the reality of searching for a job in tech as a ux designer

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I'm about to get on an interview with a hiring manager I don't know if I'm gonna find out anything today yes I'm scared [Music] thank you hello so I'm supposed to find out today if I passed the interview with the hiring manager and they're three hours ahead of me so I would think I would know by now I keep checking my phone I keep refreshing it but I haven't heard anything yet and it's just this like ugh foreign I'm very anxious I don't know if I'm gonna find out anything today like I have my hopes that I will before the weekend because like it can be kind of agonizing sometimes and like we all know it's like not personal like this is strictly based off of like your work performance and whether or not you can get the job done but for some reason it's so easy to make it feel like everything that I'm good at is all of a sudden being criticized under a microscope it's just such a weird feeling I don't really believe in coincidences that much and I feel like if it's meant to be then it will be and if not then I'll just move on and there's got to be something else out there but it's definitely like a very vulnerable position I find myself in especially when I've been kind of on like a confidence kick lately it's really easy for this to kind of beat you back down thank you [Music] so much all right check in one more time nope still nothing yet love how I'm like trying to wait as long as I possibly can in between times I check my phone because I really I don't know I can't be checking it for five minutes I really don't think it's gonna come in today when it's something that you want like so badly and like you've already felt like you worked hard for it's just that much harder to wait for it [Music] and please somebody I'm not gonna lie I'm spiraling a bit because I don't know if they really liked you they would want to act fast and try and get something on the books next week but I'm convinced since I'm not a top candidate they're probably just gonna send me some automated like rejection email next week and they've probably already booked interviews for top candidates next week this is the kind of stuff that your mind can do it can start playing tricks on you um in that case I think I'm gonna sign off for now and maybe I'll turn this on if I hear anything but fingers crossed you guys wish me luck it is currently Monday morning I just checked my email and I still don't see anything yet um so today is going to be another day of waiting okay hello from I would like to set up a time to speak with you to learn more about your experience and goals to share additional details regarded for our design role yes so this is it the email is waiting for because I am like further in an interview process with like it's always nice to have something else just like kind of keep my confidence up because it was feeling a little discouraging for a little bit which is very normal in this process but yeah um a swag box for the summer celebration thing and I tried the butter cake the ooey gooey butter cake almost died I should go get it out of the trash can foreign we had two companies in the running one where I just spoke with the hiring manager and one where I got an email from a recruiter that time I got another company that reached out for a phone interview so now we have three roles I can't believe people love me yeah so I just got off the phone interview with those two companies so I'm feeling really grateful I really didn't think that I guess I didn't think the market was going to be this great um given the situation right now with this potential recession and like Tech layoffs all over LinkedIn I have a long road ahead of me I'm not celebrating at all just yet but it is really crazy how one day you can feel like a piece of turd just waiting on someone and then now you're feeling like oh my gosh like I actually have options [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I sent a follow-up email to the recruiter yesterday and I just saw something come in I have not seen the subject line or anything yet I'm like out of breath I'm very nervous okay I'm moving on oh my God this is I mean I just read the first line which is literally I know you did a lot of great prep for your hiring manager discussion and it paid off I'm scared so I'm about to get on an interview with a hiring manager for an hour I always like to kind of set up like 30 minutes before get all of like my questions in order I always hop on Zoom too to make sure I can share my screen and that my audio is working and do whatever I need to the background due to the background because like I like to do like a virtual background or a blur pretty nervous but also like this is starting to become a lot more familiar yeah I mean like it's only natural to feel nervous especially like if you care and you really want the job so um but yeah I'm just gonna get it all I got and you know just show my work I know I'm a good designer here's some affirmations maybe you're a good designer you know what you're doing you're gonna do a great job just be yourself okay I just grabbed my camera real quick because I open my email and I saw some stuff come in okay false alarm nothing crazy just scheduling the next interview for so I want to know what it is so it's gonna be Tuesday at 8 45 a.m to 2 p.m oh my gosh okay wait 8 45 to 2 p.m is that not 8 45 wait okay it kind of starts at night so nine to ten and then one two that's like five hours that's not even like a half day that's like literally a full day this is I mean I mean hold on though it is better than going into an office sweating my pits off like trying to stuff a like homemade sandwich that I made in between why am I thinking about food right now all right it's gonna be okay I'm just getting nervous keep wishing me love I look very not great right now because I am deep in a workflow but I am um working on my portfolio and I'm just checking my emails and scheduling more interviews but of course when it rains it pours and I just got an email for a phone interview with a pretty big well-known company very excited to be interviewing with I swear my brain is like scrambled like I this time around I would probably do better at interviewing and I might have more opportunities than I did like two or three years ago but this is insane I'm just shocked that they're still like coming and I stop I stopped applying like weeks ago because I really didn't wanted to interfere with these interviews so incredibly grateful but if not I'm gonna turn into a job offer I'm gonna lose my cool oh
Channel: mimi michi
Views: 16,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ux design, ux, user experinece, ux career, product designer, day in the life of a ux designer, tech jobs, how to get into tech
Id: n2Qf3OVS4eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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