The Real Beginner Guide To Sim Racing in Assetto Corsa Competizione: Getting Started & First Laps

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hey welcome to the first episode of my new series especially targeted for you for simracing beginners very happy to see you here that you decided to click on the first episode of this new series so let's start this adventure together what do you say the reason why I decided to do this series is actually I've been starting with simracing myself a couple of weeks ago thanks to all this global situation I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about and I did a lot of research I watched a lot of videos I watched a lot of streamers tried to get as much much information learn as much as possible but it was really tricky because many of the same races out there's so much more ahead and experience that it was really a hard time for me to understand all the information and use all the information for myself to get into sim racing and enjoy the experience so I thought to myself why don't I just share my own experiences my learnings what helped me the most what I discovered from what I like to call myself a more experienced beginners point of view and Here I am showing you how to start and I hope this is helpful doing my best let me know in the comments any feedback anything you want to know anything you want to say I'm really looking forward to that so you decided to get into sim racing I think the most important thing you need to know about sim racing is that it is a lot of fun but it is maybe absolutely different to what you might expect so how do you get into sim racing what do you need you need a wheel you need pedals and based on my experience you need a proper seat now this doesn't have to be like a racing seat or something very professional but I started with my office chair with wheels on it and every time I pushed too brakes I was pushing myself back so find a chair without wheels and get yourself a wheel and pedal said now I don't want to get deep into any bias recommendations there because there are really great buying guides out there but I will just give one recommendation I got the g29 from Logitech and I am very happy it's a fair price right now you can get it online on various dealers or maybe at a shop near you just ordered on Amazon maybe you even get a used one near you who knows plug it all in install the drivers take a seat and pick a game in our case the game I chose to get started was a settle call as a company owner why did I get this game because it just looks absolutely amazing it's incredible a and I basically I discovered it by by accident that was looking up like that the most popular games like I racing and race room and they all either had like extra costs for cars or I don't know didn't look so good so so I'm I'm a guy who really appreciates good looking graphics and good looking games and also as it'll call us a competitor the first train and I was like wow I need to give this a try so I basically just bought the game with the DLC and headed out on track and into new adventures where I've never been before so this video series is obviously just around this game so you plugged everything in you want to get started we start the game we land in the main menu so the first thing you want to do here set up your driver profile put in your name your nickname you can customize yourself give yourself some colors but that's it pretty simple this is just for tricking your in-game rating your stats and everything so this is what you want to do first you head back into the menu you want to go to options set up the graphic video settings the way your hardware I can deal with it this game is really hungry so if you are not sitting on like a new computer system with like an RT X 2270 2080 in it tone down the graphics a little bit don't go to epic settings try high settings or medium settings the game still looks really good in these settings but if you want to have a really smooth experience select the appropriate settings for your hardware and the next important thing of course the controls if you have to cheat 29 it will look like this check if everything works push the throttle push the brake push the clutch shift up shift down cool everything is recognized and setup and then force feedback this here is your only connection to the current to the game you don't feel it down there when something goes wrong you just feel it in here so we want to have this setup to heaven you know the best not necessarily realistic most realistic but the best experience to react to what cars doing now I got these settings from Aristotle's virustotal s he is one of the developers from kunos simulazioni for the game greetings to our s at this point he had a really cool guide on the best settings so I just used them I really like them I recommend you just set it up like that stick with it it will help you a lot most importantly watch out for the brake gamma being one and steering linearity one and the other settings like this you can save this preset so it never gets lost go back to the main menu and here we are for the first adventure you of course pick single-player you have various different modes you have 2018 season or 2019 season if you bought the DLC you have to cheat each other and she doesn't actually really matter what you pick just look through it you will see different teams different tracks be available each year or each challenge I picked that you'll see with the Continental GT challenge the game mode you want to do first is practice so you select practice I recommend just go with 12 o'clock high noon it's the easiest to get a taste with best lighting track now there are a few tricks who are more popular when you're heading to multiplayer which is for example Silverstone Nurburgring Spa Francoeur wants I think are the most popular ones so pick one of those that you want to learn if you really want to go with something completely different because you always wanted to drive on branch edge or on Suzuka please feel free to do so I recommend a shorter easier track with not so much technical sections or complicated turns and combinations for example Monza and then most importantly the car the there are so many cool cars in this game from the Blancpain GT challenge pick the car you just like that looks awesome to you they were that you always wanted to drive maybe you have watched GT challenges before and you saw a car and the team it is like well I wish I could drive dad pick it now is the chance the reason why I say this is because there's not really a absolutely incredible good car or any credible bad car in this game everything is very well balanced it just drive and feel completely differently and one car might feel more natural to you and another one maybe not so that's why first of all you pick a car that you like and if you start to notice after a few laps or after a few hours of racing that doesn't feel very natural to you you pick something different I would even go so far to say pick the car you like first but then try every other car you will immediately notice after a few turns or a few laps if the car is not for you I can guarantee that I experience that on my own so in our case I really love the r8 so I'll pick the Audi r8 we are not going to mess with any customization right now we basically on a drive so we pick the car we picked a team we confirm we want to set our realism and as a bloody beginner make it as smooth as possible so that you can focus on just driving and getting to know the car I recommend setting the damage to zero set everything else like this last corner disabled we don't really care because we are not racing weather conditions this game has awesome weather conditions but for the beginning we keep it clear and no dynamic weather - don't run into troubles and the assists as a beginner as starter you want to have the gearbox on manual of course because you want to learn shifting keep the rest on automatic keep the stability control always off so the game doesn't mess with your driving ideal racing line if you have never even raised on a racetrack or don't know how it feels and want to learn a track from zero I recommend you have a visible idea line because then the game indicates with a green line where you should stick to this is not always the quickest line as you will learn later on in your progress but in your first few hours I would recommend on a track especially when it just started with the game to keep the ideal line visible if it's too irritating for you you can always turn it off but let's start with these settings we set everything up we are good to go to start our session most important rule have fun second rule do not compare yourself to other drivers there are so many drivers out there that are all faster than you there's always someone faster than you in the beginning this does not matter never compare yourself to any other driver so with this in mind before you head out on track you click on setup and we are not going to mess with the setup the only thing you do is click on safe and then you immediately go back this will set the car up in a way that it makes it as easy as possible for you to you know drive the first laps without worrying too much with a really smooth handling then you click Drive and you land in the car since everything said automatic car is starting and you can take it in you awesome graphics haha but you will notice I'm not only sitting in my car there's lots of thingies on my scream so what is it on the top in the middle you see which mode you're on what the time is top left corner is your lap time bottom right corner is actually the more important thing the four green little thing is are your tires which show the temperature the blue purple thing is are your brake discs front and rear the colors will change depending on temperature so once you start driving and get temperature in the tire and the brake discs they will start to become a healthy green if you are running too hot they will become yellow or red next to this you have the fuel you have the laps with the amount of fuel you still have and you have the fuel per lap that you consume and next to that we have of course the RPMs we see the throttle response when we push the throttle we see the brake response when we push the brakes in those bars for throttle you see the traction control which is said you see in brake switch ABS you have set and the brake balance which is all in the setup in the car so don't worry about that and you have speed and the gear that you are in so we are a neutral zero speed we put in the first gear and with this you're basically ready to drive one other thing that you might notice is in the top right corner strange numbers maybe it says something different for you like drive consistent or do this or do that this is your rating as Seto calls a competitor owner has ratings for different things like safety car control track medals and stuff like that for the multiplayer mode please make sure that they can sort the drivers based on their skill so this is then one of the first few quests if you want to improve your ratings and collect track medalists to be able to drive later on a multiplayer mode but I'm going to explain this more in one of my next videos so for this video this is actually it we have the most important settings we can head out on track and as I said take it slow and basically just have fun enjoy the experience do with first few laps in the car you selected do not focus about lap times or having a perfect line or following the green ideal line perfectly just enjoy it take it all in look at the track look at the environment experiment with your pedals push the throttle push the brakes hard shift up shift down taking what the force feedback is doing how does your false feedback behavior in the turn quicker into a corner what does the force feedback do when you go on the curbs when you leave the track drive through the grass through the scent try every little detail that comes to your mind it absolutely does matter what happens to you in the first session doesn't matter if you crash or whatever damages off nothing can happen don't pressure yourself just enjoy it and experimented and try it all out if you notice after the first few laps that the car I don't know if doesn't maybe feel natural to you or feels strange quit the session pick another car take it on the same track and I would actually recommend you do this with every car not maybe not with every car because there might be cars that you're just not interested in so just try it out with those cars that you're interested in just to have comparison and maybe find another car that feels more natural to you because you know it doesn't really make sense if you want to pressure yourself into driving with your car just because you think it looks great but it feels not natural to you so to make it easier for you try out different cars and pick the one that feels best for you and your current driving skills and that's actually it for the first episode for the next episode we will dive a little bit deeper then into what is the ratings how you start practicing to do more consistent laps to get a little bit faster to find your breaking points how to go through the corners just get into a regular pace find a rhythm and improve a little bit so for this I would really ask that you find a car that you like and that you can drive that you want to drive that feels natural to you so that we can continue in the next episode and that you have an easier time to put it all into practice I hope you enjoyed the first episode please if you have the time just let me know in the comments how you liked this episode if there is anything I forgot if there are any wishes specific feedback or questions for the next episode and I'm really looking forward to see you soon have fun enjoy the game let me know how you're doing or your first steps are going in simracing and don't forget stay safe stay healthy have a great day take care loonatics out bye bye
Channel: Boonatix
Views: 126,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sim Racing Guide, Simracing, Sim Racing, Simracing Beginner Guide, Tutorial, Assetto Corsa Competizione
Id: eEwql47rqz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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