The Real Jesus Of The Last Days by Carter Conlon

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praise God good-morning Times Square Church bless the Lord if you could go to Matthew chapter 24 I'm going to be speaking the fourth part in the series that I've been sharing in this church on finishing the race I happen to believe that we're coming around the corner of time as it has been known and the end is in sight no man knows the day or the hour as the scripture says but we do know the season we're living it it is obvious that Christ is coming soon for his church I want to talk to you this morning about the real Jesus of the last days the real Jesus as you see in the scriptures there's going to be a lot of Jesus's presented to this generation there's only one real one now father I thank you for the anointing of your Holy Spirit I thank you God for the power to speak these words I thank you for the unction Lord to make them live they've got to live in us Lord or it's just another accumulation of knowledge that we will easily discard help us Lord to embrace these words to keep them at the forefront of our mind and heart especially in this day we're living in lord give me the strength that I need to speak this the clarity of mind God the anointing that can only come from heaven Lord there has to be a multiplication of your word to make it apply to every mind every understanding every situation and so I trust you to do that today lord thank you that in all things Jesus Christ you will be lifted up and glorified alone we thank you in your precious name Amen the real Jesus of the last days Matthew chapter 24 beginning at verse 23 then If any man shall say to you lo here is Christ or there believe it not for there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall so great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect false christs false prophets great signs and wonders remember these words that Jesus spoke behold I have told you before wherefore if they shall say to you behold he's in the desert go not forth behold he's in the secret chambers believe it not for as the Lightning cometh out of the east and Shina 'the even unto the West so shall also the coming of the Son of man be now this text tells us that in the last days in the last of the last days both calamity on the earth and religious deception will reach epic proportions there will be famines there will be pestilences there will be Wars there will be rumors of wars there will be even signs in the heavens all of these things will begin to increase along with a religious deception aimed at the professing Church of Jesus Christ now Satan has no need to deceive those who already belong to him the deception is going to be aimed at the church the professing Church of Jesus Christ the casual believer the sincere believer those who attend church every week and those who attend only casually there's a deception coming and it's already here but it's going to intensify in the coming days Paul tells us in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 that the final and ultimate act of mankind's rebellion against God will be when a satanic liened dwelt man sits in the temple in Jerusalem there what the temple will be rebuilt most likely you and I will live to see this this satanic Lee indwelt man will sit in the temple he's known as the Antichrist and he will declare himself to be God that's the ultimate act of mankind's rebellion against God that's where it all began and members Satan came into the Garden of Eden and he told Adam and Eve his own philosophy his own theology as it is that God is not the only one that has the words of life he's not the only one that knows right and wrong if you partake of what I'm sitting before you your eyes will be opened you can join me and together we'll be as God and we will know good and evil we will we will be the ones and what a mess that has brought into the world as humankind is constantly looking for and declaring Andry declaring that which is right in that which is wrong do you notice man left to himself what was wrong a year ago is right today and what's right today will be wrong next year and it's always good becomes evil and evil becomes good set your watch by folks that's the way it works when any society falls away from God that which we knew as evil becomes good that which we knew as good becomes evil this time of rebellion is going to be preceded by a falling away Paul said of many who had most likely professed or at least had some inclination towards being followers of Jesus Christ I call it the finish line of a race of deception the final end of humankind having embraced the lie the lie that men need no redemption he can be just as God is declaring things to be what he wants them to be chart his own course finish his own race and enter into his own imagined glory which is called hell his own glory what a foolish thing humankind is without God John chapter 6 please if you go there with me very quickly in your Bibles I'm going to talk to you about the falling away in our generation I believe will look very much like it did in these pages of Scripture John chapter 6 in verse 53 now keep in mind these verses of Scripture come before Christ going to the cross the Society of their day turning into a as madness as it is a madness against everything of God against that which represents God against actually God himself now these people are about to go into this they're not aware of it but Christ is aware of it just like you and I on our generation today I hate to have to even say these words but it seems to me that there's a revulsion against the things of God that is seemingly on the increase almost by the hour in our society in our world today now Jesus says to these people verse 53 then jesus said to them verily verily I say unto you except you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you now what he's telling them is that you don't have in yourselves what it takes to get through you need forgiveness and you need to become wholehearted partakers of the life of God that's being made available to you Christ is saying through the giving of my body my body is going to be given for you and through the sacrifice that that is going to be there's going to be life given to you and you're not going to be able to get through without you have to become a full partaker of that life there's no half-measure and Christianity is going to get through the days ahead of us folks and I say it as a shepherd I say it as a pastor I say it as a man who I've got something so burning so deep within me that the half-hearted are not going to make it you're going to turn to a false Christ in this last hour of time of Jesus is saying you have to you have to consume me you have to trust me for your Redemption you have to you have to get into the promises of God that are provided for you and then you've got to literally eat this book it's got to become part of your mind and your thinking not just your library not just an accumulation of knowledge but it but it's got to be knowledge that has transformed you because you and I have embraced it as the ultimate truth in our lives we won't make it otherwise I don't care how devout you think you are how strong you are in your natural mind or body there's a day of darkness coming and deception that nobody apart from the Christ within us will be able to get us through this whoso eats my flesh verse 54 and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed he that eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwelleth in me and I in him as the living father has sent me and I lived by the father so he that eats me even he shall live by me in other words the life that you will have will not be your own the strength will not be your own the direction will not be your own the vision to get through will not be your own I will give you these things that's what the Lord is saying to us but we have to be involved not only in his the fullness of his Redemption but the fullness of his redemptive work on the earth we we can't be just casually coming to the things of God we have to be given to the work of God and that's always the meeting of human need the reaching out to those that are lost to tell them that there is a God in heaven who loves them and to be an extended hand of that kindness of God given to us through Jesus Christ verse 58 says this is bread which came down from heaven not as your father's did eat manna and are dead but he that eats of this bread shall live forever and these things said he in the synagogue is he taught in Capernaum many therefore of his disciples when they heard this they said this is a hard saying who can hear it because you're talking about total surrender here you're talking about total consumption you're talking about a total giving of oneself you're talking about our lives not being our own anymore but belonging to you being bought as it is with the price you're talking about another life goal another objective to take on the work or the objectives of God and let that flow through us in this world this is a hard saying when Jesus knew in himself that the disciples murmured had that he said to them does this offend you are you offended because I'm asking you to be my church from the earth are you offended because I'm telling you that you don't have the natural strength to get through this and religion will not give you the strength that you need it has to be a living relationship with God that is manifested in love of God and a love of your fellow man here on this earth does this offend you he said in verse 62 it what and if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up to where he was before in other words you might be offended by this but will it make a difference if you see me raised from the dead will it make a difference if if you see that what I'm asking you to do and what I'm promising you is also given to me of the Father that you will see with your eyes a dead man raised after three days will it make a difference will you then understand that it it is not a casual encounter a relationship with Christ folks you know what makes this so profound is these people had Jesus speaking to them now I'm speaking on his behalf I'm trusting that the Holy Spirit is animating the words of my heart and of the text today but they had the actual physical son of God who John says was in the beginning with God who created all things and was God they had him actually standing in physical form they are supposed to be disciples of his they're supposed to be these are the sincere as it seems in this generation now he's asking them for a complete and total commitment to the cause of God that they're about to see unfolded through his life now many people had come to him and there are some who could say well listen I didn't come for this I came because you know I was wounded in the past and I want healing and I came because I'm hungry and I see you can multiply bread I came because I thought we're going to rule and Reagan I thought were gonna overthrow the the Roman Empire and that's the way it was told me at least by the person that told me that who you were I thought I was going to prosper and now you're asking me for a full hearted commitment in this time that we're living in now he said in verse 63 it's the spirit that quickens the flesh profits nothing the words that I speak to you their spirit and their life I'm telling you he said what I'm telling you is going to give you life it's going to carry you it's going to sustain you it's going to keep you through the difficult days but there are some of you that believe not for jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believe not and who should betray him and he said therefore i said unto you that no man could come to be accepted were given unto him of my father and from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him i think it's going to look very much like that in our generation when the truth of christ is proclaimed and people say well i didn't i didn't sign up for this i didn't sign up to to be a declaration of god's life in the midst of a hostile environment and generation III i came to christ because i thought it was going to better my life and now you're you're intimating at least that the path that you're on i'm going to be on the way the world feels about you they're going to feel about me the things they say about your they're going to say about me and suddenly it's not very attractive anymore suddenly it puts everything in its right perspective he's asking for a commitment that will actually take them to the cross and yet many looked and they said no we didn't come for this now the scripture doesn't say that they abandoned religion just that they abandoned jesus christ these folks stayed in religion they went back to the forms of religious estate even been more jealous than they were before but all of it was powerless they had just been confronted by the mouth of the christ who created the universe and they went back they went back to powerless singing powerless reading powerless praying because they had been confronted with what the life of those who follow christ is supposed to look like it's a tote it's a total giving to the work of god whatever that work is for each individual believer paul says in the last days in 2nd timothy chapter 3 and verse 5 one of the things that will be symptomatic of the Society of those that people will have a form of godliness but denied the power there I think there be I think there will be the rise of religion everywhere I think there be a feel-good religion that rises I folks if you thought you'd seen a communication in the past you've not seen anything yet of what's going to rise that feel-good religion is going to become the religion of the day you're ok I'm ok we're all ok we're all in this together and we're going to save the earth somehow together but they closed the door of their hearts to where the real life and power of God is to close the door they have a form but they really are a denial of what the gospel is all about of the power of God that transforms it people from being selfish to selfless from being self focused to other focused it's it's a transformed life John said in first John 2:18 little children is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now there are many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time now John the writer John the beloved John who lived on Jesus breast at the supper that the Last Supper believed that they were in the last days and of course we are actually since the day of Pentecost the Antichrist is a substitutionary Christ who stands in opposition that's by definition to who Jesus Christ really is now we see this in the book of Exodus the people wanted to turn back to what they left behind and were delivered from but in order to do this they had to create a substitutionary image of God this is a God would let them pursue their own desires seemingly with the same blessing and power in their minds that they had once known folks this is that's the grave danger of our generation Paul exhorted the Corinthian church he said be careful be careful be careful who you're following be careful what you're believing be careful what you're reading all folks I'm telling you as Paul said if you're not careful if somebody preaches another Christ you might very well end up agreeing with it if I can challenge you as the pastor of this church to do anything you don't have to believe a word I say you get in this book and you read it for yourself you study this thing you study this book inside out if you're a new believer you start in the book of Matthew and you read through to the end and go back to Matthew and read to the end and back to Matthew and read to the end until this word is inside of you until you know you can stand up and say I know who Jesus is I know who I have believed Paul could say that I know who I have believed I know I don't care what anybody says I don't care many people plead for me to stay in a certain place or to do a certain thing or to not be so extreme or to not go so far or to not follow so sincerely Paul could say I know whom I have believed and I'm persuaded that everything I've placed in his hand he's going to bring it right through to the end I believe it with all my heart the [Applause] endtime strategy of Satan is clear it's to divert those who are trying to find refuge in calamitous times by presenting a myriad of false christs options along the way many people are going to be trying to find refuge in the kingdom of God many upset casually in the kingdom of God many have just hung on the exterior of the kingdom of God some have been marginally sincere in the kingdom of God are going to start rushing in looking as it is for the Ark of safety and there'll be signs everywhere Jesus this way Jesus is this way Jesus is over here Jesus is over there you ask me that how can I be sure that I'm following the real Jesus but Jesus said these words in Matthew 24 26 if they say to you behold he's over in the desert don't go there behold he's in the secret chambers don't believe it you see the devil is not omnipresent omnipresent means everywhere all the time Jesus is the only one who's omnipresent you don't have to go anywhere to find him he is right where you are [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] if they tell you he's in North Carolina he's down in Florida he's over in Kennedys often in save yourself the plane ticket he's on the subway with you [Applause] hallelujah as you and I follow him in his work on earth he promises to be our strength and our guide let me read you these words is not this the fast that I have chosen to lose the bands of wickedness to undo heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke is it not to deal your bread to the hungry you bring the poor that are cast out to your house when you see the naked you cover him and you do not hide yourself from your own flesh then he says your light will break forth is the morning remember he said as lightning comes from the east unto the West that's how the Son of Man comes sudden light your health shall spring forth speedily in your righteousness will go before you and the glory of the Lord will be a reward then you will call on the Lord will answer you will cry and you'll say Here I am if you take away the midst of you the yoke the putting forth of the finger and empty talk and if you draw out your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul then your light will rise in obscurity and even your darkness will be like the noonday and the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul and drought and make fat your bones and you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not he is everywhere he is everywhere and when we are found doing his work all we have to when we have found doing his work all we have to do see Jesus where are you and you say I'm right here I've never gone anywhere I've been where I always am I'm everywhere you can't push me out of any room Jesus can't be pushed out of any place no matter how dark or dank or hard or difficult your situation is your when you're in the your office he is there when you're at home he's there when you're on the subway he's there when you're on the street he's there he's everywhere you are he's as close as the mention of his name when you call out to him in times of fear and confusion he will respond with fierceness and power and scatter your enemies David said in Psalm 18 you remember David said darkness was all around I was afraid on every side the enemy seemed to be everywhere I was in danger of being overwhelmed and of course he's speaking about the fear of the moment society seemed to be completely against the anointing of God that was upon his life he's being pursued as he said like a partridge in the mountains a man who knew that the touch of God had been on his life but he said when I cried to you you heard me now he wasn't in a temple when he cried he wasn't in a church service he was in a cave and he said when I cried to you you heard me and he said not only did you hear me but you stood up and you were Roth and smoke went out of your nostrils now it's a vivid picture David saw this he's writing on the under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit so this has to be an accurate portrayal when the devil starts messing around with a true child of God he rolled on the wings of the wind that he said yeah he sent out his arrows and scattered them he shot out lightnings and discomforted them remember what Jesus said as the Lightning comes out of the east and shines even to the west so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be in our darkest times he will bring light when our enemies seem to be triumphing over us he will scatter them and then lastly for as the Lightning comes out of the east and shines even to the west so shall also the coming of the Son of man be he says I will come for you soon and suddenly soon and suddenly Christ is coming for his church folks don't give up now don't quit the race now don't look for another Jesus now we've come too far by faith you've heard so many messages about how difficult it's going to be and I don't know if we can any of us can adequately describe it there'll even be a season according to Paul where they say peace in the Middle East and safety maybe this upheaval that's happening will take a turn for the good maybe it will look like peace is finally coming to the earth but it says when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them out of not seen not prepared for prophet Isaiah says in one hour everything changes everything changes in an hour folks we're living in that kind of a time but for you and I it's not an hour in which everything will change it will be in the moment in the twinkling of an eye we'll be working in the field I had a dream about this one time now it's only a dream that's all it was but I was working in the field with my wife Teresa and another person we knew and and suddenly we were just out with we out Greeks and holders and we're out in the field and suddenly we started lifting from the earth and we were going up into the air and I remember this other lady who was a friend of ours was saying it's the rapture it's the rapture of the church it's the rapture of the church and I looked over and my wife her hands and feet were going in the air and she was shouting hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and me being ever the realist I looked down I said I sure hope you're both right because if you're not right we're in real trouble because at this point we're about three four hundred feet up in the air it's going to happen one day soon and suddenly soon and suddenly the Lord Jesus is going to come with a trumpet and a shout the father is going to the father is going to lean over to the Son and time I guess as we know it is going to be very close to an end and he's going to say son go get your bride just like a man who just has loved this girl for so long and has been betrothed and just can't wait and think in his case has been over 2,000 years and you just go get your bride the ones that are I've already died the ones that are still alive and that the scripture says he comes with a shout hallelujah to the lamb of God like lightning from the powerfully quickly that's why you don't have to go to the desert you don't have to go to the clock don't believe anybody that says because he says none when I come through everybody's going to know it the whole world is going to know it when I come for you it's going to be like lightning from the east to the west nobody's going to miss this nobody's going to be left out the dead are going to raise first out of the ground and we who are alive and remain to be gathered together with them and so shall we ever be with the Lord and the scripture says he comes with a shout I love that my church my bride hallelujah I think in that shout every name that's ever been given to his named it it's a it's a it's a compilation of your name in my name everyone has ever trusted everyone there's not giving up everyone who's been partakers of the sacrifice that he made on the cross that we might have life everyone has trusted him for life and strength and breath and against every enemy and to be able to go through all opposition and to be a testimony of Christ no matter how dark it gets in the world everyone was believed that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me everyone who is embraced in their heart that no weapon formed against and prosper and every tongue that rises against me and judgment I shall condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord I have a righteousness that's not my own it was given to me of God I have a covering that's not my own I have a future that's not my own I have a pathway that's not my own I have a life that's not my own it belongs to God hallelujah hallelujah I don't have a dowry as part of the bride of Jesus Christ you and I have nothing we can bring to him but what I do have is a heart that's filled with His Word a heart that's longing for his coming a heart that's longing to see his work done in the earth a heart that's longing to see prison doors open to see blinded eyes seeing again to see deafened ears hearing to see those that are wounded and heart healed by the power of God I have a heart that's what I bring to him and that's what he's coming for and that's what the shout is all about I'll come for you soon and suddenly so when it gets hard when it gets difficult no matter what you're into they're going to go through tomorrow remember that Jesus is coming for you this life is only a vapor James said it just here for a moment it passes away in a hundred million thousand billion years from now you'll be so thankful you didn't give up the race you'll be so thankful that you didn't divert into some pit stop somewhere or succumb to some voice offering a more comfortable religion you'll be thank God you'll be thanking God for eternity that you stayed running with those that have run this race for 2,000 years you didn't give up and folks we're going to have to encourage one another as we come around the corner because a lot of us are not professional runners and we're going to have to encourage one another we're just going to have to give her a hard one time the geese when they're flying south or north whichever way they go depending on the time of the year they they honk at each other to keep each other moving did you know that while that's according to a study I did they said that was one of the reasons did you you saw that yeah that's right okay so we're going to have to honk at each other I'm not talking about when you get your car out on 51st and stuff but you're going to have to just say come on now get up and keep running when somebody Falls we're gonna have to take it we're gonna have to hold them folks we're going to get across this finish line we're going to do it together as the body of Jesus Christ hallelujah we're going to do it together we're going to walk this walk together as the Church of Jesus Christ we're not going to give up on the work of God to see the read those that have no helper to see them the help of God through his church brought to them whatever form that's going to take Revelation 3 is my last scripture please if you turn there revelation 3 in the Church of Philadelphia beginning in verse 7 he says to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write these things says he that is holy that is true that he that has the key of David he that opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens I know your words behold I've set before you an open door and no man can shut it for you have a little strengthened you've kept my word and you've not denied my name I'll make them of the synagogue of Satan would say they're Jews and are not but do lie I'll make them to come and worship before your feet to know that I have loved you he's talking to his church about all of those who are professed to know him but it's not been in truth the reason they'll come and worship because there'll be such an incredible strength is not to worship you he's not saying this to his church but to worship before your feet in other words to say tell me where have you found this strength how did you get this strength to get through this time because you've kept the word of my patience I'll keep you from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth behold I come quickly hold fast which thou hast that no man take that crown let nobody take your crown because you're already on track for victory you're already on track to be more than a conqueror you're already on track to finish the race and to do it lawfully to do it rightfully to do it God's Way and at the end of that race there's a crown Paul talked about it a crown of righteousness laid up for all of those that love God and have gone on in the work of God and have not given up when opposition faced you and this is my altar call this morning hold fast that no man take that crown I want to give an altar call for those who are in danger of giving up and you came here this morning and the despair was in your soul and you said God if I don't hear from you I don't know if I can go on where am I going to find the strength to face tomorrow let alone the pastors of this church you're talking about more difficult times coming well if they're any more difficult than what I'm facing today where will I find the strength to go on how will I ever get through how will I ever manage in the days to come this altar call is for you that you can simply come forward to the front of this sanctuary or between the screens in the annex and be encouraged simply be encouraged now if you if you reached out and laid hold of things you shouldn't have if you are involved in practices you shouldn't be if you're looking for comfort in places that only captivate you need to lay these things down and you need to trust God for the power to do that today lay aside the sin that so easily besets you and let Jesus Christ give you the strength to be his church on the earth I speak specifically to those who feel a giving up I'm going to ask for honesty today as you make that effort to get out of your seat and come forward I believe that God is going to meet you I believe that as we worship he's going to give you strength he's going to help you let's stand to our feet pleasing for those that this is speaking to just step out please in the balcony you can go to either exit the main sanctuary just slip out wherever you are make your way to the front of the sanctuary please if you will and we're going to pray for you our prayer today as an entire church body is going to be for you because we're not leaving you behind nobody is going to be left behind who wants to walk with God hallelujah hallelujah it's an eye-opener to us Church that we're not in this alone there's other people in this with us and some are losing heart and we always have to be aware of that it's so important that we speak kindly to each other we become a strength to those that are weary a good word the scripture says spoken in season how good it is let's believe God to give each other strength one of the things that we need to understand in our time is the spiritual authority that's given to the Church of Jesus Christ now Jesus said these words behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions everything everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God everything that tries to take away that victory of Christ and Jesus said and nothing shall by any means hurt you now you and I are going to take that position today we're going to stand just like Moses stood before Pharaoh on behalf of these people that are at this altar the rest of the church we're going to pray Moses stood on behalf of the nation and Fauss it was trying to make a deal okay right you and a few others go and leave the weak and leave the old and leave the young and Moses could stand before fair and say no deal whatsoever we all go our young go our old go [Applause] we all go we have authority in the name of Jesus Christ and we need to start to pray for one another and pray that God give that word of encouragement to those that need it today because you and I may need it tomorrow hallelujah I want you to raise your hands now if you will towards these that are at the front of the sanctuary and lift your voice now and we're going to ask God for great Grace and great strength father we come before you as the body of Jesus Christ in Times Square charts Lord to lift up these that have gathered at this altar and have gathered in the education annex have stood up and they're in danger of being overcome by their situation Lord Jesus Christ we take authority over Satan in your name we take authority over the works of darkness over all the lies of the devil every work of discouragement everything that tries to take away the completeness of the Cross every captivity that declares it will never let go we take authority over these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ my god you are the God who gives strength you give strength to those that have no mind you increase our strength God your word says you give us wings like eagles to rise up and to begin to fly over all of these circumstances to climb all of these mountains to leap over all of these walls everything of how everything that the enemy sends against us we have the power in our Christ to stand against it and to stand victorious over it Lord Jesus thank you that you're going to bring these through every last one at this altar is going to make it through father we stand on their behalf we stand and pray for those who don't even have a voice - pray for themselves we thank you God for victory thank you Jesus thank you Lord for victory thank you God thank you God for victory thank you for victory thank you for the victory thank you for the victory thank you for the victory thank you for the victory we proclaim that victory in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ every prison door you have to open every visiting sin you have to let go every blinding thing you have to let their eyes be open my God my God give strength to your people give strength to your church give strength o God your strength let us mount up and run let us run with God this race is before us hallelujah to the lamb of God it's all in Jesus our strength is in Jesus our victory is won the battle is over it's finished hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you God we proclaim here this day that nobody at this altar nobody in the annex who stood today nobody's going under nobody you have a Living Christ you have a Living Christ you have a Living Christ at the right hand of Almighty God we are more than conquerors through him that loves us hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah to the lamb of God thank you Jesus thank you lord you're not going down you're going up hallelujah look at me you're not going down you're going up you're going up you're going up you're going up any day now you're going up [Applause] glory to God glory to God hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God I'm not leaving you behind I'm not leaving you behind when I'm leaving you behind we're going together we're finishing this race together praise be to God praise be to God praise be to God hallelujah you're gonna make it man you're gonna make it you're gonna make it you don't listen to the lies of the devil anymore don't listen to that voice anymore you have someone inside of you stronger than anything that hell can ever throw against you he is stronger he is stronger sin is broken we have the victory in Jesus give him a shout of praise in the south [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah we win we win praise good we win thank God thank God thank God let's praise Him you
Views: 79,734
Rating: 4.8814969 out of 5
Keywords: Carter, Conlon, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: mxQRGweNwU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2011
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