The Release of the Spirit- BH Clendennen

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when Teddy Roosevelt was the president of this great nation he went to Europe for a time for a time of vacation I guess I guess I'd be the only reason the president would go there mostly had ride a boat took a long time get there but coming back on that same boat with him there was a African man that'd been a missionary to Africa he lost his wife and children there 25 years they didn't go those days far for years and come home a year or 2 years and come home they went to stay they packed their clothes in caskets because they were not coming back but he lost all of his family out there and on his way home he's on the same boat with the President of the United States and when they pulled into New York there were thousands and thousands of people there to meet the president the job greet him he's been gone on a luxury two months you know long trip back for a month the old missionary was down the bottom had to stay there till everybody's off time he got off his nobody there and he got off very broken and said he's sit down on a curb then he just sweepin and he said Lord this man's been gone a month pleasure trip thousands of people meet him when he got home I've been gone 25 years I left a wife and three babies in that world and there's nobody to meet me and said as he sat there he felt somebody sit down by him but his harm bound him and say you're not home yet we'll meet you don't worry about it or Halliday don't worry if this world don't give you any accolades they'll be there they'll meet us when we get there everything's gonna be alright it is well with my soul hallelujah it is more than well with my soul and just glad to be alive save going to heaven just trying to get folks to go along with me it's a day of the Lord that greatest opportunity may be the church ever had I know the greatest challenge now do know this there's opportunities in our life today that we're not there yesterday and that probably won't be there tomorrow what we're going to do we must do it now we must be about this business 2000 million souls have never heard his name when he left here he charged us to tell them he charged us to tell every human on this planet give him an opportunity to be saved now we're going to meet him in a little while and he's gonna say one of two things to you and to me he's gonna either say well done thou good and faithful servant or he's gonna say why one of two things he's just gonna say you've done all you could do or why didn't you do what I told you to do you know I know churches have no program for missions at all they have all the money they need to make the pews comfortable and that's nothing wrong with that I'm glad these are comfortable you know older I get the less I got to sit on and just so nice amen to sit down where it's comfortable but I can tell you one thing that's work that's not worth all lies it lies out there it is out there 2,000 million never heard his name yet we have been charged by God to tell everybody and the only way that we can be pure of that blood of those people is to put disciples transfer the responsibility there's no way that the Living Waters Church can speak to six billion people on this planet but the Living Waters Church through the school of Christ and our working together have got over 3,000 schools of Christ in China where there's 1 billion 250 million people live I can tell you nobody has gone further in China than we have I've reached the more people in China you know I listen but mister him he was going over there he all he did was talk to church I preached to 15,000 people in one service I was one day preached the sick stop they said nobody ever been here like this why are you here I don't know God put me there I believe because I have something to say to them amen I'm just saying we have disciples across China we've graduated 1,000 in India we're going to put a thousand schools after Terrace we're well on the way we have the people to give them to now we were to begin you can't put them all at once but we'll get them there and we'll deliver our souls we'll deliver our hands from the blood of that billion because it'll rest on them we charge them before God Indians I'm talking about those over there have to reach the Indians the Chinese the Chinese the Peruvians the Peruvians you cannot do that we just train them we planted somewhere like 85 churches on the top of the world the Andes with the school the first school we graduate I went there yatta it took nine hours to go a hundred and ten kilometers which is about 80 miles or less it's straight up sometimes the road hair pins up up over you know around eight nine thousand feet up there we went to graduate that school sometimes I look out I couldn't tell what my wheels on the road are not it's straight down we had a fellow wasn't saved drove us is a Catholic fella and he told the man with us he said you know I felt like I was taking the Pope up there I said what what a compliment but he asked me he said you know I noticed you seemed a little nervous when what made you the most nervous I said when I couldn't tell whether my side my wheels were still on the road or not but I got up there those Indians they're not second-rate they're third-rate citizens they live up there the most dangerous thing is to fall off their farm you know you see them up there it's straight down almost where the farm and they grow I don't know how many kinds of potatoes that's about all they grow up there but we taught them that you don't have to have help from anywhere to put a church to God's church can be absolutely self-supporting unto any economy on this earth I said to those preachers all you have to do is give it ten people save teach them to tithe and you'll have as much potatoes as anybody and you just go on and preach the gospel I'm never in my life those the revival it came to the top of that mountain they'd been beat down but they rose up to the challenge revival came they preached everywhere they walked across those mountains they preached the gospel and planted the church there's going to be a lot of them in heaven because you helped us get there because you as a part of our getting there you couldn't go but you know those that stay with the stuff get the same thing that those that go there's absolutely no difference how can you preach accept your sin but how can the goal you know somebody's got a sin if they came here without a preacher but somebody's got to send the preacher I just you know I just think that opportunity today we can we can reach this earth us I'm talking about this school of Christ in ten years we're in over half the world we cup we've got disciples in over half the nations of this earth in ten years they are out there doing the work of telling every creature if they fail it's them not us because we challenge them we spend our money we went there this I'm saying this to you because you know tomorrow our last day our last day here of the camp-meeting and this is this is a day that during this day is one of the big days that this church determines how much they don't determine how much except how much comes in you know there's been upward to a half a million dollars you know through it all part big part came as we preached here and give opportunity for people to give I said the pastor Duke let's agree for 1 million that God you know faith promise you know what that he is how didn't a pledge it you're in trouble with you just send God if you give it to me I will give it to that mission I can tell if you mean that he will give it to you yes if he if we come up next year you say I you know I'm three hundred dollars short just tear it up we're gonna start over you're in trouble with nobody you've made no valve that got you in trouble I just want to tell you this because that's the way it works you commit yourself faith means I'm gonna give what I don't have I've got to believe God you know I don't know for a v12 twenty dollars they're not I got that I've got twenty dollars in my pocket that belongs to me I've got a hundred dollars in my pocket belongs to somebody else I'm gonna give up here next month amen I just give to me to give to them and I'm gonna give them but if he want twenty dollars if that's what don't take on some faith amen I got a card I can get home don't worry about that I could give that but to give two thousand dollars now I gotta believe God I gotta believe God and so we know is he gonna say to you well done or is he gonna ask you why it's gonna be that way we're gonna read tonight again in the book Romans the book of Romans we're gonna we're gonna talk about this kingdom this river we've been talking about the kingdom of God the first night up here we talked about the kingdom of God what is it and now we've been talking about this kingdom within us last night as the ability of God in the believers the Holy Ghost the kingdom of God came into us when Jesus came to live within us by the Holy Ghost we talked about this kingdom in us as the ability of God in that believer and in that church collectively now I want to talk about the releasing of that ability that shirt's releasing that that which is God as put within us now we'll come to John in the course of the message but I want to just come to where we begin in Romans chapter 8 verses 1 and 2 there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for the law of spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death now in the seventh chapter of the Gospel of John we'll just go over there the 7th chapter of the Gospel of John amen I want to begin with verse let me see your verse 37 verse 37 John chapter 7 verse 37 the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water but this spake he of the spirit which say that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost who has not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified so I made a very plain that the river that's the flow out of us is the Holy Ghost now you know when you when you read that in John just to kind of get us going here Jesus that great feast it's an eighth day kind of a convocation and seven days they poured water on that altar and they had one of those big candle things that of the light at the light many candles they were there and then they poured water on that altar for seven days the eighth day was a waterless day and legend says when they came there Christ was standing on that altar and what he was really saying was I am that light I am that River that's what I am and then being who he is he could just look at a situation look at the crowd and and everything about it he knew instantly and hears thousands of people that have come to this feast in Jerusalem this religious feast and he looks at him and sees that haunting look in their eye they've come looking and they found nothing and so he stood up and said you any man thirsts let him come to me you'll not leave my house like you came I've heard everything God intends at every need of everybody we met in the house of God somehow some another in that song service in that prayer meeting in the preaching of the gospel everyone whatever it is God intends that you don't leave here with a haunted look in your eye that you've come in contact with the kingdom of God and walk out of here right well-heeled said pre answer to your problems that's what he's saying that River has to be released now to seek the kingdom of God we've saw already is to seek the control of the Holy Ghost over your life and God said if you find that Kingdom that way everything you're looking for will be added unto your life this actually lines up comes out to be the lordship of Christ over your life now the quest then of the father is four sons of the Spirit not just religious people but sons of the Spirit sons who are filled with control by the Holy Ghost men and women who are extinct with the we're with with the Holy Ghost with the Spirit of God whose lives a man are the very essence of that fact that you know them to be this because of what they are now these are the people who make up the bride and who shall sit with Christ on that throne in the Dominion of the universe now for only the rules shall ruled I just want to bring this that you cannot live your life carelessly and sit on that throne he said he that overcometh I'll give to sit with me and my throne as our Father gave me to sit with him in his now there's no two kingdoms that there's one throne and that throne what he's saying I'm giving it to you like my father give it to me you have to possess it it is yours but you got to walk it out it's not gonna be laid on your lap my father give it to me but for 33 years I've fought ever demon ever come out of that darkness I have to set the boundaries of that Kingdom I had to say to the devil that you have nothing here there's absolutely nothing here that's what he's saying to us he intends that that be us ruled here by him and will rule there with him if the holy ghost cannot rule you in time you will not rule with him in the ages to come if there's any reservation in your life if there's anything in your life that you will not give to him you will not sit on that throne mark it out he doesn't play games with anybody we talked in while ago brother Dave talking about some people you know he said God gives the Holy Ghost to them that obey Him but he also did say that he give it to them that ask him but you got to understand what the word ask means when you when you come to grips with that you taking Psalms to an 8 the father said to his son ask of me and I'll give the heathen for your inheritance you know what it means to ask he had to go to Calvary he have to die you've come in this altar to ask him for the Holy Ghost tonight you have to be willing to lose your life because he's not gonna share his with you if you're willing to die to what you are then he'll give you his life otherwise he will not there's no bargain encounter with God he wants to possess us now now as we have already pointed out the Holy Ghost is God's life power love ability in that believer we have to know that now it is first of all God's ability to overcome the world of flesh and the devil now that's in you and I personally you can't bring victory to anybody if you don't have victory yourself so the Holy Ghost is that walk in the spirit and you'll not fulfill the lust of the flesh the other side of that is true if you don't walk in the spirit you will fulfill the lust of that flesh now that flesh is very subtle it looks very religious I had a woman say I'm as good as anybody I've never been filled with the Holy Ghost and said I am and as good as anybody has the Holy Ghost I said you've just discovered yourself terribly because you're saying you can be righteous without God you are your self righteous person secrets to church well just as well I wouldn't be able to help her anyway I mean long as that's uh mentality of a human being that you can be as good as God is without God but second not only is it the ability for me to overcome it's God's ability to work the works of God but you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you not before but after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you now I wish to demonstrate tonight how this is released in us this this Holy Ghost this kingdom of God how it is released it never changes Ezekiel showed us there in that in that wonderful book how that whatever this river touched it made alive it's still the same never changes but it has to flow it cannot it cannot heal unless it touches and it's since it's in you it must flow out of you now this is set forth in what I just read in John's Gospel he that believeth on me as the scripture said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water now the Apostle John writing this is up nearly a hundred years old and and the Apostle Paul has been dead for 30 years and now with that long history of an apostle behind him he makes that statement this Jesus was talking about this river was the Holy Ghost so there's no mistake in what's happening here you've got to be filled with him if he's going to flow out of you and this is God's method of meeting every need every where is this river flowing out of us the will and purpose of God for every one of us is rivers of living water her that is God's purpose I've quoted God showed me he told me in Beaumont Texas 50 years ago nearly that he put me there to restore the message of Pentecost I didn't know what that was but if I'm here to restore it you'll have to teach me and he taught me in one line it's God the Father through God the Holy Ghost display and God the Son through a vehicle called the church that's what Pentecost is all about Christ seen in you and me by the Holy Ghost now John said out of her belly would flow the rivers of living water this is the purpose of God this is the kingdom and the ability of God the river of the Spirit flowing out of the believer gives life to everything that it touches according to Ezekiel 47 and 9 now if the river is the heel then that River has to be allowed to flow it can do nothing locked up in that clay pot of your flesh God must be able to break you when the greatest book as far as I'm concerned that once minee wrote was the release of the spirit and in that book he said all of God's dealing with you is to wounds you so that which is of himself can get out to break you that this river can flow otherwise you're useless in the kingdom of God the problem then is not with the river the problem is with the church instead of river flow and from her it's just a trickle amen I said it's just a trickle the church for the most part likes the ability to give life she's like an intensive care ward all we can do is resuscitate them and give them a little life you get a little flow of the river it's drank up by half empty vessels in the church it never gets out on the street heal that which needs healing there must be a volume of this river released if there's going to be a healing take place in our community Ezekiel talks of trees along the banks of that River it come down but the south side of that altar and never leaves that cross no matter how far that river goes it never leaves that cross but the longest banks there's trees trees are symbolic a people always in the Bible they're symbolic of people and what the Prophet actually saw was spiritual people created by the river the holy ghost whose existence was to bring healing even the leaves brought healing and a new Apple ever month you don't have to wait to September to get an Apple off of that tree every month nothing is stale in Pentecost do you hear me the river as the full religion it's a dullest thing on this earth I would walk across the street to go to church to have someplace to go but how to crawl from bhumata been in that service this morning oh yes sir how to crawled up here to be there this River a man in other words Christians should create those conditions of life by virtue of this river we're not here as a part of the problem we are here as the answer to that problem we can say to every man every woman no matter what you are where you are how far you're down we got a way out we can pull you out of that you don't have to live like that you don't have to be what you are there is a possibility of your life we do have the answer they say I haven't tell me you got to simpler answer for a complex problem I said if you think Jesus is simple say it any way you want but I went into a church at 7:30 a drunk come out sober been walking sober for 50 something years I can say to every man no matter what your condition this is the answer this river but when that ever dries up we become a problem we're the answer that nobody we add to the confusion because we're telling people things that are not a fact we're by our very message telling people things that are not true I mean as far as we're concerned we're talking about something that we do not possess to heal the nation you have to heal that church that's that is a truth no civilization ever failed until its church failed never you go back to history that's the truth it never every civilization ended like this one homosexuality rambling amen a worship of sports that every one of them we have produced this because we become worshipers of sex every every civilization I'm not being facetious I'm just telling you about the truth the woman has lost her mystique she wears a bell for a dress for God's sake all the mystique has been lost to it so all these kids are looking for they can't find so they wind up in the erotic left the church come alive one more time for God's sake amen and will heal the situation but it has to be a river you can do nothing you can pass all the laws you want to pass you can do whatever you want to do you can make rules of religion but there be as much fornication in the church they as outside of it unless this river flows to heal heal the church Paul wrote listen judgment must begin at the house of God every preacher from Paul till now that affected a generation preached to that church we try to make that Avenger some kind of a street preacher I said preachers out all over the Bible school they said pastor what Bible School you think we ought to go to on the front pew right there sit right there leave your girlfriends and let's say preachers to back there but I said sit right here listen this old man dream take a part of it well a sin amount have pastors to call me well then call me faster I don't know what to do I come in here begin to preach they wanted me to do only with sinners I said how many people havoc call themselves sinners what Nene said they must not need you then but the Bible says rebuke exhort a man this is the work of an evangelist to perfect the body of Christ you perfected heal that diseased body it'll save it'll heal heal at church he'll he'll ever physical sickness it sits down here because it is Christ he lets church every preacher from Paul till now Wesley all of them dealt with that church Peter said judgment has to begin here get this place right everything else to be right that's what he was saying Paul wrote over half the New Testament but a great part of what he wrote was to correct something wrong in that church because if something's wrong there then the rivers bottleneck and if the river don't flow I don't care how fluent you are our funny stories you can tell in this pulpit there nobody gonna leave here change nobody unless they're touched by this river that that is the key to it all a man now the Book of Ezekiel demonstrate that the flow of the river is gauged by the condition of that church I said I want to tell you how to release this river and the flow of it is gauged by the condition there's a little trickle coming out but to get that thing forward to a river that you that you can swim in you've got to get that church right there's things they've got to be dealt with we've we've got some things that belong in it we've got that they're not there we've got some things in it that don't belong there all the miracles are be Elijah had to do with life his first miracle He healed that water that day you're dealing with the church with life all along but there's something missing this some constituent missing in that water and he said bring me a new crews issues assault in heal that water but it's not long till they're out there with the Bible School boys somebody put the wrong kind of food in there there was pause and in the pot he had to get something out or it's going to be dead both ways everything died looks like we're gonna have good fruit but something missing in that water and it all fell to the ground when he put that in it come alive there's death in the pot there's nothing gonna happen till you heal that get it right where the river flows it's all gauged by that church all this says in no uncertain terms the power to heal to bless is resident in that church we don't we we don't want to hear that because the responsibility it puts upon us God looked for intercessor and came find it you know why because if you believe what this book says that the Holy Ghost in you is Christ in you that means that every human being on this earth that has a need has an unqualified claim on your life we don't want that that we're too selfish I'm tired of this well be tired of it but he if he's to live to me that is not i but Christ and no matter where they are where I find them they have a claim on my life so God has a hard time finding intercessors we're just too selfish for that but we are the answer was we wanted to do enough failure to take a stand on the Word of God for fear persecution has led to much controversy on this or do believers have power to heal you that that's a question mark even got in to Pentecost amen but but it's a fear of taking a stand or what this river really means in the church it means we now are the healer not us but what's in us but yet we have to be there for it to come the Word of God is very plain in the 10th chapter of Matthew Jesus called 12 men to help in the work of bringing the gospel to mankind there was nothing in these man's personality that set him apart from any other man they never they weren't you know they weren't different from any of us just common common people now when the industry out there looking for somebody they look for personalities Jesus never does he just looks for persons and gives them a personality of his own he fills their life with himself and they become so they're no different matthew 10:1 says when he called him unto him his twelve disciples he gave them power against unclean spirit cast them out heal all manner of sickness all manner of diseases he gave them power it wasn't a theological Commission to pray for the sick it was a power to heal man that's what he said I didn't write it I I'm just telling you I'm a newsboy putting it on outdoor stone he didn't just commissioned him to go pray for the sick theologically as you go heal the sick cast out the Devils raise the dead a man this was his he gave him power again Jesus appointed 70 these were ordinary men but he walked with him and gave him power to heal the sick and the afflicted as he commissioned them he said behold I give you power to tread on serpents scorpions over all the power of the enemy and whatever city you enter heal the sick there in sand to them the kingdom of God has come nigh that's Luke 10 verse 19 and and down through there here are these men equipped for ministry God called him God equipped them arguing the way you want to as you go heal the sick cast out the devils cleanse the lepers amen they're not going out to pray for the sick they're going out to a world filled with bondage and darkness to bring deliverance to the people that's what they're going for to bring light in life more than praying the sick more than positive confession there were sent forth with a power of ability of God to deliver humanity they never asked him with a Baptist or Methodist once they got life in unto him you can deal with him but they went forth in the power of God this is a whole other there's no mistake in the language it is the intention and purpose of God that the river of the Spirit being every believer to do the work that Christ did to heal to save to make God alive on this planet now the prophet Ezekiel saw Pentecost in that first chapters there what are.what wheels and middle of wheels run in feed straight line all of these things the visions of God seen by the Prophet was nothing more than the counsels of God in action these visions are prophetic of the second chapter of the book of Acts where that Holy Ghost came to this planet in the vision a man of God saw a creature with four faces face of a lion arks man and eagle this is a symbolic composite picture of the holy ghost that lion the Ox the man the eagle you have there the composite picture of the river that's the flow out of us this person of the Godhead that lives in us is here demonstrated in this amen as you look at it the line aspects of symbolic of the determined purpose of the Holy Ghost Solomon wrote of the line when he starts he never turns back the Holy Ghost in his pursuit of the counsels of God will not be turned aside you may quit you may give up you may sit down but he's a moving on he's gonna fulfill this purpose whether you a part of it or not sup to you but he will arrive pull this train into the station on time Paul riding there in the book of Thessalonians he said Satan hindered but he never defeated me they may be some hindrances along the road I can tell you this trains gonna be pulled into the station God's going to bring it in amen so the line the Holy Ghost the Ox represents strength Solomon built a Laver that held a held 16 thousand gallons of water now to hold that weight up he put twelve oxen hundred those stone oxy put him under to hold up that awesome weight of sixteen thousand gallons of water not only will a holy ghost not turn aside but he has the strength to overcome any obstacle if the devil is in your way if you keep walking he'll either knock him out of the way or make him a part of the road amen there's nothing can stand before him if we walk with this Holy Ghost he in that ox he is a strength the man symbolizes spiritual intelligence amen the Holy Ghost is God he knows all there is to know and the man aspect of him is the spiritual intelligence but the ego is symbolic of his freedom he must have freedom to work you can't tell him when to come and when to go I've been in churches there's an hour and a half it's absolutely impossible for him to come we got our own thing to do I don't care whether he comes a front door back door just so he comes just so it comes does what he wants when he gets here that's a whole of it you see this this this whole egos symbolic the eagle symbol is of his freedom he must have free course in all matters of spiritual life and nobody can give him that but you see K 126 said was the likeness of a throne as the appearance of a sapphire stone upon the likeness of the zone was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it Ezekiel sees a man Christ Jesus sitting there the throne of God and from that throne poured out these rivers of living water thus fulfill in the scriptures it's expedient for you that I go away but if I don't go he cannot come but there from that throne he poured it out not on Jerusalem but on that church 120 people and to them to the world you have that symbolized everywhere the oil was poured on Aaron run down his beard he's a mouthpiece of Moses onto the garments that's the people but it first had to be poured down upon that head and so we have it here in the Book of Ezekiel the whole thing the river is the ability and life of God without which the purpose of God is impossible impossible the rivers to flow from the throne to the house and from the house to the people the river must have the house and the house must have the river there must be the house to express it now where you have this term house in the Book of Ezekiel wherever you find the word house and it's not Cornelius's house or Peter's mother-in-law's house or somebody it's always Christ and always the church so what he saw was the church there this house was a church Ezekiel sees that a man the floor of the river was it controlled entirely by the condition of that house or if we could just hear that if we know what we're withholding from that world by a little bickering murmuring complain and groan and not like in what's going on a man something's too hard too soft don't like the song service don't like the song leader don't like this don't like that what we're withholding from the world simply because it's in us and if it doesn't flow out then far as they're concerned God is dead though the whole river flowing of that river is gauged entirely by the condition of that house just think about that by the condition of that house chapters 41 through 46 speech of the house and the spiritual condition the Apostle John wrote against the same background that's the reason when you preach John it's hard to stay out of the Book of Ezekiel because both wrote John wrote the Apostle Paul the other puffs been there Paul been dead for 30 years and if you put the gospel of in its chronological order it would butt up against the book of Revelation as next to the last piece of Holy Ghost dictated litter to her ever come to this world now the church the condition of it is seen in the second and third chapter of the book of Revelation price is outside in the end knocking on the door of it the same was true with Ezekiel both of them are riding against the background of a backslidden people an apostate people if you please a man and John is an old man looking back across the years at the church from Pentecost onward and the prophecy of Paul has come to pass there's a forum but there is no power that the reality of it John is bringing it out there's a forum but no power but this thing you know for a long time I thought that the old religious systems you know were what he's talking about that form without a power but I've long since changed my mind I've come to know better one morning iiiii didn't go to church I had pneumonia I don't know and there with no doctor but I was very very sick and I was home alone my wife went on to church and I turned the television and a Methodist television program come on very beautiful is saying good preacher said some very good things but as I watched it I expected nothing I didn't expect any more than I saw I said that's not the form he's talking about had to be Pentecostal it had to be something that people kept looking for something to happen a man they kept expecting something that's only in Pentecost it had to be some kind of a form that I'm watching I'm expecting some dead man to get up a to walk somebody be saved but I expected nothing that what I saw that's all so it isn't that kind of a form it's a Pentecostal form that wants that power but no longer has it and now knows how to imitate it the form has to be pinnacle must be ease as to cause men to expect some manifestation there's always power connected with what God does always there's a reality or the never would have been a counterfeit never been the form without the power always comes through people who once possessed the reality I mean that's the beginning it's furthered on to others a man that don't know the difference you never saw gold bracelets very good to you and they never seen it but it had to come to a people that knew it no penny caught no Baptist Anti Christ could ever deceived us he had to come talking in tongues he had to come as what we are a many could not come otherwise so it was somebody that knew and dropped out but learned how I said he learned how and now he comes with that form that imitation and suckered people into something that there was no reality to it whatsoever there those who long after the Holy Ghost is gone can still continue to speak in tongues Fame prophecy and go through it all that test is a test of power if there's no powers not God only a form I've never been but one of them because I heard that's happening I never went back I've been there for 30 minutes they're sitting there somebody here got diabetes I'll tell you there is somebody here got something somebody I can tell you don't matter if I nailed you to the letter if you're not healed that wasn't God he does not toy with your emotions God would not send me to tell you what's wrong with you less he meant to heal you amen he never does that one lady in our church we had a fellow stage six weeks he telling folks their phone numbers everything she got angry at me because I wouldn't go she said I'm telling you brother Clinton he told me my phone number I said I know mine I don't need to go there I don't need to go to church learn my phone off cam remembered I dried her down a man what an ignorant thing to go to church and just because a man can do that that's witchcraft much of his personal profit is nothing more than witchcraft folks I can tell you man prophesy over you if it don't confirm some God's already dealing with you better run I said you better run I've watched them as they prophesy always it's good you know always it's good amen they they pick out a man that got a little money or they gonna prop us over him now you believe they're gonna come to him they're gonna tell him how God's gonna bless him and all of these sort of thing witchcraft that's all it is Paul likes all this world we live in learned how to be religious without God when John wrote worship had become a form the people would go through the motions of praise when told who prays as a natural action of life if you know God you love God and it's a natural thing to praise that God John writing against this backdrop a spiritual decline cause Jesus he that believeth on me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water this Mickey of the Spirit John is saying this is this form you got it this is not what he's after if you really believe on Him that listen he said if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart and I believe in is a conviction you understand it's not just words it's a conviction and believe it means I've committed everything to that Christ that's that's what believe it is that's the verbal action of faith and it didn't just we got a church full of people that say they believe do nothing they're deceived they're gonna go to hell if we don't wake them up we made it we've made it we made faith everything but what it is it's the strangest thing we made it a product oh yes we we've got our little mental garbage bucket we go through our little routine how I laid me down to sleep pull the promised pots we've kept the faith I said we've kept the faith if you disturb that all over they're gonna hurt you because you'll have to do something so I didn't want to hear nothing like that but you see we've made people believe when they're not believing believe it's to do Abraham heard that from God go I'm gonna give you a land Peter stayed at least 150 tell him he believed nothing till he crossed the border looking for that place God called him you believe nothing did you do what he told you to do there is no no talking about believing anything until that happens now the church is not here to be a religious debating society but to demonstrate Christ alive Ezekiel writes then against the same backdrop Israel has lost God the house is out of order there's very little light just a trickle that's what he said he saw the house just a little ankle-deep trickle coming out of it chapter 43 verse 4 through 6 the Prophet pinpoints the problem and the cure his message is gift the house in order and the river will flow deal with that house probe into that house deal with that unforgiveness deal with that complaining deal with all of those things that are in that church just hammer away at it I've told you many of you weren't first time here but I've been for years in revivals her at church was born I mean it is one continuous revival then it began to slack off there are few people being saved it called an evangelist he'd been recommended I'd went up to hear him in East Texas they had the house full of people I'm telling you there was some excitement going on he come down the first Sunday I preached Sunday morning had a great service that night song service whole you talked about it everybody had a banana long as a fence rail I'm telling you had pomegranate juices are flowing it was some place to be that morning in that house all at night rather but right in the middle of that he got up and took that stuff that song service down and said God told me that we're gonna have a 30-minute prayer meeting just shut that songs I've not took the tired offerings nothing said we're shutting down we're gonna have a 30-minute prayer now you turn around that few you kneel on come the altar if you want but don't bother to look at you watch I'll tell you when to get up turn is back on that congee she went to groaning I never had a man groaned head butted up against that back there against that wall after a while he got upset everybody get up everybody got up took at Mac Mon said God showed me a man in leadership Nestor's going into another man's wife Oh am i I just knew it wasn't me I said I'm ruined if he's right runt if he's wrong he said King have a revival with that going on you see King have revived a little houses rights what I'm telling you said it's getting this altar I'm down there I'm didn't you never heard of preacher growing like this and growing and I didn't know such a thing is there a certain you have to have evangelist pastors mighty close to these people some people so close if it was something wrong in this wonderful friend of mine over here he couldn't tell that to Duke Duke say the devil's lying on my social pastor has to be an evangelist to come who can be objective and probe that church amen he said he's going getting this offer I got on there groaning felt a tap on my foot look about said Sunday school superintendent about his pale aside Church you're aware and said I won't be able to come back I said I know you want I knew who he was and he finally divorced his wife married that one but revival broke on lasted two years get the house right the river will flow that's you individually and the church collectively remove the debris you don't have to beg a river to flow just move the trash out of the way and the river will break through and when it does what it touches it will heal there's no psychology there nothing ever dies without sin if you need a revivalist sin in your life I'm not telling you committed adultery but you're not praying like you're you may not be supporting you may be rebelling some area life but if you need a revivalist sin in your life if Adam hadn't seen he could have attended this prayer meeting of this camp meeting sin killed him sin brought death and you don't bring life till you deal with that poison that brought get the house right is what he's saying and the glory of the Lord came into the house by the way ever gave his prospectus for the east note the house the church so the spirit took me up and brought me into inner court and behold the glory of the Lord filled the house and I heard him speaking unto me out of the house and the man stood by me and in 41:47 this mysterious man don't give us no name but he takes his Eagle inside through the house measuring and detailing setting that house in order so there'd be no restrictions to the river and from an ankle deep it become a river that men could not swim over because he moved out the trash he put everything in order there's deacons and that won't be the past of measure they don't belong there amen they don't belong there there's other people in that trying to be what they can't be some people wouldn't be what they ought to be but he measured everything but everything in place got rid of Watts Hendren and the river gushed out of there amens as far as it could go always grow in those trees along his brain it'll produce after its kind I heard him speaking to me out of the house and the man stood by me and said unto me son of man the place of my throne the place of the soles of my feet where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever my holy name shall the house of Israel no more defy view see what's wrong they're not going to file it neither they know their kings by their whoredoms nor by the carcass of their kings in their high places in their setting up of their threshold but my threshold their posts by my post wall between me and them they defy my holy name by the abomination that they've committed wherefore I have consumed them and anger now let them put away their hoard them the carcasses their king for me and I'll dwell in the midst of thee forever all that says is I'm not coming in there - lets cleaned out I'm not gonna come you can come in sing your little courses you can go through your little rituals you profess what you are and I'm not coming till you're able to discern what's right what's wrong clean this house set if the rivers to flow the house has to be purged in a secret 41:46 we have the measuring of the house but in in 44 verses 5 and 23 we have this and the Lord said unto me son of man mark well they hold that in eyes hear with ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinance of the house of the all the laws they're marquel they're entering into the house notice that you don't get them in here with games you I didn't tell you the method is as important as a message I must give them here right all of this stuff we used in this user friendly baloney that saying well we get him here no sir if the cross doesn't draw him they belong outside he said that the energy in the house were they ever going forth of the sanctuary and verse 23 said they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane and cause them to discern between the clean and the unclean now the problem is obvious something in your life individually if you having problems now I don't mean that there's sin in your life you're not getting the bad not what I'm saying most the time the hearts are pure with that buts ability to heal but people have known God and know God amen there's something there's something wrong there's a river in there this not flow and go nowhere because there's something in that life that they knows not right there they're putting up with something you know the blood of Jesus cleanses me as I walk in the light from the unconscious sin I mean until God reveals it if I walk in the light that I know that I'm being cleansed from things that I don't know about but what I know that blood doesn't clams unless I confess and forsake and that rivers not gonna flow till I do and if the river isn't flowing nothing is going to happen a man he said discern between the clean and the ugly the problem is obvious something has has been allowed to become a part of the house that does not belong there oh my how much of that something has been allowed listen God hates a mixture he'll not a lies presence to remain were the flesh is on display no flesh shall glory in my sight if that's what you want he'll give it to you but you he will saturate it with his absence he hates every false way this truth is driven home by the Apostle who wrote over a half the New Testament mostly to correct the wrong in the church we may discount doctrine God essen the New Testaments feel with admonitions to be sounded in doctrine know what you believe know what God says and allowed no mixture in your life are in that church over and over an old and new Testament God drives this home don't plan to feel with mingle seed don't wear a garment of linen and wool all along that God brings that in the Old Testament don't don't so feel with mingle seed then you come into the new it's sheep and goats it's hot and cold there's always that difference at separation and there must be that separation all that rivers not gonna flow and if it doesn't flow we're just religious in the New Testament you have it the church to have his glory must be purged of everything that is false they'll never be a real movement of the Spirit to make alive to heal until the church the house is cleansed and purged all along I've seen that I was a watchman I watched that church house its pastor I'd see things began to change in them young people Amen I come down on that I dealt with that I'd go in that young people's meeting I said I'll I've just noticed you some of you come in here what's happened to you you didn't always dress like this what's going on something's coming on you you're changing you you're losing something here I dealt with it I'd rise that I'd preach I'd preach still have found it you know you go that old doctor and and he'll probe around on you punch on you if he ever go he's found today he go hit nowhere else now you know you you preach this gospel you hear growing out there then stay there keep a hammer because you clean that out then you're opening up a pathway for that river to flow and if the river flows you don't have to struggle to heal anybody that river heals whatever it touches that's a whole testimony of God but you can allow the river to be clogged up according to John one and for God is light the command of Jesus was to let the light shine amen until the church purges of self from those things that restrict the flow she'll never be anything but a religious debating society 1954 it only been preached in a few months I wound up in the great city in Texas we come from a church where we have fought or we had thought you know just beginning here I'm preaching for pastors been in 50 years some of them and I'm I my only thing is own evangelist travel three years I go to town by to come here for pastor doofus then that time I said pastor all I want you to do is give me a key to that church but six o'clock evermore not be here on state you know twelve my wife took care of those children finally she's schooling him but she took her those children twelve o'clock I'll lay in these altars she can God what's wrong here why why do they need me they didn't call me to give me a job or give me a payday there's something wrong I prayed with God to let me know what's keeping Reviver I mean I don't even know what I'm prayin hard I've just got started I'd go home at noon she'd feed me take them babies to the park let him play a couple hours come back they can I have to go preach well we had fought in that last Church it was I don't know what all but God had given revival while we drove him to San Antonio as a city we went over to the church and whinnying you could smell the toilet when you open the door I'm telling you song books are tore up I mean the place was a mess oh I said honey instead I we're up against the war in this place I said I can tell you it's it's a battle here you can tell amen I go in the house and sink full of dishes this I know this problem this place ache man it would be our ally of the blah I I said to her we got the bathroom we started Sunday I preached I couldn't believe what I saying you know I've never seen these people in life one time was a church of 400 people now 40 40 high priests I dealt this is 1954 it's not 2003 I mean as a mild world eisenhower's president things pretty quiet I mean everything looked good we're building freeways if you start to you know great peace in the country but here what I'm finding in that church while I dealt with I preached Sunday morning Sunday night my wife said to me we got stayed with you neither slept in the sunday school room or parsonage you know with a pastor many times you'd wake up before the preachers in the living room you know I mean just what it was back those days and then she said to me my goodness she said you you splattered them pews why are you saying that you don't even know him I said I don't know but whoever talking to me knows I said something wrong Monday Tuesday Wednesday it got worse she said to me you ever gonna pour Nihal in there I said soon as it wound him I said the axes are bouncing off that ohad so thick I said soon as it wound him I'm gonna pour oil into that situation well I preached on through Saturday night the 40 people come and go one man told another man and he come told me said you know they had a man here like you and said one man whooped him with a hose so I'm looking both ways when I leave that church at home now I'm wondering what may take place around here but Saturday night the pastor told me said Sunday morning is communion in the morning and I said oh you you preach and when I give it to you said you just keep it don't call me back just call him in for the communion so going home at night I said to my wife I'm gonna preach on the communion in the morning I didn't know what he's gonna say never had preached along that line but I could tell I had her nervous you know I'm I mean in 40 people every one of them come back every night not another soul came but they came in there like wooden soldiers marched out like it never come down from nothing just coming in go come in and go you know sit there and look at me while I preached well I said in the morning I'm gonna pour that although I'm glad she said but I woke up four o'clock wide-awake heard this little voice in this year you don't break bread with anybody till you break it with me I knew what he meant I got out of that bed took a shower she said what are you doing us I'm going to church I told her what he told and said you come on with the pastor I'm going down there she knew what he meant I got on that gut to pray at all I don't know I've got everything kind of lined out what I'm gonna say and God said to me your texts to me first Peter for 27 and I'm flicking through there oh my wife's gonna be upset here said judgment must begin at the house of God I mean I don't have time to make a note I don't have time to do nothing I'd passed you give me that service at five minutes after 11:00 and 20 minutes after 11:00 when he give it to him it is like you turned on a hydrant and for an hour and 15 20 minutes it flowed like a river when it was over it was over but sometimes I felt like I'm standing over here looking at me I couldn't believe I'm saying I'm dealing with fornication in 1954 I'm dealing you can't believe some folks old enough to be dared out there that I'm dealing with I said all of this sure came to getting these people Amen I must some must be wrong with me I'm looking myself preach when I got through when I got through it was over you know just the last word and it's over and had two big high back chairs back here me and the pastor said he and every night and he's sitting there while I'm preaching and I stepped up and I said now the pastor said that we just come round only and take communion he wouldn't go come back up here I said you asked if she would please come community a table right there come stand here you folks come to how we're gonna serve you not a rush or a lot of human move just set there go ahead I said maybe I spoke French I'm gonna say that again I said you come on in here and take this communion pastor not gonna come he told me icers be prepared to serve and come on down you folks need but where you are but come down here one nobody just sit there and I'm telling ya I got it you know just that's a terrible place to be so I turn around talk that pastor and you know when you look for something you know what it's being exchanged then you really can't see what's there it's so you know it's just I looked around he's not in that chair I said all my he's left me you know just from me he's left me but what he was he got in got up onto that chair I mean he'd got down and crawled up under that chair and that man was sobbing and crying well I got down lovey and crawled under with him and I said I said pastor what's wrong with these people and here's the phone he said son he was an older man you have killed every one of us that's his words said you've killed every one of us I said what are we gonna do he said I'm not gonna do nothing that's I said well I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get my family you owe me anything you can send it but you know I I said one more time and I got up there and I said enough folks time for the communion are you gonna take the community what are you going to come kneel Isis come nobody move well my wife they always said on the front I said I thought we'd already gone through that training program we could set right there with two babies ain't nobody gonna water I mean nobody gonna feed him they ain't nobody gonna run him out with right there she's set right there so I'm going around going get her we're gonna go out that door but when I got right here an old man sitting back in the back you'd have to go to hell to hear the cry that come out of him I'm telling you it come from somewhere down in iam he screamed and come down that aisle and he threw a handful of money at that preacher God have mercy said I told God I'd starve you out of here and he fell down there writhing like a man that had a kidney stone trying to pass I'm telling you I never saw such groan and agreement and all of a sudden everybody's down there they put hundreds of dollars on that offer there to the pastor till two o'clock I stood there I mean almost flat-footed as they come they begged that Pastor forget to the wife amen they come to me and tell me how they hated me and what I'd said and asked me to forgive them they confess one to another two girls in that church in love with the same old unsaved boy both of them fornicating with him and singing in that church I mean that's what's going on that's what I'm a plough net they just pled I mean money on that backed I'd laid on that altar two o'clock finally you know with WEP and repented and confessed finally got out pastor not come back then days we didn't start 6:00 we start 7:45 run to one o'clock Amen what no time limits on anything give everybody time to get there so we got up a little we got back that even little early that house is full never been that nothing but at forty without it had in the paper television wasn't much then no no radio spot no nothing house is full of people I just shocked look out there we begin to sing I've never saw it before sent but in that song service there's a cloud just kind of come down out of that roof and it stopped where a man couldn't reach it and everything was filled with the Holy Ghost when we purged that church that River broke out that is the only answer we're holding back from a world it's only hope if there's something in you tonight if you got all against your brother you better make it right with that brother if that brothers got all against you then you better call him up amen he won't come to you you go to him these things have got to be if you and your wife are not getting along you better get in this altar together tonight and make those things right you are hindering something and it's not only you but the whole world is being hindered because that River is not thought to release that River is to purge that church to purge the church you have to purge that individual believer let us stand hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh God tonight fill our hearts fill our hearts tonight Lord all tonight and night tonight let this be the night when you work your will oh great God Almighty great God great God tonight don't let anybody walk out of here cleanse us purchase our thoughts our actions Oh God deal with us things that we think are small but yet they represent a rebellion against you and their hendren what you want to do we stand you said we're not to stand in the way of sinners but we do oh my god when we allow those things in our lives then we block sinners on the way we can set in your house with something in our heart against a brother/sister and draw a line that lost me and cannot cross people died in diseases it ought to be healed because we hold on to things that don't belong here my god will you deal with our hearts tonight from the big to the little whatever it is if it's not you if it's in my life or any life may it be purged tonight Oh God in the name of Jesus the responsibility that's upon us tonight I bind you Satan in the name of Jesus you file evil demon spirits I binds you in the name of the Lord Jesus wicked spirits in high places rulers of darkness principalities and powers I break your hold on every human in this place tonight I read here tonight alive to float to heal to save and to fill in the name of Jesus my god I thank you I thank you I thank you lord I thank you I thank you Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus tonight's the night for you to be filled to be renewed this is the night this is the night if it's odd between you and a brother get that right here tonight if that brother that sister's not here God says a will and heart is acceptable here sexual credit you said God if you'll bless me I promise you I hope you'll make that right I'll call them I'll do whatever is nestled in that time leave it on this altar tonight amen you this church had an income beyond its dream last year I mean the church never suffered because but you were suffering leave it on this altar I said leave it on this altar come don't lie anything between us folks we don't need a revive we got a have a revival we must have revival and you there's something there get it right tonight in this altar and God will fill every hungry heart I try just keep it coming amen keep it coming we're gonna believe you we're gonna be with you but don't allow anything to hinder you said over here with something in your heart against somebody over there and though you can't see that line it's stopping people from getting right Amen you need to be feel come right on now amen but these others whatever you're here for just keep it coming we're gonna come with you when we get you here or hallelu hallelujah hallelujah it's time it's time to seek the law
Channel: katt3682
Views: 15,788
Rating: 4.7763977 out of 5
Keywords: BH Clendennen, 2003 Winter Camp Meeting
Id: wZuIbzv9CuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 12sec (4452 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2012
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