The Return of Superman EP.363-Part.2 | KBS WORLD TV 210110

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This is... Oh, my. What's wrong with this? The dumpling skin... It's dark inside. This is... What's this? Is this rotten? - What? / - What? (Oh, could it be...) Could it be the dumplings I made? They must be. Okay, this is the last one. I'll pay the most attention to it. Okay. Then... (For the last dumping) I'll add a lot of chocolate to it. - Chocolate? / - Oh, my. It's going to taste so new if I add this. It's going to taste so new if I add this. (I don't think it'll taste nice.) (You need to add jelly to make it tasty.) Thanks. I'll make it even tastier. (He adds meat to finish off.) I never imagined he'd have put chocolate in a dumpling. (Shocked) (Chef Do's special menu,) (dumpling with chocolate and jelly) And Kyungwan drew the short straw. I added jelly and chocolate. (Dropping) It tastes so funny. (She looks away.) Even Hayoung refuses to eat it. (Enjoy your meal.) You seem to like your food. Why did you add chocolate here? To make it tastier. - Oh, is that so? / - Yes. Okay, I'll try it. It's still something I made. He should hold it and show a positive reaction. Thanks to you, 2021 will be full of sweet things like chocolate. - Do you mean it? / - Yes. You made a great dish. Sit here. Let me do this. (She's adding fuel to the machine.) Let's go. (Zooming) She's good. Here we are. Here. This is good. - This is good? / - Yes. Sit here. Hayoung must think this is a time machine as well. What year do you want to go to? - I want to go to the year 3000. / - 3000? In the future, most of the car's exhaust is carbon dioxide. So I think it'd be nice to come up with a new type of engine, oil, gasoline, and things like that. That's why I want to go to the year 3000. She's got the signal now. I want to go to the year 3020. Year 3020? There may not be any constipation patients. If I can get on the time machine, I'll buy the medicine that cures constipation and let Hayoung take it. These dumplings taste good by the way. They do because you made them. You can do it! Ta-da. (Who is wearing this beautiful skirt?) Who is wearing this beautiful hanbok? (She failed to enter gracefully.) Goodness. (Pretend you never saw that.) She doesn't walk like I want her to. (She enters again with her dad's help.) She's so cute. Princess Wink Hayoung and Prince Smart Yeonwoo are here. They look so adorable. You must greet your elders in the new year. Bow to your father. - Here I go. / - Yeonwoo... - No, I can do it well. / - Do it together then. - Ready. Go. / - Ready. Go. (Let us bow to you together.) Look at Hayoung. (Hello) Your buttocks are lifted up so high. These are my buttocks. They are? Your buttocks were facing the sky when you bowed. Where? Oh, my. But I did a good job. (What's wrong with my buttocks?) Let me give you a cash gift. For my son... You'll be going to school soon. How much is this? - It's 20 dollars. / - It is 20 dollars. (Nice, it's a cash gift.) (What about me?) Bowing. - Bowing. / - You call that bowing? (Laughing) That's not bowing. I'll give you this. (Hayoung's first-ever cash gift) (is ten dollars.) "Thank you." (Yes, I got it too!) - Thank you, dad. / - What will you do with that money? (Thank you, dad.) (This is why you give out cash gifts.) (I love my cash gift.) From now on... (She smells the ten-dollar bill.) The smell of money. (She's in love with the smell of money.) - Is this money? / - It's a ten-dollar bill. - It's ten dollars? / - Yes. Who is on this bill? Who is this? Who is this man? This is a man. A man? It's King Sejong the Great. Why is King Sejong the Great on a ten-dollar bill? The faces of those who greatly contributed to Korea get to be on the money bills. King Sejong the Great is on a ten-dollar bill. - What about a 50 dollar bill? / - Shin Saimdang. If they print a 10,000-dollar bill, can mom's face be on it? (Cashier's check, Doppel Bank) Jang Yunjeong? Jang Yunjeong. How many bills do you have now, Hayoung? Three? (One, two...) How many is that? Look. One. - How many does Yeonwoo have? / - I have two. Do you want two? Do you want to trade with me? Yes, I want to. (What is he going to trade with her?) Ta-da. Here are two bills. (Trading two 1-dollar bills with a 10-dollar bill?) What will she choose to do now? - Here are two bills. / - What? Two? Two? These are two and you have one. Do you want to trade? (Two 1-dollar bills versus one 10-dollar bill) - What will Hayoung choose? / - What will she choose? Give me the green one. - You want this? / - This. (She precisely wants the 10-dollar bill.) (She didn't fall for it.) - Take it. / - I'll take it. You'll take it? That one's better. Look at mine. I have the good one. - You have the good one. / - Great. You made a wise decision. (He gives them a bonus.) - Here's your bonus. / - Okay. Okay. Bonus. Hopper, which snack do you want? Well, I... (Slurping) (Thinking) Okay. Let's eat the chicken-flavored one. Okay. You're so pretty. - You're turning eight now. / - Yes. - How does it feel? / - I'm looking forward to it because I'll get to play a lot with my friends. - How old are you, Hayoung? / - How old am I? I'm three years old. Three years old. You're now turning four. No. You're four years old. I'm four years old. When you become four years old, will you behave better? Yes, I will. Will you share your food? Yes. I'll share my food. Where's your money? (It's gone.) What happened? - I don't know. / - Where's your money? Where did it go? How could you not keep an eye on your money? I gave you money, so you should've paid attention to it. Where did it go? I went to the restroom earlier. Did I leave it there? You must have flushed it down the toilet. No way. Dad, but I left my ten dollar bills here, and I didn't touch Hayoung's money. Seriously. Someone took it. - Oh, no. / - You should be careful with money. - Okay. / - Okay? (He takes it out of his sock.) Okay? (What happened to the kids' cash gifts?) It's here. You'll be a first grader when you become eight years old. - Eight years old... / - I need to use the bathroom. Go. (As soon as Yeonwoo leaves, he takes the money.) And Hayoung didn't see it. (I'll keep it in my sock.) What's wrong with Yeonwoo? (He takes Hayoung's money as well.) Snacks. - I'll go and get some snacks. / - Okay. (Thank goodness.) Where is it? It's here. (He's managed to commit the perfect crime.) Hayoung, you too. You must keep your eye on your money. - Okay? / - Okay. Mine is here? In your sock? - You need to be careful with money. / - Okay. - You too, Hayoung. / - Okay. (Keep checking your money. Manage your money properly.) Happy New Year. Yeonwoo and Hayoung. Happy New Year. Be healthy. The winter sun is shining brightly here. It's JinGunNavely's house. (Hello.) He's standing up so easily now. - Come here. / - He doesn't use a baby walker. - He can walk around freely. / - That's impressive. Time flies. It really does. (It's nice to see you.) My gosh. He'll be running around soon. (He can even go through a narrow gap.) He can go through narrow spaces as well. (He moves faster as well.) (I'm growing up fast.) Let's say hello. We'll say hello to him. (Let's say hello as well.) Hello. - Good morning. / - Good morning. Hi. Good morning. Good morning. A, B, C. Yes, it's the A, B, C. Where's Jooho? Because of the AFC Champions League, he's in - Qatar for a month. / - We won't meet for a month. (Jooho is in Qatar to participate in the ACL.) - A. / - Okay, let's write Aciel. Okay? (Gunhoo is studying the alphabet in the early morning.) (He's going to write his name in English?) (I want to watch from up close.) - Will he be able to make it? / - A. - A. / - Then Mama. (He places A first.) A. C. (Next up is C.) (He doesn't fall for his mother's trick.) (He's created "ACI" so far.) (You're pretty good.) (He then adds E, L.) Yes. Aciel. - He did it. / - Now, we're going to write Eden. - Even Naeun's name. / - E. Very good. There. (And) Very good. (And it's E, right?) (He's created Eden with N.) - He's good. / - Where's the J? Very good. - The alphabet is easy now. / - Where's the K? K. K. - He's mastered the alphabet. / - K. - You have the M. / - M. M. (Naeun got W confused with M.) M. - This? / - Yes. - Yes. / - M. - Aciel, you take the O. / - O. (Let me find it for you.) Now, T. Aciel, you have the T. - T. / - It looks like this. (Stop it. I know that too.) T. (It's here. Find it.) - Where's the T? / - T. (You're doing well.) A. (He's excited and teaching his sister.) - Thank you. / - He's excited. - He's so cute. / - Y. Z. Here. Z. - A. / - A. Does he think he's her teacher? She plays along with him though. E, F, G. (Jinwoo is curious about what Gunhoo is doing.) (He tries to pass through.) (Let's play together.) No! (Disappointed) "I'm not going to play with you. You're so petty." (I won't play with you.) (Gunhoo always says no.) (I'm just going to have my baby formula.) Wait. Finished. You're finished? Clean up (Everybody, clean up.) (I want to grow up fast and play with him.) (While neat Gunhoo is cleaning up) (Dripping) (He didn't mean to, but he's made a mess on the sofa.) He's spilled it all. It's okay. Goodness, he dropped it. He dropped it. (Clean up) Gunhoo is cleaning on the side, and Jinwoo is creating a mess here. (Eat up, sofa.) (Clean up) (It's all wet.) - Oh, no. / - It's soaking. Please look at him, anybody. Please! It'll stink if it gets soaked. (Pretend you never saw that.) You're doing a good job together. Oh, my gosh. Look at the mess. Oh, my gosh. Look at the mess. (Glaring) He's full of charisma. (He feigns ignorance and runs away.) Look at this mess. Wait a minute. - He's so flexible. / - Soon enough. It's okay. It's just a sofa. Right, Eden? We don't get angry about these things. You can always clean up. (He thought that was it.) Oh, the camera fell down. (She found the camera that fell down.) (Why is the camera on the floor?) It looks broken. What did he do? (5 minutes ago) (Checking around) He looks around. (He pushes it.) That's what happened. (Don't tell anyone about this, uncle.) (Luckily, no one saw that.) What did you do? You broke a camera. (How did she find out about that?) Do you have the money to pay that back? (I have no money.) Money to pay back? - Of course he doesn't. / - You have to pay them back when you start working when you're 20. (It was a mistake.) When you're 20 years old in 20 years, you're going to ask... Okay. (This little pot-belly is upset.) (He uses his whole body to show that he's upset.) (Meanwhile, Gunhoo and Naeun are looking at the tree.) Tree, tree, tree. (Love in) - Christmas / - This song is... (The day I'll meet you) (I will remember it) What songs do you want to hear? "Dynamite." "Dynamite?" (This is exciting) Gunhoo can sing well too. (Gunhoo is singing.) (Then I will dance!) (Dancing) He is so cute. (He dances as if he is planting radishes.) He is good. (He is enjoying the song in seriousness.) (Incredibly excited) He is moving to the rhythm. (Farming is going well.) Look at his legs. (Now comes the harvest dance.) He sits down and stands up. (Anna makes Santa with strawberries.) How pretty! Those are Santa. My goodness. (Naeun puts the eyes on the Santas.) (He is still excited.) He wants to dance more. Anna is dancing too. (Both Anna and Gunhoo dance.) (I will dance with Gunhoo when I grow older.) Do you want a snack? What do you want? Natto. Natto. - Natto? / - Do you really want natto? (What's in here?) (Staggering) (He opens it.) Aciel. What is Elyseen doing? At that age... Kids get curious at that age. Elyseen. (My goodness.) - My goodness. / - Elyseen. (What should I do?) (He spots Gunhoo's puzzle.) My Spider-Man! Mama! Aciel, calm down. Just help Elyseen, okay? (I should run away.) Jinwoo. Mommy! (Where do you think you're going?) Help me. - Give it to me. / - Aciel, it's okay to touch it. (Crying) Aciel, no, no, no. Okay. No. No, no. Listen to me. We don't take it away. Grab another thing and give it to Elyseen. Give another toy. - Something else. / - Toy? Yes. Something else. Very good. We give something else before we take back what we want. No fighting, okay? - Okay. / - Very good. Thanks to Anna's wisdom, the situation got resolved in a peaceful way. I am going to make a little bit of natto and curry. You want natto, right? - Natto. / - And rice. - Does he like natto? / - That's incredible. It's an acquired taste. My goodness. (Everyone) Ever since he was little, Gunhoo could eat everything with gusto. Will he show that side of him again? Let's see it! (He dips the rice in curry.) - My goodness. / - Look at that kid. (He eats without stopping.) - I am so jealous. / - He is eating so well. (I usually eat with gusto.) - Very good. / - Yes! - Yes! / - Hurrah! (The 2nd round is the dried laver.) (He eats) (and eats.) He knows how to eat. Gunhoo, you really know how to eat. He enjoys his food. (Foodie Gunhoo is back.) Look. (I want food too.) Not the hand. Let's try it with the spoon. Try it with the spoon. Come on. No, no. With the spoon. - Like this. / - With the spoon. That's enough. (I prefer using my hands.) (Jinwoo, give it a try.) This one. Like this. Like this. Like this. Ah. Ah. Like this. Ah. (He takes a bite.) (Eating) "Oh, it's tasty." (I want more!) Like this. He is cute. (Anna feeds him a bite.) - He liked the taste. / - He found it tasty. Very good. Very good. - Good job. No, not with the hand. / - He's doing well. Come on. Let's try it with the spoon. Very good. Very good. Yes, I know it's hard. But you can do it. Don't use the hand. (He learns how to use the spoon step by step.) Good. Natto baby. Natto baby. No, no, no. Aciel, please sit down. - You shouldn't move around. / - Aciel. (Hurry up and sit down.) - No, no. / - Sit down. Wait. - Aciel, please sit down. / - Hurry up and sit down. - He is playing around. / - No, you need to sit down. Sit, Aciel. - Aciel, please. / - Anna stood up. (What will be Gunhoo's choice?) Aciel, please sit down. - He sat down hurriedly. / - Aciel, please sit down. (She made him sit down in 1 second.) - Anna. / - Aciel, please sit down. Aciel, please sit down. Come on. (Gunhoo is really fast.) (The mealtime becomes peaceful again.) It's peaceful again. My goodness. (Jinwoo is eating well.) How cute! Jinwoo fell asleep after a good meal. (Gunhoo and Naeun are looking at something.) (What are they looking at?) Naeun. Gunhoo, do you miss dad? - Dad. / - Do you miss dad? Dad. (Dad.) Dad. He can't take his eyes off of the photo. Seriously. (He stares at his dad in the photo.) Dad. Dad, I miss you a lot. Dad. (They still feel the void since Jooho has left.) - Dad. / - Jooho will cry when he sees this. - Naeun is crying. / - Oh, no. I am close to tears too. Why the long face? I miss dad. Do you miss dad? How about we feel happy that he is almost in the final? We are lucky that he is going to come back. You can annoy him every day! Every day, you can wake him up. We can feel sad. You can feel sad all you want. You are allowed to feel however you want to feel. What do you want him to buy you? Cake. - You want a cake? / - Ice cream! You also want ice cream? What kind of ice cream do you want? - Milk. / - Watermelon. Watermelon ice cream? What do you want? Close your eyes. Aciel. Aciel, close your eyes. Close your eyes. - "What is it?" / - Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Close... Close your eyes! Ta-da. (What did Anna prepare as a gift?) (It makes Naeun laugh as soon as she sees it.) Ta-da. (It's a body pillow with Jooho's photo.) Who is this? - Dad! / - It's dad. Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! It's so nice. (It's hugging time with dad.) It's a great gift. She can hug her dad when she sleeps. - She can hug her dad. / - Dad. Okay. How is dad? - We love you, dad. / - Dad. I think dad is hungry. You have to give dad some food. Strawberries. Strawberries? Let's share, dad. Jooho, sit down. One for Aciel. Thank you. (They share a snack each.) Eat one. A bite for Jooho. Is it good? It will take him an entire day to eat. Dad! (What is it, Gunhoo?) I love you. I love you. Jooho must be so happy. Eden, press here. Press the button here. Here it comes. Wait. (Jooho appears.) Dad. Dad. (Hearing their voices makes him smile.) Naeun! - Dad. / - Is it really you? - Dad. / - Naeun. Is it really you? Dad. - Of course it's me. / - He looks a bit haggard. Dad, I miss you. I miss you a lot too. Dad, I cried today. Why did you cry? I cried because I miss you. (This is the reason why he is obsessed) (with his daughter.) I miss you. (I miss you.) Me too, Gunhoo. I miss you a lot. Since there are more games scheduled, I will be home a bit later. Are you well? Yes, I am well. I used to be this tall, but I am not this tall. Did you grow that tall? I have to go now. Where? Come here. (Dad has to go now.) Where? To eat. Where? I have to go and eat with all the uncles. (I see.) Together? - He needs to eat. / - Yes. (Cheering) What was that? (She claps for the day they will meet again.) (They give Jooho a kiss.) Bye. Listen to your mom. - Let's meet again soon. / - I love you. Hurry back home. - I love you. / - Okay. - Bye. / - I love you. Bye. Bye. Dad is the best! You said I am the best, so I'll be the best here and return. Congratulations. My goodness. (Meanwhile, Gunhoo wants to have donuts.) (He calls for donuts as he comes out.) What? (What's this?) (A mysterious object shows up in the living room.) What is it? It's a present Jooho got before he left. (What is it?) (What?) Donuts. - What? / - Donuts that Gunhoo likes? (Gosh, they're brilliant.) (It makes me happy just to look at them.) Donuts. - Donuts are... / - Donuts. Gunhoo's comfort food. He calls for them several times a day. (He calls for them dozens of times a day.) It's hard to imagine a day without donuts for Gunhoo. (Donuts are always brilliant.) (I love it.) (Come out, donuts.) (The box has a lock.) - What? / - What? There's a mission to do. (Gosh...) Naeun. Come here. (What's going on?) - Do you want help? / - Donuts. Okay, I'll open it for you. You have to guess the right code. (They need a 3-digit code.) A three-digit code? What's the probability of getting the right code? Six, five, four. Is this right? How do we open it? (I know.) - Is she trying each number? / - I know. Shall I try my birthday? - That's a good idea. / - Good. Donuts. Gosh, is it not working? I can't do it. (What?) (This won't work. In that case) Mom! (He calls for mom.) Donuts. What numbers did you look for? I tried it all, but it's not working. Maybe we should try the day when dad is coming back. (Dad is coming back on January 3.) (Is the code 103?) (It is 103!) (Gosh...) Donuts escape. (They finally get the donuts.) Is it this one? (Wait a minute.) - What? Wait a minute. / - What's going on? (The texture feels cold.) (Am I imagining it?) (I see.) I think they're fake. (What are you talking about?) What? These are all fake. All of them. (Pa Chuho planned a joke on them.) That's so harsh. Donuts, donuts. - Donuts! / - Naeun. They are fake. Donuts, donuts. - There must be something edible. / - Donuts. (Why do you look so down?) But they're fake. - It's fake. / - He still can't believe it. (Jinwoo has found something.) I want to eat real ones. Where are you going? - Donuts. / - I'm okay. Okay. (There's a mysterious plate.) - There's something inside. / - Cake. (What is it?) Donuts and cake? Cake. What is this? Maybe this one is real. It's a real donut. I knew it. There's one real donut. That's their dad. - He wouldn't disappoint them. / - Aciel, can I eat it? The three siblings worked together and figured it out. We can share it. (We can share it.) My gosh. Each of them takes a bite. (They share the donut.) - Jinwoo. / - He did it. - You got it. / - You did something big. Is that dad? (How will Jinwoo react?) (Smiling) (Jinwoo recognizes his dad right away.) Even when Jooho dressed up as a ladybug, Jinwoo recognized his dad right away. Dad. (Dad?) Dad. He looks quite tired. - But he still recognizes him. / - Dad. (Have you been well, Jinwoo?) Dad. (Dad, are you home?) My gosh. - Dad. / - Are you that excited? Dad is here. (Even though their dad is away,) (he makes JinGunNavely happy.) He likes it. Dad, dad. (I miss you, dad.) It's dad. Dad. Dad. - I think he just said dad. / - Give it to mommy. (Come home soon, dad.) (I am this strong now.) (Gunhoo is dressed up as Gunpider-Man.) Goodness, he became Spider-Man. My gosh. He looks like chicken number two. - He really looks like a chicken. / - What's there? (Let me play with you.) Eden. Mom's friend is here. (What?) Anna's friend came to visit JinGunNavely's house. - Who could it be? / - Mom's friend is here. Your friend? Okay. Who is it? Come on. Open the door. Gosh, Naeun is so excited. - Who's coming? / - It's someone she's excited to see. (Running fast) Who's coming? - Hi. / - You're here! Naeun is so excited to see her. Hi. - Hi, how was... / - Hi. - Hi, Anna. / - Hi, how are you? It must be a close friend. - Wait a minute. / - Baby. - Don't you remember? / - It's Stefanie Michova. She's chic and haughty. It's Model Stefanie Michova. Recently, she announced that she'll have four children. That's correct. She's best friends with Anna, and they were both born in 1991. I see. - Stefanie. / - Hi. Yes. What do you have in your bag? - I see. / - Want to check? The children love her. Stefanie. Let's see. This is for him. It's a toy. What else does it say? Can you read this, Eden? - Can you read this? / - "Eden." To Eden. - Can you read this? / - "Aciel." Remember last time you said that you like my mask string? - What's this? / - For the mask? - Look at that. / - I like it. - Look how pretty it is. / - What's that? - Thank you, Stefanie. / - Of course. Thank you. I made it. I got glue all over my hands - when I made it. / - She made it herself. I'm making a mask string for Gunhoo. The concept is Spider-Man. There's a meaning behind it. I'm making a pink mask string. These are for Eden and Aciel. It's a heart. They're also making it. Please help me. No, he can't. - He can't? Why? / - He can't. Because he's not allowed to eat. (He'll bite on it.) - Really? / - He's still a baby. She's an expert in parenting. - Heart. / - What's coming? - Rainbow. Ta-da. / - It's a rainbow heart. Try it again. Christmas is coming. (Naeun decorates the tree.) (I want to do it too.) It looks pretty. Let's go. Let's make some juice. - Juice? / - Juice. Juice. Do you like lemon? - Is it okay? / - Look at her. She's a real friend. She opens the fridge like she's at home. (I can eat it too.) Okay. (She cuts the lemon in half.) Squeeze it like this. Twist it. Yes, yes. All the muscles. Gosh, she's strong. The juice is coming out. (She does it all her might.) - That's good. / - Good. - Lemon juice that she squeezed. / - Good job. Add some grapefruit. - All right. / - Okay. (What are they doing?) Okay. (I'll just drink my milk.) Gosh. (Surprised) I know this juice. - My gosh. / - His head blocked it. - My goodness. / - Again. He was surprised, but no one noticed him. (Jinwoo is surprised by the sound of the blender.) Again. Do it again. (He pretends like everything is okay.) Perfect. Okay. He'll continue on his way. Lemon, grapefruit, and sparkling water. It's done. It's a vitamin bomb. It tastes healthy. (How does Michova's vitamin juice taste?) Will the children like it? How is it? (It's disgusting.) Oh, no. Usually, Naeun says that it tastes good. (I'll try some too.) It's so sour. (Spitting) (I told you it's bad.) It can't always be good. (It's a mysterious sour taste.) - I'm sorry. / - It's just lemon and grapefruit. It must have been very sour for them. (What about Jinwoo?) It must be good. (It's bad, isn't it?) - It's the vitamin bomb. / - Is it okay? Hold on. Isn't he asking for more? - It's a new taste. / - Vitamin C. It's tasty. Do you like it? He really likes it. (How can you eat that?) You know what? Do you want to take a photo? (Photo time) - I want to. / - Okay. Ready? I got it. Elyseen. (Elyseen, look over here.) (Take a good photo of me.) You will look cute in all the photos. (I was looking elsewhere.) She looks pretty even when her eyes are closed. It looks like she did it on purpose. Can you see? Look again. (Clicking) All right. Good job. (Gunhoo's photo of Naeun) - She is so cute. / - Hold on. I will count to three. Again. One, two, three. (Gunpider-Man strikes a pose!) (Michova is passionate.) He is serious. - One, two, three. / - He feels cool. He feels the coolest right now. (His fingers are the key point.) (Michova is surprised.) He is Spider-Man. (He found his talent.) - A model acknowledged him. / - That was so good. She acknowledged him. Those photos are nice. (A model acknowledged his aura.) Thanks to Michova, Anna is cooking in peace. She is cooking Korean food. (She adds 1 spoonful of gochujang) (and 2 spoonfuls of doenjang.) There is nothing Anna can't cook. (She adds water and boils.) It's the doenjang jjigae Anna made. You made this doenjang jjigae? - Yes. Try it. / - Try it? It's a little bit spicy. It's still kid-friendly. (She doesn't disappoint.) You made it well. (She eats it with rice.) It's really tasty. It must suit her tastes perfectly. (Aunt is eating with gusto.) (Aunt, here.) He doesn't do that to anyone. Beenzino shouldn't watch this. (Aunt's heart flutters.) (Food tastes better when it's shared.) (The pot-bellied baby is hungry.) (Please give me food.) (Standing up) Mom! Mom! (Eating) (His potbelly is clearly visible.) How was it today with the kids? I always thought I wanted to have four kids. Now, I don't know. - You wanted four kids? / - I wanted four kids. I want to raise kids well like you. You have to learn to shout inside. She said you have to learn to shout inside. - We are getting many good quotes. / - I know. Just say it first in your mind and think about how it would sound to the kids. You are like, "Obviously, I'm not going to" "say those things" "or act that way." Anna, you are doing an exceptional job. Seriously. - Stefanie. / - Yes? It was like this and then... (Drumroll, ta-da!) (Today was the best.) ("Got That Boom" by SECRET NUMBER)
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Keywords: kbs, kbsworld, kbs world, 韓流, 放送, 韩国综艺, 韩国电视剧, truyền hình Hàn Quốc, ประเทศเกาหลีใต้, ละคร, Corea, Corée, دراما, دراما كورية, kbskpop, yt:cc=on, kpop, KBSWorld, Korea, Korean, Drama, KBS, K-Pop, Entertainment, Documentary, Music, Bank, 영어자막, English, Subtitle, kbsworldTV, Caption, World, 뮤직뱅크, musicbank, kbs월드, 월드TV, kbs 월드, world tv, worlddtv, koreaTV, koreanTV, korea TV, korean TV, 케이팝, kTV, K TV, 한국방송, 월드, eng, sub eng, South Korea, idol stage, idol
Id: UlcDKSF6akc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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