The Real Worst People in America

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We hope you’re ready because you’re about to  learn who the worst people in America were.   From serial killers who did unspeakable  things to science experiments gone wrong,   you won’t believe what these 20 Americans did. Number 20 on our list is the American  known as the “Merchant of Misery.”   James DeWolf was the head of one of the  largest slave-importing families in America.   Based out of Rhode Island, DeWolf amassed  a huge fortune selling other humans.   Normally we think of slavery as happening in the  southern states during early American history,   however, DeWolf made his fortune by selling slaves  in the northern territories. He was indicted for   murder in 1790 for throwing a sick female slave  overboard on one of his ships, but the charges   were dropped. Anyone who dealt in the slave trade  was a bad person, but making tons of money off of   selling other people without any remorse makes  James DeWolf one of the worst Americans ever. In the 1600’s William Stoughton was the judge  who presided over many of the Salem witch trials.   He was a crazed madman who saw witches around  every corner. He is also the 19th worst   American on our list. Stoughton had no legal  training and was only educated for ministry.   When women in Salem were accused of being  witches, Stoughton presided over the trials.   He had no intention of allowing the women  representation, or witnesses to defend them.   Instead, Stoughton used his nonexistent legal  background to condemn the women on the basis of   what he believed. He sent 19 people to the gallows  to be hung for witchcraft, 14 of which were women.   William Stoughton was the worst fake judge  presiding over fake claims in American history. Sometimes we forget how terrible Americans were  earlier in the country’s history. The atrocities   on other peoples, especially those native to the  land were sometimes unfathomable. John Chivington   is a name you’ve probably never heard before, but  he is number 18 on our list of the worst Americans   for what he did to native peoples. On November  29, 1864 Colonel John Chivington ordered the   massacre of over 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho women,  children, and elderly at Sand Creek, Colorado.   They had already surrendered, but Chivington  ordered his men to take no prisoners, and he   watched as his troops slaughtered the defenseless  indigenous people. And something to keep in mind   as you try to grapple with this terrible  American; he was also an ordained minister. For number 17 we come to an early American  president. Presidents can be polarizing   depending on who they are, and what party  they belong to. However, only one president   did nothing as the United States literally  got ripped apart. James Buhanan idly sat by   as the southern states spread slavery further  west after the Louisiana Purchase and Mexican   War. During his inauguration he vehemently  supported the Dred Scott decision in which   the Supreme Court stated that Congress could not  keep slavery out of newly acquired territories. Buchanan also refused to challenge states that  intended to succeed from the Union. Instead,   he let the situation become more and more out of  control, until finally it was all but inevitable   that the southern states would leave the Union  and civil war would ensue. The really messed   up thing is that he repeatedly claimed history  would remember him fondly as a president who   did the duty given to him by the Constitution.  Unfortunately for Buchanan, history remembers   him as one of the worst presidents of all time. And speaking of the Confederacy, there was one   American who may have been worse than all the rest  during the Civil War. Nathan Bedford Forrest is   number 16 on our list because of the heinous war  crimes he committed during the Civil War. In April   of 1864 an entire garrison of black Union soldiers  surrendered to Forrest’s troops, but rather than   take the soldiers prisoner, he ordered them killed  even after they laid down their weapons. And this   was not just an execution, it was a slaughter as  Forrest ordered every soldier in the garrison be   killed. It should come as no surprise that Forrest  was also one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan   and may have been the organization's first Grand  Wizard. Either one of these atrocities is enough   to make Forrest one of the worst Americans of all  times, and together they put him high on the list. Men of the cloth are supposed to be loving and  pious, but not Father Charle Coughlin who is   the 15th worst person in America. He used his  popular radio show in the 1930’s to spew hate,   facisim, and anti-Semitism across the country. He  is considered to be one of America’s first mass   propagandists, and he did not have a nice message  to spread. Basically Coughlin was the first   person to use the airwaves to spread radical,  unfounded, messages of hate. Unfortunately,   he would not be the last person to do this,  and the practice persists even to this day. Most of the worst people  in America tend to be men,   but not all. Some American  women can be just as bad. Number 14 on our list of the worst people  in America is Belle Gunness, also known as   “Hell’s Belle.” She was one of the worst female  serial killers to ever live in the United States.   Her body count may have been as high  as 40 people between 1884 and 1908.   Belle lived in Chicago where she killed two  of her husbands and all seven of her children.   She collected the insurance money on her  victim’s lives to live a life of luxury. Belle was also reported to have lured suitors to  her farmhouse where she would drug and kill them.   When things started to go south for Belle Gunness  she faked her own death by killing her maid   and last three children. Then she burnt down  her house with all of the bodies inside.   When investigators looked into the fire  they found that the smoldering remains of   the adult body were too small to be Belle.  They also uncovered that she had withdrawn   all of her money from the bank only days  before. Belle Gunness was never found,   but her atrocities most definitely make  her one of the worst people in America. Number 13 is a lesser known murderer in  American history. Her name was Clementine   Barnabet. She lived in Louisiana where she may  have murdered as many as 35 people around 1910.   But it is not the amount of people who got her  on this list, it is how she killed them and why.   Barnabet was a member of the Church of Sacrifice.  When arrested she stated that priestesses of   the church had given her “conjuring bags” which  would make her undetectable to the police if she   committed a crime. Barnabet claimed that her first  murder was just to see if the Voodoo magic worked,   and then all subsequent murders were the  will of the church. It was reported that   several of Barnabet’s victims  were chopped to death by an axe,   making Barnabet one of the earliest  axe murderers in American history. What this next American did is so messed up   and unbelievable that even the  Nazi’s kept tabs on his work. Number 12 on our list is Charles  Davenport. Davenport was an American   proponent of eugenics. This  alone makes him a bad person,   but what he did to others in the name of science  makes him one of the worst people in America.   His goal was to create an American master  race of Nordic and Anglo-Saxon Protestants.   He advocated for immigration restrictions of  “undesirable” ethnic groups. Davenport was also   a vocal proponent for sterilization of certain  groups and forbidding marriages between races. He also contributed to the unknown sterilization  of between 40,000 and 70,000 people during   this time. Most of these people were poor,  uneducated, and of non-white populations.   This was a dark part of American history often  not talked about. Davenport and his colleagues   literally sterilized tens of thousands  of Americans. At the end of World War   II German leaders cited America's eugenic  sterilization laws in defense of their own   actions at the Nuremberg war crimes tribunals.  Think about how messed up that is for a second. Number 11 on the list of worst people in America  also exploited pseudoscience and bad practices   for his own means. Both animals and humans  were definitely harmed by this next American. At the turn of the twentieth century John  Brinkley made millions of dollars through   implanting goat testicles in men to help restore  their virility. I think it is pretty obvious why   he is on the list of worst people in America.  Eventually the American Medical Association   sued him for libel and his practice quickly  collapsed as he went bankrupt. He did this   procedure to hundreds of men, 42 of which we  know died from infections after the procedure.   None of the men had increased potency because of  the goat testicles now attached to their bodies. We are now moving forward in American history and  you may be surprised how much worse things get.   The worst people in America are actually  more recent than you might think. The 10th worst American on our list is Samuel  Little. Little was one of the most deadly,   if not the deadliest, serial killer in American  history. He claimed to have killed as many as 93   victims between 1970 and 2012. Although not all of  these murders were actually connected to Little,   the FBI did launch an investigation to see how  many innocent lives were taken by the serial   killer. They confirmed that Little killed at  least 50 people and that it was likely his   total body count was closer to the 90’s. Many of  his victims were strangled to death so the last   thing they ever saw was the crazed look in Samuel  Littles’ eyes as they slowly lost consciousness. Ted Bundy is a name you’ve probably heard  and it should come as no surprise that he   is number 9 on the list. Bundy was often  identified as charismatic and good looking,   which is an odd description for someone  as terrible as this serial killer.   He kidnapped, abused, and murdered numerous  women. He confessed to killing 30 women,   but the worst part is that many of the lives  could have been saved. Bundy was arrested   and incarcerated multiple times, but he  escaped from prison not once, but twice.   He murdered multiple victims in the same day, and  is even reported to have abducted multiple women   from the exact same location only hours apart.  He was eventually executed by electric chair,   but we may never know the full extent of the  carnage left behind by this terrible American. If you’re afraid of clowns,   number 8 on our list of worst people  in America is probably the reason why. John Wayne Gacy murdered a minimum  of 33 young men in the 1970’s.   This should be enough to make him one  of the worst Americans of all time,   but this gruesome murderer took things to  nightmarish levels. He was known as the   “Killer Clown.” This was because he performed  shows as a character named “Pogo the Clown”   or “Patches the Clown” at different children’s  hospitals and charity events. He would abduct   young men from these functions and bring them  back to his house near Chicago where he would   abuse and torture his victims before eventually  using a garrote to strangle the boys to death. What’s worse than a person committing their own  atrocities? People who get others to do their   bidding for them. And the next few people  on our list are the worst of the worst. Number 7 on our list of worst people  in America embodies this persona.   Charles Manson gathered a group of about 100  followers who were called The Manson Family.   They carried out as many as 35 killings. One of  the most brutal killings was in 1969 when The   Manson Family murdered a number of Hollywood's  elites at a dinner party. And although Manson   was not directly involved in the massacre,  he was charged with inciting the violence.   He was convicted of first degree murder for  directing members of his cult to commit the crime.   The family members claimed that they killed in  the name of Manson because the Hollywood industry   had rejected their leader. Anyone who  would brain wash over a hundred people   and use them for his own deranged means is  definitely one of the worst people in America. Number 6 and 5 is a tag team duo. They are both  terrible people who did horrible things to others.   Keith Raniere was the founder of a pyramid scheme  turned cult called NXIVM. Think of it as a pay as   you go program. As you want to learn more about  Raniere’s philosophy and teachings, you have   to pay more and more money. And if this wasn’t  bad enough, members were so invested that they   started recruiting their own friends and family  into the cult. It was literally a pyramid scheme. As the years progressed more and more members,  especially women, found themselves being exploited   by Keith Raniere and his close associate Allison  Mack. They would target anyone who had even the   slightest interest in the organization saying  it would change their lives. They collected   millions of dollars from their members since each  level in the organization required that they take   courses offered by NXIVM to receive peace  and understanding around their lives. Of course all of this was just a way to make  money and no benefits came from the courses they   offered. But this is where things get really dark.  There were special groups of women that Allison   Mack would recruit from within the cult. This  group of women would be literally branded with a   hot poker and the brand itself was unbelievable.  The women were told it was a special symbol,   but what the brand turned out to be were the  initials of Keith Raniere and Allison Mack. As you might suspect from a cult leader, the women  who were branded and others in the organization   were sexually assaulted by  Keith Raniere. Both Raniere   and Mack were arrested in Mexico and  extradited back to the United States.   Keith Raniere received 120 years in  prison for racketeering, sex trafficking,   and forced labor conspiracy. Allison Mack only  received three years in prison for racketeering,   even though other women have come forward and said  that Allison Mack was the reason they got branded,   and that she helped lure unsuspecting  women into the clutches of Keith Raniere. Number 4 is a man who literally made up a religion  to influence followers and hold power over them.   This man was a sci-fi and fantasy author named  L. Ron Hubbard. The religion he created is   called Scientology. You’ve probably heard horror  stories of people who were pretty much abducted   into the Church of Scientology and had to escape.  Hubbard didn’t so much start a religion as a cult. Hubbard used made up stories about aliens and  what he called “Dianetics” as the foundation   of his cult. He promised members that through his  teachings they could remove the trauma from their   mind and live a life of happiness. Obviously  there wasn’t, and still isn’t, any evidence   that Scientology and its teaching can provide  benefits to someone’s life. But people paid   massive amounts of money to join the organization,  and once they were in, they were trapped. Hubbard completely made up the teachings  of Scientology and accumulated massive   amounts of money from its members. But  the lasting effects of Scientology,   the abuse of its members, and the  lies about being able to help people   are what makes L. Ron Hubbard one  of the worst people in America. What these next few Americans  did will shock and disgust you. The top 3 worst people in America were all into  necrophilia. Earle Nelson makes our list not   because of how many people he killed, but who his  victims were and what he did to the bodies after   they were dead. In the 1920’s Nelson was known  as the “Gorilla Killer” or “the Dark Strangler”   for the murders he committed along the west  coast of the United States. He would target   middle aged landladies, rent an apartment  from them, and then brutally murder the women.   He killed the woman via strangulation and then  used their bodies after death. Nelson was also   connected to the killing of a 14-year-old girl who  he not only killed, but mutilated after she died. Number 2 on our list is Gary Ridgway.  He was known as The Green River Killer.   In the 1980’s and 90’s he targeted sex workers  from Seattle. He was convicted of 49 murders,   but is suspected of killing over  90 women. Other than sex workers,   Ridgway also targeted women in vulnerable  circumstances and young females who were   under-aged runaways. He would dump the  bodies in secluded areas of King County,   Washington and was reported to go back to them  to have sexual intercourse with their corpses. We have now reached the end of our list. The  worst person in America goes to Jeffrey Dahmer   who took being terrible to a whole new  level. Dahmer was a serial killer who   targeted mostly African American men at gay  bars and other public places. He lured them   back to his house where he offered them alcohol  laced with drugs that would knock them out.   After the victims were subdued  he would strangle them to death. Once his victims were dead Dahmer  engaged in sexual acts with the corpses.   If this wasn’t bad enough he would then dismember  the bodies and dispose of the remains. However,   perhaps the worst part was that Dahmer kept  souvenirs of his victims like their skulls   or genitalia. And if all of this wasn’t bad  enough, Jeffry Dahmer would take photos of   the murder and mutilation processes so he  could remember and relive each heinous act   after committing them. The body parts in his  fridge and photos of his gruesome atrocities   are clear evidence that Jeffry Dahmer  was the worst person in America. Now check out “American Behaviors  Considered Rude In Other Countries.”   Or watch “Who Are The Most Evil  Serial Killers in America?”
Channel: The Infographics Show
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Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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