The *RANDOM* MYTHIC BOSS Challenge in Fortnite

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with all the mythics stolen from old bosses this season today we have a challenge I'm gonna spin the wheel and whichever boss I get I have to use their Mythic only if I don't win I give up with fortnite it's time for Midas I'm glad I got Midas because the drum gun is one of the best weapons in Mythic history the problem is we're not confirmed to get it there's only a three out of eight chance that this Vault has the Mythic that we're looking for but we've gotta try no Vader don't die hey that rhymes Peter what are you doing lovely I guess I'll kill Cato Thorne and see what's in the vault hacker voice no stop turret I hate you turrets dude they're so annoying stop following me dude I'm actually dead to the turret oh man with nine Health now the question is do we have a drum gun that's not a drum gun that's not a drum gun that's not a drum gun ha ha ha ha ha ha this is gonna be a long video let's try that again I cannot become Midas without the drum gun oh hi hey thank you for killing Kato Thorne for me I appreciate that see ya Vader's got Kato and I've got a bolt you do not see me you do not see me you do not see me all right we're in I'm gonna need a drum shotgun and we've got TNT this bow and what is this drum gun whoa oh let's go it is now time to become Midas the leader of the Fearless uh ghost people or Shadow I don't remember the storyline let's be honest let's drop all this trash stuff pop some slap juice and let's get stealing rum gun received let's get out of here now that we actually have the drum gun it's time to start shredding luckily there's people right here and it should be a free kill because the drum guns disgustingly good it's just so satisfying to just spray down low cards in this game why [Music] drum gun is insane I'm dead though Vader you better get this kill bro I'm helping you as much as I can I'm out of ammo that's not good at all hi how do they not see me oh they see me oh nope I crashed into a tree don't worry Vader I'll come back for you I was not ready for that many people no wait they're chasing me luckily they don't know that Midas is one of the best drivers of all time you gotta be kidding me oh oh I said I was the best I said I was the best oh great more players bye see ya man I really oh they stopped falling the good news is they stopped following me bad news is I have no health no teammate and no ammo that is not good weapons using light ammo reload faster that's helpful if I had light ammo dude that chest had no bullets bro I've never seen a chest with no bullets you gotta be kidding me dude today I learned that midas's drum gun takes AR ammo welp I've only got 77 seconds to get Vader's reboot card good news everybody I made it with not much time to spare Vader's reboot card has been received this is a crazy game welcome back my good friend Darth Vader no no no that's not good at all ah who did that do it again I dare you I'm out of here I'm out see ya please stop don't do that it's time for some action never mind bye here we go I am so good Vader saving all right Fair where are you this is no time to get chests Vader well Vader's dead in about three seconds I'm just gonna spin the deal for kids meow the good news with kit is that we've got two chances of getting a weapon the charged shotgun or the Shockwave launcher now the problem is the Shockwave launcher will not do damage so I'm gonna need both meow we're getting shot already Cato Thorne I am a cat Cato Thorn potatoes down let's see what we got I really want the charge shotgun we got the Shockwave Watcher that's powers of Kit now we'll head over to the other Vault and we'll try to get kids charge shotgun is warming up to be a good game Vader I don't think this is a road what is happening so dangerous we're good why what just all right we're good Shockwave you got this Vader I I believe it and you are they both dead what oh see they were distracted by the Shockwave launcher right probably not meow just a small detour before we're able to get the greatest shotgun ever problem with kids Shockwave launcher it only comes with six shock waves and you can't refill it at all so I'm gonna be honest it's kind of a waste of a pick in fact I might argue it's the worst one it's still good for escaping but only six times but if I could combine it with a Charged shotgun we'll be chilling we might need the Shockwave launcher we're definitely gonna need a Shockwave launcher see what the Shockwave did a Shockwave where is the Shockwave going don't worry Vader I got this now since I used the Shockwave launcher they think that I have escaped little do they know I'm right here [Music] the Shockwave launcher is trash it's not the way I want it to go hey I hate Wave Launcher it's so bad that was a catastrophe let's try this one more we're the goats bye Cato you better have a charred shotgun for me because I'm gonna need that as part of my kit get it all right here we go we've got a chug jug TNT this bow and the Shockwave launcher yes I love this gun so much I hate everything why did the stupid wheel have to land on stupid kit I actually really like it but the Shockwave launcher is horrendous but it's okay we just gotta go to a different vault here we go somebody's got the key up there so we gotta go down to Relentless Shockwave launcher has saved me yet again shout out to shockwaves now I'm gonna rock and RAM because I Don't Wanna Die don't worry mayor we're about to explode aren't we okay you want to fight bro let's oh uh Shockwave time where's the Shockwave launcher go that's so stupid it's literally the worst Vader no don't do it don't die oh don't don't do it oh good news they got into the Vault of Relentless Retreat I'm very glad that that happened I've gotta chase him down and get my shotgun I hear a fight it's probably from The Vault people aha where was that there they are oh yes what just happened yes whoa what do you got what do you got uh the foundation is mk7 you know that's not what we were looking for but it's okay it's still a Mythic I am now the foundation kid the kids Foundation well there's still one more Vault so there's somebody walking around with one more Mythic weapon and I sure hope it's Kitt's Shockwave charge shotgun you know I kind of have a goated inventory the only thing that would make it better is if kids Shockwave launcher got vaulted into the sun now let's go get that shotgun from that last team according to my calculations they should be somewhere in this area let's catch catch them them catch them down get it you know I thought this would have gone better than it did but uh yeah we're stuck this is what happens when you let a tidy cat Drive I believe Vader has heard some players you're not ready for the cat no way you're hiding in the quarter no way you're hiding in the corner time [Music] I'm thinking about flashbacks to the ray gun yeah I'm not doing that
Channel: Tomato - Fortnite
Views: 1,650,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, the rnadom mythic boss challenge, fortnite mythic boss, fortnite season 4, tomato fortnite, funny fortnite
Id: cUC9b4RmKUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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