The Rise of Hidetaka Miyazaki

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in 2004 at the age of 30 hidataka Miyazaki dreamed of entering the video game industry and creating his own game however he faced significant obstacles not only did he lack any previous work experience in the field but he was also considered too old in Japan to make a career shift a formidable hurdle loomed before him would there be a gaming company willing to offer him employment in less than 10 years Miyazaki defied the odds and swiftly climbed the ranks from game planner to game director eventually becoming a company president along the way he consistently produced commercially and critically acclaimed games one after another discover the remarkable Journey Miyazaki undertook transforming himself from an outsider to one of the game industry's most prominent figures his path culminated in his inclusion on Time magazine's list of 100 most influential people and Dark Souls being hailed as the ultimate game of all time surpassing the industry's biggest and most established franchises such as Zelda Mario Minecraft Tetris and others hidataka Miyazaki grew up in a home that prohibited playing video games while this might have seemed like a handicap for the future game director it actually helped him build a strong foundation in RPG design and mechanics through the substitutes he discovered instead of indulging in video games Miyazaki immersed himself in the media format that was most readily available and conducive to nurturing his imagination and creativity printed text in Japan video games are highly popular and it's a common hobby for Japanese kids especially with handheld game consoles like those made by Nintendo however Miyazaki didn't have the privilege of experiencing that as video games were not allowed in his home to provide a clearer context let's look at the timeline of video games during miyazaki's childhood given this timeline we can safely assume that Miyazaki missed out on playing all of these games during his childhood only gaining the opportunity to play video games when he entered University this unique upbringing could also be the main reason why we don't find many influences or references in the souls games to the popular video games of miyazaki's childhood instead we see more connections to the mangas and adventure books he constantly references during an interview Miyazaki said while growing up I was not allowed to play video games at home only when I reached the university this is one of the reasons why I find it difficult to share what video games I played a lot as a kid however I was able to play board games and one of my favorites is sorcery I would open revisit and play that game though it is not a video game it is definitely one of the games that had a significant impact on me as a young child growing up in Japan Miyazaki was naturally expected to be exposed to and become very familiar with Japan's version of comic books known as manga to gain a clearer understanding of the manga that might have influenced him during his childhood let's take a look at the timeline of manga during that period it can be safely assumed that Miyazaki was exposed to most of the popular mangas in the list which inevitably influenced his future work in the game industry especially the manga berserk additionally in the list provided we can observe two Studio Ghibli materials that the Souls games often reference namely nausicaa and shuna's journey which is considered to be the Prototype of Princess Mononoke however among all the entries in the list the one that profoundly impacted Miyazaki was the manga berserk the series began serialization in 1989 when hidataka Miyazaki was 15 years old an age in Japan where male readers typically transition from Reading Shonen which focuses on heroic fighting and adventurous themes to sanan which delves into darker Grimmer and more mature content berserk being a dark Fantasy Sign in manga captivated the imagination of the young Miyazaki in his later interviews he consistently references berserk when asked about the books he keeps on his shelves the manga left a lasting impression on him shaping his artistic vision and creative Direction in his future endeavors however Miyazaki not only became familiar with mangas but also discovered Western Adventure style books the SE resources provided him with exposure to RPGs an experience he would have missed due to restrictions on playing video games in an interview he shed more light on his childhood and said growing up as a kid reading was what I truly loved I enjoyed delving into books that were beyond my understanding I always explored and aimed Higher by reading Advanced books typically though I could read them sometimes due to my young age I couldn't delve too deep into them occasionally I would only grasp half of the story however my imagination would fill in the other half and that imaginary part would come to life I find this experience truly enjoyable I Bridge the gaps of what I didn't fully understand in my reading and my imagination takes me on a journey eventually convincing me that I comprehend what I'm reading furthermore he affirmed multiple times in interviews that reading books and playing text-based RPG board games significantly contributed to his unique sense of creativity and Imagination as a result he aimed to replicate this experience hoping his future players would undergo the same Discovery and Adventure he had while playing these text-based games to better understand how adventure books might have influenced him let's consider their timeline in relation to miyazaki's childhood it is interesting to note that two of The Greatest Adventure book series fighting fantasy and sorcery both began when Miyazaki was at a young age just beginning to read and attending Elementary education to demonstrate how miyazaki's childhood fondness for adventure books still influences him today let's take a look at screenshots from both fighting fantasy and sorcery as well as images from his latest game Elden ring the homage he is paying here is beyond doubt and Crystal Clear only those familiar with the references will recognize them but this doesn't diminish the experience for those who may not be aware of it this aligns perfectly with miyazaki's principle of hidden Beauty during an interview Miyazaki emphasized his fondness for the storytelling style unique to adventure books distinguishing them from traditional novels he expressed his desire to convey this distinct experience through his games Miyazaki said I'm a big fan of stories that require some imagination to fully understand when I was a kid I truly enjoyed reading books that were a little Advanced for me I could only understand half the kanji and had to use my imagination to fill in the gaps my goal is to bring that kind of experience to video games where you use your imagination to complete the missing parts consequently all of the games directed by Miyazaki adhere to the principle of environmental storytelling rooted in his childhood experiences he holds this style of Storytelling dear to his heart as a result the restrictions he faced with video games during his early youth played a crucial role in shaping him as a game creator offering something truly unique and distinctive to his approach Miyazaki added I want to leave the discovery and interpretation of the world's lore and stories to the players that's why I focus on environmental and subtle storytelling instead of the game automatically telling the story players will find more value in discovering hints of the plot from items and people they encounter in the world of course we might receive criticism if players don't get enough explanations but I'm willing to accept that the fun of imagining things for yourself is one of the core tenets I follow I aim to share the joy of exploring a really dark and mysterious place and then attempting to shed light upon it like many individuals who discover something precious in their childhood Miyazaki has maintained his love for reading throughout his life in numerous interviews he consistently emphasizes the significance of printed text as a powerful Catalyst for creativity and Imagination Miyazaki said many of the ideas and themes expressed in our games find their origins in the written word the things that come to life in our imaginations as we read and the interpretations that unfold within our minds while my pool of inspiration draws from various sources if I had to single out one in particular it would undoubtedly be books especially those with text-based narratives as I've mentioned before one of my greatest pastimes is to immerse myself in these books allowing my imagination to roam free and indulge in Fantastical Realms this process serves as a significant Wellspring of inspiration for my game development endeavors to this day Miyazaki prefers drawing inspiration from books more than any other sources if you are curious about the contents of the shelves in his office Miyazaki once shared a glimpse into his collection saying first you would see the manga shelf which contains Devilman and berserk at the top the adjacent bookshelf is filled with tabletop role-playing game rule books with runequest in front together with the board game dragon pass another shelf is dedicated to novels featuring Classics of fantasy and science fiction prominently highlighting George R.R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and fever dream on an adjacent shelf you would find a small library of Game books with sorcery and the guides for Titan and out of the pit being the foremost among them finally you would discover art and reference books including works by Umberto enco and McNeil as well as Colin Wilson's the occult this period in miyazaki's life is the best time to answer the question of why he keeps referencing the berserk manga along with other influences such as Studio Ghibli films and the adventure books he loved as a child the answer is simple he pays homage to the very things that have contributed to his development and creative genius it is not due to any shortages of inspiration or a desire to copy something that most people may not even recognize or acknowledge this principle of hidden beauty is a core tenet of his approach acknowledging it doesn't require anyone's permission you can choose not to recognize it and yet your joy and experience in playing the souls games will remain undiminished however for those who can discern this hidden Beauty it rewards them with a profound sense of joy and appreciation the restriction on playing video games will not last long though Miyazaki will soon be able to fulfill his yearning and play video games upon entering the University in 1993 at the age of 19 hidataka Miyazaki enrolled at Ko University where he pursued a degree in social science later on he successfully completed his Graduate Studies here to provide some context KO University is the oldest institution of Western higher education in Japan and it holds a prestigious position as a top-tier university in the country its impressive list of alumni and faculty includes three former Prime Ministers two astronauts and six International honorary members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences moreover KO University boasts the highest number of CEOs from companies listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange considering this we can truly recognize miyazaki's entrance into KO University as a significant achievement in itself furthermore it is important to note that in Japan the period of high school before entering a university is typically more stressful and strenuous compared to the years of actual University study this heightened pressure is due to the hyper competition among Japanese students to secure spots in their chosen universities as a result for those fortunate enough to gain admission to their preferred University college life offers a chance to relax and build their social network having already surpassed the rigorous selection process and demonstrated their Merit as future representatives of The Institute institution upon graduation and during their job searches in an interview Miyazaki provided insights into his college days he said back in University and later in graduate school I studied social sciences during that time the internet had just started making it a fascinating period that made me think about a lot of things of course video games were my main focus and I was always playing them though I wasn't a very serious student and not in any way an expert I believe my studies influenced me during this time it wasn't immediately evident how miyazaki's degree in social sciences would benefit him in a potential career in the game industry nevertheless Miyazaki repeatedly affirmed that his degree played a significant role in shaping the social interaction and network features found in the souls games Miyazaki said I believe my degree in social sciences had a profound impact on my work particularly in the areas of networking and communication it also influenced my worldview giving me a unique perspective distinct from other creators for instance bloodborne its self reflects much of what I learned during my time as a student you might find this somewhat pretentious but when I contemplate Network systems in video games I approach it from a social sciences standpoint this approach is interwoven with my creative process during my University years I delved into the studies of sociology and psychology even now I continually revisit the themes I explored back then and the experiences you are currently enjoying are the fruits of those endeavors as we plan to release dedicated videos on the creation of each Soul's game will only provide a glimpse here of what Miyazaki refers to in terms of incorporating unique social interactions and network features influenced by his degree several examples include minimizing communication load between players employing blood stains as a gameplay element introducing online invasions in cooperative play and implementing a feature where a player can assume the role of a boss in a game level as demonstrated in Demon Souls and later in Dark Souls 3. to gain a better understanding of the popular games during miyazaki's University days let's delve into the timeline of video games from that period among all the games in this list one stands out as the most influential particularly in the growth of 3D games The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time this game had a profound impact on many individuals who later entered the gaming industry prominent game creators including fumito ueda of Eco Amy Hennig of Uncharted Sam Hauser of Grand Theft Auto and many others acknowledged its significant influence on their own Works Miyazaki himself expressed that the Legend of Zelda became a sort of textbook for 3D action games the gameplay system of the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time popularized features such as a Target lock system and context sensitive buttons which have since become common elements in 3D adventure games as you will soon discover in our video on the making of demon souls considered the first Souls game the first major change Miyazaki introduced when he became the director was to alter the game's perspective and Implement a lock system similar to what we see in Zelda Ocarina of Time it's also worth noting that all of the key games from from software including all entries in the Kings field series and the first armored Core were released during miyazaki's University days in interviews Miyazaki reiterates that kingsfield is one of his favorite games in this stage of miyazaki's Life an important question arises what did his university days truly contribute to his development and creative genius as a game creator much like how his childhood laid the foundation for miyazaki's passion for role-playing games and his deep knowledge of RPG mechanics his time at University provided significant contributions to the kind of games in which he would excel in the future two pivotal events in gaming history played a crucial role in his growth the release of Zelda Ocarina of Time during his final year of Graduate Studies and from software's kingsfield during his first year at the University the souls games are heavily inclined towards meticulous combat and Dark Fantasy themes two significant characteristics that both Ocarina of Time and the King's field series helped instill within Miyazaki these experiences further reinforced what he had already absorbed from the manga and adventure games he loved during his childhood moreover miyazaki's degree played a part in answering how he would execute and Excel in his future endeavors overall his university days were instrumental in shaping miyazaki's creative Direction as a game creator combining his early influences with the impactful gaming experiences during his studies to create a unique and successful approach to game development since his university days Miyazaki had a strong desire to enter the gaming industry however he couldn't seize the opportunity and ended up working for an I.T company called Oracle to gain a complete understanding and perspective of miyazaki's Journey it's essential to delve into a specific aspect of Japanese culture known as shukatsu only by comprehending this cultural phenomenon can we truly grasp and appreciate the decision and sacrifice that Miyazaki later made he resigned from his stable reliable and lucrative job at Oracle opting to take a pay cut and start again as a junior employee in an obscure gaming company called from software every year starting from early April thousands of soon-to-be graduates in Japan embark on a tradition where they dress in black business attire clutching a briefcase that holds only their CVS their aim is to secure job positions at the most esteemed companies in the country this ritual is a crucial part of a year-long hiring process that takes place during their penultimate year of University commonly known as the season of shukatsu shukatsu short for shushoku katsudo translates to job hunting activity in Japanese it refers to the standard process that Japanese students go through to secure their first job after graduating from University typically students secure a job in their final year of University and begin working in April of the following year this well-organized system facilitates a seamless transition from University life to employment with no gaps in between remarkably using this system more than 80 percent of job Seekers receive a job offer approximately eight months prior to their graduation Japanese students start preparing for their job search during the summer vacation of their third year at University which is about 1.5 years before their graduation for those fortunate enough to receive a job offer during shukatsu their last year at University can be spent without worry as they only need to focus on graduating and smoothly transitioning to the job that awaits them upon leaving the school as mentioned earlier the period before entering University is also highly stressful and demanding for Japanese students shukatsu in a way represents a continuation of that rigid and hyper-competitive process in the lives of Japanese students however once they successfully navigate through it and prove their abilities they can look forward to a more stable and relaxed life shukatsu holds tremendous importance for Japanese individuals as the outcome of their job hunt can significantly Elevate their social status as Yuki Honda a professor at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Education wisely stated whether they get a job when they graduate decides their whole life in Japan there is a well-known saying that goes you're married twice once to your company and once to your wife or husband between those two choices the company will always take precedence keep this in mind as we approach the part in the video where Miyazaki intentionally resigns from his job to follow his dream of creating his own games now let's delve deeper into this aspect of Japanese culture to gain a more comprehensive understanding of miyazaki's circumstances the primary reason for the unified hiring cycle known as shukatsu is that many companies prefer to train their new recruits on the job organizing the training process involving mentors and internal seminars would become significantly more difficult if inexperienced employees kept joining throughout the year however there is an essential consequence of this system that we must all be aware of and consider to appreciate miyazaki's choices fully the shukatsu system offered lifetime employment to new graduates which in turn provided job security and status for major Japanese firms the prevailing mindset was that the only way one could lose their job was if the company went bankrupt historically Japanese job Seekers sought long-term employment with one company aiming for job stability and career advancement within the same organization with this knowledge and understanding of the Japanese context we can now revisit Miyazaki and his post-graduation choices in an interview Miyazaki revealed I originally wanted to work in the game industry however after finishing graduate school there was a situation where I needed a lot of money subsequent interviews unveiled the specific reason for needing that money he had to support his younger sister's college education instead of pursuing his passion Miyazaki joined Oracle an I.T company renowned for its significant market share in database software he started his journey at Oracle as a support analyst and eventually progressed to become an account manager rather than delving into the specifics of his work at Oracle during the four years it would be more insightful to focus on the timeline of the games that were released during this period particularly considering that miyazaki's primary motivation for being at Oracle was to assist his sister two crucial years stand out in this timeline significantly impacting miyazaki's life and the fate of from software particularly regarding the Future Souls games the years 2001 and 2004. the significance of these years lies in the release of two influential games Eco in 2001 and Elder Scrolls Oblivion in 2004 while we will provide comprehensive reasons for the importance of both games let's focus on the game Eco for now as it had a profound impact on miyazaki's Journey Eco released in 2001 played a transformative role in hidataka miyazaki's Life the game had a profound effect on him and its influence on his creative Direction and career path cannot be underestimated in our upcoming video about the making of demon souls we will delve deeper into the significance of the year 2004 and how the game Elder Scrolls Oblivion eventually led to the creation of the Dark Fantasy game Demon Souls however for the present moment let's concentrate on exploring the pivotal game from 2001 eco Eco is a captivating video game developed by team Eco and released in 2001 for the PlayStation 2. its release garnered considerable attention and acclaim due to several remarkable aspects that were groundbreaking and influential in the gaming industry one of the game's most striking features is its breathtaking art Direction it presents a minimalist and Atmospheric World featuring hand-painted textures and a subdued color palette the visuals in Eco evoke a sense of wonder and Melancholy immersing players in a distinct and Unforgettable atmosphere The Narrative of Eco is a testament to its uniqueness as it unfolds without any spoken dialogue instead it relies solely on the character's body language and gestures to convey emotions and Advance the story this minimalist approach to storytelling adds depth and resonance to the relationship between the two main characters Eco and yorda as players progress through the game they become emotionally invested in their Journey making it a remark example of Storytelling through gameplay Eco has garnered praise for its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions including a sense of isolation companionship and the determination to protect yorda this emotional Journey sets the game apart from many other video game experiences and contributes to its lasting impact on players despite being released in 2001 eco's impact and influence have endured over the years it has garnered a cult following and serves as a significant source of inspiration for other games and developers Genova Chen the creator of art games such as flower and journey has cited Eco as one of his most significant influences the game Journey for instance clearly showcases eco's influence in its visual presentation the absence of a HUD lack of an explicit tutorial and the grand scale of architecture compared to the main character evoking a sense of wonder and Melancholy reminiscent of eco another popular example is Neil druckman the creative director of The Last of Us who expressed his admiration for Eco stating but the main thing I loved about Eco was that relationship that hand-holding mechanic that helps build a bond it was the first time I realized you can create something meaningful through interaction as opposed to just telling a story Bruce Straley the game director of The Last of Us also shared how Eco significantly influenced him but that was one of those times where it's just like he it was the very first game that I played it basically shaped my entire concept of how core mechanics are built and exploited and then switched up in a way with context to story and how those two things parallel each other and then to come out with an emotional impact that made me cry I cried it was the first game that I ever played was just like I'm in with the controller in my hand and I'm crying and I'm just like a game did this and that shaped my entire concept of design and you can see it in all of the games that I've been a part of since of trying to get its core mechanics it's building those core mechanics it's switching up and taking away core mechanics based on story context you know it's getting a good Arc so that you can play with the mechanics in parallel to this story arc and understanding that stuff so that's interactivity man that's that's what we can do numerous game designers including igawanuma hideo Kojima and Jordan mechner have acknowledged eco's significant influence on their own games even renowned film director Guillermo del Toro has praised Eco as a masterpiece and a source of inspiration for his own directorial work undoubtedly ECO stands out as one of the most influential games ever created now you might wonder how this all ties into the journey Miyazaki Miyazaki shared in an interview that the Dark Souls series would never exist without Eco in fact he would not have left Oracle and joined from software if it wasn't for Eco he said on a personal note after graduating from University and starting a new job I was away from games for a while however I happened to play Eco at a friend's house on a recommendation it was a beautiful Untold experience and a story that I had never imagined I'm very sorry to my friend but I was quietly moved and silent that's when I decided to leave the company I was working for at the time and started working for from software I'm not exaggerating when I say it was the game that changed my life and I'm proud that it was Eco and it was Mr Wade's game the game awakened me to the possibilities of the medium I wanted to make one myself up until now we have explored three significant stages in miyazaki's life his childhood his time at the University and his first job at Oracle each of these phases played a crucial role in shaping his growth and fostering his creative development during his childhood miyazaki's love for manga and RPG books was kindled and he was deeply influenced by their unique storytelling Styles later his education laid the groundwork for his expertise in 3D action games while his experience at Oracle exposed him to the possibilities of the medium and ignited his ambition to create his own game now he stands at the threshold of the next phase in his journey but there remains one hurdle he must overcome finding a new job in the gaming industry as mentioned before Miyazaki joined Oracle with the purpose of supporting his younger sister's University education considering that he joined Oracle in 1999 and spent approximately four years there it can be assumed that he has successfully fulfilled his role in financing his sister education and she has completed her University degree this achievement might Grant him a sense of freedom to pursue a career that aligns with his passion however it's essential to consider the societal Norms in Japan regarding work and employment these cultural expectations may still exert some influence on his decisions and career choices to gain insight into the culture of Japan particularly in their Workforce and job expectations it's essential to understand the concept of Lifetime employment in Japan there exists a traditional expectation that employees will remain with a single company for their entire working careers this practice is rooted in the idea of reciprocal loyalty between the employer and the employee in contrast many Western countries have a culture of job hopping where individuals change jobs more frequently to seek better opportunities or career growth in addition to Lifetime employment Japanese companies often follow a seniority-based promotion system where employees are promoted based on their years of service rather than solely on Merit or performance this means that remaining loyal to one company ensures not only financial stability but also secures career growth however for someone like Miyazaki following his true passion would require him to make significant sacrifices he must be willing to give up the prospect of Lifetime employment except a potential pay cut and face the pressure of searching for a job in a field where he lacks professional experience a comment from one of miyazaki's colleagues at from software sheds light on his later career shift he is one of a kind in Japan it is customary for new employees to join a company as a graduate and remain there for life this has been true in the past and continues to hold true even today this remark underscores the Rarity of miyazaki's decision to break away from the traditional career trajectory and pursue his passion despite the cultural norms surrounding lifetime employment his decision to pursue his passion despite the challenges reflects his determination and courage to chart his own course [Music] fortunately Miyazaki found an opportunity with a small gaming company called from software which took a chance on him and offered him a position as a game planner this marked the start of his new career in the gaming industry in an interview Miyazaki expressed his gratitude saying there were only a few companies that would consider hiring a 30 year old with little experience in planning I consider myself fortunate that from software took a chance on me especially since I was already a fan of their game King's field to gain a more complete context let's explore a short history of from Software founded in Tokyo by now Toshi Zin on November 1st 1986 from software initially focused on developing business applications it wasn't until 1994 during miyazaki's second year at the University that the company made its debut in the gaming industry with the release of King's field for the PlayStation while the game achieved commercial success in Japan it didn't see a release in other regions however its sequel kingsfield 2 found its way to North America and Europe in 1996. from software continued to expand its portfolio with titles like the horror game Echo night and the role-playing game Shadow Tower in 1998 following the release of King's field 3. one of their significant Milestones came in 1997 with the launch of armored Core the first installment in their Flagship series of Mecca combat games what's important to remember is that despite now being considered a major gaming company known for creating AAA titles like Elden ring and sakuro from software had humble beginnings and remained relatively obscure before their breakout success breakthrough was driven by the creation of the souls games by Miyazaki without miyazaki's contributions it's likely that from software would still be relatively unknown hidden in obscurity however Miyazaki considered himself lucky to have entered the gaming industry this company appeared to be the perfect place for his potential to flourish to its fullest extent just imagine If Miyazaki had been hired by industry giants like Nintendo Capcom or Konami companies that were considered the most significant game developers during that time I firmly believe that from software was precisely the kind of company that was willing to provide the chance trust and freedom necessary for miyazaki's growth as they demonstrated later when they handed him full control over a failed project called Demon Souls but let's not get ahead of the story instead let's step back to the time when he first joined the company upon getting hired miyazaki's initial assignment was to work as a planner for a title called armored Core last Raven joining the development Midway reflecting on this experience he stated in last Raven I had the opportunity to delve into various aspects of the game starting with working on the enemy AI later I was given tasks related to Mission design game progression text menus parameters and more this gradual involvement laid the foundation for my understanding of the game production process the advantage was that being a sequel this title already had a relatively stable game system and engine allowing me to explore and gain experience in multiple areas subsequently the game armored Core last Raven was released in Japan on August 4th 2005. several months after miyazaki's arrival at from software after completing his first project he was assigned as the main planner for a new game called armored Core 4. however Midway through its development he was promoted to the position of game director in an interview the host asked Miyazaki how he managed to become a game director in such a short period of time the host said you mentioned being treated like a new employee but it's quite unusual to become a director after just one project can you tell us the reason behind this trust in you Miyazaki replied to be honest I'm not entirely sure I think external factors played a significant role rather than my own actions the opportunity to become a director arose during the Prototype production and the current situation wouldn't have been possible without the need for a new director subsequently Miyazaki continued as the game director for the next title armored Core for Answer thoroughly enjoying his work on the armored Core Series however deep down his true passion lay in the fantasy RPG genre a preference that had its roots in the adventure books he cherished during his childhood so he was very excited when he heard about a new game being developed by a separate team and its title was Demon Souls Miyazaki learned that the project was struggling and beset with various issues it was considered a failure but it interested him could this be the opportunity he had been waiting for Miyazaki said I'd worked exclusively on Armored Core titles in my role at from software but I'd always wanted to make a dark Fantasy game that Drew on the fighting fantasy series of books The Demon Souls project was the opening I'd always been waiting for oh [Music]
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Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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