The *RANDOM* BOSS Challenge! (Fortnite Season 2)

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here's the challenge there's three Mythic bosses in fortnite right now with their own special weapons we've got hunt Master saber Gunner and Dr slow I'm gonna spin a wheel whichever skin I land on I can only use their Mythic weapon to win the game to make things even more interesting I have to get two wins to pass this challenge let's get this started okay we've got our wheel let's take a spin and the first boss that we're gonna have to use is gonna be the one and only oh I think it's gonna be doctor slow let's go you'd love to see it alright I'm excited for this we got the exact same outfit that Dr slona is a rocking in game and let's see if this goes like we've landed now because the season just started a lot of you might not know that Dr Sloan spawns at The Fortress right over here on the map and she has a pretty good Mythic it's it's different from the one in chapter two season eight but it's really really good now the Fortress here is the giant mega drill that the i o has we're actually not gonna land here we're gonna land at the gas station behind it why you might be asking well I got a bit of a plan and we're gonna see if it works some minis here hopefully nobody landed at the drill if that's the case this is gonna be really really good for us see if we can get some more heals got a Flopper some more minis all right we got SMGs on SMGs on SMGs I can use these to take down Dr Sloan but not to take down anyone else come on give me something really good to take her down with oh all right just more SMGs I guess oh an Isle guard wants some smoke I'm gonna be able to take him down from here oh he's coming in closer he's sliding AIS can slide license taking so long okay there we go he is down finally holy smokes okay I'm gonna get these tires throw it on this car grab the shock wave and get this too hey we are good to go there is somebody over here that is going to complicate things a little bit but here goes the plan I'm gonna get the car and doctor's little walks outside here I'm just gonna push her away I just want to get you away from this Fortress so that I can eliminate you in peace and hopefully with nobody messing with me honestly I could probably just keep pushing her and take her out but she's doing quite a bit of damage actually oh somebody's here let's just ignore them you're gonna come with me okay is this far enough a little bit further thank you can I take her out yes okay grab the gun and that is the only gun we can use from now on this thing is a beast though so I'm excited [Music] the hip Fire's nuts and hip fire is absolutely nuts okay let's drop this stuff and uh let's keep on going now we can stock up on Heels this is great I think sometimes there's a tank here but oh there is a tank in here now I would drive this tank but uh I feel like Dr Sloan doesn't use a tank that's for her other people to use I wish I could drive this drawing drill though that'd be insane okay enough messing around let's go ahead and find some people to take out oh wait hold up what's in here oh I would totally take that if I could okay is there a cannon that'll launch me up over here oh there is okay sweet okay let's go towards I'm gonna go I'm gonna go to command Cavern there's probably a couple people up here I mean there is a tent that was used very clearly there we have 12 minis as well which is kind of nuts I will take a thermal fish okay and a big pot yup and get me up here easy peasy Let's scan and let's see where this guy's at oh there's a guy right here he's coming let's see if I can Nest him a little bit shot him a little bit there's two people here actually this guy is not very happy about what I just did to him where is he I'm getting stuck on everything no this guy just got eliminated it's right underneath me eat Mythic bro eat Mythic oh he had to get a shadow tracker a freaking Shadow tracker not bad not bad at all I already have one in my tent or I'd be taking that should have been at three Olympus but you know what two ain't bad either yeah let's go ahead and refill our health there's a bunch of Barrels in there and we are good to go I kind of want to carry the cow catcher eat one of The Thermals and carry it all right now let's just scan one more time see if anyone's here and we got oh we actually do have somebody I just came in so hot are you gonna blow that out you throw this down real quick a little bit of cover where'd you go oh you took a zip line down I'm coming right at you you're too patient with the zip line my friend you're too patient you can jump off I hope you know that well at least you'll know that now they have the other Mythic the Hun Master Mythic we have no time to ditty dattle though storm is quickly covering us and we gotta leave but first let's go ahead and uh maybe Farm some barrels get the max health and these over here and now we are good to go you gotta go back up here though and launch pad where is Zone Zone's over there okay I think we can make it to the top of the Fortress again we have 313 ammo we are solid now I think out of the 2ars the thermal and the burst this is probably my favorite one is somebody there yeah I'm gonna assume somebody's at Tilted Towers though I cannot confirm that but I can't confirm somebody's at that anti-aircraft gun right there let's see if I can just give him a visit what am I shooting at if it's not them I think it's game over man I'm sorry I meant it's not gonna help you out at this point it'll help me out though oh that is a lot taller than I thought it was I'm gonna throw this down just as cover it's actually really good cover and nice little heel where are these guys fighting oh oh that is a guard this guy's not though you probably should have just bought those guys because uh yeah I'm pretty sure he regretted that one anybody else coming from Tilton looks like a tank must have run over everything here got right there he has one shot two shot but uh he's done four oh what do I see here can I not pick these up oh I have six shock waves right now okay that aisle guard keeps tripping me out we're gonna take the truck six of Limbs 17 people left anything I could use well no there's actually nothing you're not confused okay we're gonna see if we could find anybody else I think probably at this blimp we'll see somebody that's gonna be my best bet oh there's a guy on the open here sorry hot dog man that is going to be game over for you this gun is just way too good it fries okay there's i o guards here still which means uh the area probably wasn't contested too much I see some chess too yeah I'm just gonna make my way to the top do a little finesse and there's some fighting over here what do you guys shooting at oh there's a guy on the bridge was a guy on the bridge one eliminate it him for 64. see if I can aim this down I don't think I can't aim it down oh that's enough though where'd you go Bud you underneath here I thought he would be hiding there oh he's up here oh you're right out in the open that's it game over you lose two splashes I'm gonna drop my big pots for those we should probably get back up there I feel insane with this Mythic people are probably wondering like is that the real Dr Sloan no of course not but it could have been 10 people left let's get on top of this blimp one more time and even though there's nobody here we just get a really nice overview up here and it's a great spot just to assess the battlefield you know so I'm looking pretty safe just some more IO guards down there okay this zone is here I'm gonna Mark like a really good point which is probably gonna be this hill Oh my gosh I just scared myself I forgot I couldn't build there so that was scary all right let's launch it we're gonna aim for the top of that Hill there is a tank on top of that Hill interesting um well I hope nobody's in it because we are going right to it and I'm just gonna go ahead and drive it off the hill apparently I'm going off the hill with it didn't mean to do that we're in a bad spot now hide for a second wait for Sprint to come back and you know what we should be all right concern is who eliminated that guys probably this guy that is shooting right now where are they fighting sound like they were fighting at the edge of this building I'm not sure where though I don't want to get snuck up from behind I'm fairly comfortable guys right here yeah There Is No Escape for you now I want to see something that's the foundation right does he drop his Mythic I'm gonna aggro him just so he comes over here he doesn't look like he drops it okay I was pretty sure that was the case yeah the only three mythics are the Stinger SMG looks like he drops a purple AK now okay yeah the only mythics are this one Dr Sloan's Striker burst rifle we have the thermal scope as well and then we have the Stinger SMG okay I'm wanting it on top of this hill but I don't know if that's gonna be possible see two bananas interesting what the heck that's the origin I'm gonna talk to him I haven't talked to him yet what's up you're probably not happy to see me I suggest you try to impress me because the Nighthawk and you can activate a riff you know what let's do that let's activate a rift be quickly I'm busy eight do the rip thing thank you okay so this tank over here might be a little bit of a problem oh it's a 1v1 situation it's just me and the guy in the tank oh you shouldn't have got out of the tank maybe um it was a good idea for you to get out of things I can't see but I'm hitting you as best as I can baby you love to see it and that's another Crown dub for you boy oh wait it's just a normal Victory that's okay the next one's gonna be a crown dub let's see who we get next it's either gonna be Gunner or the Tiger guy please be Gunner please be Gunner okay Second Time Around let's see who we get next now it's gotta be uh Gunner or hun Master saber and it's gonna be the one and only the brand new boss hunt Master saber baby this should be very interesting well it's been decided hunt Masters saber here we go this is gonna be extremely extremely difficult but I'm up for the challenge now Fun Factory the skin isn't actually in the game but there was a skin in chapter one season seven that has the same mask so I thought why not it actually looks very similar now we know where Dr Sloan is we know where Gunner is but where is this guy well he's in the blimp of course we got a couple people looking to uh land here as well and they are stealing all the loot I thought I was gonna get time for plan C oh no okay that guy almost sold plants either good we good we good dang this I'm getting out maybe I can get this madness too somebody underneath me hmm oh there's somebody right there there's a lot going on right now I just keep getting floppers oh he's getting bodied we gotta go and we're gonna jump along here with a little bit of damage gotta figure out where he is okay that's where he is we're gonna swoop into the last second to be honest oh there's a guy there there's so many people here no please oh my gosh we're going back up back up please where did he just go did it go down did not go down he's going back up I have no idea what's going on right now I don't know how I'm alive we're taking this and we're dipping we gotta leave process drop this I have no Shield I don't know how I made it out of your life you should be okay a little bit I think holy one down where do you just go went down here am I alive that is a true question we may never know the answer but I have somehow finessed the system here and I remain alive and look we're gonna get probably full health here too score one for me bad guys it looks like somebody's right over here oh yeah let me up oh there he is oh you're out in the open that's bad bad for you great for me though fantastic honestly one of the best things that could happen was that right there I'm sure there's more people here somewhere so we just got to be careful and we definitely got to stay at range with this thing this thing is not a hip firing weapon I know I think I eliminated two people with hip fire that's a very rare circumstance okay all right let's get on out of here I'm gonna hit this launch pad and see if I can uh scan the area real quick all right where is everybody at looking down below we got no real players in the area this is fantastic and we got a chest over here okay this is what we got to do we gotta go ahead and uh float all the way down actually let's take a Speedway down and because I got the time I think Gunner's about to get the smoke first this guy now Gunner with 64 headshot this power with me doing 64 damage a headshot this is a very very powerful weapon please you just gotta hit your shots which sometimes is hard and with it being my only weapon it's gonna be really hard when it gets to close range so I gotta minimize that the least amount of close range fights I could take the better oh look at Gunner's Mythic SMG let's get in the area one more time and it looks like we're safe let's get this Vault open I love how easy it is now to open the vault and not be worried about people just waiting for you you know let's pop it open and look at these pickaxes you know what I love too you can make it a single one by fusing them together and that looks awesome but then you can just split them apart and use them like that and they're fully customizable it's great wow what the heck there's a tent in there all right now we gotta go ahead and just get all this XP and then decide what deals we want to take give me all that Loop give me all that yeah I think I'll take the splashes the spray and the minis I think that's what I'll do I'm gonna keep this Shockwave just in case uh I do get into Close Quarters and I want to get out it's gonna be my emergency output okay we're out here and uh zone is pretty far so we gotta get moving but look at my loot now my loot now is fantastic okay to the cannon we go and I'm gonna aim just for this one over here I shot it a little bit short all right it was a complete fail of a launch but you know what that's how you learn I need to get to the top over there should be a zip line right in the middle there you go and let me go ahead and use this and away we go we got a med mist spray so I'm not really worried tilted is a nice spot to look too okay let's take the zip line up while we're doing that we can spray ourselves a little bit here's somebody driving dial or kind of savage okay they're all looking for me it's gonna be okay though this guy just stopped his car right outside the Zone he must be on the ropes hit him once but that's not gonna be enough damage you just take a peek over this hill before I move any further that thermal so let's just use that to observe all right let's launch the zone is as far east as it could be that's actually kind of wild let's fly it in you know stay hydrated take a drink water heard a shot over here though yeah we should be good oh I see him looting he's getting run up on Doom he's probably gonna get back into the tank I am not gonna be able to get that a limb I think that guy got eliminated I got a strong feeling about that I'm keeping a watchful eye over the area though this guy's coming in the guy for 90. track them he's trying to heal out in the open that is not good for you brother anybody else got another one coming through this guy knows it's over I think that's two two down this thing is way too good at Range close range really bad long range fantastic one of the best let's throw wheels on this and let's move now to position myself smartly I think I'm gonna go over here this area looks insane lots of heels over here just taking a look through my thermal scope I'm not seeing a whole lot I know they're there somewhere but oh shoot guy's gonna go for his loot for Izzy the fact that he's not going for the loop [Music] I'm out I lost my car but I have my life fact that he wasn't going for the loot should have been a massive Telltale sign who is shoe Nami I have no more quick getaways so oh they're brawling over here what is happening Another One Bites the Dust there's like 50 things to loot down there I gotta go in on this even if it's risky I gotta do it my shot is true Splash it out grab a new Madness Shield Potions there we go oh my gosh you got Dr Sloane's Mythic okay we're good we're we're great even let's get these cow catchers too just in case if somebody wants to fight close range I can throw them down and get some cover I'm in a really bad spot though I'm gonna be honest how weak is this vehicle it's actually not that weak perfect okay we gotta find a really good safe spot it's only gonna pop here in 20 seconds it's gonna vibe in the passenger seat in the back seat it's actually kind of risky yeah we're in the zone I got an idea let's see how this plays out wait a second is there a push in the middle of the Zone oh somebody's right there shot at me but they didn't really do anything after that this house is really in a bad spot got another one down and then the final guy is inching his way towards me over here and once twice three times three times to do it we're just putting the pressure on the pressure is on okay I think he's gonna fully heal but that's bad oh my gosh where is he going I gotta dip he could have eliminated me there I think he doesn't know I mean why would he know that I can't deal at all in close range just gotta continue to maintain a massive distance here I'm gonna hit this web I know there's some barrels back here all map awareness is treating me real nice right now okay we're good for now I'm gonna try to play Edge's Zone hopefully it pulls more towards me and not him it's a middle situation we're gonna try to get up to this spot here I have no more shock wave so that's gonna make things extremely difficult okay I'm gonna try to get to that Hill oh he didn't see me lighting him up no he's one shot he's literally one shot let's go oh my goodness gracious you love to see it that is a big old Dove and we have officially won the random Mythic Boss Challenge hit that like button if you enjoy this and don't forget to subscribe with the bell for more daily awesome videos
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 4,085,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xd-hfThaHV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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