Dark Web Documentary 01 Getting Setup with Tails Linux

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hi and welcome back to another youtube video i'm just kidding that thing is so stupid hi hello how's it going everybody welcome to another youtube video i'm excited about this one i think this one should be a little bit of fun i want to get started with a new video series um but hey this is a artistic scientific and educational documentary um i look i'm gonna be transparent i'm gonna put in my disclaimer obviously this is all for like education's sake so i've had the idea to do this sort of thing to record a video like this and many more to come uh in a series uh for quite some time but i wasn't sure if it's something that i really wanted to do because there is a weird element of of risk i guess in this um but no i want to put the stake in the ground like look this is solely for education's sake it's to show people that there was stuff out there like this that exists and anyone can go track it down anyone can go see it if you have the stomach for it and you the know-how and you and you do it look this stuff is totally accessible so in this video series i want to explore the dark web and i don't want to make it like this the cringy like high level fluff that you see in in other videos you know kind of my style and what i like to do with my videos is that it's a raw like genuine screen capture it's it's the footage and like pure recording of what i'm seeing on my computer screen so that's what i want to bring to you while we explore and look around the dark web so this will be very similar to the malware analysis stuff in that it's a kind of exploratory i don't know where i'm going it's just for showcasing sake and obviously i'm not going to get into the like actual dark stuff like morally or ethically wrong or anything that's way too sensitive to show um and i don't want to and you shouldn't want that to begin with so look i want to be showcasing this in the strict sense of cyber security to raise awareness and have the transparency and shine the spotlight on the stuff that's that's real um so if you happen to i don't know play along uh look the biggest thing is kind of your safety and i don't mean to offer any pretense that oh this stuff is obviously safe and secure so your mileage may vary uh i will put in whatever disclaimers are necessary like look uh i don't want to be held accountable like for anything that either might go your way or my way it's i look i don't i don't even know what i'm saying because it's so hard to capture this um but i want to kind of shine the spotlight on like the underground industry like of of stuff like hey the cyber crime bad actors malware ransomware hacker for hire services and stuff like that i just want to show that to you and that it's a real thing and i and i want to give you the real thing not just the high level talk about it so let's do it um before i dive in look obviously as i said there's kind of a weird risk in kind of me doing this thing so hey if if you you the audience if you as a single person happen to be a bad dude if you're a cyber criminal and you're like oh that john guy he's he's putting me on blast here uh and you want to come after me hey please don't [Laughter] and uh you know we're to keep this fun we're gonna keep it lighthearted and i hope to approach this stuff with like a level head uh i want to be like i don't know i don't want this to be the fear uncertainty and doubt showcasing of the spooky scary dark web first of all the dark web and the deep web gosh i hate those words can we stop calling it the dark web it just sounds it sounds so dumb anyway uh we're gonna get into some tor hidden services and all that so uh let's i guess get started i'll hop over to my computer screen here and we'll get set up to go in a little uh dark web safari i suppose all right i'm gonna get started going over to my web browser kind of on my host machine i did mention that uh kind of the biggest thing that i want to be concerned about with us getting started is our security like our own safety our own privacy uh so i think the number one choice to kind of get us moving in that regard is working with an operating system and actual like okay setup for our computer that is going to have that privacy and anonymity in mind so i'm looking at tails linux the linux distribution called tails that is uh the amnesic incognito live system that's meant to be kind of ran as an operating system that you boot to that you have installed kind of on a usb drive or a usb stick where you're gonna end up using the computer but solely through that specific operating system partition that you might end up using to then browse the web or do things on your computer that will be gone and no longer exist because it's not going to have that persistent file system and persistent hard drive that once you restart that computer so tails is kind of what we will go ahead and opt for if i were googling for that you can see the website here tails is a portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship uh scrolling down here checking out their website it's a lot of really cool stuff uh of course you've got some uh big players offering some testimonials in here the tor project right that we'll get into in just a little bit the electronic frontier foundation so tor and tails is definitely what we want to end up using for folks that watch my other videos you know that i tend to run windows on my host computer on my desktop pc that i'm using right now to record um i have linux installed kind of on all my laptops and when i'm on my desktop i will use linux like ubuntu linux and a virtual machine which is where i record capture the flag videos or programming tutorials or malware analysis stuff like that so i have been working and i've been playing with tor in my ubuntu virtual machine and i realized uh i don't know if i want to do that especially when i'm putting this out and showcasing it to you i want to kind of go one step further and we'll we'll do this solely within a temporary ephemeral operating system inside of virtual machines so let's install tails for a virtual machine right here so i'll go ahead and get tails here uh we'll start that download and this should take just a moment or two it's only about a gig but that is what we'll end up using and i'll spin this up in virtualbox you could use whatever i guess virtual machine provider you would like vmware vmware player if you're working with the free version i'm just a plebe i'm just a poor boy and a peasant in virtualbox but that's how i'll get started so i'll go ahead and let this download and i'll tune back once it is finished okay the tails iso has finished downloading so now i'm going to get started with virtualbox or my virtual machine provider and i'll go ahead and create a new virtual machine great i'll call this tails and it will end up running linux i'm totally fine with whatever it chooses um i'll give it i guess like eight gigs of ram and the 12 gigabyte file size is totally fine i realize this is kind of small text and i can't easily zoom in on this but once that is kind of defined and created if i were to go ahead and click start now i could go ahead and choose that iso file so i will browse to a specific location which i know we put it in our downloads i have this saved and stored already for me in an isos folder that i have kind of dedicated to host and let my iso files live there for anything else that i might use whether it's kali linux or windows image or ubuntu etc i would recommend doing that especially for tails since we are kind of going to be booting from that iso file just about each time so let me go ahead and start that and virtualbox will get started we can hit enter once we click into the virtual machine so we'll know we'll boot to tails and i will try and make this a smidge bigger here but i don't think it will be able to display until it finishes booting so i'll give it just a few seconds and if you're following along you can do the very same i'll tune back in once this is done starting up okay looks like he's coming to life here looks like it's going to ask me what language i want to work in my keyboard layout and english is all fine for me so if i click on start tails it should bring me to my desktop environment in just a moment i can see my cursor has changed and at this point we should be okay to kind of resize the screen here yeah and you can see it will map and follow along with us if i were to maximize this we're slowly coming to life here and there we go okay so now we are in tails uh i'll hit my windows or host key which i have mapped to the right control button and now i am in that full screen actual tails virtual machine here if i click over on the top left i can hit the applications button here in this menu and we can get to our favorites tor is already installed and already set up for us that's kind of the benefit of tails and that it might feel like kali linux in a way like oh all the tools that you would expect to use for this specific purpose kali linux is all about like offensive penetration testing red teaming and bug bounty etc capture the flag it looks like it's whining about a signing key i'm totally cool with that tails obviously being fine-tuned and tailored to privacy and anonymity and security and confidentiality tor is already set up looks like we have mail client keepass or password manager pidgin for instant messaging etc etc and if you wanted to bump around here you could check out other tools that you might already have installed i see is in here inkscape kind of nice but obviously we know what we're doing we know that we want to hop into the tour browser and this will take a little bit of time to get started because tor is going to end up you know working through whatever nodes that it needs to work through to actually make sure that your connections are at least routed in different ways and i'll have to put a disclaimer and that like sure using tor there's an element of security there there's a there's a better more layers of what your connections uh that's not to say that this is foolproof right when you're worried about your connection to the internet being monitored or being uh accessible and something that someone else can listen in on sure tor adds extra layers of security but i don't want to make the proclamation that oh no one can break and no one can see that traffic uh it it still i'm i'm more than positive can still kind of be you know have have a little bit of eavesdropping in some places in some ways so here we are at tails opening up the web browser here but there are a lot of different things we could do um now we could access onion sites or those strange domains and websites that have a lot of random characters and have a hidden address with a dot onion kind of domain prefix and that's where the interesting stuff is going to end up being on the dark web the stupid name so we'll explore a lot of that in upcoming videos but for now note that you can use tor to access regular websites on the clear net or whatever and then any of those onion websites or those tour hidden services so we'll dive into those in a moment but i think i want to be able to showcase someone for us because i want to show that duality between going to a clear net site and then a potential like actual dark net dark website facebook is kind of a prime example and that facebook sure has its own clear like regular address facebook.com but there is also a facebook onion site i'm gonna end up searching for that we're using duckduckgo as our browser here and it looks like facebook the search engine duckduckgo sorry i realized i said browser and that's the wrong word here facebook core www.onion is a site that allows access to facebook through the tour protocol using its dot onion top level domain kind of slick so this is just one example but if i were to go to that facebook core dub dub dub i dot onion it should bring me to facebook just accessed through tor and using kind of this secure uh bumping around different routers and getting the protocol that we might need so that we aren't as easily tracked uh and that is a good thing for us because we're going to be looking at some weird shady stuff over here in the dark web and we can access those dot onion top level domain websites and those specific uh hidden services tour hidden services so i think that's enough for now we're just getting our feet wet we're just getting set up but in the next video we can take this a little bit further and start to navigate around the dark web right going on this dark web safari we're putting in the spotlight we're seeing what we can see and we're making it real we're not just throwing like video overlays and effects over it i hope this is something that can be kind of cool and kind of interesting and you'll i'm positive we'll go down some interesting rabbit holes in here so hey thanks so much for tuning in everybody please let me know what you think of this style of video if if this is going to be something that you're interested in i want to know because i have a lot of ideas a lot of plans for stuff to do with this sort of video series but i do need that feedback i do need to know if this is something that you're interested in just as well but i hope my goal with this sort of thing is not to be too close to the line it's not to get into that spooky scary stuff it's not to do anything about that or even touch or go remotely near the actually dark and very dark stuff that can be seen in the corners and crevices of the internet right now and i don't want you to go into that so uh i'm not making any claims or promises about okay safety security this is all just for education showcasing and the exploration of what we can see and how anyone can see this if you really really wanted to but that's it that's enough of me yapping in this video i'm excited for the next one and i'm excited for what more we can do please let me know what you think do those youtube algorithm things like comment and subscribe i'll see you guys in the next video take care [Music] [Music] with [Music] with
Channel: John Hammond
Views: 156,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QTIzSz73yYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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