The Putting Tip That NOBODY Talks About!

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watch this I'm backck here like this look at the hands and the hips go forward and that right elbow should be more in front of your body it was a little bit widen on your side then I try to get if anything the shaft pushed a little forward tiny bit cuz that's going to deloft the Putter and hit slightly up with the Del lofted face and I'm going to be able to put more Top Spin on in my dorm room when I was at Pepperdine I used to put a scorecard pencil I cut it in half so I had the flat side and I'd stick it up against the wall so the Eraser was pointed out my theory was if I can hit that little 1 mm eraser I'm I'm making putts when a 4in right beautiful beautiful let's go how you been stroking it though uh not great not great not great stay right there Kev Kev go behind him real quick things I look for guys look at this eyes are right over the ball so Brady's eyes are over the ball specifically his left eye over the ball because he's got the ball an inch ahead of Center um yeah I I like that go ahead and set up again one thing that's interesting his ball is a little too far forward okay and what's happening is your Putters actually pitch back like this get your hip bump forward and the putter grip bump forward you feel that yeah that's more of where I want to see you right there so hip bump even on the putting green oh yeah and then take your right take your right hand and push it towards the hole right there that's you dead centered right there if I want to keep it where I am I just bump hips bump hand as opposed to just putting it back a little bit yes because you you were like this you were actually stacked kind of like your setup ah and we were we were legitimately like this and it looks to the viewer like the ball was too far forward as far as cuz you know you're going to see it kind of up with the foot you have a very narrow stance it's okay it it I'm looking for relative to Body Center in this case to me you were only too far back because you were sitting back like this you just needed to be more up on your left side so when you watch this like watch here's me setting up balls and chest I'm still bumping the hips forward interesting okay I feel that I have a good 60% of my weight on my lead leg watch this I'm back here like this look at the hands and the hips go forward yeah and that right elbow should be more in front of your body it was a little bit widen on your side okay so really get that thing in front of you there and and there we go now it's going to be okay check this out this feels like the almost awkward thing to Brady in the world but look at the shaft of the putter now really oh my gosh I know so here's what i' would be doing a lot of times you guys eye dominance yeah plays a huge role in this if you're right eye dominant which I'm guessing you would yeah so what you're doing is you're pulling the putter back to your right eye uh okay sometimes what you need to do I'm right eye dominant as well I when I was younger used to struggle with ball position and the shaft being actually at 90 Dees or if not a little ahead right we talk with our players about how you want to hit slightly up with a Del lofted face ideally so you think about what that would be that sure as heck wouldn't be like this I'd have to then go like that right okay that's not going to work I'm going to push a lot of putts like that I want to have the ball slightly ahead of Center an inch ahead of Center that's an inch ahead of the top of my pendulum so the ball's going to be an in in forward that's going to lead to the upswing then I try to get if anything the shaft pushed a little forward tiny bit cuz that's going to deal off the Putter and hit slightly up with a Del lofted face and I'm going to be able to put more Top Spin on it a lot of the putts you were hitting that first little couple inches would jump on you a little bit it wasn't like rolling tight totally that's 100% because of this Loft you have on your putter so it's just knowing the butt of the club for me yeah can't be pointed back behind my zipper it needs to be pointed up ahead of my zipper especially if the balls an inch forward you do the math on it well this should be at least an inch ahead of your center right yeah okay so that's that's a checkpoint for you there interesting so I would I would say hey in all let's grip down so you get over the golf ball and you're not gripping up too high on it so we're gripping down to 34 in M we're going to bump the handle of the putter forward and our hips forward to get a little more centered over it okay and you just need to put some time in with the stroke like that I mean that was rolling tight do you feel that yeah that one actually rolled hug the ground nicely right there he ask this putter too long for him and you know here's mine at 33 that I have to grip down on slightly cuz I putt with 32 and A2 um it's a 35 in Putter and you know to be honest with you 35 in putter it's made it's when I I find that somebody who's around 63 six maybe 6'2 depending on arm length fits into a 35 inch putter like 510 yeah yeah so I would tell you you're much closer to you'd be closer to this with a with a perfect setup than you would be you know with um uh than than the 35 now here's the thing the grip's not incredibly tapered to the point where it's like I can't grip down on this one too much because it gets really narrow here and it feels it's pretty thick up there yeah nice grip by the way um they're the best grips they just feels so good don't they tiger was on to something um the big thing about it is that one's a little bit thicker at the top so I would tell you to grip down to 34 and you'd be fine um the big thing about you know having a putter that's too long you guys a lot of times and if you've seen our recent videos especially with to Todd Todd zon you know we talk about this you know if I'm gripping up here let's just take that putter for example and I were to go through the rotate tuck and tote where I you know rotate my elbows in tuck them to the body and then watch I tilt over look where that putter hits the ground you know look that that Ball's you know out there my eyes are over here you know I I grip it at the right length Okay this is where I need to be well now I tilt and guess what that putter hits the ground you know at a spot now where my eyes are right over the golf ball um my hands I don't want my hands outside my shoulder line you know that's going to lead to a big arcing stroke here's the big thing somebody who has too long of a putter typically will sit back on the heels and get to upright and then the stroke gets a little bit around their body so I I would tell you just to grip down a little bit okay okay and then let me check the set up make sure you're perfect there know this guy I know you know where you live I know how you how how where you get a chance to practice and not a lot of times when you have a real job and you're working fulltime do you get a good putting green to get a chance to go to especially when you're not a member necessarily of a private club right I'm an urban guy I got bboa or something yeah yeah and hey it's not you know and when you get time guys I mean I understand like you know you're you're midam golfer you're going to have time and what are you most likely going to do you're going to hit some golf balls why it's a little bit more fun you know you get the body moving hit some shots a little more exciting it's not always exciting you know when you get that one hour a week to go practice to go roll the rock for 30 40 minutes here's what I'd recommend to a guy like ready though I'd say hey bring the putter inside the house get a little setup in the house whether it's on carpet or whether you buy a little mat right and just have a little setup in there I mean in my dorm room when I was at Pepperdine I used to put a scorecard pencil I cut it in half so I had the flat side and I stick it up against the wall so the Eraser was pointed out and I had a little ruler that was kind of like my Straight putt no matter what that I have these days and I'd sit there and I just used to get over it and I'd roll it Right Down the Line hitting the ball from six feet into the end of that eraser my theory was if I can hit that little 1 mm eraser rer I'm I'm making putts when a 4in hole right totally and I used to sit there and just do that over and over and over and I found that I didn't have to slave away at my stroke as much when I got to the golf course I was able to just practice my speed in some longer putts because I had dialed in my shorter ones we grip on the end it's very easy to be to upright and back on the heels not over the golf B we grip down a little bit well that's going to put us a little bit more over it and we're going to have our eyes over the ball that's going to feel like we're more engaged in the putt that's number one number two and the biggest one is making sure that just have a checkpoint for getting this putter at least at least at 90° from the ground if anything maybe even a little bit ahead of that checkpoint there for you will be butt of the club ahead of your belly button ahead of your zipper the middle of your body yeah and that's perfect right there and I would just tell you to have moved your body a little bit forward with your handle of the golf club so it's kind of hip and grip are moving together yeah okay you guys can see that we were kind of set back like this and everything needed to move a little bit more forward that should get you at least getting the ball hugging the ground a little bit more and uh running it true okay okay good one more from here okay at porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who've utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond [Music] nah
Channel: Porzak Golf
Views: 16,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf putting, golf putting tips, golf putting technique, golf putting lessons, golf tips, golf putting drills, golf, golf putting stroke technique, golf putting stroke, golf putting lesson, putting tips, putting, how to putt, golf instruction, golf putting grip, golf lesson, golf swing
Id: vFNhhchEiFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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