JDM Auction Time! NSX/GTR/RX7/Supra

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what is up ladies and gentlemen coming to you from USS maguey today we're gonna be taking a look around at a few cars I came to inspect this super back here it is a 93 it's the Aero Top Model S Z so na and this one is the automatic version so mixed feelings you know we might end up purchasing it we'll see I won't go over it too much do a quick walk around of it show you guys the Aero tops are really rare in Japan though you don't find many of them a lot of people are hitting up our page and saying like hey I'm looking for a Supra I wanted to be the target op aka Aero top that just wasn't offered very much in Japan I was very rare option and here we have a 93 Supra which is super rare with the Aero top super rare but it's an automatic so some people aren't into automatics and I can understand that I also left the GoPro at home and I'm shooting on the Sony today so quality should be a little better in the lower light this thing is slam though very very slammed it's not a bad car there's a few little spots but like I said 93 super rare and the Aero top rare is well we'll see if we end up purchasing it I'll go into more detail on the car when we get it back to the shop but for now let's move on it's a nice FD rx-7 for you it's a 96 so I won't focus too much on it now I haven't even looked at any of these over here yet but we'll go take a walk and check them out together I have an FC rx-7 this one is a year 1991 it has 130 mm original kilometers are grade with a D interior it looks a little rough I'm not gonna lie the wheels look kind of kind of garbage to me front bumpers got some spider cracks and I can see from here the rear has been gutted now the last auction video I did a lot of the keys were in the car but here the keys aren't in the car actually had to go get the keys for the other Supra so right now I don't have any of these keys if we see anything that is a super interest I might go grab some keys and check them out hold the molle wide-body G's we'll go take a look at that in a minute what the heck forget about the FC what's going on with this s15 here holy heck what's going on need some wider wheels I mean that's a pretty wide I guess G's spec r it is a 2002 25 mm original kilometers really low kilometers our grade C interior but holy freaking wide-body I honestly don't like it on this 15 but it's not bad it's not bad they boot the right set of wheels and maybe lowered a little bit it would be more fitting probably locked yeah dad to get the keys for this one I imagine this will go for a decent amount though the wide-body will definitely scare some people off which I can understand but very low kilometers and to spec or that's crazy that is just insane we're not going spending more time on it though we have a Supra Turbo I looked up the Super's before we came and I don't remember looking at this one probably because it's new it's probably a newer model I'm focusing more on stuff it's a little closer to USA import legal the auction sheets down there it is a 96 so I mean not bad not to long for the USA people our grade and B interior carbon fiber hood guy looks like they ran over something splattered something some black blood demon but this one actually looks pretty good not a bad looking car at all since it's a 96 maybe not as much price-wise is like some of the 94 95 93 I don't know I said in that order but it'll probably still fetch a lot what were the kilometers on it it has 140 1000 kilometers what the heck huh there's another super though we'll go check that out in just a second I would imagine maybe around 30,000 maybe a little less with the little bit higher kilometers I mean 140,000 kilometers isn't high and the grand scheme of things especially for the year it's actually low kilometers but it's a little higher than some of the other cars so it might fetch a little less than thirty eleven ten nine - 1999 rx-7 type RB are grade C interior one hundred two thousand kilometers looks really nice actually a lot of these cars are really dirty and dusty they sit in here and gain a lot of dust but it does a really nice we'll move on though I don't want another 45-minute video today I need to get over to the shop and do some work we have a 96 Supra our grades C interior turbo doesn't say RZ on it I just say turbo see what we can see from the back hmm how much we had the key to this one to look into it a little bit more what transmission is in it mmm it says manual transmission that top line over here is talking about the turbo but I can't read the handwriting on the rest of it it's manual transmission but I'm pretty sure it's the 5-speed pretty sure this the 5-speed manual transmission so maybe it's just a SZ with the turbo on it interesting interesting interesting Oh cants get the toilet or people are gonna be mad take a quick look manual transmission mark 2 torvi 76,000 kilometers but not original it's got a cluster swap undocumented lieutenants in 1999 so got a while for the u.s. it's actually a pretty pretty good looking car shut the multi kudasai sorry guys that was kind of weird I didn't have the key that long maybe maybe 30 minutes I guess I should have returned it right away but that was the auction house called the shop ins like hey can we please have the key back for the Supra there was somebody else waiting to take a look at it like I said 93 s are a hot commodity but we have some more cars to take a look at I'm just gonna walk to the back of this aisle and then I guess we'll walk our way back towards the door there's a few things we can take a look at there are a few other cars that I did look up before coming today a couple 95 GTRs but I don't think I'm gonna spend the time and actually go look for him right now we have a few 95s currently the shop available for sale but let's take a look at what is available here at the auctions corner of this level as you can see it's a big parking garage it's not small whatsoever and we're only on level five last video we did level seven and we only did like one row last time and that's probably about what we'll do this time it takes some time to really go through I don't know I don't have the key so maybe we'll move a little bit quicker this time our 35 GTR I mean sorry I'm out of breath I ran up and down the stairs real fast [Music] great for the interior 24,000 original kilometers it's pretty much a new car very nice but not really what we're trying to focus on while we're here we want to focus on the old legends and there's a few it's a couple down here I guess I'll go back down to where I just skipped over I think this was it intersects I passed by yeah I think I actually looked up this one before coming if this is the same one there's a few minutes X's out here today beautiful red let's take a look at is a grade for B interior that's pretty nice it is a year two so that's 1990 1990 it is the manual transmission this one this one's not gonna be cheap I can guarantee you that manual transmission NSX's aren't cheap to begin with this one being USA import legal it's definitely gonna drive the price up and great for with the B interior that is really good really really good somebody's got an r32 started up right down there once again for perspective this is all stuff that's for sale this tower right here I think is seven or eight stories tall there's more towers over there they're like four or five storeys tall there's more lots like this on the other side of these garages it is insane the amount of cars here it's funny to see the people checking out the sports cars though sometimes it's Japanese people sometimes it's foreigners I feel like more often than not its foreign or Japanese people checking out for foreigners it's kind of interesting to think about all these jadi and monsters and how everybody wants them around the world and what's gonna happen eventually you know you never I mean you do know I mean there's limited numbers and it's already limited from what they were originally produced by people crashing them and ooh girl she's unlocked that looks really nice very fresh be interior still got some plastic on there hey that dude sorry 32 needs to chill out bro he is getting it it's also noting some black smoke little black smoke cicada [Music] interesting now that that's over with back to this super beautiful interior be interior be is a really good rating obviously a is the highest but that's basically like a brand-new interior Oh see flocked on this side they forgot to check the passenger side we'll do them a solid and we'll lock it for him because we're good people yeah hopefully maybe here we go good to go how about a four-door four-door our 34 looks like it was definitely somebody's drift toy for a while auction seat is in the passenger seat and it might be locked look at this I guess maybe that's done by design actually maybe that's like one of those they had a paint party and threw paint all over it kind of rough let's take a look at the auction sheets great 3.5 the interior not bad GTX year nineteen ninety nine hundred and seventeen thousand original Kalama nope not original kilometers got that astrick right there after kilometers so undocumented kilometers but it's five-speed probably fun car where shall we move to next I know there's a couple Lodi tour see something red shining at me super mark three Supra do a quick walk around and look at the auction sheet it is automatic yeah not my cup that dude is still going at it without our 32 will it make it out and we won't focus too much on this instance the automatic it's a 1992 great 4b interior though not a bad car 2.5 GT hey that's really nice car it's got a really good rating and you can see there's not much going on right here like there's not a bunch of X's w's and stuff like that so that's not a bad car but I know the majority you are like me and don't want an automatic honestly driving in Nagoya maybe I do want an automatic nice Lexus not bruh bruh I want to catch it on film when he sends a ride through [Music] you can see the the rear interior looks like I might be gutted I don't see any speakers in there and the seats are probably gone too because he's done now it's got a roll cage as well aftermarket steering wheel suspension wheels no going again [Music] looks like maybe the black smoke stopped and making notes and everything taking this very professionally STI but to new and offered like everywhere in the world just about was this a Toyota sports 800 I really don't know anything about these teeny little car looks kind of cool it's an R grade ear I don't have those years memorized [Music] different period very cool little car I probably can't even fit in it hello looks like we have an hour 34 GTR here beautiful the Nismo wheels carbon-fiber hood v-spec - whoo okay grade 4.5 with a be interior minty-fresh 90,000 original kilometers does have a cluster swap but you look right here beside where I'm at right here beside the kilometers there's a little money sign so that means the swap has been documented and that it is all legit it is a year obviously mm what 2001 2001 I believe z-tune fenders carbon fiber beautiful beautiful black baby great 4.5 with the B interior v-spec - not going to be a cheap one definitely not no key or not unlocked at least carbon-fibre said no I guess it's not a carbon-fiber trunk it's got the carbon fiber on the wing the v-spec carbon fiber diffuser aftermarket exhaust v-spec - black is such a great color it is such a pain to keep clean especially in a place like this where it's just dusty and sitting down here collecting dust until auction day it's got the 320 kilometer an hour cluster Nismo Recaro seat Recaro driver's seat and then the factory passenger seat he's got the factory black interior on the newer model very very nice I like you locked somebody ran their mangy fingers down this beautiful v-spec to hood how dare they this is a very common problem with pretty much all of them even some of the super local ombre ones we have at the shop are torn up and they're easy to replace the well well well what do we have here at toyota mr2 and old debts and fair lady mr2 our grade C interior I think it's a different period year as well it's a late 80s car 111,000 original kilometers taiyaki probably a cheaper mr2 it's got that weird stuff all around it if you can see it [Music] not meant like this fair lady mm but not a bad-looking mr to paints not the best of our grades see interior on the fair lady 24,000 original kilometers supposedly looks really cool and then how about this I know there's some of you out here that would definitely enjoy this constantly get messages for these all the time this one is another one of those years I mean I gotta start learning the older years I guess for the eighties cars are grade D interior on the eighty six ninety six thousand kilometers gutted interior it's got a roll cage probably somebody's took a drift mountain run track hit and beater it looks a little rough around the edges definitely not gonna lie about that there's some dents some scratches some crazy-looking gauges all wired in there it's got a what is that her car o2 Recaros two different Recaros no back seats locked of course definitely have some issues but could be somebody's fun toy you can see the interior is pretty jacked up as well right there I really don't know honestly what this would go for I see a lot of them for sale at some of the local dealers for a pretty high price you know up in the 15 to 20 thousand dollar range this one's a little rough but it's a collector everybody wants these so it's really hard to say exactly what it will go for I'd imagine somewhere somewhere in the 13 to 13 to 16 thousand US maybe we get some more classics some skylines an EVO a GTR and we got to go check out this our 33 I've got the our 33 bug lately we're gonna go over there in just a second we'll take a look RSX turbo that old year sorry our grades the interior 91 thousand kilometres not bad not me that's rough definitely preferred this one over this one there are six turbo 91 thousand kilometres are grade D interior so both not that not the best condition definitely not this one this one looks like garbage to me this one's not bad though I kind of like this one not what I would pick though to drive for sure but let's go check out the Evo haven't seen too many Evo's yet see in 9a that's an Evo 4 it is in 1996 3.5 grade B interior GS or eighty one thousand kilometers okay now there is a lot listed down in this negative section it's kind of like I was really strange my camera cut off due to heat it's not in that hot today but if you look in this section this kind of gives the modifications and some of the positives about the car and then down here is usually all the negatives some of the positives of dip downing or anything with a star there's positives like aftermarket modifications but here's the list of everything that's wrong with the car some of the second read most of it I cannot but it is an area you need to focus on when you're looking at a car and if you can't read then obviously bring some sort of translation application with you or at least learn the important parts to look for like sabi or sabi to looking for rust things like that you can kind of be able to look at the picture and tell everything you need to know for the most part but you just got to look for rust comments down here usually interesting looking Evo 4 though might be kind of hard to ensure this one I don't know how does it pan I know I see people on the skyline page posting like oh man I had some stickers on my car my insurance dropped me which is insane so I imagined this one would be a pain in the butt if you had that insurance company Recaro two different cars again neither of them belonging to the Evo 4 I would say it's had a few different spoilers in its life and all the holes to prove its track record [Music] interesting I imagine something like this would be cheaper than a better well-kept one even though there's lots of modifications I think this might be our thirty two wheels maybe not I don't know roll cage and all pretty interesting to see something like that at the auction but now we're gonna wrap this video up I believe with the r33 GTR because like I said I need to get out of here and go do some other things at the office but this one is a 1995 very important 1995 is the first year they were produced and they will be legal next year for the USA it is a great for Whitby interior this is a very nice car 103 thousand kilometres original some very very nice points to this one you can see the front lip is a little jacked up in the front the wheels aren't the cleanest the paint looks really nice though the paint does not look bad the bumper fit a min it's like there's like a plastic piece or something or a little rubber piece Nismo Nissan racing technology clone is must occur squeeze through here go look at the other side can we had the key for this one if I buy my own r33 out here I've been debating white or midnight purple you guys don't know I have the white r32 GTR back in the states which I think I'm pretty set on selling it so insert buy my car here so I can buy something like this I think I want white again I love white white is such a beautiful color there's a little messed up right here nice little maybe kiss the side of a wall or something barely very nice I can car guess we can pop the hood now looks like the hoods open strut towers look good they don't look messed up or anything he's got that same a or C intake is the midnight purple one from last time we were here but the midnight purple one looked like there were rats living in it pretty factory looking I don't really see any aftermarket parts other than the intake very nice not bad at all probably what I don't know I say probably what I would be looking for but after driving some modified ones I almost want to buy one that's slightly modified so that I can skip doing some of that stuff myself nothing too crazy I'd still like to do a lot of own work on it but I guess maybe something like this it's got exhaust and intake we'll see we'll see what happens so for something like this that will be going to auction today this one might actually I've already gone to auction I came over what time this one was supposed to go I think I took a picture of the computer let me check yeah this one actually I don't have the auction time for it anyways I imagine something like this grade four with the B interior and the kilometers that are on it around one hundred and three thousand I imagine this will be a little bit higher price being a ninety five being USA import legal in less than a year my camera keeps shutting off due to some kind of internal heat issue but like I was saying I think that our 33 GTR will probably go for somewhere in the 30 to 35 thousand US dollar range for the condition that it's in now we were down here back where that dude was revin the r32 and if he's not still actively I'd like to check it out and he is not it is available to take a look at now why is the year not listed that confuses me kilometer is undocumented it's not a GTR look at me all the way from up there thinking this is a GTR this is not a GTR say gtst type in interesting I should have known that Jesus look at that shift knob holy cow and the steering wheels teeny I could put my whole hand around that that's weird very weird well not what I expected to come down to I thought it'd be a little nicer than this and I actually thought it was a GTR from it there but this is where a lot of like wrecked cars and stuff are out here in this area a lot of cheap cheap cars that will sell cheap and that people will fix up to sell and make some money for example let's take a look at this STI real quick this thing has been in a just a slight front-end collision as you can see definitely caught a pole or a tree or a person or something lots and lots of cars even just out here another Subaru rx-7 FBR x7 I guess looking nasty definitely needed some work - is terrible hmm excuse me sneezing all over the place rust through the bumper so these are the real low quality cars out here very very low quality I would imagine would be selling quite a bit cheaper these are not the type of cars that we would ever bid on but just you guys an example of what kind of stuff can be at the auctions now you would never see something like this you know up in the jumbo tower with like all the rest of the actual good cars like you know and our grade there's our grade and there's this which is like no grade like wrecked cars but very importantly this one does come with a sick pair of shades well worth the price and the investment well guys I think that's gonna about do it for this video my camera keeps telling me that it's hot we'll walk down this line towards the exit as I do see what some like higher end stuff over here I think in a Volkswagen van it's probably full so I converted into product good Daihatsu or something yeah oh we're gonna go look at that rekt in a sex that's what we're gonna do we're gonna look at the Rick Dennis X and we'll leave AMG Mercedes I don't know anything about that let's go take a look at that NSX and then I will part ways with you guys until the next video which maybe will be today at the shop I don't know see what I can get into I need to get to editing some videos honestly alrighty here we are for your viewing pleasure a crashed in SX now this thing does got the motor in the back stupid song old town road I've seen some funny memes with mid-engine sports cars or rear-engine sports cars the motor in the back alright NSX R is this actually a type are in a sex as you can see it's in a lightning yellow here just kidding that was me messing up when I called the GTT like a phoenix yellow ene one this is a 92 91 1991 13,000 kilometers I don't think its original though yeah I'd say it's been some some sort of front-end collision poor NSX that's a hefty collision that's a lot of repairs to do I don't know if that's I don't know how salvageable that really is it's a lot of damage right there I don't think you can fix that I guess it'll probably be a parts car sure the motors still in no problem good condition but that's sad to see and that's kind of what I was talking about earlier you uh there's cars in Japan and everybody wants them and they're just disappearing whether they're being exported or whether they're being crashed or whether they're in some old guys garage it's very interesting what'll be happening in the future and then as we walk out the gate looks like a couple buddies went drifting and ended up with a couple total cars that'll happen it's kind of funny to see him both together like that I wonder if that was the case walking back to the car now I did spot a couple things I would share with you guys is it's a bit GTO you don't see too many of these so I think was worth sharing grade 4b interior it is a year 10 1998 so it's got a while for USA import legal but it does look really clean great forward very nice actually nice and clean under here and this one actually we do the key in this one I won't start it up though right now there's much people moving cars but at least get a look at the interior very nice looking car not as as much sought after either so they don't jump up in price quite like some of the other cars like the skylines and supras and of course we have you know high-end stuff here at the auction like Ferraris but it's not what I'm here for it's not what I'm here to focus on not what I want to show you guys and gals all 4% of y'all gals but I don't know if there'll be anything else interesting it looks like a bunch of boring paint cars for the most part so when I said there was high-end cars here I wasn't lying there's some high-end cars locked behind the cage that are also for sale for bidding Lamborghinis Ferraris Bentleys everything you can imagine I have really been slacking and finishing this video it's a couple days later I am actually editing it right now and I'm about to throw it up here probably in the morning I hope you guys enjoyed it I love going to the auctions I'm at least trying to make it out to the auctions every other Friday and film a little bit for you guys I don't want to drag this ending out somebody bought my car my r32 GTR is for sale it's in the States I haven't really made a public post posting it for sale anywhere but I'm going to and it's in South Carolina I don't know how we're gonna do all this and arrange at all maybe I'll fly back to the States to sell it to a serious buyer somebody who can maybe put down a deposit with me or something just so I know you're saying I'm not wasting $2,000 to fly back in the States myself where I might be able to grant my father like a power of attorney or something so that he can sell the car for me either way it's for sale I want it gone I love it I'll probably regret it but I want something here I want an hour 33 GTR or something else probably an hour 33 GTR to drive around while I'm in Japan and then to bring it back to the states when it's legal next year so somebody buy it I'll give you guys a good deal for the YouTube YouTube fans get a better deal just reach out to me though reach out on Instagram or Facebook YouTube comments I kind of get lost in the comments there's a lot of comments and give me some time to get back if you message me on Instagram or Facebook because there's been a lot of comments there too and a lot of messages there lately but time for me to get out of here hope you guys enjoyed the video as always thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: YourCarBro
Views: 49,241
Rating: 4.8491549 out of 5
Keywords: JDM Auction Time! NSX/GTR/RX7/Supra, japanese auctions, japanese auction, jdm auction house, jdm cars for sale, jdm cars for sale in japan, japanese cars for sale, cars for sale in japan, yourcarbro, garage defend, car auctions in japan, japanese car auction house, japan car auction live, how to buy a car in japan auction, top 10 japanese used car auction companies, japan car direct auction, auction house japan review, japan auction cars for sale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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