The Road to El Dorado - A Match Made in Heaven
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Views: 789,445
Rating: 4.9344273 out of 5
Keywords: The Road to El Dorado, Dreamworks video essay, Dreamworks analysis, The Road to El Dorado video essay, The Road to El Dorado analysis, The Road to El Dorado review, Disney video essay, BREADSWORD, breadsword el dorado, the road to el dorado full movie, the road to el dorado trailer, the road to el dorado ending, the road to el dorado opening, dreamworks movie review, the road to el dorado soundtrack
Id: Jz6nPSZmd14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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I love his videos, but the borderline whiny and lazy voice he puts on at points (especially near the end of this one) is too much sometimes
That was great
I love it, but I wish he would let the clips speak for themselves more.
Oh yeah, the movie that made me mad as a kid because the two guys didnโt end up a couple which confused little me somehow because that couldnโt happen because theyโre both guys. But somehow I felt like it was leading up to this. As it turns out the movie was one step of many on my road to self-discovery. Great movie. Still mad they werenโt a couple though.
Love my boy Breadsword. Glad to see his reach is growing. Also love this movie.
This movie and Moses I thought were the same movie for the longest time...didn't really think either were that special at the time, I don't get the hype.