The Reno Show - Season 1 Ep 1

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tonight on the Renault show I sit down with Australian actor and Shapiro and Howard to talk about building the perfect deck we here the top bathroom trends from 2018 from Australia's leaving interiors publisher I'll be revealing how you can create wealth the right way renovating property we hear from our money mindset mentor herself Denis stuff your Thomas and I sit down with one of the top real estate agents in the country to talk about this year's market trends welcome to the Renault show [Music] [Music] [Music] now Rohit yes I have had many people ask me about how to build a deck literally like the anatomy of a deck the anatomy of a day I absolutely have had to chat to them about the fact that it isn't a templated experience like it's literally not you know you put this size here and that size there and this is how far between these fans because it obviously completely depends on height off ground it completely depends on overall size depending on how big the overall size put on whether it's gonna be attached to your building or separate from your building that's right if it's gonna be in ground or above ground you know so many variables so many variables however there is a basic anatomy - a - yes this certain components of a deck that will always be there so correct so we have a chat about that I think we need to chat about that okay so the first thing we start with obviously when building anything is from the ground up so if we're if we're building a tower deck on posts which is the standard way to do things because inevitably your deck is elevated to some degree yes then we're putting a post in the ground and we're concreting them in there with footings and footings an engineer designed requirements so you need to consult an engineer to design your feelings for you because lots of things affect how big your footings need to be so the soil type there's load-bearing a big hole nice happy I used to be the type of concrete you need those sort of things so in general your footings are going to be a hole normally it's gonna be a bare minimum of six hundred millimetres deep get that shovel out yeah and it's gonna be at least whatever posts you're putting in there you want to make sure you have at least 100 millimetres of concrete entirely all the way around that post so if you've got a hundred varieties a posthole deep post hole diggers and just want that sucker in there that ain't gonna work well it'll work for a little while but that's right you want a quick sale on that so I didn't say that by the way so yes you want to get your your footings designed so you make sure they've got the right consistency in the right amount of concrete in there and then you're going to be using your post to carry by the timber post or steel post which is quite common as well depending on the area that you're working in or the hype as well of your deck so if you've got a deck that's quite high you'll often go to steel post just to get the extra rigidity and have a bit of cross bracing there to help keep that whole structure stable and then from the posts you're going to go to a biro alright so a bear is see it on top a post a post yes so your post will come up either underneath this or it'll fix this way through the bearer and into the post on the other side you'll have a bother you can have a slight check out of your post to sit your bear on or you can just bold stories yeah sorry I groove check out a groove check out yes so that would be your bearer which would normally be a fairly large timber size because it's carrying a lot of weight absolutely and then that will form the the main sort of skeleton the exoskeleton if you'd like of your um of your deck and then your bearer that will either sit across it or in some cases you Joyce can but into your bear and you'll have a joist holder there that will hold so you and that's another thing to think about too if you've got a limited space to elevate your deck that means that you can run your joist into your Barrow so you save that little bit of height some of the greatest places that I've seen that work well you really need to keep as minimal of your exoskeleton raising sort of the harder your deck is if you're wanting to put a ground cover kind of deck over like an existing horrible like tile and or yucky slab of concrete that rather than ripping it up and digging big post holes you can actually go right I'm gonna use the rigidity of the really ugly concrete I'm actually going to help that support my deck and in those cases you need to be really careful of your door Heights yeah that's so that's where as Ron was saying it's fantastic to be able to use a stirrup and but the scene rather than you know then top mounted that's right because you really keep your whole deck really low and streamlined that's right that's right and this is what ties the the Bears are the Bears will go around the outside so they've got a bit of lateral movement and when once you put all your joists on you're really tight and all that up and then this is what you're going to fix your decking this isn't a decking board that pretty much [Music] so it's important to think about that when you're planning your deck oh it's so important which way do you want your decking boards to run cuz that's gonna be perpendicular or at right angles to the way your joist is gonna run so essentially your bearers are gonna run parallel with your decking board so have a little think about the way you mean it's one of the first things yeah it's how do I want my decking boards to run and some of that's based on aesthetic some of it's based on lengths you know if you have a long skinny deck you know a lot of people won't want them sort of running across that they'll want running down it so that's one of my first decisions before I start to go sketch up how I want or how I need to build my deck I'll always go right which way do I need my decking boards to run and that then depicts which way I need my bear is running that's right so it's kind of like a planning from the top down but building from the bottom up arrangement very wealthy yeah that just came to me just then there you have it basic anatomy of a deck up now with us is Jen Bishop from interiors addict fine hi I know Jen's going to be very humble and blush when I say this but it is our country's leading interiors blog which is big big name Jen it's very generous of you oh she's very humble so I've got here with gem with us today basically because if there's one person in the industry that gets to see what's coming up what's happening what's trending what's not it's actually Jen in the interior statics blog so today we're gonna be talking about bathroom trends for 2018 yep you know what because like a bathroom isn't a flash in the pan you know like your bathrooms hang out for a while they hang out for a good decade but they do don't legally so what's happening in bathrooms in transition well I think carrying on from last year the bathroom is a sanctuary more than ever it's not this utilitarian practical room anymore that visually it has to be but we hope to some form some function there yeah yeah you know do but it's still a relaxing beautiful more of a lifestyle space now and I think probably as a result of that bathrooms are getting a little bit more beautiful and people are being a bit more adventurous so we're seeing what sort of things they're doing color so where is no way okay so not like the avocado peach bathroom so not like the sixties peach pencil no no none of that all right I think we've gone from that we've gone to very neutral lots of white wine wine yes and now and people are adding color so mostly through tiles especially pattern floor tiles they they were big last year they'll be big this year as well and a lot of feature tiles so whether that's just a nice or maybe one wall or in your shower for example people are doing you know maybe like a beautiful handmade turquoise herringbone yai or something like that and even down to Basin so we're seeing for example colored concrete round basins you know in blush pink and that so yeah you could do a little or or if you're brave you can do now with your patent floor tiles are you finding that they're 1/2 back to the era of beautiful tessellated tiles is it easy you're still finding that with the color in the tiles on the floors I think so I think most people are still going to stick with black and white okay and and then you can go quite classic but some people are you know they're starting to bring out those same kind of patterns in you know lose and greens and even some multicolored but in a very muted kind of time okay so they're still toning it down yeah okay which is kind of acceptable yeah there's no bright yellows coming in okay hot pink goodness oh no so color so that's one of the things that you see absolutely what else statement tap we're so not so much chrome anymore obviously matte black was big last year it's not going anywhere a lot of people said that was a trend that was going to disappear doesn't it was predicted to come and go yes and I'm saying it not at all okay no I still think that that's big and gold tapware and lots of different kinds so you know brushed brass and then more of a high gloss and then even this sort of deliberately aged look like the antiqued yeah yeah and and long with that kind of aged antique look some people are just loving that kind of traditional washed and look now yes vanity well for those of you who haven't seen sort of the wash stand look it's where there might be some drawers up underneath your countertop Basin and then it might be literally like an open woods block even yeah and you can have baskets you could just have open shelves so if you are a hoarder of cosmetics it can be a bit of a whoa yes but it's a beautiful look yes but you really would only be putting your beautiful things on that you couldn't have your harpic under there no I'm sure but they are like a star probably not the most practical no powder room yeah yeah absolutely all for the guest bathroom yeah so watch turns her beautiful tech way and you know what's interesting when you say about black coming and going I was only having a giggle to myself was literally last week I was in a large mainstream varying price range warehouse and I noticed that there's even really low price point black fixtures and fittings now that definitely is although how long they'll last is a question correct yeah but yeah it's definitely not just for the high-end business yeah which to me says it's to stay for what exactly once you see it in your everyday mainstream and I always say add in everyday price exactly yeah then you know that it's not going to run away anytime soon yep all right anything else you want to touch on bathrooms what's your prediction what do you think's what are you guys gonna go this year that's been in for a while I think the people are seeing that the freestanding bus isn't the only bus yeah I think everyone used to love a freestanding baths and sort of squash them into even the smallest bathrooms which I know you would say is not the best look and not easy to clean behind really impractical yeah so I think people have started to embrace the fact that you can have a whole bath you can't and it's raining so easy yeah you could tile up the sides you can do lots of cool things absolutely and what your take I think I know your take but it's interesting so Marvel was with us for a really long time it was it was and I mean you can get marble pretty much in everything and get marble pencil nowadays yeah so do you think that it's going to completely leave and become unfashionable or it's just going to stop being so popular and go back to the amazing classic it always was I think it will take a while to go I think it has become oversaturated absolutely it it will stay around and I think it's okay for it to stay around it's beautiful beautiful natural material that's always in fashion but I think certainly what was coming out of Milan last year which is where all the big design trends come from was a move towards more a more subtle kind of marble so maybe not the Carrara but the warmer tones and things and even those that maybe hark a little to the limestone absolutely yeah those kind of colors yeah yeah you have notice well thanks so much there we have it if you are renovating your bathroom this year if you've just renovated your bathroom you can do maybe a bit of a checklist to see how I'm point you are with trends if that was your intention so regardless of what stage of renovating you're up to it's always good just to have an eye and ear on the trends and decide what you want to filter and sprinkle across what you're doing in your house so thanks so much for being with us today Jen thank you I have a quick question for you before I dive in so do you find yourself asking whether renovating for wealth is right for you are you looking to jump onto the house-flipping bandwagon but you're afraid that you don't have the skills or the know-how to get through a project or maybe you'd love to earn a few extra dollars renovating on the side but you really don't know how you're gonna juggle that and kids and family and commitments and everything else that life it seems to throw your way well I'm here to tell you that it's possible to renovate for wealth and still enjoy life and it definitely doesn't have to be a huge drama or a stress fest like what you see on popular TV shows what's that saying you can have your cake and eat it too well you can you can renovate and make money and by doing so you can create your perfect picture of wealth which brings me to exactly what today's post is all about I have a few tips to help you throw away the fear kick it to the curb put it in the bin where it belongs and help you answer those nagging questions in your head now before we go into really detail I want you to always keep your end goal in mind it can be easy to get kind of lost along the way so don't lose track of what your finish line is personally what you want to get out of a renovation project so there's no point in jumping into a project that all realistically take time and effort and dollars if you don't know why you're jumping into such a big commitment in the first place think of it I guess as a contract would you sign a contract on the dotted line if you didn't even know what you're signing for soon so what is your end goal then are you looking to get your hands dirty in a serious hobby or use renovating to carve out a nice six-figure per year profit generating money machine as long as you're not looking at renovating is a get-rich-quick scheme because it is far from that and I want you to avoid that mindset then renovating for wealth is definitely something you should consider but just be very mindful renovating for wealth involves real properties and real renovations in real materials and real teams so you should never ever start a project without first doing loads of proper planning thinking and research okay so we've established that having the Engel is super important right but wait what exactly is renovating well let me put it very simply for you renovating is pretty much the act of taking a property and making it even more awesome have you ever heard someone say don't fix it if it ain't broken well you know what the houses don't have to be broken they could just be in original form that may be grandma Doris lived in in the 19th century baking her apple pies it doesn't have to be broken to need to be renovated these kinds of improvements can include fixing what is broken or upgrading things that are on their way out or look a little old and vintage and this is where your end goal comes in the improvements can be big or small depending on what your vision and your goal for renovating actually is okay so that explains renovating but what is renovating for wealth then I hear you ask well renovating to create wealth some call it renovating for profit some call it house flipping house rehabbing there are millions of generic terms that are used everyday to describe this so those renovating shows on TV have definitely popularized the idea of house flipping or creating wealth through renovating property and everyone wants a piece of the pie and there's a really popular saying in real estate industry which is buy low and sell high and that's pretty self-explanatory right but exactly how do you sell high sure you can buy the right property and it can sit there for years while riding the market growth if you have some but that's not what renovating for wealth is all about and that's not what we're here for right what we're looking here is to add value and improvements to each and every property that you choose to renovate and in doing so make money so here we are there's three main steps that you need to get to get that golden hi there's three main phases in renovating for wealth and the first one is the acquisition phase so this actually involves when you're purchasing the property you want to NAB in at a price that won't make renovating pointless I'm talking either at or below a market value but there's no point paying an inflated price for a property that may or may not make you a profit that risk of loss is not worth your time money and effort now the second phase of renovating to create wealth and this phase is all about improvement so this is where you're going to be pumping pumping pumping value into that property that you scored at or below market value this is where the renovating actually comes in and it's not just any renovating either it's super important at this stage to really look at the key elements of the property including floor plans including space medicine including your target market and then we head on to the third phase of renovating for wealth journey so this phase is the lucky last it is the final step and it is all about leveraging so this is the selling part of the renovation project which is where you get to make your money woo the key here is obviously to sell or rent the finished product for a higher value than was possible before you put your time effort and money into it so obviously if you don't sell or rent it you won't really be able to see the added value of the renovation when you do let it go you'll have increased capital or equity or rental yield to put into your future projects then you can keep renovating to create more wealth so there you have it now you know the three phases that are involved in renovating to create wealth and you are hopefully better equipped to answer those questions that keep running through your head and if all of this information is making your hands start to itch for a renovation project urilla of your own then come and check out the rapid renovation formula and see how we can help you achieve your rapid renovation goals well with me today I have someone very special and actually someone very dear to me I have Denise Duffield Thomas from Denise DT dot-com so Denise and I have worked together we have been friends for a really long time and Denise works in the money mindset area and many of you probably going what what's this got to do with renovating you like what are you doing mammy where are you going with this rent Osho why have you got her here I have got her to you because I cannot endorse enough the importance of manifesting when it comes to the right renovation so Denise but all those that are going has she really lost it like what is she talking about what is manifesting well okay so I have been a big fan of personal development self growth stuff for a long long time since I was a teenager actually yeah but what I noticed in my 20s when I started watching things like the secret I was like this stuff is awesome but it's not very practical and I'm a very guy and I like to know what do you actually do so I knew I wanted to change my life I knew I wanted to start a business you know make more money all that kind of stuff but I didn't get have a law of attraction and manifesting actually worked in that I was like - I just see - like a circle I was like I just have to find lots of crystals which I did so I what I teach is practical manifestation stuff and manifesting just means make real okay it's as simple as that so taking things from your dream board or you just dreams that you have in your life and making them real in the real world and that takes a bit of a combination of some woowoo practices that way so guys a bit of meditation and and practical stuff as well you have to take action you have to meet the universe halfway so I teach a bit of both and I think for anything no matter what you're doing whether it's you know buying selling houses flipping renovating you kind of do need a little bit of assistance sometimes II do yeah she means from the universe absolutely so gnomes and I have worked here quite a few times that she's actually staged quite a few of my houses uh-huh I'm and we've renovated a couple of houses together and when I say together gnomes just told me what to do and we did it you know I didn't do anything to do yes exactly and she mediated between me and my husband she moonlights as a marriage counselor exactly so I've made a ton of mistakes when it comes to property even selecting property so I have learnt now to do a combination of the we where and the practical and I just want to be been on that a bit more yeah so what does the combination look like and especially in the world of property I people are going come on how do i how do i renovate we're in style like what does it look like practically for you okay well let me just say first of all about getting a property in the first place because I have bought a lot of properties in the last couple of years you know that locked properties and most of them haven't been the right ones no in fact I even held one for six weeks and I realized it wasn't the right property for me and that's not six months or six years everyone six weeks because it wasn't the right property so here's what I do now okay first I want to tell you the practical stuff because what I used to do is go into a house and just go wow this is cool like we did one aspect of it and I would buy a house that was just not right for me in any way so the practical side of that is that mark and I we sat down and wrote a list of everything we both wanted and needed okay perfect including going through every house we'd lived in together and we've lived in a lot of houses together and going what was great about it and what was terrible what did you hate about it that's right and then because we've also gotten a lot of holidays we were like what was really great about the hotels we visited all the time soil or the Airbnb and what was terrible so it gave us a very practical spreadsheet so then we could go to properties and actually tick it off and we got really kind of anal about this we would give properties you know a score out of 10 for some aspects or it would be a yes or no is like does it have two car garage yes or no but then it would be like what's the ambience like so we would give it a score so that gave us a very practical score for the property so that's the practical fact that we did right but we're way side though using a little bit different yes this is where I started to look at what are my beliefs around getting the perfect company that's a very interesting word isn't it thinking we unpack that a bit yes okay so when I realized that house that I bought for six weeks wasn't the right house I realized it was because a belief I had that I wasn't allowed to live in my dream property okay that was big I mean this was a dream this was maybe the place that I wanted to live in but it still works for if you're doing a renovation or a flea port or you're finding your dream house so what happened was I have always wanted to live at the beach with a beach view yes and actually unlike one or two streets so what I didn't realize was for the last couple of years I'd had that straight on my dream board really for real I had used the name of the street in some of my passwords or my computer oh yeah that's placement it is and I even changed a few people's names in my phone like phone contacts yes to be their name and then the name of the street and I do all of these things I call these positive anchors when I teach them in my work and it's about getting just making your dream top of mind for you all the time because when you see it you can believe it right so it becomes real it becomes real so for some reason though I bought a house in the suburbs and it was gonna be a Hamptons house instead of a beach house and I realized it was a massive belief and when I sat in the unpacked the belief for me it was I don't deserve to live in my dream house yet I have to wait and earn it yes or I am not allowed to have everything I want or I'm not allowed to live near the beach that's not the kind of person I am to be able to have this and then a ton of beliefs around properties never come up around here or you're talking essentially I was I was talking myself out of it even though for five years I remember when we first moved to Newcastle yes we would walk along this street and we'd say one day we're gonna live here one day we're gonna live on this street and I would walk in the neighborhood and pretend that I was coming home I would drive up and say let's just drive I'm getting chills even talking about the whole world of visualization and action isn't it it is right it's a it is hardcore and you know I just bought a house on that street and I would just I remember walking along and saying one of these houses our house I don't even know which one it is but one of them is so I had to work on that belief really for years and years and give myself permission that it was okay to have a house on absolutely what I wanted instead of talking myself out of it and telling myself well maybe in the future or you know but maybe in my 50s then I'll deserve it or something I would have done the hard yards I would have worked long enough hours out of and then I would be able to have it and so I guess this is so important for all those people that might have that dream in mind or might have that rural property in mind or might you know have that aspiration and hopefully they can see through your story some of the things that they were telling themselves absolutely and you know what sometimes we think that we have to wait till money shows up trust me when this house came up the money was not there so you have to dream first and then sometimes then you have the motivation to go find the money and because I was that way to go interesting it is right if you're waiting it's you never just gonna have the spare money there well in our market in Australia nowadays if you're waiting and it's for your dream house of your dream project or you might be in a house and you're waiting for the money to renovate it to add value to get to the next level or to sell or to be your dream property any right if you're waiting how often does a tidy 500 of tiding million turn up if you're waiting where if you set the intention and invite it in the opening space right so on the we root side of yeah something where we something so I love the excel you know I'm like an excel addict I'm an excel lover yeah I love a checklist another formula but I think there's so much that we can do to open up the energy channels and actually allow some of this amazingness in so can you give me a top three theme absolutely how we're we should we go on this you can go realistically it's my show you can go where where would you be a whole story for another day but um although I actually hired somebody who is a Feng Shui energy healer yeah because I said what's going on like I am you know I can't find a dream house you know and she actually just did some energy work for me and she did a crystal grid okay as well that's really weird and I did a crystal green at home too which a crystal grid you can just google it but I just put I don't know what I was doing but I just put some lovely crystals and I put a little picture of where I wanted to live and I wrote down you know the address where I wanted to live and again it was just another positive anchor of of I want this this is what I desire and every time I looked at it I thought yeah you know what maybe it is possible and every time you do something like that even if you think it's weird or silly actually one thing that another thing that Mark and I did we went and took a picture of the house before we even bought it and that was my screensaver on my phone and I you can put words on it with your app and I put you know this is our new home yeah I put in my calendar a daily reminder saying congratulations on your new home and put the address there every time that that popped up or I saw my phone it gave me the belief that it was possible that I was allowed to live there and I was allowed to be the kind of person who would buy that pass if that makes it interesting so really it's about it's obviously about having a spreadsheet but it's also about like proclaiming it's about you know like an someone proclaims their love for someone it's proclaiming your intent proclaiming your want and continually reminding yourself that it's there and that you're open to it absolutely because it was not gonna fall into my lap I had to do you know I had to really leave it and also remember to I had to have that belief in myself because other people didn't believe it in me and I remember going to so many open houses around there no real estate agent would ever talk to me by the way because I was always by myself I was like you know dressed like a mom and so none of the real estate agents in town believed me that I could buy that property I believed me and you know and Mark my husband he started to believe it as well and so when the opportunity came up it felt divinely guided does that make sense I was like well I've been asking for the opportunity and here idea so now I have to pull out everything all the stops to buy this property because it's mine I like it that is a perfect way to finish this it is hers so guys if you do have a dream Renault in in your sights or if it is sort of ankle-biting you it's a little idea that's tapping you going on imagine imagine the homestead or imagine an extension or imagine this or imagine that allow yourself to imagine and start taking action yeah I got rid of it breathe in the air and imagine yourself I would sit there and imagine myself this is where my office is gonna be you know put yourself in that space and believe it and it might not take you know forever but every time you do that I think you're making it come to you quicker absolutely jewelry oh yeah absolutely drawing in thanks so much nice I know that we've got you lined up to come back on some more shows so yeah I can't wait to see you again soon all right thanks guys happy manifesting all right everyone I have with me on the couch right now mark Kemp well from PRD nationwide Newcastle so marks a principal there and let's admit it up front he's a bad ass real estate agent and I've worked with Mark and know Mark for many many years and I'm really excited to have him on the couch with the renter's show today talking about over capitalizing yes by the way I hope bad ass is like you know in a good turn is very very very very positive term but one of the things we've worked together for really long time and we say it all the time people over capitalizing and I know that you're really passionate about helping people avoid that mistake sure because then it kind of becomes something you need to deal with otherwise absolutely so whether they're renovating to on sell or renovating just to stay in the home it's good to do that in a sensible way and there's a few key areas that people tend to over capitalize on a regular basis all right so what's your talk one okay top one would probably be in bathroom slash wet areas there are really important areas and they wow factor areas but there's a difference I suppose that's minimal to an end buyer or to the value on say tile selections but some tiles are like you know 300 dollars a meter and some are 35 there's a really happy medium in there at maybe 50 or 60 where it looks great it's really unique it's not changing the price and so do you see sometimes someone's renovated a house and they've been so attached to the $300 a square meter tile and so they're like oh my gosh this is worth a fortune and the buyer coming in is like wow there are nice tiles but I don't imagine that I'd ever pay 300 a square meter form yeah and you can always even bring it up the notes around the square meter they're like well why they spend that on that and then they've got this horrible color scheme or yeah well I didn't actually put it on suite in the house well we just got one really nice bathroom that's all difference could have been the extra I don't even get to spend time in there because there's not enough bathroom space not arguing with my kids about the space yes it's about deploying the capital into the right areas and thinking about a greater picture not just these spot areas where they really want to knock your socks off hey that's a really interesting point actually so it's about vision across the renovation not about just focus seeing on creating like this masterpiece which realistically we don't live in our bathrooms it's great to enjoy them but we don't live in the bathrooms yeah I think if they start with a good design you know a good color palette good understanding of how it's going to flow and how they're gonna live it in on the next person is going to live in it they can really save some money on those sort of berries okay so where is number one what's number two I would say fixtures and fittings okay now these can be throughout the home know by that what do you mean everybody for an idea so let's say tap we're in the kitchen okay let's say the handles that use on doors yes let's say and the one light and you put in an area where it's not that high traffic and it's not really high impact yes so I'm not saying don't go to a good standard on these things but again like you can get taps at at $900 you can get other taps at a 69 and you can get somewhere in between at that 150 mark that they really function all that comes great warranty and they look really great and they're completely fitting in with your look and feel exactly so no point going hard in one area and then the rest of the home is lacking well I've seen it before when people spend a lot of money on really fancy door sets for example like the handles on the doors but they're really crummy doors like they're the light doors there's no waiting and all they've gone through the house with the really high-end light switches yes that I've got a beautiful sort of backlit option and maybe there's USB in other areas of the home yeah but then there's things that are severely lacking in that house elsewhere that condition it could have gone towards that and you know what's really interesting you just brought up and it's absolutely thing of mine so many people will invest beautifully in their door hardware because they like the way it feels when they turn it but yet for me more impact and more impressive is a solid door internally or even a higher door going for the the more elevation across the design rather than just putting it into the fittings yeah and I think that's why people are going to put more value in design at the start rather than music what the saying but it's true about the bigger vision really all right now what's your turn okay interested yeah I would say this is gonna sound like gremlins think gizmos and gadgets gizmos there were gremlins I see that call that so gizmos and gadgets now I'm all about gadgets I've got all the Apple gear watching next time on the Renault show Rowan is back to give us the best tips for hanging up art and mirrors on your walls I'll be sharing my top six design principles with you Jan Bishop will reveal the top kitchen trends for 2018 and Mark Cantwell is back to give us the scoop on the Queensland market as well as Denise she'll be with us talking about money blocks and how you can get around them remember to like and subscribe to our channel to receive weekly renovation and lifestyle inspiration if you have a question about today's show leave a comment below and we'll be sure to get straight back to you
Channel: Renovie with Naomi Findlay
Views: 3,070
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: aNT2sy5Pv-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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