The Real Reason Why Chasing Classic Cars Ended Financial and Law Trouble!

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[Music] Chasing Classic Cars was a show all about finding classic cars and maybe making some money off of [Music] [Applause] them fans loved tuning in every week to see what wonderful cars the crew would find the show ran for 13 years before abruptly going off the air carburetor sound almost as good as the exhaust well you know air sucking in that's pretty cool there was never a definite reason as to why and many fans have wondered why from Financial issues to law trouble join us as we talk about the real reason Chasing Classic Cars ended 15 Chasing Classic Cars it was Wayne Karin's genuine love of vintage vehicles that kept fans always entertained for the 13 years that Chasing Classic Cars was on the air the reality PR Chasing Classic Cars was a show that was dedicated to finding vintage cars and repairing them if needed fans tuned in every week to see what new cars Wayne Kini and Company would find and what they would do with them his intense love and impressive knowledge of all things cars kept fans glued to the television screens when he was on not only did he have an encyclopedic knowledge of vintage cars but he also studied up on exotic cars on his journey to find the most rare and exotic cars Wayne karini was known to drop bits of knowledge that even the highest paid mechanics would take notes on it wasn't just the tips and pointers about cars that helped the show stay on the air Wayne karini was also in the business of buying and selling the price was never final even if the sellers swore it was Wayne karini expertly negotiated with the owners and we saw him get the price dropped hundreds of times with the car fully fixed and ready to be back on the road he'd take it to auctions and look for suitable buyers who would take the car for way more than he bought it for in one episode Wayne Kini sold a car for $500,000 after he bought it for only $30,000 unfortunately nothing can last forever and in 2019 after a decade on the air Chasing Classic Cars called it quits 14 auction prices aren't what they appear to be throughout the show's 13-year run Wayne karini witnessed some incredible turnarounds at the auctions but behind the scenes financial trouble was a looming concern especially for the buyers there are very few reality shows that don't pull strings for better episodes and Chasing Classic Cars is not one of those few if Wayne karini or a potential buyer gets the bad end of the stick it will be covered up to make the episode go smoothly with a show centered around buying and selling cars this was a problem in nearly every episode while many car lovers dream of a life where they can buy old school cars and sell them for a higher price it's never that easy and auctions often lead to losing more money than gaining somebody like Wayne Kini may be able to lift a hood and look at every aspect of a car before deciding on it but some people don't have his expertise and end up paying way more than they should for something that's too much of a hassle to even enjoy so sometimes a car that was purchased for next to nothing at an auction can end up requiring thousands of dollars in repairs before it's even drivable another problem for buyers comes after they've bought the car sometimes a car is purchased at a price that puts a big smile on a buyer's face but after the auction when they try to claim their car the smile melts away as they find themselves pelted with fees and different kinds of registration titles and licenses 13 Roger one of the fans favorite parts of Chasing Classic Cars was Roger bar the older hilarious kudin who offered his commentary on the cars that Wayne Kini would look at and purchase things began to deteriorate when Roger bar encountered health issues which made his appearance on the show challenging as a result he also had financial troubles while he was employed at F40 Motorsports in August of 2017 Roger bar experienced a serious illness in his leg he was admitted to the hospital although he left soon after in November of that year things seemed okay until the infection came back and he would have to spend a lengthy time in the hospital once more Roger Bar's Physicians thought it best that he didn't go back to working on the program because he was already in his 80s the risks associated with working in a full-time repair shop were more than someone his age could take his injuries had gotten so bad that he had no choice but to walk away from the show that he'd been a part of for so long not long after that he announced his retirement from working altogether but due to the lack of money he'd received throughout the years his plans for a relaxed retirement were interrupted things had gotten so bad financially that his friends had to create a GoFundMe page to help pay for some of his medical expenses Roger bar denied the allegation that he had a huge Nest Egg saved and said he still needed to work to support himself 12 Wayne karini when the star of a show is asked why their show was canceled they almost never give a definitive response not even Chasing Classic Cars can be considered an exception and viewers were left wondering about the real reason why the show ended abruptly fans of the show sort of assumed that Wayne Karin's financial and legal troubles were the cause Wayne karini was born in Portland Connecticut in the early 50s his father mother owned a collision repair and autor restoration business which would eventually get passed down to Wayne Wayne had been working with cars since he was a young child and eventually it became his life which led to him being cast in the show the show was tragically cancelled due to some very unfortunate legal issues a man named William Robert Richmond sued Wayne's company F40 Restoration in June of 2020 claiming they should be compensated for a 1930 for Pierce Arrow coupe the United States District Judge Carrie douly who was assigned to the case said that the case was an unfortunate one in which all of the parties involved were acting in good faith Wayne remained silent over the case but fans of the program and internet users quickly heated up about it it also came to light that although being promoted at first as a documentary Chasing Classic Cars isn't entirely factual much like other reality TV shows in many genres 11 Wayne karini wanted to be an art teacher Wayne karini grew up around cars and mechanics and it was no question that he'd inherit the lifestyle but it wasn't his only dream before he appeared on the show and made working on cars his full-time career Wayne had dreams of teaching art these dreams almost became a reality he went as far as studying at Central Connecticut State University where he actually graduated with a degree in art education after after looking around he realized that finding a job with the degree was harder than he'd thought in need of money he went back to work at his father's shop he then realized what he needed to do with his life while he graduated with a degree in art education it wasn't his first choice career originally he had wanted to be an architect saying that designing buildings and houses was his dream but he didn't want to be stuck in college for a whole seven years Wayne had said that despite not getting a job that required him to put his degree to use he still believes in education and learning in his 70s Wayne said that he continues to learn new things every day 10 Wayne doesn't always know everything about the car Wayne karini is a genius when it comes to cars and there's no doubt about it but even Geniuses aren't capable of having all of the knowledge in the world during Chasing Classic Cars Vehicles were brought in and Wayne started to throw out information about them like he's a computer with a database the truth is that every car that came in had to be confirmed by the production teams behind the scenes once those cars were confirmed good enough for the show a research team started getting information which got fed to Wayne many fans were left surprised and offended to find out that the show labeled as a reality show was actually scripted it turned a lot of them away from the show despite the truth of the show Wayne never claims to know everything about cars as the show betrays he understands that while he knows more about cars than most people there are still others who know more than him and he's fine with that Wayne always speaks publicly about his love for Learning and he's said many times that he is always open to learning more about cars if another car lover is willing to teach him nine velocity sometimes interferes with the content while people like Wayne Kini and Roger bar did Chasing Classic Cars For the Love of cars other people were in it for views and money the shows producers the company velocity for example has a reputation for meddling with their shows while we'd love for the series to be a reality show like it's promoted it is actually a scripted show in order to stay on the air it needs to sustain its viewership and fan base because of this The Producers occasionally use stage scenes to make sure that viewers were kept entertained to meet filming deadlines obtain permission for television airing and address various logistical requirements that gradually detract from the authenticity of reality TV these aspects must be meticulously organized well in advance the star of another famous velocity series Ed China departed from the program Wheeler Dealers because he claimed that velocity was too heavily involved with the production they kept making modifications that significantly worsened the show velocity decided to take take over the production of the show instead of merely Distributing it like they said they would upon assuming control they asserted that producing the show according to its original plan would be too costly without their modifications the show would incur more losses than profits eight not all the cars make a profit classic cars are great money makers for the most part but they aren't always the most reliable source of income if you can get a rare car in working condition you can make more money than you'd ever imagine on the other hand if you get a rare car that needs more work you can end up spending triple what you originally paid for it not even Automotive Experts like Wayne karini can identify every tiny detail in an engine they occasionally fail to notice problems and end up taking in a car that is in bad shape when Wayne and the crew purchase a car that is not as Road ready as it appears a cycle begins those cars cannot be shown on Chasing Classic Cars because it would be detrimental to public relations everyone involved would lose some credibility if they were proven to be mistaken with the risk of losing both money and viewers the production team steps in when cars are deemed unsuitable for the show they are auctioned off without the buyer's knowledge it creates a cycle of Lies a car is sold for more than it is worth to the Chasing Classic Cars crew who then resell it to someone else seven Wayne's fake interest for the camera while it's undeniable that Wayne karini loves classic and rare exotic cars the TV show has turned this passion into an obsession Wayne's love for cars was handed down to him by his father Robert karini when he was just 9 years old he was taken for a ride in a Ferrari Roso chiaro 250 and had his life changed forever not too long after that he started working on them and he's continued to do so for over 60 years that doesn't change the fact that the show is scripted writers write up the scripted excitement that viewers witness and Wayne's role is to convey that excitement to everyone watching Wayne does love cars even if it isn't the way that's portrayed on the program his love for cars doesn't come in the know-it-all way that it seems instead it comes from a place of admiration he loves to learn not to brag about his knowledge but to use the things he knows throughout his day-to-day life six Roger used to race in Formula B and V competition Roger Bar's passion for automobiles began as a child and as he Grew Older it blossomed into an incredible career and history when Roger was just 6 years old his father pointed out every book in the house because he was sick of hearing him ask questions about cars when he told his parents he wanted to work as an aircraft mechanic his father moved the family to New Jersey so they could be near the prestigious Patterson Tech University the issue was that Roger was supposed to pay the 450 registration fee and he wasn't from the richest family around in the end he did obtain the degree which was helpful to him when he enlisted in the military it was while serving as a standin driver on an f1h super saber aircraft while stationed in Germany that he became acquainted with sports car racing he earned the invitation by competing against the fastest Porsche when the official driver or the car wrecked in a few races he had to get into the backup car and take over the driving Roger bar believed that the car not the driver won the races five sometimes cars are more expensive than they told whenever somebody would appear on the show to buy a car from the Chasing Classic Cars crew they sometimes found themselves left in the dust after the payment was finalized as with most purchases there would occasionally be undisclosed hidden fees that would sneak up on them by surprise the show is viewer optimized to make it seem wonderful and show customers getting their ideal vintage cars at a fair price because of the Hidden fees the actual purchase price is significantly higher than what viewers believe many viewers of the show questioned whether Wayne karini was ripping off customers on the show the show rarely revealed how much the cars were being sold for and this secrecy must have been imposed for a reason that the show did not want fans to know despite the media's public concerns fans of Chasing Classic Cars defended him they point out that everyone who appeared on the show was aware that they would be in front of the camera and were aware of Wayne's goals for the show people claiming to have worked alongside Wayne said that he never displayed any type of shadiness when he was making sales four Jay Leno appeared twice among the famous celebrities who appeared on the show Jay Leno actually made an appearance twice the former Tonight Show host has an incredible car garage and it's no surprise that he would appear on a show like chasing classic cars on one appearance he met up with Wayne Kini to drive a classic 1963 British Motor Corporation bus around the block it was a very mundane appearance on the show with nothing happening but him showing off his driving skills the same can't be said for his other driving show experiences appearing on his own show Jay Leno's Garage Jay Leno was doing a stunt with the 80-year-old professional Stunt Driver Bob wriggle Bob wriggle was an expert at performing a trick in which a car's two front wheels lift off the ground while driving the stunt went fine and Jay Leno was able to scratch the trick off his bucket list it was after the trick was finished that things took a turn for the worst literally after taking a sharp right turn Bob wriggle lost control and the car spiraled out of control and flipped over multiple times while Jay Leno's Bob wriggle experience was more entertaining for viewers it was much easier to relax while driving around in a classic bus on Chasing Classic Cars Three Wayne has a personal collection of 25 classic cars if there's anybody who knows what the automobile Market is like it's Wayne karini Wayne bought and sold a new car every week on Chasing Classic Cars when the cameras were off he bought cars for his own personal collection while on the show he very rarely spoke about his own car collection he's been working on collections for some time and has the cars to prove it Wayne knows what to look for in a car and he's pinpointed some of the best to keep for himself he's got a collection of trucks races and luxury cars amongst the wonderful collection of cars you can find the 1932 Orban boattail Speedster a beautiful classic car that's worth close to $100,000 there's also a 1936 Ford Pickup and a 1948 Davis Dean an oddl looking three- whe convertible that was only sold between the years of 1947 and 1949 these three cars alone are worth a quar of a million there's no telling how much money all of his 25 cars combined could be worth as as if a collection of rare beautiful and expensive cars wasn't impressive enough Wayne also has a collection of vintage motorcycles to where is Wayne karini now it's been 3 years since Chasing Classic Cars aired its final episode since it ended people have wondered what came of Wayne karini fans will be happy to know that he's been staying busy throughout the years after Wayne found himself no longer working on the show he turned his time to F40 which is his car dealership in his hometown of Portland Connecticut he continues to do car Restorations here he has even received awards for the Restorations he completed there people will bring their cars into the F40 shop for expert Consulting other collectors who are buying and selling cars or trying to start a collection we'll bring their cars to Wayne Kini and have him look them over with tips and feedback on where to go from there when he's not doing that he's representing a handful of other companies like Craftsman tools metrovac and hay car capsule in between these various projects Wayne karini has made time to have fun he started a podcast called Classic Car Talk that is dedicated to talking about the best vintage cars around he hosts the podcast together with his friend Jay Ward who's primarily known for being the creative and technical director of Pixar's hit film Cars one where is Roger bar now many people believed Roger Bar's sudden departure from the show was the reason that it ended so abruptly while we don't know whether or not that's true we do know the show couldn't have possibly been the same without him almost 5 years after he left people want to know what he's been up to Roger bar left the series under sudden circumstances he had hurt himself pretty badly at the F40 dealership and that kept him off the show after the series ended he found himself in a paradox although he was unable to complete the tasks he needed to complete around the shop following his surgery he was still required to do them as a result of the procedure despite being on a huge television show he said that he confirmed to the world that he still needed to work every day if he wanted to make a living there were also rumors that his friendship might be altered with Wayne Kini after the injury a fan on Facebook asked if Wayne karini had offered him any help with the bills the admin of Roger Bar's account responded and said that they would answer that question at a lat a time because it was a sensitive subject Chasing Classic Cars ended in 2021 leaving many fans wondering why fans have created their own theories about what actually happened but none of the show's stars have ever provided an official explanation instead a number of things have happened such as financial and legal troubles that have definitely impacted the show's course do you have a theory about why the show ended let us know in the comments comments below thanks for watching until next time
Channel: Wise Owl
Views: 390,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real reason why chasing classic cars ended financial and law trouble!, chasing classic car, carini wayne, classic car, vintage car, royalty lifestyle, luxury lifestyle, billionaire, billionaires lifestyle, luxury life, luxury, royal family, lifestyle, billionaire luxury, rich, classic cars, cars, vintage cars, automobile, restoration, facts, interesting, top, old classic car, extreme, vehicles, extreme cars, ever made, unusual cars, inventions, technology, law trouble, financial loss
Id: Pq7XY7gljdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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