The PS5 Reveal got me ready to risk it all.

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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to another episode of whatever the hell it is I do here guys unless you've been living under a rock then you know yesterday Sony dropped an atomic Sony the the PS 5 of them says Sony PS 5 PS 5 it looks sleek it looks beautiful they're also dropped some games and you know I was live streaming with the boys yesterday we had a great time fantastic I kind of wanted to share that experience with you guys today so here you go this is uh this is kind of my live stream of yesterday well just bits and pieces I can't put the whole hour and a half or whatever on here up with just the parts I thought you guys would be entertained by subscribe if you knew I still have a skit in the works and another video coming up hopefully this weekend so guys stay tuned alright peace I am mighty Keith oh my god the graphics heroes just someone who doesn't give up your dad said that Oh party man is it oh yeah I'm 2099 you're right now it's your turn or the miles go BA okay hold on - tortoise yes very miss Hill I am filling this please get yes that was an amazing spider-man games gross-looking [ __ ] is that thing that's gross looking another ratcheting like that my toad oh holy crap I'm keeping that far this is actually crazy been way too long it's been way too long since we're actually playing I need another look at the particles I know him he'd been screaming bro I might need a new TV to even handle all this oh it is oh [ __ ] oh yeah the hell is this another Final Fantasy Tomb Raider whoa what is going on project idea [Music] it was a busy Lully just pushing me to ask them what a little like alia legends character [Music] roominess from [Music] hey so you have no power here little girl that's crazy wait a minute this is looking kind of nice this ps4 pikmin wait a minute oh my god this is insane she got the crew in her all all day Tina that actually looks pretty dope actually looked amazing yeah that's right I actually wanted to see this I like Borderlands it's supposed to be some looter fighter or some like that that's an indie game too right damn they came up then yeah the original game was an indie game they came up no this is kinda nice she is huge [Laughter] oh yeah got a carrot for a nose he just blew his head quite like how it looks it is very atmospheric okay meet me they are you selling Shmi it does [Music] I need to know what this story is like is this is all over the place I didn't know what's going on it looks amazing and so you can shoot fight I would love to yeah right kind of remind me like an animated movie like Pixar some salute this could be a knee over once again who dogs Dark Souls came to my mind to leave my mans alone bro [Music] you gotta fight that thing what is this demon soul demon know it's demons souls wait is that a remake because I thought demons souls is already a thing Kai reminds me a Bioshock yeah I can see it there's a vibe oh yeah holy [ __ ] we start Lu was my bed dancer it's like a prison wag you're in at winery we got black people main protagonists I like that this is kind of nasty there's a target and they all gotta die before midnight on this actually what's really nice down they got death loop that's the name of it that's a cop that's a cop chat oh that's a cop trailer no this is my first time ever seeing it very quiet like the sound mixing here is not excellent for this trailer wait how do you have time saying no no I'm friendly when you just got blasted in the face with a shotgun that's what the fps is giving me resident evil this Punk bro kind of bugs resonate well it looks like a little bit I don't know about it being resident evil though it's gonna give me vibes I don't know oh [ __ ] it is read me will you ready murmurs we're talking about interesting nah bro that's crazy now give me Marvel's Capcom four please come on cap cards please Capcom presents Marvel Comics and air quality probably amazing this is what the earth looks like after Koga hit Earth is healing nah bro they didn't just drop this bro I can tell this game about to go idiotic stop it this one this is one of my most favorite games on ps4 oh lord have mercy I don't think I'm ready for this ro I don't think I'm ready to play this game bro so you guys [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] it looked like I got a collar on it [Laughter] I think I know I think I saw on the bottom right what's that oh no set the top the top I see where it is very small there it is that's where that's where the cool is probably coming out but it's all over that's what I'm saying the the the fans are digital edition - what do you mean digital how about I have a digital Playstation HD camera this this this is not it all come with it does it does it come with it we mo duration to the next thank you for joining us we're launching later this year and we have tons more to share welcome to playstation fine and share the specs in the price please if you broke his head do not get this can you not go like that spiderman game echoing praise the octave already filled or that's just crazy [Music]
Channel: Mightykeef
Views: 519,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5 reveal, ps5, Playstation 5, ps5 games, ps5 game reveal, mightykeef, sony, sony entertainment, horizon 2, horizon forbidden west, Spider-man 2, Spider-man Miles morales, miles morales, Last of us 2, Re8, Resident evil 8, kena bridge of spirits
Id: LPHwQDjxAgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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