The realities of dark places. #deliverancemeeting #spells #spiritualawakening #altar #darksouls

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Rihanna [Music] [Music] all right oh yeah [Music] [Music] what happened [Applause] [Music] [Music] and he showed me [Music] oh yeah [Music] I'll be sure [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord somebody shout hallelujah welcome to another edition of Royal hour it shall not be terminal one I decree Define judgment on any power of person Liberty to spoil your life I pray the hand of the law we block those who are looking for opportunity to hurt your life or your interest in the name of Jesus Christ I decree today that Lord shall waste everyone those who are seeking to waste your life and the name of Jesus Christ Powers protecting your battles from dying shall be uprooted today [Music] and your joy shall offer flow in Jesus Christ of Philly name amen shall we pray my most gracious heavenly father I thank you for my viewers and listeners this morning thank you for the miracle of sleeping and waking up thank you for another opportunity to learn a thy feet in this broadcast again this morning Minister to your people let your work go forth like guided Messiah like Bible Arrow reaching his course having feedback of science wonders and miracles Direction healings Deliverance lay your good hand upon your people you take all the glory leave us with the blessings and let shame be to our enemies in the name of Jesus Christ lay your good hand upon your people turn again their captive features in Jesus Christ of Philly name I decree amen praise the Lord when I'm brethren it is my great pleasure to be with us again this morning and I'll be sharing with us on the subject caption the realities of Dark Places the realities of that places there are lots going on in the spiritual realm that many of us could realize scripture comes from Psalm chapter 74 verse 20. God's word says have respect to the Covenant Africa for the Covenant you may with Abraham for the dark places of the land There Are Places of the Earth are full of habitations of violence cruelties cruelties but today every root of Cruelty in anyone's life under the sound of my voice today shall be violently rooted out in the name of Jesus Christ Madam brethren if you don't have a key to your room you can struggle before your own door but when you have the key when you add the key you can even afford to misbehave before the door you could turn your back hand and unlock the door because you have the key I pray that key for triumphant living that key for Destiny fulfillment that kid that will beautify your life Advance your career May the Holy Ghost deliver to you in this broadcast this morning in the name of Jesus Christ May the Allah open your eyes to that next thing to do in Jesus mighty name when the root of a tree is dead the three most as of necessity comes down and today every foundational trouble in your life shall be over that of your children whatever the enemy has won you will never have you we have it so God's word recognizes importance of foundation if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do and that spot of life which state to transition in this place describe as dark places message does not exist men and brethren please listen to me well the place God's word described as Dark Places Mercy does not exist nothing like family members friendship is healing to their operations it is a cruel places we have had friends learning his friends to go and sacrifice we have heard situation whereby A man sacrifice his wife and vice versa once upon a time when a place having one of our sons in the Lord just got married and there was a young lady you were schoolmate in the University they used to share things together in terms of assignment and all that so he had in mind that the guy will propose to her one day and the guy was not having such intention to cause a long testimony shot this guy got married then she found that she will see how the wife will bear children the wife got pregnant she filed again and said she will see how the wine put to bed but to the glory of God the wife often put to bed that pleases that place is I've met a woman who was brought in by one of her sisters in the church where we were and because of administration Satan said the baby in our womb belonged to them and you know what the step daughter that she was taken care of like our own was the one that donated the baby now Dark Places what am I saying this relationship does not matter Mercy is alien today in Ezekiel chapter 8 verse you swipe through to 11. God opened the secret of the operation of Darkness to Prophet Hezekiah he was able to identify some of them in that meeting doing things to harm other human being they are human in the day but beast in the night that places I pray that today concerning any of my voice and listeners are there any form of Oppression where the enemy is locking in the Lord will remember the Covenant they will have a covenant for your Liberty and you will come out today may the Lord open your eyes open your spiritual eyes to see the hidden secret that will culminate in your Liberty God will show you the root of that challenge in the name of Jesus Christ one of our sons one day is a a friend Primary School Primary School Pulpit huh gave in TomTom a a type of sweet which was common the market but when she he came home and now gave to the mother that took summer somehow God will not allow the boy to lick the TomTom but when the boy gave his TomTom to the mother it turns to human tongue human tongue human tongue that places we are talking about it has no respect for age limit of social status there are many political office orders that what they are doing is not their ways no word intended doing but manipulation from the Dark Places of the head I pray today by the power and the blood of Jesus Christ every operation of that place is against you and your house or your children wherever they are by the blood of Jesus Christ it shall be scattered in the name of Jesus Christ but glory be to the Lord one of the things God Drew for his own is to show them the operational base of the enemy and what to do he said to David in first Samuel chapter 15 he said fetch a compass behind the more belly trees when you hear a sand on the tree then attack and you shall defeat the enemy at another time Joshua was insulted pretend as if you have been beaten beat a retreat as if you are defeated when they came out say from behind said the city a place I pray once again by the Mandate of Heaven for my viewers and listen at this money the strategy the secret you need to know may the Lord revealed to you the strategy to keep your head above the storms of life may the Holy Ghost reveal to you in the name of Jesus Christ God show us the foundation for our challenges in order to bring us out in order to bring us out remember the woman of Samaria Jesus asked where is your husband where is your husband that was taking her back to the foundation of her struggle in order to help her out the angel asked Jacob what is your name that moment every trouble he had gone through in life could have come to the service like the draws in the good what is your name but a supplanter return as a prince there is somebody watching listen to me this morning that God will turn things down magically in your favor all the friendly enemies around your life shall be exposed and randomly disgraced in the name of Jesus Christ today right now God will visit the foundation of your trouble to bring about Deliverance for you [Music] you agree with me that repairing a foundation is not an easy task ask any building specialist only God can dig deep into our foundation with that causing upset and disruption to our life structural design and today in his Mercy he will do it for us every wrong in our foundation shall be corrected and maintaining the structural desire of our life to beautify and reflect the glory of the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ that child that seems to be a concern on the negative side today that Lord will fix the foundation of that trouble neutralize the operation of that place is turn his life around and you will yet become proud of her you will yet become proud of him in the name of Jesus Christ whatever is being used to represent you on an evil altar shall be withdrawn now in the name of Jesus Christ let me see your three four day man I pray again any Arrow being fired at you from the enemy's operational base shall backfire it shall bear fire he shall bear fire he shall bow fire Jesus Christ today the hand of the lord we shall wake up your boss the boss of your life for your minutes for your destiny and it will locate you in the name of Jesus Christ the base of the enemy is a place of evil plan a place of reenactment of evil soul ties an ancestral link it is a place where the enemy mobilize demons for infection of their afflictings the base it is where they are reading Temptation trials and program errors into people's life in order to be defeated you shall know for victory for us at our house shall not forfeit him I barricade every Wonder part of this program as many as we listen to this message thereafter I barricade everyone's love and that of our children where the fire of the Holy Ghost against incursion of the oppression operators of that places in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ I pray every of the enemies someone needs you to uncensor evil Covenant and emotion I pray the anger of God will locate them to scatter them anger of God will locate them to scatter them every Power every giant of that places so money you some money your children some money your career to that places to a sensual evil Covenant and emotion let the anger of God locate them today to scatter them in the name of Jesus Christ men and Brethren every evil spirit as a base where it operates from taking social form and where it reports to and one of the effective ways to deal with the enemy is to attack his base is base in Modern Warfare when two nations are going to war they try to get to see where is the Armory of the other country that is the first Target Little Wonder most nations of the world pay attention today into development and in keeping their Air Force because when you take over in the year everything on the ground is at your mercy today I pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the fighting Angels We suppress every operation of the power of the year against you and your house Jesus Christ I pray the fighter Angels shall in fail and paralyze the foundational base of every operator of that places against you and your household it shall keep your root in the name of Jesus Christ from today I speak to the power of the wind to become poison and suppressed and deny every flying creature those who project themselves into flying creature to do other evil having your your house has Target today tomorrow and forever at any point in history I pray that today the power of the Year become poison against them the wind the warm wind of the Lord will change course against them and deny them flying opportunity in the name of Jesus Christ every base of the enemy where your matter is being discussed Thunder of Destruction shall visit them now Jesus Christ the apostles in their days understood this mystery God's was an act of chapter four they went back to their own base when opposition arose against their Ministry they went back to the young company went back to their own base and they were able to find your ahead today in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth every base of the enemy shall be polluted by the blood of Jesus Christ so shall it be in Jesus Christ's unfailing name I decree shall we say together my enemies hear the word of the law I command your base to catch fire in the name of Jesus Christ their base on their faces now in Jesus Christ of heavenly name I decree amen why do people consult Dark Places where did we go to inventors number one the desire for power to rule desire for power to rule desire for power to rule Hallelujah they want to be in charge but you have that opportunity in Christ number two to possess magical powers in order to control others in order to control others I've saved people that serve as apprentice to an individual and when the time of the agreement was over that it was giving money money to go and start his own men and Brethren he amounted to nothing because that money that was given to him was from the Dark Places their places I've seen people that will collect money with their hands keep it only to get there the money kept reducing everything and it was the only one living will he be stealing from himself people have been giving money for business that comes to nothing because such money is not from his weight such money is from the Dark Places I pray today every evil money that anyone showing to your business or your career or in put on your hand causing confusion the work of your hand by the power and the blood of Jesus Christ I destroy it neither name of Jesus Christ why do people consult our places to be healed of sickness and affliction however they are unaware that Satan operates primitive trade by batter when he healed you of one he gives you two in return this is one of the reasons why people that Consulting water consultant places for solution to the challenge of their life never get totally free they make sure their head in bondage as they say okay we take away this they will give him another one no one here shall be casualty again Jesus Christ if you are behead captive by the operator of that places today I command your deliverance I command your deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ why do people consult their places number five to get words and riches that most often than not eventually kill them I used to know of a man it was worthy it's counted among the rich men it is communities Hallelujah fleet of cars trucks trucks trailers articulated vehicles big houses but you know that man never entered the car shout hallelujah it will never enter wherever it was going going to his religious house is actually at the checking distances Hallelujah the day that man was told one US is one of his had to look at articulated drugs was driven Away by the driver it was discovered somewhere and they say oh the guy he found a national he went there carry one of his cars man I'm Brethren he never returned it was one way I used to love a man that when never was told that his driver had an accident he will put on white overall I'm not everybody that put on white she died like him I'm only talking about that one I knew white or true enter his car to go and simple at the point of accident it will be the one carry them with blood white to show compassion of every operator of that places these guys has agent of light to torment your life and that of your children by the power and the blood of Jesus Christ I pray they shall be exposed disgrace in the name of Jesus Christ I send the spirit of error upon them they will commit the error of their coven they will commit the end of their altar the Lord will give their altar poison for their food in the name of Jesus Christ just as God took Ezekiel the prophet to the foundation of wickedness of his days I pray that Lord will show you the secrets you need to know that Lord will show you today the secret you need to know you will understand Jesus Christ I used to know a young lady the aunt that brought her up that she considered a mentor a role model whenever she was about to get married and share with her and so can I see the man which was a normal thing especially in African culture that will be the end she was only to get married keeping that woman in the dark I Pray Again by The Power of Resurrection the secrets you need to know may the Lord reveal it to you in the name of Jesus Christ and I stand by the spirit of the Prophet I pray anyone that knowing about your Affairs even the one that willingly you are sharing with you didn't know he was one behind the trouble of your life I pray let your eyes be blind to see your progress let their hairs be dead from Yanni about your life Jesus Christ and I pray for you the courage to share your matter with the enemy of your life may the Lord take it away from you the Courage the ability may you no longer have it to share the challenge of your life sharing your progress with the Enemy that are working against you in the name of Jesus Christ maybe some of us might have had me sharing I had the cousin we grow up together we grow up together we went to school together in the village so we get used to one another in fact people used to think we were twins but I noticed later in life every day he called me it was usually disastrous day but I didn't know in the beginning but at the time it began to pay an attention is this a coincidence when I'm breathing I stop picking his call shout Allelujah and most sovereign something beneficial hand he will just call in the money by my mama and we charge we just charge play but I'm not in slowly bad day I Pray Again by the power and the blood of Jesus Christ every Wonder part of this program the secret you need to know may the Holy Ghost reveal it to you in Jesus Christ's name I pray amen how do you recognize the enemy's base let's share some tips who are us with us number one dreams dreams yes it also give his own dream but when I'm Brethren dream is a spiritual language dream is a spiritual language dreaming of a particular location often may be a pointer to you that there is a base to infeed it becomes recurring recurring when you begin travel visit a place in your dream and you discover is not usually palatable it is time to wage you all this is for those who do you some people pray them say I don't dream what I don't have problem with that but what I know is dream play major role in the breast protection and ultimate fulfillment of Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ shout hallelujah yes I agree Satan also give his own dream but I pray no more defeating your dream dream from the Lord I will show you the secrets you need to know may the Lord bring you into read every other saying abandon your destiny come every evil that places another say abandon your destiny come to us shall be visited with Divine Vengeance today and the name of Jesus Christ number two you may also need to investigate the root of the names you answer it could also be a good source of detecting the enemy base sometimes ago quite some years now there was a young girl staying with one of her sisters so it was noticed any time it was about for her to write examination in the school she will fall heal and she will not be better until after the exams so this particular period She Fell ill again and your sister brought out our home in the course of ministration I simply asked what is the what's your name what's the meaning of the hour just let him prompt you I was just like what's the meaning of this name and now notice that that name was related to one Idol in his mother in her mother's place so we pray along that line then the devil said what is your problem the mother gave out to us gave her to us she belonged to me I prayed today but the power and the blood of Jesus Christ of blessory every food that places every author Lang claim to your life to your destiny May there be visited with vengeance in the name of Jesus Christ I pollute every other by Faith by the blood of Jesus Christ every other laying claim to your life to your destiny every secret causes an enchantment aside against us on our house I pollute that Daughter by the blood of Jesus Christ they will lose their grave in the name of Jesus Christ men and Brethren some people's name have occultic dedication like that young girl names are important to God and also to the devil man I'm Brethren you don't have to be their impression but you can mobilize Angel to get there and approach the operational based on the enemy attacking your life on your destiny every base programming your your future for failure programming your career for failure shall collapse today in the name of Jesus Christ I pray the Thunder of God visit every base of the enemy programming your life programming your ministry for failure in the name of Jesus Christ number three thoughts and Imagination second Corinthians chapter 10 say we should cast it down watch your thoughts when negative thought is coming to you please don't counter touch with thought counter touch with words it's time to speak you don't belong there and every negative imagineer being projected to your mind I put in Junction the blood of Jesus Christ against them number four spiritual investigation can be deployed you may even need to ask questions from your parents elderly people around you about your ancestral occupation their ways of life what does it look like how is this thing observe some things shout hallelujah but I pray that today every connection of the Dark Places somebody watch your listen to me today because you're part of these Brokers it shall be cut off your life begin to have many there are people they will go pure like Rockets oh suddenly it will Plateau before you know it you begin to draw you draw no more your yesterday will no more be better than your today every day will be an improvement upon the other in the name of Jesus Christ how do I deal with the Enemy space remember our topic is the realities of Dark Places how do I deal with that places how do I deal with the operational Base number one be born again this is non-negotiable be a friend of Jesus the Christ be a friend of Jesus Christ the forces we are contending with for you and me we are eternally helpless more experience more powerful but our connection with Christ is what give us upper hand be in Christ does not stop you from enjoying the good things of Life invite is the best place to enjoy good things of life is the best place to be when the enemy gives you anything he has his attachment his demand but in Christ whatever he does is forever number two prayer prayer of inquiry saying EG Lord show me the base of my challenge show me the root of this challenge there are businesses not doing well because there was a dark place assigned against that business it could be the location which has not been dismantled Hallelujah may the Lord give you understanding people move into some houses with abundance but they came out with nothing the foundation is wrong you move to a place don't just stay for granted no matter who left there if maybe it's your pastor that left there you are moving in pray your own prayer you got a lunch to build don't just assume it's an estate land people have been people have built around this area that's your own portion may the Lord give you understanding number two you may need to renounce their Central past break and Central Covenant and bondage consciously that whatever Covenant and was entered on my behalf or my on behalf of my generation turning point in history by the blood of Jesus Christ had enhanced the Covenant number three learn to pray the word of God to your life this is why confessing the scripture is important and Powerful powerful more than two ages old as we used to say we are not yet to try we are here to Triumph we are not here to take science we are here to take over touch Us by Hero thereby correction it doesn't matter which happy somebody may think you are you are intimidating him you are harassing him this is your life this is my life shout Allelujah subsided before Destiny is customized there is no return leg of the Journey of Destiny this one you will fulfill it in the name of Jesus Christ and of course learn to pray in tongues every day and if you are not yet baptizing the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongue you just wake up in the night suddenly one two three ahead those are crucial hours begin to plead the blood of Jesus don't sit by your bed and begin to think why did I wake up why am I not sleeping begin to plead the blood of Jesus how are you pray in tongues one more body learn to barricade your life with the blood of Jesus Christ I step out today taking cover in the blood of Jesus Christ I barricade myself but look at my family my body tell them that my joy is their job with the blood of Jesus Christ against in caution of the enemy and what you have already destroyed enemy will not bring it back to your life many are praying but it seems the enemy is mocking their prayer because the operational base is not yet destroyed today every operational base of powers of Darkness mocking your prayer shall be visited with the Thunder of Vengeance in the name of Jesus Christ the best defense they say is offense destructive Whirlwind we fix it every oppressioner of God places a son against us and our house where issues have been presented on your behalf in the name of Jesus Christ every dark places that they should have been preset on your behalf I pray today destructive one way from the Lord we visit them to scatter them in Jesus Christ song failing name I decree amen heavenly father I thank you for my viewers and listeners this morning the hour has come again this prophetic session oh god of my fathers God of Abraham God of Isaac the Lord God of Israel arise again so I've always been doing standing by knowledge to confirm your world I pray as I agree with my viewers and listeners in prayer of agreement for there is no interest in the word of the spirit let it be that every base of the enemy are lasting their Destiny catch fire let the catch fire let they catch fire let they catch fire let it catch fire let it catch fire in the name of Jesus Christ say with me base of the enemy a son against my life in my place of breath in my place of work U.S hear the word of the law Your Existence is over be scattered in the name of Jesus Christ the hand of the lord we scattered them we scattered them shall we say together satanic Lions intimidating my benefactor and my breakthroughs hear the word of them all the acts of God Cut You Down and the name of Jesus Christ I pray every lion satanic lion running against you their mouth shall be shot in the name of Jesus Christ supervisor strong man at the base at the base of our enemies hear the word of the law we deny you continuous existence in the name of Jesus Christ committee all your coven comedian of your author and turn your sword against yourselves Jesus Christ I pray to the base of Darkness swallowing the virtue of any of my viewers and listeners today by the power and the blood of Jesus Christ I pollute you receive poison for your food in Jesus Christ song felony my decree amen please pray forth your hand towards the screen wherever you are watching listen to me heavenly father I thank you for my voice and listen again this morning I thank you because you hear me always oh god oh lord of my college Jehovah himself I pray breathe upon these hands turn these hands to the rod of healing the road of power the road of Deliverance bless this hand let it become the rod of success the Lord Of Glory the rod of breakthrough in the name of Jesus Christ let his hands become bad to acts of the law in the name of Jesus Christ therefore I Sanctified this answered towards the screen in the name of God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit as this hand touched their home touch the sick let there be healing as he touches their place of work their businesses whatever Goods has become stagnant by the copy of the enemy Let There Be Deliverance a Jesus Christ song failing my decree amen I'd like you to go and rage whatever is that point of contact to your business or your career and make declaration that your business will not stop our stagnation whatever makes you to submit quotation with like others and you are not being selected it's over today go and do Association serves you may the Lord bless you in the name of Jesus Christ I pray every Infamous in anyone's body be healed of that infirmity in the name of Jesus Christ your attackers will begin to attack themselves from now in Jesus Christ of felony my decree amen praise the Lord amen and brethren I want to appreciate you sincerely for being part of this broadcast again please share with friends clients family members acquaintances subordinate employers and employees Let It Go virus share with them I believe they will love it they shall be blessed and they will thank you for it too many things are going in our days people are going through things and things but I believe share this message with them they shall be delivered they will come out of that operation and they'll be forever grateful to you the Lord will bless you I pray that final chapter of your easy shall not be written this year please these workers comes up every Monday and Friday 7 A.M Nigerian time live on Facebook and Instagram I also upload it to my YouTube Channel please visit my YouTube channel like subscribe and share that's so lifting messages they are life-changing the Lord said to me to connect man to Destiny people to purpose to beautify the place of his sanctuary and our family buy this is not a destiny I pray for somebody today this season your beauty your beauty will come out and your joy will for flow till I come your way in another edition of Royal I remain Kingdom by yours for you remain God's Property meet you at the top
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Id: 97kz58jGR9A
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Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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