DSA & ₹1.2 Crore Per Annum Jobs - The Truth? (No Offence)

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Are you ready to watch 100 hours of content? And many people sell, so there is a problem in that too. You all know that jobs are less. These days, whatever you get, even if you get a job, it is a big deal. Let me tell you the name of an influencer. In this video, I will tell you that should you learn DSA? If you want a job, then how much DSA should you learn? Should you do web development or Android development except DSA? What should be your overall strategy if you want to be successful in coding? Now why is DSA important? I want to come to this basic question. In the olden days, what used to happen is that the computer was very limited and very expensive. Like this is a laptop. Now if I want to run a program on it at scale, then I can do it on this laptop. Nowadays 16GB RAM is very common, GPUs are very common. At that time, all these things did not happen. So data structures and algorithms were taught very deeply. We have to save the compute time of every second. We have to save the storage of every kp. Because all these things were translated in many ways. The storage that we talk about today, in a small card, 250 GB comes, a TV also comes, in fact, that didn't happen. We are coming from that time till now and data structure and algorithms have not changed at all. I will say that data structure and algorithms, I am telling you in a very summary, it is important, but the more importance is given. I have seen some people in their life who have only done data structure, algorithms and lead code. Ask them what is the basic of HTML, CSS, JavaScript? How does this website work? They don't even know that. They say that I will solve it by giving a question. I will make a question. They become themselves in the process of making a question. Is DSA important? Is it not important? It is important. How much DSA should be done? Whether to do it or not, this video will be clear to you in this video. Let's see. Why do we have to do DSA you should do and how much you should not do So why we should do DSA? So that we can save our time So that we can correct the complexity of any algorithm So that we can do more work in less time So that we can efficiently use the computer This is the overall topic of DSA Why you should learn DSA Sometimes your website or app scales in billions of users So if you save 1ms, you saved a lot of time. And its impact is relatively very less. Now you do DSA or development. If you put all your energy in DSA and development, both are time consuming. It will take time and you will have to work hard. So I will tell you what your strategy should be. And if you have decided that you don't want to do DSA, then will you get a job or not? I will tell you that too. There are many people who have never done DSA in their life. There are many people who have worked for 5-10 years. After that, they want to learn DSA to get a good job. Some people say that they are in school, so they want to do DSA or not. Some people say that they are a web developer, so they want to do DSA or not. I will answer all of them one by one. First of all, you have to do DSA. Yes, without any exception, if you are a developer, DSA is a must. I am saying a big thing. Let me explain what not to do. Don't go so deep in DSA. You have read the arrays and strings. The playlist I made is more than enough. Even after that, I get questions like why didn't you tell me this? You didn't tell me this special case of AVL tree. So, you can do it yourself. And the second thing is that the things I have told you are asked the most in the industry. And apart from that, if you are asked from you, then it will be its application. If you are spending so much time in DSA, then you will be left behind somewhere. If you are putting your focus at one place, then it is coming at the cost of something else that you could have potentially learned. Okay, so you have to remember this. So do DSA, do basic basic, do so much that you understand why we do it, what is time complexity, what is big O and square, what is login. Tell me where was the problem when people give their whole life to DSA So when will you use DSA? You will use DSA, you will use priority queues Suppose you are designing database Suppose you are working on a product like SQL Then you will have to learn DSA Then you will have to go deep into queues But for the general public, going deep into queues is not worth it And I am giving this statement very carefully Yes, knowing the basics is a very good thing But going deep into queues can is not worth it. I will say this. And I am giving this statement very clearly. Yes, knowing the basics is a good thing. But going deep into the Q's can be very difficult. Because your time will go by and you won't be able to learn good things. Now if you work in a YouTube team or any other video streaming service team where video processing is done, then you will have to study priority Q's. There are many types of Q's in that as well. If you are writing a backend where you have to scale a lot, That means you have millions and billions of users, Then you have to write everything carefully. Because whatever is happening in your backend, It is not happening for one user, it is not happening for 100, it is happening for 1 billion. So there will be money left. But should the common people learn DSA? I will say yes, but it is necessary to go in that much detail. So what is the condition of DSA in 2024? What should you do? What should be the strategy? Do basic DSA Do so many DSAs that if someone asks you if DSA is available or not You should say yes I have seen in many interviews that When you are asked how much DSA you know, you tell yourself And when you will be asked this question And you will tell that I know this and that So you become a good package overall So I will say learn so much DSA in 2024 If someone asks you how much DSA you know When you will tell how much DSA you know Then you will feel that in 2024, you will learn so much DSA that if someone asks you how much DSA you know, then when you tell them how much you know, they will feel that yes, this person knows DSA. And they know it very well. Actually, I see that DSA courses are made for 63 hours. Who will watch a course for 63 hours? I have seen one course that was also for 150 hours. And many people sell this course. I am not against course selling. But I am just saying that if you are doing DSA for a year or 6 months, then there is a problem. Because in 2024, there was a recession. You all know that there are fewer jobs. If you get a job, it is a big deal. And your talent is not being taken into account. The situation is such that there is no job. Ask anyone in the market. I talk to people on a daily basis who are in tech and in different fields. And in all fields, fields on a daily basis. Some companies keep their old procedures in check. They keep the DSA questions in their rounds of interviews in check. They say that they won't change it. Maybe they will ask you about some rounds of their new technologies like React. If it is a company related to web development. So, they will ask you about React. But the DSA factor is constant. You have to do the questions you have to solve. In this case, it is important for you to get DSA. react but the DSA factor is constant. You have to solve the questions. So in this case, you have to know DSA. So learn DSA. Learn it so much that you know what are the arrays and how to sort them. Qs basics, trees basics. It's very basic and easy. You will see my playlist of algorithms. I am telling you that I have studied more than enough. I have studied more but not less. So I say that DSA will make your playlist complete. But everything is sold in the market. And you will be sold. And after 20 years, you will be sold things that are not relevant. You can go to Udemy and see. People also buy the course of jQuery. There are reviews in it. People are happy with it. They are also making websites with it. But you and I both know what technology jQuery is. It's been a long time that everything is done in vanilla JavaScript using React. So some people have a job to sell the course.cript Some people work hard to sell their course and their business Shouldn't you buy their courses? If they are providing value, you can buy it I'll tell you the name of an influencer Take Raju, an hypothetical influencer Who did DSA in his life He is an expert in DSA Why not he will make and sell you a DSA course Now you see whether you need DSA or not Do you want that or not He is telling you to buy my course and learn DSA You will make it and sell you a DSA course. Now you see whether you need DSA or not. He is asking you to buy my course and learn DSA. But is there a demand for DSA in the market or not? Ask yourself the question. Are you ready to watch 100 hours of content? And then you have to grasp it. Now I tell you about the expectations of big companies like MANG. They will ask you about DSA. But they ask you very basic questions. They ask you about your DSA But they will ask you very basic questions They will never ask you a special question Like why this and that They will give you a problem in hand That this is it, solve it And sometimes if you are giving an interview for web development role Then your DSA is still raw and your development is very good So people are getting hired And in startups, DSA is not being asked I am telling you this from experience, data I am telling you this by talking, data, and talking to people. I am not saying this in air. So those people will ask you only that thing by which you can build their product. Take their startup forward. The technology you will learn and work in actual 9 to 5, they will ask. How much will you learn in DSA? Are there companies? Are you working in MySQL, Mongo, or Core Team? Will you use those things? But removing all these exceptions, let me talk about the general thing development is happening in most of the startups react is being used, next.js is being used all these technologies are also important if you know development well, you are good at projects you will get hired in a startup nowadays people run behind like a government job in a bank company that I just want to be in a bank, I have to enter, my life is set and for that I have to become the king of DSA, so I am ready to become if I have to do DSA in life then I will do it too They think like this The package of 1 crore has become very famous Go to the US and get the package of 1 crore Life is set But the package of 1 crore there I am telling you very shortly It is a package of 20-25 lakhs Why? You will stay there You will rent an apartment Then there will be expenses When I was in the US We used to bring coffee A coffee of 10 dollars I used to add that it will be 700 rupees when it was $70. But I didn't drink coffee, we used to drink and enjoy. When you are living that lifestyle, you don't think about the expenses. Your savings are the same which you are saving in 20-25 lakhs. So leave that 1 crore package behind. This is called purchasing power parity. If you are getting a burger for 70 rupees here. If you are getting the same burger for $10-15, then you will have to scale down the package accordingly. So, the price of the burger will be the same as the salary package. So, the package of Rs 1 crore will be around Rs 20-25 lakhs. And then you will feel happy there. You will feel happy there. After a while, you will feel happy here. Even, I remember the 5th chapter of Tapani. DSA is important for logic building, DSA is important for writing efficient code, DSA is important for writing code on scale efficiently. But development is another thing. You have to explore that field too. Only then you can build products. Can you get a job without DSA? It will be difficult without DSA. Can you get a job with DSA? Yes, you can. Modern developers are out of business job without DSA? without DSA it will be difficult can you get a job with a small amount of DSA? yes you can the modern developers are on a daily basis without DSA at one time DSA was based on hiring now it is not because now your actual skills are checked what you are going to do there is checked if you are expecting to work in your job that you will write code in excel or bba or you will write in python pandas it doesn't matter whether you know DSA or not they will ask you to know your basic understanding and don't ever write DSA in your resume if you don't know anything then they will ask you they will ask you if you know DSA or not tell them the priority queue if you can't tell them then they will ask you to write reactbs if you don't know reactbs then don't ever do this mistake just write as much as you know don't shine more in your resume If you get a react vs, you won't get a react. Don't make this mistake. Just write as much as you know. Don't get too much into it. People say that DSA is more than a package. You can get a package of 40-50 lakhs in India. It's very difficult. I shouldn't say unrealistic. Be motivated. But getting a mask is unrealistic. You can enter such companies using DSA. because their old procedure is coming while following DSA. But if you want to be relevant in the industry, if you want to make yourself resilient, If you were fired from here, then you can go here. If you only know DSA and you were hired from there, then you will be fired from one company and you will be laid off from there. Which is happening, you have seen it. Then you can switch to another company. Why can you do it? Because you know development. If you don't know development,, it will be difficult for you. You will say that you were in Google and now you have to do something. Now you will have one thing in your destiny, Ex-Googler. That's it. So it is better that you know all the things that you enjoy. And you are in a company and you are not happy in that company. You switched because of XYZ reason. And now it is very important to do this. Because we are seeing what seeing the condition of the industry we are seeing the layoffs in such a short time, we are getting emails from big developers from 15 years they log in in Google and we are replacing them with AI when all these things are happening, then to make yourself resilient, you have to give up DSA to some extent and the things on which AI is working,, machine learning and many other things are working, you have to focus on those things. So don't spend so much time on DSA because that focus will break. So how much DSA is needed? Only this much DSA is needed to make a basic logic, to make you a good coder. This should also not happen that we don't know what DSA is, what is the form of DSA, you have to keep all these things in mind. And you are going to be very successful if you keep these things in mind. There will always be something that you enjoy. Like I enjoy React a lot. I feel like I am making something or the other. I made this component in XJS, I did this, I did that. If any solution comes to my mind that we can do this with React. I keep thinking about it. Maybe you think about data science or AI. That this model of whisper has come. Why don't I make this? So if that thing is intriguing you can pursue it DSA is like a book topic And like a topic which you hate But you still read it and remember the answer in English If you read like that you won't enjoy it So do so much DSA that you understand the basics Arrays, strings, pick up my DSA playlist There are all the topics in it, you can do that And after that pursue your interest So don't run blindly after DSA Ask yourself how repeatable is that thing Can you get it? Is it repeatable? If not, then do something that is repeatable And do something more important than that which you enjoy With that said, I hope you enjoyed this video And your doubts are cleared I'll see you next time. Thank you so much guys for watching this video and I will see you next time
Channel: CodeWithHarry
Views: 552,466
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Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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