The Rarest & Most Interesting Items I Own in World of Warcraft Part 3

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[Music] hey guys what's up mad season here back with another video for you in my rare / interesting item series where I share and talk about some of the cooler items then I happen to own this is part three and it's been a few months since the last one I got 10 more here that I wanted to share with you so let's get into it first up we have the nifty stopwatch and any old-school PvP will remember this one this was a reward from the finale of a small question in the old badlands own no longer obtainable ever since the Cataclysm revamp eight years ago even still though it was a very handy trinket to have because of the run speed boost which was quite unique at the time one of the things with classic world of warcraft was that the trinkets were few and far between they were hardly ever awarded from quests and she had to be pretty lucky to even find them in dungeons or even raids in fact the first one that most people got was the carrot on a stick from an old dungeon quest and Zilpha rack this just increased your mounted speed by a small percentage hey it's better than nothing right so finding a trinket let alone a good one was pretty difficult this one was a must if you're a PvP er particularly if you're a flag runner and the Warsong Gulch I remember as a rogue I would rend them with that classic sprint preparation sprint combination in conjunction with this and it was usually enough to get from one tunnel to the other and even still since it was such a unique effect people would use it in future expansions such as the Burning Crusade wrath and so on and in fact it still works today although it was changed to drop the flag and the wrath expansion regardless and artifact from the past that actually has some use next up we have the mature blue dragon scene yo you're familiar with this if you sign my old rocket alarm and lock tool our video we're hunters could embark on an epic quest hunting down demons from across the world for powerful weapons this was for the old quiver that went along with those weapons back when hunters had ammo like arrows or bullets and they needed special bags called Quivers or ammo pouches to hold on them this one led to an epic quality quiver called the ancients in your apt lamina which held 18 stacks of arrows and also increased her ranged attack speed by 15% the sinew itself used to drop from the old world bus as her grouse and also some of his Blue Dragon minions and something to note is that it's not bind on pickup so you could also just buy it off of the auction house if you're willing to spend some big gold however with the removal of Ezra ghosts and the Cataclysm expansion this and the accompanying quest line are no longer available next up we have the Onyxia skill cloak which more falls under the interesting category rather than rares since it is still craftable today at least I think it is this was indirectly part of an atonement to the Blackwing Lair raid the actual attunement to the instance was an unrelated question but she still needed this to beat the final boss in the raid which was no fairy and of course reading the tooltip it provides some stamina fire resistance and also an effect that protects the wearer from being fully engulfed by shadow flame this is an ability used by Nefarian he casts it on the entire raid when he lands on the platform and if he didn't have this cloak on he would be one shot at pretty much so it was a staple of raiding back then and Guilds would have to work together to make sure that everyone had one it's crafted by leather workers appropriately from the scales of Onyxia herself so you had to have a skinner trade them over and that itself was a little more complicated than you would expect not to go off on a tangent here but to Skinner you needed to have a skill level of 315 and everyone kept out at 300 so you had to get those extra 15 points from gear there was a glove enchant that gave you +5 and also a rare weapon called Finkel Skinner that gave you +10 this trapped from the beasts boss in the upper Blackrock Spire raid and you had to be able to equip it to get the bonus there's also a sword from zul'gurub they gave +10 if he couldn't equip daggers though so it's just another one of those weird things with vanilla to beat enough Aryan you needed a cloak and to get that cloak you needed a leather worker for that leather worker to craft the cloak you needed the Nixie of scales and to get those he needed a special dagger to zone into the raid that gave you the dagger you needed to attune to it into a tune to it you needed actually you know what let's just move on since I mentioned the Blackrock Spire let's talk about this item general dreck assets command I already mentioned how trinkets were super rare back then well this one led to one of the best in the game for most classes even into the later rate tiers I want to say you looted this from the final boss and the lower Blackrock Spire raid and that was the Overlord who weren't phallic you brought it to an NPC in the burning step zone and you got a follow-up quest to kill general Drago Seth who was the final boss of the upper Blackrock Spire raid so pretty short and sweet but it gave you a choice of three blue trinkets which were very important the mark of tyranny which is for tanking the eye of the Beast which was for casters and the black hands breadth for non caster DPS mainly due to the trinket rot in the game these were incredibly good and I remember using mine very late into the game I think up until aq forty in fact good trinkets were that rare so there's a tip for you when classic servers come out make sure that she get this quest and since I mentioned the Blackrock Spire let's talk about this weapon this was the pre rating weapon set to have back in the day as a combat rogue unfortunately I only ever got one of them but it's a set of two as you can see called dal Ren's arms the main hand is the sacred charge in the offhand is the tribal Guardian which I never got these had a very very low chance to drop from the red black hand fight and there's kind of a funny story going on with them and just vanilla itemization in general if you take a look at the stats of the offhand the tribal Guardian you'll see that it's clearly designed for defense however this was one of the few offhand only weapons in the game so there was no way to equip this with the shield since shields were also off hands of course so oftentimes you'd have tanks who quickly glanced at it see it's for defense and rely on it only to find out that it's completely worthless for tanking because you replace your shield so it's just another one of those weird quirks with classic the itemization was all over the place ideally they went to rogues and possibly dual wielding fury warriors although I never played them so I'm just guessing there so I just could never bring myself to sell this one moving on to the current game a bit more though I also have some hate sparks the tiny these were rarely obtained from the 10th anniversary event during the warlords of draenor expansion to celebrate 10 years Blizzard saffet re-release the first major big raid for World of Warcraft which is of course the molten core for a limited time people could queue up for an upskilled a level 100 hello fire version of it and get a core hound mount and other various special items including this pack the raid was pretty difficult as I remember tons of wipes and you could really tell who raided back then and who did in I kept a few hates parks since I knew there were a limited time thing mainly for gold but also for collection I think I bought them for about 20,000 I want to say and they're up to around 400,000 at the time that this video was made so it worked out well although I think I've seen one on the black market action house putting gold aside though they represent a cool event in some funny memories watching everyone die over and over to ten-year-old content next we have the Tabard of frost one of the first items in the game that was solely for lux you got this from the trading card game which makes it quite rare these days real quick for those who don't know world of warcraft used to have a trading card game back before hearthstone was the thing and some of the cards were super rare and had codes that you could redeem for in-game loot including but not limited to pets mounts toys and this Tabard this is just one out of a set of eight I'll have a link in the description if you'd like to see the details so very rare since the TCG has now discontinued you can still get them very rarely off the black market auction house though which is where I got mine next up we have the essence of our Anika's this will be the trinket episode I think this was one of the better ones that you obtained on your way to level 60 and there's a funny story behind this one as well you got it from the sunken temple dungeon after the final box there I ran a kiss the Lord behind him is he used to be the consort of USERRA and he was sent to the temple to prevent the trolls from reincarnating their God a car but he ended them going crazy and he became hostile he dropped another quest starter called the essence of ironic kiss and using in the spirit of Veronica's begged you to take his essence to a font located right behind him to cleanse him from his corruption once and for all you followed his directions but instead of cleansing him the font instead transforms his essence into a trinket that does some decent AoE damaged all nearby enemies when used ironic kiss becomes trapped and he picks the player to find someone and the green dragon flight to save him every time you use the trinket he would be put into agony and he'd whisper you I'm begging you to save them and eventually after enough uses he threatens to kill you if you don't follow his directions here's some of the quotes that he whispers to you you could continue the quest line to save them but she had to turn in the trinket and the quest itself was unfinished and didn't even give you a reward and it was hard to find the actual quest so 99% of the people who got this trinket just used it forever dooming ironic kiss for the sake of a low-level AoE dot poor guy while all of this was removed in Cataclysm they did release a remake of it called the essence of Veronica's shade which is basically the same thing but with no option to trade it in adventures can be real jerks sometimes next up we have the faded photograph hmm hearted gnome holding a sword posing with the princess in front of a castle this was part of a very intricate Easter egg back in classic and that's Lincoln's quest chain I already went over this in another video so I won't go too in depth here but in the classic un'goro crater zone you could find director aft and a bag that holds this photo and a curled map parchment a compass and a lion headed key you could bring this to an NPC named Lincoln in the same zone and start a whole quest line that's filled with references to Zelda the compass map and the keys are a big part in the dungeons in Zelda as you know and you also go on to temper his sword like you always do and in the finale you need to collect a Golden Triangle from an enemy that you weaken with a silver weapon as a reward you can get a boomerang or his sword of mastery you also got to keep this photograph as a memento and today it's a collector's item fetching a price of over 750,000 gold across all US servers and for the tenth and final item on your list we have the eye of shadow if you've seen my Azeroth Arsenal videos you'll know exactly what this one is for this is part of the old anathema and benediction quest chain for priests back in vanilla in the molten core raid from the second-to-last boss the majordomo execute us you could loot another trinket called the eye of divinity clicking on it would give you a hint and where to find a hidden npc in the Eastern Plaguelands zone that you could only see with the trinket equipped if you found her you could start some dialogue to trigger a special challenge where you had to escort some ghostly peasants to safety you had to heal on cleanse um and kill the attacking and dead and there's a very tough task to complete since you failed they have too many peasants died or if someone walked into the area since it was a solo challenge plus only one priest could do it and if he failed you couldn't reattempt for several hours if you were successful though you got a special item called the Splinter of murder cell which if you combined with the I've divinity and I have shadow he received the benediction slash anathema staff you used the actual staff to transform it between each form benediction was for healing and anathema was for DPS while you found the eye of divinity from the molten core the eye shadow was found in the world instead specifically from high-level elites in the Blasted Lands or winterspring zones so you either had to farm them or spend a truckload of gold on the auction house so very highly sought after during the time like many other items on this list it has no actual use ever since the Cataclysm other than just for collections sake so there's ten more items from my collection for you I do have many more probably enough for a couple more episodes if I keep doing them in groups of ten if you decide to join me I'll see you then as always I hope you found the video interesting or entertaining liked it if you liked it and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon [Music]
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 256,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, walkthrough, legion, World Of Warcraft: Legion (Video Game), World Of Warcraft (Video Game), Legion, bfa, battle for azeroth, wow rare items, rarest items in wow, unobtainable items, wow rare weapons, wow rare armor, rarest weapons in wow, wow vanilla, classic, cool items wow, mounts, pets, toys, wow bfa, eye of shadow, mature blue dragon sinew, faded photograph
Id: YLrNaE5pNfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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