The Reasons You Should Avoid MOST Dairy At All Costs! | Dr. Steven Gundry

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[Music] the reasons you should avoid most dairy at all costs now you'll notice that i said most dairy which does mean that not all dairy is bad but here's the thing dairy products in the united states come from a breed of cow such as a holstein which contains a highly inflammatory milk protein called casein a1 now casein a1 is a lectin-like protein and it's actually caused by a mutation in cow's genes in northern europe about a thousand years ago it wasn't always this way most cows ancient cows have a gene that makes casein a2 but this gene makes an aberrant gene called casein a1 now in fact in my practice most people who think that they're lactose intolerant in fact are actually reacting to the casein a1 molecule not lactose so you don't have to give up yogurt or cheese you just have to know to choose the right dairy products the ones that are free of the casein a1 protein now there are cows that still exist most are in southern europe that make only casein a2 in their milk a much safer protein the guernsey cow is one example and the swiss brown cow is another there's also a belgian blue cow interestingly enough there is a cow in the united states called the jersey cow that is makes half casein a1 and half casein a2 luckily in the united states we now are beginning to see products made with a2 milk and they're labeled a2 on the carton and they're more and more and more available now these milk products are much closer to what our ancestors would have consumed now if you want more information about this topic check out episode 176 of my podcast i talk with the alexandres one of the only a2 dairy farmers in the u.s now you might ask if this stuff is so good for us why aren't there a lot of dairy farmers using a two cows unfortunately the whole steam cow is much heartier and gives more milk so that through the years the guernsey cow which is the best cow for a2 has been put out to pasture because it's not as hardy and it doesn't give much melt and so unfortunately most of the milk in the united states is from a holstein and it's the wrong cow now that's an important point i have lots of my patients say i drink or i use organic milk it's grass-fed milk isn't that okay and the answer is no because most of our cows in the united states make the wrong form of milk now is milk that's a2 good for you well no because milk is half sugar remember milk was designed to make baby cows grow and so you see these got milk campaigns out there that tout a daily glass of milk is good for you that's absolute nonsense you can get all the calcium you need by eating broccoli sardines or even tahini and your vitamin d you can get with a great dose of sunlight which you should be out in without sunscreen in the morning sun and a vitamin d supplement also milk regardless of where it comes from is loaded with a growth factor called insulin-like growth factor one which is designed to make baby cows or baby goats or baby sheep grow quickly so that they won't get eaten by wolves and predators we don't want to grow quickly in fact human milk actually has much lower levels of insulin-like growth factor now here's the good news that insulin-like growth factor is water-soluble so when you make cheeses from casein a2 cows like goat cheeses or sheep cheeses or buffalo milk cheeses then the insulin-like growth factor is gone and so that's why i'm such a big fan of using sheep and goat and buffalo mozzarella cheeses in the diet in fact interestingly enough one of the common factors of most of the blue zones those people in the world that have incredibly long lives one of the common factors is that they almost all consume goat and sheep products as part of their daily routine now there are plenty of other non-cow options so the goats sheep in buffalo there's a pretty readily available buffalo milk cheese in the united states called boof b-u-f boof comes from uruguay but you can find it in a lot of grocery stores now it's quite cheap most buffalo mozzarella comes from italy do realize that in italy the vast majority of buffalo mozzarella comes from the region south of naples and in italy it is supposed to be consumed within one or two days of being made you can imagine that the italian buffalo mozzarella cheeses that you get in your grocery store are not just one to two days of age so the uruguay is a lot closer and try it you'll you'll be amazed that they make some pretty doggone good buffalo mozzarella and yogurts sheep's milk yogurt and cheeses are widely available now you can get sheep's cheeses in costco trader joe's has a sheep milk feta cheese called pastures of eden beware most cheeses labeled feta cheese are actually made from cow's milk so please read the label looking for sheep or goat on your feta cheese goat milk cheeses ice cream butters and yogurts are becoming widely available trader joe's has a very inexpensive great goat milk yogurt uh we're increasingly seeing normal tasting goat cheeses there's a goat cheddar now there's a mozzarella the good news about these cheeses that for people who've been turned off from goat cheeses they don't taste goatee in fact you can fool your friends and family but still get all the benefits of goat cheeses and last but not least goat and sheep cheeses about 30 of all the fat in these cheeses are medium chain triglycerides mcts and you know how great mcts are for your health there are dairy alternatives coconut milk coconut yogurt coconut ice cream is probably your best option there is macadamia nut milk that i like a lot but be careful companies are trying to give you a creamy texture in their milk products and more and more companies are adding pea proteins to these non-dairy milk products to these non-dairy ice cream products to these non-dairy yogurt products i have nothing against p protein isolate which is had the lectins removed but p protein is loaded with lectins that i see patients react to all the time so you've got to be a very careful label reader and so if you see something that sounds great like macadamia nut milk that sounds great please look at the list of ingredients and if you see plain old pea protein don't buy it there's other alternatives so you can have dairy products but be careful my patients react all the time to american cow milk products because of casein a1 get casein a2 products either from southern european cows or more safe use goat sheep or buffalo milk products and you won't have the gut discomfort that comes from american dairy if you enjoyed this episode of the dr gundry podcast you're definitely going to want to see this one so what happens when you remove sugar people are absolutely shocked when their dark spots start going away
Channel: The Dr. Gundry Podcast
Views: 103,795
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Keywords: dr gundry, dr. gundry, steven gundry, gundry md, gundry, plant paradox, the plant paradox, plant paradox diet, diet, cookbook, lectins, lectin free, the dr gundry podcast, podcast, interview, longevity, nutrition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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