The REAL Difference Between Grandmasters In Chess

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a lot of times we think that grand Masters play the same just because they have the same title but truth is that every player has their own style and today I'm gonna compare how my very aggressive dad plays in comparison to my a little bit more positional Mall both of my parents are Grandmasters my dad is known for being super tactical and was even called the Spanish tell in the past my mom is known for being a little bit more positional but just in general being super strong I mean she won a gold medal at the chess Olympia just a couple months ago I'll give them a chest position and they will both separately have to analyze it and play it out against an engine now they will have no idea of what the other person played so we will literally be able to compare their moves and see how both of their games differ let's start with Mom there we go oh yeah you know I don't like the positions you put out I promise I didn't do it on purpose if you didn't do it on purpose yeah yeah so my characteristics can we say about the position if we start with white okay we have a postponed on A4 but in general I think it's quite easy for you to stop it and actually now you're planning to win it you can just go rookie eight and you will take an A4 I can take the pawn on H4 but then you will go and take my an A4 Bishop for but you mean like taking an A4 like this yeah then with the other Rook yeah then this is possible and we see that we have weaknesses the king is quite open for white and we had this bishop G2 which is very important defend defy but it's just looking at its own Pawn so it's quite weak and maybe also you have some plan Knight P6 something so um yeah like I said no I don't like this position at all for white why do you prefer this for black like can we say some characteristics of Black's possession what I like with black is quite active pieces and you see the white king is passive also I mean an end game that black would like to play is to change or a lot of people have a knight to play against the bishop on G2 because we have this Pawn on defined which restricted and you know if you could put the Black Knight on F4 it will be just be a dream so this Pawn on G4 has gone a little bit too far uh if if you don't have anything to defend the F4 Square so for example black would like to change is the black Square Bishop take away the bloody G5 and E7 because E7 E7 is not doing so much but the E5 is very important to keep the control of the black squares so if I could bring in the Knight to F5 like one move here then it would be a big difference but this Knight is also passive yeah I don't know in this position I would probably go something like I'm thinking Bishop D2 actually Bishop detail okay throw in the queen uh I think this is what I will go for I will go for Bishop D2 Okay the reason you're not going for this is because of Rook a yeah I just think the bishop will be so far away and okay I can plan for this Knight G3 Knight Define but Bishop f8 I just felt it it's it goes to the king side but I think lots of things will happen on the queen side so I'm a little bit Yeah so I will go Bishop D2 okay um Queen's seven here yes and the reason I wanted to do this was to try to control the a pawn so that black could not be able to capture it immediately yeah this was my idea but maybe this was not such a good idea I see now but this was my my idea uh but now yeah okay let's see I I will go A5 here now yeah just pushing the pawn and defending it okay fine Knight E4 let's see I will go Bishop E3 here now so it should be three and what the idea is to uh what what is the idea yeah no because I want to keep my black Square Bishop I'm not going I don't want to give it too easy but now you have 95 maybe but okay I will go for Bishop E3 okay so you go Rook A8 now I will go for um let's see Diego Queen D3 Queen D3 I want to see can I yes Queen the frame yeah threatening the night okay so 95 because you want to go E4 so now my plan was aha take take you have this ah but wait wait wait no no no no no this is very very dangerous now here E6 you want to go E4 so this is the point with your play here now okay I will go I will try to play tactical now oh yeah I will go Bishop B6 actually but this is very dangerous what I will play now but I'll go Bishop B6 mom is playing tactical I literally started this saying mom is a very positional player we'll see the differences between how my mother and my father plays so yeah my mom is going tactically so it should be six and now I want to go ah directly Queen CA that was I was expecting to play but now I want to go Rook a uh Rook AC one okay so I just want to show the idea here was that if takes and takes and the queen will be threatened but this Rook will also be threatened if Phoenix and The Rook is hanging and this is hanging it's winning so that is the idea so Queen C8 Rook ac1 yeah now I want to go Rook AC one so if you take on B6 I take a take back yes so if they take with the pawn and I take with the Rook yeah this is in Rook C7 is just I feel it's just the mass move I move I have to do take you take a take on E7 you keep check I go King H2 and uh you I'm threatened mate um you have to yeah you can go can you go king of faith in this position oh I go Rook D7 you take on F2 oh oh oh what what is happening this is just crazy for me yeah my mom is really good at seeing you know opponent's counter plans I feel like that's something that I'm really bad at in comparison to my mom I only care about what I want to do but a lot of times I don't profoundly calculate as much what my opponent can do I wanted to go Rook C7 but the problem is actually my Rook is getting trapped King fa Rook the seven King a and I will have a very weak King but there is also this night on F6 so maybe it's possible I will go Queen be fine you will go Queen B5 yeah this is okay look at this my mom is not taking the free piece or free piece my mom is gonna go Queen B5 instead and now if I came this was very this was absolutely the most crazy moment I've seen here I I don't understand I can still go Rook C7 what are you going to do Rook C7 Queen A6 take take on E7 and I guess the the plan is to go some F4 but I have also these people now here here at taken F7 mom the the computer is just 2400 so it's not really strong so what we do is I I you know I will go I will go Rook sister I could take on F5 also but let's say I go Rook C7 all right no take take I take and I go I go busy I go be I go be I go B7 oh you're not taking the piece no I go B7 and I'll go Rook say check and I take a queen wait what just happened and I take the queen and I I play with the root cap so so okay all right well I mean we can just I guess we can just see now because you have this threat how you stop it but um I go nicely free I go Bishop F1 um now I will go Rook before yeah I just to start the phone from pushing uh and now I will go I will just go 94. yeah and just block everything so okay and then I will go and take that Free Pawn so okay all right this is this is GG now there we don't need to finish this my mom is a full workup I'm not gonna have her play this out but that was very nice so my mom won um my 2400 bought resigns and we'll get the first position then and you can tell Dad to come here okay gotta say thanks to Mom for now she'll be back she will be back okay we have my dad we have my dad all right close the position okay Dad so basically this is this is the position you're playing with white and you're playing as a 2400 computer okay 2400 I only want 21. okay this is me yeah I'm from Spain yes okay awesome all right you want to go Bishop D2 yes yes this is the first move quickly very quickly it's it's a it's an engine dad don't worry don't be psychologically you know like don't and no don't be intimidated no ice is important to change one Rook I want to play Rook [Music] um I play Queen B3 is bad because of Rook B8 yeah I don't like it no I I take it now Pawn in a fight quickly a five assists a five you want to go A5 A5 I know Fair speed their speed you don't need to be as fast so Knight C5 okay yeah but now if I play Ruthy one you need to change the rules you play Rooker 4 I play Queen take a four and hit this eight after it to the queen yes okay one I change the Rook for sure but what happened ah but you know cb3 if I take with the queen I know because okay I want to change the rule because this very active you can see for Rook C1 okay so this Rook is better than this one you think yeah because I would have rather look and I won't swim with the other room yeah we'll bring this reconcile hyper rookie one now you need to take oh yeah you please move no no no I know what I do now I take nc4 yes so so this is fine did you did you I I don't see I don't I don't calculate it I I take I take you see guys my dad is playing a lot more in intuition than my mom I did The Rook yeah okay yeah of course but mama don't play like this no no yeah I'm sorry but you played Bishop D2 also okay yeah yeah but she played a little bit differently you can move now now I don't like this Knight in D3 if I come change this night I'm really happy with 91 but I play 91 maybe maybe oh yeah the computer deviated first actually the engine played differently first had Queen B1 think attack the knight in one song away you know I think I play ah scarf foreign [Music] Queen that you're going so much faster than Mom yes it's so funny five aha you want to play in C5 no no no no 95.95 um that you don't have to win just because Mom won okay it's okay to yes of course of course you know they move I don't like as Queen C2 in one moment this queen is little dangerous yes it's danger of this move it was very dangerous for me yeah I play playing F4 Knight F4 Knight F4 yes and the idea is that it takes take everything but the difference is you don't take my pony in a fight he played here in nc3 you will and after change everything you take a 0.5 with a player on F4 after since everything you'll attack my opponent F5 this is the difference yes quickly we should take of course Bishop takes yeah and now now we have a six now it's bad now it's little better if I play We're Not Gonna Take the bishop yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the difference and now now is it now yeah now the position I have one very nice move maybe maybe maybe Queen B7 we did there a six a seven eight Queen oh my God I'm so excited for this but Queen B7 is but for Miss more logical to play Queen B7 27 to go A6 A7 and five to play F5 foreign but it's okay it's okay like I said I said sometimes there's like uh sometimes this engine doesn't do the best moves because it's 2400 so it's not yeah probably going to play 932 F4 F3 made okay if I put Asics you take my D2 if I play A7 what happened ah you playing on F4 again everyone three with nine two check and queen this is maybe you can play Slowly to play you take a five first so you think F5 maybe was good interesting you like it look ridiculous okay but I don't know I think you want to play Tekken G2 and F4 and after we play for mate but at six you take in G2 if I don't do anything I play a seven move the Knight and after Thunder because you take nine to check and check it will be minimum draw okay I want to play Isis foreign just going for their own attacks without caring for each other it's really funny actually I don't see nothing I say then you sure it's seven I'm not sure about the Y plus seven yes okay so you're you're doing a seven on intuition yeah I I understand what happened now I understand you want to play Queen C8 yeah this is the point yeah okay yes someone is asking why you're not calculating yeah you play H3 yeah and then I guess you have to go Bishop H1 and now you have to use 92 check yeah no no no no no it's very dangerous exactly I don't know or Queenstown I don't know something are you taking there yeah wait what does this work you're just making a queen I take queen queen queen queen queen of this guys this game is crazy like I don't know how this happened the two did not have two Queens on the board I thought Mom was playing tactically but this is on another level the point the point okay now you know after Ruka won if every look at one you don't do any something I take Queen taken mate after Ruka one I think the only okay one yeah and now in H2 I don't have checks for me one mate now I take with the queen of course okay I think with the queen yeah Queen cakes yeah yeah kf7 here okay now I have two moves one is Queen B8 attack the Knight the opportunity you need to play check with the Knight check with the queen and also E3 I I tell them my the phone only no problem yeah I think I think it would break E3 but anyway I play anyway Queen B8 5 oh he's going G5 what is this Queen E5 directly with you know maybe you want to play King King desist in a five King def the foreign something you know I want to play after Queen this is only move I think I think only movies Queen a night to play with the Knight and and six for G6 and this is not possible Queen here attack my roots you know I take risk I like to play it with risk you know Queen D6 Queen D6 yes okay Queen D6 oh he played the mirror that I said if I played anyway probably one that isn't this dangerous or if you want that H3 they made it made in two cakes and this no no no no no no no no no no no no 90 hit check I take the pawn queen tape I plug in H3 I'm so involved in this game now I want to sing but it's more interesting that before this game no no it's more more tactic okay it is very interesting I I think it might be okay anyways um I'm so involved in this game that I'm playing too now it's so interesting I play Ruby one you play nine HD checks no I take the pawn get to check I play the night and what's happening here okay yeah I mean there's no Checkmate oh you have a queen queen F3 check I guess yeah I guess it looks like it'll be perpetual no I don't like drove you know this no I know you either win or lose my dad either lose this game or what my dad is right now looking at rookie one is not good who object who is better here I mean I mean doesn't black have a lot of Pawns no I like black and help would you like just if I could switch like this would you rather play this foreign would be the same no okay anyway we'll be tick tick tick you can hear anything check you need to play 93 foreign we need five now I have checked I don't know where if F7 or 87 if I play F7 you will break in any way we play only movies it's a queen in default in D4 and what happened something happened here you know you know I play Teenage too are you sure I'm sure sorry sorry you play Queen check here check Ed by Rook Queen H7 check oh let's just tell me tell me yeah wait guys wait guys look King here Queen takes Rook Jack only moves to capture and then Queen H7 actually I didn't see that you're very nice though you see yeah I play kid is too applicant are you sure yes now Rook at seven look at this check wait is this gonna work check and queen H7 check wait what I want to have if he's going into very nice Rose let's go yeah like this potato [Laughter] yeah someone is asking what happens here if Queen didn't want I think there must have been some winning ways for for black I mean queen D1 here yeah this is the this is the best movie I don't know like it might be winning with best moves but it's hard like practically there might be a lot of stone Matrix because the king is always uh the king is always trapped over there like Blackberry but interesting moves G5 and yeah okay I like to see a nice moves mom here we go hello Mom do you want to see what happened in the game yeah yeah let's see and who was playing it was Mindless Crossing with white Peter Fiddler with black this is the initial position and these are the the top moves by the engine so Bishop D2 is the top move actually no I believe it to that calcium you see visually they do no but that is okay I took an age box yeah but you know it moves especially to the computers we play the same okay so he took and then rookie eight and this what you were saying and then Knight G3 G6 Bishop G5 and then they just exchanged all of this and now it became a really like symmetrical position yeah but Carlson is amazing so Knight C5 7 yeah this is a logical how is play yeah this is very logical how black play it is G5 G5 yeah the thing is equal he doesn't know what to play and he will go eight five here now yeah I know bishop h37. and now there's a problem he doesn't have a look yeah he could have gone rookie seven Bishop take okay he could have gone look so he went here yeah to go King eight and then H5 no takes negative five night dc5 okay I'm going pretty fast now Bishop G4 takes takes Bishop here and the idea is that there's a Checkmate over here oh and then you resigned yeah these guys are fine you're winning the piece if the Knight moves there's a chocolate yeah yeah that was crazy but this must have been a rapid game yeah yeah I think that was a Blitz game it was a Blitz game yeah yeah so this is a really fast-paced game yeah that was really awesome that was really awesome um I really want to take a picture of that still made on Sunday Cherry crows and who's like the king of stylemates that was super fun and what I've concluded is that I am a mix of both like I think I'm a little bit closer to my dad like I have a lot of intuition and sometimes like my games go wrong because I'll just like have a lot of intuition and think that something is really good and then that will like turn out to be really bad until I lose the game because of that but my mom she's a little bit more safe like she calculates like a lot and she always like my mom like rarely plays bad moves like you'll rarely play like a very bad move okay should we all do a little wave bye
Channel: Anna Cramling
Views: 375,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wfm anna cramling, chess, anna cramling, chess match, chess game, pia cramling, game, vs, checkmate, wfm, grandmaster, win, how to, chess lesson, twitch, twitch streamer, highlights, best chess channel, youtube chess, best of, top, moments, funny, match, attack, tactics, tips, tips and tricks, chess openings, theory, chess tutorial,, online chess, chess for beginners, chess twitch, how to play chess, daily dose of chess, anna chess, blitz chess
Id: -oDYTyxkf3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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