The Rings of Power | Dark Souls Lore

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only three rings can be called The Dark Souls rings of power but which one is the goat the one ring to rule the all this video tries to answer that question so if you're ever asked what Rings you got you can answer confidently and also La dump the entire history of the ring too because rings tell us Fina had more lovers than L Trek rings tell us H's identity and rings tell us a lot about who wears them this video is sponsored by displate displates are metal posters that are strong don't need Framing and attached to the wall with an easy magnet mounting system whatever you want to display you'll find it from official Dark Souls artwork Star Wars DC fantasy to even classical art we ordered some displates showing art from our favorite comic strips such as Snoopy displates surprised us with how easy they are to put up and how vibrant the colors are and avoiding all the hassle of measuring and fitting a frame was a relief not to mention the damage to the wall and how most frames are the cost of a displate dis plates are great as a gift for others or you can just treat yourself if you use our link Hawkshaw and use the code Hawkshaw you can get up to 38% off to start your displate collection and you'll be supporting the channel now back to the video the Fatboy ring havl ring is a community favorite it's the second most sold cosplay ring online but if you want a from software authorized version expect to pay over $400 as they're not made anymore we think we'll stick to the digital hav ring boosts our equipment load by a boulder sized 50% it helps you become more like the immovable Rock himself but it also reveals a lot of law to look at it you can guess havl designed it hav the rock dresses in rock carries a shield of rock and wields a tooth of dragon Rock havl seems to have made this ring and instead of jewels he has placed little rocks but at the center of the ring is a real eye catcher a big rock well you can't deny that the ring gets the job done but an important question is who forged it a ring this powerful would need a master Craftsman and surely havl can't be Warrior dentist bishop and blacksmith well maybe the great havl can do everything but if havl didn't make it our bet is on the nameless blacksmith deity who made every great item wielded by the Lords and their soldiers and it wasn't just havl who wore it if we get hold of the Ring ourselves we can discover more you all know we have to kill the havl in the Watchtower to get this ring and important tip by the way if you kill havl at the same time as he kills you you will lose the ring so be careful at clutch moments once we get the ring and read the description we are told H's men wore the ring to express faith in their leader and carry a heavier load so not only do we discover that there exist Warriors of havl but that they almost worshiped him the fact that he is a bishop agrees with this idea he is more than just a leader respect for havl has become spiritual he must have gathered an enormous following in his own time and he must have been truly Unforgettable because Dark Souls 3 tells us that The Art of War has been a constant since ages passed and those who would follow in H's footsteps are no fewer now than in his own day name however his ring brings us another question if H's men wore this ring is it havl in the Watchtower the mystery deepens with The Watchtower basement key description the basement of the Watchtower forms a stone cell there are rumors of a hero turned Hollow who was locked away by a dear friend for his own good of course now at first the community looked at the key description and combined it with the first sentence of H's ring and came to a conclusion this was havl because he had been locked up by none other than Gwyn this ring was named after havl the rock Lord gwyn's old Battlefield compatriot so Gwyn betrayed him for H's own good however before we get into H's identity this cannot be correct why because Gwyn left to link the flame before the Watchtower basement was even built it doesn't exist in the DLC a time well after Gwyn departed for the Kil of the first FL name but some interesting law is that havl was so important he fought alongside Gwenn right next to him as his compatriot almost on a level with gwyn's four nights which makes havl incredibly old and he may be alive to this day but from these Great Beginnings has H The Rock really ended up a mere prisoner in the undead Berg the ring itself can solve the law here but not in the Ring's English description it says in Japanese that the ring originates from hav The Rock but that it is said to be favored by Warriors who worship Him originates meaning it has passed from him this combined with the fact that all of H's other Treasures are safely stowed away in anondo leads us to the conclusion that it isn't havl in the Watchtower after all but this is still a mighty hero a dragon slayer locked up by his own friend this hero was so mighty that they couldn't simply arrest him he was too strong they had to think of other more devious methods to lock him up they waited until he walked into the tower then destroyed the bridge he walked in on by hurling rocks from above with one exit blocked forever they immediately locked the doors above and below a clever if cowardly trick and the hero has been locked in ever since the true havl lived on to carry out his occult plans and taking more of his men to Ash Lake H's ring boost quip load by so much it truly is the one ring to rule them all this is because it's so damn hard to get that sweet sweet quick roll in Dark Souls 1 in fact for a lot of the early game it's hard to fast roll unless you stay naked so this ring is truly a blessing the 50% boost even survived to the remastered Edition but since then H's ring has been nerfed Dark Souls 2 try to replace it with the Royal solders ring but come on and when they wisely brought H's ring back 50% S Equipment load went to 15 but we have to remember Dark Souls 1 only had two ring slots Dark Souls I had four whether in the first game far in the future of the sequels or in the hearts of Dark Souls fans the followers of havl still stand with him founded as The Rock and even if there is only one other ring slot in Dark Souls 1 there are some legendary ring combinations that can be made with H's ring simply legendary one of which is flipping havl flipping havl is not myth but history because flipping havl was once very real we're sorry to bring up the trauma for those who experienced this monster and this monster was made possible by the infamous flip ring with the Darkwood grain ring nothing is as it seems it looks like its name dark wood grain but this is an illusion the ring is actually made of gold and only decorated to like wood once again we have the work of a master Craftsman here but it is not the nameless blacksmith deity the ring is crafted in an Eastern land outside of Len whoever made it is so skilled they can recreate it on command for it is a favorite of some in this far away land meaning there are multiple we can meet one of the men who wears this ring though you'd be forgiven for missing him as he can hardly be seen at all the owner of the only flip ring in ludren is a man the community called shiva's bodyguard if we spot him in dark rout he has some revealing dialogue well this at least unlock shiva's dialogue ah did you notice that one sharp eyes he is one of the clan from the East like like myself always slinking in the shadows but he is a tough one you will see what I mean so Wares of these Rings slink in the shadows and these are the types of people who love the flip ring for this man's ring tells us he is a spook of an Eastern land a secret agent his other equipment is the shadow set which says black cloth mask worn by Spooks from an Eastern land designed so as not to hinder their unique form of martial arts and the flip ring is a very unique martial art such flare you can flip forwards you can flip back and even cartwheel side to side the feeling is honestly not at all like Dark Souls maybe the developers had this opinion because they cut this style of role from future games yet kept the other wood grain ring but even if Dark Souls 1 had its quirks it's the quirks that make it special if you enjoy flipping and feel it matches the Dark Souls energy you want there is still something ironic flipping is the most attention drawing role possible which is a weird choice for a secret agent I mean if you want to say notice me you get around like this but shiva's bodyguard can use the flip ring as much as he pleases for on another finger he wears the Ring of fog and this makes him nearly invisible this was given to to him by Alvina and so makes him unique compared to other Eastern Travelers but he differs in one other way to his peers he should be wielding claws but he has traded it out instead he wields a katana the Uchi Katana and this answers the question of just what is he doing in lren this flipping wearer seems to have deserted whatever Mission he was on and has joined Shiva in his quest for weapons and shiva's ultimate Quest is for the cha Katana so shiva's bodyguard also has a taste for katas enough to put aside the weapon of his trade this bodyguard is always by shiva's side always watching always waiting Shiva has gathered many Treasures but he has not yet found his Ultimate Prize the chaos blade the Legendary Blade of the undead Master Makoto it's all I could ever wish for this Katana is his dream and in Cut content if we found it it Shiva would kill us for it but what if the true Katana connoisseur was always by shiva's side waiting for the wildy treasure hunter to track the prize down only to backstab him for it speaking of backstabbing how do we get the ring yes you must join alvina's Covenant and yes you then have to betray the Covenant but if you kick him off the cliff quit the game grab the ring hom with bone and then absolve your sins it's quick and deficient and you can still buy your weapons from Shiva but the flip ring Story Only started with this silent ninja once we get the ring a world of possibilities opens with this ring ragd doll physics takes on a whole new meaning environmental damage such as lava is massively reduced when flip rolling the back step now has invincibility frames it also looks like your rolling which makes it hard to fight against and better than that if you get hit in a normal rooll you take 40% extra damage but miss time a flip and you only take normal damage now you can make unique builds the most famous among them is of course flipping havl but as it is with all great rings of power they are nerfed the flip was possible at 50% equip load but it is now only at 25% this is no longer a valid build and so flipping havl isn't real flipping havl isn't real but is this enough to make it the greatest ring of all time some experts claim that Dark Souls has nothing to do with shields armor or Poise but avoiding taking any damage at all who needs Poise or even Health when you have the Dodge Dodge if this is true and this is the greatest Dark Souls play style then the flip ring truly is the one ring to rule them all it increases duration of invincibility it increases length of roll it increases thickness of your finger however it isn't perfect you cannot roll in poor footing with this ring making it a major liability against certain enemies you also cannot stack the Rings for a double tuck flippity flip and while we personally like the design it isn't popular for fashion Souls there aren't any sales of replicas of this ring in the real world because no one has ever bothered to make it and some of us want gold to look like gold and speaking of gold kicking off Ledges and the greatest ring of all time it makes us think of a certain Legend more fearsome even than flipping havl but this Legend was once made real Made Real by a certain ring the fap ring the fap ring is the most popular ring in the real world with current sales nearly double hav ring ring it also has exceptional law we can get this ring by killing L Trek the Embraced the ring says a ring symbolizing the favor and protection of the Goddess Fina known in Legend to possess fateful Beauty his armor further stresses the Romantic connection between human and goddess saying armor of LK the Embraced representing the goddess fina's love the goddess's arms wrap around it as if to embrace the wearer lre himself is certainly devoted he is carrying out the mission of his goddess even though she is nowhere to be seen has she left an Alondo like so many other gods if Fina possesses fateful Beauty as the ring says it must be quite something as even gwyn's beauty is never mentioned this ring is quite a gift at first glance it seems Fina must really love lre to give such a treasure it gives favor it gives protection it boosts HP stamina and Max equip load everything you could ever want it except it has one downside which tells us a lot about this goddess the ring breaks if ever removed Fina is a jealous goddess she only favors L Trek if he stays faithful to her interestingly you can swap the ring across slots without it breaking but trade it for another ring and lose it forever an interesting question is if we kill L Trek doesn't the fat prain come off his finger and if so why doesn't it break our law take on this is is Fina doesn't care if you die as long as you die in love with her and if the ring lives on and it brings another to fall in love with her all the better which makes sense as the ring survives Until Dark Souls 3 which is surely impossible if it dies with its former weara it left us in Dark Souls 2 replaced in Spirit by the dragon rings but come on even the Third Dragon Ring doesn't compare to the fat ring the developers realized their mistake and we got it back in the third game though nerfed yet even in Dark Souls 3 fener is called fickle let's return to Lorden to find out why lre ring is a gift of love so it could only be found once right it is not only her Ring's behavior that is fickle but fina's own changing loyalties because in the same playthrough we can find a second ring of favor and protection if we trade an item with Snuggly the Crow we receive this infamous second ring the second fap ring no other custom ring can be received twice in a single playthrough which means Fina has turned to another while her sweetheart was on his lonely Quest but who if Lord treack the bad boy human wasn't a strange enough choice for a goddess Fina has really pushed the limits with her next lover for you only get the ring if you trade the zanthus Crown zanthus King Jeremiah is likely fina's other lover or indeed one of many Fina seems to like those dressed in in yellow but otherwise we don't see many similarities Jeremiah is certainly unique and a demonic choice for lover indeed her fateful Beauty may take on further meaning here all of the isth family can be found eldest daughters Sons spider daughters mothers but no father Jeremiah is a king who knows the most secret magic of the isth family but he is kicked out of his homeland did feno's fateful Beauty caused this Rapture and Fateful beauty is also a description given to Helen of Troy could competition over fina's love even have led to war speaking of demonic things in Dark Souls 3 the ring is found on Sullivan's Beast is this lre of the future warped like the gaping dragon by his hunger for Fina or like guts from berserk warped by his inner Rage or fina's next even weirder choice of lover or is it just a doggo that has eaten the most recent ring bearer and a final piece of lur on the ring is what is the image on its face is it a thistle or perhaps a flower it's a remarkable design but we couldn't figure out what it was let us know if you have any ideas as always no ring is perfect you cannot double fap because this ring doesn't stack you also lock your build in for the future and you have to align with Fina which doesn't have a good tract record you don't even get to meet her unlike others who we can give our loyalty to but this ring has history for with it you could make the legend Giants Giants Giants become un that and there may be more today who worship the legend than worship the flip or even worship havl himself its power its history its name must make it the one ring to rule them all but we will let the community decide vote below for your one ring and like this video if you want more L of the Rings there are awesome stories behind the serpent Rings the cursebite Rings and the rings of the Four Knights if this video gets 4K likes we will do an episode 2 subscribe so you don't miss it
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 165,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, Lore, Dark Souls, Hawkshaw, Hackshaw, Vaati, Gloam, Dragons, Queen, Marika, Radon, Ranni, Radahn, Demigod, Godwyn, Erdtree, Outer Gods, Greater Will, Colour, Prepare to Cry, Secrets, Vaatividya, Smough, Ornstein, Anor Londo, Gwyn, Gwyndolin, Bonfire, Undead, Curse, Nameless, King, Gwynevere, Illusion
Id: mFQ85qM5i2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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