The Road to Hana: A guide to the best stops along the route

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we just did the road to Hana [Music] [Music] thank you good morning everyone today we are headed on the road to Hana this is one of the Premier attractions when you're coming to Maui and the very first step I would recommend is downloading the Shaka guide it's an app on your phone you can get that talks you through each step as you drive to Hana we're gonna actually break this up into a few different day trips because we're living here currently so we have the time because there are a lot of stops hopefully this will be a great definitive guide for you to follow as well so you can see the attractions beforehand and decide which ones or maybe all of them that you want to stop after you leave paella town you head out on the Hana Highway and it kind of follows the ocean you're on the cliff side a little bit we're going through some Greenery right now and our first stop today is going to be ho ho kipa Beach I think this is how you know I'm a tourist based on my hat and just Surfers out there stand-up paddle board Surfer over here we have the West Maui mountains the other thing we didn't talk about at this first Beach that you can stop at is that it has a lifeguard out they mentioned how big the swells are the tide There's an actual bathroom there's a rinse off station which honestly is our favorite thing because after you're in the salt water it feels good to rinse off before getting back in your car so overall it's still pretty nice at the beach it's just rough today but way off in the corner where we're walking is where you can see the turtles if they're climbing up on the sand I had a photo in right here I'll say there's three of them hanging out they look like rocks uh it's not quite sunny enough or calm enough to swim so we might come back okay so we just left ho keepa Bay there were a lot of waves not a great snorkel day although there were a couple people in the water we're gonna try to swing back later so we're continuing on the route to Hana and the next up is Twin Falls it is I believe a privately owned place so make sure you bring cash it is ten dollars to park there as you hike through they have some restrooms and I think there's a food stand you can buy some snacks at but as you walk there's a close one which is very easy and then there's one that's a little further back that's much higher up a little higher waterfall and you can swim in either one what we would recommend if you feel more comfortable wearing hiking shoes that would be beneficial however I did it in flip-flops and was just fine walking distance a mile plus you might see a wild hog birds of paradise [Music] come on today [Music] big breath and go you got this it's still shallow [Applause] [Music] [Music] what happened uh we have your windows down the wind blows and something just fell out of a tree that hit me in the head landed in the car you got it Dhaka made it is Another Hawaiian word try it why come away why come away no waterfall accidents no restrooms waikimoy Ridge Trail Trail length is 0.8 miles you gain about 193 feet I think it's just a Scenic Trail oh the views are gorgeous apparently there's two options there's one that's point eight and one that's 1.1 so it looks like we're taking the longer route I know there's this thing as quiet trees yeah we need a size reference huge huge [Music] may I recommend having some tinnies or hiking shoes with you so you don't have to end up Barefoot like Tyler this is what sandals of Duty though oh [Music] feet now although he usually prefers to be barefoot he's not doing it for preference today he's doing it because his sandals have actually rubbed a blister on his foot so so far on this hike you are surrounded by huge eucalyptus trees uh there's some up and down I know it was only like 200 feet elevation gain and descent oh but there's a lot of roots so like I said the path has a lot of roots to step over but overall very Scenic very wooded a little hot 15 minutes later short and sweet we're done about point seven of a mile honestly not that far there is a upper picnic area we didn't go to we already ate today I would say crunch for time not worth it plenty of time cool to see beautiful trees Carrie your vote yeah it's a good place to get out and stretch your legs the best views are at the very beginning because you can see the ocean off to the next one on the road to Hana there are over 600 turns we just learned from the Shaka guy there are approximately or I should say exactly according to them 620 and we are going through it right now if you get car sick I sometimes do I would recommend driving if you enjoy botanical gardens the next stop is for you we are stopping at the Garden of Eden it's Hawaii's most loved botanical gardens according to the sign and you can either walk the two miles through the gardens or there's also a drive-through option this is another spot where you do have to pay to enter but we're gonna check it out and see what we see so the Garden of Eden just a heads up is twenty dollars per person so first thing we did was Park and we're going to feed the exotic birds bring your quarters for the bird feed did it all okay birdie birdies who's ready for lunch birdie birdie looks a little scary okay you only get a little bit because you have to share with your friends that hurt s that's the one oh this is a big mama Jamba what is this thing it's okay okay big mama there you go okay biscuits biscuit biscuit ficus only because you heard it before huh yeah hiking is that the tree or the flower oh these are the um Paradise bird of paradise flower from yesterday it's a ficus I'm becoming quite the horticulturist sort of thing that's her side job after the side job hey an avocado tree I never see one in person today's is much about learning as it is about Adventure bamboo alley and restroom we did learn on the Shocker guide bamboo is technically an invasive species they think brought here by the Chinese when they came over to Hawaii look how big the bamboo is [Music] this is the biggest bamboo I've ever seen in my life holy cow well it started as a trip to look for the bathrooms first I I wouldn't technically lost although we're still on the people's property so there's a bunch of trails all I know for sure is we're now walking to the waterfall Overlook we'll find the bathrooms later [Music] so so far here at the Garden of Eden for 20 a person it's still a little pricey to get in you actually do get some really cool views of beautiful trees that I've never even heard of they have them all labeled so you don't have to do any guesswork tells you what they are tells you where they're from tells you a little bit about them it's actually quite cool and along it it's a fairly level terrain there are some hills as long as you have hiking shoes you should be totally fine you constantly have overlooks taking a peek at the ocean along the trail there's waterfall views it's a really nice stop and you can sit in the parking lot you can eat you can go to the cafe you can feed the birds I think it's a good Pit Stop early into Hana if you want to take a break if you've seen the movie Jurassic Park you might recognize oh the last thing we want to check out before we leave is the 100 year old mango tree this mango tree is 100 years old oh and this is one of the rainbow things what are they called I think it's a rainbow eucalyptus we just finished exploring the Garden of Eden we were here for an hour and 15 minutes and we walked about 1.4 miles as Tyler said very family friendly the one thing I would recommend is bring water they do have some you can purchase when you enter but we're not sure what the price of those are it's it's why it's hot it's humid so make sure you bring plenty of water with you if you choose to not wear your bathing suit when you start the road to Hana that's okay because just a mile or so past the Garden of Eden there is a state park that has restrooms and according to our Shaka app it is a great place to change into your bathing suit if you're planning to get in the water thank you it's not recording so we just stopped at the lookout for hanamoa Bay I'm pretty sure that's how you say it it's just a very small pull-off on the side of the road but you do get some really cool views here of the ocean and the bay [Music] [Music] we took a short detour on our road to Hana this is the knee Peninsula this was formed after an eruption of the Haleakala Volcano also along this stuff on the peninsula is the famous Auntie Sandy's banana bread one banana bread and two chips it's fresh and warm I've haven't been here for several months everyone said if you do the ride to Hunter you have to stop at Auntie Sandy's I don't think I can eat the banana bread but we're gonna see what Carrie and Casey think about it but it's supposed to be one of the best stops best banana bread we're so looking forward to it we each got our own loaf the Vandy Sandy's wasn't enough the views here are spectacular it's a very easy short turn off from the road to Hana it's easily listed on the Shaka guide It's the knife Peninsula but as you can see behind me even though it's a bit of a stormy day it's just breathtaking views of the lava rock also if you haven't noticed this is like our third different car on the road to Hana this time we have Casey with us it's just you can do it in a day but it's a lot to see so we've broken it up into several different trips so we can show you as many of the stops as possible but just know if you have time it's probably better to do it over two days than just one day of Rush stops I don't know if you can see everything and enjoy it all in just one day foreign oh it's still warm pretty good I had banana bread before with a little bit of coconut sprinkled on the top Casey Would disagree but I think that's what this is missing no coconut it's nice that it's still warm it's like super moist not too banana-y and perfect shot for sure [Music] all right okay we just stopped at another state park here on the side of the road it's probably the easiest waterfall slash swimming hole that you're gonna see all day you literally Park if there's parking and you just walk up the 15 Steps I just did and we're here we're already here at the swimming hole [Music] it's freezing cold [Music] there's no flood out today but everyone's looking there's a few people jumping I'll be able to be in here very long but anytime you're in Hawaii you can't pass up off go under go under oh [Music] Casey swim in a waterfall on Maui quite refreshing off to see what else we can find on the road to Hana we are now entering a roadside lava cave just after the state park with the waterfall that we stopped at there is a side attraction it's a lava tube it's really small to get in probably just a couple feet high but once you're in it opens up you could easily stand up tall six feet or higher there's plenty of room if you guys want to come in holy cow I don't know if this GoPro can see me but this is big no no no next stop Honda Farms I can smell the pizza [Music] they're getting better with gluten-free they have gluten-free dough but they still cook it in a convinced convection oven with other gluten pizzas so it's been for me but I think they had snacks here last time Carrie Josh I challenge you to try to get your avocados this big this avocado is huge for reference I just wish I had a carbonated drink are you just hungry or is it good I'm not sure yet oh it's pretty good there are actually a good number of food options on the drive uh to Hana town There's coconut Glens there's a place you can get gluten-free ice cream nahiku Marketplace Hana Farms or we chose to stop and have lunch today and there's also some food trucks and restaurants in the town of Hana itself the only problem is you have to be careful about the time you get there because they close around five o'clock and holy cow that's a huge rainbow eucalyptus tree they close around five o'clock but some days they may decide that they don't want to be open so we would recommend bringing some snacks with you for the ride just in case foreign [Music] out why Honda's so green so much currently raining all morning we are finally gonna make it to wainapanapa State Park if you have not been here in a while they now require reservations which we have our slots saved they have four throughout the day you cannot book them on the same day so plan ahead and book it it has been raining like the entire drive and we finally got to come out I am hoping we have a little bit of sunshine for our two and a half hour reservation our time slot today is from 10 30 to no no wait our time plot today is from 10 to 12 30. two and a half hours to explore the park and please have good weather I can't believe we finally made it we've tried several times to get here so far we're finally here the first time we missed it Carrie I think we just didn't have a reservation yet the second time our camper van broke down we didn't come now we thought it was gonna be rainy but we're here and boy oh boy the waves are strong [Music] Beach Casey's about to get taken out like a little mermaid out there laughs at the water I walked right by this guy and almost stepped on him I didn't even see him he's just taking a nap here I was wondering why they had a sign out that said don't touch the seal here he is so after stopping at the beach we decided to do this little Trail up the side I'll have to look at the exact name it's a little rocky I would definitely have sandals or shoes for this because the lava rock is cutting even my feet and I usually go barefoot um holy cow the waves are just crushing and getting us wet right here though but it really gives you a cool view of the black sand beach from this side and watch this wave crash right here now that would crush you do not fall out of this beach time to move on out of here [Music] [Music] today we are back at Haleakala National Park we are going to hike the pipiwa trail we hear there are two beautiful waterfalls on this Trail one about half mile in the other two miles in all right here we are on the back side of Haleakala National Park it took a long time to get here finally we're here though we're gonna do the ppy trail it is a Four Mile round trip like Kerry said and we're gonna go see what the waterfalls look like okay so for anyone thinking of doing this Trail it is beyond Hana so you're driving quite a ways you can make it um part of your trip to Hana but if you're stopping a lot it's going to be a very long day so we're doing this independently if you're wondering how to get to this Trail if we had any specific car types you just need a car that runs I mean there's no off-roading right here you didn't need four-wheel drive people were driving up with Camaros some had Jeeps we have a I guess all-wheel drive GMC Terrain but anything that's reliable will make it you don't have to have a specialty car for anyone not familiar with humidity it's pretty human it's toasty okay so we passed the first waterfall it was dried up right now they did say it could be temperamental we passed this beautiful Banyan Tree huge reminds me of something out of a movie uh sides going into the ground there's also one in Lahaina which you can visit much easier to get to I don't know where the helicopter's coming from but a very beautiful Trail so far somebody who doesn't hike a lot or you don't have very sure footing may we recommend some hiking pools there's a lot of unsteady ground on this Trail a lot of like overgrown tree roots rocks stairs especially if it's slippery just after a rain we could definitely uh put you at risk for Falls we're about to head into the bamboo forest [Music] why mofu Falls 0.8 [Music] yeah I actually was getting worried that the other part was the bamboo forest but this is a legit force of bamboo it's everywhere okay like I said first waterfall not really running the bridges were my favorite and then all of a sudden the bamboo forest it's really cool it's forever it's just bamboo there are no regular trees and then you come to this cool pathway you're just walking on planks it's steady there's not really a lot of rocks right here in this section and it's beautiful very unique some of you would not see elsewhere we made it to the falls that waterfall is 400 feet we did it all right so we just completed the Haleakala National Park where we went to the heapy wide Trail uh it was great the waterfall was beautiful but this is a second Adventure we've been trying to see another waterfall right here I'll have to get the name for you but we're gonna get out because at this waterfall you can actually get in the water yeah that's excited for the ppy but I'm really excited for this one to get in at least as big as Carrie's head what do you think round trip point one of a mile foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we couldn't have asked for a better ending to our day we just stopped at wailua Falls one of the last stops on the road to Hana totally worth it you have to drive this far to see it it's a short roadside stop walk down to the waterfalls there's a beautiful Pole to swim in the waterfall is huge and absolutely beautiful highly recommend driving this far just so you can see it hardest part about this waterfall just finding a spot to park if you get one you have to stop totally worth it a beautiful day driving the complete road to Hana what's the name of this place there's somebody's bones real bones I think it's uh part of Legend Hawaiian I'll have to look it up it'll hopefully be written here we decided to stop at this as well this is on our way back but technically it's before you get to Venus pools do not get in the water here and rip currents are strong but beautiful holy cow another one in the wild I think the camper vans can make it yeah that one is a little bit more beat up that looks like the one I don't trust him we just did the road to Hannah [Music] terrific [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Tyler and Kari
Views: 36,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Road to Hana, Maui, Travel
Id: GLpZ2qgCblE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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