The RAF Pilots Tortured During The Gulf War | Tornado Down: Operation Desert Storm | Timeline

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[Music] [Music] On January the 17th 1991 in the opening hours of the Gulf War re s tornado pilot John Peters and navigator John Nichol prepared to attack an Iraqi Air Field [Music] the plan was to strike in darkness but operational difficulties delayed their takeoff until dawn [Music] attacking in broad daylight would give the Iraqi triple-a anti-aircraft Gunners a much greater chance of shooting them down it was to be the first and the last low level daylight bombing mission of the Gulf War we dropped off the tanker you feel it makes you vulnerable that's because when you're tanking you know you're within a safe area or the safest can be assured and then the moment you're off the tanker that's when really your operational flying starts because you've got to get down get onto the deck and break into enemy territory to all detached from the whole thing you're up there on year ramm on your pink stallion you know charging off the wall and you can't really get a feel of what's going on down below you so you know it's get on with the job and getting towards that target I found myself in a son seat now as I approach that being find myself more aggressive more pushing them and being annoyed get loads do this do this you know do because when you're here I obviate the part you have far more involved with sort of aggressive side of the aircraft of actually putting a bomber along the ground as the tornado raised towards its target navigator John Nichol constantly updated the aircraft attack computer the approach was perfect but as they pulled up to drop the bombs something went wrong the final part of the attack is to pull a a large to pull a climb so that the bombs will loft off the bottom and on the target which everything was going perfectly well we're calling Twitter there everything's flying three two one pull now and that as we came up I was still looking around I was looking out to make sure nothing was coming up at us and certainly John seeing I haven't got a package I haven't got a package and I thought what that you know what do you mean what do you mean that I'm looking down to make sure I've got the correct weapon selected and then suddenly he he's yelling I haven't got the dot I have got to pull up which means something to be now but by this time you know I mean the time that is taking me to see it you've pushed on an extra couple of miles your high is slow and we were wallowing in the a and we still haven't got those bombs off so I'm swearing in chocolate and going through every damn Expedia in a booklet as also trying to get the aircraft down to two low level as aggressively as I could without I was very wet I mean the whole thing I was just thinking grad avoid it you know but you've got to get it down because other people are trying to kill you the attack failed because the bombs weren't automatically released I thought you hadn't hadn't died mr. Buckey in my own mind I think you know I think that's the case there's a sequence of switches that you have to go through to get this attack you know it's not just going there pull up an asset and we practice the attack hundreds and hundreds of times with no problems and there's only two explanations you know either the computer didn't work properly or I didn't press the the right button at the vinegar stroke I mean Johnny in the back he's putting chaff and flare out and with one and he's you know he's got a press the other button I think it he's never ever not pressed a button in the Hittite Army flames I reckon he pushed the button but he just didn't push hard enough you know in the case of doing everything you know everything was going perfectly well and suddenly we'd failed you know and it's indescribable to try to tell you how we felt wallowing around you know in amongst Tripoli trying to decide whether we had time to reach out you know I mean we thought against every conceivable notion of how you perform an attack we were I was thinking let's reattach let's try and make something this I'm not going to lose face once we got back down low level still koala that going on around us I was going to turn back on the escape heading and just as I put on back the aircraft just I mean it just jumped 30 feet and started tumbling like I said you know I said what the hell was that and for me in the front I mean I just felt they I mean we're pretty low at that stage the ground I mean I was just pushing the stick frantically because the ground was just doing this to me just coming at them back and I was I was just think better to get prepared yet that's all I could think when your aircraft just kind of tumbles across the you know the desert floor and as I say I mean when it's suddenly like that and the floors coming up and you you know and I'm couldn't I was pushing a stick in the air pump wasn't reacting and that you know and that's when that all your basic instinctive you know piloting you're their game is you very apart it's not work you know prepare to eject I caught some orange glow in the mirror and I look back and I can see well he's 5 feet closer to it than I'm I mean the whole of the back of the aircraft was just I mean it's a big turn a big tail plane and fin I couldn't see any of that the wing was on fire the fuselage on fire about here and you decisions in life and also difficulty so we were you're limping on trying to get further and further away with this thing burning merrily behind us and I said I just glanced out the wing glanced out the side to see if anybody you know there was anything else around and there's just a you know a towering inferno coming down that down the spine of the aircraft towards me and you know you start to get into a civil issue it really is time to the aircraft and they said ok right prepare to eject I'd already yang the stick back so we were timing the height because it makes the ejection safer and say and we both count it down 3 2 1 eject eject remember just before just like why us and I thought why first damn sodding a real said plane a handle was she said to say that you know this is it you're out of that aircraft you no longer part of the wolf as he ejected from the aircraft John Peters suffered slight concussion cut his eye and badly injured his knee but both men were relieved to find themselves alive basically we are really in deep [ __ ] there you know I mean the chances of us it was broad they're like the chances of us actually making it back to some kind of friendly lines or hiding for 20 hours or something till the combat salute that is it Tilikum power surge guys could come and get us were fairly limited so you know we just got off the ground and looked around it was strange getting down on the ground then you're looking around and you sort of think my god you know wish it came about $50 $100 party came across and he said well this is nothing we're in the Iraqi desert we put out a few calls on the radio to say that we were down and safe got our guns ready for what they were going to be worth and you started running off after god only knows how long it was it could have been you know ten minutes or an hour we thought we thought we saw somebody on horizon or something and we dropped down and we were looking over the horizon at what we're presuming was a soldier lying on the horizon looking at us and gone it was probably a tree or something but you know your mind your eyes are playing tricks with you and everything there and after that we got up and started moving in a little way on crawling as we went and try you know trying to keep as low as possible and then and then we finally saw a man quite a way away but it's definitely well as a man and that it's a time when you think and for me certainly you know where you can feel your heart pumping your veins gunner doing and you're hitting a deck and you're thinking what do you know what do you do and you know you consider eyes kind of widening you know you've got your gun there and you're very apparently suddenly you've gone from you know big package nice tornado lots of weapons lots of power to here's a little small and insignificant and then over the if you like over one of the sand dunes a shimmering line of men appeared coming towards us with rifles and again I don't think they'd spotted us but it was certainly following a trail or something and now we looked at them and saw them coming and we couldn't move at this point you know I mean if we'd move they would have seen us and were cowering behind a 2-foot your cactus plant or whatever it was just be trying to to get down as low as we could and suddenly the yeah the Osho winter and there's they're just opening up with easy k47 and it's the most horrifying thing worse than being shot bang you know they're just raking the ground around us with the sand with with bullets and I you know I'm looking at jobs thing and right you know we've got to make a serious decision here now and I was all for for your Luther enemy and said shall we go out with a bang I let's stand up and shoot a couple of come with them waste but of daring yes but it was a it was like flying for ground that I I just said no I mean it's always hoped because why do their job for you whatever happens you know it wasn't it wasn't a case if it was a two or three where you could have a chance of winning I mean they there were twelve fifteen I don't know and always you know machine guns and wasting P area around us and we've got these two little poxy pop guns and that's just stupid you're just going to stand up and get Betty split open so that was a time I decided to so we decided to give ourselves up you know did a decent thing and one of them ran up towards ran up towards us grab grabbed us I think they grabbed the one of the personal beacons office or something like that and then he just started punching me in the face you know and there's nothing you can do about this it was little point in reacting or anything and he's just standing there hitting me in thank God the officer was there with him because I'm convinced that you know there was you know generally dance around they were hitting John and John you know and starting all ready to grab bits are they I took my contact lenses outside my glasses on and he Rick those off too we walked in area and it was said you know I mean as far as out and said they were going to kill us there and then you know I just thought you know well that's it that's it that's it over now it was a Clayton we would thank God the officer got hold of them or whatever he was and and he stopped them you know he pulled them all back and they basically used to it everything that we had on us and then dragged us off to the vehicle took John's going out and in a kind of triumphant you know recapture and put it in the air to shoot and the dancing jammed I thought luckily we didn't follow the first idea Peters and Nikhil were taken back to the airfield they tried to bomb and parade it in front of hundreds of cheering Iraqi soldiers they were then taken north to Baghdad handcuffed and blindfolded there they were handed over to Saddam Hussein's secret police the longer they held out the less valuable their information would be to the Iraqis we went to sort of labyrinths they put me in a room and I was set from John net I think I can already remember and I was there on us a by which day they're blind holders both again because I think John it managed to get his blindfold off and then I don't know just they're just seeing the world kind of fell it in consider their I don't know how many because I never saw that there's a whole load of going Sam they were just punching kicking hitting and I just fell on the floor and difficult to remember but you know they would drag you up and then beat you back down to the floor again and nobody was asking anything nobody was seeing anything I think they were just taking you know some kind of strange revenge for the bombing so just yeah yeah well you can't you have no out you can't feel you know just being struck from all sides it could be boots fists clubs whatever and they were just beating you to the floor picking you up and putting you back down again and you're just writhing around trying to protect yourself as best you can we had our handcuffs we had our hands cuffed behind our back and you know you're just trying to move your body into position to to try to to breathe the worst of it so that was unexpected because at that stage I'd just seen they just hold group with them and just stick around you and they're just kicking it pumping and and heating you about the head in the back and yet in you're rolling around you're trying to avoid being here because if it's there were too many of them and I just remember my bloody head rolling around and thinking [ __ ] what what can you be you starting to try and think how was I was trying to think as to them what I was going to do to to find them eventually it stopped and we were left in a corner some way and I could feel somebody else next to me I kind of whispered John is that you he said yesterday you Katie said oh he whispered something could really hear what it was and they left us for however long it was after some period of time he moved me back into the room and I was sitting I found myself sitting again in front of the same 3 3 Iraqis and and the guy in center the other guy started questioning me he would started with a simple you know what's he number which I rank what's your name and then he would say what did you fly and you say I cannot answer that question and you'll see again what's your number and he'd say that and then you say ok what weapons did you carry what base were you from what squadron are you from or your pilot or a navigator and you're either seeing number rank name date of birth or you're seeing I cannot answer that question it's a fairly one-sided conversation there's anything a memory no he wasn't really angry he was more reason he was trying to reason with me to get me to to get me to come up with the goods to get me to come up with the information he would say it look you know he would see what aircraft did you fly in I'd see I cannot answer that question and then he would he'd say why can you not answer that question and I cannot answer that question and it would go on like it would go on like this you see but surely you can answer this this isn't going to hurt anybody to tell me what you fly tell me if you're a pilot or a navigator it can't do anybody any harm and of course you're always thinking in your mind that you know should I just say this will you leave me alone if I given this little bit information but you know because of what we know from our our training you know that's once you start once you strike up a conversation with them then that's the end he said a pylon navigator and I before I said I cannot you know I couldn't get I can answer that question because I got a cannot and that's the shock she can't see suddenly I mean I was hit and I was on the floor and you think you think though they're starting yeah it shouldn't be doing that they shouldn't be starting so early and then they kind of grab you by here and put your back up on that she dragged you up and throw you on the chair again name Peters rank 510 and you bylaw navigator I cannot and you're back on the floor again and then they pick you up I mean these just kind of fists at this moment and then he just kept on asking a name right fight or navigate it cannot and then they kind of just let rip for a while with fear and fists they started here my artists they kind of go for the weak spots room huh and that my lipid already split and everything but my my I they kept on hitting my eye right across cut it really thin I can feel the sort of the wheels when I hit his cheek you feel the kind of wheel cut kind of come up on but they kept on heating like damn right and it was already closed anyway and then again it kind of tire navigating he's just getting I cannot answer and they kept on hitting him one guy that I was strange I mean I was I just thought well it's okay as long as they keep on hitting that because it was so sort of swollen by that stage that I just thought well my eyes okay because it just felt like a kind of balloon full of water and it was just squelching I thought well carry on hitting that mate because you're not going to get to the eye because it's just you know it's just not there anymore they moved us down the corridor and then you're standing again completely disorientated in the dark and you didn't know where you were in relation to anything yes you were just standing and they could have you could have been in the middle of a field subway or you could have been in a coffin somewhere not touching anything and again you stand and you wait for something to happen and sure enough I was standing about six inches from a wall I found it somebody would stand behind me and just smash the back of my head so that I head-butted the wall and you stagger back and they'd stand you up again and then leave you and they'd leave you for a minute the DB for an hour did you know when you can't tell and then they do it again and then they do it again and then they do it again you notes you don't want to be weak either you're desperately assessing why I found myself assessing sort of how I was doing because you you've paid off for I get used to that and they start moving it around the body the body that you start saying it's okay it's heading it will they just keep on there that's great it's okay you're doing okay okay so you're on yeah they're picking up and you I find myself talking to myself and I'm trying to say no you haven't got me yet it's okay I find myself out trying to take myself out of it they again dragged me outside some way and I was standing with my head against a wall and my feet further back from the wall standing on the autism my feet which is a classic what we call stress position it means your muscles are cramped you're in an incredibly uncomfortable and a natural position to be standing and you desperately want to move to relieve the stress and of course every time you move then there's somebody there standing in the darkness somewhere who hit kick whatever but you get you back into this stress position you know so again you're in a no-win situation if you stay where you are you're in pain if you move you're in pain as you move well of course you move then because it's some point you have to move it's you know that's what that's what the stress does use and therefore it's some point you have to move and so they were there they'd you know punch kick beat you down to the floor pick you up put your back against the wall in the stress position and wait for you to move again you start to realize it this is not is not going to stop you know it's not it's not like being in a pub brawl or sort of picked up on outside at the pub and just beat up I mean it is controlled there they're using pain and they're using you know the wall you yeah the batter their clubs and stuff like that a precise way I mean they they're deliberately inflicting pain in a very stylized way upon you the focus of that concentration I mean your mouth goes dry and you can smell the guys are using you you can feel your own sweat and you can cut out taste and be blood it's kind of pretty in your teeth and you're just you're just trying to hang in there as long as you can you're thinking little here you know I'm Helen's not gonna have me any longer you know not and my children may might only just been born which was lovely but I think my main focus was was our own guy my little boy because I just thought telling me I one time I won't get ahead of them be be his father then I didn't like cam the thought have found someone else bringing myself I couldn't stand very well because my leg was quite bruised and then he just kind of pulled his leg up I felt like he as if he was just stamping down on the knee and Minnie just kind of was going concave really I mean it just as if he sort of karate-chopped right into money stamping down with a heel and I was what I was withered rather than I mean all the bloody again you know you're grunting and earnest and things like that and I just I let out a kind I suppose and that well okay first of all the page is kind of rocking it right up the side of my body and in my head and everywhere and I was on the floor and I live out this Yelp and it I didn't control the Yelp which is cities it and it's and that was it you could you suddenly they yang me up and they did it again and yank me up and did it again yank it I'm doing it just kick ya know we've lived a guy galore I remember guy getting are you pilot a pilot pilot and they just carry on for a tiny thing and and then they sort of stop fall out then they go back to write name flight st. Peter's on Peters rank 510 number and then they say I you pilot a navigator and that's just you you that see the whole well perhaps I get away with and I just stayed silent for a time so then they just start ripping into me again and hit him Annie Annie and about my hair really and I said pilot putt and then he said you will answer named Peters Bank 5/10 are you part or navigator and I take pilot her what aircraft do you fly and I just saw tornado and that and that was that was it honey somebody else came in sometime later and you know said watching them what's your rank what's your name where you from and then he said well it does matter nickel I know you're a navigator and that strikes home and you think well it's not a difficult guess to make you know whether you're a pilot or a navigator it's not unreasonable they'd be guessing earlier down the line trying to you know trying to trick us and so I said I cannot answer that question and he said okay I can tell you navigator that you fly tornadoes again not a not a difficult guess to see that we've so deep inside Iraqi territory and tornadoes and then he said and I know you come from Bahrain again all this was in the papers so it's gets more and more worrying he's getting at you now you think in ways this information come from conceivably he could be guessing conceivably he could have seen it papers the we were you know undoubtedly there television reports about you know a crew being shot down from Bahrain and whatever it was and in the event there was an awful lot of television reports about that and an awful lot of information could be gleaned by the enemy from those press and TV reports so again you know I wasn't although I was concerned I wasn't you know distraught by the whole thing and then he said I know you come here and review from your Victor tankers and drop your bombs from you refueling from your Victor tankers at 10,000 feet and there you come and drop your bombs on me and I'm looking at him and I think he knows that you know that he's said he's found a little bit of a hook here and then he said and I also know that your attack didn't work and that you drop your bombs in the desert and then I knew that it obviously the only person that this could have come off from was JP and you know I just think to myself you know what have they done to him to make him tell them and you're concerned and I was very concerned for him but I was thinking what are they going to do to me to make me tell them it seemed to be a change of a purpose to this one the foresee down to on to the black vinyl tubular chair and and somebody said what's your number quite slowly what's your rank what's your name and then said what squadron are you from and I said I cannot answer that and Halford got out and then somebody felt you know like the world exploded in my head somebody hit me with a fist or a piece of wood or a club I don't know what it was but it the lights just went out in my head and then came on again brilliantly you know there was the Milky Way was going off with me and and then so he punched me in the face it definitely felt like a fist and then kicked me in the stomach or something I don't know what it was and and while this is going on the guy's trying to question you but it's in there it's in the distance you can't hear anything you know there's not there's nothing there apart from somebody you know really working you over and I could I was sitting feeling the blood dripping off my nose and I could feel it hitting my flying suit you know through my flying suit my chemical suit long johns and I could just feel it dripping down on me and and I thought you know this is gonna this is it as it really is it and then somebody dragged my yeah drags my boot off I could feel somebody pulling at my boot tearing my boot off and then somebody was hitting machine with it so hitting machine with an implement you know it's something something sharp and something Merril and then this again it went on and then somebody grabs all of my hair and stuff tissue paper down the back of my neck and this was the worst thing I think that they did not what they did after that or anything that was gone before the physical act of putting tissue paper down your neck and you think what the hell is going on he's sitting there in a completely blindfolded completely disorientated however many thousands of miles from home from everything that you know from everything that you understand and somebody has pulled your hair back you pulled your head back and put tissue paper down your neck and you think what they're but what is he going to do what is this for what you know what is going to happen and and that if he'd ask me question and I think I probably would have given in them but they didn't he just lit the tissue here at the back of my neck it's enough you know this is enough now this has gone on too far ask me another question and I'm Yours I've given you feel failure you know this is the second time in a short space of time we presume it was a short space of time that that you've failed in what you've been directed to do so you feel a complete failure you've let yourself down you've led all of your comrades down would they have done the same thing in the situation you would leave held on longer who else is in there in other rooms holding on longer it's a total sense of failure in the ensuing interrogations Peters and Nikol avoided giving away anything of military value but their ordeal was far from over we'd been there for a day off so I suppose in this corridor and oh I was kind of a slave and they Sonny kicked kicked you up and his setup and you had four or five guys around you and use standing it over you and came back and said you're a war criminal I said no said you're a walk them all you've killed women and children and we're going to shoot you and I said no and they said we will put you on television as a war criminal I said no and they say if you do not go on television we will kill you and I said no and they said you will you will go on television as a walker and i said no i kept on refusing and each time they get on kind of punctuating it with a bloody slap ran a face or hitting me and then they said right you know you will never see your wife or children again and they started picking me up and they just put a gun against my head and I just thought well [ __ ] you know because the only way you can fight them at that stage is to survive and so I said okay okay I said I've committed no war crimes and he said yes you have you've attacked a country that hasn't declared war on you so we can execute you for this he said oh you can go on TV and it wasn't a hard decision for me to make a law you know I didn't want to do it there was no way that I was going to be taken out the back and put up against a wall and shot for for the simple act where I could go on TV and not do it and the reason my reasoning for this right or wrong was that I'd always expected this to happen at some point and they had already used the civilian hostages on TV there's that appalling scene of the little boy being used on TV and it just brought outrage to the world and I thought well you know if you do this hopefully I'll do the same thing and of course I was going to be able to tell people at home that I was alive which I was convinced you know that they weren't there's no way that these Iraqis were going through the Red Cross I was you know this was my way of getting a message home to say I was a life and that was a concern for me as well I enjoy everybody marwan your age 27 who is a very seasoned local fisherman sue belayer you are already 15 squadron they asked us a prepared list of questions going through you know what aircraft at walls that we flew etc Tony that violently their fire tornado a violent impotent man their submission mihari boring I've tried to answer the Miss stilted as possible and also to use the exact words that they used which weren't making you know grammatical sense of things to try to show that I wasn't addressed to the tackler rocky I filled my eyes Annette are having a bar that I be bigger than myself by being shot down I was shut down by a rocky system I do not know what it was this already you know maravilla alive in Macomb indeed norm and early fair mark affordable he had his hundred one here but there are with the opening of this wall again July I think this war should be stopped so we can go home I did not agree on this war with Iraq and then at the end said you can send a message home map or do you want to send a message home it was incredibly difficult to stand they to sit they and send the message home it was very very moving for me then summoned a de jure listening everything is located to spray solution eventually they just got my name and rank that I shot down by a missile and I've bombed an airfield and that's where you win because I say your body doesn't look good but in your mind you've won because they want you to do something and you haven't done it okay you've gone on TV but you hadn't done what they wanted you to do your eyes different e9r we would sow season and wonder your elephants water stains money I made sure my my I missed was a camera is best occurred and look down not look at the camera no love only good they said you can have a personal comment and that's that's I suppose that you get having had the thought of sending you were going to display yourself ten I suppose and I thought you know this is probably the last time she's going to them see me in it's like like this it's not honorable so then I I don't said Helen turning guy and then I wanted to say something to my mother and father but I like I can it was um and then they get each other to God a message [Music] and so yeah guys I love you thousand after their television appearance the Iraqis locked them away in solitary confinement their weeks of isolation ended abruptly on the 23rd of February sunny it had this bomb cut incoming in such and then the whole world just dummy this was a really strong building and the whole world just you know blew apart I mean yeah kind of the whole building just shook and and it was complete badness and incorrect nose and then and then followed by another one I thought you know my god the way to target this time you know this is just is this just isn't close we are actually being bombed here and I scrambled out of my sleeping bag put the old sand shoes the trainers on that they've given me tried to tie them around my feet with some string and I'd also also managed to trick them into giving me more water than usual so I had a ball of water there as well which I was planning to have my first wash for four weeks with that and I sat back beside me in case there was a fire god knows what I was going to do with it and then with the food ball that they'd left i padded that out with some blankets and i sat with that on my head in some vain hope of protecting myself from the fallen Mason [Music] my life flashed past my eyes were not that second bomb came in definitely I thought you know I was lifted bodily up off the floor and I was suspended in midair if you like and it seemed to take forever to get back down again to the floor thought the you know the floors had come in and I was falling through the building or something that's when taken in context with being hit by a missile being shot out the sky being directly hit by allied bombs comes fairly close to her to the edge eventually at one guy was is it he's excel got blown open so he got out of his cell and he managed to rope the little food hatches and allowed us to talk long so I scream out it John John John Nikolai you there and it bounced down the corridor and heard that yeah yeah Johnny okay and after that you don't have to ask anything of you mate because you know he's there you know he's okay so that and all I could think of I said bet you're not anymore finish it now I'm singing with a plastic bowl on my head all over the floor [Music] on the 4th of March four days after the war ended John Peters was released by the Iraqis and driven to Jordan he'd been in prison for 47 days more than 40 of them in total isolation John Nichol was freed the following day and flown to Riyadh and then on to Cyprus at Riyadh we got changed over onto an RAF Hercules for the yeah on the journey and when I got on there one of the Lord masters came up and said you know you need to look at this this newspaper and it had John's releasing it and and all of the press for that had been caused by all of this and how he was on the front page of all of the papers all around the world and it also said that people still didn't know where I was and that my parents didn't know if I was alive or dead and that they were just you know barricaded behind their door at home waiting for news and that you know they were you could tell from the article of the way the newspaper was written that they were just being harassed by the media it felt for me it felt that they were having 30 times harder it felt for me that they were having a much harder time you know than I wasn't the whole thing because they didn't know if I was alive or if I was dead at least on you you know what was going on we just had no information at all and it was appalling feeling to sit helplessly on an aircraft and you know not be able to say you know I'm alive I'm alive I'm ok you don't need to worry anymore and I just broke down sitting on the aircraft well the first thing obviously I wanted to do in Cyprus was that was it was phone hello Sarah I'm at they were had these phone karke and believed we had to use phone cards and the the chief and an office puddle gave me a phone call and I said no can I have two please Michael to phone cards and I went along the corridor is just a phone in the corridor and it's all very quiet and he left me I found found her found him and catch answered a guy on the squadron I said well the bloody honey doing that because it's about 3 o'clock in the morning back in Germany and he said I will celebrate now I'll go get her and I think I almost been quite drunk because first thing she said though is I said hi it's me and she said you still got your balls when we arrived at Cyprus the first thing I wanted to do was get to a telephone and there would be eventually managed to get me telephone and the line out and the call was intercepted by the british telecom operators and this had been because that the people had been falling and constantly the press had been on the phone constantly asking fun news asking for information asking for comments and so they'd have to have an intercept put on the line so people couldn't get through and I couldn't speak to the BT operator she couldn't hear me and so I was getting more and more frustrated more and more upset and eventually managed to get through to my brother who lives in London and I spoke to him and his wife on the phone and when I say spoke to him his wife on the phone you know we held the phone in my hand and we couldn't really say anything you know it was just to hear my family voice on the phone was too much for me one of my big fear string captured viewers guy was going to forget me because I use that at that age I thought he was going to not remember but I was standing on the steps holding Tony who by with this stage look poised that we know huge into what I saw last time and guy just ran down the stairs along along the path and we go daddy daddy and that was them that was that was very good he makes I just picked off and I hug him and and he'll then we just kind of burst in hug for one and then and then we went into to the building and that's it had some champagne and then you know just me back to back to normal really I mean you have as I say moments a very short nap and then you resume your sort of a lifestyle I say we had some champagne and then we went to up and did the photo call with the press flight leftenant John Peters and John Nichol have returns to normal flying duties with the Royal Air Force you
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Views: 677,206
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Keywords: documentary history, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, real, Full Documentary, Documentary Movies - Topic, History, Documentary, Aircraft, Channel 4 documentary, TV Shows - Topic, history documentary, BBC documentary, stories, 2017 documentary, timeline, timeline world history, timeline channel, timeline world history documentaries
Id: 3kpiaP_yaIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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