The Reality of the Kingdom of God -- The Millennium Begins

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[Music] with the recent tragedy and mass murder of 59 people in Las Vegas we've been forcefully reminded that this is not God's world tremendous tremendous tragedy that dealt there you don't need to turn there but in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 2 something you know very well mentioned just here says in which you walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince the power of the air the spirit who which now works in the sons of disobedience these things happen because there is a very strong dominant force exacting its power on the world around us and the children disobedience those who don't understand the Satan the devil has the kind of power he does it's rather fascinating in one sense the number of people that were not willing to profess that they believed in God but talked about the evils of the world and why would we have an evil spirit that we don't have a God where did the evil spirit come from if there was no such thing and authorities are now frantically searching for a motive why would someone do such a monstrous thing as firing on thousands of people that were gathered and killing as many as he could such an act goes far beyond any human motive no there may have been a reason in his mind for doing this but one cannot really come up with a human motive that's valid for such a terrible act sex acts are certainly of Satan in John chapter 8 verse 44 tells us their Christ said that Satan was a murderer from the beginning and Cain murdered his brother Abel that may have been it was the first of what may have be millions of such acts not even counting the wars we don't know what has gone on for the last six thousand years the kinds of violence has been there but beyond the wars this is just the latest example of the madness of the world around us although it isn't classified officially as far as I can tell as a terrorist act but for all of the people involved there listening to that concert I would say they were terrorized they were terrified and you listen to some of the interviews the words or the emotions that they came through as we were coming down to the from the airport the other day listening to some of the news I think it was someone was talking about going to sleep and I wonder how would one go to sleep that night if they managed to live through the onslaught that was perpetrated on them they were certainly terrified and it seems that in spite of all of the effort that our authorities are putting forward to try to prevent such terrible things from happening it just seems like there is a an undercurrent of emotion where we are simply waiting for the next act to fall how bad will it be what's going to happen the next time where unsuspecting victims are terrorized or they're victimized by someone with walking through an airport you know you know I remember the gentleman in Fort Lauderdale we were where there was a terrorist it killed people at Fort Lauderdale Airport about a year ago and we were traveling that afternoon and there were police vehicles by the dozens descending on the airport and just wondering what was going on of course later on we heard and the immediately conversations because you and I travel don't we you know many of you took an airplane here and you might think where you look around if you remember it is where would I go if someone started doing that you know and how many of us now want to go to outdoor concerts but it changes the way we live and the way we think because we recognize that is not God's world what kind of world where does the world find itself today I just want to mention a few of the international things obviously front and center is North Korea creating tension throughout the world because we simply don't know what might be done next there are threats that are being made and one begins to wonder are they idle threats is it all propaganda is it all just bluff or would someone pull that trigger now we understand prophecy we don't expect everything that the world might think will happen we think we understand better what will eventually happen before too long we hope we have renewed strife with Russia that seemingly at every in every turn and the political chess game that we play with them we have the confrontation with China and in the South trying to see the u.s. is outside on the outside looking in with regard to the United or the European Union we have our conflict with Iran and Iran with Israel the Israel of course is always at the vortex of the international scene we even now have a confrontation supposedly with Venezuela how many of you saw that they are preparing for war with the United States they think that we may attack them the world is on edge and with what we've been through help weather-wise with Harvey many of you were affected by the it is rather it's more it's far beyond coincidence when we realized what did not happen to God's people as I lived in Houston for six years and I remember that there were certain areas of flooded even to him during times of heavy rain but to my knowledge there was no severe damage to any of God's people in the in South Texas I'm sure there was some that I don't know about but nothing of any great tragedy that I'm aware of and of course we had the hurricane that would threaten Florida and we evacuated and got out of there because it after going through 100 cane in 1983 in Texas I didn't want to go through one in Florida especially a category 4 or 5 and it could have been so much worse than having congregations and in near Tampa on the west coast of Florida and a congregation in Pompano Beach on the east coast of Florida and people living in the middle of the state and watching what the hurricane did and realizing that no one of any of the three congregations that we serve there was any severe damage in one case where the hurricane actually turned inland north of Fort Myers and went directly over members houses that were living in prefabricated homes and they went home from shelters to find the water still work the electricity still worked and the house was not damaged and the reason they leave prefab homes because those are some of the most dangerous places to be in the midst of a hurricane but I protect this but if you look at what's happened and the number of hurricanes that were there there were all kinds of hyperbole about how many hurricanes there were at one time that did never seen these things we find these these things happening to us and of course we have an accelerating moral decay and degeneration in our society and we think how fast can it go and then we just have to wait till the next day or so and find out how much worse it can be we find a world that's quite unlike anything that we've ever seen before why is that well we talked about that a moment ago but over in 2nd Timothy you might they're in second Timothy chapter 3 will read verses 1 through 4 but know this in verse 1 that in the last days perilous times will come from men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents and unthankful and unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal and that word very well fits what just transpired in Las Vegas despisers of good their tradies traitors headstrong hardy lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God it just quickly describes society that is extant around us that's why the world is the way it is there you can put these in your notes I won't turn there but there are two other references to children of disobedience in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 5 and 6 and also in Colossians chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 and in the context of reason I think that's relevant is obviously this was on Paul's mind or inspired to be on Paul's mind when he wrote because two of those references to children or disobedience or any thieves and Colossians was written about the same time and God inspired those words to show that the Spirit that's there is working on the world and people respond to it without even sometimes knowing why back in Micah micah chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 micah chapter 2 verse 1 says woe to those who devise iniquity they plan it out premeditated they devise iniquity and work out evil on their beds maybe that seems foreign hopefully hopefully that seems foreign to us we don't understand help someone could lay down on their bed and think about plan out works of violence at morning light they practice it say they do devise it in the evenings and at night next day they do it we live under the threat of having our identity stolen what happened recently with one of the credit bureaus millions of people are risk and someone planned that they thought through how can I break into private information and I can take hope in their minds hopefully take advantage potentially thousands hundreds of thousands of people work real hard and not working in order to get something that was not theirs not theirs they devised these things they plan it because it is in the power of their hand they if they can do it they will do it and everything good that technology may bring forth there is there is a number of people who will try to find a way to misuse that and abuse that power they cover fields and take them by violence also houses and seize them so they oppress a man in this house and a man in his inheritance it is an unjust in an evil world and it's all rooted in Satan's influence over and his deception of the world and because of that deception and that that influence the world is going to be brought to the brink of a cosmic site now we really can't fully imagine that at least I can in the world of affluence that you and I enjoy compared to the rest of the world it's hard to imagine literally thinking about the world on the brink of total annihilation but that's going to come to pass as well God prophesies some would ask us how anxious are you and I to change that change agents you ever heard the phrase change agents that's what you and I have a chance to be to bring about change we just celebrated a few days ago actually five days ago the time when Satan's influence will come to a screeching halt come to a dead end at least for a thousand years just rehearse someone you go through this quickly but just rehearse a few things out of Revelation you don't need to turn where every one of them but just mention these things they're just talking about what happened what what will happen and discussed in on the day of trumpets but in revelation 11 verse 15 he talks here about the seventh angel sounding revelation 11:15 I'll read it - then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever that seventh Trump that the that's basically an arguable sound for Christ assuming control of this world announcing his coming and of course after that happens we find in chapter 15 verses 1 and 6 and I won't read that but we find here that when that happens there are seven last plagues that are poured out and after those are done in chapter 16 verse 17 it says then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air and the loud voice came out of the temple Heaven from the throne saying it is done words now the Selma's Trump sounds the plagues report out it's done Christ has been announced and then we can find in chapter 19 verses 1 verse 1 and then verses 5 and 6 says after these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven saying hallelujah salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God verse 5 then a voice came from the throne saying praise our God all of you all you his servants and those who fear Him both small and great and I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude as a sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings saying hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigns Christ returns and takes over the government of the world if you want a title for the sermon and you could put the reality of God's kingdom this morning I'd like to talk about the reality of God's kingdom and its cause in some of the results that we can expect and to which we can look forward one of the first results of Christ's return is his deliverance of Israel in Micah chapter 2 and 3 God talks about the punishments that he is going to bring on Israel for its sins that all part of the end of the age again some of the references I just made in revelation or rehearse there in Micah chapters 2 & 3 but then in Isaiah chapter 10 Isaiah chapter 10 will begin reading in verse 20 it says it shall come to pass in that day that the remnant of Israel and such as have escaped of the house of Jacob those that survived the wrath of Satan and the first two and a half years and then the wrath of God pictured in the last great day and are they that the day of the Lord rather the three and a half year period there will be survivors such as I've escaped of the house of Jacob will never again depend on him who defeated them but will depend on the eternal the Holy One of Israel in truth the remnant will return the remnant of Jacob to the mighty God and though his people o Israel be is the sand of the sea a remnant of them will return there was a lot of them to begin with but many of them will die through the Great Tribulation and the day of the Lord the destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness for the Lord God of hosts will make a determined and in the midst of the land therefore that says the Lord God of hosts all my people who dwell in Zion do not be afraid of the Assyrian he shall smite you or he shall strike you with a rod and lift up his staff against you in the manner of Egypt and for yet a little while and the indignation will cease as will my anger and their destruction and the Lord of hosts will stir up a scourge for him let the slaughter of Midian then is virtually 70 says there shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder and his joke from your neck and the yoke of the destroyer because of the anointing oil God is going to deliver Israel from its captivity from their captivity he mentions the same thing in chapter 27 we're going to be rehearsing quite a few things in the Book of Isaiah this morning in chapter 27 a couple of verses verses 12 and 13 and this shall come to pass in that day that the Lord will Thresh from the channel of the river to the brook of Egypt and you will be gathered one by one o you children of Israel so it shall be in that day the great trumpet will be blown again referencing the very end of the age they will come who are about to perish in the land of Assyria and they who are outcasts in the land of Egypt and shall worship the eternal in the holy mount at Jerusalem God is going to deliver physically some of his his chosen people were chosen through Abraham Isaac and Jacob deliver some of them in a chapter 11 let's go back to chapter 11 of Isaiah verse 11 and it shall come to pass in that day that the eternal will set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people who were left from Assyria and Egypt pathos and cush from Elam and Shinar and from Amos and the islands of the sea he will set up a banner for the nations and will assemble the outcasts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth he's going to bring them back from wherever they've been scattered verse 16 and there will be a highway for the remnant of his people will be left from Assyria as it was for Israel in the day that he came up from the land of Egypt God is going to deliver his people physically and bring them back to the land that he had promised to them we might ask why why he's got going to do this that matter why does God do any of these things that he does in dealing with us dealing with the world it's all part of this great plan that we are celebrating this particular time but let's turn over to Ezekiel chapter 36 it's an interesting phrase that God uses in many many places and I wonder sometimes how many of us stopped to think about what this phrase means I frankly I I wondered about it for a long time thought about it meditated on it trying to figure out exactly what kind of depth is there because it's used so many times in the Bible but his Eco chapter xxxvi when we several verses here verse 16 it says moreover the word of the eternal came to me saying son of man when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land they defiled it by their own ways and deeds I'm going to skip through some of this verse 18 therefore I poured out my fury on them for the blood they had shed on the land and for their idols which they had defiled by default it so this is why God is going to punish them he said in verse 19 so I scattered them among the nation's and I judged them according to their ways and their deeds at the end of the verse verse 21 but I had concern from my Holy Name thought about that verse 22 toward the middle of the verses thus there's the eternal God I do not do this for your sake he's not doing this because of Israel's righteousness or goodness O house of Israel but for my holy name's sake I'm doing this because it's part of my plan it's because I want to expand and grow my family I'm doing it because that's my purpose because I'm a righteous God I'm a loving God in spite of what the world may think of the God of the Old Testament being mean and cruel harsh the God says I have a plan I'm doing this for my name's sake because I have this purpose behind what I do verse 23 and I will sanctify my great name I will help the world understand what kind of God I verse 27 and I will put my spirit within you and was I'm going to change how you think I will put my spirit within you and I'll cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them then you shall dwelt in the land that I gave you to your father's and you shall be my people and I will be your God the first part of verse 29 says I will deliver you from all your uncleanness 31 then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good and you will loathe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and your abominations not for your sake do I do this says the Lord God would led to be known to you be ashamed and confounded for your own ways o house of Israel I do this from my own namesake and he will by working with his plan God thought about this perhaps a long time we can use that use that word so much and planning out all of his work all of his creation and how he was going to grow his family he did this for his name's sake his purpose his plan for all that his name represents is why he brings Israel back and begins to set up his kingdom what will change when all that happens he's change agents that we have a chance to be in Revelation 11 we read this a moment ago verse 15 again it says here the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever king of this world are become the kingdoms of God that's to say he's going to establish the government of God on the earth mr. Armstrong and dr. Meredith have shared that comment so many times that it's all about government and Christ is going to set up the government of God to understand the significance of that verse that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of Christ that God and His Christ again something that you and I are promised a share in if we adhere to God's Way of life God has to do that the key is government it tells us back in Jeremiah 10:23 again I won't turn there but it's not in man to direct his own steps we don't know how to manage our lives on our own Isaiah 57 59 verse 8 is his way of peace they don't know we can't figure out how to have peace we talk about it and we say we want it and yet somehow in the midst of various issues we have sometimes dozens of small conflicts at one time we've had - almost indescribable Wars and we fear the world does fear for another one but God is going to set up a government that works his government will do what all human governments have never been able to do and every time we have an election what do we hear about it's time for change and yes it changes it gets worse things do not improve the real change the Christ will bring will be for the better with no end the kingdom of God will be a righteous government I just mentioned three three things what makes that Kingdom righteous what makes that government righteous that's certainly apart from the whole concept of just saying it's a righteous government the one the first point these will have righteous leaders Christ at the very top he will be the King of Kings Lord of lords over in Revelation 20 he won't be by himself just a couple of scriptural references here to him sharing that responsibility revelation 20 verse 4 talking about the first resurrection this says I saw Thrones and they said on them and judgment was committed to them then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness in Jesus and for the word of God those who had died obeying God and obeying Christ those that have been faithful to the Christian Way of life who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years righteous leaders given eternal life and sharing the responsibility of creating and administering a righteous government over the world back in Matthew chapter 19 verse 28 Matthew 19 verse 28 just one verse here again righteous leaders so jesus said to them and he's talking to the disciples at this point who became apostles and they've given up everything and they asked in verse 11 you know we've left everything what's in it for us what can we look forward to receiving and could jesus said to them assuredly i say to you that in the regeneration in there in the resurrection when i return when the son of man sits on the throne of his glory you have followed me will also sit on twelve Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel righteous leaders administering God's government here on the earth in Luke 19 verse 12 we find here the parable of the - this parable is a promise it's a promise to you and to me if we are willing to use the gifts that God provides each one of us in supporting his work following his will - obeying his law and he said verse 12 he says a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return and so he called ten of his servants delivered to them ten - and said to them do business till I come use the things that I give you use my spirit use your your resources and a righteous way do business till I come but the citizens say that you know hated him they sent a delegation after him saying we will not do we know this man says goes on and we real is what happens here these people that have the given these opportunities at 10 - they were given Authority some cases ten cities five cities tremendous responsibilities and most of us kind of wither mentally at least I do know just being a psycho coordinators a little bit intimidating the idea of being over cities that I find that daunting to even consider but he says if you and I do what we're supposed to do live the way he tells us to live you and I are going to be given tremendous opportunities and responsibilities and because he will have his spirit will be spirit beings you and I will be able to do those things you and I will be part of administering a righteous government business righteous leaders now in part number two is we're going to be administering and executing righteous law we all know the scripture in Romans 7 verse 12 it is God's law we know that in Commandments but Paul describes it here in verse 12 he says therefore the law is holy and the commandment is holy and just and good many of our laws really don't produce righteousness whatever equity or fairness that man can imagine and sometimes those things are not fair and sometimes there are deliberate efforts by some of our leaders to pass laws or to pass statutes or administrative decisions that favor certain elements of our society and they do I'm going to do these quickly and they do it sort of under the table but God's law is perfect we find over in Psalm 19 in Psalm 19 verses 7 and 8 says the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul that changes us it gives us direction it puts a little corral around us it puts a barrier between right and wrong helped us know what we should be doing the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the eternal is sure making wise the simple the statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes will be administering righteous law it will help make the government that God sets up righteous and a third point that we're going to use to make a righteous Kingdom righteous government is that of righteous education we'll be educating the world the world when Christ returns the world won't know the truth and they will have to be taught Isaiah chapter 30 helps us understand that you know it used to be in this in our society and it wasn't that long ago that to be a teacher was an honored profession and I have a daughter-in-law who was a teacher and I don't think she views her profession as one that's honored too much combat from the students too much combat from defensive parents who just are convinced that Johnnie or Sally could never do something like that I remember many of you do because again is that you know when I went home from school and if I had done something wrong in school I didn't my mom didn't ask for what the teacher do nois what did you do to disrespect the teacher or disobey the teacher but teaching is an honorable profession and we will have that privilege in God's world of being teachers when Isaiah 30 verse 20 and though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction there are going to be times God will deal with the people and helping them to change but once that is through with the Millennium beginning it says yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner any more we're going to be apparent to them but your eyes shall see your teachers you and I are going to teach God's Way of life your ears shall hear a word behind you saying this is the way walk you in it wherever you turn to the right hand or wherever you turn to the left God is going to provide supervision through his Saints we're going to teach and we're going to supervise and we're going to protect those that are still flesh and blood from themselves show them God's Way of life they won't be in a corner we'll see their teachers and Zephaniah chapter 3 Zephaniah chapter 3 read verse 9 and verse 13 Zephaniah 3 verse 9 4 then I will restore to the people a pure language that they may all call they all may call on the name of the Lord to serve him with one Accord and we have talked about this for many years that would have this pure language but if your if your margin just want to bring out another aspect of this your margin shows that that word language can also be rendered lip and it really transmit more than just a language but it means the right kind of language a pure word verse 13 explains it the remnant of Israel shall do no one righteousness and they'll speak no lies nor shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth it's going to be the right kind of knowledge there'll be no deceit there'll be no lying there'll be no misrepresenting in order to take advantage we will teach God's law will be pure the very instructions that are right proverbs chapter 1 verse 8 no won't turn there right now but proverbs chapter 1 verse 8 he talks about hearing the instruction of your father now that was a proverb that really is directed of human beings primarily - but I think the principle certainly carries over to God's kingdom that we're going to encourage and explain to people they need to hear the instruction of their father of God here is the way walk you in it don't turn off the past no we in this life but I was we're human Satan's world no I God does work with us and you we you and I we ever stray from the path a little bit and God has to kind of nudge us back and he does it in mercy certain trials and difficulties may present themselves as remind us well that wasn't a wise decision there was a compromise or that was the wrong attitude we're going to be teaching people the right way we've been reminding them to hear the instruction of their father in Psalm 22 interesting account Psalm 22 verse 27 verse 27 and all the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord and all the families of the nations shall worship before you for the kingdom is the Lord's and he rules over the nation's all the prosperous of the earth shall eat and worship all those who go down to the dust physical beings shall bow before him even he who cannot keep himself alive their words we do their mortal at that point but Apostoli shall serve Him and it will be recounted of the eternal to the next generation that the truth and the right way of life will actually be passed from one generation to another now one of the greatest challenges of being parents is to set a right example have the right kind of influence on our children to teach them God's Way and show them by example that it works fine here it says here you'll be recounted of the eternal to the next generation they will come and declare his righteousness to a people who will be born that he has done this that God's Way of life works it works and parents will be teaching their children and as they go through the millennium you'll be able to look around them and say this is all good we have that phrase don't you how are things oh it's all good well it will be good in God's kingdom because we will be teaching the right way of life and we'll be setting the spirit beings the teachers we're going to be encouraging them and showing them the right way of life and then it's even as it works they themselves will pass that from one generation to another those are just three things that I wanted to discuss that are elements key elements really in the result of a righteous people working with others the righteous people that in turn become what righteous nations and as they become righteous nations what can they do with one another they can coexist in peace peace is going to be a consequence of God's Way of life and God's government the key of all of this of course the key to it all is the return of Jesus Christ I would like to look then take a brief tour through parts of Isaiah to help us understand the greatness of Christ and the kingdom that he's going to lead and establishing he will use all of us if we adhere to his way of life and we have the promise with God's Spirit we have this earnest this downpayment that's guaranteed that he gave us at baptism and laying on of hands we have this promise that we had can share in this so let's turn it over to the Book of Isaiah chapter 2 the Book of Isaiah is often referred to as the kingdom book the millennial book because God did inspire as they had to write a great deal about this and that the repetition of the various things that occur throughout the book and I'm going to use some that may be a little less familiar and some that are very familiar and going through this but reciting these things referring to these these items helps it should help us to understand that God wants to reinforce that this is going to happen sometimes even in the desperate times in which we live the kingdom can seem a bit far away a bit unreal because we all have to deal with the business of living we have our physical challenges wherever financial challenges and somehow would think it'd sure be nice to be different God's kingdom but when will that come but God says it's very real and he gives these holy days to reinforce this to make us understand the reality that is coming it is only a matter of time and we don't know exactly when but it's only a matter of time he will come to pass Isaiah chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 the word that Isaiah the son of Amos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem now it shall come to pass in the latter days our time that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow to it the symbolism the type there is that God's house his government his kingdom will be greater than all of the other kingdoms or nations of the world even above the hills the the smaller entities that comprise the world many people shall come and say come and let us go up to the mountain of the eternal let's go up to the house of God let's go to the government of God to the house the God of Jacob he will teach us his ways and we shall walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law we talked about that a moment ago that was ministering righteous law contributing to a righteous Kingdom and the word of eternal from Jerusalem he shall judge between the people nations and rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more people do to learn war our nations have what are called war colleges they go there to learn how to fight how to kill what strategies they should use and there are many history books even infertility talking about this that Napoleon who was eventually defeated but that Napoleon was a great war strategist and his strategist identities were used for decades of course technology brought a major change to those things they prolong war we're going to have to learn peace because as the God's Way of life expands and grow people grow into a righteous life they will get along the right peaceful neighborhoods and peaceful people and righteous people again make righteous nations and righteous nations can Zucco exist peacefully and they won't learn war anymore in Isaiah chapter 11 Isaiah 11 verse 1 prophecy about Christ there shall come forth a rod from the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow of his out of its roots the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord we have in limited measure but we have some of those things today don't we if with God's Spirit and God the understanding that God has given us we have it says here the spirit of wisdom and understanding yea we have a measure of wisdom in God's church we have a measure of understanding of what God is doing we understand so much more than the world that cause god of God's mercy and calling any one of us we have that some of that we have the spirit of knowledge and we have the fear of the Lord which we are hoping to grow in as we meet one of the purposes that mr. Weston mentioned last night that would keep the Feast of Tabernacles to learn to fear God we have those things not to measure we will have in God's kingdom but we have them right now what don't we have what's mentioned here they have the spirit of wisdom understanding spirit of counsel we have that we have a purpose but it's also says here the spirit of might you and I don't have a lot of might revelation 3 in talking about what the churches says that you have a little strength that will change when you and I are spirit beings you and I will have the power of God to administer his way of life and the Christ at the head he's the one is going to lead the effort the administration that we were a part of that family verse three his delight is in the fear of the Lord and he shall not judge by the sight of his eyes nor decide by the hearing of his ears we'll talk a little bit about that later in the in the feast I had one more service we'll talk about this judgment judging but God is going to do it Christ is going to do it and we are going to do it carefully it says but with righteousness he shall judge the poor and decide with equity for the meek of the earth it is in behalf of those who are meek he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked righteousness shall be the belt of his loins and faithfulness the belt of his waist the characteristics of being totally trustworthy being righteous and being faithful we're going to follow the example of Jesus Christ we're going to be able to again do these things that Christ is doing mentioned in verse verse two and then he says major talks about these things that are going to change physically the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb the leopard shall lie down with the young goat the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them the cow on the bear shall graze their young ones shall lie down together and the lion shall eat straw like the Ox the nursing child the babies the small ones shall play by the Cobras hole and the weaned child shall put his hand in the Vipers den there will not be any harm come to them and they shall not hurt and destroy in all my holy mountain in my government in my administration my righteous government for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea and in that day there shall be a rod root of Jesse who shall stand as a banner for the people for the Gentiles shall seek Him and his resting place shall be glorious clearly referring to the fact that God is going to be offering salvation to all of mankind not just Israel not just his physically chosen people but everyone and he says here in his resting place this kingdom will be one of glory over in chapter 32 verse 15 these will come about because of God's Spirit in people as well as spirit beings until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field what would be considered wilderness which is just kind of open land then Oh produce there necessarily just a little bit wild territory he says the wilderness becomes a fruitful field producing bounty a prosperous world his mr. Weston mentioned last night we had this chance of using more money than we would normally spend in eight or ten days we're a little more carefree about what we buy what we eat hopefully not misusing it as he mentioned but we have plenty we get to picture a time of Plenty but their fruitful field what would normally be plowed and and farmed is going to be like a forest it'll be so productive it'll be like a forest lots of things resulting from God's Way of life good things then justice will dwell in the wilderness and righteousness remain in the fruitful field everywhere God's Way of life will permeate everything and everyone the work of righteousness will be peace that's the result that's the goal and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever who in here doesn't lock their door at night who doesn't lock their car that's too bad who doesn't lock their car when we were you know if you leave your keys in the car you're held accountable for your scar being stolen now that the old saying is locks are for honest people because if someone really wants in your house you know they want your car even if it's locked they can figure that out just to keep out is to reduce the temptation is why we have locks but it's also to give us a little bit of peace of mind now we the close the venetian blinds we draw the we draw the curtains turn out all the lights lock all the doors and i have known some people who go around its periodic know each day to make sure all the windows are locked they know they're locked but didn't want to check them one more time because we don't live in a peaceful world we don't live in a safe place as i've mentioned any introduction there are things we as Americans no longer do because it is a violent dangerous world God's kingdom will be quite different verse 18 says my people will dwell in a peaceful habitation in secure dwellings and in quiet resting places truly able to go to sleep at night with no fear fear is a horrible thing and any one of us that had moments of fear whether it be an approaching car accident or a dangerous circumstance you know there is such a thing as trauma and affects our minds and we sometimes dream about those things that happen to us we doing about them at night the recurring as we go through our the rest of our lives bad things can happen to us and it does affect us but God says in his kingdom there won't be any of those things because Christ is going to bring a different government he's going to bring the devil month will produce an entirely different world over in chapter 33 verses 20 through 22 it says look upon Zion the city of our appointed feasts look upon us right here we're celebrating one of God's appointed feasts and hopefully we're praying that God will do this for us even as we gather together here and as we go to and from our services and we go from home to come and as we go from here go back to home he's watching over us we're celebrating one of his appointed feast your eyes will see Jerusalem a quiet home that he will give us those things even right now did we celebrate the Feast a tabernacle that will not be taken down not one of its takes will ever be removed it's going to be a permanent Kingdom nor any of its cords to be broken but there the majestic Lord the majesty of God majesty of Christ we read some of the description in Revelation but it's still it it's sort of mind-boggling to think about what the throne of God will be like to see it what will be like when Christ rules from Jerusalem but there the majestic Lord will be for us a place abroad rivers and streams in which no galley with Thor shall sail nor majestic ships passed by this would be a place of peace of harmony for the Lord is our judge the Lord is our lawgiver and the Lord is our king he will save us he's going to save mankind watch over us all of this these things that we've just described here in God's God's kingdom that Jesus Christ will establish and use us to build to rule to serve and mercy and certain concern for all of its inhabitants it's going to generate something for people to do they will do this we do this for at least on three or four times each service but this kind of society this kind of world is going to produce song let's turn over to Isaiah 26 turn back to Isaiah 26 the first four verses will read it I'm gonna read the entire chapter these I think these first four verses are the most relevant for right now chapter and verse 1 and that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah we have a strong City God will appoint salvation for walls and bulwarks salvation he won't have to put up walls for defense people will be dwelling in safety in peace we have a strong City God will appoint salvation for walls and bulwarks open the gates that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in a righteous nation because the people are righteous because they're obeying God's laws you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you trust in the Lord forever for Jehovah or he says here yah but that means Jehovah the Lord is ever lasting strength people will sing in their praises for God what God is doing for their their world their society their their cities their farms their jobs their homes their families their children they'll rejoice the song service is a very important part of God's service and usually the song leader talks about praising God those songs have purpose we should not sing them just by rote we should also think about what we are singing the words that are there and not get lost in the just the harmony they should be beautiful and they are but the words it should be inspiring the words should tell us rehearse in their minds syndra's got music if you try to memorize certain things just them in heartbeat it's not hard to memorize a song do you ever thought about that memorize the work is set to music he just says this has this effect on you and we can sing these words and these things sink into our minds and our brains God is going to he tells us that people will sing and praise him because of the world he has established through Christ and through us hid beckon isaiah 12 i think this is literal and that day there's going to be a song now i don't know what they're going to use those exact words but there's going to be a song here it's find here in isaiah 12 the entire chapter of 6 verses will read it but this is a psalm of thanksgiving that is as a millennial setting and then that day you will say old lord i will praise you though you were angry with me your anger has turned away and you can comfort me behold god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid for jehovah the Lord is my strength and song he also has become my salvation therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation we hope that's a metaphoric expression that we're going to gain understanding we're going to be pulling from God's family the people that are there be pulling from God Jesus Christ and his in the Saints this understanding that will produce salvation in their lives and then that day you will say praise the Lord call upon his name declare his deeds among the peoples and make mention that his name is exalted singing to the eternal for he has done excellent things this is known in all the earth everywhere people will know Jesus Christ and his family cry out and shout Oh what happened to Zion for great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst Christ will literally be here with his people we will be there with the world and having a chance to teach them and it's going to produce the joy that will result in Psalm remembering God's Way of life and what he has done for us and then lastly in closing let's turn back to chapter 9 as a 9 we'll just read part of this chapter maybe some of the most beautiful verses in all of God's Word it's all wonderful but this is a wonderful chapter but verse 2 it says the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light that's huge brethren we should all and hopefully we can think back and look back when God first began to open our minds and deal with us when the scales sort of again to kind of fall off little by little and the kind of fervor the kind of exuberance that we experienced in understanding what God was doing with mankind we have a chance to become part of the family of God we get the chance to administer his government these are the people who walked in darkness you and I wandered around in darkness and we know not think about it big dark now I just struggled a little bit reading this but I have reading glasses I didn't take a directory moved and that's a little bit like walking in darkness you know the doctor said on a scale to wonderful ten your left eyes of 14 so you know that that was the first one taking off and it suddenly is a bright new world the skies blue the clouds are really white they're not all pale gray people who walked in darkness spiritually there was a time you and I did that we didn't understand fully God's Way of life but they have seen a great light having the truth of God unveiled to us as we should not be very careful it talks about not lose this first love not lose the excitement of knowing God's Way of life and we celebrate these days and you and I know we're not going to you're not gonna hear anything new this year we're going to hear the same thing mr. Armstrong was never embarrassed by starting his sermons by saying why are we here and every holy day had a particular meaning in rehearsed that meaning year by year by year and for eight days we're going to hear pretty much this said differently different themes maybe they're different in the sermons we're going to hear the same thing about God's kingdom and I'm sure before this is all said and done and this first sermon is sort of but I think it's sort of a a framework hopefully of what's to come but you're going to hear some of these same scriptures probably in the next seven days in this afternoon we have seen a great light Jesus Christ's truth and his kingdom hopefully we on pre she ate this and think about that verse 6 for unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and the government it's all about government the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father and I won't turn there but there is a verse in the Bible where it talks about over it it says that I will I am a father to Israel referring to the God of the Old Testament Jesus Christ it was like being a father to Israel the everlasting father now some of us perhaps have had big brothers that were like father's took care of us watched over us defended us at times perhaps the Christ says here a picture we're going to be an everlasting father someone that cares for the world just as God the Father does but he's also the Prince of Peace that verse by the ways in Jeremiah 31 9 where it says the Christ is a father to Israel and then the increase of his government and peace there will be no end I thought about this and that I understand that the increase of his government there'd be no end going to be growing through the Millennium he's go on through eternity but the increase of his peace have peace no is there more peace the increase of that peace and I just think it's directly related to the fact that the kingdom of God will keep expanding and then that's it will always be peaceful everywhere that God's government is administered will be one area of peace there will be no end upon the throne of David and over his kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward even forever the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this the reality of God's kingdom it is promised it will come you and I have been called to share in it as we celebrate this first holy day of the Feast of Tabernacles hopefully we will meditate on this think about the great privilege that we have been given the calling that God is extended to one of us again we have the spirit of promise we've been begotten with God's Spirit it's a guarantee that you and I can share in the reality of God's kingdom when Jesus Christ returns
Channel: Living Church of God
Views: 3,017
Rating: 4.9550562 out of 5
Keywords: prophecy, kingdom, god, millennium
Id: lfeJEVCKkU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 46sec (4366 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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