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I got bullied as a noob in Brookhaven so I bought all the game passes throughout the video and when I got there stays fast they freaked out so I'm a complete noob in brookhavior and we're about to buy all of these game passes right here let's start off with something small the fire on demand pack which costs 50 Robux and basically they're not gonna probably notice that so we're just gonna buy it so let's quickly get out of the house right now and get the fire on demand pass I'm just gonna get out of this house over here there we go and hopefully they don't come over to the house or maybe they should just cause you know what I'm just gonna put on the fire on demand path there we go look at this house fire reported at residence 16. which is me right here and oh my God there's a chicken oh no my house my house and fire seven please how come my house I'm gonna be homeless as a big in there which is gonna be really really bad I don't know there's a chicken yeah we're gonna have the chicken out there we go and wait wait why are these two people in my house now they even been here no no I'm Gonna Save I'm Gonna Save another chick okay I need to say the chicken time I'm applying to bacon here wait why wait why why oh look at this the chicken said love Bacon's ah things he loves news my house is way better than your house I mean well can you help me with the fire please and oh my God look at this he's flexing his car you know what I'm gonna be like ah too and then you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna spawn it this car over here you know which is like a normal car in Brookhaven especially since I don't have like you know the premium pass so ugly brother still believe me are you kidding me you know what after I buy all these boxes I'm gonna improve you know I'm gonna buy the premium pass I'm leaving it by the vehicle unlock pass which gives me like all these other vehicles over here look at that and I'm gonna look like someone with this like super cool car super cool Tesla and even a Rolls-Royce like that by the speed I'm not pass it in case they want to race me and although I don't even have like the best cars in the game but it is 175 Roblox on the drains there we go race me your car is too slow wait really you know what I can literally go to Industry because I bought the premium feed unlock pass whatever so we got that path I think normally you go this slow look at this our shot first I'm gonna put it at 120 just so they don't get that suspicious that of the speed unlock fast but yeah go oh my God again we gotta go we got three two one go there we go okay we're going 120. oh no they're running fast wait a minute let me just put on the 200 guess there we go 200. we're gonna put 200 and we're gonna put turbo as well which I think increases and oh my God oh my God okay I really hope they don't get is that suspicious I literally just spent past them because I had like everything maxed out wait what yes we did how I had everything maxed out oh oh she shouldn't have the turbos maxed out would you like the thing on the top over here like right here as you can see you can turbo straight to the side literally went so fast he's a hacker you're like no no no I don't know oh what hacks are hacker bacon hair report him report him no no okay oh my God they're thinking I'm hacking because of that you know what why do we buy another pass just to make them a little bit more mad so you know what we'll buy the horse unlock pass which oh you can change the speed of the horse with this because you know my horse is going pretty slowly right now but with the horse unlock pass let's see how fast I can change the horse speed to there we go horse walk fast Acquired and look at this I can change the speed of the oh my God it's crazy and oh my God look at this they're already getting on horses are you kidding me my horse is way better wait wait she's customizing a horse what if I customize my course a little bit we're gonna change it to okay I just changed the Epic color a little bit I don't I don't know if they're gonna notice boring oh my God they call it a boring horn and look at this there's another horse over here it's like the default horse it's so ugly because there's a chicken in there wait wait there's another girl over here what is he gonna say wait one of them looks different we finally got on that mine looks different you know what we're gonna change it a little bit more the body colors you know what we're gonna change into this there we go are you gonna notice now anything notice you know what if I change the wet and then I change it back so there we go okay he's hacking he's hacking well no I'm not no I'm not oh look at this there's a house over here which I kind of want to live in because you know my house got burnt down so let's go in here and then wait wait a minute you just don't buy like the haters get out of here okay fine I just wanted Farmhouse look at this cool Farmhouse like we're nice now wait wait no way they're nice wait wait wait really they're super mean to me before yay oh look at the chicken saying yes yes oh my God they're nice we're sorry for being mean uh you know what after I buy all these passes and then I tell them you know I'm a rich guy hopefully they'll be nicer to other Bacons you know what I mean at the beginning but want to come in oh sure sure let's look so cool yo okay I love the farm we can go inside look at all the beds wow I mean it's only a bed for one though go to the fridge okay let's go to the fridge oh my God look at this we got some ice cream we got a lot of stuff here but uh I have to be room anything and eat anything you like right really oh my God wait wait wait wait wait what happened wait wait you know they Banned Me you know what we gotta get revenge on that by buying all these passes all right you know what we're gonna step up we're gonna buy premium pass now although it's gonna show up here I don't think people look at the chat that much so if I buy this they might not even notice for like the first few moments just buy this there we go the premium password in Brookhaven oh my God oh my God you can't get cars like this look at this dude okay you know what I can actually get out that car wait what if I could have for example you know what we're gonna start off with this one right here it doesn't really look like a premium makeup it looks like a regular vehicle but I did get at the premium one we're gonna drive it just like you know I own it there we go next I'm probably gonna this this one right here because it doesn't really look like premium either for trash car go home leave Brookhaven you know why sure sure I'm Gonna Leave Brooke wow there's super mean and they don't even realize that this is the premium vehicle what if I get out this one right here this one literally is a premium vehicle and they might know what it is but we're just gonna get it and see if they notice oh look at them they're still following me are you kidding me they're following me like Karen how did you get it I don't know anyway she's like he kidnap my job what do you mean she liked the chicken burden earlier though wow another poor trash car Wait don't they really notice that the screaming you know what I'm I'm actually gonna tell them um this is a rich car what if 45 000 you know like premium car Rich car right I'm like it looks so cool you know what I mean like for a bacon boy this is like like so amazing it's fake it's not this is way better I mean I guess it is it's like a whole Bugatti which wait can I actually get out the car yeah I can because it's a premium car look at this he just got out there okay he's got a Lamborghini are you kidding me you know what we're gonna we're gonna take a little bit of rest we're gonna pull out the tape this is a premium tank but they might confuse it for the regular thing we can get out a better tank and wait a minute they got the same tank we have the same tank wait this is not yours it's fake stuff they didn't notice they noticed that it's a pretty good day no I have premium what if I just say that what if I just say that I'm rich no you don't I look at them look at the chicken is like let's go destroy and it's like he's rich thank you thank you chicken chicken's like the only one that's believing in me stop lying no he's hacking all right this dude haven't looked in the chat yet but you know what we're gonna get another car it's actually kind of fun wait a minute what if you're good at a house let's go to house just got out is that this house is actually premium so we're just gonna get it out okay this does not look like a premium now it's like a regular premium house but it is a premium house though look at this house oh my god do they not notice that it was the premiums look at this it has an icon this is not premium look at my house okay let's see what he pulls out oh my God look at the house they got out I mean it's a pretty cool house and I think it is a premium house but you know what I'm gonna get that out like later in the video wait why is she just Banned Me Oh my God look at all the times I'm getting banned I need to get them back somehow okay so what else can you do in premium okay you can get premium houses you can get premium like cars and stuff wait a minute premium accessories oh look at this you know what we're gonna go over here we're gonna wear like a premium hat you know what let's start off with the Dominus let's actually see what they say then we're gonna get out like a Premium Pet like a shark there we go look at this fake fake fake you're using scripts I hope everything's good probably a free item I mean I guess don't feel bad I'll take you to my rocket really Chicken on this is the only person that's been so nice what if I give them something anyways I wonder how they're gonna react once I get the stage pass out because uh They Don't Really react when I got at the premium pass wait a minute what if I get the land unlock pass and then I buy a lake house I wonder what they're gonna say and you know what while getting their I'm gonna take out a premium vehicle like the cop car I mean I I don't really know if they're gonna know this is a premium bake let's see let's see let's see what he said you stole it let's follow [Music] chicken you know what chicken I will protect you on all costs all right we're gonna go over there okay no one has a lake house right now you know what I'm also gonna put at 200 speed because we you know we have this premium passenger scan as well then we're gonna look at that they're following me okay now we're just gonna get at the lake and no way this guy just got out the lake house dude are you kidding me I was gonna get it beforehand I bet he can't even get at the lake house I bet bacon here can't get anyhow wow are you kidding me they're so mean he's so poor and we're too rich you know why since they have a habit of following like Karen's I am just gonna take my 200 speed car over to the Eagle View house where you know I think you have to have premium to get it at or like a little landlord pass right to get the Eagle View house over here so let's stick another Eagle if you asked are they gonna yeah they're look at them they're fall wait wait I see them I don't know they're fun with the poor car all right I'm gonna make it with super fast right here look at this super fast I'm going over to the Eagle View house and we're gonna get it out come on come on come on wait what now wait a minute what if I just like go over to the lake house to open okay let me just get at the lake house right here and we're gonna get her the best lake house ever in my opinion which is this time look at this I literally got it this time let's go home what are you gonna say what is he gonna say what is he gonna say hey you got that out who got this out this is our house don't come in it's not your house oh look at them they're going in dude are you kidding me right now I don't know if they noticed that I got it out or not but they are um free carries look at this they can't even turn on the TV I'm like why is the TV off you're so pretty what the hey you are the online dating I know I am none of your business get out or we'll ban you like they can ban me you know what I can literally ban them bro you know what what if I just ban one of them there we go I'm gonna ban one of them look at this he's out he's out he's got he's gone hey where did he go it's all your fault because of you he left you know why he left yeah he did live because of me look at this he's bad hey you let me in you can't be alone with my yeah hey yo why the only online one band you know what I'm gonna like I own this house what if I just say that are they gonna realize that I own the house you know what I'm gonna ban the girlfriend as well I'm gonna buy the girlfriend as well okay I wonder if they're gonna realize who banded them though we also have the disaster backpack that we can buy and the vehicle pack pass who banners no way this house isn't yours it is it is it is it is it is look look there's a thank you boy owning this house you're a poor bacon it has to be a glitch let's go to Norte it's way better it's way better than this oh look at them driving away you know what you know what I'm gonna buy the vehicle pack passing right in front of their face right now look at this 800 Roblox oh my God you know what I don't care and you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna spawn this car right here oh look at that wait wait did they drive it wait Did they not notice they didn't notice interesting though I have so many cars over here okay we're just gonna follow them I think that I said they're going to the north to stay and look at this Victoria spirit I could go so fast look at this oh my God I caught up to them I'm right here wait a minute oh look at this I'm here you stole that car you stole it okay so I'm gonna go to the other state over there at the South wait wait a minute did they get it out they got it in the house over there oh my God okay imagine I get that stage what they'll react with you know what um instead of this car I'm gonna get another premium part the Rolls-Royce okay okay I wonder if they're gonna notice now we're gonna go over here look at this house over here hey don't come in here no no um I uh like this house I will get it one day you know what I mean um by buying this Passover a year and stays on you know what are they even gonna notice the Rolls Royce I'm like look look I have a cool car if you get out of the state house I'll do a voice reveal you stole it oh this keep saying I stole you can't get out this house in a million years what if I say I can't bomb that statement you're joking with me well exactly wait a minute I don't even think they know that I have premium what if I just get out of the hoverboard look at this I got premium look at this I got premium premium is a bad pot okay I guess I'm gonna see someone get do a voicemail because he said he's gonna do a voice reveal you're like you better do a voice reveal if I get out Thursday and state is better I mean I guess okay that's never gonna happen poor bacon boy hey don't believe oh my God the monkey wait there's a monkey that says oh hey don't bully me get out of here with your premium pass you know what I gotta teach him a lesson by getting out of this day okay let's see if that ass needs to go okay that is good right there you know what we're gonna buy this these pass okay let's go over here we're gonna buy okay we have the vehicle unlock pass and all that let's buy that stays past because he called the poor pass and look at this guy where he just stole my car dude kidding me look at him he's homeless whoa what if I get out a Tesla look at this I'm like look at what what I got out it's so poor wait how is it pouring you you literally have to buy like a 800 pass in order to get this in Roblox back the state is better you know what if I'm like I will get out an estate follow me wait what if I just say that and then what I'm gonna buy this they pass it right in front of their faces this old man just wait no no he did it all right we're gonna go up here we're gonna get at the North to stay right here look at this let's laugh at him getting it what do you mean I'm gonna be laughing at you all for thinking that I'm a bacon boy I mean the monkey's nice you're so nice monkey they were bullying me you know they're bullying me but now I'm gonna get a text please pass and see the reaction how dare you shut up oh my God they're saying up to a monkey I don't shut up I grow up and when I look at you I throw up nah the monkey roasted them so hard all right you know what we're gonna get it out right here the north estate let's click on it right now oh my God come on come on I am clicking on it it's not working he can't get it out I know right okay okay we're gonna buy it right now for 800 or 800 something robots there we go look at this we're gonna buy right now we're gonna buy it we're gonna buy it oh my God the RICO we bought it okay we're gonna click on it right now we're gonna click on it oh no oh my God oh my God they're actually reacting no way is that even real I told you I can get it out that's a good the monkey's like a high exactly I proved the other wrong now you guys have to do a voice reveal rich guy wait it's not the rich guy nice not the rich guy you still didn't get at the pool house oh I still didn't get the house we're gonna get out of this house right here there we go we can get it out look at this look it's my house exactly monkey get out it's ours oh really it's your own estate right you know what I'm gonna ban them and let's see if they actually do a voice review you know I'm like will you all do a voice reveal if I ban you and proves my own estate you know what I mean yes I'll do a voiceover if you're bad but it's not your house well yes it is I mean um I can literally turn on the TV look at this yes it is I can uh turn on TV and all that you know what I mean you have roommate um oh yeah yeah you know what I'm gonna give everyone roommate there we go hey the monkey's chilling with this I can do it too I'm pretty sure they can only come through this area look at this you can't really do anything bad whoa hey Ben guy what are you gonna do are you gonna voice over here now look at him look at him he's not even talking he's not even talking voice reveal oh okay bro speechless oh exactly he's so speechless well you're still poor oh wow he's still so mean although I got that Estates pass and all that I mean I guess we're gonna see how he sounds when elder talking little kids let's be quiet hell there's way they're Elders were okay okay let's just do the voicemail there apparently he's an elder let's see how he sounds like all right all right let's go car right now uh let's see what he says what's up what's up man why were you so mean to the Baconator like you know I wasn't poor I bought all the game passes man I love you you're the best really really um why are we meeting in the game though this game you're so mean to me I'm sorry I'm sorry forgive me oh really okay you know what I'll forgive you but yeah uh don't underestimate bacon Harris because uh sometimes they can be rich like me you know and then buy all the game passes yeah you know okay so don't judge beginners please like And subscribe yeah like And subscribe right now
Channel: Cleanse Beam
Views: 2,946,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleanse Beam
Id: O7L5gdwQ7u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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