The Real Blac Chyna | FREE EPISODE | 2. Not Exactly A Walk In The Park | ZEUS | BLAC CHYNA

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so today I'm gonna go see dr. John and allure if you wouldn't look good look good by all means necessary since it's really pretty guess what Sonny's home your mom mr. Tony is coming to LA whenever I try to talk to my mom is like talking to like a brick wall I'm so glad I'm in LA cuz those thin ratchets it's around my daughter blac Chyna they gonna have to go believe me I'm not gonna argue with you and you my kid it's not just about you as well so happy [Music] loosen it Botox up in her face a little bit with everything that's going on right now like do you think me you meet her right now which one's worse having a mom that's not here or having a mom that is here they don't give a about you no matter how I feel about her you know I love you so I'm 100% in support of you fixing it man when I pulled up said that house that my daughter bought if you have a millionaire daughter why would you not look out for your mother me and my mom has had like a ton of issues all that what's your issues darling one issue is you betta and you really are did you what might that be yes you can come and get in my face wanna stay in your face hi bye you swing it get down again to mow down Klaus back I'm gone no you suck [Music] you're watching - it's hard if dirty a you've tried to dumbass we guys Oh Greg kids this is why breaking the cycle from this dope if I'm not doing this give me you've got it right now get me the [ __ ] out of here get me the [ __ ] out of here I'm done right now five go back home we're in a nice neighborhood trying to have the biggest house on the block and her mom is outside of the gate acting a fool let's go okay took a car a car sweetheart let's buy nothing done this is over you're a piece of to me to do that to me you don't ever have to be around me just consider me dead can you get my fright together I'm ready [Music] [Music] people do so that's when I started talking to Ashley I like breaking it down because I [ __ ] I've been holding this in so long and it's like certain things you can't really like confined to certain people's like like your boyfriend or like treasurer because I don't want them till I carry like that burden so I kind of like started like breaking out into ashes but like if you let me go rock her period I should have snatched my wig off out you know like get me out of here that place was so big and I was so turned around I just started screaming get me the hell out of here right now right now desta I was talking about I couldn't imagine raising my voice higher than this to my mother I was expressing myself to Ozzy let him know you know she ain't gonna do dish I don't want to stay around inside [ __ ] [ __ ] hit me I was swear to God would take her whole both faith Botox and all the way to off one grip i'ma break ur ass half but how can a mother do that but that she's always been stuff like that she's bipolar I'm done I'm done she's a liar for years I've been trying with her for years a [ __ ] all I wished she's gonna be organized that she's so unorganized gave a crabber her my girl we're all over her grave she couldn't name nothing my mother did for her you had an opportunity not even a mother paste shoes I'm done cool okay quit her no more I know I can't no more they say kill herself whatever I won't give up I'm done I'm done I'm done you will never do that to me again you don't do [ __ ] for me in life she gonna say just a car a Maxima huh that's what the may drive but she don't give to me something and because she didn't go your way you put the kill switch too so now I'ma let them pick that mother to pieces I'm a pen for this car to sit in a friend of Mines driveway for two hundred and fifty dollars a month so these won't pick that [ __ ] raggedy-ass car pop they were bonefish that it's just sitting in my driveway a daily reminder of a boy giant and I still love her she could come back get her calm none you have a decent conversation you not about to do this do this and yes I do have my kids more than that's what a night here a car stop sweetheart this is still getting paid to boost my credit critical score this blow your socks off ah you spitting in my face don't know that we're - she's like wet and I must so continue to be successful and eat until Oh like it's my time to like going but grandma was enrolled her in great you been left me are useless that's what I'm so like and if somebody cry it's for the best and if I did make you cry thanks successful is period you want to do all that whatever you never come back to my you mention me you get it DEP trick the chera I would have it's true that do that in class and she'll be a hundred enough will she see me again grandkids see you later you got to do with me no more that's what she said let's do it she meant it and guess what I those are your children you for them joints not me anonymous there's your alright I'm ready to go I know in my mind I could keep going and like I'll bypass but I don't want to like hurt in a while eight in between I don't want to punch know buying a face or like names in by anyway it was a good clicker next chapter like that's overweight coming here with your fin all that and yeah your negative energy have built it by myself you know how much your strength it took not to beat her hold and I saw grab her about our mother weak and whereas oh I'm successful success ain't so loyalty and respect nothing it don't compare you don't do this to me hey go that's just you if that's not husband or please don't be look watch this ah don't give us either Oh next case caught a poisoner China wants to call the cops on her and I'm like it's not that deep that's your mom I would never call the cops on my mom we don't even have to call the cops cuz the neighbors will nosy as hell [Music] disorderly if you know it's hacker in the name of my India haze allow mouth rot yes I just saw her my dad got for us brains homework even if then wasn't there and you be insensitive I just told you I had a brain tumor you don't give up people don't ever give up until happy to noon I'm actually gonna call him to see like if he need help why he's in recovery period so my mom leaves of course like at the very end of the day there's still my mom so I'm gonna feel like some type of hurt just kind of sucks I just hope that we figure out some type of solution it's not in its Hollywood thing it's too much that you know she's not being herself and I don't want to be mixed in the facade and all the theory and all the fakery it did not end well there was no resolution at this point I've honestly like to try everything I possibly can like in my power I'm gonna keep pushing forward really I'm just sipping it today I'm taking fashionable pictures I think you should probably shoot it this way the sun's coming this way like stand right here so ashna's taking photos for fashionable for me I've actually been with the company for about maybe six years now I have him taken I kind of like edit it a little bit and I like closer to my platforms ready one two three [Music] [Music] damn treasure so I go over and the first thing I noticed I see that she is taking some pictures I think maybe I read a little fashion over phone I'm nice really hurt I want to know if somebody asked for more photos I'm so heated with you I'm look like powder no remains oh maybe what size ball Oh everything is small she just don't want she just you don't want to hand me down you know I'm sad but this is small so I of course know that miss Tony just came into town I am eager eager eager to find out how everything went yeah I wanna tell you what had been told I'm kind of scared like oh god what what happened I could just see from her face that it obviously didn't go the way how she had planed basically I had to come over whenever I already knew she won't be awesome some BS or whatever kind of and I was like thinking like okay me of nut were hurt and kind of like airing out the situation would go away smoother but it didn't she came in all huffing and puffing or whatever and I'm like first of all she came in houses don't stop it but the Jolly absolute giant and she like walked out in then she came back in still with attitude or whatever and I'm on the other side of the island she come all in my face like talk about you're such a pretty girl why you act like this and the other y'all like what do you mean act like what oh my goodness so she would I mean like she was was Miss Tony really the aggressor or did China a girl on or how did that happen because I know that they both just are some firecrackers sometimes I was called because I already knew I'm just like nobody wants to get into what they mom were like have to like defend himself I guess their mom no she was deaf I know how China gets especially when it comes to her mom so I'm just like move I don't want to hear what you have to say let me ask Aston a sure you YouTube what's she like because you know how trying to get but she being aggressive well it was a wall up from the beginning you know what I'm saying so there was definitely a wall up there was an attack and I can see how she could feel attacked it's just so many emotions between both parties like but it has to come to a boil first before he gets better and that was definitely that definitely came to a boil I mean it's been boiling for years I think miss Tony was kind of an aggressor because she never lets anybody talk and unfortunately I think that's probably exactly how it ended up going I wish I would have been here I just think not if you were to be here it wouldn't have been good it wouldn't have been good at all it could have went way worse actually yeah it could have been way worse they could have literally fought glad the kids wasn't here when all this was born okay they ain't gonna fight China will not put her hands on her mother she'll probably trying to throw something with some pride you know be like ah because she's mad but trying to really actually don't be trying to hurt right and a United a we have a mom and a daughter in deep down inside both of them want to repair it like I don't mind talking to her I just don't feel like her energy right now like I just got too much stuff well not and you know that's just negative energy which I don't need you know that Mary you don't think she's receptive to I think even even I heard her yelling in the backyard outside of my house I put my neighbors like I'm really tired of probably seeing like paparazzi on the block childhood services fire department you know for no reason literally no reason yeah even with like her but the constant posting on the Instagram you posted my personal conversations it's not a good look and if I try to say something to her she'll call for me and say I don't give a damn this is my goddamn page yada yada yada it's just like will you post these things on the internet people won't attack you just from my feet opposed they will attack me I didn't kind of like already did everything I could possibly do so like at this point I'm just really looking like for their advice and see what they have to say about it both of them have to be in a calm space period we have to do something different that's your Mambo you only give one and I mean I know I know but she want him I mean I know she'll like me for whatever reason cuz every time like you can wrong I don't know if she's jealous of my relationship or whatever it is in order for her to repair relationship with her mom whatever you guys got going on even if it's not you in her head she thinks y'all have a problem y'all have to repair that first course she can't ever repair a relationship come on no I've been nothing but supportive to her even when she come around like I'm you good like I've never been disrespectful to her back all the way all the way back to oxy Oh gotcha never been no issue right in her head is something going on and we can't have the best friend beefing with a mom and a daughter before whether mommy give me the mama is beefing with the mama yeah and if you be sending you all hate people gotta realize that especially it's my life is too short and your brain will be your own prison if you let it you really genuinely want it to be then that's what it's gonna be like and I can't change that what is for a best friend to do in this type of situation you do have a woman who you respect her as your best friend's mom but you don't really like her attitude or the way how she goes about her life I just think we got to come to some type of common ground everybody wants to do better we just got to figure out how because we've been doing this change if you could get her to talk to you they might some might shake but only just call her listen baby you have me with you boo I'm in this thing now it's me and treasure we have to make this right well I'm not to finish these fashion over looks you know I do my XIII's baby yeah yes I think you should call her now yeah I'll give you the number but not from my phone Ash's home my phone I don't want her to be like what you calling me on the phone oh listen call her from my oven number slider number hey I'm about to get cussed out I'm gonna sit no you treasure and I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and call Tokyo we're gonna call you I think it'll be good I'm gonna try let's see what we can do just give me a minute though give me a minute we're gonna know I'm gonna figure it out I'll give you soon give me two give me some nice wooden take some more pics yeah yeah y'all finish taking when you bring me let me figure out what i'ma say it's her yeah I know it's a lot I'm hoping that Ashlyn and treasure honestly could possibly let me get through to her but I don't know hmm gotta catch that light where it goes get that light that's what I'm saying Fabio I'm gone she's not gonna disrespect me no more that's not just my half-serious throwing chance of me throwing the glass I understand I'm not doing it I'm gonna get my flight out of here she gotta call me anymore weight loss along oh no I'm done well at the hotel when I got back I was so mad I was so frustrated like I could just break up everything in there her calling me by my name Tony shelana wife thought I was a little foot once or blowing smoke in my face this respect I wanted to smack the taste out her mouth and you should have but but what you can't see a grown-ass woman she could see everything else once a can't say too much can't say to a mother like David that's what she did so guess what I'm done and don't want to be bothered I know you and that temper man you gonna had to come to attempt she's gonna have to get it's not about my temper is about you're not gonna disrespect me cuz I'm staying my ground she needs some therapy this is what pissed me off so bad how you gonna buy me a car getting upset about whatever cuz I still don't know hit the kill switch the car is still sitting in my driveway a year later explained that she didn't lied about everything I'm in her face I'm like in her face like this she was there yeah asking her questions say it say it engine are on and she still couldn't ask I'm leaving then we should get some respect and then she can call me back when she get all that together that's still your challenge I don't stink I don't hair she's not a child she's a grown woman then either mom why see he's a good guy and everything but eventually she might turn on him - I reached out to the Internet 450 diems in her face and she took and threw a chair she picked up a chair why would you pick up a chance throw it at your mother that's an anger issue that's why I got an itchy toe that got it talk I want to I lover is my baby treasure Ashton and all these different people you can't go she needs she needs a mom but you see I am you know I am I'm not called for the end of the subject okay go you can't go she made you she needs you she need you that's your baby she really really needs you she read no she you trying to put that you on my forehead okay stretching across so what you think is you just stay and take it I don't think should I order I'm a boss baby my boss I'm not doing it then you came to Farley and came all way from Washington DC out here we can't just leave and you can't just leave like that well one thing's for certain it soothes for sure I haven't seen my baby baby since she was like 16 or 17 years old Wow no just around the time she stopped thinking about getting in a strip club for real and got into it in terms of this black China but I'm not used to doing I can't relate to that I'm not one of your fans on your groupies or an employee anymore you know I'm just not having it absolutely yes that's why I want that I want my Angela back by him talking to me it didn't change my mind and it's still haven't changed my mind but how'd you touch it every last I'm I figured I'm gonna somehow get through to her just meet her and get a picture this therapy some kind of way all these young people around her I'm gonna get all of them away every last one if I stay so I just chilled out and relaxed I just said let me go with the flow and maybe she can get some therapy and we can get some counseling and it just gets to the root of the issue so you know that's why I kind of stay but like I said it [Music] [Applause] hey booth so uh you ready to come Tokyo um I know that I said that I was gonna call her but um I don't know if if that's the best thing right now I haven't actually talked to her and I wasn't here today so I don't want her to feel like you know like I'm coming off of a different like I don't know what happened so maybe he said she was here I'm just make sure she's okay and everything won't you call her call her bucket let me FaceTime Tony because she never spaz out on me that makes sense to you know ya want to keep her as calm as possible you can tell her I'm right here I mean if she wants out to me and I'll talk to her but if not then I mean you just talk to her see if we could meet up or something then see what's going on with with everything all right okay I'm just really just trying to get past all of the that I have against her that I've been harboring for years [Music] hey Missy I'm super nervous um I'm good you look good um so I'm just in here is me and treasured I just wanted to touch bases with you because you know I was there the other night I want to check on you to see how you know your full name sometimes things happen it's beyond your control I just wanted X Y what is the issue because I can see it is based your issues you know necessary you know I just don't have that in my life right well obviously mr. t we have a mother and her daughter here I want to help repair the relationship treasure wants to help repair the relationship so what do you think about me and treasure coming to see you treasure we have to figure this me and treasure mm-hmm okay it's about to get DC up in here yeah right let's lay it all out on the table so you know we can get both sides and come to resolution because Miss Tony I really want to we really want to help you guys fix this you know everybody every child wants their mom and every mom wants their child I know you do so okay um we can meet that what do you want to meet it's up to you want to do a part yeah yeah I literally almost had a pineapple thrown at my head at the house so the last thing I want to happen is me getting thrown in a park bench full set it up and I'm gonna call okay see how she's not answer your phone that is charger gonna have to slap you know how is Tony like out out I don't know what the issue is like how he was sitting and saying she talked Moshe wouldn't get everything out I didn't I know all and everything for sister but you know I'm not okay guys I'm not I'm not trying to I'm not trying to start no issues like but I mean I'm also not gonna be talking I'm a grown-ass woman with three kids of my own so I'm not gonna be talked to like anything dry so I hope that when we go you can control the narrative a little bit because what I'm not trying to do is end up having no issues with my best friend's mom I want to resolve this all right like for real right treasure entered a you have your own going on with your kid and your whole life so if I have to be the mediator I will but you got a let's fix it because you have to fix this part first so that try can repair you know what I'm saying I have my own personal issues with her my issues are strictly surrounded around Angie and if I mean all honesty not for nothing she should know that and if she genuinely does not know that that I will have no issue with reminding her and I'm not trying to go that route but maybe she forgets you know so I'm like you know I don't know what's going on because she be kind of like all over the place so maybe she forgets but we just you know keep keep all of that in mind I don't know she's gonna pull up with guns blazing I don't know she's gonna be calm but we have to be ready when we go wherever whatever Park you know yeah I want to go too you know I'm saying I don't know maybe I should you know I got no sneakers today you know DC you know we just said talking about DC DC in the right direction cuz last time you grabbed my hand you will feel like Michael me let's go Missy hi guys today so Tokyo agrees to meet up with treasure and I we chose a park because we've seen how left she can go personally I don't think Tokyo is gonna listen to me don't think she probably listens to anybody but it is worth a try so I mean what's the worst that can happen I wanted to meet her on a fletcher field and we not even in DC how long they say he's gonna be I don't know but I mean come on ain't got all day finished I was already up in arms and ready to rumble we walked up to Tony and huazi and it was so much attention you could cut it with a damn knife so when we walk up I see Miss Tony and of course and she threw me all salt and shame girl bad so obviously I want to come because I was there the other night that [ __ ] was wild so I want you in China to come to some type of common ground and reconnect obviously I know you want that too yeah I'm just here to help whatever we need to do to make that happen I want to make it happen I want to make this right for trying to air mom she needs her mom maybe it's a big-ass misunderstanding you know what I'm saying maybe people don't understand how you feel or how she you know I mean right I mean treasure want to come help in any way we can I just want to be supportive because I know that my best friend needs her mom it's not like I haven't never tried I've tried I've said thanks to her and over years to try to help y'all build whatever relationship y'all need I am here to be a mediator of peacemaker I am NOT trying to fight my best friend's mom but it's always something so I'm asked why I'm here just trying to help how y'all gonna fix it like what's the issue right y'all need to fix it I don't know how this is gonna go I could tell that the energy and the negativity was not directed towards me thank God but guess who was directed towards treasure why they man I've reached out to you before we had an argument I've reached out to you several times and I don't know if I'd be catching you on bad times you sure it's my page I don't know you know who yeah I'm about to get down with us I don't know why miss Toni acts the way that she acts it's not warranted more than needed and I'm just like okay is this a game sir you posted it on your Instagram the messages that we that we don't know I mean well it was I mean I don't know it affected me in a way I mean because I don't be for all of the drama and when I'm waking up you know if you're on the different coasts you posted stuff I could have already been having a bad night war bad morning I'm waking up and I got a look at this I have enough that I'm that I'm dealing with and I don't need or do they go both ways when I better newly does okay I just want to be [ __ ] yes but even even before that it's not even about internet I've been around you for years and I'm like it's not like it's not like you don't know me but I don't know you okay bad start miss Tony knows me and she knew her saying that she didn't know me will pissing me the [ __ ] off I have actually even text you and before I'm not having it Sony you responded with whose treasure that's exactly what you said cuz I was there and I so reach me all of a sudden we're gonna read you who I was then you was like oh what's up okay I was like that's not like me she's with me and she knows she's with me we was actually on a chocolate at one point of time three occasions that's a little bit cages you want me to name the occasion be good yeah name name name two three occasions or three or four yes are you serious I want you to tell you you saw one time you came through that I can recall and here is one time I get a call and I didn't care about you she don't know me I don't know her if you're not my daughter you're not even a good friend so now with you if you're nobody my brothers are not with you my best is always with light she's my thoughts are Perry okay clear did I take I don't put none of her love of your friends if she had real friends that girl wouldn't be in a position she in what position is she ready to ship we hear knocking I'm trying to keep my composure because I am a Libra and libras do tip the scales every once in the blue and I'm trying to keep them balanced I'm trying to keep them balanced but they kind of when she's crying I'm right there and she'll pick her phone of the cold she didn't even have your number for swashing even walk why because you go crazy on the internet so the internet got some doing my relationship with my daughter that's how you tried to reach out that's how you judge the only way I know when you need him but when you're standing Maidan we had a little argument all we did I tried to get the phone I said when you said okay I'm gonna get the I didn't reply okay you yeah what's up the whole point of this meeting was to set a table to that China and Tokyo could talk clearly I've bitten off more than I can chew could you be cordial I'm being course not going forward let me let me just say something so I say it's possible because right now this is the closest person to your daughter and I don't know it's not what's going on right now it's gonna affect the repair know the relationship no is that possible because if you let it outsider you come through in front of your mother then let it be known the world Pradesh China straight like this straight like she wanted me to be her friend I didn't go out and seek China [Applause] next we need some security this is out of hand and it's about to go Oh 521 yeah exactly I wanted to snatch her throw down I want to know what the Rudy's when I find out that was the mother Mincy influence somewhere and if I find out where there and I'm gonna deal with that show that straight up right then and mother thing and that's all I gotta say what's good are they gonna beat each other some pine cones or thought swing set at my head I don't know if we can get to a point where you guys are quarters you have that can I'm not the door for you and Angela to repair your relationship so let's do it this woman who took off her jacket like she really is trying to see me in the streets like she's my age or something like she really doesn't know me and people who really know me like I knock out police offices and I have been arrested for it I'm not in search of a relationship with you know if I want relationship been told that if that's how you feel the necessary what you making me say don't put words in my mouth Tom your words in my mouth made videos on YouTube don't put words in my video on you as whoo-whoo I don't know but I know so whatever happens happen you don't need to give up give up lights am i really arguing with my friend's mom if they can get past this then China can get past this my mom you know we went to go saw what with your mom after you and her had a little argument the girl it went down my mom was heated trying with unit she's in her face we had to break this bug you know how your mom is yeah I do I said that you know we have a bigger thing that we need to really put together which is you and her what do you want to do I'm not reaching out to her because you two have to talk idiot I know what happens dinner with my mom tonight so I need to like keep on my energy they told me that y'all got into it the other day but they don't really say much about it I'm not good for know I know I know you know I'm a deal winner nobody's gonna go to ballistics I mean we might go a little bit steep getting a little bit nervous and I'm not normally like the person to really get nervous I just want everything to run so smooth we're in public too so I don't want nothing like crazy getting out or us getting loud I still don't see what the problem is I don't have a problem oh wow here here we go you posted posters all over my door saying select about anything you say so I gotta Alsace laughs I know can't get nobody back it up he'll do it okay there's a phone typical tone yells wait for it for now don't yell at me right back yeah yeah
Channel: The Zeus Network
Views: 7,017,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Real Blac Chyna, blac chyna, Blac Chyna, Tokyo Toni, Angela White, Shalana Hunter, The Zeus Network, Zeus, free episode, free, available now, the real blac chyna episode 2, episode 2, episode two
Id: SQHigXq_8DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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