The Reason Kanye West is Misunderstood

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the jurgen experience and i just went on a riff right there but the thing is this isn't that what you do though like yeah yeah one of the things that i when anybody ever talks about you to me they they they say well he's all over the place and i say i think that he's got a different power source like if you look at the way everybody interfaces with the world if there's a universal power most people have like a 20 watt charger the way i describe you i say i think that [ __ ] got like 150 watt charger and these ideas are just coming at them so you do go on these rants that sometimes need to be dissected into individual things but overall you're incredibly productive so my question is why do you why do people think there's something wrong with you yeah this is but legitimately like you've been medicated they've they've put you away right they've brought to you how did that happen well well i'll say these two things i think uh very three-dimensionally i don't think in the black and white lines that i've been programmed to think in and i and i think in full color so when i talk i have to describe a thought in five ways you know we we enjoy food that has multiple seasoning in it we enjoy music that has multiple instruments so when i talk it's not a rant it's a symphony of ideas and when you collect them you say oh these are all these things that connect yeah you know i i i just tell the truth and telling the truth is crazy in a world full of lies that's simply it but none of the things you're saying are crazy another things you said are crazy it's fascinating the way you think right because i can see that you're thinking in all these different layers and you're looking at things from all these different perspectives and they all come together out of your mouth in like a tornado of ideas now if someone wants to just have a conversation with you back and forth i could see where they go this guy's crazy just doesn't stop he's ranting but what i'm seeing is just you're a very thorough thinker you're thinking at things independently but you're thinking of things in a massive perspective now who convinced you that that's bad is it have you always been this way or were you less is it was it less manageable before did you have issues with it before yeah i believe before i found christ and gave my life to god i would try to lean on my own understanding and that's the universe is like a black hole of information what do you mean by your own understanding meaning when people ask einstein said you're the smartest person what would you like to know he his einstein's response was i'd like to understand the mind of god meaning meaning god is all-knowing and we can only know or see and for me as a visionary we can only know or see what god allows us to see and what he feels we're ready to see and understand to to maximize what our mass laws hierarchy and need chart is you know what sets our dopa means what sets our serotonins off what makes us feel good basically like you know we we did a good deed and it's like it was somehow where you know you know just doing a beat for a famous per or just doing a beat for um a local dope rapper really meant a lot to me when i was 14 years old doing a beat for just anyone famous that had a major record deal was a lot to me at age 19. me being able to you know put out my own music and put my own i was a lot to me at age 24 meaning as i grow god sets new stages in the game of life for me that you get your satisfaction like maslow's hierarchy of need is like our satisfaction chart what makes us feel whole and uh accomplished as a as a as a human being so as i go through these different levels there's times where i would use confidence when i knew what i was doing and i would use arrogance when i didn't know what i was doing but i'd rather use arrogance than to let someone diminish my idea of myself because that is what keeps us going hope actually keeps us alive anybody you ask most people is like do you want tomorrow to come and they say yes they have they have hope for it but i went from having confidence and arrogance to having faith and faith is the opposite of fear and that created this fearless approach that i have and that's what made now has made me the fearless leader that i am that i've like crystallized into the leader that my mom always knew i would be when kids followed me in preschool the leader that people saw when we changed the sound of music the leader when we changed uh the the sneaker industry the leader and what we're doing with uh with farming and with with shelters when i was building you know the homeless shelters uh a couple years ago and visiting parks and and then going to skip row and understanding the uh the dynamics and empathizing with what actual mental health issues are not someone you know telling their truth or being exhausted and then being labeled as such like i am so that's what you felt happened to you like you were absolutely truth and you were exhausted and they labeled you as mentally unhealthy yes absolutely am i saying this right that what happened with you is you feel like maybe or you probably feel like that having this higher calling and recognizing this higher power was the the glue that kept your thoughts together they kept your mind straight and it kept you on a righteous path so instead of being scattered with all these crazy thoughts and being exhausted and being labeled manic right like we talked before and you were saying that they had you on medication but the medication [ __ ] with your creativity it [ __ ] with all kinds of things or it blocked my ability to channel what god wanted me to do but we're all we're all on medication right now did you use toothpaste with fluoride today it blocks your pineal gland and they put children on it and we put we put our kids on it you know we it's inside the the deodorants that we use is all these things to create like a disconnect to god to serve that it's like are you serving man are you serving the the one and only master but what did they tell you when when they said that they were going to put you on medication what did they put you on and what did they tell you one of my favorite things that they did is they put me on this medication that made me uh gain a lot of weight and i said i'm not gonna take this and they said okay we got a medication you can take but you won't gain weight and this shows you they were trying to kill a superhero slowly trying to kill genius trying to make me not feel like i could run for president make me not feel like i can go uh be born in atlanta grow up on the south side of chicago go into music go and win all these grammys change the sound of music and the look of stage performances all that and then still end up in 53 million dollars of debt what music industry has people going to the exact debt of the house that they think they're going to buy after the tour is over and it's and it's it's strategized there's criminals all over everyone's almost accounts in the music industry it's not a safe place it's a it's a treacherous place so filled with money soon as things are filled with money they're filled with people that are trying to take advantage of other people it's filled with money bees come to honey exactly exactly so they put they put you on this ship because you were exhausted what did they put you on um um you know i'm i can i can research i'm actually forgetting the exact medication that they had um but what did it do the main thing that it did is it destroyed my confidence it made me this shell of who i really am it like grayed over my eyes it it it made me it made the mustang that buck anymore hmm they sedated you yes yeah and they what was the the thought process behind it when you talked to a doctor about this what did they tell you was wrong with you uh they they told me i was bipolar and i remember going on tmz and saying you know slavery is a choice and they medicated me for saying that for having that opinion and saying it out loud but as i put those contracts up i'm saying this is a choice as i you know uh you didn't mean people being abducted and brought into slavery and put into chains was a choice what you were talking about is people making decisions that would enslave them financially and enslave their life yeah it was taken out of context and it was taken in the least charitable way and they decided to try to say look at crazy kanye look at this [ __ ] he's saying and then they medicate you yes and the media has always taken anything out of context that isn't a part of the overall narrative yeah that because there's you know like hollywood and media has controlled so much of the narrative and then he had silicon valley and that's what's so beautiful about one of my heroes steve jobs because there wouldn't be a silicon valley or the silicon valley wouldn't be what it is today if steve jobs didn't make information accessible like this which is still a bit controlled but it feels like twitter is the the safest fleet freest uh mass platform to communicate on and you know it's like they mess with jack because of that you know you know well it's it's still censored there's a lot of issues now but i think that's internal i think that's people that are working there that are woke that want to stop people from saying certain things and there's a lot of struggles with that today and i it's unfortunate because i i do agree that it's an unbelievable way to get ideas out there yeah so but it's also it's a new thing and it's mismanaged by the people that use it often they don't know what they're doing or why they're doing it every version of anything that man has made will be flawed episodes of the joe rogan experience are now free on spotify that's right they're free from september 1st to december 1st they're going to be available everywhere but after december 1st they will only be available on spotify but they will be free that includes the video the video will also be there it'll also be free that's all we're asking just go download spotify much love
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 2,809,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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