The Reality of Migrating to Australia

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i'm a bit nervous about making this video because i'm going to be talking about all the challenges that i faced as a migrant here in australia so if you're interested keep watching so if you've seen all my other videos i regard australia as an amazing place to migrate i made the decision to come to australia when i was 21 years old i came to study i did my bachelor's degree in psychological science and human resource management and then with my partner at the time we got the permanent residency and australian citizenship that was after four years of having lived here and yeah it's been already almost over seven years australia as i said is an amazing country but of course being a migrant is not easy and not only in australia but i think in any other place in the world and this is well documented on research actually you have different stages as a migrant i'm going to show you a little graph that reflects this very very accurately this little graph is from new zealand migration but i've seen it in many journal articles as well on migration and the challenges of migrating to another country and i really like it because it's very accurate this is called the sediment curve you'll see that before arriving and once you arrive at the beginning you're super excited about moving and having this new life as time goes by and you start settling in you may have a bad experience it could be anything and you're going to have this feeling that you're not really sure if you want to stay this could be for many reasons you may find that you're struggling to adapt to the culture or perhaps you're missing your family and friends and i have another video on that specifically but yeah the first year it wasn't easy at all and i super relate to this making friends was a challenge and you have to put a lot of effort and be super proactive but yeah i was missing my family a lot they were on the other side of the world or everyone my parents my siblings and i was 21 years old so it was pretty hard yeah you're going to have this feeling of sometimes loneliness so i'm feeling a bit homesick because if something happens where do you go to right so making friends and making a community super super super important and i highly recommend putting a lot of effort on that because that's one of the greatest challenges i think that i had to experience personally as a migrant okay and then we keep seeing this curve the sediment curve you're almost getting settled it's been over a year now so as you can see the angry face you fight against the bad feelings and decide to make the most of the opportunities here so you're angry you're frustrated but you want to keep going if you immigrated to another country first i congratulate you because it's a huge huge challenge it's a huge adventure and it takes a specific personality a specific kind of person to make this amazing move so i'm sure that you are going to keep fighting and keep going and basically this settlement curve reflects that right and then yeah some goes by and you start building your community and you settle then you feel more comfortable with the language you've found a job you have a steady income you're going to start feeling more relaxed and you're going to start feeling distance of belonging so yeah i i really love this sediment curve because it basically represents that i have another video on australian culture and i really like one of the comments from an australian that he says australia is a great country but it's not paradise and of course there's no perfect country right your first month here you're going to be taking photos and behaving like a tourist and you're going to love it but then when it comes to finding a job you might get a bit more difficult and that was my experience there's of course a lot of hype in terms of finding a job in australia there are many jobs available and yeah it is true they do have skills shortages and they do need migrants to grow the economy that's a fact and very well documented finding any dove especially at lower skill levels it's very easy that's true but getting a professional job is competitive that requires a lot of time and effort i studied my degree here i had a bit of experience in human resources back then in recruitment as well but i basically had to start from zero so i volunteered i volunteered in human resources so basically i was working for free and i also volunteered for a non-for-profit helping migrants with their english and applying for jobs and that's why i'm making these videos basically because it's something that i'm very very passionate about i did this while i was studying so when i graduated i was able to get a professional job and another point that i want to make about working here and finding a job is that i see many migrants who are super qualified people who have phds and they're so afraid of applying for professional jobs or they get so discouraged that they don't keep going and they end up working in jobs that they don't like so my advice is just keep going but as i said you'll have to make an effort and it's not easy but you have to keep going just work on your resume work on your color later you really need to focus on that if you have the right qualifications and work experience or if you don't have much work experience just volunteer as i said volunteer your time for free at least for a little while and you'll get those local references and that will make your life so so much easier i highly recommend doing that but just keep going don't settle keep going keep motivated another challenge that i had being a non-native um english speaker is that i was feeling very self-conscious about my accent at the beginning i would basically shy away from getting to know people because yeah i was just feeling self-conscious the australian accent as well is also pretty strong and that's not something that i was used to i was used to watching american tv shows so i was very used to the american accent but when i came here i remember when i went to the supermarket for the first time the cashier asked me and i cash out any cash out and i cash out i just couldn't understand and i felt so embarrassed and yeah it took a while to get used to the australian accent and now my partner he's australian so it's very easy and i've gotten used to it so that's something that perhaps you'll face perhaps not i hope not because it's not nice but yeah that's another challenge that i had another thing that i struggled with or something that i wasn't a super fan of is like how expensive it is to study here i was fortunate enough to get a scholarship and get credit for prior learning which means that i was able to shorten the duration of my studies but studying here as an international student it's not super accessible for everyone so in that sense i feel super grateful for having been able to have that experience at the same time i do feel that there is a return on investment so once you graduate and you start working here salaries are pretty high the quality of your life will be amazing and another thing that i struggle with is that it's this is not like in europe where you can just walk anywhere or take a train and be in another country you need a car for absolutely everything here unless you live in the city and that's why i always lived near the city center because i don't want to have a car distances are so huge australia is such a huge country but yeah you do need a car and yeah overall australia is a great country and you're going to love it here and if you're already here let me know how you're going i'm making this video just to let you know that it's going to move to australia or if you're already here and you're struggling to adapt or if you're feeling down or if you're feeling lonely you're feeling a bit demotivated it's completely normal if you want more resources on the migration experience just contact me and yeah i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Living Simply Australia
Views: 307,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Moving to Australia, Life in Australia, Migrating Australia, migration challenges, migrant challenges australia
Id: IlFgNbi7KLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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