Der Eroberungszug der vertikalen Landwirtschaft - VPRO DOK 2017

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[Music] right now our food chain is tied to water wastage erosion scandal and the long distance transportation of food a lot of people say you know I hate the idea of farming and buildings because it's not natural I love them when they say that I just love to hear that why because farming is not natural it needs a lot of support lots of water lots of fertilizer herbicides pesticides on the plus side of course it makes our food possible so it is estimated that by the year 2040 the world population will reach 9 billion the majority city dwellers how will they have access to fresh food and in a sustainable way our vision is to build farms and cities all over the world so people have access to great tasting fresh safe food one way is by bringing large-scale agriculture back into the city the demand for local food is 20 times higher than the supply for local food to death the more people that are in this industry the better for sure this is back light welcome to the world of vertical farming [Music] when I was born which was in 1940 there were 2.6 billion people alive and today there are seven point four billion people alive and this is within my lifetime in the year 2000 Professor Dixon days premiere of Columbia University New York asked his students what they would like the world to look like in 2040 when there will be over 9 billion mouths to feed we'd like to work on rooftop gardening and we want to see how many people we can feed inside New York City I said New York City that's a big place you know it's 8 million plus people I said why don't you limit your study to Manhattan it's about 2 million people they presented their report to me and they said you know we can only feed 2% of Manhattan this way it's we're doomed there's no hope no you did a great job you you went in not knowing what the answer was you did the science and you found out that that approach will only feed 2% of the population but I said what if you took your good idea and made it a better idea by moving a rooftop garden in the building itself that's why I said and there are lots of apartment houses that are unoccupied in New York City so everybody knew that that was a possibility and of course they looked at me and said can you actually do that I said of course you can't and then in my own mind I saw my nose grow longer and longer the Pinocchio effect of you know you have to give these students some hope and every time we drove down the highway we'd look at the building and say you know that would make an ideal growing system right I said these vertical farms and all of a sudden I just sort of just came out of my mouth I just I'm time and from that point on we were hooked on the term vertical farm because it seemed to fit the kind of thing that I had in mind today we're gonna face a big crisis and that is the population still increasing the amount of land for farming is decreasing even the land that is currently farmed has now been degraded below optimum levels so we have all these convergent problems coming and facing us and now the idea about vertical farming seems to make better sense because people can understand okay we can't farm the way we're farming but we can still farm and if we can still farm we can still eat and if we can still eat we can save water at the same time maybe we can survive into the next millennium the optimism of despo me and his students and improved technologies have inspired countless pioneers to think about how to radically innovate food production all over New York urban farming is on the rise in various shapes and forms one of these urban farms is square roots in Brooklyn founded by Tobias pegs and Elon Musk's younger brother Kimball after making money with Internet companies they now invest in a platform where a new generation of urban farmers is learning how to grow produce locally in their own shipping container so this is the square root spa right right I call this extreme urban farming right over here we have a housing project this is where jay-z the rapper actually grew up and you know spent his formative years this is kind of as urban as urban farming is ever getting yet inside each of these shipping containers is the equivalent of a 2 acre outdoor field right so if you imagine a 2 dimensional field a farm and then you turn that on its end and you hang that field off the ceiling and racket 256 times right that's what's going on inside these farms so now you're farming in three dimensions instead of two dimensions so you can get a lot more food out of a way smaller space all the crops that we have all taste phenomenal and I believe it has to do with that the way we grow because we have that for control open systems so I can make it as cold as I want or as hot as it wants and we that makes the effect of making it sweeter fitter whatever the customer can potentially want is how we can make it I started my career 20 years ago in the Internet and that was a big opportunity but now I see this opportunity and local real food and it is 10 times bigger than internet was right this is a huge entrepreneurial opportunity to try and figure out how to grow a lot of food in the city and get it to the people that are in the same neighborhoods as the farms that you're building so we really set up square roots as a platform to empower a whole new generation of entrepreneurs who understand urban farming understand community understand the local food systems and we can work together with them to tackle this internet sized opportunity the way that I see it is really like activism through entrepreneurship because we're actually doing things that we want to do and we love to do and we're making money doing it so many people especially in the u.s. they're really at the mercy of what we call the industrial food system this is a system that ships in high-calorie low-nutrient food from thousands of miles away and it leaves people completely disconnected from the food the people who grow their food and the results in this country are awful obesity diabetes not to mention the impact to the planet or the consumer is seeing how awful the industrial food system is and they now want local real food organic food in this country has gone from nothing to be a forty billion dollar industry in the last decade local food within there is the fastest growing sector right there's no doubt about it people want local real food so if you said to me you know the best tasting basil I ever had was when I was on vacation in the south of Italy in June of 2006 right I could literally go back through historical environmental records and find like temperature humidity co2 level from the south of Italy in June of 2006 and go recreate that environment in my box in Brooklyn in February and grow that same tasting basil for you right this is very powerful because if you have these modular farms all over the country now instead of shipping food like the industrial system does you ship data right ship the environmental data and grow all of the food locally it's a very powerful concept and we can see a pathway where like the internet went from very difficult to completely doable in ten years the same thing is now happening with urban farming it's pretty difficult today there's no doubt about it but the winds are with us and this is inevitable right we will grow a ton of food in the middle of the city with very favorable economics very very soon see when I talked about urban farming being like the internet 20 years ago this is a good illustration of that right the user experience interface for this computer is you know like from the 1960s you know what I mean this is like everything it can just be upgraded and take it into the future for sure a lot of people say you know I hate the idea of farming and buildings because it's not natural I love them when they say that I just love to hear that why because farming is not natural we are the only conscious species on the planet that purposefully destroys an ecosystem in favor of food production if you don't look at farming that way then you're not looking at farming the way it should be looked at so looking at the world is an ecosystem an enormous in turn laced set of ecosystems I should say placing farming in the middle of that is the antithesis of ecology it's not sustainable it's harvested and it's it needs a lot of support lots of water lots of fertilizer herbicides pesticides however on the plus side of course it makes our food possible so we can't knock it all together even though it's only ten thousand years old in terms of a technology basically we haven't altered that technology since it began we just sort of improved on the machinery and the harvesting and that sort of thing but the same crops are being grown they're being selected for that sort of thing so the industries respond to the consumers demands always and right now in the world and in cities all over the world the demand is for fresh produce locally grown fresh produce locally grown that's not always possible indoor growing now it's always possible [Music] I don't think that you're gonna find Wall Street with every other building as a vertical farm that's ridiculous and some people have used that as a as a commentary on the industry that how can you possibly think about insinuating farming inside of a city where the property advantage is so so high you know you if you're a developer you could never make enough money with a vertical farm in New York City actually you could but you have to put it on the periphery of New York City where the property values go way down because nobody wants to live out there they all want to live in the middle where all the action is right so you put the vertical farms in the periphery looks like a regular farm except that in this case they're indoors and now you've got fresh produce pouring into the city every day maybe 10 minutes worth of transit time from the farm to the table we're gonna go a wholefoods here's the market hopefully the hydroponic farm is still on the top and I am absolutely impressed with the system and how remarkable and how accepted this concept is in terms of consumers so this is the closest that grown food gets to the consumed food this is meters away this is not a mile away this is not a block away these are within meters of people actually shopping for this food people know about this and they come here for the freshest fruits and vegetables that you can possibly imagine this produce was grown upstairs from where it was sold so it's minutes old if you were to taste this right now you wouldn't recognize it even if you had the same vegetable grown outdoors grown minutes away from your table there's nothing like this nothing so there's tons of space and there's there's lots of places to put these of vertical farm systems in places where you will do no harm to the environment you will do no harm to the communities you might even resurrect a few of them and you'll provide food for lots of people I think those that's the goal of all of this is to empower people to live healthier lives and it's up to us to find those places and to encourage the development of them on the other side of New York in Newark arrow farms converted several abandoned buildings with the aim of growing over 90 thousand kilos of leafy vegetables a year according to them this makes them the largest vertical urban farm in the world this is the 8th farm that @aerofarms that we've built we're in actually a former paintball facility our 7th farm was in a converted nightclub we joke around that the plants are on the dance floor we just finished our ninth facility that's just a few blocks away that's in a converted steel factory and here we're astray ting our ability to take an existing building often dilapidated underused infrastructure repurpose it to a state-of-the-art farm from a performance standpoint we have about a hundred and thirty times the output versus a field farmer meaning what we could do in one acre it would take a hundred and thirty acres out in the field in fact from seed to harvest which for us is 16 days versus 30 days in the field by the way that's 22 crop turns versus three but for that period of growth we take approximately a hundred and twenty thousand data points allowing us to become better farmers plants don't need Sun they need spectrum they don't need soil they need nutrients micronutrients we also use zero pesticides herbicides fungicides not organic pesticides but zero pesticides our growth media for example is made out of a hundred percent recycled plastics and it's a hundred percent reusable the system of filtration that we use allows for this 95 percent less water in our growing towers we're changing the world in lots of ways we're happy to lead this industry it's not a fad it's a trend where the leaders of this trend the us we're at the stepping point more than ever before consumers know that our food system is more challenged than ever headline news you know we have a drought right even here in New Jersey we're in the middle of a drought food safety there's a recall every single week so these are issues where our food systems are more challenged than ever before and we know we need a new paradigm so we see Argentina we see Guatemala we see Mexico we see Salinas California we see the Dutch peppers think about how far that's had to travel thinking about after you harvest something you know it's losing its nutrition value it's also losing its flavor so here we are in Newark New Jersey how do we have a better solution and without all those you know food transportation miles do you think about the cost the emitted energy that goes into that we have to have a better system a better approach we think by able to grow locally we can do that there are more and more companies that are trying to be local farmers and not surprisingly there's this romanticized notion of local food production it's elegant it's in terrassa 110 unfortunately there's an under appreciation of the complexity of what it means to succeed they don't fully understand what their economics are as well as all the risks are the biggest of which is food safety 11 percent of all food contamination comes from leafy greens a coli Salmonella Listeria etc etc this is not the place to cut corners it's thinking of identification and extraction and always fighting the challenges of biology just like you and I can catch a cold plants could catch a cold how do we identify it and minimize risk so our vision at aero farms is to build farms and cities all over the world so people have access to great tasting fresh safe food so food safety is an enormous issue throughout the world even though you can get enough food you're not quite sure whether you should eat it the closer your food supply is to where you live the more available it is and the less damage it incurs on the way to your plate if you ask the people what they would prefer they said we would much prefer to see the food coming from within the country we can trust it Trust is a big issue in this one food sovereignty food safety food security and food sustainability those four s's was all matter and vertical farming solves all of them [Music] so you've got 7.3 billion people and they require the size of South America in landmass to grow their food that's how their that's their agricultural footprint if you had another three billion people to that you need the size of Brazil in addition and the size of Brazil landmass doesn't exist we don't have that much more land to farm so when those next three billion people arrive over the next 30 to 40 years where will their food come from [Music] I had the privilege of being invited to a meeting between the Netherlands the government and China school innovating metropolitan agriculture and I saw the way the Chinese understood vertical farming and they're just eyes got big and they said this is what we want to hear this is what we're going to do and and they're doing it so but Holland or the Netherlands started this ball rolling in China by saying will supply the expertise you might not know how to do this but we have about a hundred years worth of experience in growing plants indoors [Music] we look at Holland as the mecca for agriculture technology you know we're very proud of technology and what we're doing but quite frankly a lot of it is inspired and maybe directly uses technology that's coming from the greenhouse industry and other Dutch companies [Music] the Netherlands is the world's largest exporter of food products after the USA the bulk of tomatoes bell peppers and cucumbers are grown in the horizontal greenhouses of the Westland wedged between Rotterdam and The Hague [Music] in the greenhouses of the diverse stain company alone a hundred million kilos of tomatoes are grown sustainably each year mainly for export young veeram tvind the skunk's is a researcher at Wageningen University and is studying the socio-economic effects of changes in farming worldwide mainland Segundo CEQA is a suit proofed iron month they also found the problem at the embarrassed Ada and the or design design here at like oak and the order which the hell straight home at lunch habit in a dental or airway a firing Miley straight on with Viator head of all air we're firing my food to predict she do all hail on Friday intensive any clients Carla wants help there's state allocation beta over the halo veo tu connais la Valliere every day in Blyth fake the Netherlands foreigners come to take a look at the experimental greenhouses jointly owned by the researchers of bargaining and university growers and technology companies in Holland about 20% of our of our tomatoes is grown under lights and it's mostly to fill the gap in winter so you see in these different bars they're not on yet because of course with the Sun lights there's no point in extra light is out from their videos this particular this particular one is indeed with Philips yeah do you use artificial lights no we don't always think about God because we China there's some area in winters or some smog well pepper production your tomato grower so you're not interested you think I think we lost your director Scott Oh sir Sir they say look there yeah yeah you were taking too many photos Netherland half-squirrel inhale aesthetic export proceeds he in the time bow in the fruits of production that above a horn Hill though interstate and a type of a teen Thalia a hill who tada motivated of these honours from where the digestive Asia also come commerce off about arrested after a hands out at certain it in the Russia we have a problem met Greenpeace slighted a frenzy Trump desert I American ears the export proceeds he from the Netherlands lumbar begin states recycle forward to order this it had account up that the machine from open on the Remini morones lumbar mutant kya the coma fauna tight that the set of home by found available for intruder back and avail stale food and vahana new tune are entitled to set a barrow stayed behind you relate yourself to food we see state smear that allocates sustain on the drug start and at the quality conflicts Tacoma numeral system double take entities love Allah Hangul crest buyer would fill how critical a message may bring you see talk of Staters the aisle except for you some Cossack complex flag bailando they never felt pratyahara meant am asterid under the Vedas paralyzed addressed mandala as we headed for Moscow versus ascension a Subaru masters Denker ok I kept rinsing in a fork shop start making but the crap will be ready foods in Iran myself thoroughly zero [Music] in also vollhardt movia 5% relief in the UK letter sent by Finland team personal score nerves London and whatnot I sorta not my phone okay I see the from array antenna by two comes now an automatic black sadistic after mark I could ignite to Martin here when they don't experiment makes no dialogue I kill all mother not a cop font host is Bhavana sitteth we print yeah I've come to the door who you the latter don't walk sticky shocker and she been nominated I see the first I felt order not like that I prefer if di stoked on who knows [Music] usually it's math - except it's one cell block I could hug him - maltese malti from space - God sees my basic survival I like this is over home is over home with intimate sign taste the map Bible best in home trial of liftin marker and octave mo of zero pick him out in the blows any Megiddo no paint on them you could make back in a mark we're at almond or Viet Minh screen yeah they can only see a professor ko found from vitamin C terminal treat phonathon zone a nickname velvet Oceania nail in Toledo waving her tail by activating in food or flight dot of lip service to disturb is tobacco and as a leader of my behemoth ethically tilt in the Slovak armors of optimal today I was up there in the heart I think Matilda welcome to songs for all trying to derail me Alaska hands to create the slide say that makes me clean the air Sakura dove for Stella tired from the vertical tilt to rate here the film ends in a talent ensign skeptics for now huh taught at Nomura horizontal tilt half the auction by Perry King yet he'll for I'm to notice that she comes Hills nel occupied by to the stop I'd have taken dr. shimmer and providing a snit landfill graph is Masako man tau this to the Kennedy produce it and kind of the consummate at restaurant length of six a relic ditched by then ha Delft a rota Dom but toka is the time bow and he'll I failed a nativity color tilt can fill compactor tangling the screen in in Stella concave in Korea from the production units Plaza and Cleo physique the Austin metric on cement Reiner market you know Kara at best loans and they said I have like no station infrastructure you from two-time biobalance activity it was Elaine for the omelet in the state smaller Vettius a client in fact the chicken alimony for Stella that I don't escape at night filing broths and at the Talmud Meaghan stating that this is hey Lamar I've seen I said Fukuoka Bustamonte was an international comparison I did she seek new hey in the crowd frankfurters ray of Haley smallest reading is longer he's working during the show hand but mental call Ava and morning this to create a mighty day in my earning it 100 I was a fan Hill hood and Parker I'm a hawk wrote industry ala Parker and led by voluminous to food super dick she's hide from the plans for dementia boner and by the men's America and Harvard optimally Sierra now dumped liked like they said system tracked in industry Yale and that blacks in usual in Netherland he'll move literally her this but act estas Mumbai owns now who brushed omote food system to Trekkie that black wire volt and verdict on the roof of a former Philips factory in The Hague urban farmers has built an urban farm where they grow fresh vegetables and salad crops film answers emanate additional detail the sake of our bussiness at an at the front is help do you the hill into makeup method left Omaha black and the heavy work alone pyro lead crop his slide really efficient produce it at the Mucha Patrick tired ever forms a year for our blood is that hunter and food soup receiver clicks to bring in the stuff distant black Romeo care to Kuna coma and Villa mezzo classes in with who eats of wound lighting to capture a cousin a tiny chromatin filleted home outside tooth knives Oh golly and thank you lead I see chef Marr a tiny look you held him it made the slab of the yes album scheme added hell of Rio mind I should cake not a perspective on the two combs the muki I like investment inherently repair and we could all fell and crowd industry triumphant market FL immigrants King has 11 hey assign newer insert the future prediction movie fulfillment met the bone and the live in cave gonna start interfere and a high empathy khaldoon and - the tisha Parker marker and Inter Santa bonum havea that is machine min the efficient but a bit filming mahalik I don't anticipate of the froth on the condiment and that's exit route to problem from the long bow from right he'll who to the public me to produce the elevator he'll he'll ill man is hood who took food by the multi produce here exceed least at slamboree vertical firemen go cactus or backer month on in oversea for the lumber is a hill technical enterprise mobile Maria is attainment has avenged memory hipomenes him at batteries has a strange memory every machine fanatic classic perspective from the tangle of the Bulls in the tile came from stones from who they elected to Mart now much bringing an ite JMA received neither a nice day like a cosmetic open on the Romanian metal Hill on the brow film ear Harry stop believing Don observe my vitalic at food from the start in parts of the world where land is scarce or unsuitable because of the climate architects internet pioneers investors and governments alike are beginning to realize that vertical farming has a future sustainable entrepreneur Hans Hassler co-founder of plant agon in sweden thinks 25 years ahead when it comes to making cities and agriculture more sustainable Hassler develops technologies to realize vertical farming on an industrial scale in iconic high-rise buildings in Dubai he meets his influential business partner suit but Allari together they will try to win over local investors and project developers Dubai would be a very very good market for us to really do something very big there's a culture here that is not so afraid as we might be at home for doing spectacular things and of course when you work with innovations like ours you need to have some courage as well not only financial capacity you need to have the will to take some risk for doing something good for the future [Music] we're in a date set so we import everything here you know I mean 95% so to become sustainable in today's world you have to be sustainable you have to be self independent and self-sufficient in terms of food production energy efficiency and so on and remember we don't have water or so we're in a desert okay we don't have much rain you know so guess what you know vertical family in a building will be perfect was we're seeing a future where water and land is being an issue for all of us so let's say that I can't eat what will I do then I won't sit around and wait for someone else solving the problem that's a human right as water so you need not only companies and innovators and entrepreneurs you need politicians you need Standardization you need universities everyone needs to work on this because we don't want to see people fighting against each other over food and that really scares me in Dubai a new sustainable neighborhood is being built here food production is already incorporated in the design small dome shaped greenhouses where vegetables and herbs are already being grown are located in the center of the neighborhood so all the electric buggies are allowed into this area kids we're running around the streets it's very active this is the strip that runs down the middle that has these bio domes which are the greenhouses which grow food for the city so we have 11 of these biodomes that run down the length of what we call the farm or the green spine of the sustainable city it's here where we grow much of the products for the residents in each dome we can grow around 10,000 of these of these pots and how do you irrigate them from anything the Serra head irrigated okay so if you Center the food production is like it's like a hub for a smart way of recycling everything in the city it's called symbiotic cities or symbiotic systems or even industrial ecology so it's a smart way of putting food in the center and then from the social angle I think it's also good I like to see where my food comes from to me that's a social thing that I would like to know okay my food is being made in the dome over there I understand how it's made maybe I can even go in there and have a look and then of course environmentally the transportation is being cut away so it makes sense in many ways but if I stay only on what we see in here now first thing that we will change is take the soil away because let's say that we are inside a huge city right now where would this soil come from you would have to transport the soil to get it here and when someone buys this part this person takes this home throws away the soil and then you need to put new soil here it doesn't mean that this is wrong but it doesn't give very much answers on the technological side if you have want to have high-yield food production in the city resource efficient then this is not the answer [Music] the development of urban agriculture vertical farming under ground forming all these things that are happening now to me is only like logic you have to move lots of food production into the cities when it comes to food security that's that's a political thing countries especially city states realizing that they will be so dependent on other countries for their food production because they import almost everything so I I think or to my experience that's why the political agenda where the political discussion is rising really fast now in city states like Dubai Singapore also Hong Kong obviously Dubai has a culture when it comes to innovation and doing spectacular things and we're not really doing the spectacular things that we really could do so far anywhere in the world and my dream would be that that could very well happen here in the body to really really show the world how you can use this technology a vertical form is to me a high-rise multifunctional building producing food in a vertical system when you say system I really mean a system not a multi-layer system on each floor in a high-rise building it's a good thing but it's not an industrial scale food production line that you would build work to get investors on board pasla wants to design spectacular buildings with offices on one side and vertical farms on the other high up in the glass buildings the seedlings are placed on a conveyor belt this belt then slowly drops down until the vegetables can be harvested and sold immediately if it's okay thank very very nice meeting you you also become more happy I think it's not only over agreeing to do things together it's also when you meet people that you share values with that you share people that knows what it takes to do these things I know when you implement food into City Planning it catalyzes lots of other smart thinking because when you produce food you obviously need water energy and nutrients so you try to find the nutrients in the city and where would you find the nutrients in the city very often in the waste so waste becomes something that you can use in the food production and energy you need to have a connection between smart energy use and the food production and the same thing with water so maybe the future city will be very much planned according to food production I yeah when you ask me this question to me I guess I never thought about it because it's so obvious to me city planners have a huge role of course to play in this because city planners can start thinking discussing affect political decision makers that forces real estate developers to integrate food in their buildings there will never be a building that only produces food because that building relates to energy water and transportation lots of other stuff around the building so I think as soon as you start discussing food to be integrated in a city lots of other good things comes along with it if architects universities investors and pioneers join forces then vertical farming in cities can make a valuable contribution to the looming fresh food shortage and there are more hopeful developments in the heart of Newark New Jersey where fresh food is hard to come by and obesity is a huge problem there is an extraordinary high school where students grow their own food for their daily lunch so this is our rooftop garden it's what we consider one of our learning environments if you look around we're in the middle of Newark New Jersey so there's not a lot of farming out here as it as you imagine we often call this a food desert so the idea of food access and things of that nature that are typically some of the challenges of inner cities we kind of address here so we're in the middle of you know very early spring it's actually not even spring yet but if you came back in a few months there would be lots of things there'd be kale and cabbage and broccoli rabe lots of tomatoes the kids love tomatoes cucumbers melons and so on so let's go ahead and start the harvest so you guys can go and bring it down onto the table and then put your gloves on you can see our kids are looking at the future of food through alternative growing when we first started we were doing traditional growing which we still do and to the point where kids were pulling out radishes and just because they were red they thought oh this is a tomato or this is a cherry like like this connection of how food grows and whether it was a root vegetable or grew on a tree or so on is something that our kids were not connected to and I don't think our kids were anything unusual I think that we're so conditioned to being in a supermarket where everything's prepackaged and wrapped and processed that that connection has been lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll let you know when soup and salad is open and available I would like to thank you guys for doing a good job following our rules enjoy your lunch boys and girls on the menu today you're eating turkey sausage and peppers but someone just asked me what the other side dishes this is called tell me what polenta is made from what grain is polenta like this is a learning environment this is as important as a classroom setting they're learning how to collaborate cooperate communicate all of those things within these round tables of the dining room you know one of the things we do is wit that we start kids really early because they start forming their habits good bad or indifferent and that we learned that if we if we start kids early and expose them to all the aspects of food that they'll be basically stewards to go out into their lives and and and make changes when almost everyone has moved from the country to the city and vertical farming has become a fixture in the city of the future there could be yet another positive effect in those countries that convert their urban populations to an urban food supply it relieves a tremendous pressure on the land so what happens when those farms are abandoned and I think that's the plus side to this by the way we need to recover some of the ecological functions that we used to have which we lost when we cut down those trees to make room for those firms we can now let them grow back we can then suck up the co2 into new trees that grow where the old trees used to be so you look at the way we're disembowelling the earth to a finely tuned Swiss watch and we've already got a lot of parts to this watch over here we have to now start to put them back into the watch the earth is not keeping very good time anymore in fact if you'll excuse this expression the earth is suffering from a bipolar disorder both the North and South Poles are suffering greatly as the result of this rapidity of climate change that that we are causing by our activities there isn't one solution to this problem we have to take a multiple systems approach and part of that includes putting urban agriculture to its maximum use rooftops empty lots greenhouses and greenhouses stacked on each other namely vertical farms we don't want to have to abandon this planet because we've destroyed it so let's really do it here and make a balanced world and then say yeah we'd like to replicate this someplace else you can't go there unless you learn how to do it here first we'd like to give it to the next generation you come visit us on Mars we'll have the same balance that's my dream he offered us in and us video cofilin hat click and see here on the sim fallin a video and Susan Peter a bonanza insane canal whom updates uber Fabio dock to a Hilton [Music]
Channel: vpro dok
Views: 409,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vertikale Landwirtschaft, vertikaler Anbau, städtische Landwirtschaft, Ernährungssystem, Nahrungsmittel, Aerofarm, vertikaler landwirtschaftlicher Dokumentarfilm, vertikale Farm, urbane Farm, Agrarland, Technologie, Technologie Dokumentar, Vpro Dokumentar
Id: ryCkqWI4xtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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