The Return of Superman EP.363-Part.1 | KBS WORLD TV 210110

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The Return of Superman Episode 363. "Nice to Meet you, Be Happy," "Laugh out Loud." Long time no see. - Have you been well? / - Yes. - It's been so long. / - I know. Hello, viewers of The Return of Superman. I am the father of three children from Mapo-gu. Also, I'm Ha Donghoon, husband of Kim Goeun the great superhero. - Nice to meet you all. / - It's very nice to meet you. My kids are a big fan of this show. So I thought it'd be nice for them to hear my voice on this show. Please tell the viewers about your adorable three children. Dream has become nine years old now. And Soul has become five years old. Princess Round has become 18 months now. Her name is Songyi. They are all doing well. I'm so happy watching them grow every day. To put it precisely, every day feels like a battlefield. I know. Raising three children is no joke. I feel like I'm going to die. I know how that feels. (One who experienced know dad with many babies feels.) I think I'm going to die. Why am I tearing up? I can't even beat them in arguments anymore. At some point, I realized Dream's argument was right. As a father of a family and a husband, I'll do my best to make relatable comments. Welcome onboard. (Loud) Wilbengers are so excited early in the morning. (It's fun "Dynamite" time!) Oh, it's BTS' song. - "Dynamite." / - They love BTS. They've been listening to that song for an hour now. (One hour isn't enough.) - Everyone's crazy about them. / - Right. My kids love them too. My kids too. It's not just William. Even Bentley is in love with BTS these days. (They sing "Dynamite" all day long at home.) (Tired) RM. I want to dye my hair blue like you. - I like BTS. / - Hurry up. Who's your favorite? - V. / - V? - V? / - Who's your favorite? - RM. / - RM. - RM. / - I purple you, dad. I purple you. (It's how BTS says "I love you.") (It's how BTS says "I love you.") So that's how BTS and ARMY say "I love you?" - I purple you. / - Gosh, you... I purple you too. (There's more we want to show you.) (The stage with tens of backup dancers) (The star of that stage) (I'm WM.) - WM. / - He's so into it now. (Charismatic) Look at William dancing. - Oh, my. / - He's super serious. (Serious) (Bentley turned off the TV all of a sudden.) - Look at his face. / - William was right into it. He was dancing. I still know how it goes. ♪ Look at my feet ♪ (Without watching the clip,) (he knows all the lyrics and the choreography.) (Is my son a genius?) Gosh, is this really happening? Sam looks even more excited. Look how he reacts. Wait a minute. No. (This is an important moment.) (They bump into each other.) - Goodness. / - Oh, my. (It was an unexpected collision.) (Whimpering) (What's the matter, William?) What should you say to your brother? I don't think he knows what's going on. - Right. / - It happened all of a sudden. He doesn't get why William is crying. (He runs away because things look serious.) Hey, you. He didn't do it on purpose. All you had to do was apologize. But if you won't apologize and behave like this, leave. (Stern) (Why are you being like this to me?) Come here. (I just wanted to have some fun.) He's upset. He just wanted to play with William. - It was a mistake. / - Listen. (He's upset.) Hey. All you have to do is apologize. Why didn't you? If it was a mistake, you should acknowledge it. It'd have been over if you apologized. You wouldn't have been scolded. - I'm going to apologize. / - What? - I'm going to apologize. / - I watched how Sam did it, so I always hug my children after scolding them. I learn a lot from him as well. He's the master of childrearing. I'm sorry, William. I purple you. I purple you. - Hey. / - That's fine. What do you mean it's fine? "I purple you." Dad, I'm hungry. Give us food. Here. This is a cafeteria. You'll get all sorts of delicious dishes. - That's amazing. / - For breakfast? They are such big eaters. (Let's start digging in now.) They eat so well. (William starts eating some noodles first.) Why aren't you eating any seafood, William? RM loves noodles. Is that so? - Is that why you love noodles? / - Yes. Don't I look like RM? Hey, wait. - Is this what you were doing? / - What? (Don't tell me...) - Is that supposed to be this? / - Yes. (He's copying how RM looks in his profile picture.) Oh, my. This is what RM does. - Really? / - Yes. I didn't know that. - He's a real fan. / - You're just like him. He wants to look like RM from head to toe. Have you ever met RM? - I have not. / - Why not? - I know a lot of people, right? / - Yes. Then someone I know must know BTS. The world is a small place. That's right. (Is that so?) You'll know everyone if you count your friend's friend. (In that case) (He calls just anyone using Sam's phone.) - Who is he calling? / - William is... - Hello? / - RM. - Hey. / - Yes. (Did he really call RM?) Mr. Knife. Do you know BTS by any chance? Yes, I do. I had a shoot with them once. They even visited my place. You must want to meet BTS. - Yes. / - Mr. Knife! If I meet BTS again, - I'll get their autographs for you. / - Okay. Who are you on the phone with? It's Mr. Knife. Hello, Chef Lee. Hi. - Hello. / - He says he knows BTS. What? My kids are in love with BTS these days. But do you know where I can meet BTS? I think it's somewhere in Nonhyeon-dong. Really? Okay. I'm sorry they called you like this when you must be busy. - No worries. / - Have a good day. I'm going to write to BTS. - Really? / - Yes. What are you going to write? I can write BTS really well now. (He's using purple to show his love for them.) He's using purple. - BTS. / - That looks cool. The S is flipped. I'm already done. Let me draw a heart. This should connect to this. That's cute. It looks like a rabbit. Right. And... - This isn't right. / - What's wrong? - This isn't right. / - He doesn't like it. What's wrong? This isn't a heart. - Hey, let me show you. / - It isn't a heart? (Let me show you.) This is how you draw a heart. Connect it now. That's it. Great. - It looks much better. / - He did a great job. That's nice. That's how you do it. - It's perfect. / - But he doesn't like it. - I can't do it. / - It's for BTS. But... This one's really good. Oh, gosh. This isn't... Look. It's okay even if you don't do this. (I can't give this kind of heart to RM.) Don't cry. Look. That's what I... Look. Look at me again. How old are you? - I'm five. / - Five... Don't cry. Do you know how old I am? (Shaking his head) 23? 23? - Sam is in a good mood now. / - What did you say? - Sam is in a good mood now. / - What did you say? - What did you say? / - 24? - What did you say? / - 24? I love you so much. I love you so much. Do I look like a 24-year-old guy? Seriously. If you can draw like that, you'll be awesome. - Like this? / - Yes. That's it. Yes. I like that. (Smiling) - That's beautiful. / - Good. Good job. I'll take this now. I'm done with mine. You're done? Do you want to give it to him too? - Yes. / - Okay. We can hang these on the wall. - "I purple you." / - Ben. Dad, let's clean up now. No. (Bentley wants to draw more.) (Stop right there.) (Stop right there.) Hey, stop it. You can't draw on that. Did he draw on William's letter? - Oh, no. It's... / - Dad! (Crying) Mine is all ruined. Bentley did that. Bentley doesn't know what he did again. - He wanted to make it look nice. / - Bentley ruined my letter. (My goodness.) - Look. / - Bentley... (Dad, go check on him.) "Dad, you need to take this one." What are you crying for? The letter was for the guys. (Bentley ruined it again. I won't say more.) (Is he facing his punishment in advance?) - Bentley ruined it again. / - Gosh, it's hilarious. I put the letter in the room. I put the letter in the room. - What? / - I put the letter in the room. I'll take this with me. I'll take the letter. Okay? (He brought the letters to the master bedroom.) Sam put the letters in a safe place. (The baby was just drawing on the scrap paper.) I get why Bentley would feel wronged. - I get why / - I put the letters - he got Sam. / - in the room. (I've been wronged.) - They are so funny. / - It's nothing. I'll show you. This is nothing to cry about. Look at this. This is the nice letter you wrote. Bentley can draw whatever he wants on the paper. He can throw it out or burn it. All right. Clean up. You guys have to clean up now. - Do you know where BTS lives? / - Yes. Let's go there. (Coming up next) Coming up next are the youngest kids that ruled Nonhyeon-dong, Wilbengers. (The tribute outfits they prepared to meet BTS) The youngest member of HTS, V-tley. And he's wearing his hair blue. The leader, Will-M. They are fully prepared for the meeting. William looks like he is a part of The Beatles. (In search of BTS' traces,) (they will check out different places.) (HTS is on a tough journey.) (Give us BTS!) (And finally) - Hello. / - Will they really meet? - Hello. / - They met someone after a long wait. - Really? / - Can they really meet BTS? (Will Wilbengers' wish come true?) Will they be able to meet BTS? Will they? - Okay. They are in Nonhyeon-dong / - Let's go. - like Mr. Knife told them. / - Wait. It says "BTS" there. Look. It says "BTS" here. "The restaurant BTS likes." Yes. We're going there now. If we go there, we might be able to meet BTS. - My gosh. / - Dad, guess who they are. (This is the restaurant Mr. Knife told them about.) Let's go in. - Dad. / - My gosh. Ben. Hey. (Amazed) This is crazy! (Photos of BTS are plastered all over the restaurant.) That's the real deal. They must've eaten there countless times. BTS sat there and ate. - That became like a sacred site. / - My gosh. I see. They must've dined there since their trainee days. (The goods from their fans fill up the entire wall.) This place is so cool. - This is a must-go site for fans. / - Dad. There are photos of BTS here. Who is that guy? That's Jungkook! (Bentley spotted Jungkook's photo all the way on top.) That's correct. This is BTS... Jungkook! Jungkook! (V-tley only goes after Jungkook.) Jungkook. There's a photo of BTS on here too! Jungkook! - I guess the youngest members / - Jungkook! can feel some bond between them. - He's good at only spotting / - Right. - Jungkook. / - I think this guy is RM. RM. (Surprised) Take a photo. Sam is excited too. (His favorite is Jimin.) Me too! Take a photo of me too. A photo together. (This Australian guy adores Manggaetteok.) - Hello. / - Hello. I bet BTS came here often. They ate at my restaurant often when they were trainees. I heard that BTS had their own table here. - Yes. Let me show you the table. / - Okay. Let's... Where does RM sit? This is where RM sits. (That's RM's seat.) (WM takes the seat in a hurry.) This is RM. I see. They can tell who sat where with the photos. - This is Jimin's seat. / - The middle seat is Jimin's? - That seat is Jimin's? / - Yes, this is Jimin's seat. This is where V sits. - There? / - Yes. (HTS sits in the same order) (that BTS sat at the table.) What does RM eat here? RM often eats bibimbap. He also eats ssambap. I want to have that. My gosh. He eats bibimbap that he doesn't go for. William, why don't you try yours first? This is the bibimbap RM often ordered. That's the favorite dish of RM at the restaurant. That looks good. - He usually doesn't eat vegetables. / - It came out. I'll mix it for you. - It looks good! / - Will his love for BTS help him eat bibimbap? My gosh. He's eating a lot of it. (This is the taste of love.) - I want to eat that. / - Do you want some anchovies? - What's that? / - Anchovies BTS likes. (Anchovies BTS likes?) - This is such a good influence. / - Yes. If I eat this, will I be like RM? If you practice a lot, you could be like RM. Then, I will eat a lot. - Yes. / - Me too. - You too? / - Yes. (He is using both of his hands to gobble up his food.) (Staring) He spotted something again. I guess they play ice hockey. - Hey, William. No way. / - Yes. Guess who's holding the ice hockey stick. - RM. / - Gosh. Do you know what that is? When I first started ice hockey... - You know the stick you used? / - It's the same one. (It looks just like the stick I used.) - They are the same sticks. / - My gosh. - They are meant to be. / - Then, doesn't it mean I am friends with RM? What? That doesn't make you his friend. - That's far-fetched. / - Right. I bet he's so happy. (But...) (William is suddenly picking at his food.) What's wrong? Why isn't he eating his food suddenly? (Now that we're friends,) (I want to see him even more.) (When will you guys come?) - He wants to see them. / - When will they come? They are very busy. (Upset) All right. BTS' fans dropped these off, so I can give them out. - This is from RM. / - Gosh. This is from V. My gosh. Look at this. RM wrote this. RM wrote this. My gosh. Thank you. Thank you. (He likes the present, but he still feels a bit down.) (I must do something. Maybe, I should take him there.) Where are we? BTS is here. (Where did Sam take HTS to?) This is... (BTS marked a new era in the history of K-Pop.) (BTS marked a new era in the history of K-Pop.) (BTS marked a new era in the history of K-Pop.) It's the agency that produced the legend of K-Pop, BTS. By the way, can you tell me how I can really meet the guys? - We'll meet them if we're lucky. / - What? As they followed the traces of BTS, they ended up - at BTS' agency. / - Let's sit here for a bit. (Why don't we wait for a bit in the lobby?) If they wait in the lobby, can they really see BTS? When will they come? We have to wait until they get here. It's not easy to meet BTS in person. I will see them today. - If we stay here, / - Yes? we might see them pass by here. (Really?) BTS? (Rushing) (Peeking) (Silent) They're not coming. (The youngest fans of BTS) (are tired from the long wait.) (They are on standby endlessly.) I'll go and look for them. Dad, you stay here. Okay. Go ahead. They don't know how long they have to wait to see BTS. - They didn't have an appointment. / - Yes. I'll find BTS for you. Yes. (RM, I'm on my way to see you now.) (Searching for BTS) - I doubt that BTS is there. / - Gosh. They searched the whole place. (HTS is following the scent of BTS.) They are checking every nook and corner. (They find a door that looks) (somewhat secretive from afar.) (Let's go over there.) Hello. Where is BTS? They might be downstairs. Did you make an appointment with BTS? Yes. I'm RM. (I'm RM.) I'm V-V. (Look at my hair.) (See? Even the back of my head looks like V's.) I'm sorry. My hands are tied. (I must do something else.) (Singing "Dynamite" as his last resort) (HTS tries to get in with their singing.) (Slightly impressed) (Silent) "Listen to our singing. Don't we sound like them?" They are so funny. - Look over there. / - What? Where? (Sorry. It was a feint.) - Like the scene in a cartoon? / - It suddenly became a spy movie. (He's speechless.) (I'm sure we'll see BTS once we open this door.) William is here. You can't force your way in. (HTS is caught red-handed.) (Embarrassed) I am sorry. We'll come back next time. Let's go. (HTS quietly leaves.) (As if!) It looked like they were giving up. Hold on. My gosh. They are small, so... (Peeking) They are like kid detectives. Is this possible? (After checking their enemy's movements,) (they make their move.) Do you know the passcode? They have to unlock that. (However, I am V-tley, former Bentley.) (I could open up every door.) (Ben!) (Door.) - "Ben. Door." / - Thank you. Ever since Bentley was a kid, he could open any doors. (The veteran of this field takes over.) There it goes. My gosh. (Please...) You can do it. Gosh. You can't reach it. He is too short. Where did these guys go? I hope they didn't cause trouble again. (They haven't caused any trouble yet.) (The security guard doesn't even care anymore.) I think the security guard knows that they are there. 0, 9, 1, 2. What is it? - My gosh. I got goosebumps. / - Gosh. (RM's date of birth: September 12, 1994) That didn't work. (Tired of waiting for the kids,) (Sam sets out to look for them.) Hey. What are you doing? What are you doing here? Hey. I'm sorry. You can't just go in there. I wanted to see RM. I know that. We have to make an appointment. You can't just force your way in there. Let's go. Come on. I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. / - I'm sorry. Let's go. People can't just walk into - our home, right? / - Right. What if someone comes in and takes your toys? - Hello. / - Hello. - What's happening? / - Hello. What? No way. - They sounded young. / - No way. Are they... (The cameramen are flustered too.) - The cameramen are flustered too. / - Hello. What's happening? (Who are these guys that surprised the family?) - Hello. / - Hello. - They are so cute. / - Hi. - Hello. / - Hello. I'm a huge fan, William. Who are these guys who are fans of William? - Are they dressed as RM and V? / - Hold on. You guys look so cool. (The guys they ran into are) (TXT, who made their debut in 2019.) They made a splendid debut in 2019. This popular idol group was recognized by the Billboard Charts. That's TOMORROW X TOGETHER. - Do you see these guys here? / - Yes. Guess what they do. Have you seen them before? (I'm sorry. But who are you?) What do you think they do? Seriously. They are juniors of BTS. (Really?) He's wearing a yellow sweater. - Yes, he is, right? / - I'm wearing a yellow sweater. By the way, what brings William and Bentley here? Over there. - We wanted to go over there. / - We couldn't go in. You couldn't go inside? - Aha. You couldn't go in. / - They didn't let you in? - Do you want to go in with us? / - Do you want to go in with us? Shall I open it for you? - Open the door for us. / - Really? But - is it okay for us to go in? / - We can go inside. - Of course. / - Yes. - Can we? / - Of course. We love your kids. We can go. (Thanks to TXT, they'll get to look around the agency.) - They are so cool. / - Hello. I dig your blue hair. Bye. I'm going in. (Bragging to the security guard) (Bye.) "Did you see that? Did you see me going in?" He can walk in with his chin up. (HTS is finally entering the agency.) These youngest fans are the most successful fans of BTS. This is our practice studio. - So it starts from here. / - Yes. They are lucky to make it inside the agency. (Excited) I'm curious about their practice studio too. Same here. (They finally enter BTS' practice studio.) Isn't it spacious? (Looking around) (But the practice studio is empty as BTS is busy.) (I don't see RM here.) William, doesn't this look familiar? This is where BTS danced. They went like this. (It's the same studio William saw in the video.) - He watched the video / - It's the same studio. filmed in this studio a lot. (Practice studio of BTS) My gosh. This must feel surreal. Right. It's the studio he saw in the video. Right. My gosh. He really is a successful fan. Gosh. (Am I dreaming? Is this really happening?) (William, a six-year-old fan of BTS,) (takes his steps in the practice studio of BTS.) - This? / - You look like RM. - He's dressed like RM, right? / - Yes. (Then, it's time to show them what I've got.) (Perfectly pulling off the choreography from the start) (Rushing) - What's happening? / - He's so cute. - RM goes to the side at this part. / - I see. (He's on the side just like RM.) - Shouldn't you come back in now? / - ♪ Picture ♪ (V-tley perfectly sings V's part.) (At my bedside) - Here he goes. / - He's coming. WM! - Goodness. / - Good. (WM is on the stage at last.) - Good job. / - ♪ Your one, your two ♪ (Humming) (We're flying high in the sky) (BTS' version) (HTS' version) - They got the key dance move right. / - Good job. You know the key move. You know the song. (The last song is "Dynamite.") (V-tley is killing it.) (Right up his alley) - He's rapping. / - That's the rap. - That's right. / - He got it right. (Dancing) (HTS comes together.) That's right. That's it. (That's right. That's it.) (Perfectly copying) (the choreography by putting his hand around Bentley) This is my solo part. (Pushing him away) He pushed Bentley away. "Go back now." (WM takes the entire choreography seriously.) (Dynamite) (The show was a hit.) Good job. (HTS totally crushed the performance.) Give us a high-five too. - My goodness. / - Well done. - I can show you / - We can - a more fun place. / - go over there. There's a place where BTS rests. Let's go. (Do you want to check it out?) This is the artist lounge which has never been disclosed to the public. (The lounge is filled with BTS-related items.) (It's a place where BTS often visits too.) Where does RM sit? - He sits over there. / - Right here. - Do you want to sit there? / - Do you want to? - Go smell it. / - Smell it? - See how RM smells. / - RM... (Feeling shy for some reason) He's shy. William, before we go back home... - William. / - Yes? - We brought these. / - What's that? You wrote a letter to them. (Yes. My letter...) (He had written every word) (of this precious letter himself.) (To deliver this letter,) (he desperately looked for BTS.) (But BTS was nowhere to be seen.) - Should we put it up? / - Should we do that, William? My gosh. If we put it up here, RM will definitely - see this letter. / - They can put that up there? (Wilbengers put up the letters they wrote.) - Gosh. / - Goodness. BTS will be able to see their letters. - They'll see the letters / - This is - for sure. / - good enough. - "I purple you." / - Will RM really see this? Yes. He will definitely see this. We'll tell him. Please take good care of the letter. - We will. / - We will. - Bye. / - Bye. See you again. - See you again. / - See you again. Bye. (Let us know if you see this!) Wilbengers purple BTS. We purple you. (Is Hayeon in the snow?) It's snowing. (Hayeon is taking her photos for her first birthday.) Hayeon is taking her first - birthday photos. / - I have to do this for the snow? Hayeon, look over here. - He's making snow by hand. / - Good girl. She's beautiful. My gosh. (She's changing into her next outfit.) I think you gave me the wrong outfit. This can't be my outfit. You got me the wrong outfit. (Looking shabby) (Hayeon is also wearing a mysterious outfit.) What's the theme? I think she's supposed to be a fairy. Look at me. - She's the lotus flower. / - Good. (Hayeon the Flower and Dad the Gardener) - Raise the watering can. / - She's a flower. The theme is, "Grow up Well." "No, Dad." (And he will protect the flower.) - Great. / - A reliable honeybee. Hajun is in the photo too. - "What's going on?" / - Well done. Great. The photoshoot ended quickly thanks to her dad and her brother. (This time, Hayeon will take individual photos.) "Hello." How cute. You look beautiful. (She brings in a spray to loosen her up.) (Spraying) (It's cold!) - How cute. / - They wanted to capture that. (Smiling from ear to ear) (One more spray?) Hold it. No, you don't want it? (I don't like it.) - She got it once. / - I won't. Come here. Come here. - Let's make her smile from here. / - Be careful. (Humming) Princess, smile. (She smiles as her dad hums.) Hayeon, where are we? Peekaboo. (Hayeon, smile.) Hayeon. We're right here. She smiled. The flower is smiling. - Peekaboo! / - Look over here. - How cute. / - Peekaboo. (Hayeon's bright smile that doesn't need any lighting) - How cute. / - In the end... - They got it. / - Yes. Hayeon took sparkling photos for her first birthday. At their house in Yeongjongdo a few days later. What is she doing? (She jumps up with a back kick.) (She uses her head as a lever.) She got on the sofa. She can do such a thing easily these days. (Gosh, I'm sweating.) Hayeon. (Sparkling Daddy and Hajun appear.) What? Is your nose running? She's asking for that. She knows what she wants now. (Park Ha Siblings' simple washing of the face) - Come here. / - Should I sit? You can stand. Let me see. (The camera is moving.) The camera moved. She got flustered. She's scared. One more time. One more. (Dad, look over here.) (Hurry up, dad.) Is that all? (Turning) - It turned again. / - Is it over? Let's see. (Dad!) - It's done. / - Come here. Did it move? Cameras move. - Look at me. / - He already knows. (The camera is at fault.) Hayeon, let's eat some snacks. What's the snack for today? Sweet potato. It's baked sweet potato. Try it. You can eat it, Hayeon. (Hayeon tries sweet potato for the first time.) (She takes another bite right away.) She finds it tasty. Eat while standing up. She eats it like it's a rib. It makes her dance. Are you dancing while eating? - With one leg? / - She's leaning on one leg. Does it taste good? I'll peel it. Give it to me. - She won't let it go. / - I'll peel it for you. - She won't give it to him. / - Give it to me. Peel me some sweet potato. - She knows how it tastes now. / - Here. (She takes a step towards the sweet potato.) (A little farther...) Dad, she wants some sweet potato. - Really? / - Yes. - Yes. / - Here you go. (It's so hard to eat some sweet potato.) Here you go, Hayeon. He's so nice. (Hajun helps her grab the sweet potato.) (My brother is the best.) Hayeon can move a lot now. (Of course. I'm old enough to stand by myself.) She's practically a lady. (I'm a 1-year-old lady.) Coy lady Park Hayeon. (She feels good.) She's so pretty. (I don't like it, I don't like it) (Sparkling Daddy's new parenting song) (This song is) (exciting for some reason.) They're dancing. They're sticking to the lyrics, "I don't like it." (I really don't like it.) Do it properly in your seat. Hayeon. Do you like Hajun? (The magical song makes her say no to any question.) (The magical song makes her say no to any question.) You don't like anything. (In that case...) Hayeon, will you get married to another man in the future? (Say no!) - Yes. / - What? (Her answer is loud and clear.) Gosh, she will get married. Her dad is crying. (Dad, I'm kidding.) - I'll bring the package. / - Okay. There's a lot. (Hayeon is surprised.) What kind of package is that big? - Stop. It's dangerous. / - What are they? Let's open this first. (What's inside the box?) - She wants to look. / - Be careful, Coy Lady Hayeon Look at this. "Park Hayeon, first birthday". They gave out rice cakes. - You're giving out rice cakes? / - That's my wife. That's right. She got so much love from many people that day when they gave out rice cakes. - Today / - It's Hayeon's first birthday. I'll decorate the table nicely like this. Okay. (Really?) ♪ The Coy ♪ (Various items for her first birthday) These are balloons. (What's this?) These are for setting up a stage. You put them on both sides. How will the dad do it alone? You got too many boxes. My goodness. (Sparkling Daddy is generous.) I don't know if you can do it all. (Even the dad isn't confident.) (Will they give up on the birthday party?) (At that time) - Is this the right place? / - I see the baby. (Mysterious guests came to Park Ha Siblings' house.) - Did you sanitize your hands? / - Yes. Let's go. - Hello. / - Hello. - Hello, Hajun. / - Hello. The voices sound familiar. (Who are the guests at Park Ha Siblings' house?) - Thank you. / - It's Song Gain. I'm worried. There's too much. I meant to prepare a lot. - Hello. / - Hello, Gain. I bought a lot to prepare for a party with Hayeon and Hajun. I see. Do you want me to come? - Really? / - Yes. We have a huge garden, so it might be too much work for you. I have many younger colleagues with me. - You do? / - I'll try to invite them. Thank you. I'll tell everyone. Something amazing happened, Hayeon. It's amazing! Gain will come to prepare Hayeon's first birthday party. - I think it'll be huge. / - It's different indeed. It's Hayeon's birthday. She's loyal. - I know. / - I waited for you. I didn't expect such handsome... They're my favorite colleagues, and they're very young. Are they the same age as Hajun? (They look as young as Hajun.) Hajun is four years old. Wait, will you say hello the way idol stars do? In that case, she might cry. - Yes. / - We'll do it quietly. We'll do the cute version. - Have a good day. / - Have a good day. - Hello, we're BAE173. / - Hello, we're BAE173. - Hello. / - Hello, Hayeon. (The first idol stars to visit Park Ha Siblings) How do you feel after meeting them? When I showed you a video of me in the past, you called me an idol singer. (I did?) Am I handsome or are the idol stars handsome? (Which will Hajun choose?) Idol stars. (The idol stars win.) Oh, no. - What? / - He said the idol stars. He said something about idols. He couldn't answer with confidence because he feels bad for his dad. The guys and Gain came to help us. I'll assign some duties. - Is this it? / - I drew it a while ago. The checkered part is the stage, and this is the table for Hayeon. - Many people will be coming. / - What? - This is amazing. / - Isn't it amazing? I'll ask you guys to help me. Okay. Gain, you're good at taking care of children. Of course. Leave them to me. - Thank you in advance. / - You're welcome. - Let's go. / - Let's go. (Cheering for Hayeon's first birthday party) You prepared so much. First of all, a quartet will be performing. - You know what that is? / - Yes. Look at these. They're very impressive. - Take a look. / - Wait a minute. Will they be performing? They're the best senior musicians of the penguin family. They will be performing for real later. What's this? You don't think I'm strange, do you? - No. / - I'm not weird. - I'm Hajun's dad. / - Okay. Next, I prepared a list of guests. - Will they be coming today? / - Really? Of course. - Namjin. / - Really? - Nahoona. / - What? - Joo Hyunmi. / - Really? Kim Yonja. Jang Yunjeong. Do you know Buzz? - Is this a concert? / - Once the party is set, they will come. - Okay. / - Let's get started. - Let's go. / - Let's go! What should we play? I'm delivering cookies to give them to Hayeon. Hajun, you're such a nice brother. Are you giving all to your sister? (He takes out her pacifier.) Hayeon, take out your pacifier and eat this. He's cute. (She's about to take a bite.) You're eating well. (He pretends to give it to her and takes it back.) What? You should give it to her. Why are you eating it instead? How can you take it away when she's about to eat? (Gain gives Hayeon a cookie.) (Hayeon is upset.) You won't eat it when I give it to you? - She's upset. / - She's upset. The end... - She put her pacifier back on. / - The end? - Like this... / - Hajun. Take a look at Hayeon. Hayeon is leaning to one side. Her pose? (Bad girl Hayeon) Hayeon doesn't seem happy. Hayeon, which song do you like? Hayeon? She only likes the star song. - Star song? / - I see. She only likes the star song. (Twinkle, twinkle little star) - It's twinkling. / - She's moving her hand. (She puts down her bottle.) (She puts in her pacifier and gets ready to dance.) (She's sending out small stars.) (How I wonder what you are) - Good job. / - Great. It looks like Hayeon is in a good mood. Hajun. Do you remember Hanseo and Eunho? They're Gain's nephews who came to see Trot Boys. (Eunho and Hanseo Brothers) Do you remember Eunho? You played with him at home. Yes. - Shall we call them? / - Okay. Shall we? - Tanseo. / - Hold on. Hello. Tanseo, come and share my cookies. Okay. We're having Hayeon's birthday party. Can you come to Yeongjongdo? I'll ask mom. Will you get here by walking? "By walking?" Come by car. Thank you for inviting me. (What's going on outside?) They're working hard to prepare for the party. (The party venue is getting decorated.) Here is the important thing. I didn't tell you in advance, but we need to be apologetic. The senior singers have been waiting. - Really? / - You saw the vans pass by. - That's right. / - Let's check up on them. The guests... Are the guests coming out of the box? Joo Hyunmi came. (He shows a generic reaction.) He was so nice to show a reaction. Everyone is here. Let's sit them down. (They politely put each guest on the chair.) So the guests came that way. It's the age of contact-free parties. (When will the party begin?) It's the first birthday party for the sparkling Hayeon. We invite you to the party. (When you enter through the gate) There is the orchestral quartet to play the background music. Incredible guests who have arrived ahead of time are making the party shine. Hyunbin made many preparations for Hayeon. It's perfect. Hajun! (Hayeon's grandma is here.) Hayeon's grandma is here. Hayeon. You worked hard. (My baby.) Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday. It has been a year. You lived a year already. Shall we start the party? Let's do that. Hello, it's good to have you here. I am the host and the dad of the birthday girl, Hayeon. I am Park Hyunbin. Hello. - Clap! / - Yes! It isn't easy to gather around these days. Gain is hiding to surprise everyone with her entrance. The first celebratory performance will be given by a very special guest singer. Her charisma is on another level. It's Grandma Jung Sungeul! - Welcome her with a big hand! / - A big hand! A big hand! A big hand! Make sure you clap for me. Watch your grandma. It's "Tes Bros!" by Na Hoona, the legendary trot singer. Let's go. (Grandma's groove) This family has a lot of good cheer. (Grandma is full of good cheer.) (Once in a while) (That's incredible.) She laughs hard enough to spit out her pacifier. (She laughs hard enough to spit out her pacifier.) (Hayeon dances to the music.) (In that laughter) (Another day that has come) (Shouting) That's incredible. (It's a unique sight even to the queen of trot.) It isn't easy to sing like that in front of your family. She is incredible. (Tomorrow makes me afraid) (Tes Bro!) (What is up with the world?) (Trot grandma is the best!) One more time! (Tes Bro!) (Like mother, like son.) (What is up with love?) (She is the Super Trot Grandma.) She is the best. (She is the Super Trot Grandma.) (Not even the queen of trot has) (the same level of good cheer.) Good job! (Is there another grandma like her?) Here is another grandma like her. (Here is another grandma like her.) This video is so old. I want to run away. (The two grandmas have met on a show.) The two of them have met. Hyunbin's mom is very charismatic, but a truly charismatic woman is here. (They turned the morning show upside down.) I didn't know about that. I miss Okjung in Cotton Flannel Dress. Let's continue on with the next performance. Will there be another performance? I thought we were by ourselves. She is here. She is here. She is here. Song Gain! - Song Gain? / - She is here. Give her a big hand! (Is Song Gain really here?) - She is really here. / - Hello, everyone! Hyunbin's dad got up. Get up! Let's get up! (Let's get up!) ("Miss Boatgirl" by Song Gain) (Dancing) (No one complains about a young boatwoman) (I look after my old parents) (Row the boat) (Hayeon plays the tambourine) (instead of rowing the boat.) - That's good. / - That's good. ("Yongdusan Elegy" by Song Gain) (Song Gain doesn't disappoint.) That's good. (Hajun became a band member for Gain) (1 stair, 2 stairs, 194 stairs) (Trot Grandma and the queen of trot) (It's more of a talent show) (than the first birthday party.) (Although I am lonely, I can't forget those days) (Shaking the tambourine) (She finishes up the performance) (with her lilting voice!) - Thank you! / - Hayeon must be in a good mood. I know. Most children cry at their first birthday parties. Gain did more than singing. She helped me with everything. You acted like you did everything by yourself. I was so surprised. I didn't come alone. I invited another team of guest singers. It's one plus one. Not the idol singers? (Does she mean the idol singers who helped earlier?) - Not the idol singers. / - Are there more? (Let's take a look.) (Isn't that your song?) It isn't me. It isn't me. Who are the guest singers? (They are Hanseo and Eunho, not the Sparkling Daddy.) (Hajun invited them.) They actually came. (They actually came for Park Ha Siblings.) What day is it today? Hayeon's birthday. Birthday congratulations. They are so loyal. - They came a long way. / - Come here. Come here. Sit down. (It's good to see them after a long while!) Come here. Hello. - Let's sing. / - One, two, three, four. (You're just the best) Good job! (Eunho is a bit nervous as usual.) How cute! (Hajun grabs the microphone and joins them.) (She is so sexy) "She is so sexy." (Hanseo and Eunho even prepared a dance.) (Hajun joins them as if he had practiced.) "You're just." "The best." (Perfect teamwork) One more time! "You're just..." (You're just the best) (Hanseo and Eunho's performance) (featuring Hajun was perfect.) Thank you. Hayeon, happy birthday! Hayeon, happy birthday! (Thank you for coming.) I missed you. Okay. They must be very happy to see each other. They are the secret helpers. Please welcome BAE173 - with a big hand. / - They helped really diligently. That's right. (Gosh, they are handsome.) (They steal women's hearts.) ("Crush on U" by BAE173) (They give a perfect performance no matter the stage.) (Hayeon can't take her eyes off them.) - Before anyone else! / - Before anyone else! - Hello, we are BAE173. / - Hello, we are BAE173. (Honorary Brothers worked hard for Hayeon.) Thank you so much for coming. You should take some persimmons. When you have sons and daughters, you will plan the first birthday party. My back will hurt too much by then, - so I will send Hajun. / - Thank you. They have to leave now because their schedule is packed these days. Let's meet again. Thank you for your hard work. BAE173. The highlight of the first birthday party, - doljabi remains. / - That's right. We prepared special items. They look special, right? No matter what she chooses, the money will be in her fortune. Coins have been tied to every item. The birthday girl, Princess Park Hayeon - will enter. / - I am curious about this part. (The birthday girl, Princess Park Hayeon enters!) Princess. (The birthday girl, Princess Park Hayeon enters!) She is looking at the items. I remember doljabi. - Me too. / - I wonder what Hayeon will choose. Which item do you want Hayeon to grab? - Grab the microphone! / - All right. Will there be a singer in all three generations? She might grab the microphone. - Which one? / - Grab one. - All right. / - Grab one. (President Park Hayeon) - Which one will it be? / - Which one will it be? She only touched the tip. She keeps touching an item and withdrawing her hand. This is nerve-wracking. Will she become the president? (The president's nameplate?) - That's... / - It's okay. Relax and grab an item. (She fiddles with it without grabbing it.) - Will you grab it? / - She grabbed it! - She picked it up. / - One, two, three. - Congratulations! / - A big hand! - President Park Hayeon! / - President. She will be a president. (She will be President Park Hayeon!) Please take a photo for memory. - Hayeon, happy birthday! / - Hayeon, happy birthday! - Hayeon, happy birthday! / - Happy birthday! (Another sun rises in 2021.) Another sun rises in 2021. The Doppelganger family welcomed the new year in Jeonju. What should we eat on New Year's Day? Okay. I will tell you. (Whispering) (Whispering) Really? Yes! What did she say? She didn't say anything. (Laughing) (What? Then I will try again.) (Telling him something important) Really? (You finally understood!) What did she say? She didn't say anything. (The mysterious world of Do Mini) (My goodness.) This is fun. Let's make the rice cake and dumpling soup. Let's make the dumplings ourselves. - Dumplings? Really? / - Yes. I will bring the ingredients. What should I tell you? I will tell you something fun if you eat well, okay? This side too. Should I tell you again? Didn't you hear me? She wants to hear it from the other side too. I will give you something tasty if you eat well, okay? Okay! - All right. / - They are excited. What is that? What is that? They will make dumplings themselves. To make dumplings... (Prepare flour for the skin.) I will do it with you. I will help you. I will help you, dad. - Will you help me? / - Yes. Do it powerfully like me. - That's enough! Stop, stop! / - Like this. She made a mountain. All right. Shall we eat now? No. We should make the dumplings before we eat them. Shall we make the dumplings now? (Mix flour and water.) Dad. Hayoung is... Hold on, Hayoung. Where is Yeonwoo going? Hayoung, you can't see well because of your height. Sit here. - My goodness. / - My goodness. Hayoung, can you move for a second? - I will lay these down. / - Are you done? You can sit down now. Let me sit down with you. It's comfortable now, right? Yes. - Yeonwoo is special. / - Seriously. That's right! I... All right. Who wants to eat this? It will go into the dumplings. That's right. This is for dad, and this is for you and me. This is for dad and this is for you and me. (Is she hungry?) Is that flour? Is that what you are touching? It's the dough. Flour? Flour? (Sniffing) It's sweet. It's sweet. She is cute. Does it smell sweet? - Is it sweet? / - Yes, it's sweet. What? Really? Is the dough sweet? Will I eat with you and Yeonwoo? Yes, the three of us will eat together. The dough. Oh, I see. (A big realization) (It's time to knead the dough.) It's going well. (Knead the dough to make it glutinous.) He is kneading it well. (She blinks to the beat.) Look at this. The dough is complete. (Finally) - I will show you. / - Okay. All right. Let's see dad's skills. (Spread the dough using a rolling pin.) He must have done it many times. Shall we do it together? - Yes. / - Let's do it together. Hayoung wants to use what's on the table. I will spread it. (She is ready.) Yeonwoo, watch me. - Hayoung. / - She is doing great. Like this. I am doing an amazing job, right? You are doing an amazing job. Wait, okay? (Wait a second.) - Wait, okay? / - She wants us to wait. I will wait. I will make it big. Do you want me to help? I will try it. I will help. Let me do it. I will do it alone. - Let me do it. / - No. I will do it alone. I will do it alone. I can do it alone. You will make it dirty. - She'll make it tasty. / - "You'll make it dirty." "You will make it dirty." I will do it alone. Like this, I will say, "Be bigger." (Yeonwoo continues to work the same way.) Yeonwoo, it needs to be a lot thinner. You know how thin dumpling skin is, right? (I will take care of it, dad.) The dough feels like fleshy. I am doing the best I can. Yeonwoo got the hang of it. You are rolling it out well. (The dough becomes bigger.) He rolled it out well. Look at mine. (Cut out a round shape.) They used a rice bowl. - Press hard. / - Hard. There you go. Press hard. All right. My goodness. She lacks the strength. (Let's make a circle.) Okay. Here I go. (He made a circle.) I am an expert now. I am an expert. I can do an amazing job once I learn something. Yeonwoo, you became an expert. Hayoung wants to do the same. (She removes the lid of the bowl.) (She failed.) Can I do it alone? Of course. You can do it. You can do it. I will use this. There you go. (She uses the rolling pin with gravity.) That's good. (Let's see the circle!) Did it work? It worked, Hayoung. (She uses her nimble fingers.) You are using your fingers well. You did it! Hayoung, it's the first dumpling skin you made. What do you think? It's cool. I will eat it with Yeonwoo. - That's right. The three of us / - What? will eat together. - Right? / - Really? It takes a lot of work to make dumplings. That's right. I am glad that you now know it takes a lot of work. Should you leave food behind or not? I should finish my food. What will happen if you eat all kinds of food? - I will become strong. / - You will become strong. What will happen if you become strong? I will become great. Where will you work if you become great? - NASA. / - That's right. NASA. In the middle of making dumplings, you revisited your resolution to work at NASA. Let's add the filling now. While I slice rice cake, make dumplings. (Yeonwoo makes a meat dumpling.) I will put a little bit of oil at the end. He did a good job. - My goodness. / - That takes skills. (Press the ends and fold the dumpling in half.) Okay! The shape is perfect! My goodness. You made a nice dumpling. I will put kimchi inside. (Hayoung makes a kimchi dumpling.) Will you eat kimchi? I will eat kimchi. I will put it here. Will she make a kimchi dumpling? Like this, let's add kimchi. That's a bit too much. (She folds the dumpling in half.) (Will it fit in there?) Like this, - I made a dumpling. / - My goodness. She is cute. I made a kimchi dumpling! (She shows her love by throwing the dumpling.) I made it. I made a kimchi dumpling. Did you make a dumpling? Yes! My first dumpling looks nice. Play here while I make the rice cake and dumpling soup. Let's play hide-and-seek. Hide-and-seek? - Yes. / - Shall we play Statues? No, let's play hide-and-seek. I am good at hide-and-seek. Let's play red light, green light. Let's play hide-and-seek. "Hide well." If you hide, I will look for you. Yeonwoo plays with his sister really well. Seriously. ♪ Hide well ♪ ♪ Where will you hide? ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Here I come. (She hid well.) (Here I come.) (He spots Do Mini right away.) He saw her. (Her stomach makes a sound.) (Hush!) Where is Hayoung? Where is Hayoung? (She lets out gas.) (Laughing) Where is Hayoung? Where is Hayoung? - Oh, no. / - Meanwhile... Is she in the restroom? Where is he going? (I am here.) She isn't here either. My goodness. Where is Hayoung? Here! (She reveals herself.) You are here! How cute! (Both sides are happy when they play hide-and-seek.) (What shall we do to play this time?) Put on a seat belt. What is that? Is that your time machine? Hayoung, let me give you the principle of a time machine. Don't. I won't hear it. I won't hear it. I will tell you. This is how a time machine works. It's currently 2021, right? Let's say you want to travel to 2028. Then you will teleport with the time machine. Here comes Do Principle. Hayoung, are you listening? (Sighing) Let's put the seat belt through here and tie it. "There he goes again." Let me tell you how you teleport with the time machine. Inside the time machine are explosive energy and nuclear energy. Using that energy, the machine moves at the speed of light - and travels to 2028. / - Yeonwoo. That's time machine. Did you get how the time machine works? - Yes. / - That's how it works. Hayoung. I want to go to the future. I want to go and see what the year 3000 looks like. Okay. Let's go then. Hayoung, I'm going 20 years forward. - Let me help. / - Help me. You need to buckle up. He wears a seatbelt. (I'll make sure my brother is safe.) Add some fuel here. (One-way) (Return) I'll add fuel here. (The time machine is ready.) It's done. Let's go now. - Start! / - He's leaving. (2041, 28-year-old Do Yeonwoo) How will Yeonwoo look in 2041? (Let's go to the future!) (2041, The Republic of Korea) (Yeonwoo became an astronaut as he wished.) He must have gotten a job at NASA. (He's the first Korean to ever build a spaceship.) Oh, my. Applaud! It was successfully launched. Our space technology took a step forward. Now, he's going back to the year 2021. (He's pretty satisfied with how he is in the future.) - Was it scary? / - No. - Was it scary like a tiger? / - No. Then did you catch a tiger? You should go to the future like I did. (I'll make sure Hayoung stays safe.) - Here we go. / - I need to go. Bye. - I'm off. / - You're going now. Start. (2041, 24-year-old Do Hayoung) 24-year-old Hayoung. Is she really raising black goats like his dad wanted? (Let's go to the future.) (It's the year 2041 in the Republic of Korea.) Hang on. (At the foot of Mount Jiri,) (which is well-preserved as clean heritage) There are no ants. I caught the insects. You did? She's raising goats with her dad. Please don't do that. Kyungwan told you to make it like this, right? (Do you know how great living in Mount Jiri is?) Come back now. Just come back. The time machine is back. (This can't be real.) - This is broken. / - Wait. - I'm scared. / - Was it scary? It's broken. - Is it? / - Yes. - No. That won't happen. / - It failed for her. (She throws it over.) - Wait. / - You want it like that? (I want to change my future.) Here. Guess what this is. What is this? This is what Hayoung made earlier. (Nutritious dumpling soup with rice cake kids made) The dumpling soup is ready. - Are these the dumplings I made? / - Yes. (This is meat dumpling Yeonwoo made.) (He takes a bite.) - How does it taste? / - I made this myself? He's fascinated. (Kyungwan eats a spoonful right away.) This is amazing. What's wrong? Dad, isn't it really tasty? You seem to enjoy it. (He tries it again.) What is the matter? What's wrong? It's tasty. This is... Oh, my. What's wrong with this? The dumpling skin... It's dark inside. This is... What's this? Is this rotten? - What? / - What? (Part 2 of The Return of Superman will resume shortly.) Could it be...
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Keywords: kbs, kbsworld, kbs world, 韓流, 放送, 韩国综艺, 韩国电视剧, truyền hình Hàn Quốc, ประเทศเกาหลีใต้, ละคร, Corea, Corée, دراما, دراما كورية, kbskpop, yt:cc=on, kpop, KBSWorld, Korea, Korean, Drama, KBS, K-Pop, Entertainment, Documentary, Music, Bank, 영어자막, English, Subtitle, kbsworldTV, Caption, World, 뮤직뱅크, musicbank, kbs월드, 월드TV, kbs 월드, world tv, worlddtv, koreaTV, koreanTV, korea TV, korean TV, 케이팝, kTV, K TV, 한국방송, 월드, eng, sub eng, South Korea, idol stage, idol
Id: RyjRtpkDKrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 58sec (3718 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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