5 Reasons NOT to Move to Australia

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i honestly love australia and i feel privileged to call this country my home i love the urban and natural landscapes the weather the love for sports and the outdoors australian music the rich multicultural aspects of society here and most importantly the fact that we have the guinness world record for the world's largest toga party but before i start sounding like too much of a patriotic wanker trying to sell you a travel guide today i wanted to share a few things that don't often get mentioned about australia things that aren't quite as good to be honest i'm not very well traveled and i've still got a lot to learn so for many people this list might sound like complete and they might completely disagree but i've tried my hardest to make it sound both unique and interesting not just the typical stuff like killer snakes and jacked up kangaroos so if you ever are thinking of moving to australia from another country here are five things that you should know before you come so [Music] reason one australians are friendly but not friends on the whole australians are quite nice and friendly people to be honest one of my favorite things about australians is that we love saying hello and chatting to random people on the street [Music] hey mate what what are you up to huh huh that is a really nice leaf blower what it's a kind of good good weather for leaf blowing today you can um you know really get the leaves around and um yeah it's it's perfect who are you actually a polish friend once said to me that australians are friendly but not friends now what he meant by that was that australians are quite nice to new people that they meet but it is actually quite difficult for foreigners to establish deep friendships with australia especially if english is not their first language and to be honest i tend to agree i know many people from europe south america and asia who all tend to say the exact same thing [Music] thanks hot he'd been born here from my observations australians tend to stick to their own clique or their own group which makes it quite difficult for foreigners moving here to make local friends but don't be discouraged because it's definitely possible you might just have to put yourself out there a little bit more reason 2 there's just too many rules australia is a safe country with relatively low crime rates and a good welfare system compared to many other countries but if you're the type of person who doesn't like too many rules in their life then australia probably isn't the right place for you [Music] whoa stop right there riding without a helmet 300 fine 300 dollars [Music] run you jay walking on the red light sir that'll be a 75 fine please 75 that's [Music] excuse me do you have a fishing license sorry officer no i don't fishing without a fishing license that would be a two hundred dollar fine oh two hundred dollars that's ah swearing at an officer you're under arrest mate what no hey hey you often hear many people refer to australia as a nanny state now personally my life is probably too boring and not illegal enough for many of these rules to affect me too much but it definitely is an issue that starts a lot of very heated debates here reason three slow internet speeds for a country that invented wi-fi australia has pretty internet speeds i often have thai people tell me that oh t hostelian netkochana and that's probably true when you compare a lot of countries to australia but to be honest unless you're trying to run a supercomputer using your home wi-fi then i don't think it's a good enough reason not to move to australia reason 4 tall poppy syndrome originally i was not going to include this point but screw it i think it's really interesting and probably relevant to more countries than just australia a phrase that often gets used in australia and new zealand is tall poppy syndrome which refers to the cultural phenomenon of people attacking those who are perceived to be better than the norm or cutting down the tall poppy now on one hand it can be considered quite a good thing because it can instill a sense of equality and humility within the population such that political leaders sports stars and media personalities are not glorified or considered untouchable which seems to be a little bit more prevalent in a country like the united states but to be honest this culture of always being the underdog can hold people back especially those who lack a little bit of confidence now recently i was watching the olympics and i noticed a lot of these types of ads these dreams we have be they big all bold are within our reach reach out take hold ours is the world if we truly believe now obviously these ads are used for marketing purposes but the reality is australia from what i've observed doesn't have a very good culture of starting things putting yourself out there or innovation generally especially amongst young people and that might be because as a general population we tend to look at people with new ideas and bring them down rather than support them in fact a study of 2 000 australians in 2018 showed that 53 percent of people have seriously considered starting their own business or side hustle but are yet to realize their ambition and 68 believed australians had a negative attitude towards ambition to be honest though i'm not sure how much this attitude would affect foreigners who wanted to move to australia and a lot of the people i've met through doing thai talk completely buck this trend i think you're a lovely story of someone who tried really hard and worked their ass off and finally reason five it's far away this reason is really obvious and makes me sound like i've run out of ideas it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that australia is very isolated and a long way away so if you do plan on coming here depending on where you're coming from it might be an expensive and long trip home also don't expect any cheap short trips to new interesting and romantic countries every weekend because new zealand is the closest country and that's a three-hour flight away but that's not an issue because there are plenty of amazing and interesting places to explore in australia like the big banana the big prawn and the big marina anyway guys i hope you enjoyed this video and i'm sure the tourism authority of australia will start sending me hate mail i know this video doesn't have anything to do with thailand but i really enjoyed making it and i hope you enjoyed watching it so until next time i will see you guys very soon alright sweet yeah we're rolling sorry ah no way that's too much
Channel: Thai Talk with Paddy
Views: 219,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Sydney, Thailand, Culture, Language, Opinions, Speak Thai, Speak English, Paddy, Jenkins, Thai Talk, Farang speaking Thai, Blondie in China, Abroad in Japan, Joey the Anime Man, gigguk, Retired Working For You, พูดไทยได้ไหม, ฝรั่งพูดไทยได้, ชอบวัฒนธรรมไทย, เที่ยวไทย, เที่ยวออสเตรเลีย, บ้านคนไทยในซิดนีย์, ออสเตรเลีย, พูดไทยมานานไหม, Thailand Foundation, Australia and Thailand
Id: 2y7357X5M1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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