My honest thoughts about The Last of Us 2.

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I am my Tiki welcome ladies and gentlemen to a new video brought to you by yours truly now for my new viewers my new subscribers this format of video might be a little different than what you guys are used to you know we love to have fun around here primarily I do skits on this channel but sometimes when there's a topic I really want to discuss I sit down and have some real talk real quick with you guys now I'm sure you've heard all the craziness surrounding lots of us to the controversy and the division and everything about it I'm not gonna go too much into details you all already know got a 95 critic rating everywhere extends out of tens everyone loved it you know again tonight at 10 you live as Elly whatever but the court of public opinion deemed this game pick on the ground all right this game was absolutely garbage fire dumpster doodoo butthole nobody really wanted to touch it with a ten-foot pole everybody was like so angry for various regions right now are some of those reasons genuine do Pete do I think that the fan base genuinely dislike the direction in which this game went to yes I get that do I think there are some people who are less of us haters that are taking opportunities and [ __ ] on this game when they never even played it yes I think that as well I think this I think there's a collection of hate coming from all different angles right and I do think so I think a lot of it is exaggerated but I think some of it is warranted and I'll get it I'll get into that today first preface this by saying I didn't look at any leaks I don't do that I'm not that type of person I don't really like looking at reviews or previews either of games because I like going in there and just making my own coming to my own conclusion of what this game was like right I have much confidence in my own ability to deliberate whether a game is is decent or not for me I can't say it's decent for you I can only say it's decent from me go to get into the meat and potatoes of this of the video right I usually like hearing my good news last I like hearing the bad news first because I can always in the day off with some good news so I'm gonna give you all my dislikes about this game and then we give you my likes starting off with my first dislike the entire second half is trash I hated it just kidding it's not that bad but it was a very the pacing kind of got hit during the second half and I get what they were doing they're trying to get you to love Abby or not love but sympathize with Abby and say hey you know what you may killed your favorite character but your favorite character was not that good of a person he murdered a lot of innocent people I get it I get that and I understand that but I already knew that coming into the game Joel was not a good person I don't know if that I don't know that's a surprise anybody or not dole is not a good person he was a very human though he was very relatable he was he was very selfish and that's what people loved about him but he wasn't good he killed a lot of innocent people the whole point of Last of Us one was a character dilemma for Joel and his question of whether he would save one person and kill many or save many and kill one all depending about his emotional bias towards the one and that question was answered he said yes I'm going to save the one to kill the many that that was that was it right and in order to do that he had to kill innocent people right so so that was it we got the question answer to the problem and that was it his character was done but he was in the game and he got murdered by Abby and that's one of the things I'll talk about a little bit further because that's what a lot of people hated but the entire second half kind of just didn't mesh well with me cuz you're supposed to be like yeah Joel was supposed to die anyway because he wasn't that good of a person but I just didn't like the way it was delivered where to kind of harping back to the second half I don't like that Ellie went back to kill Abby she got her ass whupped at a certain point in the game and she should have just held that L in stayed home became a family man or family woman after Abby beat the sonic rings out of Ellie Wright broke both our arms almost killed her and her girlfriend Ellie should have just stayed at home with Dena and live their life because I was that was kind of it it didn't make much more sense to go after her again like a year or two later because you already got you already lost all right you already understand why she went to kill Joel before you didn't understand it so it was it was pretty cut it was pretty understanding that you'd want to go and kill her because this random person came out of nowhere and murdered your father figure but now you understood why and you were like hey don't kill them I get it I sympathize with you kill me instead right and then after you get the [ __ ] beat out of you you're like no I'm gonna go back out there that was that was ridiculous soon as tommy came in and that kind of segues into my next critique about this game tommy was a really different person in second half like in the beginning he was like hey man Ellie I don't want you to go and fight these people because you know Joel wouldn't want that or blah blah blah blah blah i'ma go do it by myself he literally just went by himself to kill these people out the window and was like actually I can't do this you're gonna have to do this Ellie go ahead beat her ass please I did not like that at all I was like y'all said to just stop right there and you can make the argument that she had the PTSD right that she was like I couldn't live Baba if that is truly what's going on and that's what they showed they should have delivered it a little bit better it should have been a little bit more time I needed to see there was only one scene that showed me that the PTSD was affecting her everyday life it should I should have you should have took some time and showed me that this girl could not have a normal life anymore unless she confronted be one more time there was only one scene where the PTSD was kicking in and that's not enough to convince me that your entire life revolves around this PTSD so I think if that was what they were shooting for it was not it was not delivered well at all next critique was the clickers the clickers were just too damn easy not as a because Abby was more of like less of us one type where you needed a [ __ ] you needed to create to Shiv in order to kill the clickers why you would Ellie you could just sneak up behind them and kill them they were essentially useless in the first game were essentially like mini bosses because you had you couldn't just mindlessly get behind them and kill them or you couldn't just walk up to them shoot them in the head and you're good because it took a few shots to the head to get them and those shots are gonna wake up every zombie in the building so they were kind of like a checkpoint right like a skill checkpoint of like you need to be able to get around this to progress or you're just going to lose not everyone everything's gonna get alerted you're going to die in this game though they were kind of just another zombie like you could just walk up behind them and kill them just like you could every other a fungus creature and I was like that's kind of wack I didn't like that a lot that's critique the scars that you save kind of bland I think it was a very big waste of time I guess they did it to add on some more sentimental value like Oh Abbey's a good person because she's saving the enemy alright she's saving people who were deemed the enemy this whole time but like they were just you they were just so boring it was just not and it could have used that time for just anything else like something else it was just so boring and I I didn't like this those those those characters at all and that was sad because that consisted of like 12 hours of the game if it was a two-hour part I wouldn't even have brought it up I'd have been like I'll just eat this 2 hours whatever they were there for the entirety of the second half and they were prevalent and I was just like this is such a waste another one is Isaac Isaac was in the trailers Isaac was talked about through the entire game and he kind of came by I kind of came up it's like this is the head honcho this is the bad guy this is this this this figure that you don't see but you always hear about both both factions are talking about them everyone you hear them all the time and then you finally see him in an Abbie's story and you're like okay let's see what's he gonna do what's he gonna do you know and he was basically useless he didn't do anything he just died God he doesn't do anything at all this is he was just completely pointless and I'm sitting here like hell yeah maybe he's the leader of the factions he's about to go ham I'm trying to see him tortured if I'm trying to see him kill people I'm trying to see him play people in emotional dilemmas Nicky could just get shot he just dies I'm like why what's the point of any it is why do you even breathe the ball was just pulling he could have just never been so whatever I don't understand another reason to show Abby is being defiant to her old ways to save these people who were supposed to be bad guys to her that was so stupid I think was such a big waste and I'm like God dang it the last critique was just the plot in its entirety it was not as good as the first one but I put this as my last one because this is also the last like this is the last thing to infect and affect me excuse me as as strongly because again last of us one was above masterpiece I'm gonna just say it it was a masterpiece I did not expect this equal to out pace or or I'll do the first one it's it's hot I don't know there's it's hard for that to happen right I think maybe Mass Effect is the only one where Mass Effect 2 was strictly better than Mass Effect 1 and I can't think of any other games where like the second one is just like where the first one is a masterpiece and the second one is better than that I can't think of many games where that happens if I'm wrong you know guys let me know what you guys think but like I kind of knew it was gonna be very hard for them to make this plot better especially because in my mind I felt like Joel's character was done sounds like you can't I don't want them to add anything else to joel cuz i already got everything i needed out of joel so that just means that they're going to expand on Ellie so I need them to make Ellie look amazing she was just she was I mean it was she they definitely fleshed out her character but it was just all in all the story was not as good as the first one and I kind of expected that but it's still a issue I wanted to bring up well those are my critiques with the game things that affected me negatively but let's talk about some things that I enjoyed you know some things that I praised this game for and one of them surprisingly is exploration and I say surprising because this the original game was of course very linear this game also has this linearity but there are times where you are rewarded heavily for going out the you know going away from the beaten path and exploring and finding stuff if it's not manuals it's it's like more ammo or Morgan in gear and and ammo is very very big necessity you know more materials and things of that nature or finding more lore like I saw I found a few cutscenes off the beaten path that I just never would have came across had I not gone over it and then checked a building that had a guitar in it or check the building that had had like a certain mirror or whatever in it there are things that were like rewarded to you for you know before going and exploring and I was like this is really fun I love games where you get stuff like that from as you can tell him a big breath of the wild fans so what kind of odd to praise but if you know me you know I was like going into this I was like Ellie is not the greatest character so I was worried what this what this game would be like if you only played as Ellie because in the first game there was a bit where you only played as Ellie and it was just kind of like cool I guess but I was kind just waiting to get back to Joel but in this game you just always play as Ellie and I was like I don't know her dynamic or her character is gonna be enough for to satiate me for the entirety of the game and I wasn't as annoyed I guess that's a praise I wasn't as annoyed you know it was actually pretty pretty pretty interesting to see her not this happy-go-lucky kid she wasn't really happy go-lucky but she was very like more curious more playful in the first one always touching toys and stealing from people but in a playful manner and this one she was just like yeah men I'm in my troubled teen years and I'm I'm rebellious and I'm ready to kill you know I'm I've heard I'm I've been dragged through the mud people I love have died and you know I'm this whole Sasuke endeavor you know and I was I again it wasn't as terrible as I thought it was so so that made it bearable another praise is the game is just gorgeous as I thought it would be the game is gorgeous it never stops being beautiful right I don't know I guess that's because they didn't have to wake a huge open world but it never stops being beautiful like the issue where Final Fantasy 7 remake where it was beautiful but then there was some inconsistencies where it was ugly this never happened this game was always gorgeous it was so immersive that alone was amazing and it aided and they had to be too because this is a game that was just like it had to look gorgeous and it looked amazing it appraises the music it was a masterpiece as I figured it would be the first one was a great OST this one has a great OST it is it is so beautiful I mean they get every scene perfect when they want you to feel sad you feel sad when they want you to feel like something big is about to happen you feel that way we may want you to feel happy you feel that way when they want you to connect with the character every music the music does its job flawlessly and I think that is very important for any game not just a triple-a game I think that is very important in Jean in in general if you want to tre what what something is supposed to be like at a certain time and they do a perfect job of it this one was a little odd to have as a praise because I can see why it could also be a negative but I'll just say it the combat the combat more or less was the same as the first one but I loved it the first one its combat so it's hard for me to put this as a negative because if I love the first ones combat then I have to by default put it as a like right I mean what do you let me know what doesn't that make sense I don't think just because it's a second one it has every single part of the game has to be completely different and I think if they have I think if the formula works you don't have to always change up the formula right that doesn't mean making a carbon copy of the first one which this game is not but the combat more or less was the same but again I love the combat from the first one so because it's the same I guess I got to put it under appraised where I eat so another praise is the tone they keep the tone pretty consistent that it's a very gruesome very gory game right when you kill people you kill somebody I mean you're slicing people's jugular you're shooting people in the head yeah you're breaking necks I mean you're shooting limbs off this is a very somber game it is always feeling that way I mean you're in Seattle for Christ's sake it's always cloudy there there are statistics there about events that I'm not going to talk about on this game that lead to many deaths I mean the game it's just it's all the same tone and the consistency in that is very clean it's very good they do a very good job of it and it needs to be that because that's how that kind of that that's how that game is the characters I enjoyed the characters for the most part there weren't anything stew stupendous but they were they were good to move the story along it was very good to move the story along you know the the Jessie character whoever the voice actor for that person is it made me really like I enjoyed most of the acting in the game you know the voice actors are top the motion capture of the game was top-notch the characters they were pretty pretty good nothing is crazy good as first one but again the first one was just Joel and Ellie that's that was probably everyone else had kind of a backseat this game tried to kind of highlight a lot more than people than just Ellie and Abby like they tried to give Dena role they tried to give Tommy a bigger role he cry you know there were parts where they focused on Jesse and his mom and know that didn't really care about any of that i'ma be honest he brought in too much and now it's like there are people that I don't care about their trauma that they're trying to illuminate on and I know I don't really care again we like harping back to the to this to the scars the two scars that you say like I don't none of that really I didn't really care about any of that but for the most part that the other characters were very good I like Dena unliked her dynamic with Ellie and I'll be honest and this is probably the most controversial that I'm gonna talk about I didn't mind at me of course at first when she killed Joel I was like oh my [ __ ] goodness I hate this woman blah blah blah I'm gonna kill her oh my god I'm gonna tear her apart but after playing his Abby I was like you know I yeah she's just this muscular chick that was trying to just mind her own damn business and some guy came and murdered her her father like I get it I get why you got angry now I get why you wanted to hurt him and hurt her character was pretty consistent she didn't kill people that just didn't weren't supposed to get killed like she could have killed Ellie multiple times but only because Ellie was trying to kill her but she was like I'm not a murderer I'm not gonna kill you just leave me alone I've only killed Joel because he murdered my father that's a guy think that's a perfectly valid reason to want to kill somebody so I was like you know they kind of did Abby pretty good I'm okay with that I know a lot of people are gonna be upset because it's fun that's it's trendy to hate on Abby and and a lot of people probably actually genuinely hate Abby but I will be honest I like be more than I like Ellie and I'll be honest I think I like that be the both side of the game which is very odd it's very odd but I think she was the most complete character Ellie was a very one-dimensional character and talking about the characters brings me back to my last reason now I told you my last critique was that the plot was not as good as the first one well my praise is that even though it wasn't as good as the first one this plot made you think more than the first one the first one was pretty cut and dry right father-figure loses daughter finds another daughter figure and has to have a bond with her and decide whether or not he's going to save her and kill everybody else it was pretty cut and dry but the way they delivered that the way the characters acted with each other is what really shined Last of Us one but in Last of Us - it was very like I don't agree with with the director Neil dierckman all the time but he was right it does challenge your convictions because in your eyes you should say hey Abbey kill Joel Joel's my god she has to die that's it but when you look at it you're like when you actually look at it that's it's not black and white like that it's really it's honestly not and you do have to think about the game and its entirety to really realize okay it's all should have died he wasn't that good of a guy I'm not gonna say he should have died but logically he went around and murdered many people from a a faction that's supposed to be this world's new government that's what the fireflies were they were supposed to be the new government of this now apocalyptic world right they have towers where they can communicate all over the country they have tanks they have guns high-powered guns they have heavy militia right this one guy is going around killing a lot of them and he's and they know who he is because this one guy is harboring the girl that's supposed to save the world so they know who he is it is very odd is that somebody is going to come out and search and kill him they're going to send someone to assassinate them it is very obvious he does not get to live through this whole thing it should be very obvious and they decided to kill him now I know whether the way they killed him I'm not gonna agree 100% on that right they probably could have done it better but to think that joel was going to survive this whole thing that is irrational he did a lot of bad stuff and he met his consequence that's I that is completely fine but again it makes you think because you want him to live you want Abby to get I'm scuse me Ellie to get revenge on the character that she murdered because you loved that character so I get why it made a divisive but I also like that the plot was that that challenging so those are my likes and just like something I'm not gonna put a number like oh this is a seven out of ten five out of ten eight out of ten ten at it I'm not gonna do any of that I'm just gonna let y'all know I genuinely enjoyed my time with this game and I'm definitely going to play it again it is not as good as the first game I enjoyed the first game and I kind of figured it wouldn't be though but that guy do not think it's a bad game I think a lot of the hate is exaggerated this is not a 2 out of 10 this is not a 3 out of 10 this is not a four or five six it's it's a I think it's a good game I I think I I the $60 I spent for it is worth it especially because I'm a played again with this new game plus and with this new information I have a playing and I want to see what else I can find is there's probably some secrets I missed while exploring but I will say the hate is exaggerated but not all of the hate people that wanted to see people have a that wanted Joel to either not die the way he did or don't like Abby those are completely fine and they're valid Abby I can understand why people don't like her right I can understand why people didn't want Joel to die I can understand if you thought there was pacing issues I can understand a lot of the reasons why there was getting a lot of hate well giving this stuff 0 out of 10 to three out of ten ins is ridiculous I also don't think it's a 10 out of 10 though but yeah that's kind of it guys hope you guys enjoyed the video we're gonna have some more guests later on in the week if you're new subscribe cuz we've got to be a 400k that's crazy that's like a 100k in two months y'all are ridiculous I love y'all take care peace oh that's just crazy [Music]
Channel: Mightykeef
Views: 293,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps4, the last of us 2, tlou2, tlou2 review, the last of us 2 metacritic, tlou2 hate, mightykeef, the keef crew, the last of us 2 for ps4, sony entertainment
Id: hyvJ1njl81A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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