The RAREST PLANETS In The Universe 🌌🪐

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[Music] the rarest planets in the universe is there life outside earth nobody knows but there are very unique and rare planets that's for sure now i'm going to show you a selection of exceptional planets that will leave you speechless number one j1407b the planet of the rings really far off wow this unusual planet is so distant that if you were able to travel at the speed of light it would take you nothing but 434 years to get there a remarkable characteristic of this planet is that it has 37 rings around it with a diameter of 74 million miles and if you like saturn let me tell you that the j1407b's ring systems is so extensive that if this planet orbited around the sun it could be seen from earth at night if you're lucky to have exact images of it they will surprise you [Music] number two tres 2b the planet that never gets sunlight can you imagine being on a planet that is 750 light years from earth where you see absolutely nothing how come this happens because tres 2b is the darkest planet ever seen as it reflects less than one percent of the light falling on it this singular planet is a gas giant that stands out for containing a huge amount of sodium and potassium in that tiny part we can see from this curious little planet where you and i live [Music] number three hd189773b a glass planet it's 62 light years away from earth and is a little bit bigger than huge jupiter this planet is deep blue in color thanks to its extremely rare atmosphere that is made up of silicate particle atoms in other words this means that it's crystal-like atmosphere with some secrets hidden in its beauty such as the speed of its winds that exceeds any hurricane and blows up to 5340 miles per hour and a temperature of 1650 degrees fahrenheit the most atypical thing about this planet is that due to its extreme weather it possibly rains glass so it would be a very hard planet to visit number four hd 1069 the rare hot planet if you learned the order of the planets and their distance from the sun by heart you'll notice that the further from this powerful star the planet is the colder it gets right correct but there's an exception that is 300 light years from earth hd 106 906 b is 20 times farther from its closest star than neptune is from the sun plus it weighs at 11 times jupiter's mass the most remarkable thing about this planet is that instead of being cold as one of the dream kingdoms you can imagine hd 106 906 b is extremely hot at an incredible and unimaginable 2730 degrees fahrenheit its surface is boiling number five five five cancer e the stellar diamond recently discovered this planet will leave you totally amazed because it's an incredible gem its surface is covered in graphite and several diamonds instead of having water and granite as you might presume it's very close to the constellation cancer and 5 5 cancer e is believed to be high in carbon the element that can vary and be both graphite and diamond it'd be incredible to have a diamond from this planet as a souvenir or for any engagement in the future but nobody knows number 6 wasp 12b a particular rugby ball can you imagine being so close to the sun that it starts getting you melted and absorbing you as if you were an ice cream cone exposed to heat well stop imagining just take a look at this gigantic planet that is 870 light years away from earth called wasp 12b it's three times jupiter's radius and is more like a rugby ball than a planet it's always exposed to temperatures above 2732 degrees fahrenheit and is disintegrating due to the gravity of its sun can you see how the star seems to suck up the planet with a long tail well it's the atmosphere of wasp 12b that escapes [Music] it's amazing number seven hd188753ab the real life tatooine if you saw star wars you know that tatooine was the hometown of the famous luke skywalker tatooine had two sons and was considered as something scientifically impossible to be real although there is a tatooine and it's even crazier this planet is called hd188753ab it's similar in size to jupiter and is located 149 light years from earth the fact of having three suns of which the main one is very similar to our sun makes this planet a rarity in the universe like tatooine this planet is likely to be very hot and i know that after looking at nasa's animation of it you will want to start watching star wars eight hat p1b gigantic but light in weight it's as light and weight as a cork ball that's how light this planet is and the most incredible thing is that it is about half as massive as jupiter just a little bit wider and can be up to 24 percent bigger than the theory predicts if it were in a tub of cosmic water this light planet would float well number 9 corot 7b the hell [Music] imagine a rocky planet like earth with a diameter 1.7 times bigger and that orbits much closer to its sun corot 7b is 490 light years from your home and is basically hell with a temperature of 3270 to 4710 degrees fahrenheit this planet is the perfect paradise for the most hellish movies you can imagine [Music] there's a planet that surpasses even the strictest scientific theories do you want to know which one it is here comes number 10 ngts 1b the planet that shouldn't exist this planet defies the laws of science but it exists why because it is jupiter sized and orbits a tiny star imagine jupiter close to a red dwarf with half the radius and mass of the sun located 600 light years from your computer experts don't consider it possible that such a tiny star could gather enough material to create a planet the size of ngts-1b with a temperature of 960 degrees fahrenheit it is quite a boiling jupiter spinning around did you like seeing these planets that you thought were only going around in your imagination they are real and maybe there's more new content is coming don't forget to like the video subscribe and hit the bell icon if you want to know more about the incredible cosmos check out these videos see ya [Music] you
Channel: Trend Max
Views: 3,750,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rarest planets in the universe, rarest planets, the universe, j1407b, tres-2b, hd 189773b, hd 106906b, 55 cancri e, wasp-12b, hd 188753 ab, hat-p-1b, corot-7b, ngts-1b, strange planets, weird planets, diamond planet, ice planet, top 10, list, trend max, strangest planets in space, space facts, facts about space, planets in space
Id: Ultf1CFC12I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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