Abide | Benny Hinn | Sunday Night Service

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[Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] me is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you [Music] there is [Music] foreign he is here to break the [Music] foreign [Music] foreign is hey [Music] is [Music] [Music] my foreign [Music] [Music] commonly is [Music] god is here god is here [Music] let's lift our voices and worship him [Music] let's fill this [Applause] it fill the room again wow [Applause] wow everybody is just is so [Music] come on he's here he's here he's here blue thank you jesus for your presence thank you [Music] when he walks into the room everything changes of the lord we've come to worship [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh praise the [Music] lord our god [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh praises his name forever foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign oh [Music] we will see [Music] [Music] me we will see i know we're supposed to sing these verses i don't mind picking this up this is so small dog she's wearing glasses and i need help but we're going to sing this together we're family tonight right so it's okay for me to read from this okay i cast my mind to calvary where jesus bled and died for me i see his words his hands his [Music] his body [Music] the entrances [Music] and [Applause] [Music] raise his name [Music] the sun what's up [Applause] oh oh foreign [Music] [Applause] oh me foreign [Music] [Music] you shall return [Music] [Applause] the blazing sun shall pierce the night and i will rise [Music] is [Music] [Music] the blazing sun shall pierce the night and i will rise among the saints my grace transfixed let's see it again [Music] is oh [Music] forever [Music] we will see oh so so [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] worthy [Music] so [Music] thank you for the price [Music] amazing grace thank you for this love lord [Music] thank you for the name [Music] you washed me in your cleansing floor now all i know is your forgiveness and embrace [Music] many grounds [Music] victory [Music] jesus [Music] world [Music] worth is [Music] [Music] thank you for the prize [Music] thank you for this love [Music] your [Music] is [Music] is [Music] victoria is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you for the cross thank you for the cross lord we thank you thank you for the price [Music] thank you for this love thank you for [Music] oh is [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] were these [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Music] myself no one can make me [Music] is [Music] [Music] me is makes me oh [Music] [Music] oh is jesus is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh praise the lord [Music] [Music] oh praise the lord [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you know on the way over here tonight i was stuck in traffic but this worship just came over me i just began to sing this song in my heart jesus paid it all and all to him i owe i owe him everything and i almost lost it right there in the middle of i-4 traffic just thinking about the goodness of the lord and i wonder if there's a person in the room tonight who understands the goodness of god and how good he is all the time come on i wonder if there's anybody in this place tonight who is thankful for the goodness of the king who is thankful for the cross who is thankful for the blood of jesus that washed us white as snow who is thankful for the faithfulness of our god he never fails and he never will the one who has never left us the one who has never forsaken us the one who has raised us up he has healed us he has redeemed us he has freed us he has broken us through love to redeem on the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] is is is oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes jesus jesus [Music] [Music] thank somebody jesus [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you [Music] oh praise the lord [Music] [Music] oh [Music] from [Music] me thank you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] r [Music] oh [Music] raise this life [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can i say thanks for the things you have done for me think so undeserved yet you came to prove your love for me the voices of a million angels cannot express my gratitude [Music] all that i am [Music] and ever hope to be i owe it all to you to god be the glory [Music] to god [Music] be the lord for the things he has [Music] [Applause] [Music] he has raised me [Music] he has just let me live my life [Music] and let it be pleasing lord to thee and should i gain any breaks let it go to country [Music] [Music] to god be the glory to god be the glory for the things [Music] with this [Music] be the glory for the things he has done just let me live my life and let it be pleasing lord to thee and should i gain should i gain any praise [Music] to god be the glory to god be the glory to god [Music] with his blood [Music] is [Music] all the things he has done [Music] i just want everyone to sing in the spirit here for about a minute come on [Music] oh thank you lord come on just lift your voice [Music] for the next few minutes sing in the spirit come on [Music] come on lift your voice lift your voice [Music] i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus [Music] decided to follow jesus [Music] i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus [Music] to follow jesus no turning back no turning back [Music] me still i will fall [Music] still [Music] no turning back [Music] i have decided to follow jesus i am to follow jesus [Music] no turning back [Music] have decided to follow jesus i decided to follow jesus i have decided jesus no turning back no turning [Music] [Music] and it reaches to the higher [Music] and it flows [Music] the blood that gives me strength [Music] it will [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] that gives me [Music] here we'll never [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh today it will never is [Music] [Music] that gives me strength it will never lose is [Music] [Music] [Music] it will never is [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] here we'll be [Music] it will be [Music] [Music] just lift your hands to heaven come on father we thank you for your goodness your kindness tonight and wonderful holy spirit [Music] we ask that you would fill this room fill our hearts fill our minds our thoughts the motives of our hearts fill them with your presence and do amazing things tonight all for your glory in jesus name amen not live to shout and seal that come on come on lift your boys hallelujah [Music] speak lord [Music] [Music] foreign i want you to prophesy this i'm telling you i couldn't shake this all night long [Music] is [Music] me [Music] put your hand on your heart say this jesus you brought me here for a reason i am here to fully yield my ears are open my heart is open speak in jesus name amen i'll give the lord praise one more time [Applause] thank you lord thank you father thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord all right i want you to weird a few people out and encourage them go ahead tell them jesus is going to touch them tonight look them right in the eye embarrass them real good thank you jesus good evening good evening can we thank our worship team please thank you lord thank you lord thank you guys that choir stood for three and a half hours last week and then they stayed for another hour and they kept singing after i dismissed for another hour and so did many of you so we love you come on let him know you love him this worship team is the tip of the spear it certainly is not my preaching if you if you can't preach here you cannot preach you need to retire oh wow are you ready for a great night in just a few moments pastor benny's going to minister to us tonight it's going to be awesome i'm taking a night off my plan is to get completely short-circuited i was supposed to stay home and he he said you need to stay home and take a break but uh i felt like i needed to get into the room i hope you feel the same i hope nobody here feels like they've arrived and i hope you feel like you need more we will forever need more even in heaven there's more of jesus in heaven hallelujah it feels good in here well uh i'm gonna try to get out of the way as quickly as possible i hate it when i'm a guest speaker and the host pastor just talks too long so i'm not gonna do that but jesus 21 is right around the corner yeah and the theme this year is come lord jesus and how timely how many of you know we serve a king and his name is jesus he's coming and he's the hope of the nations one day he'll come and break the eastern sky and rule and reign on this earth forever but i'd like him to come tonight as well and there is a coming within the coming that's what the old pentecostals used to say there's a coming within his coming and we live in that place of marinette come lord jesus amen how many of you are happy jesus is coming back amen and how many of you are happy he's here in the room yes thank you jesus so let's just run that video if we could chris could we run that and i'll give you a little bit of info and then i'll jump out of the way so let's go ahead and run that the night jesus died on the cross and descended into the underworld and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory [Applause] the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads oh ye gates ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of ghosts he is the king of glory jesus you have conquered death the grave has been plundered you are the king of glory all right you want to get there it's going to be phenomenal look i never promote stuff i've never done i don't do this often unless it's something like this so you need to get there uh for those of you who watch every sunday actually the borders should be open by then is that right guys is that right yeah so come on from all over the world in 2019 we had 120 nations represented and come on and and for those of you who watch all over america we'd be honored to have you you need to register very quickly within the end of the week that would be my advice to you do not wait last year there were thousands lined up at 8 00 when did we start 12. i think we started around noon last year and there were still thousands lined up at 8 p.m wanting to come i believe we rented four extra fields last year if i'm not mistaken total real time our team came to us and said look we need another field and i was like well how much is that going to cost and they would tell me let's just go for it and we would we'd pop up another screen i guess our team carries screens in their back pocket we put up these screens and it was a beautiful beautiful time we have added a night to the event because we want more time in god's presence more people to hear the gospel thousands will be saved thousands will be healed most importantly jesus will be there i said most importantly jesus will be there um heidi is back this year it's been a couple years since we've had her she has agreed to come she's flying in from mozambique just to be there claudio frieza is joining us again it's been a couple years since we had claudio and jeremy riddle's back i think it's been two years since jeremy came and the whole tribe and crew will be there it's going to be a big family gathering so you can register at jesus21.tv and again we should have the info there on the comment feed if you're watching tonight on the live stream amen it's going to be an amazing time in god's presence and then the sunday night after we're having church which i think the first time we tried something like that thousands were outside we're getting a bigger building for sunday night church that week as well so thank you jesus said thank you jesus it's gonna be great let's get ready to give to the lord yeah yep i need somebody to get happy about that don't you listen carefully to what i'm about to say giving is the lifestyle of the christian say that out loud giving is the lifestyle of the christian say this because giving is the lifestyle of the trinity it's very important the culture of the trinity is generosity the father for example gave his own son jesus did not leave us alone he sent the spirit he promised the spirit and think of this for a moment maybe some of you are waiting for this massive breakthrough before you become generous i i would i just submit this to you as gently but as boldly as possible the father gave jesus before a single person was born again so the nature of the lord is to give in faith prior to the harvest this is who the lord is and if we're going to call ourselves that jesus people we should be like the lord himself amen and so if this ministry has blessed you if you're watching online tonight from around the world we love you i want you to show some love to our online family everywhere i go you guys stop me it's such an honor i was recently in nashville and so many people stopped me there and said hey we watch every single night i people all over the world stop me and we just we love you and it's an honor that you would tune in i want to encourage you tonight if you've been blessed by the ministry give as well step out and step into what the lord is doing and he has promised to bless you for his name's sake amen all right let's pray father we love you we thank you for your kindness for your goodness toward us and so tonight lord we come and we bring you what is already yours your word says the tithe is the lord's all the silver and gold is mine your word says the tithe is holy and so tonight we set apart what you've already given us and place it in your hand what an honor we do not give to jesus image tonight we give to jesus and i pray that you would take this offering you take this seed and bless your people so that the gospel would flood the nations that the knowledge of the glory of god who is jesus himself would cover the earth as the waters cover the sea let the knowledge of jesus flood the nations as you bless your people tonight we come with thanksgiving you've been good to us would you just say that to the lord you've been good to me you've been so good to us father thank you in jesus name amen amen how many of you need an envelope you like to give by envelope rather than text to give would you raise your hand okay there's still a few we got some out there guys there's some there on that side over there one there in the balcony look at those precious kids up there like right here i love that make sure you give those kids one thank you jesus thank you jesus if you'd like to give by text to give you context give to that number on your screen and that goes for everybody here in the house hallelujah thank you jesus we've got the buckets up here if you'd like to give uh via bucket which i'm assuming you'll have to do if you have an envelope you're welcome to come forward now and give that way we'll be right back god bless you [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] singing [Applause] blessed be the name [Music] blessed be the name of [Music] blessed be the name of the lord he is worthy to be praised [Music] singing [Applause] blessed be [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] worthy [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you please [Applause] you may be seated thank you you know i think mike michael ought to dress like me [Music] i will buy your red shoes huh yeah i'd like that yeah hey listen even my belt is red i mean look look at you you and jesse she's got stop playing there's nothing spiritual right now i mean look look at her the works brother the works i want wanna understand would you come up here did you show john wilde your outfit pardon did john wilde get to see your outfit yeah he was just back there i told him to where where where is anyways john where are you what do you think of that yeah i made him laugh real hard a few days ago i'd like that i'd like that to be red though i'd like everything to be read look brother i am i am how shall i say i'm from a different time yeah you guys i don't really get this but anyways like like why just why [Applause] like is it like is this like is this yeah but you got it is that it let me tell you something that was in and it's still the way it is with me because i just don't change we love it but i just don't really get this thing yeah i mean at least at least you you know you've gotten here you have no holes in your ventilation [Music] but must they be so massive they're like can't you have small little holes in them but i adore you love you love you and i'm very glad my lily look come on come on lily and david come up here brother i haven't seen you a while and why didn't you bring judah oh well he's my grandbaby this is my baby and this is her husband i love the shoes by the way yeah they're great you love the shoes but well one of these days you'll be you'll you'll all get all fixed up i don't know love you guys i'm glad you came from tampa are you all doing well well listen how many by the way i just want to know how many of you are visiting okay stand up i want to see you oh dear lord so like how many came how many came from outside florida okay how many just just quick from where michigan and anyone else okay you guys from where new york and how about all those guys back there washington did did you know that i'm glad i'm finding out for you how about how about you guys there really oh my i miss california i lived there for 21 years and i miss the weather i'm trying to you know adjust here but california here i come no it's all right well guys i'm happy you're all here let's give him a big uplift [Applause] beautiful wow so nice welcome welcome now i'm glad just before i start i'm glad you um i thought i heard the video for the for the jesus 21. okay now i'm gonna tell you something i sensed a few days ago when michael and i just did a a nice half hour together in my studio and he showed the clip that you just saw god is going to do something amazing at the conference thank god for his mercy can we throw jesus a kiss please one two three to him be the praise what a wonderful lord we serve and i mean that what a wonderful lord we serve you know i've been thank you i have been in ministry almost 48 years so when when i began i was 21 years old i'm almost 70 i don't believe that part but i am and sometimes young people come up to me say well pastor bendy you know when when i was two years old you prophesied over me and all that stuff i think don't tell me that i don't want to be reminded how old i'm getting like but it's wonderful what the lord is doing really uh chad where where are you yeah would you mind it's not coming for some reason okay just kind of shut it and start it again so it'll come on thank you i want to open my bible you know uh my bible the one i've had for years and years i i have it colored so much and i'm getting a little older than i was so i can't see everything you know so now i use the ipad so i can expand it and read it it's so much easier for me but all right listen before i minister the word i'll just talk to you quick um you have it okay i'll wait all right this morning as i was spending time with with the lord if jesus gets any sweeter i don't know what i want to do no really i'm serious with that i just i don't say to impress anybody the lord is so gracious like more gracious than i can even describe to you so sweet really so sweet and the longer you walk with god and the longer you know him the more amazing he becomes to you and what i mean by that is you you you get to know his ways and you get to understand how impossible life is without him i'm gonna i'm gonna read you something can i read you something um you may wanna kind of play a real something really heavenly and really gentle this was written by john newton lord i pray you'll use this today i thank you first for the privilege you've given us to serve you oh dear jesus dear jesus thank you for the honor thank you for your heart [Music] your amazing love [Music] thank you and lord i pray right now that you'll use what your servant said so long ago in your holy name this was written by the man who wrote amazing grace the song you all know john newton was his name and i think this explains the christian life in the way it should be lived you know and it also explains our dependence on the lord and in today's world sadly in today's church even people don't realize the importance of surrender dependence on jesus because the human nature always wants to help god we always want to do something so listen to these words i am sure i cannot i cannot endure to the end now he wrote that in 1807 i'm sure i cannot endure to the end and then he uh says this i will put my fear in their hearts so they will not turn away from me jeremiah 32 verse 40. so and i'm gonna read this really slow because it's so deep i don't want you missing not even a line so he says jesus to whom i have been led to commit myself has engaged to save me absolutely and from first to last he has promised not only that he will not depart from me but that he will put keep maintain his fear in my heart so that i shall never finally depart from him and if he does not do this for me i have no security against my turning apostate for i am so weak inconsistent and sinful i'm so encompassed with deadly snares from the world and i'm so liable to such assaults from the septility vigilance and power of satan that unless i am kept by the power of god i am sure i cannot endure to the end i do believe that the lord will keep me while i walk humbly and obediently before him but while this all it would be called comfort for i am prone to wonder and need a shepherd whose watchful eye compassionate heart and boundless mercy will pity pardon and restore my backsliding for though by his goodness and not by my own i have hitherto been preserved in the path of holiness yet i feel those evils within me with would which would shortly break loose and bear me down to destruction were he not ever present with me to control them those who comfortably hope to see his face and glory but depend upon their own watchfulness and endeavors to preserve themselves from falling must be much wiser better and stronger than i or at least they cannot have so deep and painful a sense of their own weakness and vileness as daily experience forces upon me i desire to be found in the use of the lord's appointed means for the renewal of my spiritual strength but i dare not undertake to watch a single hour nor do i find the ability to think a good thought nor a power in myself of resisting any temptation my strength is perfect weakness and all i have is sin in short i must sit down in despair if i did not believe that he who has begun a good work in me will carry it out to completion hold me up and i shall be safe psalm 119 verse 117. that is the most powerful description of the christian life i've ever read in my life a man so dependent on the lord that he cannot trust his own heart you see the bible says now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us blameless without blame before him to him be all the glory so after 48 years of ministry and almost 50 years as a christian i've come to to the conclusion and i'm coming more and more to it as i get older there's no good thing in my flesh everything the flesh produces is rejected even praise even prayer even worship because much of what we call worship today is flesh i hate to be so real with you because it's not born by the holy spirit it has no deep effect on the hearts of men it doesn't carry the presence of jesus it's emotional people call it worship it's not worth it because we cannot worship only the holy spirit worships and when we surrender to him his worship becomes alive in us that's a fact no different than prayer we cannot pray not one of us can pray how can you talk to a god and all you are is dust how can dust talk to god only by the spirit because your spirit man is the only man who can worship the lord jesus said the father seeks that they who worship worship in spirit not emotional experience or not something that the mind produces so i i started the christian life by attending a church in canada called the catacombs now the catacombs was a and it's the name by the way the catacombs is where the christians in in rome hid there were caves like a an underground cemetery called catacombs and still there people go visit but the the church they called the catacombs was held in saint paul's cathedral on bloor street and anglican church and thousands and thousands of kids would come to those meetings uh days of the jesus movement and and i was part of those kids i had long hair and curly and you name it but i didn't do drugs thank god but a lot of them came from the drug culture of the day and there was a great revival later that worship became polluted it it it lost the beauty of of the holy spirit's touch and so a lot of it became very it started beautifully naturally because every move of god starts with beauty and purity but then later people i think began to write songs to become famous and it lost the touch and then you you uh felt it something went wrong with the atmosphere just before i left it started many years before i got saved i got saved in 1972 i was 19 years old early 72 february 14 to be exact and when i went to that amazing church lorne cunningham spoke the night when that was the first time i ever ever went to a church that was charismatic i grew up greek orthodox and this was my first experience with the born again movement you know because i got saved on monday now this is thursday and i was quite scared when people began to hug me and tell me i love you and i didn't know who they were from adam and they were all so joyful and beautiful and different and i was like frozen i didn't know what what to do but anyways and lorne cunningham preached the message that day i'll never never forget i still remember everything he said but anyways so when that movement began to kind of die around 74 75 it began to wither away the lord by his grace opened the way for me to go and see catherine crewman and i saw it on tv and i thought oh you know she was like a little too much for me hello there that's the way she talked have you been waiting for me what that was like i wasn't sure what what what to think and i saw it first on tv i had a friend david kift was his name he said oh there's a woman named catherine crewman she is on cbs sunday morning and so i tuned in one sunday morning and i was a little taken back by the way she was so dramatic and then i went to her to her service shortly after that and i was just i wept the whole time i was sitting there when she came on that platform there is no way i can describe that moment as long as i live there's just no way jesus walked on that platform there was such a holy presence that was indescribable now in the church i went to the catacombs that began with such glory and beauty and ended up going down to 150 people who became a little different and lost it 3 000 kids in its glory day every thursday 3 000 young people i was one of them would sit on the floor pack that cathedral the glory of god was so mighty and when they finished 150 people who had to prophesy what to eat for breakfast they lost it it was terrible terrible they they got into the submission teaching was called mashed potatoes that's what they called the teaching if you can believe it where you had to submit to your elders and submit to this and submit to that it was us it was it went way past what the what the bible teaches on submission and people began to prophesy what to eat and who to marry and what job to do it was really not biblical at that time is when i left and went to mrs kuhman's meeting and i went from that to the most glorious service i could ever be in my life and miss kuhlman had a terrible voice when it came to singing i mean she she didn't have a great voice nothing like dominique or john when when she sang you know her voice would break and sometimes she wouldn't even have the right key for the song but nobody cared because the glory of god was there and all of us would be weeping just tears flowing and you and you didn't know why you were crying so i saw the reel and i saw the phony i saw the the the amazing power of god flow through a lady named catherine crewman and i went to her services for about from goodness about four years before she passed she passed in 76. later i was involved in her ministry i never met her i never met miss kuhlman but to my shock her her foundation was called the katherine common foundation asked me believe it or not to conduct her memorial service and i was quite shocked why they would ask me and i had never never met miss kuhlman and that was my first experience to learn a lot about the holy spirit's power and then i stayed with them with the foundation for four years i'd go down to pittsburgh and preach every month at the soldiers and sailors auditorium and i did a lot of radio programs for forum all of the radio programs i did are at wheaton college now i can even listen to them myself they gave everything to wheaton but i learned more about ministry being a part of the katherine crewman ministry after she went to heaven then had i even met her so i was a part of the real how shall i say a ministry with the real power of god the change you saw in the people's lives her staff just everything was so beautiful and one thing that miss human taught and i heard not one i don't know how many messages i heard her teach on radio and in her meetings and all she talked about is jesus you never heard uh how to do this here's a formula never it was all about the lord all about the lord she never told you to focus on yourself always the lord every question the answer was always jesus always and what i love about this ministry and i'm not saying because these are my kids it's all about jesus here it's not about how to build a church and how to stand on the platform and how many minutes you worship and how many minutes you preach it's all about the lord it's not about the mechanical stuff it's about the spiritual reality of jesus in our life so may the lord keep you in that beautiful flow that's why people are here from all over america and maybe even many parts of the world they come i'm sure they have maybe somebody here tonight from somewhere outside the us well god bless you but what what i want to say is this as long as jesus is our life and jesus is all in all to all of us we will never fail but the second we look to the preacher or people or ourselves that's when we fail so lift your hands and just tell them how much you love him [Music] he's merciful he's great in kindness and good to all the lord is righteous in all his ways so tonight let's bless the lord and give him praise and i [Music] will bless you lord and give you glory [Music] we bless your name and give you glory [Music] and i will bless you lord and give you glory oh i will bless your name and give you glory the lord is righteous [Music] merciful he's great in kindness and good to all the lord is righteous in all his ways tonight bless the lord and let's give him praise lift your hands and tell him i will bless you lord and give you glory oh i will bless your name and give you glow lift your voice with me now and i will you lord and give you glory will bless your name and give you glory everyone stand please then sings my soul how great you are lord everything in the instruments please then sings my soul my save your god to thee [Music] lift your voices to insects god then sings my soul [Music] myself your mighty [Music] myself and tonight glorify your name [Music] glorify your name [Music] glorify your name in all just to whisper now glorified [Music] and we promise tonight we will give you the glory and all the honor because your chief [Music] name above all knees beautiful said glorious lord amen [Music] god is with us [Music] blessed [Music] leaving one jesus [Music] glorious lord [Music] amen well [Music] god is with us [Music] and i stand i stand [Music] holy god [Music] i said i stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] touch your people tonight minister your grace [Music] your strength your power reveal your love wonderful jesus touch every one of us tonight these here today those in their homes around the world for your sake amen you may be seated i want you to for just a few moments think about something with me i'm gonna i'm gonna read romans chapter six for just a moment and i want you i want you to notice something i'm going to read verse 11 and i'm gonna probably read right through verse 14. and i want you to notice something very important here likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord let not sin there for rain in your mortal body that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof now they yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god for sin shall not have dominion over you for ye are not under the law but under grace now we we've all read this many times but we seem to miss one amazing headline here amazing truth um you nor i can obey any any of this at all without this secret it says reckon yourselves to be that indeed unto sin can you really can you really reckon yourself to be dead keep listening let not sin reign in your mortal body can you do that can you really well let's just think here can you really control your sin can you control your thoughts can't you can you control what comes against you from the devil the temptations the world the traps all that we're commanded reckon yourselves dead how how don't let sin reign in your life in your body how neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness how but yield yourselves to god how now if you have the answer to how then you will have the answer to sin shall not have dominion over you sin will not have dominion over you if you answer the three questions how do you reckon yourselves dead how not to let sin touch you reign in your life and how to yield your members to god not to sin here's what people miss look at verse 11 you tell me if you can find the secret in verse 11. come on you all know your bibles you tell me what is the secret of this whole passage it's in verse 11. where is it here it is through jesus christ if you don't understand through jesus christ you're lost you can't do it now what does through jesus christ means what does it mean so it says reckon yourselves dead indeed dead not in just your head indeed dead unto sin and alive unto god yeah this is all possible absolutely every bit of it you can reckon yourself and the word reckon means you see yourself as dead you live like you're dead to sin it's a real reality in your life there is no dominion of sin over your life jesus came to set us free from sin but most sadly maybe i shouldn't say most but a lot of christians want to be free from the consequence of sin not from sin itself they they want to enjoy their sin but jesus please set me free from the consequence don't punish me for my sin but jesus came to set us free from sin the power of sin keep that scripture up so they can see it again so it says through jesus christ our lord that is the secret right there to the christian life so how can i live my life through someone i don't know how can i live my life through someone i don't talk to or walking with daily how can i live my life through someone i only talk to in church but not in school on my job or at home how can i live my life through him if i don't acknowledge him when i wake up if i don't say good morning to him if he's not a part of my every hour you can sing i need the every hour till your face turns blue it's not going to matter but we need him every minute not just every hour because this christian life you can't live it and i'm going to tell all of you hell is not where you want to live hell is not the place that any christian wants to go to but many sadly receive jesus as a fire escape they don't really want him they just don't want to burn they use him they said lord i'll give you my life but leave me alone so therefore what they're really saying to him is i'm going to just use you to escape hell's fire and i've said many many many times jesus is not a fatherscape you see the christian life says lord i give you my whole life and you live your life in me and through me because there's nothing i can do to be a christian you can't live the christian life you really really can't only the holy spirit can live that life and when we allow him to live that life through us it's so easy because if we want to live it it's so tough come on do you really love your enemies you'll say you love them till they say something nasty about your mother or something ugly about you but if they attack you and call you horrible names see you can't love your enemies without the holy ghost loving them you can't maggie hartner who worked with kathryn kuhlman was someone in church she did not like she miss schuman had a church at the stambo auditorium in youngstown and she was holding her easter ceremony service and came out to the lobby and happened to see maggie speak very kindly to a woman she did not like and catherine said oh i didn't think you liked the lady and what maggie was saying to the lady oh that's a lovely dress you have on today oh the lord blessed you this wonderful easter sunday morning she was saying all the nicest things to her and catherine said i didn't think you liked her oh she said it's amazing what you can say when jesus is so real it's amazing what you can say when jesus is so real because his reality took over so the secret is what i'm going to talk about you want it lift your hand so lord help me help me understand it receive it and live it amen because it's taken me many years to learn what i'm about to talk about how to surrender how do i surrender to the lord where he completely takes over my life it's a lifelong lesson it doesn't happen in a week or a month or a year or even 10 years because we just are not made i mean flesh-wise the flesh rejects that message completely because the flesh wants to be king the flesh wants to run the life of each believer that old flesh that old self so in first kings 20 beginning at verse 1 there's a an amazing statement made by a wicked king named ahab to another wicked king a syrian king but notice the words he says notice what ahab says to ben haddad ben haddad was the king of syria who was an enemy of the king of israel ahab and ben haddad the king of syria gathered all his hosts together and there were 32 kings with him horses chariots and he went up and besieged samaria and ward against it and he sent messengers to ahab king of israel into the city and said unto him thus says ben haddad your silver your gold is mine your wives are mine your children are mine even the goodliest are mine look at the answer of king ahab and the king of israel answered and said my lord o king according to thy saying i am thine and all i have now stop hold it here's a wicked king saying to another wicked king all i am and all i have is yours because he was afraid ben haddad had 32 kings with him coming to destroy him and he said all i am all i have it and all i have is yours if a wicked king can say that to another wicked king i can say to my redeemer who is not coming to destroy me if a king can say that to another king and we have a problem saying it to our heavenly father and meaning it it shouldn't be like that so the christian life is really a life of surrender and if it isn't a life of surrender it's not a christian life but what does it mean to surrender this is what i'm getting at you can come sit down but i'll let you i'll be real nice to you because you're a nice young man you're doing your job bless you so the christian life means surrender to the one who was crucified completely but it may take you a long time to get to that place it's all right god will work with you now at the same time you have to realize you cannot surrender unless god works that surrender in you because you can't you can sing i surrender all every day and you won't surrender because the world has great power over us great power you you heard what i i read what john newton wrote it's impossible to live the christian life fighting the devil by yourself or fighting the world and its influence on you we've come to the place now in our life where it is a must we get to that place otherwise we will lose all that god began to do in our life please understand the way to glory is narrow and very few will find it because they're trying to find it by themselves they're trying to live the christian life by themselves i have known their god have i known evangelists in the 70s who died died with demons coming to get them they were screaming while they were dying screaming with fear and they were healing evangelists get the message one of the biggest names of the 70s while he was dying was screaming they're coming to get me someone help me that he saw demons coming to get him he finished wrong the christian life is not a game and god does not want you to live it with your own strength you won't make it surrender to jesus before it's too late because the forces outside are becoming more wicked than ever the world is getting darker by the day the world i grew up in was simple in comparison to the world today it was innocent to what's going on today through the internet and a whole lot more so the christian life we got to go back to its simplicity it's simplicity the gospel is simple life in jesus is very simple let's not leave the simplicity of jesus and all he asks of us is give me your life let me live my life in you through you but you say how that's what we're dealing with tonight so let's go to matthew 16. and i pray as i am ministering the word that god himself will illuminate your soul that he will show you by the spirit because i can't show you i can only tell you what the bible says on my experience but god can literally reveal to you that simple life so matthew 16 24 if any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me the question again is how lord how do i deny myself when i have no strength to deny myself how do i take up my cross and follow you when i have no strength to do that for whosoever will save his life will lose it whosoever will lose his life for my sake will find it for what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul what shall a man give in exchange for his soul we saw earlier in romans 6 11 reckon yourselves dead to sin the flesh the world how through jesus christ our lord so i must have a relationship with the son of god daily intimate relationship give things that don't matter up that don't benefit your spiritual life let me become raw stop watching things on tv that entertain you while your soul is dying walk away from friends that are polluting your mind and stealing your heart from the lord stop giving time to the things that are destroying your destiny in jesus and i'm speaking mainly to the young people this is not the time to waste time this is not the time to give to friends or internet or tv or books and magazines just to entertain your mind while your spirit man is crying for life and your soul is crying for peace so jesus said come unto me all you labor i'll give you a rest but you have to take my yoke what is your yoke lord surrender give me your life take my yoke upon you it's easy surrender is so easy you see how easy it's easier to surrender to jesus that than to to surrender to the chair you're sitting on not one of you tonight checked if the chair can hold you nobody looked if the screws are all right and tight you just sat down trusting that chair would not collapse under you jesus will always hold you it's simpler to trust in jesus than the chair and think how simple it is to trust a chair we rely on him just like newton said he said god said i will put my fear in you in jeremiah i will put my fear in you that you'll not depart from me in the psalms lord hold me up and i'll not fall what did i start with earlier unto him who's able to keep you from falling and present you before the throne without blame you don't have to do it he is the one who'll do it unto him who's able to keep you from falling unto him it demands communion with him it demands intimate fellowship with him it demands we lay aside the things that don't matter including family what did he what did he say to us in psalm 45 can you go with me there i'll show you i'll show you what he's looking for it's difficult i know this is not an easy thing to receive but it's your life we're talking about and destiny in jesus and david starts by saying my heart is entitling a good matter i'm reading psalm 45 verse 1. why because he was speaking of the things which are talking about the king of glory i speak of the things which i have made touching the king my tongue is a pen of already writer and the holy spirit now is speaking to the son of god and says you are fairer than the children of men grace is poured into your lips god has blessed you forever girl thy sword upon thy thigh almost almighty with thy glory and thy majesty in thy majesty right pros prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness and thy right hand shall teach the terrible things this is the holy spirit speaking to the son of god he said your arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies the people will fall under you your throne or god is forever the scepter of your kingdom is the right scepter you love righteousness hate iniquity therefore god your god has anointed you with the olive gladness this is all the holy ghost speaking to the son of god not just about jesus but to jesus all your garments smell of myrrh and aloes and casia out of the out of the ivory palaces they have made you glad but watch this verse nine king's daughters were among your honorable women upon your right-handed stand the queen who is that queen the church and now here is the advice to the church hearken or daughter listen here to the voice of the holy spirit in other words consider in other words think about it plan it properly don't just rush consider incline your ear forget also your own people and your father's house so shall the king who is the king jesus so shall the king greatly desire your beauty for he is your lord and worship him what he's asking of us he's saying forget your people even your father's house and then the king will desire your beauty the king desires your beauty when you give up everything for him everything for you the most difficult thing the most difficult thing to do is to walk away from family when god calls you when they want you to go one way and god wants you to go another way when god called you into the ministry but your dad and mom want you to be a physician or engineer or have a job they ignore eternal destinies so they don't have to worry about their children having money to pay their bills they forget i have not seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed begging for bread they forget that you can lose your money in a second the world gives you no security only god does so we are to obey the lord we're not looking at guarantees from humanity the lord only the lord i have seen this work in my life and the lives of so many i have known in ministry and wonderful people not in ministry just who trusted god for daily living never lacked not a day when the presence of god was shining through these wonderful people when i was young i use i would go to pram meetings one of them was on a farm up in markham north of toronto and those wonderful people would gather every monday morning mostly older women if you can believe it very few young people were around those days and these women would talk to jesus with such beauty with such reality it made me jealous they talked to him like they really knew him and i was young and i didn't understand how they could have such a relationship with the son of god and i was still struggling with mine because i just got saved and i think about the many widows i knew in those days never one day did they lack because they trusted him with their life what about mrs bunting in calcutta india i was amazed a woman in calcutta india her husband and her built a hospital in the most horrible area in the world john i saw people dying on the sidewalks in kolkata when i was in kolkata my emotions could not handle it couldn't handle it i took kent marox with me and david palmquist and others these these guys were crying picking up dead bodies off the streets taking them to the hospital that mrs bantin was running 250 000 people every day came to that hospital and they treated them free they were hindus muslims and other religions who came to that hospital no one was rejected not one you can catch disease from breathing the air in calcutta you can catch it just breathing and that dear woman was there 40 years when i was there and she she actually stayed longer than that 40 years she looked at me she said i have not been sick one day in all my life he said i've not even had a fever not even a cold i said mrs buntin how did you do it oh she said you know the answer you know the answer the lord protected her from people were dying all around her mother teresa brought her people to that hospital and i saw with my own eyes when i met mother teresa i did by the way she looked at me and i gave her a nice donation because they were doing such a great job in calcutta i was so touched by what i saw she took that check from me and she held my hand like this and she pulled my fingers she said you did it unto him she pulled my five fingers like that i can still feel her tough hand she had a strong hand that woman you did it unto him and i just stared at this short little lady and i was amazed how healthy she looked and mrs bundy and they were friends in calcutta india i went to haiti i cannot describe to you the death that i saw can i describe to you one of my guys truett hancock said to the team that came down to film he said he would not last two hours down here when i landed went to port-au-prince i will never never never forget the children on the sidewalks the animals dead the bodies that were dying are all around me and i was with this amazing missionary and his wife they looked like angels i couldn't i could not believe i saw such death and yet those people untouched by it their children perfect health little children their own kids living there perfect health and they said the same they said we haven't had one day of sickness only god does that they trusted him completely for their safety mrs buntan just passed away a few weeks ago for all those years and i was in kolkata back in the 90s they live that life i'm talking about kore temboom have you have you ever heard the name koritambum how many have not put your hands up high she was a dutch woman who went to who was put in a concentration camp by the nazis for hiding jews in their home all of you need to see the hiding place her life story i met corey i was privileged to meet her because her nephew was my friend danilo was his name because when i went to holland i went through youth with a mission and they put us in homes and one of my uh partner who was there in the house was danilo her nephew so she came in one day looking for danilo she said have you seen danilo my nephew i said well he was just here and she grabbed my cheek and squeezed a lot and she said where where did you get that face i said israel she said shalom and we went to her house and i danced with her can you believe it mention some of you kids that dance here if god it was if you were there with me we were dancing in circles in our house and she told us the story she said to her father papa if i am taken by the nazis would i survive because they knew they could get caught they were hiding jews in their home from hitler and his soldiers in gestapo and she told us kids i was there she said my papa told me when i put you on the train for a trip when do i give you the ticket just before boarding she said he said so will god he'll give you grace just when you need it and she was in that camp in that concentration camp and they set her free by mistake and later one of the soldiers that had caused her sister's death came up to her and he was saved later and asked her for forgiveness and she had a hard time forgiving that man but she said the love of god came right through her only jesus can do that people when that man caused the death of her sister she loved him what a god we serve the life of surrender that's the christian life we need today more than ever i can feel the anointing here can't you now first corinthians chapter 2 please and verse 9 i had not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god hath prepared for them that love him this is when this happens this happens when we surrender this is when we begin to experience ephesians 3 20 we all we all read these wonderful scriptures and we claim them for ourselves but we're not doing what god is asking us it's not about mental faith it's about surrender now unto him who's able who's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power that works in us what is that power working in us but surrender to the lord walking with him without our own strength if you want god's blessings there's only one answer surrender now here's what i want you to know about our precious lord he knows how many of us have tried and failed he knows how many of us have failed miserably and we've condemned ourselves because we could not find the secret so here's what god says to us he said listen i'm not going to ask you to surrender on your own strength because you cannot do it you cannot do it by self-will or self-effort or self-confidence you cannot surrender you have to come to the place to realize and admit i cannot even surrender to jesus as much as i want to surrender it's not self-effort it's not self-confidence it's not self-will paul the apostle made an amazing statement one day when he came to this conclusion about the flesh romans 7 18 he said for i know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing and then he said to will is present but how to perform i can't find it now let me ask you how many of you want to surrender to the lord put your hands up high everybody exactly just like paul he said to will is present i really want to do it but how to perform i find not and that's been my struggle for years and years and many of us have struggled with the same thing we have tried we have failed miserably failed but the god we serve knew it and has the answer for us i mean imagine paul the apostle calling himself in verse 24 or wretched man that i am i can't live this life who shall deliver me from the body of this death what did he call the body the body of this death every time i try it leads me to death because i just can't make it i think when we come to that place like paul came or wretched man that i am when we come to that place where we say i have the will but i just don't know how to do it i think that's when our miracle begins i think that's when our deliverance from this flesh begins i think this is when romans 8 13 happens and what does it say it says this if you live after the flesh you will die but if through the spirit you mortify put to death the deeds of the body you shall live how do i put to death the deeds of the body do i lock myself in some monastery in the sinai desert no i take my flesh with me to that monastery in the sinai desert i'm not free i'm going to be locked up in some cave with this horrible body of death oh many have tried to be free from this body of death by becoming these monks you see them all over my part of the world everywhere you turn you see a monastery one by jericho one down the sinai one by jerusalem one in nazareth one everywhere everywhere you go in israel there's monasteries where these people live beating up their body into submission starving it from eating and sleeping believing it will lead them to holiness and all it does it leads them to death they lose their mind many of them because that's not the way you fight the flesh this is only one way to fight the flesh and jesus told us how and we're coming to that in just a few moments you have to understand something this is very very important there are two spirits at work in this world there is the spirit of the lord and the spirit of the world these are two massive forces at work the holy spirit and the spirit of the world and self and the body belongs to the spirit of the world and that is our greatest curse and enemy the flesh i've said this before i'll say it again i am not afraid of the devil because i can resist him and he'll flee but i cannot resist this body the bible says resist the devil he'll flee it never says resist the flesh because this flesh sleeps in my bed wakes up with me he's in the car with me what do i do with it i can resist the devil with the word of god i can say the scripture says and he'll flee i can say this the scripture says to this body and it won't go nowhere jesus said it is written and the devil left you can say it is written till your face turns red and the body is not going to go nowhere unless you do what the bible says what is it we're getting there be patient as they say in hebrew layout layout slowly something like this you can rush now here is the problem here's the problem there are probably many of you i pray there's not many maybe just some that don't even have the the desire to surrender to jesus you say you want it but you're really not being honest all to jesus i surrender and you don't mean a word there are people like that because after they sing i surrender all they go live for the devil tomorrow so the desire is not there even though you sing the song and even though you say the right thing it's not there so here is my answer to you that is so marvelous in philippians 2 13 we begin looking at the answer for all this are you people learning anything good now let's look at philippians 2 13 it is god which worketh in you both to will he gives you the will and to do his good pleasure now everyone focuses on verse 12. very well it's important my beloved as you have obeyed always not only in my presence but much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling but hold it can you really do that can you work it out no [Applause] [Music] you've tried we've all tried so your answer is god gives you the will to work it out but how do i work it out let jesus take over your life working it out doesn't mean you are doing it because it is against everything in the scriptures that god says i will do it israel tried what did god say i will give you a new heart i will put a new spirit within you and i will cause you to know me i will cause you to love me let me ask you a question quick did adam repent did adam even say i'm sorry lord please help me lord when adam hey kids when adam sinned he didn't even say i'm sorry he said it's your fault did the debt change god's love for him no did it change god's promise of of redemption no he still came and covered him with with the skin of an animal promising redemption and then his descendants all began to worship the devil did that change god's love no how about israel he brings them out of egypt leads them through the red sea the sinai desert gives them the promised land and the whole time they they've been worshipping idols the gods of egypt tempting god over and over and over rebelling disobedient and on and on did that change god's love no and god would come through jeremiah the prophet and say i'm going to give you the heart listen god said basically if i can paraphrase since you hate me i'm going to make you love me i'm going to give you a heart that will love me even though you don't want to i will put my word in you since you hate it i will put my spirit in you and make you live the life and what did they have to do exactly what jesus said to us exactly what jesus said to us the message has not changed all the new testament is it's the same god says i want you to live a holy life how lord i can't even understand how i can be holy you can't live a holy life god says i'm holy be holy there's only one simple answer and here we come now this means it's just about to get very serious when he plays that instrument you remember that man who came to the lord about his son in mark 9. and jesus said believe he said oh lord i can't would you help my unbelief please david king david the last verse in psalm 119 is incredible basically david said lord i'm too tired to find you would you please find me if you read that amazing song in fact i'd like to read it to you now we'll we'll we'll we'll come to what i was going to say to give you that beautiful answer you've all been waiting for and to explain it to you also because we have to explain that to you okay psalm 119 the last verse 176 i have gone astray like a lost sheep seek thy servant in other words lord i can't find you i'm just too worn out i'm tired i'm weak i'm inconsistent just like john newton said lord come find me like the man who said help my unbelief i can't even believe so god will do it wow i think i think about peter sometimes michael jesse when peter began the christian life he he kind of made a commitment to to himself to be the best christian there could be because if you study peter he was honest he meant well determined to do well i mean even saying to the lord you're the son of god and i'm going to go with you to the cross and when it came to it he failed and denied he even knew him so it shows you it's good to say okay lord i'll do this i'll do this i'll do this i'll do this like i see many of you at the altar i've been here before and you really mean right and you mean well just like peter did but here's what it comes down to this is one of the most wonderful most amazing most simple thing god asks of us the christian life just stay with me a second ryan not one place in the bible does it say try to live the christian life or try harder it says one thing yield surrender how ah great john 15 is the answer there's only one answer and verse 5 i am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me not with me in me and i in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burnt now let's let's let's understand something here this is the simplest thing we can talk about because the branch has no responsibility the branch has no responsibility except to receive the life of the vine you have no responsibility to live the christian life it is his responsibility to live the crucial life it's the lord and all he asks is abide not visit not visit because many have tried to live the christian life by visiting the presence of god not by staying in the presence of god daily this morning i read book of numbers and then i wanted to talk to him to talk to the lord and i can i have my phone please and i played this beautiful song you can turn it on for me marie please and he just walked in i have communion on sundays alone every sunday i have communion in my in my bedroom alone because i've learned the secret of communion there's oneness there's fellowship it's depth it's beauty and i learned years ago and then i'm learning it more and more as i get older if you miss one day with god rest builds something goes wrong because you haven't kept up with fellowship give us this day our daily bread meaning daily fellowship daily word daily revelation from scripture i cannot imagine my life ever being without those blessed times in the morning to me actually it's the most important part part of my life i shut my phone everything nobody can find me at that time chair for some reason the value is not coming out would you mind helping me here and the minute i i went into worship like i connected there's only one way to connect with jesus forget the world forget your children forget everything and talk to him and just become so united in your heart with him everything changes chad don't worry about it it's too long we can't do it now lift your hands to heaven would you mind standing please [Music] lift your hands and thank him [Music] lord [Music] i have given them your word work that surrender in them [Music] work that surrender in each one of them [Music] because they want to surrender they really want your fellowship but it's your wonderful voice that calls us it's your wonderful voice the pits us come let them begin to experience that savior [Music] let them begin to experience their lord that holy desire born by the spirit not something we create on our own [Music] it's not by might it's not my power not by ability and strength by spirit [Music] give you the praise lord and holy [Music] holy holy [Music] is the lord you're so holy holy so holy are you lord i give you the glory evermore holy you're so holy holy are you lord worthy only you're worthy were the heart you lord my life and my praise and my worship and obedience worthy only you are worthy [Music] worthy are you lord and i give you all the glory [Music] evermore worthy [Music] we have come into this house [Music] we've gathered in your name to worship you we have come into this house gathering in your name to worship you we have come into this house we've gathered in your name to worship christ our lord [Music] worship you dearest jesus the lord [Music] just quiet for a second [Music] lord touch each one of them [Music] each one of them [Music] you are my hiding place [Music] you always feel my heart with songs of deliverance tell him whenever i am [Music] i will trust in you let the weak say i am strong [Music] just a hot shoe i'm a hiding place [Music] [Music] i will trust only in you [Music] hallelujah there's healing's happening already here i didn't expect it so quickly someone with a problem in your left hip just felt a beautiful warmth go through that left hip you were sitting there with pain tonight and you were praying that god would help you [Music] lift your hands and love him [Music] do [Music] [Music] arthritis in someone's right arm [Music] is being healed a murmur in the heart is being healed [Music] the skin irritation also getting healed you're sensing that beautiful touch on your body receive it just receive it [Music] someone's knee someone's right knee is also being healed you've had pain in the knee just pick up that leg you'll see it's gone [Music] [Music] i see a younger girl unable to keep your foot in your tummy you keep throwing up your food i don't know why but that's what happens you just feel something beautiful all over you like a almost like a numbness like a beautiful heavenly atmosphere just came over you the lord is setting you free from this the lord jesus is setting you free from this a woman with a circulation problem [Music] also sensing the touch of the holy spirit here i want you all [Music] place your hand on that sickness if you're sick just place your hand on that problem what the problem is and if you don't know where it is just put your hand on your body somewhere lord heal that person your word declares you were wounded for our transgressions bruce for our iniquities chastise for our peace with your stripes were healed now lord i rebuke that sickness i rebuke it now and i command it to leave that body in life in the name of jesus thank you lord now lift your hands you'll receive right now just receive it from the lord [Music] a number of you earlier began sensing the anointing on your body some of you felt like a warmth others felt like a tingle others felt like a shiver others may have felt nothing but the problem is gone [Music] only if you know [Music] only if you know god is healing i want to have you come down just a second but right now just do what you were not able to do just do something you could not do before the the the healing and awning is here you're jesus [Music] you're glorious [Music] i see someone with a problem in your circulation i keep seeing it in your right leg and you you you sense the power of god on you all of you that feel a touch of the lord on you just quickly get get out of your seats and come line up right over there just quickly do it please do it really really really really quickly if you sense the touch of the lord on your body you need to come out of your seats and come and stand there that girl is getting a blessed anointing bringing bring her up here i i haven't done this in ages bring around the platform ah from that side baby bring them from the side over here people lift your hands and thank the lord for his grace [Music] bring your right ear jess put her right there darling you've got a mic over there jesse let her use it over there baby over there stand over there have her face me please get a mic get a mic what's wrong with you darling like this morning i couldn't even see the scene now try it out can you bend down touch your toes she's talking baby i want to hear her like during the whole service it was so hard to say and i was like please lord like you have to take some trying to honor and the first thing you said you were like a pain in your left hip and you've been asking them and like as the words left your mouth of you saying warmth in your body like my whole body [Music] yeah bring that one with the right there the next next door yeah holy holy holy are you lord john come help me and dominique come help me and lisa come help me back back here [Music] are you lord what happened to you i have asthma and as you were praying just his presence was filling just filling me right here breathe in touch right now like a vibration lady [Music] lisa [Music] bring that girl there [Music] [Music] what happened to the ladies talk to me please it was my left hip as well it's been hurting really really really bad afterwards dear angel received the anointing touch lord from the top of her hair to the soles of her feet in jesus name complete healing now there's a lot of you getting getting healed here already um that girl right there in the green shirt i think she's wearing green yeah is that you come here and you come up with her yes [Music] stand right there what happened to you darling oh you're just one of the staff well then i need to pray for you don't i [Music] the one with the blue there has had a great healing bring her up here girls are you are you also did god do something for you or you're just one of the kids most students well i can't let you go down with it without something [Music] what did the lord do for you ever stand here happened i've had fluid in both of my eardrums for several months making me get dizzy just randomly and just feel god lower my body lord thank you for this healing we give you the praise and the glory and the honor jesse lay hands on earth lay hands on her darling that's it now listen here i i didn't expect that god would do this tonight get the guy up here so a lot of you have been healed thank god michael come stand next to me [Music] what was wrong with you what happened to you i'm i'm her husband i'm taking care of her yeah lay hands on him come on you're my daughter now listen before i leave [Music] tonight is the night let god lead you tonight is the night of commitment that should never break now there's a number of you here that don't know the lord you are in desperate danger your soul is in great danger please listen to me i'm talking to you wrong and real any one of you not living for jesus the son of god [Music] anyone of you that not living the committed christian life you are in deep trouble not only that but satan can snatch your life in a second to destroy you this is not the time to negotiate with the lord [Music] some will say and i've heard them say it and i've heard preacher preachers shame on them even say it from the pulpit that since the thief on the cross got saved when he said i'm sorry that they can basically wait for that moment themselves that's not the gospel that thief on the cross has nothing to show for his salvation and glory he has no crown didn't earn it didn't live the life doesn't know anything about discipleship [Music] the christian life demands death to self in the world how can i love your redeemer without having proven my love in my life so today we are faced with great devils out there and i'm not talking about people i'm talking about demons real demons from the underworld who will snatch that some someone away at their will there's only protection in the lord only in the lord and when you give your life to jesus peace will fill you you've never known existed joy that you never knew existed that doesn't mean you will not have sorrow we all have sorrow in life but we sorrow and rejoice at the same time because joy is spiritual and sorrow emotional and when you live for the lord you'll be free from the addictions of life but you have to make a real commitment every usher in catherine's meetings were former alcoholics who became mighty in god [Music] most of the people who worked with me on the platform were former drug addicts and jesse remembers every one of them who were set free at occ from drug addiction and became mighty in god to this day some some of them have large churches because they meant when they said i give you my life it was not about negotiating a deal with god so if you are troubled by satanic thoughts and bondage in your soul the anointing is strong enough here tonight to break that chain [Applause] and all you have to do is say yes to the son of god so first i'm going to ask every one of you that truly says yes to jesus get down here while i'm talking before this anointing lifts get down here now come on quick come out of your seats and get down here [Music] satan is a cruel master jesus a loving savior now lord you see every one of them i want some of you believers to come and lay hands on them come and kneel next to them oh the two front row is great okay those on the front rows come and pray with them as we pray and i want you all to repeat this after me including those in your seats say dearest jesus dearest savior i want to know you i want to love you with my being oh lord you are my god my king redeemer forever oh how i need you forgive me lord for all i've done all i've said and all i have thought wash me with your blood cleanse me now lord erase my past with all the memories and all the bondage of yesterday oh dear jesus live your life in me live your life through me that the world will see you in my life every day cause me lord to walk with you to know you deeply intimately in jesus name i declare i am a child of god in jesus name i declare i no longer belong to satan i no longer belong to the world i no longer belong to myself i belong to jesus the son of almighty god my life is his forever i'm a child of god now lord you heard their prayer you heard their decree and i seal it with the holy spirit and i pray in jesus name seal them now in their hearts [Music] fill them now with the holy ghost in their big that one of them lord will weaken not one of them will ever look back again but then it will grow in you day by day strength by strength from faith to faith in jesus name now while they're on their knees many of you need to commit your not only your life but your destiny to the lord and that commitment is a continual affirmation of faith you see when when when michael married jessica they only married one time they don't go back and get married every day but our relationship with the lord is a daily affirmation we affirm and affirm and affirm our commitment to him daily that's the blessedness of the christian life but there are some of you today by the way can you pick those their people up put them down there there are there are people today who may have weakened in your hearts because too much pollution has gotten in there and that easily happens to many very easily happens to many and you're the ones now who need to come and say to the lord that you need him to keep you established in the faith to keep you strong in the spirit to see how quickly we can weaken some of you may even live with surroundings around you that are battling your soul every day maybe it's your job maybe it's your family maybe it's friends that literally the enemy is using to pollute your soul and you need that strength within to stay strong especially in these dark days and i feel the anointing on me to pray for you and if you want that you come right here and join these people and i'll pray for you because today this is the cry this is the cry for strength in this journey and look how many wonderful young people have come down to the altar and you don't have to all kneel you can stand if you wish and all i'm going to ask the lord to do for you is what he's done for me and what i've asked the lord to do for me is this create in me a clean heart o lord you remember the old song and renew a right spirit within me jessica come up here because i cannot create that heart for myself catherine cuman said she prayed that prayer every day of her life and now i'm praying at every day of my life i did this morning you say why because i don't trust myself i don't trust my heart and this prayer fulfills every longing of the soul in a believer and every longing in our spirit man create in me a clean heart or god renew a right spirit within me and i like to add daily create in me a clean mind also because our mind runs away often like a train about to go into a wreck and renew a right spirit and mind within me because i can't do it cast me not away from your presence take not thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of salvation because how quickly we can lose that and hold me up with a willing heart because i don't have one that i may teach transgressors your ways and sinners will come to the cross of calvary so lift your hands as i pray that over you father i pray this for everyone with all my soul and being that you'll create a new heart lord and every one of them lord a new mind and every one of them lord [Music] o sweet jesus do it create a new heart in them and renew the right spirit in the right mind in each one of them [Music] don't ever cast them away from your presence keep them in your presence never take your holy spirit from any of them lord and restore whatever they've lost restore restore the joy of salvation restore the strength of salvation restore the peace they've known to restore it and more and hold them up with a willing heart to serve you hold them up with a willing spirit give them a willing mind [Music] and use them lord to bring transgressors not only to you but let them minister to every one of them with strength through the scriptures your word declares that transgressors may know your ways use them to reveal your ways and bring souls to the cross through their life in the name of jesus i pray i give you praise [Music] do it for every one of them lord every one of them that's crying out now for that strength within so we can all face the coming days with joy and victory in jesus name now all of you lift your hands and bless him in the holy ghost come on out loud see the lord keep praying [Music] i they will come here see the lord he is high and lifted up and his strength fills the temple is high and lifted up and his strength fills the temple the angels cry holy the angels cry holy the angels cry holy is the lord [Music] and lord i bless the people of this church lift your hands and receive it i bless the young people and the people of this church every one of them and those lord who are not members of this church i bless them with the blessings of heaven in the name of jesus something is shifting here michael something is really it's like a it's like the amplifier has gone higher i sense it pray a little bit longer bold bold come on [Music] just wait come with me [Music] [Music] my [Music] father we receive tonight lift your hands to heaven father we receive the anointing of the holy spirit and the word straight from heaven into our hearts we long to be faithful lovers and servants of jesus so teach us to abide and to look at you and never look away it's your power descend like fire tonight and i pray your people would go home under the weight of your glory in jesus name just lift your hands say father i receive like a child in jesus name amen amen amen amen let's give the lord praise sorry that we kept you guys a little late tonight but jesus is worth it right so i'm gonna say good night i pray that you just go home and bask in the presence of jesus we love you all i'll see you next sunday
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 681,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4oFpkNBEnDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 11sec (13271 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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