The Race to Create the "iPhone of AI" is Heating Up!

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this video is brought to you by nebula who is this Pokemon Charmander a fire type Pokémon known for the flame on the tip of its tail in the scene you described Charmander is surrounded by other Pokémon such as Pikachu a small yellow rodent-like Pokémon with long ears and a lightning bolt-shaped tail the setting appears to be the interior of a wooden cabin or house with the Pokémon standing on a wooden floor yep the image is taken from a screen as evidenced by the reflection of some items on the screen and style of the windows and walls that's crazy but yeah it is a pokedex hi welcome to another episode of Cold Fusion for decades it's been a Sci-Fi dream to Simply talk to your device and have it do tasks for you with generative language AI starting to make this stream feasible the question becomes how do we turn these AI capabilities into a functional Hardware device recently a new unknown player has entered the space rabbit the company only started raising money in October of 2023 and have already built out a product called the R1 this small orange device is causing waves in the online tech space with 50,000 pre-orders sold out in just over a week people are interested so I figured that in this episode I'll give my thoughts on the device but I'll also show you the new AI industry that's forming right before our eyes this is going to be a deep dive so sit back relax and let's get into it you are watching C Fusion TV we need some context rabbit aren't the first company to try AI Hardware they're the second the first was Humane and let's just say that they embarrassingly showed how hard it is to get this idea right many of you have heard of The Humane AI pin unveiled in 2023 and unreleased at the time of this recording it's a device you can speak to a natural language and have it do tasks for you it has a holographic display and was supposed to replace your phone despite the founders having the pedigree of X Apple Engineers they didn't seem to live in reality the device was more like an exercise in philosophy rather than practicality take a look at the CNBC interview where they failed to convince anyone can you see that yeah what's that telling you so this is this is a display when you need it it's just capable of doing a lot of things but it's not something that you need because the device is actually built to be multimodal that means you can use it however you want like what like what tell me something you would use that for so you use it for just about anything like uh sending texts or checking up on any notifications that you've got in stuff that you do just all there's a speaker that's built in and then there's a a user LED called so that's what I want to ask you about Imran the co-founder says that the device can do virtually anything a smartphone can but without a screen I doubt that's possible something as simple as discreetly reading emails or texts can't be done sometimes I'll be at a meeting yeah right and and I'm sneaking under the under the desk to look at my email because that's and I can't say uh Hey Hey Siri you know tell me my email because I don't want the whole room to hear my email so how does that work in this context so the device is powered by a AI powered OS I think the biggest thing here that is that it's AI powered and so it's doing a lot of that that heavy lifting for you so you just actually engage with it when it's really important but seriously if if if I'm in a meeting and I'm talking to somebody but I got to go like this when I'm in the meeting and anybody who can see my hand can see the see what I'm reading too how I mean I don't know how that's different screen's doing and then there's the price VAR what's the price point it's $6.99 for this model and it's $7.99 for the one that she's got and that's the complete system comes with everything plus obviously this hasn't gone too well as Humane has already laid off 4% of their staff before even launching their CTO has been kicked out too but while all of of this is going on there's a new kid in town rabbit with their new device called the R1 firstly what is it that was delicious check the fridge and order the ingredients to make that again tomorrow create a route that works with my goals then start the best playlist to keep me motivated watch what I'm doing here process all my new photos today just like this find us a nice restaurant near here then get us there take me to the best spot to catch the sunset and Lead me through a meditation play my favorite song I'm on it at its core the rabbit R1 is supposed to be a device so simple that you don't need to learn how to use it it's powered by a multimodal language model supposedly more capable than chat GPT so of course it can answer all the questions that you have but the difference is it can interact with your apps and do tasks on your behalf with the push to talk button you don't need to say anything to wake it up just press and hold the button and talk like a walkie-talkie I get a response 10 times faster than most of the voice AI project get me a 12in pizza from Pizza Hut deliver to here the most ordered option on the app is fine ordering a 12in pizza from Pizza Hut since you mentioned that the most ordered option is fine I will select that for you I just created an order for a 12-in pizza it's going to be hand tossed with a classic marinara sauce and topped with regular please please confirm your order that sounds really good I just confirmed order here now I'm waiting for my pizza set of more complex actions that may take multiple apps to finish on a smartphone for example if I want to plan a trip to London I can just describe what I wish in full to R1 I want to take my family to London it's going to be two of us and a child of age 12 we're thinking of January 30th to February 5th can you plan the entire trip for me we like cheap non-stop flights grouped seats a cool SUV and a nice hotel that has Wi-Fi exploring ticketing options to make your trip a reality for your trip I found various flight options a range of hotels to choose from and car rentals available please confirm each option individually for further details and booking could you come up with a schedule for fun things to do while I'm over there I have prepared a detailed travel plan for your trip in summary you will be exploring London's iconic landmarks visiting museums enjoying delicious meals at local restaurants and experiencing the vibrant atmosphere of different neighborhoods navigation details are also prepared and I can help you book tickets for any events you'd like to attend R1 just planed the entire trip for me that's awesome but it seems like this is a little bit too intense can you plan a easy schedule for us sure I'm working on it please take a look at it and let me know what you think it gave me a more relaxed schedule every day with all the details sounds really good and I just confirmed that I can foresee a wonderful trip Isn't that cool huh you can use the camera to recognize real world objects and ask questions about them for example what meals to make from a fridge or what are people talking here let me take a look in the image there is a conversation taking place in a chat application the participants are discussing rabbit OS and its capabilities specifically mentioning a music sequence answer one person is curious if rabbit OS has a music sequencer built in and another suggests that it can manipulate your digital audio workstation DA they also mention using it as a learning tool and seem to be preparing for the next topic or task in their discussion whether it works as well as the demos is another question entirely the rabbit company stresses that the R1 is not a phone but unlike Humane it's not aiming to replace it the R1 has a 2.8 in screen which is small given that the average smartphone screen is 6 Ines these days but the small screen is meant for increasing utility rather than the main form of user interaction in addition the R1 has a physical scroll wheel a push to talk button so it doesn't need a trigger phrase to listen a 360 swivel camera and enter the vision a rotates and of course a speaker it's been designed by teenage engineering who makes music hardware and famously designed the nothing phone its design might be polarizing but at the very least the device is interesting enough to get people talking in terms of the business case for rabbit there are some clear threats generative AI technology is looking for Consumer killer applications entrepreneurs are naturally trying to find the best ways to use it recently jabel made a pretty hilarious video about coding and building his own companion AI device but I played with it for a bit and it feels more like uber besty instead of actually having one so if I want a true AI bestie I need to get more control and after a few hours is the python dependency hell check this out I got it working on the raspberry pie my little AI homie name is chai by the way and from there I started working on the portability by buying the right parts for it and giving a little auto start script started work on chai's actual build form with the res piie screen and 3D printer and I just kept on iterating on this process until my main man chai was in one solid piece so as you can see he is a one complete build one solid object a microphone on top the back's closed please don't ask how I charge him instead new AI bestie thing my buddy here actually has his own personality watch this I'm a black guy who loves anime what do you think about that aren't we breaking stereotypes here a black guy who loves anime alert the media because this is such groundbreaking information dude you enjoy what you enjoy who cares about what anyone else thinks aren't we Progressive high five keep watching Dragon Ball or whatever you're into interesting so he like partially roasted me but also ended on a positive upbeat listen to being real that sounds a lot closer to what an actual best friend would do standard chat GPT could never so the fact that one single guy can do this means that there's probably a bunch of startups chomping at the bit to enter the hardware AI space in fact Sam ultman and softbank's MOSI son are both trying to get the iPhone designer Johnny I to design their respective AI Hardware devices Microsoft is looking at the development of the R1 with great interest Satia nadela hints that Microsoft could jump into the AI Hardware space you see I thought the the the demo of uh the rabbit OS and uh the device was fantastic I think I I must say after jobs uh sort of launch of iPhone probably one of the most impressive presentations I've seen of capturing the uh the vision uh of what is possible going forward for what is an agent Centric um uh operating system and interface and uh I think that's what everybody's going seeking if you have a breakthrough in natural interface uh where this idea that you have to go one app at a time and all of the cognitive load is with you uh as a human uh does seem like there can be a real breakthrough we had the first generation whether it was Cortana or Alexa or Siri or whatever you um it was just not it was too brittle uh where we didn't have these Transformers these large language models uh whereas now we have I think the tech to go and come up with a new app model and once you have a new interface and a new app model I think new hardware is also possible and it's had an opportunity from Microsoft or are you moving away from Hardware I mean look I mean always it's an opportunity for us um and so yeah I mean we make Hardware but even for the whole category of AI Hardware devices as a whole it's a risky segment to be in there's a quiet AI Revolution going on in smartphones Snapdragon new chip the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is out now and is already giving smart phones new on device AI capabilities Samsung's s24 is one of the first devices to fully take advantage Mr Who's The Boss shows us some examples so the first is instant slowmo literally go into your phone's Gallery hold down on any video in it and Bam it halves the playback speed while keeping it smooth using realtime frame interpolation for example if you download a PDF on your phone one tap we'll summarize it if you're browsing a website on the internet you now have a button that can read the entire page for you and turn out a very good summary in like 2 seconds if you have an AI feature that can be pulled off completely on your device it's likely to be faster because it doesn't need to connect to the internet more reliable cuz you can use it literally anywhere on the planet regardless of whether you're connected or not and also safer since none of your data is actually having to leave your phone at all and so in time Google assistant or Siri could simply be updated with similar capabilities to the R1 with neural Hardware chips on device they'll be more powerful faster and convenient another idea is that these Standalone AI devices could just be integrated into a watch that way you don't have to carry around a separate device so the unfortunate truth could be that this new segment might be over as soon as it started unless there's a killer application I could be completely wrong though Keen Tech enthusiasts and tinkerers might find ways to make the i1 useful beyond anything I can imagine right now so how does it work well the device works by using what rabbit are calling a l or a large action model instead of the traditional large language model the main difference is that it can be used for actually doing tasks instead of just understanding linguistic context and replying to a question if you remember those AI agents built on top of chat GPT last year it's kind of like those for those interested the R1 L model is based off something called neuros symbolic programming this method combines newer neural networks with older symbolic AI which represents objects as symbols and processes the information that way neuros symbolic programming has worked in narrow Fields like robotic Automation and CAD software I'll bring into brills to explain a bit more modern neural networks train a model on lots of data and predict answers using best guesses and probabilities but symbolic AI or good old fashion AI as it's sometimes called is hugely different symbolic AI requires no training no Mass amounts of data and no guesswork it represents problems using symbols and then uses logic to search for Solutions all right so I did a lot of research into neuros symbolic AI uh talks and research papers and I learned that it has the same trappings and limitations of just regular symbolic AI you essentially will Define a bunch of if El statements and instead of using humans to determine the variables that go into these IFL statements you'll use an AI to extract features from a certain system system or process and then do IFL statements on that output but one of the biggest limitations from neuros symbolic AI is that you need domain experts to craft the IFL statements with the good type of biases but bias is unavoidable is this the right task for the job I'm a little skeptical but maybe they know something that we don't know everything that they're promising could be demonstrated by releasing an app which is kind of weird that they are going for Hardware that costs only $200 with no subscription fee when we all know AI API calls at scale is not cheap but I mean who knows maybe they know something that we don't know and have funding that we're not aware of this could potentially just be a little nce Trend like polaro cameras or maybe industry shift like the iPhone I have my skepticisms but only time will [Music] tell want to get a ride to the office there's the app for that want to buy groceries there's another app for that each time you want to do something you fumbles through multiple pages and folders to find the app you want to use and there are always andless buttons that you need to click if we can make an AI trigger actions on any kind of interface just like a human word it will solve the problem so how does the rabbit manage to execute the apps that you have without you doing anything well there's a setup process which means you have to log into the apps that you normally use so it has access to the data within you can also train the R1 on new apps by using the company's web portal and showing the device how you use that particular app and once it's being shown it can do that automatically on your behalf this is cool and opens up a lot of doors but it seems like a lot of effort to the Casual user who just wants the device to work so what are some advantages it's fast something that stood out to me is the response time of a claimed 500 milliseconds or less that takes a lot of the jankiness out of the experience so that's very interesting unlike today's voice assistance on a phone you don't have to speak specifically today's voice assistants will often get confused if you ask them to do a task the R1 being like chat GPT but also being more able to execute tasks is much more useful but probably one of the most interesting aspects is the price costing just $199 with no subscription compared to the Humane which is $600 with a subscription it's compelling in this new segment so what about the disadvantages you have to carry around another device that might not possess the utility to Warrant doing that when I've talked to friends and people about this device everyone just says why can't it just be an app being vo first can be awkward and goes against current social conventions there's also the issue of complete confidence in the technology take Uber for example will you trust the R1 to do the task correctly if you're booking your flights and hotels there might be specific preferences which could be missed because the device simply couldn't know that also for ordering food without seeing menu options it seems like you miss out on browsing on what you want so when conclusion the rabbit R1 is the archetype of a revolutionary product but its usefulness is undetermined and killer applications aren't yet apparent in my view it's a great tool for early adopters who love to Tinker but the mainstream will take some time especially getting used to a voice first device but that's not the end of the story many people do roll their eyes at the term AI but you can't throw the baby out with the bath water with any new technology there's going to be scams and gimmicks but also some useful applications the question is what category does the rabbit fall into it's hard to say I think the rabbit is interesting because it's bootstrapped to the ever improving capabilities of AI what do I mean by that well in theory it's possible those 50,000 pre-order customers who begin to show the rabbit how to use their favorite apps essentially become a huge aggregate training data set for the lamb system this could mean that the R1 eventually becomes as good as humans at understanding any app interface all it would need is a software update when the aggregate training is complete and that that's fascinating to think about and because of that along with a modding Community I'm not so quick to throw this concept away those were just my thoughts I'll leave you with a question what custom uses can you think of for such a device getting a conversation going around this could be really cool in the end whether capable AI assistants come from smartphones or a standalone device Steve wnc was right after all eventually all all those apps and all yeah I just want to get to worry about not even having to find an app you still have to find the app app but I want the apps to be able to become a part of the voice system I want every program to start coming out and being a part of Siri every app on the iPhone and the same thing would apply to other Tech other platforms I just want to give a quick shout out to nebula if you're tired of 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technology or business feel free to subscribe to Cold Fusion it's free so thanks for watching my name is toogo and you've been watching cold fusion and I'll catch you again soon for the next episode cheers guys have a good [Music] one [Music] cold fusion it's newth thinking
Channel: ColdFusion
Views: 794,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coldfusion, TV, Dagogo, Altraide, Technology, Apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook, Tesla
Id: Rqh6fhcAqpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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