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yo Mr Butler get down here get down here Butler oh there is yay dude what is it sir yo can I get a soda please dude I'm really really thirsty dude I'm looking at rabbits no no okay let's go ahead and watch something else okay let's go to watch Survivor right away Mr Gold thank you thank you Mr Butler okay so my brother is just going to be grabbing me a soda right now because I need to wake up dude and yeah bro what is he doing dude it's taking forever come on Mr Butler hand me the soda there we go thank you my man I appreciate it oh dude this was so good I was super super thirsty should I prepare the car for you yeah let's go to prepare the car for me okay so yeah guys I'm basically the richest person here in Brookhaven and yeah what I'm going to be doing today I need to invite some people over to my Mansion because it gets kind of lonely in this huge house all by myself so I want to have a huge party and invite everybody here in Brookhaven so it's gonna go down over to the basement and jump into my car and yeah travel around and try to invite some people from my party oh dude okay let's gonna open up garage door no that was the light what where is the garage door button good what dude bro what is going on here oh it's down here no it's not that button it's that button okay there we go let's roll Mr Butler boom dude I look at my limo dude it's literally a gold limo and my butler is basically calling me Mr Gold because that's basically my name here in Brooklyn right now as a rich person so who's gonna travel around and see if we can go ahead and find some people that we can invite over to my huge huge mansion party so yeah do we got anybody down here in the city oh dude we got a couple of people by the Christmas tree stop stop the label stop the label dude I want to invite some people here okay let's go and ask them and see if they want to join my party hello there ma'am how's it going hello do you want to join my Ponyboy in a chance to get in the limo let's roll dude dude is this going to be the first person that is joining the party okay alrighty nice nice guys let's gonna head over to the next house or yes if you're going to find some people in the street or whatever oh man instead of police car up there oh no good no good dude I don't want to get by the police okay should we maybe not go some doors here hey Butler stop Butler stop nice me happy okay good good I appreciate that you're happy oh man we got the cops after us yo Butler pull over I don't know if the cops is after us oh man the cop is driving past us what does he want dude what why is he blocking the road like that yo go back to your house is better the cop car whoa whoa we gotta we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go holy cow dude that's crazy oh better shooting after us okay I just got to try to like knock us a couple of doors right now and yeah hopefully invite some people over to my party hello yo guys come come I got a huge party get in the limo boys come on let's go let's go let's go dude are they not going to be jumping into the limo yeah dude I think they're joining I think they're joining okay we're gonna go we're gonna go dude go go go go go go go I think we got enough people for the party right now oh no we jumped out okay anyway should we just go over to my house and start to party yeah I think we can actually go ahead and do that alrighty to the house Mr Butler let's go ahead and go back over to the mansion so yeah I think we got two people in the car right now I think the police officer actually jumped into the limo and then we got this random girl right here I think that should be enough for a pretty fun party up at the Mansion so let's go head back up to the mansion and oh oh oh oh wow my battery is actually good at driving okay good driving Mr Butler let's go and get the garage door closed welcome to my Mansion guys welcome welcome okay so I got my guests for a hair and wall oh dude she's trying to steam My Limo yeah I was stopped there what you doing get over sodas to any of the guests yeah guys do you need anything to drink any of you thirsty dude because my brother actually got sodas yeah dude he's giving us sodas to people yay do it okay this is going to be a great party alrighty let's get a head up to the living room and yes the doors open yeah oh dude there's so many people here now welcome guys I hope you enjoyed the party guys and we should probably go ahead and turn on the pool lights there we go oh man look at that dude we just turned on the pool lights that looks epic do you guys like my house it's pretty huge right look at this thing man holy Bubba dude and I see a lot of people are up in the rooms and stuff like that good nice nice let me know if I can be of service sir uh you can take the rest of the day off Mr Butler I appreciate your help you you can pretty much go home now thank you yeah no worries my man no worries okay so Mr Butler I will just let him go home for now because he has been a pretty good book through so far today and yeah what happened to her bro yo ma'am are you okay oh dude what's what's going on there I don't really know man holy Bible that was kind of weird car what are you being dude what do you mean car do it does this guy want to steal my limo bro I think he literally wants to stay by limbo dude it's kind of shady dude you want a soda though let's gonna give him a soda oh there he goes he got the soda yay nice you like the soda my man this is my favorite drink dude oh I think somebody's actually ringing on the doorbell holy Bubba dude who is this okay let's go and open up the door yo welcome to the house ma'am get in get in and why is she laying on what's going on dude just get in get in get in get in we're having a party man I'm going dude and yeah bro she kind of looks homeless that's not good but uh yeah she can stay at the huge Smash and if she wants to you maybe want something to drink dude I got tons of sodas in my fridge a car yes what do you mean car dude why is this guy obsessed with cars I don't really get it dude he just won cars do it what's going on here okay so this part is kind of strange we got a lot of different people in here I think we got one two three four people so so far do we got anyone else in there that is hiding I don't really know dude I thought I saw somebody else here okay well okay dude okay I don't really know what that guy wants but anyways let's go head up and see if we do got any people up in here uh bro I think I saw somebody else but anyways I think they might have left the house anyways I think this party has been a pretty successful party but yeah should we maybe just go ahead and make some more money because I'm kind of bored during the party life is basically not for me like it's cool having people over and stuff like that but oh dude he's trying to steal my car I knew it dude what are you doing dude that is my car why are you trying to steal my car all the time dude can you just like chill out bruh this guy is super super weird yes okay bro you're acting kind of weird right now and yeah let's just go ahead and take the car out for a spin because yeah I don't really want to party anymore okay there we go and I don't even have my brother to help and drive me anymore dude I gave him the day off so I pretty much gotta like drive myself around but we do got like a good strategy right now because everyone is that by a house having a party and that means nobody is at home in their own houses and what I can basically go ahead and do then is Rob each and every house here in Brookhaven without anyone even being home I think that is how people get rich you know they basically rob houses when nobody's at home I think that's a good plan at least okay we've got a couple of houses in the street right here uh let's just go and park the car right here and is anybody at home no I don't think so because everybody else at my party dude okay we're in the house right now we're just gonna locate the safe which is right here all righty boob that's gonna blow it up no dude I missed what how did I ever Miss dude I don't really know we're gonna try that again though Holy Bible dude I'm using way way way too much time okay there we go let's go to blow it up boom dude Ryan grab the money grab the money grab the money boom yay okay now we gotta get out of the house before she actually gets home perfect just like that and yeah dude that was a pretty successful robbery we just paid some money let's go ahead over to the next house and even make some more money and that was a police car outside there why didn't she even try to miss me dude I literally just robbed the house right in front of her all right we got another house right now it's his saddest Workshop dude all right and the door is wide open okay perfect perfect is there a safe in this house I think it's like hitting up here somewhere yep it's actually hitting up here okay nice nice let's go ahead and blow this safe up perfect boom just like that and yeah dude because everybody's at my party nobody's at home anymore whoa no no no no she was literally at home holy Mama dude oh man I was not expecting her to actually be home in her house dude that was super super creepy ah dude I just drove off the cliff no oh man oh man what did I do dude I literally just roll off the cliff okay let's go to get this thing back flipped up boom just like that okay that was kind of sketchy dude I was not expecting people to be at home but anyways uh is there anything else we can make money off uh I don't think so dude and are people still at my Mansion let's go and see if people are still up by match nuke because the party is basically over but I didn't really tell them that the party was over but anyways let's go to throw everyone out of my house right now because now I just want to relax and enjoy all the money I just made from robbing all the houses over there and boom do it was gonna drive back up to my garage Park the limo in the garage boom just like that and do it this garage is honestly so huge and whoa who is that bro are they trying to rob me what's going on here yo what are you doing in my house ma'am yo yo yo yo yo what you doing it and Holy Bible dude there's so many in my house right now I don't know dude but she got a rifle should we just give her some money oh dude she's trying to shoot some random people uh I have no control over this situation right now and this guy is laying on the ground that's the guy who tried to rob my limo earlier on I don't know man what should I do my whole house is just a chaotic party uh I don't really know dude but anyways guys that was someone of a successful day I had a cool party and I made even more money so I would call that a successful day as the richest man here in Brookhaven and here goes that's going to be it for today's episode I really hope you enjoyed this one and if you did make sure to like the Subscribe button and I'll see you guys in the next one peace foreign
Channel: ZourChip
Views: 175,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brookhaven RP, Brookhaven roblox, Brookhaven rp roblox, Roblox brookhaven rp, Brookhaven RP Roblox, Cop, Robber, Police, Medic, doctor, ambulance, brookhaven premium, houses, cars, premium, update, secrets, Brookhaven update, penthouse, military, gym, gangster, Dentist, shelter, tow truck, phone update
Id: DSAjEA7Jd7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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