The Race to Build Japan's First Floating City

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what if the ocean could become a city a new economic zone impervious to climate change and Unlimited in potential we could put Farms on the sea host climate refugees and solve our cities overpopulation crises that's what Japanese startup anarch is proposing with its Dogan City a floating self-sufficient Metropolis but is this really a glimpse into the future of construction or just a sci-fi fantasy [Music] say you've got a beautiful coastal town that's simply running out of space you could Journey out into the water fill it with a bunch of rock sand and clay and build on top of it in very simple terms that's land reclamation and it's an approach that's been used for centuries but it hasn't always turned out to be the most sustainable approach and as sea levels continue to rise we need to change the way we build and fast it's so scary but like for us it's a it's a chance to change in our lifestyle to expand on our habitable zone from the land to the sea floating developments aren't entirely new there's the floating Euro silence at Lake Titicaca in Peru floating villages in Cambodia and floating River Homes just to name a few even floating Offshore platforms like those used for oil rigs can essentially function like small towns but these concepts are getting even bigger the United Nations has backed a South Korean project to build a series of floating platforms off the coast of Busan over in Saudi Arabia the kingdom has proposed oxigen a floating industrial city that's part of its Mega developments neon one Japanese startup now wants to take it even further this is Dogan City 1.58 kilometers in diameter and approximately four kilometers in circumference measuring a total 390 Acres it's massive the first module is designed to accommodate 40 000 people functioning as a completely Standalone City but with a village-like atmosphere the circular structure would have public housing medical research centers food production facilities and even launch sites for spacecraft within the bay you will be floating structures that can be reconfigured depending on what they're needed for meanwhile the outer ring is designed to act as a sort of tsunami Shields with barriers that would protect the inner floating developments and everything would be weighted in the water almost like a wind turbine or an oil rig since my background is in the architecture I try to make a company which is a fusing deep Deck with an architecture design to say this plan is ambitious would be an understatement it's essentially a tech driven master plan for a floating Utopia that aims to address the impending climate Refugee crisis affordable housing and food shortages according to the global Center on adaptation if we continue to harvest and produce food the way we do we'll have a shortage of land the size of North America by 2050. you may remember Singapore's bold plan to turn every last corner of the Metropolis into urban farmland and Rotterdam is already home to the world's first floating dairy farm Enoch says Dogan City could grow nearly 7 000 tons of food each year using cultivation technology that relies on seawater as a source of nutrients for plants so a tsunami resistant self-sufficient climate change refuge in the sea sounds great but there's one big problem here money building and maintaining something like this would take a lot of it so Yuki is Shifting his Focus from construction to profits our original animation is to say when a climate refuses and of course so it is the biggest number our game so that's why my mindset is a totally shifting into a unconscious business to a product and a business because a construction business is not profitable compared with Tesla and apple Microsoft business is very profitable because like they're a Data Business that's why Dublin City is also being pitched as a medical tourism destination complete with robot operated surgeries and AI Health monitoring yes really if all of that were enough to draw in the profits token City's Healthcare System will be run off the islands under sea Edge Data Center now data centers use a lot of energy in fact they're projected to account for 20 percent of the world's electricity usage by 2025. a lot of that comes from Simply calling all the equipment needed to run the internet one way to bring the temperature and cost down in a building full of hot servers put the whole thing under water now to be clear there's no actual plans to construct Doven City yet and when we asked about the price tag Yuki told us he couldn't share the exact number yet but that it would be huge for now he's hoping to develop the concept more so that it could eventually serve as a blueprint for other regions America and the Middle East going to generate a crime interviews a lot so our focus is to cope with climate refuses should be launched to a nearest ZL regions that's my biggest dream while a lot of this may sound very far-fetched floating cities are actually now an emerging industry in themselves for the first time floating Urban developments was included in a report this year from the intergovernmental panel on climate change and there's a good reason why from the Maldives to New York Miami Shanghai and Bangkok all of these cities along the water are facing the threats of rising sea levels we're running out of the sand we need for land reclamation cities everywhere are in desperate need of more affordable housing and we're simply running out of space today cities are only going to be able to provide 40 of the space required to house the world's population by 2050. maybe Dogan City won't be built exactly as it's laid out right now but Yuki's vision is helping us imagine how we could build better at a time when drastic change is needed Climate Change is Gonna Force Us in ways to reinvent the wheel and science fiction Concepts like this might One Day become our reality don't forget that we're raising awareness of construction's Mental Health crisis and supporting charities in this space through our get construction talking initiative there's a video series on our Channel and you can find support or donates over at and as always guys if you enjoyed this video and you want to learn more about where construction is headed make sure you're subscribed to tomorrow's build [Music]
Channel: Tomorrow's Build
Views: 765,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: construction, architecture, engineering, Tomorrow's Build, tomorrowsbuild, TomorrowsBuild, tomorrows build, B1M, The B1M, Fred Mills, building, future, climate change, floating city, japan, japanese design, neom, oxagon, south korea floating city, n-ark, urban planning, urban development, ocean, tsunami
Id: iLQRCK1v5lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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