The Quest for Luffy Gear 5 SH Figuarts: Akihabara Toy Hunt & Unboxing Drama!

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hello everyone welcome back to geek out Japan if you are new around here welcome my name is Kaylee today on this beautiful day in Akihabara uh we are going to go look for the gear five Luffy the new figure Arts around a couple stores in akih Haba we appreciate everyone's participation in the current survey uh we got your answers and we decided we're going to go look for gear five Luffy today and then after we'll head back to the office to go unbox him and check him out all right so let's get [Music] [Music] started all right so I'm near the one piece figure Arts sh figure Arts most of them all by Bondi so one of them we see here so this is Zoro from the liveaction one piece on Netflix [Music] this one this figure art looks really good really realistic I feel like as well to the actor and also the character I also see many different ones too I see Chopper so this is a chopper one but this is not a part of the sh figure Arts collection this is a figure Arts zero so this is still by Bondi but this is a different series I also o see Sanji the sh figure arts for Sanji uh we actually did him in another video too you guys can check that out as well uh link will be provided so this one looks like it's a part of Chopper the figureart zero this one is Luffy as well and this one is not as expensive as the sh figure Arts Luffy that we did on a different video as well too and also looks more kind of like not really movable so you can't really put him in different positions or different poses he just stays in one single pose I also see Ace as well so this is uh not an ace figure art uh this looks like another figureart zero kind of like Chopper and Luffy like we saw before just one pose one position all right so I could not find Luffy gear 5 sh figure Arts here which is really surprising because normally they always have a new pack here and they would sometimes also show him up here as well along with the other figure Arts so I'm really surprised that we don't see the gear five Luffy one maybe he's at a different store who knows why don't we go check it [Music] [Applause] [Music] out I don't know understand so the last store we went to was tamashi Nations it was open this is a very popular tamashi nations in Akihabara and it's closed and I don't know why it's closed it's so surprising this is actually the first time I've seen tamashi nation's closed the store specifically out of all my times here in Akihabara this is the first time I've seen it closed so I guess we can't look for Luffy here I'm very sad about that actually since tamashi Nations is closed we do know a few other stes that might potentially have him so why don't we go check that out [Music] instead okay so the tamashi Nations over there was closed but we are currently at big camera now and there is a tamashi Nations area inside big camera speaking of they kind of have a preview of all the figure arts and everything that you might see inside big camera specifically for one piece so they kind of tell you what's on sale and what's not on sale like this one so we got Luffy gear 4 currently not for sale at the moment we also have law in wano also currently not for sale but we do have Ace and Luffy here they're still on sale which is great uh and same price too which I find really interesting because normally Luffy is a little bit more expensive than all the other characters so I find it really surprising that they are both the same prices here but besides one piece we also have jiujitsu kaisen for all you Jitsu kaisen fans out there [Music] all right everyone so we just made it to tamasi nations in big camera thankfully this is the first time I do see a gear 5 Luffy over here uh so that is what gear five Luffy looks like this is one of his poses uh really good design looks a little bit flexible too maybe really excited to try to find him because I really want to show him off to you guys as well I think this will be a very unique sh figure art compared to the other ones because his uh gear five is a very unique uh Power it's a very unique character so hopefully when we find him maybe we can new special features that we can also find as well I also see there's like a huge gear FY Luffy in the back it looks like it might be an sh no no not sorry not sh figurearts but a figureart zero kind of like what we saw with chopper and Luffy at the other tamashi nations ah yes I was actually just told so the big um the big Luffy the big gear five Luffy is this one right here you can kind of see Monkey D Luffy and it would actually say gear five giant so this one hasn't been it doesn't look like it's been in stock yet it might be in stock soon but let us know if you guys would be interested in seeing something like this we can definitely buy it and check it out out all right so Nashi this is bringing me some memories right here because the sh figure art we see monkey Duffy we see the original Monkey D Luffy we did do a video on him before and we do have him at the office I love using him sometimes whenever I do get a new one piece sh figure Arts because I love doing the size comparison cuz the size comparisons are very accurate so we did one with like Luffy and Zoro Luffy and La Luffy and yo so we do have them the office you will see him again hopefully today so I do see a lot of Luffy like sh figurearts Luffy I also see the one we saw at the First tamashi Nations uh we see the figure art zero here and any other Luffy I see I see this one too oh this is interesting uh however I still don't see gear five Luffy here the sh figure Arts one I only see the copy in the container but I don't see him here so really surprised it's been two stores officially two stores and we couldn't find the gear five Luffy sh figure Arts I only say two stores cuz the other store was closed so technically three but in total two we do have one more store that we will check out it's a little bit further down akih Haba uh we've been there before so let's go check it out over there again okay [Music] [Music] all right so we're at our fourth store for today this is machiara uh if you've been with this channel before we have come here a lot of times for sh figure Arts most of the time a lot of the figure Arts here are a little bit cheaper than the one at tamashi Nation so this is going to be our last stop let's see if we can find gear five Luffy in here I'm pretty sure we could this is our last one so let's check it out okay we are inside now oh that's so cute I love this it looks like a um sh figure art for Goku Sun Goku I love the little face that I think this is a face that he can make compared to the other ones I think for this one here oh no it's just two faces we have a surprise one and we have one where he's just literally eating I think that's really cute let me know what you guys think too if you want us to open this one this is really adorable I see yam wow so expensive I see LOL I see Luffy so far I still don't see him I'm really surprised so this is no not here Star Wars we got Star Wars over here Obi-Wan Kenobi all right I still don't see him I see spyx family I see Lloyd I see more of this horse girl anime I still don't understand what it is I see what else do I see I see Sailor Moon but sadly I still don't see gear five Luffy I think he's just sold out everywhere honestly I think he's been very popular and from what I heard a lot of people people were really excited for him so I think he's sold out in many stores right now but we do have a surprise for you guys we actually did pre-order gear 5 Luffy so he is at our office so instead of looking around for him cuz we couldn't find him we do have him at the office so why don't we go check it out why don't we do the unboxing and let's see if it was actually worth it but from what I can tell the fact that he sold out it seems like it was worth it we're going to head back to the office but before we do that please do not forget to subscribe if you are new to this channel we post a lot of content every week also don't forget to hit a like on that like button down below we appreciate your support and any comments appreciated so like I said before uh if you want us to do any other animes such as Dragon Ball or we could do another uh spyx family uh we also have a lot of different sh figure Arts that are not anime related like Star Wars and Harry Potter as well but whatever you guys want us to see open please let us know below and then we will answer your calls all right so let's head back to the office and let's go check it out okay everyone so we are back at the office and as promised we have yes here it is we actually have the sold out gear five Luffy with us today So speaking of I want to give a special shout out to one of our subscribers and Friends Joelle he was one of the first to purchase a gear five Luffy from our stores if you want more information on that and you want to also purchase any sh figure Arts from our stores please look in our bio below we will have all the information there but just another special shout out to him thank you so much again for purchasing this sh figure art speaking of let's get started and let's take a a look at him we couldn't find the box at the store so we couldn't really see all the different features or all the different faces that it had but now that we do have it which is great I noticed that there seems to be about five different faces so there's five different faces for gear 5 Luffy and with every sh figure Arts from One Piece there comes a very special or like unique Luffy face that you can add to the sh original Luffy ition as well inside here is a face of Luffy before he turns into Joy boy it's like that one scene when they say like oh joy boy and it's like kind of he's like slowly turning like gear five and you kind of see like the smirk but the eyes are like covered a little bit I believe this might be a little bit stretchy because there seems to be different arms uh yeah let's get started so like I said really excited for this one this one has been such a popular sh figure art so let's get started and opening it and just checking it out oh yeah so from what I can see here oh maybe he does stretch his arms maybe it is a stretchy arm but from like what I see here so far this is basically the package we have many different faces many different hands we also have different arms as well too like long arms but from what I could see on the back it looks like it can maybe Bend so we'll check that out too I think that's a really cool and interesting feature and we also have one of the lightning bolts as well one of his powers so let's check it out now okay when you do open these just be very careful cuz they are very tiny they're tiny and they sometimes pop out and I don't want to lose them because sometimes I will lose these on the floor and I get so scared cuz I'm like is it gone forever so let's take a look here I'm going to take the plastic out ah really cool this actually is a very unique and interesting figure Arts here so yeah from what I can tell this Luffy compared to the other ones this one feels a little bit lighter I don't know why lighter because he has like more features to him too which are also really interesting I love the facial expressions too it's so detailed I love this so much I think his legs are a little bit bendy so I'll kind of show you like right here I mean I think most of the characters likes but this one feels particularly kind of bendier than usual than the other ones I think that's kind of interesting that's a very unique feature so normally when you see the hats on figures they're kind of attached to the back but this one feels very loose here so I think that's really interesting it doesn't really seem like you can I think you can detach it if you want to as well oh yeah you can bend the legs oh that's interesting yeah you can bend them Ah that's so cool that's actually really neat I really like that yeah the first one I'm going to do I'm going to kind of do like the joy boy like kind of running pose so we're going to pop those out really quick pop out the next one pop these hands are a little bit easier to pop in too which I'm really happy about all right so it seems like yeah you have to go up here maybe yep so this comes up and then so how come so there's these like arms and they do this but currently his arms can't do that so they can't really can they Bend oh they can bend a little bit okay so the arms are actually bendable too these arms are a little bit bendable let me remove this one cuz I think this is just kind of getting in the way seems like from what I could tell so far the arms are very bendable possibly you have to kind of like Bend the arm uh oh this is coming off as well this is like a little bit easy to come off from what I could tell all right so this is kind of like what I have so far so this is kind of like what he looks like at the moment right now with like the bent arms I think that's interesting you could Bend his arms like that so in a way I think what I find very unique about this figure Arts is that you can actually really just bend the arms and bend the legs too that is something we haven't really seen before with the other characters I think the other characters are a little bit more stiff and even the Luffy one too I feel like is also stiff the original Luffy but the gear five Luffy is so easy to bend and I think that's like just such a unique thing that this product was able to produce too I think it just adds to this character a little bit more because this character is well you know this is still Luffy but his gear five is a very unique power which is definitely more like bendable it's very cartoonish so I think that's really interesting how unique and different he is really showing how his this power something like that is so different from like the other devil fruit powers of course let me also add to his um there we go I have completed the look this is the look here's the first pose for Luffy Luffy gear five Luffy oh it kind of fell down but you kind of get the point really unique I love this let's move on to the next pose so the next one I want to try is I want to try the fighting one so in this one he is he looks like he's punching so these arms here I'm going to put him down for a second these arms are so cool These Arms can actually Bend which I find so neat so like these are his arms here and they can actually Bend uh like his arms and his legs so kind of like kind of thing which I find so so cool I think that's really neat and really unique too so I think his face in this one he looks angry is it is it his angry face okay so let me put the face in face goes here there we go so now we have a different face on him now we have this Luffy in this position I'm going to try to put this um little piece back on cuz it is important for his power like it is an essential feature I don't think we absolutely need it especially if we're kind of going over the figure itself let me just check really quick there we go all right looks ah it keeps coming off there's like little feet nature of him is like still coming off and I'm just like just stay please just please stay okay there we go look at this this is so cool I love this so much I really just like this is such an interesting feature to have and it's so unique too cuz you could just put him in like any pose you really want to and just like kind of play around with it too like you could just put him in this one and then just change the arms kind of like this I love how like both arms are out like this too I thought that was really neat I think it's really cool too that you can like really straighten the arms after you bend them like I said no other sh figure has this kind of feature this is the only feature I think where they kind of really showcase Luffy's power more I think for this pose let me do one where like maybe I still want to keep the long arms maybe something like this I'm going to bend the legs backwards a little bit more I want to see how far they can go in this pose and then I'll put the face back on too two three ah there we go this isn't this is so funny just like a little funny pose for Luffy so I love this look I love this face and I love this style too you can kind of really see like just how oh maybe he can't bend back so far he just came off okay let's try a different face now I think another face I want to try is um uh the angry face so there's an angry face that he has big teeth and everything so and I want to try different hands too there we go I did it nice yeah I would say this isn't my favorite gear five Luffy face but it is interesting it's a little bit too I think on camera it's fine but if it was like in person it looks a little bit too big like too big of a head for like a small body but then again that might just be the style that might just be how he is is supposed to look but there is one more face so it's like a more serious face I want to try yeah cuz I think Luffy does hold a lightning Bowl if I remember correctly I think gear five Luffy he can hold like a lightning bolt maybe something like this like a Zeus like so let me change it really quick it doesn't have to be perfect or accurate uh you guys can do that yourselves I'm just kind of like just playing around with it for now but for now he is holding the lightning bolt but this is like he's kind of like holding lightning here so like there's like a grip he has where he can hold like a lightning bolt and I did kind of move his legs around too but this is more of like his angry like very serious face it seems as though you really need to attach this to him of course like that's the feature of gear five there's these holes in his jacket and his chest so if you don't fill them in it will kind of look a little bit weird for now I'm not going to do it because I was already struggling enough with it maybe I'll do for the last pose because the last pose I want to do is the iconic like loot gear five laughing pose where he's like hahaa kind of thing and I also want to get uh sh figure art Luffy so we can change the face as well to check that out give me one second trying to be careful you have to be very careful with it carefully carefully carefully carefully I swear it's like this cloud is like so annoying I'm just like why can't it just stay still just stay still ah why is this ge five Luffy so ah yeah most powerful thing and also probably the most like annoying thing too at the moment I take everything I said back it's like I need to like super glue this or something all right I couldn't do it and you can already see me struggling right now I kind of got it not really um but this is kind of how it's supposed to look uh with the oh my God this Cloud thing I hate this Cloud thing so much I would just get rid of this honestly it's really not worth it and it's already like getting me annoyed because it's like I try and I try and I try and it just won't Cooper cooperate I I can't even speak English let's get to the other important thing and that is to show the new Luffy head right here we have our sh figureart Luffy right here I want to put the face on him now cuz I want to see how that looks 1 hour later is this not for LOF is this not for this Luffy okay it's clearly not I think this is still a part of gear five yeah so maybe I made a mistake I don't think this is actually a extra Luffy head for the Luffy figureart I think this is actually supposed to be a part of gear five yeah I think this is actually supposed to be a part of gear five right here because well first of all the head easily attaches to it second of all there was no connection for the Luffy figure art for this one so I think I kind of made a mistake I think this might be the only sh figure Arts from One Piece where there isn't an additional Luffy face not really shocked because this is technically Luffy himself so I guess it would make no sense to have an extra Luffy face for the Monkey D Luffy the first one sh figure Arts so for now this is kind of what he looks like so this is the when they said oh joy boy like Joy boy look uh before the transformation so this is the head right here I think he's more so like supposed to be kind of like cuz he's like defeated by [Applause] kaido yeah so I do believe this is more so only for the gear five Luffy this look okay guys so that is it for gear five Luffy I'm really happy we had him at the office today really surprised we could not find him at any stores like literally any stores but at big camera tamashi Nation it's like we could see the figure but just none were being sold at that point I think I believe they were all sold out and I do understand why because this is a very interesting figure art it's very fun it's more flexible than original Luffy more things to do and I also feel like gear 5 Luffy has just been so popular recently I think everyone just wants him now so I'm really happy that we were able to just check him out today really just kind of like play along with him as well and overall I am very satisfied I feel like of course this this part is not that great I might be wrong though if if anyone else has this gear five Luffy and if anything was easy for you please let me know down below so thank you so much for joining us on our adventure thank you so much today for checking out this Luffy figure art as well the new sh figureart from One Piece I would give this one a n out of 10 and I'm only deducting one point because of this stupid thing but thank you guys so much again for joining us today also just remember please hit the Subscribe button below if you are new around here and you want to see more content also hit the notification Bell to get more updates from us too and let us know what you would like to see next and we'd be happy to search for it and unbox it for you okay I will see you guys soon w [Music]
Channel: Geek Out Japan
Views: 59,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, sh figuarts one piece, luffy gear 5, luffy gear 5 sh figuarts, luffy gear 5 sh figuarts review, gear 5 luffy reaction, monkey d luffy gear 5, monkey d luffy sh figuarts, geek out japan, akihabara, toy hunting, anime japan, japan geek sh figuarts, sh figuarts unboxing
Id: pbCZGsrjBYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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