The Root of all Addiction by Loammi Diaz

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the [Music] always is not just [Music] Oh nor [Music] we've got the same I Oh [Music] [Applause] you [Music] Oh God [Music] you [Music] [Applause] yawning tell me [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] god [Applause] Oh where the name we are eating Oh [Music] [Applause] / Oh my god you lie [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not we you're ah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh Almighty God [Music] [Applause] you having fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no God neither there's no God like I got create sovereignty he ruled everything there's no God [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no God no no no way like how we don't break like offers me Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] haha [Music] hi by God [Applause] like our souls i god no so like that all of creation Oh [Music] Oh my god my god [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] he rules everything [Music] he will like hi haha nobody like Jesus nobody lexing are you glad about it this morning are you thankful for it nobody quite like a god you serve to God who is able exceeding abundantly above all whatever you can ask for think he's greater than all of them greater than all say things for the pain you have done hey you saw one deserve you gave who your and the point is a million a right all that hard [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we what [Music] [Music] [Applause] shows that [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] - [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay break even prey Oh [Music] and then let's give a hand clap of praise to the Lord this morning as he been good to you this week church amen has he saved you has he saved you from sin has he changed your life I don't know about you but I'm thankful for the goodness of God it wasn't for His mercy if it wasn't for the cross where would we be amen God has been good if God's been good to you why don't you say man Amen welcome to first church this morning my name is Tyler Vadim the student pastor we are so glad that you are here with us on this rainy Sunday morning I see some returning guests and some brand new faces in the crowd first church once you reach across the aisle turn around and greet a neighbor if you see someone new or you don't recognize them introduce yourself to them let me know how glad we are that they are here with us if you're joining with us online this morning thank you so much for joining our services today if you have a prayer request or need or you'd like to know more about our church and the ministries that we offer check us out at First Church calm or just drop us an email there in our contact form we'd love to get in touch with you we'd love to partner in prayer with you and watch God work miracles in your life amen amen first church and you may be seated first church hinges on four core values and those core values are to love God grow in faith serve others and reach the world and at the beginning of each year we love to put God first at the first of the year and facilitate us experiencing loving God and growing in faith through 21 days of prayer and fasting and if you've been joining with that we have had a wonderful time including with three nights of revival this week with brother Luo Media's and we have just been blessed by his ministry but we've been blessed as we've come together as a family to seek God first at the first of the year and we are now in week two of the 21 days of prayer and if you haven't received one of these please pick this up in the foyer this is a 21 days of prayer devotional guide that you and your family or you and some friends can go through and it will help you love more and grow your faith and if you're not a Christian in the house this morning we want to say thank you for being with us but also if you would try this out if you would go through this 21-day devotional if you would just give God a chance we know that you will come to believe in him and know of his love just like we've experienced and so that's what we're hoping that you do today but also to facilitate your loving God and your growing in faith with those core values your first church we also have our one-year Bible program we have those Bibles now in the four years we've been restocked and you can purchase one of those at the conclusion of our service here at our church it's really part of our culture because we like to go through those together as families and small groups just kind of work through the Bible the entire Bible in a year and if you haven't started you're kind of already behind but you can definitely catch up it's really easy and you can pick up one of those today and you can further your walk with God with one of those one year Bible reading programs we also want to mention it tonight why don't you say tonight at the conclusion of our p.m. service we'll be celebrating with Kirsten and Ryan Paul their their firstborn is nigh and so we want to just shower them with love and gifts as a church family and so please join us in the cafe in the events center at the conclusion of our service tonight be with us for that as we celebrate the little blessing that God is bringing them which according to pastor Gurley it's the first of many I think it's the first of 12 amen amen Usher's if you would come this morning I mentioned just a moment ago that our core values are to love God grow in faith serve others and reach the world and we would like our church if you would stand with us we want to give you an opportunity to serve others and reach the world now we do that as a church by giving of our time weekly daily into serving others we'd like to give you an opportunity to reach the world through giving and this morning we are taking up are offering for Christmas for Christ that will that money will specifically go to missionaries around the world that you'll help the gospel reach you'll reach all types of people whether it's through through food banks through building churches commands through funding vehicles for those that go in the most remote places of the world to reach those who don't know Jesus but if you would like to give to Christmas for Christ today you can you can note that there on your offering slip or you can even give online to that but we are here to serve others and to reach them and so this morning we ask that you would give cheerfully and joyfully as God has given to you and in this moment we'd also like to pray for some means they'll be on the screen but if you have a need and you'd like God to touch your life today if you need God to do a miracle in your lives today why don't you show that by the lifting of your hand and what we like to do that likes to signify surrender says God I can't I can't change this situation I can't change my family I can't even change my own life but I lift my hand in surrender saying God I need you to take care of it today and if you'd like to partner with us we are going to pray right now for the needs that have been represented in this congregation as we surrender to them to God why don't we pray together this morning church God we lift our needs to you we surrender our situations to you got I surrender my family I surrender my job I surrender my sickness because I can't change it but you can so Jesus I pray bring healing to our congregation today now bring healing to families today wipe the tears from Lord heavy hearts and eyes today and let them see and experience you and God bless this offering today as we give gladly unto your name and Jesus name we pray this morning once you give a hand clap of praise to the Lord as you give today [Music] Oh [Music] bleh oh yeah [Music] hi up I can't [Music] sir [Music] oh he [Music] you are Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you have is old [Music] our we [Music] here [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] Hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] I hear you [Music] [Applause] like exactly ah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sir ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I'm here [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm giving everything I killed your heart [Music] I hear you I hear you I hear your praises I hear you break [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is in this way whatever you [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ah Oh [Music] it was stormy it was dark they were out on the sea the Bible says Jesus only he can walk on the water Amen said Jesus made as if to pass them by that he was going to walk by the ship even though they were the reason he was out there on the waves but someone cried out I don't want to let this moment pass me by Jesus is passing in our midst right there and everything inside of me says I open up I need to open up my heart my mind my soul and reach out for him and say Jesus if you have the answer and I know you do don't pass me by if you're going to bless somebody in this house up touch me gone if you're going to provide direction in a way but somewhat God let it be me Lord oh we welcome you here on this this rainy day I I've just got to we're going to have to do this we we've got to stay standing right now we're going to put our hands together in a moment I'll tell you who we're going to have to do it for these parking lot guys led by brother James sure Oh out there didn't they oh my oh my be above and beyond on a rainy day like this I tell you what they they were escorting people from their cars they had this gold-plated golf cart that they were that was heated that they were driving people in you said you didn't get that treatment I'm sorry about that there it was out there I think not really but I want to thank them for standing up there in an implement day like today I do want to apologize for our online audience we have hundreds of people to tune in every service to watch online the piece of equipment that broadcasts this to the web we caught that piece of equipment last Wednesday smoking in the sanctuary and we he's in timeout right now he's in a penalty box for smoking in the sanctuary and so he's we just told him he couldn't do that in the sanctuary seriously at a very expensive piece of equipment we're trying to engineer a workaround you'll notice the quality's lesser on line but you know I hope you can still feel what we're feeling in this house today a great presence of the Lord what a beautiful beautiful touch of God in this build we welcome all of you and we started off this year 21 days of prayer and fasting and we felt very impressed that we needed to start this off hearing a voice coming speaking to us for the low Hamidi oz preached here about a month ago one Sunday evening on the perils of joyless service and he touched our hearts and he's been ministering this week what a great move of the Spirit each night that we gathered together and we're looking forward this morning and tonight and then he'll be journeying back to Phoenix Arizona not everybody can live in Houston some people have to live Honolulu and and Palm Springs and places like that not everybody gets to live here and he'll be leaving us and but I'm so happy he's here today he has spoken to us if he's blessed you these last few services would you put your hands together brother diaas come [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord would you put your hands together for the law however Amen such a precious time we're having here the Holy Ghost and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself this last week want to say thank you to a pastor is having a pastor girly and his family and all of you just getting to the hotel getting my basket and seeing the but once I saw the Hershey's bars that's when that's when I knew this church gets me this church this is a great church very very excited about the future of the church and war we're headed here in Romans chapter 1 I'm going to be reading verse 22 through verse 25 Romans chapter 1 verse 22 through verse 25 the Bible reads is so in the name of Jesus Christ I usually read out of the New King James Version it says professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed animals and creeping things wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonour their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature everybody say creature they worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen today I'd like to speak to you it's it's a bit it's not conventional to speak of what I'm going to be speaking to you about this morning but this is the direction that I felt the Holy Ghost leading me into and that is creature worship creature worship : the root of all addictions creature worship : the root of all addictions I pray today that God would heal somebody from an addictive personality and he would bring this and focus us back on him I hear he's breaking chains a man [Applause] father thank you for your word and I pray that you would bless your people through that word and that you would have your way this morning I pray O God that you would allow us to come into your presence with this need knowing that you are the only one that can touch where no one else can touch and can heal nothing and no one else can heal and allow us O God to bring it forth to you knowing this in Jesus name we pray amen amen god bless you you may be seated all over this way one of the greatest problems that we are facing today is the issue of addictions addictions in addictive personalities have been so blended into our society that we have accepted them as commonplace and as normative behavior not just in the secular world but even in the church today when we hear less and less about the perils of addictions and addictive traits I want to define an addiction what is an addiction by definition an addiction is a state of being enslaved to a habit or to a practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma let me let me be the first to say that not everything you enjoy not everything you enjoy doing even if you do it often is an addiction but how can we properly determine whether something is an addiction or not well the definition said at best its cessation that is when you stop doing it causes trauma in other words ask yourself how would I react to something if that something was lost see if you could not stand to live without something if it was gone then it would be the cause of much psychological injury and psychological pain and then you are undoubtedly in the addict to that thing the way to tell whether someone is an alcoholic is not by giving them wine that's not how you do it at a celebration where men are drinking wine it is almost impossible to tell what the different levels of alcoholism are someone may be a social drinker other people in the crowd may be a one-and-done and there may be some in the crowd that may just be a weakened consumer but the way to find out which one is the blatant alcoholic in the crowd is by taking the wine away and when you take the beverage away the reaction from the group will reveal who the addicts really are and how you respond to loss is very telling what you lose in life do you respond with sorrow or do you respond with despair Tim Keller says that sorrow sorrow is a natural pain for which there are sources of consolation sorrow is a natural pain for which there are sources of consolation what he means by that it is losing a good thing among other good things if you lose a job if you lose a business if you lose a house those were good things but there are sources of consolation for those good things there are other good things in your life you can resort to family you can find comfort and loved ones those are other good things in your life mainly because a job or business is a good thing among other good things however despair despair is inconsolable and the reason why is because it comes not from losing something good among other good things but it comes from losing something ultimate that cannot be replaced with other good things despair has no source of consolation and when you feel despair over a loss then you are undoubtedly addicted to what you have lost see this pair comes when you lose something that your entire life has been built around your schedule your tastes your behavior your language your attitude they have all been adapted to facilitate this one thing and unfortunately don't your addiction may bring temporary relief enjoy it is undoubtedly an incomplete joy why is it incomplete because you are looking to what you have given ultimate value to to give you what only God can provide for you the addictions drive us to break convictions that we once honored addictions they drive us to harm people that we love and to harm even ourselves in the in the journey to reach what we crave addiction causes us to disrespect disrespect people that we used to hold in high esteem addictions they drive us to look to do away with anything and anyone that keeps us away from what we have deemed ultimate in our lives and you will go to great lengths to get what you value as supreme and anything and anyone that tries to interfere with your quest will be deleted from your life completely eradicated because you will do anything to get what you have valued as supreme you'll do anything to get what you have to place in the throne of supremacy and authority in your life psychology has greatly influenced the way we see addictions even in the church and as Christians we cannot discount the positive results that the social sciences have had on our society but we must also conclude that psychology cannot in any way shape or form take the place of scriptures and one of the negative results of psychotherapy in the social sciences is that they have aided us in drifting from proper biblical terminology when defining sin and as a consequence our understanding of sin it lacks true biblical definition we don't look at sin with the same gravity that the Bible looks at sin with and we don't look at sin with that same weight that it deserves to be looked at but look at anymore there used to be a time when sin was called what it was it was sin but now even in the church fancy terminology has helped us to accept sinful behavior as acceptable behavior there used to be a day when breaking the marriage covenant by engaging with another was called adultery but now it's not adultery psychotherapy in fact the social sciences have helped us to see that it is extra marital Affairs there used to be a time when if a man engaged in romantic relationship with another man it was homosexuality but now it is just alternative to alternative lifestyles there used to be a day when sex before marriage was called fornication but now it is called cohabitation with a significant other there used to be a day when pornography was called sexual immorality but now it is called a entertainment and unfortunately the renaming of these terms has caused us to cease from judging our moral standards by God's standards who is the author of Scripture and the moral lawgiver but rather we judge our standards by culture standards and since culture does not harshly reject a sinful lifestyle then we rather that culture become our judge because we realize that God hates the very sin we are trying to justify God hates sin he hates sin now you've heard it I'm gonna say something that may seem a little controversial but please bear with me you've heard it Ben who said that God hates sin but he loves the sinner you know you we've all said that at some point or another there is some level of truth to that there is some level of truth to that but don't get it twisted don't get it twisted but if you are a sinner you are at war with God Psalms 5 and verse 4 through 6 says for you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness that is he doesn't like the sin it also says nor shall evil dwell with you he says the boastful shall not stand in your sight but watch this he said you hate all workers of iniquity you hate all workers of iniquity he doesn't just hate the sin he also hates the sinner the lord of the bloodthirsty and deceitful men do you realize what the Bible is telling you here we must return to a godly definition of sin where sin is still defined as sin and the sinner is still defined as in the enemy of the Cross and an enemy of God the Bible said we are justified by faith we peace with God before you are justified by faith you don't have peace with God you are at war with God because he hates sin and in many modern circles addictions are not referred to as sin they are referred to as a disease now please don't get me wrong I do not in any way want to discount the idea that there are some people that are born with proclivities to addictions and others that suffer from any number of mental health diseases that create compulsion and addictive inclinations and I also understand that there are others who have developed an addictive personality due to their natural response to trauma or to a consistent pattern of abuse encountered at some point in their life I I realize that I understand that some people will struggle more severely with predisposition to becoming addicts and that these predispositions were engraved in their DNA at the time of their traumatic experience or as a result of continual abuse and damage to their psyche I realize that in all of this was done to help them you know the addiction was created it was a it was a coping mechanism that was created in their body as a way to deal unto cope with the pain and the suffering that they have experienced I understand that and let me say that we must try to get these people godly and professional counseled and systematic professional help as soon as possible do not do not demonize counselors until you take your demons to a counselor however with all of that said it is still my belief that if you are a born-again Christian you should not define an addiction as a disease but rather you should define an addiction as a sin a sin that has such great power over you that it makes you assume that is unstoppable and unbeatable and guess what the main word in that definition is it is in an addiction to anything as much as you want to put makeup on it you can take it as sheneneh's Beauty Parlor and get her hair did but can I tell you it is still a sin that's why that's why Paul said all things are lawful to me but not all things are helpful they're not expedient all things are lawful to me but he says I will not be brought under the power of anything that means he will not be mastered by anything he will not become a slave to anything he will not come under the control to anything and is that not what in addiction is is that not by their it by its very definition what an addiction is the state of being enslaved to a habit or a practice but Paul said and he said I will not be enslaved by anything it is a sin to be enslaved by anything friends we cannot let cultural and scientific influences keep us from defining addictions as sinful it is still sin it's the name of the Lord and what's the problem with calling an addiction a disease the problem with calling an addiction of disease is that most diseases are contracted at no-fault to the person who is contracting them for example in most cases at least I don't set out in the morning to go contract hepatitis C you know I don't say well today I think I'm gonna go get a little hepatitis C that's not what you do in most cases these are diseases that I contract that I have no say in their attachment to me and addictions though are is something that you may have a predisposition to them but if you engage them you are committing self enslavement it is your decision whether you want to commit these things or not that is they're not imposed on you they are chosen by you and in no way can I call cancer and alcoholism the same thing I heard a comedian once saying that if he absolutely had to contract a disease in life that he had been praying to get the alcoholism disease and that he preferred not to be healed from that disease do you realize what they're trying to do they're trying to equate addictions to a disease and it's not the same thing it is not the same thing there's another reason why you can't call an addiction a disease a disease it's because if I call an addiction and it's an unpreventable and unstoppable disease especially if I am a born-again believer then I am choosing the social sciences over my Bible which says that whosoever is born of God does not continue to commit sin that's what my Bible said now we all sin we all sin but if you are born again believer you will not continue in sin you will get back up and realize because the roots will give you Evan if your fruit is the evidence of what's in here your root and your root will say I've messed up but that's not what I'm all about I messed up but I've got to look at the righteousness of God Mustafa but I'm going to seek first the kingdom and his righteousness I will get back up again I will get my life together as the prodigal son did say I will go back to my father's house I will say father I have sinned against you I have sinned against you make me as one of your hired neighbors if we choose to call and addiction of sin and we are choosing the Social Sciences over our Bible which also states how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer in it either we believe the social scientists that the addictions are inevitable inevitable diseases or we believe the scriptures say that born-again believers have the power not to yield their members unto unrighteousness you have power once you have been baptized the Bible says you now have the power not to yield your members to unrighteousness and that we have power to yield our members that is our bodies we have the power to yield our members to God as instruments of unrighteousness see we choose psychology over the Bible because the Bible tells me that I have the power to let sin have no dominion over me no more excuses either we're born again or we're yielding our members to unrighteousness I believe that there is power in the name of Jesus that has been given to you that you can yield your members daughter as instruments of righteousness you can say I belong to you and you alone finally you can't keep calling an addiction a disease because people who call their addiction a disease usually lack accountability you see the term disease is used to justify a reckless lifestyle in constant relapses and when you have a relapse to a disease then you can blame the disease it's just a disease and justify your relapse by claiming that you are the victim but as harsh as it may sound the Bible doesn't allow you to become a victim or if you know the Bible puts accountability on all sinners for their actions we have all sinned and we all come short of the glory of God the Bible puts accountability on you because a person where the disease needs to be understood but a person with sin needs to repent a person where the disease needs a couch but a person with a sin needs a cross a person with a disease needs healing but a person with sin needs deliverance now why preacher why are you harping on addictions this morning here's the issue because there is an underlying issue at the very foundation of all addictions and addictions are merely symptoms of a much greater problem you know what an addiction is addiction is a symptom it's it's like it's like bad breath bad breath is not the problem itself it is merely a symptom of a much deeper problem what do we try to do we try to kill that breath with a tic-tac but here's the deal if you're not flossing if you've got turkey from last Thanksgiving that is still so this is a symptom of a much greater problem and that's what we try to do with addictions we try to fix the addiction itself but the addiction is not the problem it is merely the symptom of a much greater problem there is a root issue with the addiction that needs to be healed I love I love when you know the Bible talks about Jesus coming with his disciples and he see he looks at the fig tree and and the disciples on their way back after he curses it on their way back they were astonished that the fig tree had had dried up well the reason why is because the Bible said he cursed him at the root he cursed it at the root he didn't curse the branches he didn't say because he could be curses the branches then by this time next season here comes other fruits he said no I'm going to curse it at the root I'm going to get it at the root because if you get it at the root the tree will dry up and we've got to get this thing at the root level we've got to get this thing at the foundational level this is what an addiction is just a bridge it is just a symptom it is not the root issue of the problem so why are you harping on this thing well here we go in Scripture what we call addiction is actually called idolatry we call addiction is idolatry the worship of creature that is the worship of creative things the worship of creation above the worship of create or creator God and the problem is we try to fix the symptom without addressing the root of the problem which is there shopping an addiction is not a problem with an addiction itself it is a worship problem it is a worship problem here we go see if you look at the foundation of the Ten Commandments the very first commandment tells you all you need to know about what is foundational to God because in it you will have the foundation for the rest of the nine commandments and what's foundational to God is where your loyalties lie that's what's foundational to God he's saying where are your loyalties where are your worship loyalties who is your God and that's why he says thou shalt Hey have no other gods before me you shall have no other gods before me that is what's foundational to me that is the root of all sin that is the root of all problem you shall have no other gods before me it is a worship problem it doesn't matter if you go down the wrist it doesn't matter if you go down the rest of the nine commandments he says it really doesn't matter if you don't get the first one right if you get the first one right then the rest will come natural to you but you've got to get the first one right you shall have no other gods before me that's why Martin Luther he wrote that it is no mistake that the Ten Commandments start out with a commandment against idolatry because of the foundation of all law breaking lies a common denominator namely your worship is for something other than God your worship is for something other than God listen to that the issue with addiction is a worship issue it is not it is not an addiction issue it is a worship issue it is an idolatry issue there are two types of people in this world and most of us think that there are worshipers and non worshipers that's not the two type of people in this world the world is divided in two types of people it is worshipers of God and worshipers of gods but we all worship we all worship we were made to worship God but idolatry is when we as Paul would say change the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like corruptible men and birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things when we change creator for creature what is idolatry that is addiction that is a worship problem idolatry is when we worship creature above creator and worship is the act of ascribing ultimate value to something in a way that engages your whole being it comes from that old angle saxon word worth ship worth attributing worth to something in a way that shapes a whole being that is your schedule your taste your behavior your language your attitude they have all been adapted to facilitate the one thing you worship because you have attributed worth to that one thing when you are an addict you have attributed worth to that one thing above all other things whatever you are an attitude you have attributed worth to that one thing you worship at its feet you worship at its altar and God says the only way that you can break free from your addiction is not by putting fences around the addiction itself because if the root is not dealt with you're going to go back to your addictions you're going to go back to your pornography you're going to go back to your adultery you're going to go back to your drugs and your lying and you're cheating her you're gonna go back up to your alcoholism you can't put fences around the addiction and with willpower think what ten steps on that you can get rid of the addiction you're gonna go back to it baby you don't have enough power within yourself to break free from these things but the way that you break free from all the Dixons in your life is when you take what you have deemed ultimate and bring it down from that platform and you say god I'm gonna put you in your rightful place gonna worship you and you alone you alone are gonna get all that you deserver you I'm not number Warner you are the best thing that ever happened to me you are the lily of the valley so you are Akana it's when you put Carter at supremacy it's what God has control over everything then will you break free from your addictions on your dolla tree cause the root problem the addiction is not that you love creature too much it's that you love Creator too little what we try to do in psychology is say well then just let's just let's just put in steps so that you come down from the addiction itself and maybe that will help someone or let's put fences around your addiction so let's bring steps around that it you know you can't get on the computer after 10 o'clock at night you know let's put rules around this thing because this will help this will help you these are fences and those things are those things are not bad inherently bad those things can be good but here's the problem you're not dealing with the addiction that way because you still have a computer at home you have an iPad you have an iPhone you have a you have a you have an X X X you have a Triple X store on your way from work you can't get rid of those things by putting fences around certain things you will always go back to it if you uproot the tree of idolatry without planting the seed of love for God then the idol is bound to grow back it is bound to grow back the only way to eradicate and to get rid of the idols in your life is thou shalt have no other gods before me thou shalt have no other gods before me when you get down and say I worship you and you alone you alone will have all supremacy in my life you alone will be my god and my god alone I want to have a your affections I want to have your thoughts I want to be where you are I want to know what do you love and what do you hate I'm in love with you and you alone it is then when you will have the power to expose every other thing that wants to take its place I'm almost done but I'm going to give you the biblical basis for this here we go it's a worship problem so Paul how do we get rid of the addiction Paul said it best Colossians chapter 3 verse 1 through 5 he said if ye then be risen with Christ and seek those things which are above where Christ is on the right hand of God and then it says set your affections on things above and not on things of the earth it says ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God and when Christ who is our life I love that Christ is our life when he shall appear then shall he also appear with him in glory and here it goes you want to know how you get this thing it says mortify mortify means kill but what do you you know but before I go on here here comes the keyword to the whole text the keyword to the whole text is this there or when you see the word therefore in Scripture what it means is on account of on account of whatever I just told you I just told you something that is about to give you the power to kill I just told you something that's about to give you the power to kill it says you can kill therefore your members words which are upon the earth and what are the members the members that are upon the earth are all addictions it's all idolatry watch this these are the members fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence covetousness which is idolatry he says you can kill idolatry you can kill you can modify addiction how therefore on account of on account of what on account of what I told you before what did you tell us before he said this is what I told you before set your affections on things above set your affection on things above it's when you say I'm tired of being tired and I'm sick of being sick and I'm sick of living my life without its intended purposes but I'm gonna bring this down up and I'm gonna set my affection on things above I'm tired of going back outside of doing it over beginner I need you Jesus um take your rightful place up I'm gonna send my affection on things above and as you see Kim the closer you get to him the further away you get from it the closer you get to him the further you get from him set your eyes upon Jesus look full into his wonderful get and the things of the earth ax will grow strangely dim yoru you may remain steady released it well well preacher we're not idol worshippers we're not idol worshippers of me that was back in the day when they would they would have idols and gods and I mean who does that who does that now Aphrodite we don't worship Aphrodite well we don't the goddess of beauty have you seen the eating disorders have you seen the young man taking steroid at the steroid trying to improve on their physical appearance in order to conform to society's view of what beauty is and everyday they're lighting incense at the altar of Aphrodite it's an item it's God worship it's God it's God's worship small G God's tonight'll it's a night who we were Artemis we don't worship that anymore the goddess of wealth we don't we don't worship there when money and career are raised to comic proportions cosmic proportions we don't do that we don't we don't perform child sacrifices anymore to these God we don't we don't we perform a form of child sacrifice when we neglect our children in order to obtain greater wealth and greater riches we're still bringing them to the altar of Artemis in Aphrodite we've got idols we've got to deal with we've got addiction and the deal is that the whole time I was preaching I bet some of us in the crowd we're going oh I know who I could get the CD to that alcoholic over there I know uncle Paco my god he like them tequila's I know I can get them over there to him and what you don't realize is we all worship we all have idols we bow down to every day we all have idols here you stand even in your self-righteousness sometimes it is it is so easy and self-righteousness to go whoa you know because I do this and I do that and I look down upon it and you don't realize your self-righteousness has become your idol and pride and envy and deceit and fashion and food by god I love food I'm done with this here's the problem this is what psychology tells you psychology tells you the way to get rid of this addiction is let's replace it with fashion so you move alcohol from the altar and you put fashion up there and now you put all your strength into the fashion but sirs ma'am the idols are not jealous of each other see they are all conspiring against the one true God they don't care who can move out and put in fashion says all right goodbye alcoholism here I come and fashion is up there but then fashion gets to be too much because it's taken a whole lot of your money and your time and your self absorption and now it's taking money away from this and now you've got to work more you've got to work harder which gives you more stress and now you've got a you've got an appearance to keep in this and then and then you say no it's too much it's too much that Idol also live I exchanged the truth for a lie and so no that's too much what else is there then it says well well we'll how about food and now food goes whoo I come in and fashion and listen if food comes in fashion has to go and God is saying until I become the lily of the valleys in the bright and Morning Star until you fall in love with me again until your affection the seed of your emotions your heart until I have your heart again until tears stream from your face at the thought of me until you can lift your hands and go god I live to worship you you and you alone until I become that to you you're gonna keep facing your issue I'm praying right now there are some people in this crowd you've got some idols you've got to come and bring down and I'm praying right now by the anointing of the Holy Ghost that God would deliver some people at this altar right now in the name of Jesus Christ I don't know who you are but I need you to come down right now because God is about to make God is about to free and deliver some people from your addictive traits and addictive personalities if you're a guest in this house and you are struggling with this I need you to come down we're going to pray with you and if you're here it doesn't matter who you are guest or not if you are here in this house I don't know who you are I need you to come here I don't know some of you may be stressed that's your addiction some of you may be its food for some it may be substances for others it may be pills for some I don't know what it is anxiety for some and you go back that's your goal to that's what you go back to that's what you feel comfortable with you have placed certain things here that you know some of you teens it's video games it's entertainment I don't know what it is in your life but you have idols you have idols in your life that you need to deal with God is here to deal with your addictions God is here with your idols come on it's creature worship it's the essence of all addictions creature worship is at the root of all of these addictions but come on if you want to mortify this your addictions your addictions your idols in your life if you want to kill it if you want to modify it come to the altar of worship of Almighty God come back come back where you can say God I need you God I won't you God take your place at the right hand of God sees Christ who is preeminent above all other things he's got power the Calvary gallery I'm coming back to you I'm coming back to you [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] ah [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] too hard [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] I would heal it your hands all over this place lift your face lift your voices from the deep of your spirit Oh hallelujah hallelujah Oh Lord you're our bouncing you're our source sky I praise you O Lord I praise you O God huh Oh hallelujah hallelujah helps us to do no Synthetica I want the real thing I want a relationship with you Lord I want you to be my roots I want you to be the source of everything God I want you to be the Fountainhead in the spring of my heart God Oh hallelujah bless you Lord I'm like Lord oh praise God somebody shout glory I think this more did you heard probably one of the best explanations of idolatry that I've ever heard and I'm so thankful brother diaas preach man I don't want to be living a contemporaneous ideology I want to make sure who's number one in my life and who I love the most how many of you are on the Lord's side in this house right now say I'm on the Lord's side I may make mistakes and they fall down but oh I'm on the Lord's side I want him to be my all in all my sinner my circumference of my everything oh praise God [Music] ever [Music] [Music]
Channel: Called, Chosen and Faithful
Views: 6,181
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: God (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Holy Ghost (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity), Religion (TV Genre), Religion (Literary Genre), New Testament (Religious Text), Old Testament (Religious Text), Christianity (Religion), Pentecostalism (Religion), Apostolic (Religion), christianity (religion), monotheism (belief), religion (tv genre), Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion), the bible (religious text), salvation (belief), believer's baptism (religious practice)
Id: I_IRWkVyVeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 27sec (5967 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2017
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