The Riff Raff Weight Gain Diet

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I don't want to be little something. I don't want to be little such and such and little la, la, la, la, la. Little hokey dokie or little shungy dungy. I want to be ripped. Shit, I want to be 6'2". I want to be about 6'4". 6'4", 250. This burly boy right here. That's a good little burly boy [LAUGH] It's a decent size [INAUDIBLE]. Early boys are boys who have a lot of extra weight on them, but even if they lost that weight they're still still got some extra weight on them. [MUSIC] >> Haha haha, that's what that, that's the burliest walk. The head, the head's so heavy it can't even stay still [LAUGH]. >> It's hard to stay still. Two more pounds of head on your shoulders well, I guess a lot of people like to run in San Francisco he doesn't. [MUSIC] I'm hearing people say like, he's, he's on drugs or he's this and that and he ain't, he's not gonna be nothing. Like, I can choose not to do drugs. Drugs are nothing to me. I'm not addicted to anything. Nay. Once I see like drugs or alcohol getting in the way of me becoming the icon I I'm gonna be I'm not even there yet. Once I see that getting in the way, then it's time for me to make a change. >> What was that basketball game that you missed out on? >> Yeah. That's another thing why I stopped doing drugs man. The night before I was in LA. Did a whole bunch of coke and fucking. >> Did a whole mess of coke. Fucking couldn't go. I was too fucking, too drunk and rugged out. Like, couple days that's when I started really working out. Pssh, I can't really miss opportunities like that. I can't miss that shit. So now this new thing is gaining weight and, and, and feeling great. [INAUDIBLE]. Sensi. Sensi. [LAUGH] I was at 175? Shit now look at me, fucking 30 days later 30 pounds heavier. It's icon status. I mean 210 is good. I mean that's, that's a lot. That's the most I ever weighed in my life. That's good but I'm not done, I'm not. >> You're not done. >> I'm not done for sure I'm, every day I'm gaining weight. By this time next year I wanna be 250. I wanna be walking around, you can't even recognize me. It's not just about gaining weight, you gotta gain muscle mass. And you gotta get bigger, faster, and stronger. Some people have their diet where they wanna eat healthy and seven meals a day and this and that. I don't wanna hear that shit. I don't need somebody telling me what to do. That's one of my rules is that I don't want any rules. You shouldn't eat that many fast food and hamburgers and, and pizzas. Tell, tell that to the pythons. You tell that to the, you tell that to these pythons. They'll get you. They'll get you good. [MUSIC] >> Jackson, DJ. >> If I can work ten days in a row, I'll do it if I'm tired, I don't feel very good for a couple days, I'll take two days off, and just eat a lot. [MUSIC] >> Are we ready? >> [INAUDIBLE]. >> All right, clam chowder: a bowl, raw oysters with horse radish, and crackers. >> And cracker? How many do you want? >> Yeah, a lot of crackers. Huh? >> How many oysters? >> How many can you get? >> As many as you like. >> A dozen? >> yeah, no two dozen. >> Two dozen. Yeah, two dozen. >> And then, a lobster roll. I want 14 shrimp. A sea bass and an ox. I want a dungeonous ox. >> Why does that lemonade come with a spoon? >> Yeah,I wan I wanna spoon. >> What's this? >> I want a lemonade too. >> We have lemon juice here. >> Oh, is it lemonade? >> Single syrup and sparkling water. >> Okay, wait a damn minute! >> Oh, coat it in syrup and soda. >> That's a whole process. It's like you got a whole two [INAUDIBLE]. >> A whole chemistry set. >> Yeah. Just pour about half the syrup in there. >> Yeah. >> About half the syrup. >> Yeah, it's like, yeah. >> A little more. >> More? >> Now blow bubbles in it. >> [LAUGH] Okay, okay. >> Now mix it around a little bit. >> [LAUGH]. >> Sip on that. [LAUGH]. >> Yeah, that's the jacuzzi. >> That's the lemon jacuzzi. I mean im not on a specific diet, I'll eat hamburgers, lot of seafood, lobster pizza. Cuz I just pack the weight on and then and then you just go to the gym. >> Some people wanna just only eat chicken breasts and rice, but I can't cuz it tastes to, to much not nice. >> Do you have any other types of sauces like tartar sauces? >> We have tartar, we have Chipotle and a lemon aoili. >> Mm okay I want [INAUDIBLE]. I want every sauce you have. >> The only way I can eat chicken breasts is if I have a packet of chick fillet sauce. A KFC honey mustard sauce. Then you got your barbecue sauce from McDonald's, and then your sweet and sour sauce from McDonald's. >> Mc Sauce. >> Mix all those together, and you got yourself a hell of a lot of different sauce. You wanna get the horseradish with the Put that over yonder. Then you put some lemon juice on it, and you let it drizzle off. >> A little bit. And then, you have to have a cracker with it. >> You're right. >> You put a couple crackers on it. >> That's like [INAUDIBLE]. >> Let me see that thing. >> You ever had buttermilk ranch sauce over ice in a cup. And you drink it? Ranch punch. Pretty damn good. You should try it sometime [SOUND]. Five. Five. Almost blacked out right there for a second. Started seeing all neon lights. Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! [MUSIC] >> John Wayne Airport, Santa Ana, CA. >> Going to Starbucks. >> DollaBillGates, Rapper. >> [INAUDIBLE] Starbucks now. >> Listen. You go to the star. This is my new thing. If I stop doing drugs, stop doing the cocaine. >> And now I know, okay, I feel that. >> Get it. Does anybody else want, want one? Should we get, I'm gonna one for everybody, the same one so you all can also have the same energy. >> I want that one. Cold. >> I want seven of the exact same thing. I'm gonna tell you the order right now. Let me know when you're awake. >> I don't want, I don't want what you want. >> Then throw it out the window. Okay, I want a vi iced white mocha. Iced white chocolate mocha venti, iced white chocolate mocha venti with three extra shots. So five total shots. Starbuck's is gonna bring me back to life. >> This supposed to be hot or cold? >> Shake it up. >> It's got ice in it, you gotta stir it. >> Yeah, shake it and go like this. >> You want to mix the, the whip cream in with it. A lot of people try to save the whip cream for last. This isn't a damn dessert. >> [LAUGH]. >> You want to mix all that flavor in with the five shots of espresso you got in there, so this is seven shots of espresso. Unless somebody didn't order right. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> You mix the ice in there because the bottom is hot shots of. >> [SOUND] You can't make cold espresso, okay? You mix that in there, and you wanna mix that caramel in there, it's gonna combine with some of the flavor. >> There's, there's >> What is it? >> There's literally seven shots in here. >> Oh yeah. >> So what does that, what's that gonna do to me? >> Well, it's gotta just kinda find out. [LAUGH]. >> I guess you gotta go. >> It's kind of a science project. [CROSSTALK]. >> Shot in the dark. >> To each his own. >> Supreme Fitness Santa Ana, CA. >> [MUSIC] My goal, ok gimme like two-ten right now. My goal. It is so blow up and act like I don't know no body. [MUSIC] You don't wanna take breaks. Breaks are for babies. >> Throwing skateboards on a If your momma and poppa are cleaning up, guess what, your momma and poppa ain't here to clean it up. So gotta get them pythons, get them pythons ready for the, for the, neon world. >> Just drop them. Just drop them right there. [MUSIC] >> [LAUGH] Morning tired, morning tired, morning tired. >> Sometimes you can't go through the original way. >> You got some guys cut it sideways and bring it on out. Yeah, bring it on out. Oh man come on. Damn Cadillac I almost damn, broke the dam, damn handle off. So, what year this is? >> Two, two, two. Whatever year it is. Get out of the zone. Shit I don't know, I just buy them shit. [LAUGH] >> Let's get the fuck outta here. >> Well I mean, this is my first time actually being, working out while I'm doing a show. This is just a mini run we're doing, but when I do go on full tour, like in the spring or summer. Same thing I'm just gonna have to go in the weight room every day. [MUSIC] It's a lot of copycat Raffs going on, so I had to, I have to get so big you can, you can't mistake me. So if you see, if somebody, I mean, I'll tell you what. If you're trying to be the next Riff Raff [LAUGH] you got a long road ahead of you, buddy. I'll just leave it at that cuz these pythons aren't going to feed themselves. That's why I had to get, that's why I had to get big so I could, so that it, it's very distinguishable who's me and who's not. No they probably let them in the back cuz they thought it was me. >> Oh, yeah. >> He's like, yo, is my green room ready? >> And he like, yeah. >> Yo. >> Nobody's here? >> It sold out. >> No way. You can't see it. Oh, yeah look. >> I saw this place back, back when I was a young buck. >> Yeah, no shit. >> You know what. >> It always grows from the humble beginnings. >> Very hu, humble beginnings. You don't make millions and millions of dollars. >> Just, just overnight unless you know, you have a rich uncle who's like hey, here's a couple million dollars or you maybe have raised them since they were 13, 14 years old, me, I have to constantly find ways to improve and be better so that I can be better than these people who are viewed as quote, unquote competition. So I have to, I have to do this I have to get bigger and better, to prove that I'm bigger and better than everybody, you know what I mean? I'm out, I'm out, I'm not five six, 150 pounds, you know. I'm not. I'm a big artist and right now, I'm one of the biggest, literally. Oh, yeah. I want the lobster with the crab. I don't want fried shrimp. It goes lobster, crab legs, shrimp. >> Who did it? >> Not me. All I see is a whole bunch of nothing over there. >> [LAUGH]. >> I'm mad. How are you going to order seafood and no lobster. >> Man, that's out. Shrimp, shrimp ain't, exactly. >> That's like ordering french fries without the hamburger. >> Right. >> They're good. The french fries are good, but that's a side order. Hell, a candy, chips, what's this? Empty, empty calories. >> [LAUGH] >> That's nothing. >> Empty calories. >> That's 100 calories. By the time I open the bag and eat it, I eat it I have lost the calories from opening the damn bag. Shit man, go ahead. I'm not going to eat right now. Close it all up properly though. So the box isn't like a box of cereal where you just have the top just folded in half. >> If I don't get up I'm going to whoop some asses. That's right my name, Riff to the You can get my Jonny Mathews on the mic. >> Huh >> Country with my hype. I'm on the hike and I'm hittin' switches with my bike >> Im not gonna stop its not a fluke, its not a joke. Its and its easy to not see that with your, oh wow he really isn't playing, he really does weigh 210 pounds. He really did weigh 2, 175 couple months ago now I weigh 210. The hardest part about gaining 30 pounds is it's hard to put the earrings on. Because my arms, I have to bend them. >> And your ears weigh so much now. >> Yeah. So when I say to you I'm gonna weigh 225 in the spring, that's nothing that's another 15 pounds I just put on 35. How am I gonna not be 225 by the spring? [INAUDIBLE] And that's not a joke. [LAUGH] You can laugh if you want, that's fine, when you see me in the WWE. [MUSIC] Hold on, hold on, hold on, [CROSSTALK]. We got Diplo in the building. We apologize for being late. I'm a slang pieces of pizza. But we out here, slangin' pizzas. [NOISE] We slangin' slices! We slangin' slices! >> I was late to the show, so as the token of my appreciation. >> My lady. I feel 20,000 slices of beefy brawny pizzaza. >> In the building. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC] [SOUND]. >> Just joshing ya. Just joshing ya. I've been, I haven't even been lifting weights the whole time. It's a hologram. Blurrip. Blurrip. Asi-ash-ya. Woo.
Channel: Munchies
Views: 4,607,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Riff Raff (Musical Artist), FUEL, sumo diet, strongman diet, Strongman (Profession), rap, hip hop, how to, cooking, Munchies, Munchiestv, food, drinks, eating, chef, restaurant, VICE, girl eats food, al-kee-hol, VICE eats, being frank, chef's night out, action bronson, documentary, documentaries, interview, interviews, wild, world, exclusive, independent, travel, funny, journalism,, vice, vice mag, vice videos, healthy food, jody high roller, neon icon, dolce & gabbana, real boyz, slim thug
Id: 4dhNGdO8CvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 26 2015
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