thank you stay sharp and stay cool and safe and safe yeah that's for sure cheryl you
Channel: Morakniv
Views: 31,383
Rating: 4.8934011 out of 5
Keywords: Morakniv, Mora, Sweden, MadeinSweden, Knives
Id: _wljpt4rzCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 59sec (3899 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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